NEWS: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Report July 31
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NEWS: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Report July 31

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[items from this report may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if 
complete attribution is maintained at all stages]

THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 904: FCC authorizes new source of HF 
pollution with Flash Comm system to put a transmitter on every truck,
railroad car and bridge, receiver news and reviews, KNLS denies carrying
Radio Free Asia, out-of-band FM outlets, Mexico's list of border cities
planning to use 1600+ kHz band, new longwave from Europe, new Madagascar
SW outlet; and much much more you will miss if you do not monitor this
broadcast, on WWCR the week of July 31-August 5, on RFPI August 1-8, on
WGTG UT August 5, and via WRN Real Audio any time after 1645 Saturday.

ALASKA [non]. The August NASWA Listeners' Notebook has an item from 
Nikolay Rudnev, Russia, that KNLS is broadcasting Radio Free Asia at
2100-2200 in Chinese on 11765, 2200-2300 Korean on 11785, 2300-2400
Chinese on 11785. Since this would be a new xmtr site for RFA, I asked
Mike Osborne of KNLS to confirm this; I expected a pro-forma denial or
no-comment, but instead he absolutely denies this in E-mail of July 29:
   "KNLS hasn't in the past, and is not now providing air time to any 
other organization. KNLS is absolutely not the source of the 
you listed [as above]. There have been discussions with several other
organizations about such a possibility, but I don't expect anything to 
happen soon, if at all."
   This makes us wonder about source of Rudnev's info--or is it disinfo?
Another RFA item originating with Nagoya DXers Circle, via Electronic DX
Press, attributes the same transmissions to VOA Delano--but I doubt this
too as I am not hearing them as would be expected from there. 
also in August LN Rudnev lists more RFA transmissions via another new 
site in Mongolia, in Burmese, Korean, Vietnamese--not Chinese!!--but 
must also be questionable (Glenn Hauser, World of Radio 904)

AUSTRALIA. RA's latest frequency revisions since July 28 are working 
here in the mornings. 9580 is closing at 1200 (except for silly ball 
but opening at 1200 are 5870, 5995 and 9415, all received well and with
9415 presumably holding up the longest. Unfortunately, except for news 
the hour, there is no longer any RA feature programming after 1200, but
National Radio relays (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, July 30)

CUBA. Something strange is happening with RHC's 13715 outlet, at least
during the 2030 English to Europe and 2130 French. For weeks, modulation
has varied from weak to nil, and lately I detect a 'wobble,' indicating
two transmitters are on the channel but not precisely synchronized in
frequency. While it could be another station spoiling RHC, I suspect 
a failing RHC experiment. The two non-synchronized transmitters could 
also account for the poor modulation in some kind of phase cancellation.
I have E-mailed Arnaldo (middle name is Jesus) Coro for confirmation of
my theory, but so far no reply. BTW, of the 3 publicized E-mail 
cartas@xxxxxxxxxxx bounced repeatedly over a 5-day period, but the 
did not (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, Mundo Radial, and World of Radio 904)

EUROPE. It's unusual to hear anything new on longwave, but Alan Roberts
in PQ found old pop songs in English, but no talk, on 189 kHz July 30
from 0200 past 0300 when it started to fade; signal was on average a 
bit stronger than Saar-183 which is listed at 2000 kW. The 189 signal
was even audible on a portable radio with built-in ferrite antenna. We
are wondering what this is--the new operation in Netherlands? The only
listed 189 outlets in WRTH are high power in Georgia, seemingly too far
east, and low power in Sicily (World of Radio 904)

TURKEY. TRT plays some nice music, and one dependable time for it on
15385 is Sunday 2105-2200, after KJES has quit the frequency (Glenn
Hauser, Oklahoma, World of Radio 904)

UKOGBANI [non]. BBC and/or Merlin do it again. Why can't they get their
act together in coordinating transmitter sites? Sunday July 27 at 1700-
1730 I was trying to hear the series about India Partitioned, and did
hear it twice in thirty minutes, a satellite-hop-echo apart on 17840
when both Sackville and Antigua were running simultaneously. Antigua is
supposed to go off at 1700, but continued past 1730 (Glenn Hauser, OK)

UKRAINE. Tnx to a tip in BC-DX, I confirm RUI's DX program in English
Sat at 2130-2136 on 12040, and UT Sun 0029-0035 on 7150; presumably also
at 0330 at 1300. Same speaker as before, when it was on Wednesday, 
Alexandr Yehorov, and it was introduced as "Radio Page for DXers" but
this episode was nothing but going thru reception reports to RUI (Glenn
Hauser, Oklahoma, July 26-27)

U S A. As explained on World of Radio 904, the FCC has authorized 
Flash Comm to operate multitudes of low-power transmitters in many
different SW ranges, fortunately most of them avoiding broadcasting
areas. The lengthy frequency list showed channels every 3 kHz, in these
ranges if I, gh, did not miss any in the disorganized display:

3170-3209  5745-5865  10165-10420  14365-14524  18183-18336  21865-21907
4453-4492  6783-6840  11405-11577  15815-16130  19115-19310  22870-22906
4925-4976  7540-7738  12170-12215  17425-17533  19815-19863  23365-23515
5120-5231  9105-9345  13425-13572  18045-18051  20025-20124  25025-25037

For complete document see the FCC website, or Harry Helms':  (via Larry Nebron,
World of Radio 904)                         ###

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