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Glenn Hauser logs February 18, 2025 |
Wednesday, February 19 2025
** CHINA. 11670 // 11725, Tue Feb 18 at 1512, huge VG signals S9+20/30 from CNR1 jammers: per EiBi, 11670 vs RFA Mandarin via Philippines this hour only; 11725 vs RFA Mandarin via Kuwait, this hour only on Tue & Thu only. Aoki fails to * that 11725 be jammed. No trace of victims here (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 5025, Feb 18 at 0730, R. Rebelde is OFF. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. It had been ON earlier in evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 15230, Feb 18 at 1506, RHC music S9 but JBM. Is anyone ever hearing any active RHC frequency besides this and 6000? Spanish evenings on 9710 is not RHC as someone guessed, but CRI East Turkistan. 9710 still shows on RHC website of grossly outdated info (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 11529.9, Feb 18 at 1509, S6/S6 of JBA music on signature off-frequency of ex-Hikari FM, in Mexico? Earlier than Rick Barton reports it normally starting at 1700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9980, Feb 18 at 1504, S9+35/45 of dead air from TOMBS via WWCR; but resumed in less than a minute. No idea how many minutes or hours of DA preceded that (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY. 5960, Feb 18 at 2300 past 2330, NO signal from VOT, or TRT. VOT programming was ``back`` Feb 17, but neither on air today! Likewise the 2130 broadcast on 9610, both checked via UTwente, hearing only the Chinese no longer understations. So much for that; or, who knows what`s next? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 26110 NBFM, Feb 18 at 1901, local weather, S5 far from full quieting, from KMK282, aux of KOVR `13` Stockton CA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2282 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday February 18 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, S9+20/40 into S Texas SDR.
Also confirmed Tuesday February 18 at 1400 on WRMI 9955, S9/+20 direct.
Also confirmed Tuesday February 18 at 1500 on WRMI 9955, S7/S9 direct. No problem from something on 9960, which would be VOA Philippines in Myanmarianese at 1430-1630, rather than Vanuatu.
Also confirmed Tuesday February 18 at 2100 on IRRS SW via AM Italian, 1322.999-, S9 into UTwente. Next:
0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975.
Thanks this week to Michael Rosenbaum who sent a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com in ``Support of WOR editions!``
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 1530, Feb 18 at 0751 UT, Spanish briefly overcoming stupid sports talk in English from WCKY, ``45 minutos de éxitos en La Raza, 104.9 y 95.1``. Therefore it is: KZNX Creedmoor TX, U7 10000/220 watts per NRC AM Log, but beware: another SS on 1530 is KXTD Wagoner OK also with FM on 104.9 but its other is 100.3, Qué Buena. KZNX`s 104.9 is KTXX-FM, 3.2 kW in Bee Cave. Its 95.1 is a mere translator, K236AT in Westlake Hills TX, 99 watts. Radio-locator shows address 6633 E Hwy 290, Austin TX 78723. But NRC Log shows address for KZNX in El Paso, tho Creedmoor is south of Austin, a tiny town pop. 202 as of 2010y census; why does it deserve such a station? U7 means 3 different direxional antenna patterns for day, night, and critical hours, CH power being 1000 watts. Locator shows two different sites, nighttime SE of Austin closer to Manor; day and CH south of Austin. If that`s not complex enough, per NRC also has a PSRA power of 55 watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 1670, Feb 18 at 0755, ``Black Information Network, Macon 1670``, easily surpassing local Enid pirate? Virtual DJ Radio, and XEFCR Reynosa. That`s WMGE, CoL Dry Branch GA. That leaves WOZN Madison WI sports the only other 1670 within easy range to here, besides two Californians and a Quebeckian (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** YEMEN [non]. 11934.9, Feb 18 at 1505, and still 1849, poor signal direct, presumed Arabic from Rep. of Yemen Radio, via SA`UDI ARABIA, on signature very stable offset, and no ``jamming`` for a long time now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6001, Feb 18 at 0515, nothing on 6000 but at UTwente 6000 USB tuning still audiblizes the beepery only. Previously about this on-off-keying under CUBA [and non], ISRAEL, also maybe Norway? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 11954.1, Feb 18 at 1850, JBA signal, also at 2004. Nothing in EiBi or Aoki on 11955 at these times, but HFCC has NHK Yamata, Japan registered 1900-0100 in Japanese at 290 degrees. Or maybe a local birdie, but seems stable (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 2349 UT February 18, 4 degrees F in Enid _______________________________________________
Hauser mailing list
Glenn Hauser logs February 16-17-18, 2025 |
Tuesday, February 18 2025
** CANADA. 15034 USB, Feb 17 at 2241, Trenton Military with aviation weather, nothing but ``No Report Received`` from four, Shearwater, Greenwood, Gander, Halifax, same repeated several times for good measure, I lost count. Then four more NRRs from Bagotville, Trenton, Ottawa, Toronto! 2243, Terminal forecasts: ditto! 2145 ID, aviation weather, back to group as first listed above. Total loss, can`t even get info from own base! Back to abnormal. Is no one paying attention? One can only hope Canadian Forces be a bit more competent in matters of life & death (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA [and non]. 6000, Feb 17 at 0315, RHC English S9+40/50 but extremely suptorted; something`s always wrong at RHC. Occasional beepy QRM. Others had been complaining earlier about that.
6001, Feb 18 at 0213, there it is again, intermittent OOK on this frequency into Maryland SDR, whilst Cuba is off, but Turkey is weakly on. Stronger into UTwente on 6000.998. We hear beeping only if allowed to beat against 6000. Maybe from 4XZ, which has shown up before inside the 49m SWBC band. EiBi has it only on four other frequencies in ute bands. See ISRAEL! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ISRAEL. In reply to my CUBA [and non] log about QRM from 6001:
``Good instincts, Glenn.
These new pulse transmissions have been showing up all over, and the random OOK (on-off-keying, a correct synonym of the traditional ham abuse of the term "CW") seem to be an idle data circuit state. I haven't been logging the freqs but there has been one in the 8200-8300 range the past week, local evenings.
When not idling, there are data burst transmissions in an identical-sounding format, probably PSK, to those previously heard on many freqs. The old method followed a consistent schedule. One such freq is 6617U at the top and bottom of the hour, right after Rostov VOLMET is done. These have been identified by others as the IDF with a unique data mode. I don't have an original, specific reference for that ID and how it was determined, and can't claim the credit for it.
Historically, the old schedule didn't include these OOK pulses, just data. The new data transmissions seem to be on demand rather than on a schedule and can pop up anytime, with the OOK pulses between.
I've never heard, or seen reported, any 4XZ OOK morse IDs directly associated with either the old or new schedule transmissions.
One guess is that the morse and data all come from the same 4XZ site, and that there could have been an expansion of that site recently. Alternatively, it would also behoove the IDF to create some strategic redundancy with multiple HF tx sites, however, so something like a new Negev site to supplement the "Haifa" site isn't out of the question either.
I'd expect the OOK pulses to disappear at some point once the IDF has its new wire circuits presumably feeding the tx site(s) properly configured. The OOK would help their own personnel but also their opponents find the new IDF data frequencies.
One "old schedule" IDF data frequency, 8781, was subjected to Iranian jamming on 9 NOV 2024, noted here from 0015 Z after being reported online by others who wondered what it was. The jammer was a resurrected "Seda ye Mojahed" countermeasure that hadn't been heard in a number of years. I haven't heard the jammer again since then. The known source and the target support the notion that the IDF is the source of the data transmissions, given their mutual state of war.
Another 4XZ observation of late: they have altered the dit, dah, and space timing on their OOK morse transmissions recently, as noted on their CQ loops on 6607, 6990, 8001, etc kHz. At first listen, it sounds like they are hand-keying, but it is too consistent and makes no sense to have an unfortunate IDF conscript hand-keying a CQ loop for hours on end. My guess would be that they are trying to prevent any software / automatic copy of their traffic, forcing their opponents to copy all 4XZ traffic by hand. This doesn't rise to the level of a preventative countermeasure, only an irritation... -- David E. Crawford, Indian River City, Florida Libre``
Another observation about this, not mentioning Israel, but NORWAY, Feb 17 at 2208: ``Re: [WOR] Jamming on RHC frequency ?? Hello, I am hearing a beeping sound at 6000 kHz. As far as I can tell, it's not a CW signal but a USB modulated beeping sound. And it's not morse code either, just beeps. I am a newbie regarding signal identification, but could this be "One Beep, two beeps" from Norway? Sigid Wiki lists frequency range 4.5 MHz - 6.429 MHz. Here is a bad recording from my high RFI indoor location with horrible shortwave reception: https://youtu.be/jBQ_H-iqxLY Best regards, Sebastian Schlüter``, NW Germany (via Glenn Hauser, WOR)
** SPAIN. 9690, Mon Feb 17 at 2300, token English from SNR, VG direct here, almost VG on 17715, audible on 17755 and still no signal on 12030. No news, but interview about Spain locations substituting for USA in filming Westerns, etc. Guest had a heavy accent (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY [and non]. 5960.003+, Feb 17 at 2335, Voice of Turkey is back! Long talk about something by familiar OM voice, but no segment/theme ID when finished, rather 2345 ``with-you-every-hour`` promo, music; lite 6CI JBA underneath. 2350 ``always-by-your-side`` promo, music. 2353 s/off just like in the old days, as if it`s only the 1330 broadcast on 13635. 2354 IS. 2356 pause and restart IS with German IDs. Chopoff at 2359:50 just in time to avoid an extraneous German broadcast, and uncover the Chinese CCI. Something`s always awry at Ankara, erroneous at Emirler! Many tnx to WOR reporters for heads-up:
At 2312 from John VORW Jurasek: ``[WOR] Voice of Turkey English Service appears to have resumed! This requires further monitoring but as of 2300 UTC, I was surprised to hear the traditional English Service of the Voice of Turkey on 5960 kHz instead of the TRT World Television Audio, with the male announcer explicitly introducing the broadcast with a "We're back".
Program contents are once again the mixture of news reports as well as cultural features and Turkish musical selections. I haven't seen any formal announcements of the reversal so it's probably worth checking 5960 kHz for the rest of the hour and 6125 kHz at 0400 UTC. Just a heads-up! All the best, John, Central Florida``
And Craig Tyson, Perth, Western Australia at 2339: ``[WOR] VOT English programming heard today and not TRT World feed on 9610 2130-2224 when transmission cut. Maybe they are back to their old English programming format? Also repeated at 2300 on 5960``
I have mixed feelings about this; as for the past sesquimonth I felt no urge or ``obligation`` to monitor Turkey vs Spain, TV news, et al. at 2300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2282 monitoring: confirmed Sunday February 16 at 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1322.98+, S9/+10 into nearby Parma SDR, no signal into UTwente. Previous religious discussion was faded out just before 2000 for 7275 s/off announcement, continuing on 1323 kilohortz, right into WOR.
Also confirmed Sunday February 16 at 2100 on WRN Europe stream.
Also confirmed Sunday February 16 at 2242 the 2230 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975.003+, S8/9+5 into UTwente.
Also confirmed Sunday February 16 at 2330 on WRMI 7780, S9/+20 into S Texas SDR; and on WRMI 7570, S9+10/30 into same.
Also confirmed UT Monday February 17 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, S9+10/20 into S Texas SDR.
Also confirmed UT Monday February 17 from 0405 on Area 51 webcast only; on WBCQ 5130+, JL gotta go at 0400, but music continued on both until 5130 chopoff at 0403*.
Also confirmed Monday February 17 at 2030 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975.003-, S7/S9 into UTwente. Next:
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW; 1400 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 1500 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2100 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy; 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975.
Thanks this week to Michael Rosenbaum who sent a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com in ``Support of WOR editions!``
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
https://www.quora.com/Do-people-actually-believe-that-Ukraine-is-winning [despite initial title, this is mainly about Drumpf & his MAGAtts]
This report dispatched at 0242 UT February 18 _______________________________________________
Hauser mailing list
Glenn Hauser logs February 16, 2025 |
Sunday, February 16 2025
** BOTSWANA. 9774.99, Feb 16 at 0326, music at S6/S8, VOA English relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA [non]. 9790, Feb 16 at 0322, CRI relay via CUBA is as usual S9+20/40 but JBM - what mod can be heard is distorted. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 6000, Feb 16 at 0336, RHC managing to modulate in English, S9+30, calling for end to blockade, ho hum. Somewhat suptorted but mostly readable.
As for mailbag show which I was hoping to reconfirm on UT Monday or Thursday, Chris Campbell, Columbus, Ohio, reports: ``RHC had their Mailbag on last night, 0347 UT Saturday. I caught it mid program in which they actually read a letter from me. Since they are back, the programming has changed around a lot. At 0300 Friday I heard them playing Music With A Message. It used to be on Saturday nights only. But I did hear it on Sundays a while back before their last long break. Regards, Chris`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** MADAGASCAR. 9754.96, Feb 16 at 0324, La Voz Alegre ID in passing and Bible stuff, S6/S8; always off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6924.95 AM, Feb 16 at 0240, pirate with rock music, still going at 0316. Several ``6925`` logs say it`s Liquid Radio: https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,141004.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6917 USB, Feb 16 at 0240, S9+20 of hard rock. 0246 & 0250 seeming jingles but unreadable IDs. 0253 Radio 48 ID. 0255 ``Mix Radio International on Shortwave``. 0258 ``Radio 48, the station that dares to be different``. 0301 parody ad for ``Motel Strict`` which will take care of unruly children. 0304 long string of heavily produced hyper IDs for Mix Radio International; exhausting just to listen to, but can`t complain of IDs lacking! 0314-0316* ``closing down``. Many more logs here, mostly a lot earlier: https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,140990.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 11529.865 approx., Feb 16 at 0318, ex-Hikari FM with music at S5/S6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. Among the ND beacons audible Feb 16 at 0756-0801 UT, not new but at extended range: 245, FS, Sioux FallS SD, 400 W 305, RO, ROswell NM, 150 W 356, ODX, Ord NE, 25 W 365, AA, fArgo/hArwood ND, 100 W 379, DL, DuLuth MN, 50 W (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 4724 USB, Feb 16 at 0334, US military crypto message exercise, I say again: starts with ``TROXUY...`` but can`t understand tactical ID at end, sounds sorta like Hegseth? Out. There were ``scratchy`` sounds thruout rather than echoes (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2282 monitoring: NOT confirmed UT Sunday Feb 16 at 0100 on WRMI 9955; instead some preacher. WOR is still on the skedgrid at this time. Once again we have no idea, without notice, whether this be a temporary or permanent deletion.
Confirmed UT Sunday February 16 starting at 0528 the 0415v on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, with storm crashes from TN & KY, S9+20 into nearby SDR. Next:
1130 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy; 2230 UT Sunday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2330 UT Sunday WRMI 7570 to NW [and/or 7780]; 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW; 0930 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 6160; 2030 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW; 1400 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 1500 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2100 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy; 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975.
Thanks this week to Michael Rosenbaum who sent a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com in ``Support of WOR editions!``
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 660, Feb 16 at 0805 UT, not KTNN for a change, but local ads for Fairview, Williston; ``660 K-? weather``, including windchill of -40; C&W music. That`s KEYZ, Williston ND, U4 5000/5000, ``Keys``. Believe that`s new for me. Radio-locator shows night pattern major lobe to NE, minor to SSE; day pattern more circular with notch toward Omaha (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. UNIDENTIFIED? 680, Feb 16 at 0807 UT, ``Fibber McGee & Molly`` classic radio episode. CJOB? KFEQ? KKYX? Those are the usuals heard on 680; format info in NRC AM Log no help as this is likely a departure from whatever. KFEQ website makes you hunt for plain old program sked, but here it is: https://www.680kfeq.com/program-schedule/ Sunday When Radio Was midnight-5:00 am www.whenradiowas.com However, FMcG&M is not shown for `future` show today or this week: http://www.radiospirits.com/onradio/wrw_future.asp?source=wrw&pcode=WRW2008 It looks like each program is only one hour, two oldshows, so for five hours KFEQ must be running an accumulation. FMcG&M is among shows they are trying to sell when not out of stock (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** VATICAN [non?]. 15565, Feb 16 at 1533, VR Amharic the SSOB at S9+25/35 direct, rivaled only by 15150 WMLK at S9+20/25. Same on // 13830 which is also synchronized, S9+20/25, vs USA on 13845 S9+25/30, 13820 S9+20/25.
On both bands, NO other significant signals from Europe. From 1555 I`m watching and listening to 13830, now only S8/S9, 1557 VR IS weakening to S7/S8, and 1600 drumming, into Swahili. There was *no* break in transmission, supposedly switching from SMG to MADAGASCAR; and still // synch with 15565.
Latest HFCC Feb 13 shows 15565 SMG adjusting beam from 135 to 145 at 1600. Also there was a change Feb 1 vs Jan 31 on 13830:
Until Jan 31, 13830 was from MDC at 1600-1700 in Swahili, Somali, English; From February 1 all those changed to SMG. 15565 stayed SMG only. 1530-1600 portion shown as SMG only on both frequencies before and after Feb. 1.
So I continue to suspect these are both really via Madagascar before and after 1600. Someone suggested I should ask VR - maybe as a last resort. So far the evidence is contrary to registrations, listings (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report despatched at 1953 UT February 16 _______________________________________________
Hauser mailing list
Glenn Hauser logs February 14-15, 2025 |
Sunday, February 16 2025
** OKLAHOMA. 95.1, the Part 15 in Enid is still transmitting in downtown but after some undermodulated music yesterday, On Feb 14 circa 2045 UT it`s back to dead air.
1670 AM, Virtual DJ Radio, keeps plugging away with rockish music whenever checked, strongest at US 81/412 junxion (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA. 105.5, Feb 15 circa 1700 UT on caradio, K288FX Enid is still off, audiblizing Stillwater`s KGFY [NOT KFGY, my typo]. BTW, 105.5 there was originally KVRO, student station at OSU vs pro KOSU 91.7. KGFY calls started 03/01/89. KGFY address of record is in Springfield MO! Despite licensee name Stillwater Broadcasting LLC.
91.1, Feb 15 circa 1700 UT on caradio, another Enid station is OFF, KKRD of Air1. Clears the way for another gospel huxter, talker on 91.3; WTFDA FM DB possibilities:
KAKO Ada OK, 0 Horiz but 100 kW Vertical, AFR, 210 km/131 stmi KAXR Arkansas City KS 13.5/13.5 kW, also AFR, 106 km/66 stmi AFR = American Family Radio KRSO Clinton OK 25/25 kW, no details
However FCC LMS for 91.3 in Clinton shows a CP with NO CALLSIGN! Fac ID 768299: ``full power`` but no figures, small coverage area. Lic: Missions Unlimited of Oregon! CP expires 04/08/25; update as of 01/13/25.
As for KKRD, FCC shows it Licensed and Silent! But today is the first time I have noticed it missing. K288FX also Licensed and Silent! Guess what, both are at exactly the same NAD83 Coördinates: 36 23' 57.1" N 97 52' 49.2" W That would be the Broadway Tower, one of four skyscrapers in downtown Enid, a block away from the 95.1 Tree of Lights. BW Tower is a sad case, originally an office building including for an uncle of mine, later vacant and trying to repurpose as hotel but still apparently shuttered. Now it`s not even funxioning as a broadcast tower. Could be engineers are having trouble getting into the `penthouse` transmitter room and roof (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)
** SPAIN. 9690, Fri Feb 14 at 2300, token English from SNR, VG S9+30/50! into Georgia SDR; still NO signal on 12030, JBA on 17715 & 17755. 2301 news leads with the noise Drumpf makes is not going over well in Spain. 2308 Lebanon correspondentess about Drumpf`s Gaza plan not welcomed. 2310 interview a prof from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, about climate change leading to 2.3 megadeaths. Worst three, hottest? cities in Spain are Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. 2327 fill with a song for Val Day (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2282 monitoring: confirmed Friday February 14 at 2300 on WRMI 9955, S9+5/20 into Georgia SDR.
Also confirmed Friday February 14 at 2330 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975.003+, S9/+10 into UTwente.
NOT confirmed UT Saturday February 15 at 0400 on WTWW 5085, which has not been on air at all tonight; George says an attempt to test on 15815 caused unexpected problems (FCC says 15810).
Confirmed Saturday February 15 at 1534 the 1530 on SW Radio, Germany, 6160.001-, S9+10 into UTwente; 6165 China is on but no stronger and not a problem this time.
Confirmed Saturday February 15 at 1834 the 1830 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975.002+, S9/+10 into UTwente.
Confirmed Saturday February 15 at 2030 on WRN North America stream.
Confirmed Saturday February 15 at 2057 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, about 8 minutes into so the 2030v started circa 2049, S9+20 groundwave into nearby SDR.
Confirmed Saturday February 15 at 2100 on WRN Europe stream. Next:
0000 UT Sunday WTWW 9475 [suspended]; 0100 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 0330vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0600]; 1130 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy; 2230 UT Sunday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2330 UT Sunday WRMI 7570 to NW [and/or 7780]; 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW; 0930 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 6160; 2030 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW; 1400 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 1500 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2100 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy; 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975.
Thanks this week to Michael Rosenbaum who sent a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com in ``Support of WOR editions!``
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. Pre-`AAAWWW` WBCQ chex, UT Sat Feb 15 at 0051 into Maryland SDR: 3265, 5130 and 6160 off. 7490 -71 Hz = 7489.929, S9/+20 with FKB; 9330.00 only S9+10 with WLCR in Portuguese. By 0059, 5130.007 is on at S8/9+5, and 0100 joins 7490- for AAAWWW WTO theme. Talkovers: ``Love is in the air`` and ``Cupid``; then Happy VD, and Happy WR Day. Last Saturday he flew from Bangor back to Fla and everyone on the flight was coughing, hacking and sneezing, so knew he was going to catch something, which he did with sore throat, nasal, chest and larynx. And still not feeling well or with good voice. Trimulcasting with 9330 he says again and this is true. Wants to play love songs, 0111 Love Potion #9; 0114 trimul on 9, 7 and 5. 0124 says that again, email invited. Wandering conversation about radio, etc., and tho in same studio as Angela, we hardly hear her, except when he asks what song she wants to play next, and she answers to him, not to us. 0139 date stamp as 14 of Feb. Says keeps WBCQ rates low by eliminating a lot of people, mostly automated except for 9330 SuperStition which must have someone running it 24/7, etc., etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 810.60, Feb 15 at 0641 UT, mystery carrier audible again against 810.00 WHB, KC, MO, not earlier in evening. I DF it again on the D808, roughly 100/280 to 105/285 degrees from Enid. Not up to checking multiple remotes this time except for Northern Utah #1 which heard it before and is hearing it again, but not enough to lock onto it separately from KSFO. At final check direct 0705, more like 810.59 kHz. Greg Hardison and Ron Howard checked CO remote for KLVZ Brighton [Denver] CO, and found it not off-frequency, but could its running IBOC have something to do with this? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0004 UT February 16 _______________________________________________
Hauser mailing list
Glenn Hauser logs February 14, 2025 |
Friday, February 14 2025
** CUBA. 5025, Feb 14 at 0719, R. Rebelde is off again. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** GERMANY. 3955, Fri Feb 14 at 2200, `Uncle Bill`s Melting Pot` monthly via Channel 292, 3955.000+, S9+10 into UTwente. Starts with tune ``Shortwave Radio`` for World Radio Day at 2203; 2208 ``Ugly Girl``, for Valentines Day; then some drumming; 2223 Bahamas music the main theme this month, 2234 steel drums, etc. This will repeat Saturday Feb 15 at 18-19 on 3955 and 9670. Meanwhile I`m watching but not hearing `Cycling Around Japan` from NHK via Create via OETA-3, followed by `Samantha Brown`s Places to Love`, Orange County, California (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA. FM bandscan on caradio circa 2045 UT Feb 14: 90.9 not // 91.1, both Air1, 90.9 KOKF Edmond, 91.1 KKRD Enid. Normally they are // but not synch. One with talk, other with praise music; then both with different praise musix. Also getting perfect $ tereo signal on 91.3, new? Guess not, must be bleed from 91.1.
105.5, local K288FX translator is OFF; audiblizing non-local signal with softball game, ESPN+ mentions, Stillwater ads, so it`s KFGY, 4.2 kW, 119.8 m (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)
** U S A. 400 MCW kHz, Feb 14 at 0707 UT, AHQ, 25 watt ND beacon at Wahoo, Nebraska (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2282 monitoring: confirmed first SWBC, Friday February 14 at 1319 the 1300 on WRMI 15770, S8/S9 direct.
Also confirmed Friday February 14 at 2130 on IRRS SW via AM Italia 1323.010- kHz, S9+5 into UTwente across Europe.
Also confirmed Friday February 14 on WRMI webcast only. Next:
2300 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2330 UT Friday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 0400 UT Saturday WTWW 5085; 0930 UT Saturday WRMI 9455 to WNW [has been off air; or 7730]; 1530 UT Saturday SW Radio, Germany 6160; 1830 UT Saturday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM [2000/2200]; 0000 UT Sunday WTWW 9475 [suspended]; 0100 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 0330vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0600]; 1130 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy; 2230 UT Sunday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2330 UT Sunday WRMI 7570 to NW [and/or 7780]; 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW; 0930 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 6160; 2030 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW; 1400 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 1500 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2100 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy; 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975.
Thanks this week to Michael Rosenbaum who sent a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com in ``Support of WOR editions!``
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. (101.1), Feb 14 at 1708 UT, I`m listening online to KSFR Santa Fe NM, as usual during Friday `Jazz Et Cetera` show, ``Fridays 9:00 am - Noon Hosted by Helga Ancona - Every Friday morning dj Helga Ancona brings you music from all over the world, including jazz, classical and an hour of Brazilian music`` which is always at 18-19 UT. Helga mentions that KSFR is now heard on 91.3 in northern NM, via KSQR. History page shows it:
https://www.ksfr.org/ksfr-history ``2/15/2025 KSFR adds a repeater in Questa, NM and KSFR programming is now also broadcast on KSQR, Questa, 91.3 MHz``
WTFDA FMDB already has it with 3.0 kW H&V, minus 99m HAAT, no further details. FCC LCMS shows 2.2 kW ERP, elevation 2396 meters.
Questa is site of an ex-molybdenum mine; ``The name is derived from the Greek 'molybdos' meaning lead`` which became a Superfund site. https://cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/cursites/csitinfo.cfm?id=0600806 A cousin of mine once worked at that mine. We`ve driven by it on Hwy 38 west of Red River, part of the Enchanted Circle Scenic Byway. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enchanted_Circle_Scenic_Byway It supposedly takes 8 hours to drive there from Enid.
In English it`s pronounced KWES-tuh, but I wonder how they handle it in Spanish, or respell Cuesta? Answer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Questa,_New_Mexico ``Questa was originally named San Antonio del Rio Colorado. In 1883, a U.S. postmaster changed its name to Questa.[4] The postmaster misspelled the name, as it should have been spelled "Cuesta," which is Spanish for "ridge" or "slope." Despite the error, the village has kept the name`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** VANUATU. 9960, Feb 14 at 0656, RV is S6/S8 direct in Bislama with one keyword copied, ``b`long``, the genitive indicator. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bislama At 0659 recheck, 7260 instead, with USB tuning, S9+10/15 on meter, but axually less copiable since that includes a lot more noise. In AM mode tuning, S7/S9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report despatched at 2248 UT February 14 _______________________________________________
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