DATELINE BOGOTA 1998Compiled and copyright Henrik Klemetz
![]() © Henrik Klemetz Excerpts from Henrik Klemetz´ Dateline Bogotá. The log covers the period Jan to Oct 1998. This document also includes a Peruvian geography primer for DXers. LOGGINGS H2700 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Ondas del Yuna, Bonao, Sept 4, 0945, very poor and fading out more or less around local Dominican sunrise. First discovered - as an UNID - in the USA by Mohrmann. From all suggested names the toponym"Yuna" was the only one making sense, having been recorded already in the late 1940´s. La V del Yuna was the name preceeding that of La V Dominicana. 3172.6 PERU R Marginal, Panao, Huánuco, often in Sept around 0930 w/vernacular programming. Definitely identified by Rafael Rodríguez. H3960.0 COLOMBIA NVI R., Medellín, 2nd harmonic, Jan 19 0145, poor. H4290.3 COLOMBIA. R Majagual, 3rd harmonic, Jan 19 0141 preparing for yearly Jan 20 carnival outburst in Sincelejo. 4300 PERU R Hualgayoc, a new station in the village of the same name in the Cajamarca dept. First noted by Pedro A Arrunátegui. Feb 19, 2355 and for another hour struggling to overcome some RTTY near the fqy. Playing huaynos, música criolla and a Colombian tune from 1992, "Nadie es eterno". - 4300.1 Jul 7, 0108 with ID. 4390v PERU R Nueva Sensación, Chiclayo, is related to R San Ignacio, ex-R Melodía, run by César Colunche. On Dec 24, 1996, Colunche, on R Melodía, 7040.3, said his stn had an additional office in Chiclayo, with "R Nueva Sensación, 990, la señal de la amistad regional", located on "Panamericana Norte 361, [...]de Palma, Chiclayo, teléfono 208557". I tried to call this number, but Telefónica del Perú said that the number did not exist. - Meanwhile, Rafael Rodríguez says he has heard the address annc't on Nueva Sensación as mentioned here, only that the "distrito" was mentioned as "Urbanización Cultural Ricardo Palma". 4534 PERU R Horizonte poor-to-fair morning and night, with new tx set up by Enrique Becerra Rojas, who is also the man behind the new R La Inmaculada txer on 5305. 4549.5v PERU R Soledad, Parcoy, new fqy, noted @1130, early Jan, casuing some interference to Bolivian R dif Trópico. Fem spkr giving TC after every second tune, avoiding stn ID. Plays Andean mainstream huaynos only. Adstring every half-hour. Weak signal but good audio.---On 4550.5v Jan 24 0129 relaying a TV channel from Lima, possibly América TV. 4571v PERU R Uno "la diferente" is the new name and slogan for R Gotas de Oro; the change seems to have taken place early Nov last year.---Musically much devoted to "música sanjuanera de Piura". -- On Jan 2, I heard spkr Iván attempting to explain the philosophy behind the new name in an ID tag, "Porque somos la primera, somos R Uno, la diferente", it's because we are the Number One that we are Radio One, the one that makes the difference. [Got that?] The address, MW fqy and phone number are the same as those listed for Gotas de Oro.--- Steet address mentioned by Margenet in Play DX 966 should read Av. Juan M. Fanning, not Canning.---On 4580.7v, Jul 24, 0903, "Radio Uno, diferencia total". 4632.5v PERU R Soledad, Jul 6, 1045 with TC "5 y 48", fair. Always femal spkr at this hour urging workers in the local goldmine to get up: "aváncese, alístese, amigo trabajador". Former fqy was in the 4550 area, producing a het with Bolivian R Trópico. They used to be on and around the present fqy in 1995. Already on Dec 31, 1994, they mentioned receiving reports from Japan (TIN), Finland and Sweden, but so far no written reply has been forthcoming. - On 4631.3 at 0030, Jul 7. 4700.6 PERU R Origen, Acobamba, full ID Apr 20, 2300, seemingly s/on, and then into rlg prgr. Much weaker than adjacent R Eco, in Bolivia, on 4702.3 4755.2 BRAZIL "Educacao Rural, rádio de ouro", 2343, guitar strumming. 4756.8 PERU R Huanta 2000 on this alt. fqy, May 8, 0046. - May 15, 0055 s/off. 4790 PERU R Atlántida, 25th anniversary txn of "Trocha turística" prgr Jan 28 2300-2325, featuring initial greetings to yours truly; letter from Rafael Rodríguez read on the air Jan 30, 2310. This prgr is on the air daily exc. Sun. Moderator is Carmela López Paredes. 4814.3 ECUADOR R El Buen Pastor Jan 30 0246 Guatemalan "cantautor" (crooner) Ricardo Arjona. --- Jan 31 0030 on 4814.2. If stn stays here, signal would go clear of the Brazilian on 4815. 4826.3 PERU R Sicuani, Jul 19, with messages in Spanish (which is very unusual on this stn where most prgr are in Quechua/Aymara). Summons to lady living in town, "Augustina Ramos tendrá llamada desde Lima entre las 7 y 8". It was not clear to me if she was to report to the station or to the local telephone office. 4840 ECUADOR R Interoceánica, Santa Rosa, Ecuador, "una emisora del pacto evangélico", reactivated. First noted Aug 27. S/on Mo-Fri 1000, Sat 1045, s/off 0300. Prgr mostly in Spanish, including some relays from HCJB, and in Quichua until 1100. Good signal and audio. Canned ID, "Desde Santa Rosa, Cantón El Chaco, Parroquia del Napo, transmite Radio Interoceánica, una emisora del Pacto Evangélico". 4840.1 VENEZUELA Arguably R Valera holds the record of being the stn on 60 m that has been on one single fqy for the longest time. In the Swedish DX Federation´s QSL List, initiated by Zet Jacobsson and continued by Nils Jakobsson, one can find that the stn already QSL´ed to Sweden in 1947. -- Jan 26, 0106, "Domingo del recuerdo" with oldies from all over, waltzes from Peru, a bolero-ranchera with Daniel Solís etc. "Viaje feliz y contento con su programa Domingo del recuerdo por Radio Valera". 4845.2 BRAZIL. "Bom dia, ouviente. A Rádio Cultura de Ondas tropicais 4,845 kHz, na faixa de 60 metros, inicia mais um dia de trabalho..." Mar 25, 1005 s/on. 4855.5 PERU R La Hora, Cusco, remarkably regular s/on weekdays at 0955 with local hymn, then into Quechua/Spanish bilingual prgr called - in translation - "Songs from the Navel of the World". Canned prgr intro always repeats the old Quechua saying, "Ama llulla, ama sua, ama qella", "Don't be a liar, don't be a thief, don't be a layabout". 4864.9 BRAZIL R Missões da Amazônia, Óbidos, PA, new name for R Sentinela, Jul 25, 0945, frequent id's, gospel hymns, into R Nacional news relay at 1000. 4886.7 PERU R Virgen del Carmen, "RVC", in the clear at s7off 0300 Aug 8. Signal is undermodulated. Annces 4875, 1580, 105.3, so they seem to have taken over all of R Villa Ricas channels. 4899.6 ECUADOR La V de Saquisilí y R Libertador, noted reactivated on Aug 23 2330 to s/off Aug 24 0023 with NA. Owner and speaker Arturo Mena asked for cables or reports by mail from listeners from within and outside of Ecuador, all of which will be acknowledged by a "tarjeta recordatoria" (a commemorative card) from the station. Good audio. Said he would be on the air early tomorrow morning. I am pleased to report the reactivation of this friendly stn, which has been off the air for 4 years now. 4926.5 BOLIVIA R San Miguel, Riberalta, using an ID slogan coined by R La Cruz del Sur, 4875, "Luz que señala un camino. Radio San Miguel desde Riberalta, Beni, Bolivia". Apr 17, s/on 1001 and into "Amanecer riberalteño" and "Lo dijo San Miguel" news magazine. - The stn was founded on Aug 29, 1968. As expected, the big celebration was aired on the night immediately before the anniversay date, so that all assistants to the celebration show would be able to shout "happy birthday" in unison at midnight local Bolivian time. As I am writing this, on Aug 29, at 1115, the station has not come on the air yet. Maybe they will not be on the air in the morning at all! 4950.3 ECUADOR R Bahá'i, slightly up on previous fqy, May 29, 1040, in Quichua. 4955 COLOMBIA R dif Nacional, "the National Colombian Bcing System", Jan 31 0220 ending EE language show, called "On Line International", presented by Fernando Camelo Vega, who was discussing tours and camping facilities around the Neusa lake north of Bogotá. After 3 min. of deadair, 0223 "Viva a Colombia", tourist info, but in a more traditional vein, presented by Angela María Arbeláez. Both prgrs are intended for listeners abroad.---R dif Nacional is scheduled Mo-Fri 1700-0500, Sat 17-0445, Sun 1100-0500. "On Line", with Fernando Camelo, in English, Tue-Sat 0200-0300. Stn is genuinely interested in reports, some of which are now being extracted for publication in a well laid-out monthly prgr bulletin on glossy paper.---In addition to "On Line", there is another prgr in English called "Un inglés en Bogotá" (An Englishman in Bogotá), and it is presented by Johnny Welsh who is the Press Officer of the British Embassy in Colombia. Prgr is scheduled Sat 2330-2400 but on Jul 19 the prgr was aired 0130-0200. Despite the prgr title in Spanish, the prgr is entirely in English. 4955 BRAZIL "A Clube é mais perto de voce.." and some other short slogans is all what you hear from R Clube de Rondonópolis, MT, Mar 25, 0959, during their ToH ID. 4960.1 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC "Cimaexitos de ayer por Cima", Jun 12, 2327. Poor. 4964.7 PERU. New fqy for R San Miguel, in Cusco, "la radiodifusora más grande del sur del país". Initially noted as a reactivation at 1030 Jun 14, but on 4965.1; then again at the same time on Jul 6 and 25, but on 4964.7. On Aug 17, from midnight to a rather sudden s/off with the NA at 0056. Prgr is always bilingual, Spanish and Quechua. The audio seems clearer than before, so maybe they are using new gear. The ID, "Radio San Miguel del Cusco", is easily missed unless you are prepared for it. Thanks to David Norrie, in NZ, for asking me to check the fqy to see if this was R La Merced or not. This used to be the fqy for R La Merced, also in Peru. S/on seems to be between 1000 and 1030, and s/off is 0100. 4965.1 BRAZIL Sort of s/on annc´t Mar 25, 1002, "Parintins, 25 de marco de 1998. Hoje é quarta-feira, a alvorada está comecando. Alvorada onda tropical 4,965 kHz". 4970.7 PERU R Imagen, Jan 7, 0023, fair, presenter yawning, "seguimos con el programa especial de esta y de todas las noches".--- May 9, s/off with NA, 0058. - May 15, at 0057. 4974.9 BRAZIL R Mundial, Sao Paulo, legal id Jan 23, 0002 mentioning ZYK656 1150 kHz "100 000 watts" Unusual catch. 4975.1 PERU R del Pacífico, reactivated on a slightly higher fqy than before, ex-4974.8, good level, Aug 30, 0048, featuring Yiye Avila, a Puertorican preacher. 4980 VENEZUELA Ecos del Torbes, Sat prgr "Recordando: A Gozar Muchachos", at 2205-2300, produced by dr. Simón Zaidman, is gradually turning into a show where considerable attention is given to listeners abroad independently of the prgr they are reporting. Midway into the prgr, there is an English language ID, and a few weeks ago, a ltr from Germany (ex-East Germany) was read on the show, receiving favourable comments by the people in the studio as the German DXer had correctly given the names of various of the prgr hosts. A few Venezuelan football narrators on assignment in France during the Football World Cup were amazed at the crisp signal Ecos del Torbes is putting into Europe. And on the Jul 25 show, a recording made by Bert Larsson, in Hallsberg, Sweden, was played on the prgr. 5010.3 ECUADOR ERPE, Riobamba, Apr 30, 0135, phone-in prgr in Quichua, perhaps related to current Ecuadorian political turmoil. Unheard subsequent evenings. 5015.6 PERU R Juliaca, Apr 20, 2247 ending "Por las rutas del Perú". 5019.9 PERU R Horizonte, Chachapoyas. Peru. Initially on 5008.9 in Jul and Aug 1993 R Horizonte went off the air in order to readjust the fqy which caused severe QRM to Ecuadorian ERPE, on 5010.3. They reappeared on new 5019.9 at the end of Mar 1994. A Peruvian heard on 5019.9 for a few days in Nov 1993 was Estación Tarapoto, per my own logs and those of Rich McVicar, in Quito. 5067 PERU Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, Apr 30, 0130 into "La V de la Liberación" in Quechua. Good signal. 5097.2 PERU Test music including Peruvian chicha Aug 24 0030-0155* was from R Eco, in Iquitos, Peru. Heard during following days, too, with juvenile prgr relayed from their 105.9 FM, but does not seem to be on a regular sked. Announced their studio address as Arica 569. 5175.4v PERU R Máster, Moyobamba, Jun 10, s/on 1116; Jul 7, with rather sudden s/off at 2359 (without NA, only "hasta mañana, permiso"). This is a new fqy ex-5767v. 5230v DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Cima 100 FMing, Jul 24, 1016. Very hard to read. 5265v PERU (tent) R. 5264, Jul 3, 0130-0220- varied music nonstop.- Jul 31, 0100, R La V de Chiriaco, the speaker said, is at your service. "Please come and see us and use our phone 064 730286 if you want to talk to your relatives". (Seems like they are cutting the branch they are sitting on...) 5278.8 PERU R Estación Soritor, Jul 7, 2358. This is a move from 5768.2, probably to make it easier for the local audience to spot two of the Moyobamba shortwavers, the other one being R Máster, on 5175v. 5305 PERU R La Inmaculada, Santa Cruz, continues to provide good signals. In a preview of a local festival in Platanar village, it was anncd that a "minifútbol" (indoor soccer) tournament would be held. The winning team would get a young bull (yes, "un torete"), the runners-up a set of [soccer] shirts and 2 footballs, for the 3rd team the prize was a kid (yes, "un cabrito") and 1 football. Finally, as a consolation prize for the 4th team, 2 footballs. Each team had to pay 20 soles (8 dollars) for a starting fee, though. 5323.6 PERU First readable signal from new La V de Anta, in the district of the same name, Acobamba province of Huancavelica department, Jun 6, 0200, with promo for local "Soccer World Championships" sponsored by the District Council of Anta (Concejo Distrital de Anta). Also remembering listeners that Jun 7 is the 128th anniversary of the battle of Arica. Funny that they should be that interested in local history. 5414 PERU R Lajas on a new fqy, ex 5498, Feb 5, "somos R Lajas", "emitimos música del Perú profundo". Also plug for local fiesta Feb 9-10 in the "comunidad de San José de Lajas". 5460.6 PERU New R La V de Bolívar, Bolívar, La Libertad, Apr 23, 0928 s/on, gradually improving to reach some sort of a peak by 1030 and lingering on past 1100. - Also same evening at 2357, but much weaker. - Noticed and identified thanks to alert (as an unid) by Mohrmann. - Stn is not on the air daily. 5498 PERU R Lajas, ex-5414, Jun 23, 0012. Poor. 5500.6 PERU R Regional, Celendín. In prgr "Folklore vía satélite", 232, 9 Aug 7, reading ltr from Rafael Rodríguez and postcard from yours truly, which was sent as an enclosure to RRRs report. The reports were said to be read once more on Aug 8, at the same time. - Initially noted Jul 14 until s/off 0211 and the same morning from 1000 onwards. The address was mentioned as Jirón Grau s/n (sin número), frente al Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen" Rafael sent them a letter to that address, and it arrived OK. --- Heard s/on with NA exactly at 1000, Sep 17, on 5500.2. Casually calling itself "Regional, desde la provincia de Celendín, departamento de Cajamarca". 5558.2 PERU R Lajas, ex-5498 because of QRM from R Regional, on 5500v. 5601.2U ARGENTINA Ezeiza Aerradio, 2315, weather reports for all main airports in Argentina. This station may easily be mistaken for a commercial broadcaster. 5602.7 PERU R La V del Campesino, noted Jun 22-24, announcing "5600 kHz", unheard of late. Signal was fair, so one would not expect a tx failure in the first place. In the morning, from 1000 onwards, "Amanecer campesino", followed by "Recorriendo los Andes del Perú". In the evening, around 2200, "Recorriendo los pueblos del Alto Piura.---Unheard since late Jun, hrd closing 0029 Jul 26, promising to be back by 7 am next morning. Prgr consisted of request music and some comunicados, including a msge from the owner of a mobile disco to all teenagers in the village of El Higueron, "don't you worry; the stereo equipment will arrive by 9 pm; please keep 10 portions of snacks ready for us; signed Américo Guamán". At s/off, "gerente general" was mentioned as Alberto Soto Santos (same as in Feb and Mar 1997, when they were on 4004.9) and the address, which is new info, was given as Av. Piura 1015, Pampa Alegre, distrito de San Miguel de El Faique, provincia de Huancabamba, departamento de Piura. [Incidentally, R San Miguel de El Faique, 6895.2, at s/off on May 14, claimed to be located at no. 1200 of that very same Avenida Piura]. 5637.4 PERU "Estudio 97", only id, Jan 22 1142 to past 1200, during morning show "Buenos días Perú, arriba San Ignacio". - The night before, at 2359, "legal" id, "Desde la ciudad de San Ignacio, capital del mejor y más rico café y de la rica floresta, transmite Estudio 97, Perú Radio, la radio de San Ignacio". - Feb 5, until 0202 s/off, healthy signal giving sked as "5am to 9pm" local time. 5645 PERU "R Cultural Amauta que transmite desde Bambamarca", Feb 21, 2340, a new name (and gear?) for old R La V de San Antonio, ex-6628v. Studios located on Jiron Jaime Martínez in Bambamarca.-Feb 26, 0005, "Bambamarca y su folclor".-Canned ID, Mar 3, 0100, "La más variada programación musical Usted la encuentra en su radio amigo Cultural Amauta que nació para servir". Further down the log, during their "Paraíso musical" prgr, identifying themselves as "la nueva estación radial de Bambamarca". H5720.5 COLOMBIA R Majagual, 4th harmonic, Jan 22 0030, very poor 5768.2 PERU R Estación Soritor, Jul 6, 1010. Speech quite readable, music almost inaudible. The unexpected reactivation confirmed by spkr's words, "emitiendo otra vez en los 5775 kHz en la onda corta". [Cf. 5278.8]. 5770U NICARAGUA R Miskut, Jun 23, 1117, good, "Amanecer ranchero". 5774.9 PERU The unid here is a new stn calling itself R Power; even without the stn's muffled and distorted audio, the initial plosive consonant is hard to distinguish, especially when pronounced by a non-native English speaker. QTH is Moyobamba, and stn seems to be on the air 1000-0200 in // to 105.1. It might be noted that the San Martin heraldry depicts, among other things, two oil towers, but the word "tower" probably will not ring a bell with too many of the locals. "Power", on the other hand, may mean something even to a Peruvian "cholo" (mestizo), for most transistor receivers are showing terms such as "on", "off", "SW", "MW" and, of course, "power". R Power is owned by Ricky Centurión Tapia, a brother of Porfirio's, who is the owner of Estación C, 6328 kHz. The low powered FM tx was sent to Ricky as a gift from a wellknown German DXer some 7 years ago. Once confiscated by the authorities, it is now on the air with full power, which is some 10 or 15 W. The SW tx seems to be one of the Centro Laboratorios Láser brand, and in this fqy area there has always been a Moyobamba stn on hand. It all started with Estación Soritor (Jul 1995 - Jan 1996). Then came R Estelar (Mar - Aug 1996), R Universal (Nov 1996 - Apr 1997), R Máster (Jun - Nov 1997, which moved this year to 5175v), and, for a few days in early Jul 1998, probably just as a sales trick, once again Estación Soritor. R Power says they are using 150 W. As far as I know, no written QSL has ever been sent out from any of these stns, although they have, in fact, acknowledged reports on the air on various occasions. R Power acknowledged my report on the air on Jul 25, at 1110, in their "Amanecer andino" prgr, but I don't know if one may expect a written answer. In case you hear their signal, you may send a report to Jirón 20 de Abril 467, Moyobamba, San Martín, Perú. 5775.2 PERU [R] La V de San Juan, ex-R San Juan, Lonya Grande, May 16, 0150-0210 with belated Mother's Day greetings. Speech audio crisp and clear. Spkr-owner Idrovo (Hidrovo?), revealed that the stn has been heard in Europe ("nos están escuchando en el continente europeo" and that they'll soon be on mw and FM to cover most of "la región Nororiental del Marañón".--- The word "radio" was mentioned only once out of 4 times when the station was identifying itself. I therefore list them as [R].--- La V de San Juan, audible nightly; Jul 7, 0030, esoteric feature called "El sol brilla para todos".---La V de San Juan, Lonya Grande, seems to be all alone again around this fqy since R Power, Moyobamba, left the area in mid Sep. Sometimes heard way past 0200, mostly with nonstop Peruvian music. 5800.9 PERU R Huancabamba, Oct 2, 0044. This seems to be a reactivation of 6281.7v namesake which has been silent for quite some time. 5880L(v) PERU Unidentified stn testing Sep 25 2330. Almost impossible to read due to distorted signal.---5889.3v same station, Oct 5, 0030, now slightly improved audio: "Nueva Cajamarca la radio". Address, mentioned Oct 13, seems to be Jirón Cementerio (?) 762. 5890 HONDURAS HRMI, Feb 10, 0130, talking phone calls and playing gospel music in the ranchera vein. 5950 GUYANA, GBS, live relay from Congress proceedings Feb 26 at 1815 (!!); clear signal for a few minutes when some new MP´s were sworn in. This station is normally inaudible in Bogotá, but on this date there was a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in northern Colombia and northwestern Venezuela (Juradó>Shagún>Valledupar>Falcón) from 1750 to 1810 approx. A good number of normally inaudible stations at that time were logged, all with somewhat fluttering signals: 4770 CDS, 4824 La V de la Selva (very strong), 4875 Super R Roraima, 4919 R Quito (good), 4940 R Amazonas, weak, 5060 R Progreso, 602 R Amanecer (good), 6105 R Universidad de Costa Rica, 6115 La V del Llano, sounding like a local with 100 kW power, 6188 R Oriente, 6479 R Altura, weak, 6535 R dif Huancabamba, weak, 6811 Ondas del Río Mayo, good, 5956.8 PERU R Selecciones, Chuquibamba, Condesuyos, depto. de Arequipa, Sep 16 and 17 around 1015 with positive ID, "R Selecciones para toda la provincia de Condesuyos", ads for vets and cattle raisers, and soft Peruvian music, "Selecciones con cariño", Selections with love, as the speaker says. This stn has good audio but the signal is extremely weak. 5964.7 BOLIVIA R Nal Huanuni, most unusual in Bogotá, Jul 24, 0947, with a Bolivian cumbia. At 1000 swamped by BBC WS. 5970.0 BRAZIL. "O Jornal da Itatiaia", newscast from R Itatiaia, May 22, 0939. 5980 ECUADOR R Federación on this fqy replacing 4785 at least as of Apr 22. Adjacent ch QRM building up after 2300. 5980.0 BRAZIL R Guarujá, Florianópolis, May 22, 0935 relaying "Guarujá AM 1,420". Prgr called "Parada sertaneja". 5981.5 PERU North American DXers looking for R Chaski, in Cusco, might want to try on a Sun morning when fqy is reasonably clear from their s/on 1100 and up to approx. 1120, when AWR Guatemala signs on. If R Cusco, 6204.1 makes it to your QTH, you may stand a good chance to log R Chaski. In Bogotá, R Cusco and R Chaski are about equal in signal strength at this time of the day. 6014.7 BOLIVIA R El Mundo back on the air, Aug 15, after long absence. 0002 into "Jornada cultural". 6020 BRAZIL. R Educadora de Bahia, May 7, 2323 ending "A Voz do Brasil" and into "Educadora dentro da noite". Powerful, but co-channel QRM from Peruvian R Victoria. In their "A Voz do Brasil" prgr there was an ID for R Globo, 1180 kHz, at 2300. 6060 BRAZIL "R Tupi, Sistema Universo da Comunicacao", Sep 9, 0858, in an ID-slot during usual "A Voz da Libertacao" programming. 6060.4 PERU "Esta emisora presenta el programa La Voz de la Liberación". That was the ID heard at 1052 after the playing of the Peruvian National Anthem. - On Mar 17, at 1050, with the aforementioned prgr in progress, casual mention of "... a través de JSV, llegando a sus hogares desde Huánuco". There was also mention of the local Dios es Amor church, at Dámaso Beraún 669, "a cuadra y media de la Plaza Bolognesi, antes era el Cine Huánuco, ahora es la iglesia Dios es Amor". 6070 CHILE V Cristiana, Aug 17, 1048, "En compañía". 6071.3 COSTA RICA R 88 Estereo, Pérez Zeledón, May 6, 2255, "Analisis deportivo" sports prgr, much QRM around the fqy. At midnight, "Desde Pérez Zeledón y para todo Costa Rica transmite 88 Estéreo". -- May 16, 1040, "Amanecer ranchero", taking calls to their "Club de Madrugones" (Early Risers' Club), at 7716094. Very good signal. -- I have a "voice QSL" from the station from May 7. They were scheduled to go on the air already in Jan, but at that time they were testing with low power only, said stn mgr Juan Vega. As from May 6, they were on full power.-- 6075.0, readjusted fqy first noted Jun 22, 1025. 6085 BOLIVIA R San Gabriel, almost zeroed on assigned fqy, May 31, 0003 with an ERBOL prgr. Fair signal but co-channel interference. 6149.9 BRAZIL R Record, Jul 3, 0208, ending service from "Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus", a macumba-inspired Brazilian religious denomination which has spread to other countries as well. [In Colombia, for their ministering, they are not on SW, only MW and TV.] 6160.1 BRAZIL R Riomar alone on this fqy until midnight s/off. No trace of R. LBV here nor on 11895. 6173.8 PERU "We are now going off the air until tomorrow at the usual time". So said spkr of R Tawantinsuyo at s/off 0109 Jun 10. 6185 MEXICO R Educación noticeably stronger than before, Jul 17, 0200, Guillermo Henry presenting "From a corner of Mexico" spotlighting city of Morelia, Michoacán. Good signal. -On Sept 13, 0910, Anker Petersen interviewed on the air. 6201.2 COLOMBIA The parish broadcaster from Granada, Antioquia, again Feb 9, 0015 to sudden deadair at 0048. In the "información pastoral", at the end of Mass, a few items of local interest were given.- Also Feb 10, shortly before midnight. - On Feb 12, ending transmission @0030. The priest said "primera banda" was out of order, so transmissions for tomorrow would be on "segunda o tercera banda". This was the last time I was to hear this station. Being reasonably sure Granada was the QTH, I found the phone number for their "Casa cural" and talked to Padre José Adán Ramírez, who confirmed that the stn was theirs and that they had had a txer breakdown. 6204.1 PERU R Cusco, slightly up from previous fqy, May 16, 0116, "Ecos del Perú". 6239.8/6250.2 COLOMBIA Both V de la Resistencia and R Patria Libre have been active during the past few days prior to peace talks in Germany this weekend. They are on 6239.8 and 6250.2, respectively, the former one at 1400-1600 and 2000-2200, while the latter has been heard at 2030-2100. 6240L ARGENTINA R Rivadavia, Aug 30, 0027, with "La oral deportiva". Good level. 6249.8 PERU "Esta es Radio La Voz, transmitiendo desde Andahuaylas", Apr 1, 0041, during prgr "Estampas folclóricas del Perú". - Unusually clear Apr 30 until sudden pull of plug 0115. Among lots of interesting ads, there is now one for Chaski Cola, said to be available in several flavours, "naranja, fresa, lima, limón".---R La Voz quite good of late, Jun 6, 0100. Their recurrent ad string always starts with an ad for Imprenta San José, local printers and manufacturers of pennants. Sometimes speaker orders the people at the transmitting plant to shut particular gear on or off. Manager's name given as Lucio Fuentes. I could provide an extensive address list for advertisers, but no clue to the studio address, which I have yet to hear mention of on the prgr. Fqs given as "1400 y banda internacional de 49 metros". 6261.1 PERU R. JVL, May 7, 1104 gearing up for Mother's Day with HC pasillos. [Previously unheard in the local morning hours].- Also Jul 24, 0010.- On Aug 2 0030 spkr said that the stn was back to stay. Also mention of "cartelón" (big card) from USA received when they were off the air. 6261.3 COLOMBIA Colombian tunes (popular and dance music) non-stop 2215 to past 2300. No annc't. - Apr 23, 2103 guerrilla vallenatos from a few Farc clandestine LPs issued in 1996) and mainstream Colombian dance music, "esperamos que sea de su agrado" (hopefully to your liking), annc't said a few minutes later. ID as "V de la Resistencia, desde algún lugar en el sur de Colombia"; sked given as 8 am, 1 and 5 pm, but hrd, as shown, 1 hr. ahead of sked. - Unheard at subsequent checks. 6328.8 PERU Estación C, May 10, 2205, Mother's Day greetings in prgr "Aires de mi tierra". Said they would be on the air until midnight local time (0500), which is remarkable enough as stn is normally active on sw in the local morning only, 1130-1500 approx. 6339.6 PERU R San Miguel Arcángel, or R Arcángel San Miguel, or San Miguel Arcángel, su radio, reactivated, first noted Aug 23 2307 and for another two hours (not s/off). Mentioned address as Jirón Bolívar 356, a media cuadra de la Plaza de Armas, en la Provincia de San Miguel, Cajamarca, Peru. 6405.5 PERU R Huarmaca, ex-5384.8, Jan 31 0010, vy poor reception due to heavy RTTY QRM in the vicinity.---Feb 6, 0052, canned ID: "Radio Huarmaca, primera en la radiodifusión huarmaquina". 6479.8 PERU R Altura, Huarmaca, Mar 16, 0025, "Huarmaca milenaria ciudad... " Comunicados. 6535.7 PERU R dif Huancabamba, silent until Feb 5, when noted reactivated after at least one month of silence. Said this was a test transmission with a 1,000 W txer. 6618 PERU R Nueva Sensación (sometimes Super Sensación, without mention of R.) Huancabamba, will soon be on the air from 0930 and all day long. This is the R Sensación which used to be on 6895 until a few years ago. Anncd address is Av. Ramón Castilla 331 (not 302), Huancabamba. Phone number 51 74 473064. 6670.8 PERU R Dif Paratón, Huarmaca, ex-7205.7, Aug 31 2323 anncing "Difursora Paratón, la emisora que está cerca a tu corazón" and with a want-ad for a new "locutor" to be hired by the station and to report to Alfonso Ugarte 109, possibly the station QTH, in Huarmaca. 6674.6 PERU Ondas del Marañón, in "el distrito de Aramango", with a studio clock consistently 6 minutes ahead of correct time; morning show DJ acknowledged receipt of 'a beautiful letter' from the USA describing reception of stn on Dec 17 (NU1455). The letter would be read tomorrow, he said, "en el día de mañana daremos lectura a esa hermosa carta". The DJ did not elaborate on why he thought the letter was beautiful. He had a good deal of letters on his desk, but did not mention any other foreign listener. Then, as Peruvian "pirates" tend to do, he took the opportunity of greeting "la gente que labora en La Voz de las Huarinjas".---6675.5 Ondas del Marañón, Jirón Amazonas 3-5 (?), Jan 20 1140 once more remembering the nice letter they received from the USA. 6690v PERU R. DW or R. Estudio DW. The first letter is anyone's guess, but to me, after recording half a dozen ID's, I believe it is DW. (Other possibilities include TW, BW, VW and PW, which all sound pretty much the same). Location is "al ciudad de Naranjos, capital del distrito de Pardo Miguel, provincia de Rioja, región San Martín". This elaborate QTH is sometimes abbreviated to "Pardo Miguel Naranjos". Street address mentioned on the air as Jirón Los Angeles 117, in the town of Naranjos.. Thanks to Rafael Rodríguez for finding this one, which seems on the air from 1000 to 0300, but the signal is poor and the audio scratchy. Morning prgr "Mañanitas campesinas", 1000-1200, is hosted by someone called Víctor Régulo Torres Rojas. --- [Later] The Peruvian here, believed to be R. DW continues to provide conflicting names, such as R. W, and R Estudio W (so perhaps R. EW?), slogan is given as "la poderosa voz del Alto Mayo" and callsign - coinciding with R Nacional del Perú - is OAX4A, they say. Still hrd morning and night, with low quality audio. Prgr shows they have institutional sponsors in the town of Naranjos. Peru. 6797.7 PERU R Ondas del Río Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca, ex-6811.5, Aug 31, 2330. 6895.2 PERU R San Miguel de El Faique, "señal de amistad intercontinental", May 14, signing off 0211 with a king size canned ID, wherein QTH (hitherto unconfirmed) came out quite clearly despite heavy echo chamber, "Av. Piura 1200, Pampa Alegre, Distrito de San Miguel de El Faique, Provincia de Huancabamba, Departamento de Piura". - May 16, 2305, closing down "for 15 minutes for refuelling". Unusually good signal. 6980L "PIRATIA" R Cochiguaz, weak signal but partly readable, co-channel QRM permitting, Jun 3 and 4, during tests. Canned ID loop 2245, for three minutes, and again at 2255, for five minutes: "En unos instantes más, comenzarán las emisiones de R Cochiguaz, emitiendo desde algún lugar de Sudamérica. Esta es R Cochiguaz-This is R Cochiguaz from somewhere in South America". Also Jun 5, 2240 to 2305 off. - Prompt e-mail reply received from C. Mamani. QSL section and, one month later, nice f/d card and letter, - signed by Cachito Mamani. Masthead says "Via: Casilla 2571, 1000 Buenos Aires, Argentina", but the ltr was sent via registered mail from Sucre, Bolivia.---On Aug 16, just after midnight, R Blandengue ("Usted está sintonizado con Radio Blandengue. Your are listening to Radio Blandengue. Questa é a Radio Blandengue". Then into varied Latin America music. This stn also verified with a nice f/d card and letter sent from Germany! 7003.4 PERU R La V de las Huarinjas, Huancambamba, Jan 6, 0100, canned ID: "La respuesta bien puesta: Yo escucho R La V de las Huarinjas. ¡A gozar, Huancabamba, con la mejor!" Spkr hrd saying "estamos traspasando fronteras" and that the signal is "para el Perú, América y el mundo". --- Reactivated after some time off the air, Aug 7.. Immediately, when tuning in, at 0148, there was an unexpected greeting to yours truly, Shoji Yamada in Japan, and an unnamed listener in South Africa (probably Vashek Korinek). 7040.5 PERU R San Ignacio, reactivated, May 10, 2145 with HC pasillos, on and off past 2330. Slightly distorted.--- On May 14, 0150, spkr-owner César Colunche said studios are now at Jr. Victoria 277, which is probably their 4th address in town during the past year or so.. The move to new premises would explain the fact that the stn has been off the air for several weeks. At 0215, Colunche unexpectedly greeted yours truly. (Of course, he had no idea that I was listening). - On May 15, s/off 0023.-- Aug 7 0126 with good signal and audio. 7746 PERU. R Cristal, distrito de San Hilarión, provincia de Picota, región San Martín. In NU1458 one can read a perfectly written copy of one of their ID annc´ts right next to a nonsensical prgr title, "Corazón al aire" (Heart in the air). Such combinations of "programme details", one perfectly OK, and another totally wrong, are quite common in many a reception report. The prgr mentioned is actually called "Forastero alegre" (Happy foreigner). Among the ads featured on this stn there is one inviting young people to train as a radio DJ. The 3-month long course is free of charge. Graduates in Tingo María, Juanjuí and San Hilarión can vouch for the excellence of this course. San Hilarión seems to be filled with people having fled from a nearby area where there has been fighting between govt troops and guerrilla; in consequence, the town mayor was offering free ID cards in Dec for anyone not having one; just before Christmas, Grandpa Gálvez' arena was the stage for some tough cockfighting with prizes such as 1 young bull, 1 pig and 1 set of entrance tickets for 1998. I haven't heard any carpintería ad, as one reporter in DXW98 suggests, but there are others, for exemple one saying that listeners are invited to send their letters to the stn (no address given), and among other advertisers are Electrónica San Hilarión, Jirón Huallaga 192; Licores regionales con sabor a selva (Regional liquors with a taste of jungle), Jirón Ucayali 612; La Gobernación del Distrito de San Hilarión; and Comercial Los Gemelos, de la familia Panduro Peñaherrera, frente a la Plaza de Armas. - As reported earlier, the stn is run by the Gaona family, Lucho García Gaona and Marina Gaona.7746 "Everyone knows where R Cristal is located" DJ said Jan 28 2130, "Jirón Ucayali sin número, a un costado de la Carretera Marginal de la Selva".---Canned ID from Jan 20: "En el valle del Huallaga central, hermosas y ricas tierras sanmartinenses bañadas por el caudaloso Huallaga, se dibuja con esplendor la presencia de un nuevo amancer. Desde la ciudad (!) de San Hilarión, zona eminentemente agrícola, Radio Cristal, en amplitud modulada, inicia su transmisión correspondiente al día de hoy con el deseo que los anhelos y esperanzas se forjen en realidad con el trabajo digno de sus hombres y mujeres de esta comunidad de San Hilarión para bienestar de todos los peruanos, generando así desarrollo y progreso para engrandecer nuestra región y el país. Bienvenidos a disfrutar de la programación de Radio Cristal, tu sincera compañía en San Hilarión, provincia de Picota en el Huallaga central, San Martín." 9505 CUBA R Habana Cuba, Jul 5 (a Sunday), 2330-2400 in Esperanto. In // to 11970 and 11760. 9540 VENEZUELA R Nal de Venezuela, Jun 15, 1815, "Venezuela cerca de ti". Spanish language prgr called "Antena international" now on the air again, said spkr, at the following UT time 1100, 1400, 1800, 2100, 0000, 0300. Reception of this undermodulated signal is possible only when the channel is free from QRM. At 2100 the channel is used by DW, in Turkish, and at midnight by R Exterior de España. 9551 COSTA RICA Spur from TIFC 9644.7, Jun 15, 1403. 9630.3 CHILE Voz Cristiana, Sept 15, 2130 in // to 21550. 9660 PERU R Norperuana (also: Norperuana R.), reactivated; first noted May 9, 2200, with a mix of ballads, huaynos and salsa. - May 10, 1130, fair, Mother's Day greetings in prgr "La V de América". - May 15, late afternoon (local) prgrs include "Fortaleciendo la tarde" and "Amor es escucharlo juntos". Stn ID sometimes includes "que transmite desde la fidelísima ciudad de Chachapoyas" (the most loyal town of Chachapyas). --- June 5, 1140, downloading "Los Inmortales" prgr from Lima FM stn R "A". ---In prgr "La V de Chachapoyas", Jun 28, 1130, 20 minutes of "Los Reales de Cajamarca" specially dedicated to yours truly who a fortnight before had sent a handwritten greeting on a postcard, putting it into an airmail envelope, and addressing it to the prgr host, whose name is Edgar Villegas. Not surprisingly, Villegas started to prepare his audience already at 1110, and then again after each selection, by saying, "Tenemos una carta de la hermana república de Colombia (...) Estamos preparando las canciones para el amigo Klemetz". . 9685 BRAZIL R Gazeta, full fqy ID, May 16, 2158. Then into instrumental music until 2200, when syndicated "A Voz da Libertacao" prgr started. Initially poor, gradually building up to fair level. H11354.0 PERU R Frecuencia San Ignacio, 2nd harmonic, in Jan. 11735.1 URUGUAY R Oriental, Jun 6, 1105 with "Diario oral" newscast. Weak signal but interference-free at this time of the day.Uruguay. --- Verie statement in writing from stn C.E., thanks to Horacio A Nigro. 11794.5 BRAZIL R Guaíba, Jun 28, 2200, in // with 6000.- On 1175.3, Aug 2, 2335. 11830 BRAZIL CBN-Anhanguera "CBN, a rádio que toca notícia", the radio that plays the news, Aug 2, 2335. 11895 BRAZIL Sistema LBV Mundial, LBV meaning Legião da Boa Vontade, League of Goodwill, weak signal Apr 19 with sports until 2200 when blocked by 3 international broadcasters; again Apr 20 0124 w/ID in the passing before speech (i.e. not a sermon) on Apocalypse. - May 3, 0129 until 0148, more of same. Then various references to Sao Paulo, "aqui na capital paulista", their Bienal do Livro etc. Jingle id spelling out LBV as an ecumencial means of communication. Spoken IDs say "Sistema LBV Mundial, en ondas médias, ondas curtas e FM". I have been unable to confirm if the QTH is Porto Alegre as suggested by a reporter to Radio Nuevo Mundo magazine. ---May 16 0130, raising funds for victims of drought in the Brazilian Nordeste, "Campanha LBV S.O.S. Nordeste". Fund-raising address and phones in Sao Paulo, clearly not Porto Alegre, address & phone lost due to poor signal.--- May 22, canned ID "Sao Paulo AM 560, FM 89,5, Brasília AM 1210 e 1410. Sistema LBV Mundial via satélite".--- LBV info as well as their web page, http:// www.lbv.org, was already on hand in Swedish bulletin Distance thanks to a QSL from LBV hq in answer to a report for their affiliate in Bahia on 1350 kHz. The web page says that R Guarujá 5980 is an affiliate, which I very much doubt, as I heard their sw fqy relaying 1420 kHz "Guarujá 98" programming, May 22, 0935, with "Parada sertaneja". One may contact LBV via the web page, but I'm not sure it works. - From the looks and contents of their web page, LBV seems to be a masonic philantropical organization.--- Sistema LBV Mundial, São Paulo, Brazil, 2-page letter (in Spanish) verifying reception of 11895 (without indication of QTH) and lengthy info about purposes of LBV; also a card with a "prayer for spiritual vigilance". Answer came after some 4 months. V/s, apparently a multilingual secretary, Sandra Albuquerque, Asesoría de Relación Internacional. H12100 ECUADOR HCJB on 2nd harmonic Apr 9, 2059. Weak. 17860 CHILE V Cristiana, Aug 9, 1431, Christian salsa, in // to 21550. Both very good. 1. WRITTEN AND SPOKEN VERIES Here is a question I sent to Jerry Berg, editor of the Numero Uno bulletin: "In normal business practice, in most countries anyway, a spoken agreement between two parties is as much worth as a written document. Then my question is: Why would not a taped acknowledgement of a report as recorded from a live broadcast be counted as a QSL? I have a fair number of such recordings. My report is being read and commented on the air, no written reply ever forthcoming. (HK)" Here is Jerry´s answer: "I believe that such an over-the-air acknowledgment would in fact be a verification of reception to the extent that the same content, in a letter, would constitute a QSL. Although a QSL is generally taken to be a written document, a transcription of such an acknowledgment would seem to be tangible enough, especially if accompanied by a recording. It is really not much different than a printout of an E-mail message. While a little unorthodox, personally I would count it. However, it is probably best left to the individual DXer to decide." 2. MORS DAG I PERU Den 10/5 var det mors dag i Peru i år. Flera stationer vaknade upp och körde på övertid. Det är ju en gyllene tid för önskeprogram, för stålarna bara rinner in. Vem har inte en mamma att fira? Och mammorna hyllas med en lång rad av mamma-sånger Om "White Christmas" blivit kännemärke för vårt julfirande så är "Benditas las madres" av den nu avlidne trubaduren "El Jilguero del Huascarán" den låt som de peruanska mammorna helst av allt vill höra. Den 10/5 hördes denna låt på alla peruanska stationer, och kl 2240 gick den samtidigt på tre olika frekvenser: 6328.8, 6895.2 och 9660. Och det var inte fråga om någon reläsänding, för alla körde sina egna program. 3. DATELINE BOGOTA Sammanställning av information utsänd under tiden maj - augusti 1998 av Henrik Klemetz (Obs. Denna information får endast publiceras i SWB). BOLIVIA 6085 R San Gabriel ligger nu i det närmaste rätt i frekvens, 31/5 0003 startade man ett ERBOL-program på aymara. Bra signal, men QRM från andra stationer. BRASILIEN 4864.9 R Missoes da Amazonia, Obidos, Para, nytt namn för R Sentinela, 25/7 0945, flera anrop, gospelmusik och nx-relä från R Nacional de Brasília kl 1000. 6020 R Educadora de Bahia, 7/5 2323 när "tystnadens timme" slutade och "Educadora dentro da noite" vidtog. Ovanlig här, QRM på samma frekvens från peruanska R Victoria. 9685 R Gazeta, ID med alla kv-frekvensen, 16/5 2158. Därefter två minuters pausmusik och kl 2200 började "A Voz da Libertacao" parallellt med R Universo m fl. 11895 Sistema LBV Mundial, 19/4 med sport fram till 2200; därefter blockerad av andra stationer. 20/4 0124 med föredrag om apokalypsen; 3/5 0129-0148, dito, flera anspelningar på Sao Paulo, stadens 15:e Bokbiennal osv. Jingle-id: "Sistema LBV Mundial, en ondas médias, ondas curtas e FM". QTH lutar åt Sao Paulo, men ingenting klart utsagt. --- 16/5 0130 penninginsamlig för offren för torkan i Nordeste, "Campanha LBV S.O.S. Nordeste". Address och telefon som inte uppfattades avsåg Sao Paulo, och alltså inte Porto Alegre som tidigare misstänkts vara QTH för denna station. --- 22/5 hördes f f g ett ordentligt bandat anrop: "Sao Paulo AM 560, FM 89,5, Brasília AM 1210 e 1410. Sistema LBV Mundial via satélite". LBV har en home page (http:// www.lbv.org) där bl a R Guarujá 5980 anges vara ansluten. Av hemsidan att döma kan det röra sig om en frimurarorganisation av något slag. De som rapporterat R Cristal 1350 har fått svar från Sao Paulo, Rua Sergio Tomás 740 uti stadsdelen Bom Retiro. Men i Sao Paulos telefonkatalog finns ingenting om LBV, som är en förkortning för Legiao da Boa Vontade. COLOMBIA 4955 R dif Nacional sänder ett engelskspråkigt program tis-lö 0200-0300. Det heter "On Line" och leds av Fernando Camelo. --- Stationen kör ännu ett program på engelska. Det leds av pressofficeren på Brittiska ambassaden i Bogotá, Johnny Welsh. Enligt programhäftet sänds det lö 2330-2400, men den 19/7 gick det 0130-0200. Programmet heter "Un inglés en Bogotá" men är helt och hållet på engelska. --- Den kvinnliga direktören för R dif Nacional, Athala Morris, berättar att man ska köpa ett slutrör till den nu gamla sändaren, för nu gäller det att projicera Colombia för omvärlden. Man QSL-ar nu regelbundet. Det finns också en lyssnarklubb och diverse småprylar att få som t ex metallbrickor med stationens emblem. Man skicka nu också ut en påkostad programtidning där det i varje nummer publiceras rapporter från utländska lyssnare. Från Sverige är det bara Dick Gustavsson i Ö-vik som figurerat. Och han rapporterade MV-sändaren på 570. (Clandestine) 6261.3 Vallenatomusik från en propaganda-LP som FARC-gerillan delade ut 1996, 23/4 2103, därefter vanlig dansmusik. - ID: "V de la Resistencia, desde algún lugar en el sur de Colombia"; sade sig sända kl 8, 13 och 17 lokaltid, men hördes alltså en timme tidigare. Tyst under närmast följande dagar. --- Både V de la Resistencia och R Patria Libre har dragit i gång med regelbundna sändningar sedan det blev klart att företrädare för det colombianska näringlivets skulle sammanträffa med representanter för ELN-gerillan i Tyskland i mitten av juli. Stationerna sänder på 6239.8 resp. 6250.2, FARC-stationen (den förstnämnda) 1400-1600 och 2000-2200, medan ELN-stationen (R Patria Libre) kör 2030-2100. I likhet med den statliga radion söker gerillan också efter god publicitet. Efter de gångna årens kidnappningar har gerillan haft vissa svårigheter inom och utom landet att uppnå den trovärdighet den eftersträvar. Men inte överallt. Ty den 30/7 kunde V de la Resistencia läsa upp en artikel av en svensk med namnet Robert Albinsson. I artikeln beskrivs gerillan som mycket sympatisk. Det angavs inte i vilken tidning artikeln varit publicerad. Är det någon SWB:are som vet? COSTA RICA 6071.3 R 88 Estereo, Pérez Zeledón, 16/5 1040, "Amanecer ranchero", med telefonsamtal till nr 7716094 från medlemmarna i "Club de Madrugones". Mycket bra signal. - På kvällen, efter dagens sportprogram, kör man "Anochecer ranchero". Så mexikansk ranchera-musik är vad lyssnarna ska ha sig till livs före och efter dagens slit. --- Frekvensen justerad till exakt 6075 den 22/6. Men här tycks DW-QRM:en ha blivit för svåra på lokal kvällstid, så nu sänder man bara på morgonen. CUBA 9505 R Habana Cuba, söndagen 5/7 2330-2400 på esperanto. Också på 11970 och 11760. ECUADOR 4950.4 R Bahá'i har drivit uppåt i frekvens en aning. 29/5 1040, quichua. 5980 R Federación här ex-4785 sedan 22/4. Startar ca 2215; tilltagande QRM efter 2300. PERU Den 10/5 var det morsdag i Peru i år. Flera stationer vaknade upp och körde på övertid. Det är ju en gyllense tid för önskeprogram, för stålarna bara rinner in. Vem har inte en mamma att fira? Och mammorna hyllas med en lång rad av mamma-sånger Om "White Christmas" blivit kännemärke för vårt julfirande så är "Benditas las madres" av den nu avlidne trubaduren "El Jilguero del Huascarán" den låt som de peruanska mammorna helst av allt vill höra. Den 10/5 hördes denna låt på alla peruanska stationer, och kl 2240 gick den samtidigt på tre olika frekvenser: 6328.8, 6895.2 och 9660. Och det var inte fråga om någon reläsänding, för alla körde sina egna program. 4632.5 R Soledad, Parcoy, 7/6 1045, med morgonmusik. Hälsade julen 1994 till flera utländska lyssnare i Japan, Finland och Sverige bl a, men svar har det inte blivit. 4700.6 R Origen, Acombamba - och således icke Huancavelica - fullständig ID 20/4 2300, ev. s/on, varefter följde rlg program. Mycket svagare än intilliggande R Eco i Bolivia, 4702.3. (Jfr 5323.6) 4855.5 R La Hora, Cusco, startar punktligt kl 0955 på vardagar med en öppningsceremoni där man citerar inkaindianernas gamla levnadsregel: Ama llulla, ama sua, ama quella, vilket betyder "Ljug inte, stjäl inte, var inte lat". Sen vidtar det tvåspråkiga programmet "Sånger från Världens navel". (Ccosco llacta är quechua och betyder "världens navel"), 4886.7 R Virgen del Carmen, "RVC", Huancavelica, ostörd vid s/off 0300 den 8/8. Startade på denna frekvens den 14/7. Annonserar 4875, 1580, 105.3 så man har tagit över R Villa Rica:s frekvenser. Katolsk kulturell station. Undemodulerad signal. [I Nordicdx' Peru-lista finns en R Huanta i Cusco listad - tentativt? - på ungefär denna frekvens. Det ska man nu inte tro på. I denna lista finns det gott om fel. Se separat notis). 5015.6 R Juliaca, 20/4, 2247, avslutning på "Por las rutas del Perú". (HeP är inte säker på om det är ett kedjeprogram, men det är det inte.) 5067 Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 30/4 så sent som 0130 då "La V de la Liberación" på quechua startade. 5175.4v R Máster [engelskt uttal], Moyobamba, 7/7 med plöstlig s/off utan nationalsång kl 2359. Bara "hasta mañana, permiso". 5264.9 R La V de Chiriaco, Chiriaco, har kommit igång i juli efter flera månaders tystnad. Spelar musik och ber sina lyssnare att per telefon ringa in sina hälsningar till anhöriga ute i byarna. Stationens brevpapper anger "R. 5264", men det namnet används inte just nu. 5323.6 Första läsbara signal från nya La V de Anta, i Anta, 6/6 0200. PSA för ett lokalt "VM i fotboll" sponsrat av Antas kommunstyrelse. Speakern påminde också om att den 7/6 firas 128-års minnet av sjöslaget i Arica. Ja, sådana är latinarna! Att man sedan i rapporterna från VM i Frankrike talade om "la república de Noruega", "la república de Dinamarca" osv. är också lika typiskt. (Jfr 4700.6) 5460.6 Nya R La V de Bolívar, Bolívar, La Libertad, 23/4 0928 s/on. Ganska svag till att börja med, gradvis starkare. Också samma kväll 2257, men svagare. Id:ad på hänvändelse av Mohrmann som hade hört en oid på frekvensen. 5500.6 R Regional, Celendín, f f g 14/7 kl 0044 fram till s/off 0211. Samma dag, fast på morgonen lokal tid, 1000, igång på precis 5500. Adressen angavs i programmet "El folklor vía satélite" den 16/7 som "Jirón Grau sin número, frente al Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen". Min kollega Rafael Rodríguez fick adressen. Han stoppade in en vykortshälsning från mig i sin rapport där han bad om en hälsning den 7 eller 8/8 mellan 2300 och 2400. Det fungerade alldeles utmärkt: den 7/8 kl 2329-2334 var det dags för en brevhälsning. Ännu har dock inget skriftligt svar kommit. 5558.2 R Lajas, Lajas, har drivits från 5498 till denna frekvens av nykomlingen R Regional (se ovan). 5602.7 R La V del Campesino, San Miguel de El Faique, på denna nya frekvens 22/6 2320 och ett tag framöver. Försvann efter ett par dagar men återkom 26/7 då den stängde kl 0029. Vid s/off angavs dirrens namn till Alberto Soto Santos, samme man som under stationens korta tid - februari/mars 1997 - på 4004.9. Intressant nog angav man nu en adress, nämligen Av. Piura 1015, Pamapa Alegre, distrito de San Mguel de El Faique, provincia de Huancabamba, departamente de Piura, región Grau. (Grundliga är dom ju...) Som synes är det på samma gata som R San Miguel de El Faique ligger, dvs. stationen på 6895.2. 5774.9 En lurig peruan dök upp på denna frekvens den 11/7 och ställde till med svåra QRM för stationen på 5775.2. Efter flera dagars enivis bevakning av frekvensen fram till s/off 0100 tyckte jag mig säker: R Power, Moyobamba. Stadens namn gick fram i reklamer och anrop, och bara ett fåtal dagar dessförinnan hade R Estación Soritor plötsligt vaknat upp från en årslång dvala och testat på 5768.2 och 5278.8, båda med ganska dassig signal. Men Rafael Rodríguez hade en bra inspelning på stationen där namnet lät som "Tower". Men varför engelska? Ja, "Máster" finns ju i Moyobamba, så varför inte. Och namnet Power kändes bekant. Hade inte den tyske DXaren Michael Schmitz, specialist på peruansk chicha-musik, en gång för mig berättat det var från Moyobamba han fått sina chicha-inspelningar och att han kopierat kassetterna och bjudit ut dem till försäljning via en tysk DX-tidning, och att han för pengarna köpt in en billig FM-sändare som han skickat till sin korrespondent Ricky Centurión Tapia, bror till dirren på Estación C? Hjälp till självhjälp kallas det visst. --- Via e-mail bekräftade Michael att det var via den ökända pirat-adressen i Wuppertal som han för blygsamma 300 DM - det han fått in för musikkassetterna - inhandlat en FM-sändare på 10W. Men kunde Ricky nu vara aktiv på kortvåg? För att leda saken i bevis ringde jag till direktören för R Moyobamba, och han bekräftade mina funderingar och gav mig telefonnumret till Ricky. Jag ringde och hälsade från Michael. Överraskningen var total. Den 25/7 var det dags att banda ännu ett QSL via etern. Sedan dess har hörbarheten bara blivit bättre, och nu verkar det som om stationen på 5775.2 dragit sig ur leken. 5775.2 [R] La V de San Juan, ex-R San Juan, Lonya Grande, 16/5, 0150-0210 med morsdagshälsningar som blivit försenade i posten. Pratet hördes fint, musiken sämre. Speakern och ägaren, profesor Hidrovo, berättade i förbifarten att stationen hörs i Europa ("nos están escuchando en el continente europeo"). Inga namn eller länder angavs dock. Snart kommer man att sända på FM, sade han. "Radio" nämndes bara en gång vid de fyra annonseringar jag noterade, således nytt namn. (Detta tips citeras utan angivande av källan på första sidan av SWB nr 1387). 6249.8 R La Voz, Andahuaylas, ovanligt bra 30/4 till plötslig s/off 0115. Bland reklamerna finns en ny produkt, Chasqui Kola. Den finns i flera smaker, sägs det, apelsin, jordgubb, lime och citron. --- 6/6 0100 bra mottagning. Reklambandet startar med "Imprenta San José" som bl a fabricerar vimplar. Adressen dit och till alla andra annonsörer kan jag lämna till intresserade vid hänvändelse till mig via e-mail. Adressen till stationen kan jag däremot inte lämna ut, för den har jag aldrig haft turen att höra. Däremot har jag hört namnet på direktören. Han heter Lucho Fuentes. 6261.1 R. JVL, 7/5 1104 laddeade upp inför morsdag med ecuatorianska pasillos. Aldrig tidigare hörd på morgonen lokal tid. --- 25/7 0010, helt störningsfritt. 2/8 berättar John Villanueva Lara (=JVL) stolt att nu har han myndigheternas stöd bakom sig, så nu ska stationen vara i gång varje dag. Och förresten har man ju bevis på att man hörs även i utlandet. T ex har man ju fått "un cartelón" från USA. (Det som åsyftas är naturligtvis det stora diplom som en amerikansk DX-are nu skickar ut på bytesbasis till de stationer han avlyssnar: "Härmed intygar jag att Radio XXX hörs i min hemstad ZZZ i USA". I gengäld önskar sig den amerikanske DX-aren ett diplom från stationen i utbyte: "Härmed intygar jag att ni har avlyssnat Radio XXX i er hemstad ZZZ i USA". Men att be om ett intyg som intygar vad man själv först intygat kan väl inte vara ett riktigt QSL? 6328.8 Estación C, 10/5 2205, morsdagshälsningar i programmet "Aires de mi tierra". Skulle köra fram till midnatt lokal tid, dvs 0500 UTC, vilket ju är märkligt när denna station normalt inte sänder alls på kvällstid numera. 6895.2 R San Miguel de El Faique, "señal de amistad intercontinental", stängde 14/5 0211 med ett jättelångt anrop i bästa Huarmaca-stil där adressen till station nu för första gången avslöjades som Av. Piura 1200, Pampa Alegre, Distrito de San Miguel de El Faique, Provincia de Huancabamba, Departamento de Piura. Av slogan att döma tycks dock rapporter ha kommit fram utan att någon exakt adress angetts. 7003.4 R La V de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba, är aktiv igen efter ett par månaders tystnad. Drog förbi kl 0148 den 7/8 precis lagom för att höra en hälsning till mig själv (jag har fått QSL), till Shoji Yamada i Japan och en lyssnare i Sydafrika, vilken torde vara Vashek Korinek. 7040.5 R San Ignacio vaknade upp lagom till morsdag 10/5 och körde ecuatorianska pasillos på kvällen. Knasigt ljud dock. - Loggades på nytt 14/5 0150 och då berättade speakern och ägaren César Colunche att man flyttat till Jirón Victoria 277. Flytten förklarar att stationen varit tyst i flera månader. Kl 0215 hälsade han helt oförhappandes till undertecknad. Självfallet kunde han inte veta att jag lyssnade. (Han har hälsat massor av gånger tidigare. Att skriva brev tycks inte vara hans starka sida). --- 7/8 0100 med bra ljud och signal. Sänder numera regelbundet. 9660 R Norperuana (också: Norperuana R.), har kommit igång igen. Första loggen gjordes 9/5 2200 och därefter har stationen hörts nästan dagligen men med beskedlig signal. --- 5/6 1140 körde man balladeprogrammet "Los Inmortales" som sänds ut av Lima-stationen Radio "A" på FM och satellit. Om det var en direktsändning eller inte kunde jag inte avgöra. Telefon har man visserligen inte på stationen, men visst kan man tänka sig att Norperuana har satellitmottagare. I Medellín i Colombia var det ju flyget som kom att avlösa mulåsan som transportmedel. (Onödiga mellanstadier som lastbilstransport, järnväg osv. hoppade man helt sonika över). --- I programmet "La V de Chachapoyas", 28/6 kl 1130, 20 minuter med musikgruppen "Los Reales de Cajamarca" för undertecknad. Detta som respons på ett svenskt vykort instoppat i ett vanligt flygpostkuvert adresserat till programledaren Edgar Villegas. Vet inte vilket specialprogram i ordningen detta kan vara, men det är alltid lika roligt när det fungerar och när det hörs bra nog för att sparas på band. PIRAT 6980L R Cochiguaz 3 och 4/6 2245 med testanrop "En unos instantes más, comenzarán las emisiones de R Cochiguaz, emitiendo desde algún lugar de Sudamérica. Esta es R Cochiguaz - This is R Cochiguaz from somewhere in South America". Svarade genast på e-mail till svensk och amerikansk adressat. Brevsvar med QSL-kort kom också i rekat från från Sucre i Bolivia. VENEZUELA 4980 Ecos del Torbes. I lördagsprogrammet "Recordando: A Gozar Muchachos", kl 2205-2300 spelade man upp en tape som Bert Larsson i Hallsberg skickat in. 4. NORDICDX WEB PAGE Det är en förträfflig idé att sammanställa loggar för intressanta DX-länder som Ecuador, Peru och Bolivia. Men det är ett arbete som ställer stora krav på sammanställaren. Det är inte bara att "låna" information från olika håll och mena att var och en får stå för sina egna synder. Vid en hastig koll idag - 13/8 - finner jag stationer som senare dementerats av tipslämnarna. Det finns också exempel på stationer som inte existerar. Och slutligen finns det exempel på homonymer (stationer med lika namn) som är listade på felaktiga frekvenser. (HK) Tillägg vid utskrift av ovanstående: "Nordic Shortwave Center" återfinns på de mest oväntade platser, t ex i den peruanska sökapparaten www.puntope.com när man söker efter peruanska radiostationer på webben. Men sak samma händer ju också när man söker efter musiksidor, speciellt andinsk musik. Där finns mycket få rent peruanska sidor, men flera från Europa, bl a Norge och Sverige. 5. REGIONS OF PERU A PRIMER A logging of a new Peruvian submitted to the Numero Uno bulletin created some confusion with regard to the actual location of the station. Additionally, it showed that the DXing community is not fully aware of the complexities of Peruvian geography. The station was R El Sol, 5560.5. One of their canned ID announcements said "Transmite R El Sol, desde el caluroso y acogedor distrito de Pucará, en los 5560 kHz, onda corta, para toda la región Nororiental del Marañón y el Perú entero". Another ID contained address info, "Sintonízanos en 5560 kHz, onda corta. Estamos ubicados en la Avenida Jaén 535, del distrito de Pucará". "Región Nororiental del Marañón" seemed to indicate an area in the northeast or northeast of the Marañón river. But was "distrito de Pucará" a place, or maybe another area? Assuming it to be a place, where was one to find it on the map? That seemed to be the general reaction to my log when it was published. In my logging, published in "Dateline Bogotá" and elsewhere, I said Pucará was a place in the province of Jaén, which is in the Cajamarca department of northern Peru. The QTH was crystal clear to me, as the town of Pucará is actually shown on one of the maps I have, a "Mapa regional", edited in 1990 by the Instituto Cartográfico Nacional. This is a large wall-size map in the 1:2,000,000 scale. On this map, Pucará is located at approx. 6 deg. S, 79 deg. 10' W., due south of the town of Jaén, not far from the border to Ecuador. My logging appeared in the Numero Uno bulletin as well as many others. In the Numero Uno bulletin the Microsoft Encarta Virtual Globe had been receiving high acclaim for its accuracy and versatility, and so, in issue #1458, one reader came up with the geographical coordenates for R Pucará. They were taken from the Microsoft Encarta and in total contradiction to the information I had previously given. The station was not even in the Cajamarca department but rather in the region of San Martin. The drawbacks of the Microsoft Encarta The Microsoft Encarta Virtual Globe shows 10 different Pucarás in Peru, but, curiously enough, the Pucará mentioned on R El Sol (whose ID I had transcribed verbatim) was missing altogether. Another thing that the Encarta does not care about is the administrative division of the country. When listening to an ID from a new Peruvian, the information they give with relation to a certain "distrito", "provincia", "departamento" or "región" is absolutely vital. This is a somewhat complicated system, and what´s worse, it is not necessarily reflected in greater detail on present-day maps. On the "Mapa regional" I am using I can find the boundaries for "provincias", "departamentos" and "regiones". And I can also tell a "capital provincial" (capital of a province) from a "capital distrital" (capital of a district), as the latter is shown by means of a single circle, whereas the former is shown in the form of a double ring. This information seems to have been overlooked by many cartographers. However, a fair knowledge of the administrative system Peruvians use does help when we are trying to do some research on our own, beyond the existing and alas, so rapidly fading frequency lists. It is by no means casual or haphazard that personal messages on the air are given in a rather precise order, from a higher level to a lower: "Atención Provincia de Tayabamba, Distrito de Santa Rosa, Caserío La Florida, Señor Benito Méndez", starts one typical message on Radio Soledad, from the goldmining town of Parcoy. Some FAQ´s: (1) Q. Radio Satélite, 6725.5v, gives their QTH as "la provincia de Santa Cruz". Why? Isn´t this a reference to an area rather than to a town? A. From years of listening I have noticed that when they talk about "la provincia de Santa Cruz" they are actually talking about the town of Santa Cruz, the "capital provincial", not the larger surrounding area. The same goes for R La Inmaculada, 5305. The reason is perhaps a practical one, in order to avoid misunderstandings, as there are plenty of "distritos" named Santa Cruz but only one "provincia de Santa Cruz" in the whole of Peru. The mailing address on their printed QSL-card reads, "Jiron Cutervo No. 543, Prov. Santa Cruz, Cajamarca, Perú", and as there is no other "provincia" of that name, I believe that a letter to the station would arrive ok even if "Cajamarca" was missing from the address. The Almanaque del Perú is listing ten different "distritos", places - or towns if you like - called Santa Cruz in the country. So when R La Inmaculada comes on the air saying that they broadcast from "la provincia de Santa Cruz" I think they are merely avoiding redundancies such as "desde Santa Cruz, capital de la provincia de Santa Cruz". (2) Q. R El Sol, 5560.5, in their ID does not indicate any "provincia" at all, only "el distrito de Pucará". Why? And when they say that they are broadcasting for "toda la región Nororiental del Marañón" what do they actually mean? A. There is no "provincia de Pucará" in Peru. All the Pucarás are "distritos" or even places of lesser standing, such as a "caserío" or "pueblo menor". When "región" is mentioned reference is made to a relatively new administrative subdivision designed to regroup the "departamentos" in larger chunks. While the traditional "departamentos" can be found on most maps, the names and boundaries of the different regions are often missing even on relatively recent maps. (3) Q. R Cristal on 7746 kHz is in "el distrito de San Hilarión". But how do I find the "provincia" it belongs to? And why don´t they say "la ciudad de San Hilarión" in the first place? A. You will have to look up "San Hilarión" in a nomenclator, such as Atlas Bruño or Almanaque del Perú in order to find the "provincia" in question as well as the "departamento". I have heard them talk about "la ciudad de San Hilarión", but in a full ID they will always talk about "el distrito de San Hilarión". After all, a "distrito", however small, has a "concejo distrital" (district council), which a "ciudad" does not necessarily have, even if it is relatively big. (4) Q. Many stations indicate their QTH as "Moyobamba", "Iquitos" or "Arequipa", just like that. Why don´t they specify "provincia" or "departamento"? A. That is no doubt because they are in towns of sufficient renown and so they do not warrant any further explanations, save for reasons of emphasis, for instance "Moyobamba, la ciudad de las orquídeas" (city of orchids) or "Iquitos, capital de la Amazonía peruana".. (5) Q. Some stations say they are in a "caserío" or a "centro poblado menor" or similar. Radio JVL, 6261 kHz, said they were on Av. Tupac Amaru 105 "en el centro comercial de Consuelo". How can I pinpoint this place on a map? A. You probably cannot. These places tend to be too small or too recent. Nueva Cajamarca is a place which has seen many new Peruvian shortwave stations over the past few years. One of the most frequently heard out of the band Peruvians, R Ondas del Río Mayo, 6801v, is located in this town. Despite a population in excess of 20,000, this town, founded in 1974, is still missing from maps produced during the 90´s. In cases such as Consuelo, mentioned above, the only thing to do is to wait for further info. After a few days of listening I managed to locate Consuelo. Per the DJ, the place was in "el distrito de San Pablo, provincia de Bellavista, en el departamento de San Martín". The regions When ex-president general Juan Velazco Alvarado suggested a regional subdivision of Peru, he tried to join two or three "departamentos" together, usually, but not always, respecting the existing boundaries. The system has had a slow start, but in certain areas of the country, it seems to be largely accepted. In some areas, the concept of "departamento" seems to be giving way to that of the "región". Many stations in outlying areas of Cajamarca department for example no longer bother to indicate the "departamento" they are in, just "Región Nor Oriental del Marañón". REGION GRAU is made up of the provinces within the "departamento" of Tumbes (Tumbes, Contralmirante Villar, Zarumilla), and the provinces within Piura department (Huancabamba, Morropón, Paita, Sullana, Talara, Ayabaca, Piura). REGION NOR ORIENTAL DEL MARAÑÓN is made up of the provinces within the "departamento" of Amazonas (Chachapoyas, Bagua, Bongará, Luya, Rodríguez de Mendoza, Condorcanqui, Utcubamba), those of the departamento de Cajamarca (Cajamarca, Cajabamba, Celendín, Contumazá, Cutervo, Chota, Hualgayoc, Jaén, Santa Cruz, San Miguel, San Ignacio, San Pablo, San Marcos), and those of the department of Lambayeque (Lambayeque, Chiclayo, Ferreñafe). REGION DEL AMAZONAS comprises the provinces within the "departamento" of Loreto (Alto Amazonas, Maynas, Ramón Castilla, Requena, Loreto, Ucayali). REGION DE LA LIBERTAD includes the provinces within the "departamento" de La Libertad (Ascope, Bolívar, Chepén, Tulcán, Otuzco, Pacasmayo, Pataz, Sánchez Carrión, Santiago de Chuco, Trujillo and Virú). REGION SAN MARTÍN contains the provinces of the San Martín department (Huallaga, El Dorado, Moyobamba, Rioja, Lamas, Mariscal Cáceres, San Martín, Bellavista, Picota and Tocache). REGION GRAN CHAVÍN comprises the provinces of Ancash department (Santa, Casma, Huarmey, Aija, Pallasca, Corongo, Huaylas, Yungay, Carhuaz, Huaraz, Recuay, Bolognesi, Sihuas, Pomabamba, Mariscal Luzuriaga, Fitzcarrald, Asunción, Huari, Antonio Raimondi), as well the province of Marañón which belongs to Huánuco department. REGION LIMA-EL CALLAO includes Lima, El Callao and surrounding areas as far north as Barranca and as far south as Cañete. REGION ANDRES AVELINO CACERES comprises the provinces of the Junín departament (Junín, Huancayo, Concepción, Jauja, Satipo, Tarma, Yauli), those of the "departamento" of Huánuco (Huánuco, Huamalíes, Dos de Mayo, Leoncio Prado, Ambo, Puerto Inca and Pachitea), the provinces making up the "departamento" of Pasco (Pasco, Daniel Carrión, Oxapampa) as well as one province belonging to Huancavelica, Tayacaja. REGION UCAYALI comprises the following provinces: Padre Abad, Coronel Portillo, Atalaya, Purús. REGION INKA is another name for "el departamento del Cusco" which includes Cusco, Acomayo, Anta Calca, Canas, Canchis, Chumbivilcas, Espinar, La Convención, Paruro, Paucartambo, Quispicanchi, Urubamba, as well as a number of provinces belonging to Apurímac (Aymaraes, Grau, Abancay, Antabamba and Cotabambas), and finally the provinces comprising the "departamento de Madre de Dios" (Tambopata, Manu, Tahuamanu). REGION LOS LIBERTADORES WARI is a región comprising provinces belonging to Huancavelica department (Huancavelica, Acobamba, Angaraes, Castrovirreyna, Churcapampa and Huaytara), the following provinces belonging to Ica department (Ica, Chincha, Nazca, Pisco and Palpa), provinces within the "departamento" of Ayacucho (Huamanga, Huanta, La Mar, Cangallo, Vilcashuamán, Victor Fajardo, Huancasancos, Lucanas, Parinacocha), and finally the province of Andahuaylas which belongs to the Apurímac department. REGION MOQUEGUA-TACNA-PUNO comprises the provinces that make up the department of Moquegua (Manuel Nieto, Sánchez Cerro and Ilo), those in the Tacna department (Tacna, Tarata, Jorge Basadre and Candarave) and those of Puno department (Puno, Azángaro, Carabaya, Huancane, Chucuíto, Lampa, Melgar, Sandia, San Román and Yunguyo). REGION AREQUIPA is another name for "departamento de Arequipa" which is made up of the following provinces: Arequipa, Camaná, Caravelí, Castilla, Caylloma, Condesuyos, Islay, La Unión. Remarks. The departamentos of Ayacucho, Huancavelica and Apurímac are also mentioned as "Territorio de la Confederación Chanka". The "Región Andrés Avelino Cáceres" comprises 23 provincias, 239 distritos, 660 comunidades campesinas, 236 comunidades nativas and hundreds of centros poblados menores. (Info quoted from the Region´s website). Most provincial capitals share their names with those of the respective provinces. But there are many exceptions, in fact too many to elaborate on here. Please refer instead to the "Addresses Plus" information related to Peru in the current edition of the Passport to World Band Listening. |