[IRCA] DX test update - WGBW 1590 WI - OCT 23
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[IRCA] DX test update - WGBW 1590 WI - OCT 23

Update to DX Test confirmation - please circulate:

1590 WGBW WI Denmark. Test set for this coming Sunday morning, October 23, from 0000-0100 Central Daylight Time. I have confirmed it is indeed Sunday
morning (aka late Saturday night). 10 kw power on daytime pattern. Programming will include tones, IDs and unique music.

Station contact is:

Mark Heller
WGBW AM-1590
P.O. Box 100
Denmark,  WI
USA  54208-0100


Saul Chernos
on behalf of the IRCA-NRC DX Test Committee
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