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Fellas, here are my LW and MW loggings from Grayland, WA last weekend.  One of the best dxpeditions ever, in my opinion........Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC

153 RUSSIA Radio Rossii, Khabarovskiy, Komsomolsk, Oct 15 11:07 - Location as per PAL.  Fair reception with usual Russian program.  Parallel to much stronger 234 (with satellite delay).  Initially the program was Radio Yunost (for youth), followed by a Radio Rossii ID at 11:11, and 'Dobroho Utro', or good morning.  234 is Arman, Magadanskaya oblast.  Other Russian long wave broadcasters included 180 (good reception from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy), 189 (good reception, listed as Belogorsk, Amurskaya Oblast), 279 (by far the strongest consistently from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk). (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
164      Mongolian Radio  14:12  One of my highlights for this
 dxpedition.  Bruce Portzer first heard them.  I could hear 
 absolutely nothing until I engaged the noise 
 blanker...something I never use normally.  What a difference!  
  All of a sudden audio replaced a loud buzz so dominant in the 
  longwave region.  Still only at poor level, but parallel to SW 
  4895 (which itself was cochannel with another).  15/Oct/2005  
  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
189 ICELAND RUV, Gufuskalar, Oct 16 0348 - Modern western pop music heard at fair level.  A first for me at Grayland.  TA long or medium wave signals!  Poor to fair.  NB essential.  Normally I never touch this button, but it's a necessity to rid of the relentless noise on the LW spectrum.  The NB on the Icom 756 Pro2 works very well too!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
189 RUSSIA Radio Rossii, Oct 14 0959 - Nice ID in RR and into time pips.  Parallels include 153, 180.  189 is ahead fractionally than 180.  234 is weakly heard and listed as GTRK Magadan, Arman.  Difficult to hear due to LW beacon on frequency.  279 at poor to fair levels, presumed Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
209 ALASKA , Oct 14 1009 - 'The transcribed aviation weather briefing is suspended'.  Resumes at 1400z or 0600 local.  I heard many of these on the Charlottes.  Strong reception and will have to look up the localtion of this one.  Identical heard at fair level on 260. Another very strong one heard on 394 with an extensive aviation forecast for the Kenai Peninsula at 12:18. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
245 ALASKA KAH-94 HNS Haines, Oct 15 11:27 - Aviation weather beacon stating that the service is suspended until 06:00 local, and to call 1-800-WSB (not sure how that works, but that's what they said).  Fair to good.  Other voice beacons heard this morning include:  252 (not sure weather this is 251 Bethel KBB 54) at poor strength, 260 KCB 20 ESS Middleton Is (fair to good), 277 KCH 20 ACE  Homer (good level with weather forecast for various areas including Homer), and 338 KBX44 CMQ Anchorage (good reception).  529 KBN 58 FDV Nome (good under KQA 59 SQM Nome which is almost always strongly heard on the west coast .  Also heard were CW beacons on 524, MNL Valdez, and 525 ICW, Nenana .Thanks for Steve Ratzlaff for sharing valuable beacon information with me. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
279 RUSSIA Radio Rossii, Oct 14 1207 - Strongest LW Russian at this time with an ad, followed by 'Reklyama, Radio Rossii', and a Moscow phone number, followed by the weather.  Very good reception. Strange program called 'Muzyka Computer internet' at 12:13!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)  Oct 16 13:03 - Very strong reception on this remarkable morning.  Virtually every channel across the medium wave band had audio.  The question becomes where on earth to start!  Radio Rossii had fashion news at 13:07!  153 (fair) and 189 (poor) were in parallel. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

525 ALASKA Aviation Beacon ICW, Nenana, Oct 16 0403 - Nice to hear this beacon from central Alaska with 25 w so well at this early hour. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
531 AUSTRALIA ?4KZ, Innisfail, Oct 14 1243 - 'double 9 one' heard, and Australia.  'Radio 531'.  There are 2 stations at least audible at 12:49, with the English one dominant.  Presumably the other is NHK1.  'Thank you' at 12:50.  Call in program.  Another 'Radio 531' ID at 12:52.  As per usual faded down before the TOH. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
531 JAPAN JOQG, Moriaka, Oct 15 11:43 - NHK1 programming at 11:43 at good strength, and // to massively powerful 594. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
531 PHILLIPINES DYDW Catholic Media Netwk, Radio Diwa Tacloban City?, Oct 14 1405 - Filipino talk often at good level at 14:01 tune in.  Heard the work 'Catholico', so I'm presuming this to be the Catholic station DYDW. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
549 ?AUSTRALIA ?2CR Orange, Oct 15 11:44 - Tentative as no ID heard.  English weakly heard, so either 2CR or NZ. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
550 ALASKA KTZN, Anchorage, Oct 15 10:35 - No specific call sign ID, but did identify as 'The Zone'.  Fair only under cochannel. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
558 JAPAN JOCR, Kobe, Oct 15 11:45 - Japanese programming, so a presumed logging.  Poor with cochannel interference. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
567 JAPAN JOIK, Sapporo, Oct 15 11:47 - Another NHK1 outlet at fair/good level. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
575 RUSSIA Voice of Russia, Oct 16 13:40 - Chinese programming and // to 7300 SW. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
580 ALASKA KRSA, Petersburg, Oct 14 0314 - Very strong reception with inspirational hymns.  No ID, but I'm quite certain, as I heard the same type of programming all day long during the summer while on the Queen Charlotte Is.  Alaska weather at 03:28.  Spot for Unshackled at 0331 (Sunday night).  Started to fade with many cochannels now. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
585 RUSSIA Voice of Russia, Belogorsk, Oct 15 11:54 - Initially present a decent strength, then faded out (see next logging), but came back at 12:00 with a VOR IS and ID in Chinese.  A pleasant surprise!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
585 JAPAN JOPG Kushiro, Hokkaido, Oct 15 11:55 - NHK1 programming faded up over VOR to excellent level, and then just as rapidly faded back down, allowing VOR to return at the TOH.  Weird propagation!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
612 AUSTRALIA 4QR, Brisbane, Oct 15 12:03 - English news on the SW Beverage at fair level.  This was not a DU weekend, but a few Aussies did make an appearance nonetheless.  Interestingly, when I switched to the NW Beverage, I was able to hear another English program, but who?. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
621 RUSSIA Radio Rossii, Khabarovsk, Oct 16 14:37 - Good reception with a religious program 'Tserkovna peredacha'.  Parallel to LW 279 (at very good levels).  Clearly this morning was an exceptional far east/northern Asia opeing.  Thoroughly enjoyed by all!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
640 ALASKA KYUK, Bethel, Oct 16 1000 - ID at the TOH for KYUK, Bethel.  Good reception. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
650 ALASKA KENI, Anchorage, Oct 15 10:34 - Weather forecast at 10:34, then 'Weather station, KENI'.  Good reception. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
657 KOREA (NORTH) Pyongyang domestic service, Oct 15 15:42 - Fair to good reception with a rather gentle and pretty female vocalist, as opposed to the usual strident music North Korea is famous for!.  I also heard 4 SW parallels:  3250.03 (very good), 3320.21 (very good), 6250.136 (good, but use LSB to avoid a ute on the upper side), and 6378.776 (good/very good). (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
657 KOREA AND CHINA ?, Oct 16 13:43 - Very powerful signal with one or the other or both.  Went on to 'Don't cry for me Argentina'. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

675.03 VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam, Oct 16 14:00 - Very strong signal with the Voice of Vietnam interval signal, well known to all dxers.  Continued even stronger at 14:12.  Just a minor amount of splatter.  Appears to drift very slightly as I measured them yesterday at 675.06, and 675.03 today. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
680 ALASKA KBRW, Barrow, Oct 15 10:25 - Tentative logging since no ID heard (still need to check recordings), but talk about dangerous bears.  Need to confirm more before I'm sure of this one. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
693 JAPAN JOAB, Tokyo, Oct 15 12:07 - Usual NHK2 programming at very good levels, as were many of the other usual parallels. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA) Oct 16 14:12 - English news for this NHK2 station.  Excellent, except for minor splattr from 690 CBU. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

702 AUSTRALIA 2BL, Sydney, Oct 15 12:15 - ABC programming, and gave a website sounding like ABC.au.  Good reception. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
711 KOREA (SOUTH) HLKA, Sorae, Oct 15 12:17 - KBS 1 programming at fair level, and parallel to 3930. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
729 JAPAN JOCK, Nagoya, Oct 15 12:20 - Weak signals, but parallel to NHK1 on 594. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
729 AUSTRALIA 5RN, Adelaide?, Oct 14 1314 - EZL music followed by lower modulation talk in English by an OM.  Too much splatter from 730 to be sure, but strongest on the SW Beverage. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
770 ALASKA KCHU, Valdez, Oct 16 05:15 - Finally an ID for KCHU (a NPR station in Valdez) briefly by a female announcer, and then back into a long string of music (was Bluegrass, then the Beatles).  Good reception. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
774 AUSTRALIA 3L0, Melbourne, Oct 15 12:32 - ABC Melbourne very briefly faded up, and then back into the mud within less than a minute, to be replaced by JOUB. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
774 JAPAN JOUB, Akita, Oct 15 12:28 - NHK2 programming, and as close as a perfect '10' as possible.  I noticed lots of mentions of 'radio', and 'Arabiya', but interestingly from a near 10, it faded down being replaced with 3L0 (see below!). (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

 780 ALASKA KNOM, Nome, Oct 15 11:04 - A difficult catch due to the very powerful KOH, but occasionally would fade up to a good level.  Not sure whether I heard a legal ID (I'll have to check the recordings), but there was Alaska weather at 11:04, and a temperature as '42 degrees in Nome', so obviously them!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
800 ALASKA KINY, Juneau, Oct 14 0357 - Very nice reception with music from the 80s, with some deep fades into oblivion.  Only audible on our NW Beverage.  Many KINY IDs noted.  At 04:00 ID'd as your Hometown radio station, and into ABC news. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
828 JAPAN JOBB, Oct 14 1638 - Starting to fade towards their s/off.  In // to very strong 774. NA at 16:41 and their music box ident at 16:42 and still going until 1645, then OC. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
850 ALASKA KICY, Nome, Oct 15 11:00 - Great reception with Russian religious program called, 'Radio Novaya Zhizn', which means 'new life'.  Frequent IDs as such, but only a very brief legal id in English at 11:00 as simply 'KICY, Nome'. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
864 EUROPE various MW hets, Oct 16 0406 - Using the backside of the SW Beverage, we were able to hear 13 hets.  Besides 864, also 909, 1053, 1062, 1089, 1134, 1179, 1215, 1314, 1377, 1422, 1575 and 1584.  No audio of course (except on Iceland 189 heard earlier), but still proving that TA propogation is possible on the west coast and worth trying for!  Still this is nothing compared to last night's total of more than 30 hets, and a few audios (ie 1215).  Unfortunately I fell asleep early!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
873   ?Voice of Vietnam 4 11:27 Very rumbly audio.  The language sounded Vietnamese, though I couldn't be sure.  Poor reception.  I suppose the only other country who would  broadcast with such defective equipment would be North Korea,  but they're not listed here.  15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)  Nick Hall-Patch later confirmed this is North Korea unlisted in the  Pacific-Asia List.
963   CRI  13:27    Very strong Russian broadcast discussing Chinese cosmonauts.  A regular here and often one of the strongest stations on the air.  Fun to listen to. 15/Oct/2005   (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
972 KOREA (SOUTH) HLCA KBS Liberty 1, Oct 14 1630 - Good reception in Japanese with talk between two women, and then a vocal. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
13:30    Good to very good reception, and better than the SW parallel of 6015.  15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw,  Grayland, WA)

 981 CHINA CNR1, Oct 14 1629 - Fair strength, and in // to 6030.  9:30 am local!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)  981 .  13:32   Good reception of Chinese programming,
 parallel to 5030 SW.  15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
999   CNR 1  13:33  Again, a CC station at fair level and // to SW 5030, and possibly yet another CC station cochannel.  15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1026 PHILIPPINES DZAR, Oct 14 1335 - Religious talk in Filipino, then switched to quite a lot of English with mentions of the Philippines.  Best on NW wire, but CC battling it out at times.  Often at good level. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1053   JOAR, Nagoya  13:44  Fun to monitor these frequencies that are blocked back home in Victoria.  Good reception, dominating  over the South Korean Jammer.  15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1062 PHILIPPINES ?DZEC, Oct 14 1342 - A difficult channel, but definite Filipino talk but too much splatter from 1060 to ascertain anything more.  I checked this one again after 16:00 and reception is quite good with rapid chatter by YL in Tagalog.  Much less splatter..  Now best on west Beverage. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1110 ALASKA KAGV, Big Lake-Houston, Oct 15200 10:04 - Good reception over cochannel.  Local ID as 'Alaska's Gospel Voice', and then into USA Radio Network news.  Seems to have therefore returned to the air after being off according to Bruce Portzer. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1116 AUSTRALIA 4BC, Brisbane, Oct 14 1237 - Excellent reception with ad for Australia's largest Toyota dealership, followed by a 4BC ID. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
 13:46   'Talk Radio' mentioned.  Fair to good on the SW Beverage.  When switched to the NW, a CC station  appeared.    15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1125 ? unid, Oct 14 1344 - Not sure who is hear.  Oriental language fading up to fair/good at times.  Does not sound CC, though.  Taking phone calls.  By 13:57 became cochannel with a CC station it seems. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1134 JAPAN AND KOREA JOQR Tokyo, and KBS Liberty 1 Kimpo, Oct 14 1605 - Both strong and cochannel.  An interesting mix!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1134   JOQR, Tokyo and KBS Liberty 1  13:53    Always a battle, with
 both stations about equal in strength and cochannel with their own programs.  Both at good level.  15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1152   JOPC, Kushiro  14:20  NHK2 with Italian lessons, in parallel to 828.  Fair to good.    15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw,  Grayland, WA)
1161 ?TAIWAN ?BCC Country Network?, Oct 14 1557 - Traditional CC vocals, which I had thought should be CNR1, but not parallel to the usual SW outlets.  No time pips at the top of the hour.  I'll have to post and see if anyone can identify the station.  Quite well heard in the clear (for a change!).  I'll need help with this one. Possibly Taiwan?  Seems more likely. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1170 ALASKA KJNP, North Pole, Oct 16 0500 - Very good reception with full ID as Alaska's Gospel station, KJNP North Pole Alaska and KAHA, Houston Alaska.  Into network news. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
 1179   JOOR, Osaka  13:57   MBS network at fair to good level.  15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1224 ?CHINA ?CNR Shenzhou zhi Sheng, Fujian, Oct 14 1552 - Here's my guess for this station weakly heard with easy listening instrumentals, possibly oriental sounding.  Almost 9 am local.  Starting to fade badly. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1242   JOLF, Tokyo  14:35  Presumed logging, often at good strength.  Mentioned a www address.  Another het present on  1242.4.  15200/Oct/  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1278 CHINA ?, Oct 15 14:36 - Echo present in Chinese, so I'm assuming 2 transmitters with slight delay between the two. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1287 JAPAN JOHR, Sapporo, Oct 15 14:38 - An almost 10 in signal strength. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1314 NORWAY NRK Kvitsoy, Oct 14 0408 - A presumed logging with weak audio heard for the first time this season.  Grayland is not really set up for TA MW, but what the heck.  Just after the TOH, there was a woman speaking, but too weak to make out any content.  Hence, the presumed logging. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1323 CHINA CRI, Oct 15 14:43 - Great reception from 14:43 until their sign-off at 14:59.  Again, a near 10 in strength, with // 963 also exceptionally strong.  I also found a SW parallel of 5905, listed with 500 kw in Kashi to Asia at 60 degrees.  At 14:59, then said that the program 'zakonchila', and 'Do svidanya', just before the TOH.  The music was very enjoyable, and was called 'Mother's Rain'. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1377 RUSSIA Radio Yunost, Tavrichanks, Oct 15 12:40 - Thanks to John Bryant for pointing out this one.  Fair reception initially, with many modern Russian pop vocals  Deep fades made following the program difficult, and they were cochannel with a CNR1 transmitter (// to 5030).  At 12:58, I did hear 'Voskreseniye', which means Sunday.  CNR dominated at 13:00, but at 13:02, they came back with weather for Moscow, and St. Petersburg, with highs at 21 and 18 deg C.  Very nice! Radio Yunost ID at 13:03, and then they went into the music of 'Stairway to Heaven'.  This station was also heard well the next day, and // to 621. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA) Oct 16 13:58 - Initially good reception, but prone to very deep fades.  Mostly Russian modern music.  Parallel to a weaker 1008.  Faded down by 1400 with a Chinese station becoming dominant. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1386   NHK2  13:23  4 10 kw transmitters are listed for NHK2, so take a pick!  Quite strong reception at 13:23 with light orchestral music, and parallel to 828.  15/Oct/2005  (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1413 JAPAN JOIF, Fukuoka, Oct 14 1535 - Still with strong signals at 15:36 with usual JJ light banter. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1440 JAPAN JOWF, STV Sapporo, Oct 16 14:21 - Good reception with Japanese bantering. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1503 ?JAPAN prob NHK1 Akita, Oct 14 1527 - Almost 8:30 AM local time and there's still plenty to hear!  1503 had a dream-like piano piece followed by talk in an oriental language at 15:28.  Best on NW wire.  Not obviously // to 594, but the latter is too weak to be sure, so I'm thinking likely NHK1. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)  Oct 16 14:30 - Good reception with usual Japanese programming. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1548 AUSTRALIA 4QD Emerald, Queensland, Oct 14 1431 - Very powerful signal except for some pretty awful splatter from 1550, with a call in game show.  Name the number one song.  Then questions about dogs and cartoons.  Deep fades to nothing, and then fades up again to a decent signal.  'To which country does Christmas Is belong?'. Number 24: Who wrote 'White Christmas'.  On the xx day of Christmas, what did my true love give to me?  ID for ABC local radio, Queensland at 14:40 heard. Best on west Beverage.  Very loud at times!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1566 AUSTRALIA 3NE Wangaratta, Oct 14 1144 - An interesting frequency.  HLAZ totally dominant, but for about a minute, they faded right down, allowing 3NE to dominate, but only for a minute!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1566 KOREA HLAZ, Oct 15 15:13 - Of course this Korean religious broadcaster is one of the strongest and most regular on the band.  Virtually a 10 (perfect signal) with Chinese religious programming.  In fact I continued to here this station for several more hours, finally giving up at 17:18, still with a decent carrier present!  (this is after 10 am local!). (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1575 THAILAND VOA, Oct 16 13:17 - Vietnamese service at very good level, giving the internet site (Vietnamese Service.....com), email address:  vietnamese@xxxxxxxxxxx, and the postal address, although the numbers were not in English:  VOA Vietnamese Service, Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
1575 THAILAND VOA, Oct 15 15:15 - VOA's 1000 kw transmitter often gets out very well on the coast.  I tuned in to English lessons until 15:15, but what lessons.  This is a direct quote from one of the lessons (imagine where you might employ these sentences!):  (woman):  I didn't know you had a brother.  (man):   I didn't either!. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

1602 JAPAN NHK2, Oct 15 15:20 - Take your pick of 15 or 20 low powered Japanese NHK2 transmitters.  Fair level. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)
 1610.007 USA TIS Willapa Harbor, Oct 14 1650 - 1610 Willapa Harbour.  Good but off frequency,  6 miles south is the quaint community of South Bend. etc. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA)

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