Re: [IRCA] Antenna question
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Re: [IRCA] Antenna question

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, kj8o@xxxxxxxxxx <kj8o@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> Hello everyone,
> During the weekend, I got to hear some of the experimental
> stations in the 
> 500-515 kHz (600 meter) band. One thing led to another and
> I soon 
> encountered a design for a 500 kHz simple loop antenna that
> had been posted 
> on the web (see ).
> Now I am curious if any list member has tried this antenna
> design (or 
> something similar). Being so close to the bottom edge of
> the MW Broadcast 
> band, I'd imagine it would perform quite well there as
> well. And the non-
> directional beacons between 200 and 430 kHz should also be
> heard quite well.
> is requesting reception reports of stations
> heard. I'll notify 
> the group should I receive any QSL cards or letters.

Although the picture wouldn't load, the diagram and descriptions looks very similar to a typical tuned multi-turn air core MW loop. If all you want is to tune the area right around 500kHz, there are probably simpler ways to do it because you could start with the basic loop core of 11 turns, without anything other than the wire itself, then run two more turns as a link coil over top of the main coil, and connect it to a receiver, and then vary the number of turns on the main coil up or down by one to see what gives the most signal. You could put a variable cap on as well, but all you'd need is about 50 pf of tuning range.

Of course any existing air core BCB loop should tune that far, but if it didn't, addin a larger range-extender cap would get it there.

Russ Edmunds
Blue Bell, PA ( 360' ASL )
[15 mi NNW of Philadelphia]
40:08:45N; 75:16:04W, Grid FN20id
FM: Yamaha T-80 & Onkyo T-450RDS w/ APS9B @15'
AM: Modified Sony ICF 2010 barefoot

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