DATELINE BOGOTA 1997Compiled and copyright Henrik Klemetz
![]() © Henrik Klemetz From Henrik Klemetz´ logbook for 1997, information published in his "Dateline Bogotá" newsletter and other bulletins. Receiver: Sony ICF2001D. Antenna: 7 m sloper and 7 meter horizontal. LOGGINGS 2460 BRAZIL. "A Súper R. Alvorada", Rio Branco, unusual catch here; Jun 17, 0100, starting "A Show da Cidade". H2460.4 COLOMBIA R Viva, Pasto, fundamental anncd 1230, good during local darkness. Carries lots of local adverts and some Sistema Super hook ups (Bogota 970 kHz), but even in the course of their local prgr they use the slogan "La Superestación". May 18 football, ending 0150, was also carried by Emisora Cultural Bolivar, Ipiales. Local canned ID (jingle & spoken), "1230 en su dial, R Viva, viva Nariño. Con R Viva, musica y noticias para una radio mas viva". Mentions phone as 219366 and 219368. --- Aug 9, 0954, request session. H2480.2 ECUADOR R Sonorama, Riobamba, 2x1240, every morning @1100 with "Alborada musical". --- Aug 9, 0959 s/on. H2905v COLOMBIA. La V de la Provincia, Guaranda (Sucre), Jan 5, 2215, Venezuelan tecnopop music. H2966.2 COLOMBIA. R Cocorná, Cocorná (Antioquia), is rock-steady on this channel, and has been for a couple of years now, as well as on H5932.4, but usually quite weak around local sunrise and sunset. Fundamental is unheard in Bogota, but audible for instance in the placid tourist spot of Villa de Leyva, near Tunja, some 100 miles north of the capital. H3108 and H3109.2 COLOMBIA. Two parrish broadcasters, probably from the Antioquia region, Jan 3, 2330, with Catholic mass. - I have visited a few parrish broadcasters in Antioquia, viz. one in the town of Guarne where there was a small tx inside the Cathedral to relay mass in the morning, at noon and at dusk, on approx. 1555 kHz H3126.3 COLOMBIA. La V de Pradera, Pradera, Valle, May 18, 2315 with prgr "Destapando colas", anncing 1600 kHz. S/off 2359 with NA. Poor signal and distorted audio. H3232.2 COLOMBIA. "La frecuencia musical FM", Quimbaya (Quindio), Jan 5, 2150. ---The Colombian police has busted several Colombian "community broadcasters" during raids in January. Seizures of AM and FM transmitters and equipment has been reported from Boyaca, Bolivar, Atlantico and Cesar. In Quindio, a report to El Espectador newspaper, Jan 24, said a community broadcaster was closed in the town of Quimbaya, probably "Frecuencia Musical AM", nominally on 1610 kHz but audible on its 2nd and 3rd harmonics since Aug 1994. - A large number of community broadcasters are expected to be licensed officially later this year following a long-winding application process. 3234.8 PERU R Luz y Sonido, Huanuco, Feb 13, 0026 with "La hora huanuqueña", which is aired from 7-8 pm, speaker said. Ads for Comercial San Miguelito, wholesale agents for Cusqueña brand of beer. 3250.8 PERU R Comas, Comas, Sept 8 and 9, s/on 1001. Annc't at 1030 says "R Comas ahora a nivel nacional, una radio para todos"; plugs for Sunday morning live theatre at the stn's TV studio (address as for the MW stn listed on 1300 kHz in the WRTH). Fluttery signal in general, which is quite consistent with their location right on the magnetic equator. H3279 COLOMBIA. Toquilla estereo, Aquitania (Boyaca), Jan 5, 2200, with full canned ID, "Desde Aquitania, Boyacá, trasmite Toquilla estereo, 1.640 kHz [= "uno punto seiscientos cuarenta"] amplitud modulada. Toquilla estereo, puerta abierta de los Llanos Orientales". This is a hitherto unlisted and unknown "community" broadcaster, i. e. a "pirata", in local terms, audible thanks to Ecuadorian La V del Napo being off the air. 3283.4 PERU Esta es la nueva frecuencia de Estacion Wari, descubierta Feb 5, a las 2335, en el transcurso de una emisión de baladas; pauta publicitaria a medianoche.---Estacion Wari is audible most mornings from approx. 1000, rarely at night. First noted on this fq Feb 5, 2335 to past midnight, Feb 12/97. [This is the station reported in Cumbre 127 as La V del Río Tarqui, Ecuador]. Reactivated in June of last year, on 3280.6, Estación Wari moved to 3281.6 on Oct 29 and is now to be found here [on 3283.3]. 3360 ECUADOR V del Upano, Feb 19, 0047 into distance education programme. Usually not on at this hour of the day. 3568.7 ECUADOR R difusora Luciernaga del Condor, Yanzatza, Zamora Chinchipe, new station, May 9, 2320 until past 0215, and still going. Short news bulletin, devotional feature, and music. Poor-to-fair reception, and some QRM from Brazilian on 3569. Not on the air when checking the fq May 10, 1030 and 1100. Announces 1100 and "3.57 onda corta", saying "dos frecuencias al servicio de la comunidad chinchipense, Luciernaga del Condor". Another canned id said: "Desde Yanzatza, su radio: Luciernaga del Condor". - MW fq is the one La V de Chinchipe, 3570, used to announce. I believe the latter, which has been off for quite some time, sold its gear to Luciernaga del Condor, which is a funny name, "Glow-worm of the Condor", perhaps a poetic nickname for a village thrown out on the slopes of the Condor Cordillera.---[Later] nightly from before 2300; sign off May 18 was at 0230 (without NA or annct, just petering out after a pasillo). 3569 BRAZIL. (t) R Difusora, Brasiléia, poor-to-fair, Jan 4, 1039. Always there when propagation to Bolivia is good. H3960.0 COLOMBIA. NVI Radio, "nueva voz e imagen", Medellin, 3x1320 kHz, May 27, 2328, tropical format. 4004.9 PERU R La V del Campesino, a new station first noticed by Pedro F Arrunátegui, noticed in Bogotá, Feb 18, 2355 until 0100*. No comms, only music, TC's and ID's (carefully avoiding info regarding the station QTH) plus two personal messages, one of which (inadvertently) revealed the probable station QTH, "en esta localidad de El Faique". Sked given at s/off as 2200-0100. Name of owner appeared to be Alberto Soto Santos. Not too bad a signal into Bogota; is on most nights, and DJ seems friendly with the people at R San Miguel de El Faique, the new one that took over last month after R Sensación, on 6895.3. ("Alto Piura", mentioned by PFA as the QTH, is the general coverage area of the station. El Faique is in the mountainous area of Huancabamba province, which in turn belongs to the "departamento de Piura"). -- [Later] R La V del Campesino is gone. 4190.4 PERU R San Juan, Aramango, ex-4420v, only audible in the morning around 1030z with "Amanecer en los Andes". H4291 COLOMBIA. R Majagual, Majagual (Sucre), Jan 5, 2300. H4319.9 COLOMBIA. R Reloj, Tulua', Jan 4, 1032, with locally produced esoteric prgr. Steady carrier and quite readable in the "synchro" mode. [Cf. H2880 under "Errata"]. 4419.2 PERU R Bambamarca Frecuencia Lider parece haber aumentado la potencia un poquitin; a las 0210, Feb 8, dandole con "La hora de la provincia". Indica dos telefonos de la emisora, el 713260 y el 713249, y anuncia su onda media como 1150.--- Stn Mgr sent me a very kind letter, inviting me to come and visit during their anniversary celebration next July. The envelope also contained five photographs and a very nice pennant, all in exchange for a letter and a subsequent live interview on the phone for the stn's midday newscast (their studio phone number, effective Feb 1 this year and annc'd on the air, is +51 74 713249). Carlos A. Peralta says they will put yet another signal on SW, on approx. 4300, in a few weeks time. The stn will be called Estacion Norte. The new R San Juan, on 4420, has not been bothering too much, he said. 4420.2 PERU R San Juan "para toda la region nororiental del Maranon", varias veces a comienzos de mes, Feb 6, hasta cierre a las 0127 con un himno que no era el himno del Peru. No tienen pauta publicitaria; emite musica solicitada por sus oyentes en Cajamarca. Es muy debil la senal, de suerte que no he podido dar con la QTH; en todo caso, no puede ser la que antes se hallaba en los 4000.5.--- "Informacion de la hora... que le informa R San Juan, desde el distrito de..., para toda la region nororiental del Maranon". Typical annc't, Feb 13, 2315. Unheard latter part of Feb.---The new one, first noted early Feb as R San Juan but without a clear indication of the QTH, came back with a canned s/off Mar 2, 0003, "Desde el progresista puerto de Aramango..." Other canned ID's said "R San Juan, la numero uno, la voz del Marañón" --- On Mar 5, 2321, with a clear ID, "R San Juan, desde el distrito de Aramango, para toda la region nororiental del Marañón". Freq seems to be announced as "4400 kcs", not 4000 as previously thought. - Aramango is on the shores of the Marañón, in the Bagua province of Amazonas "departamento". The mixing of their carrier and that of R Bambamarca "Frecuencia Lider", 4419.4, should produce a nice het in northern Peru. H4449.3 COLOMBIA Third harmonic of R Cocorna', Mar 7, 2330 with Catholic mass. Hetting Bolivia's R Estacion Frontera, 4449.9, which at this time carries a gospel prgr in Portuguese. H4453.6v COLOMBIA. Ecos de Pueblo Rico, Pueblo Rico (Risaralda), Jan 4, 2245, "Exitos variados"; not bad. Is 3 times the fundamental. - On H4454.0v, Jan 5, 2145. - Also on H2969.2v. 4567v PERU R Gotas de Oro, Chiclayo ("la capital de la amistad"), reaparecio a comienzos de mes. Por un anuncio que capte Feb 1, a la 0155, se pudo establecer que no se trataba de ningun armonico, lo cual habia sospechado el ano pasado, al captar. a mediados de mayo, la senal de esta misma emisora en aprox. 4520 kHz, anunciando los 1430 kHz. Sigue anunciando 1430, amen de la onda corta, e indica su telefono como el 256090. Los estudios estan ubicados en la Calle Primero de Mayo 278, Urbanizacion Urrunaga, Distrito Jose Leonardo Ortiz, Chiclayo, segun rezan los anuncios. Llame a la emisora Feb 2, y me atendieron sendas senoritas, una de ellas gratamente sorprendida por conocer ya a un "tocayo" mio, el sueco Henry Bergstrom, quien, durante un viaje por Chiclayo, hace algun ano, la conocio cuando trabajaba en R Horizonte, una emisora del mismo distrito de Jose Leonardo Ortiz, la que captamos en los 4505 kHz. - Por la manana, a partir de las 1100, y a traves de R Gotas de Oro, se emite "Mananitas ecuatorianas", y por la noche, a partir de la 0100, "Recorriendo el Peru". De acuerdo a informacion recibida, ya se capto en Suecia (por Ove Fransson), en Espana (por Pedro Sedano), y en EE UU (por varios). A las 0210, Feb 10, mi amigo "Paco" Arrunategui, aprovecho la ocasion para enviarme un saludo a traves de las ondas de R Gotas de Oro. (Gracias, Paco). --- [Later] R Gotas de Oro, has certified my reception from last year (on 4524) by means of a letter. Letterhead shows "drops of gold" (liquid, not solid...) and signature is illegible. Secretary Celia Purizaca Suxe knows what DXing is about, so letters can be addressed to the station, in care of her, Calle Primero de Mayo 278, Urb. Urrunaga, Distrito José Leonardo Ortiz, Chiclayo. Return postage would be appreciated. A pennant is in the making, says Celia in a separate message. H4530 COLOMBIA. R Estrella, Armenia, Dec 31, 2240. - Also on H3020. 4534 PERU. R Horizonte, Chiclayo, on a new fq, ex-4505, first noted Nov 17, 2340. 4573v PERU. R Uno, Chiclayo, Dec 7, 0030. Canned anncts sound very much as those R Gotas de Oro would use, and possibly this is a change of name or slogan.Missed s/on Dec 10, 0959, by one minute. Apart from the s/on annct, all other anncts seem to be canned.---4572v R Uno is in Chiclayo, and MW fqy "14-30" just as their predecessor R Gotas de Oro would have it. Slogan "la diferente" is not that new, though, as the station shares it with R Naylamp, 1580 kHz, SW off for the time being, at Lambayeque (within ground wave reach). Dec 14 morning show "Por las rutas del Perú" ended at 1100, and then into kind of news magazine, called "Encuentros". On Dec 21, unusual Christmas greeting by "Manual Santos Santos, maestro herbolario curande de Las Guarinjas". 4593.6 R Estación X, Yurimaguas, surprisingly back on the air. First noted Sept 9, 1038-1100-. Various canned id's - including actual stn name - have been noted, but the most frequent one seems to say "En Yurimaguas solo hay una sola señal, 97.1". (Yes, I am aware of the "solo" and "sola", but it none of my fault). Weak signal, but good audio quality. 4599.3 BOLIVIA. R dif Villamontes, surprisingly in the clear, Jan 4, 1015, as Perla del Acre was off the air. Long spoken adstring, ID at 1019, "Sintonizan a R difusora Villamontes, que transmite desde Villamontes, departamento del Chaco, republica de Bolivia". 4630.8 BOLIVIA. R 11 de Octubre, slightly down on their previous fq, Apr 19, 1029, Rosary. 4732.2 BOLIVIA R La Palabra, Feb 28, 2335, fair. 4752.5 R Huanta 2000 on its alt fqy, Oct 11, 0017, hetting R San Francisco Solano. Also at 1030. Rather poor. 4763.9 PERU R Chincheros, "la provincia de Chincheros", Jan 14, 1050, in Quechua, fair; bilingual ads around the top of the hour, ID at 1110, & into a "comunicado". Heard several mornings, but never before 1030. 4765 BRAZIL. "ZYI534, onda media 710 kHz, ZYG263, ondas tropicais 4765 kHz, R Emissora de Educacao Rural Santarem Ltda., Santarem, Para. Uma emissora da Diocese de Santarem". That's their top of the hour id as heard May 17, 1100, prior to the station's "Jornal da Manha". 4765 BRAZIL. A mix of two Brazilians, Oct 7, 2350. Reactivation of R Integração confirmed, Oct 11, 1150, when concluding prgr apparently called "Os parabens da semana" (Congrats of the week). Caught annc'ts in the passing "pela R Integração AM e onda tropical". 4777.7 BOLIVIA R Andes, squeezed by sideband QRM @1030 and 2330. I phoned the station in Dec to inquire about my report from Aug last year. An apology and a QSL is now in. Francisco Quisbet and German Carme say that my report was the very first one to arrive at the station, and, once it was posted on the air, many people turned up to see for themselves if the letter really existed. And so, in the process, the letter was lost.---Desde Uyuni, me ha vuelto a escribir el senor Francisco Quisbert (ojo, la ortografia de su apellido), indicandome que la emisora pudo montarse tan solo gracias a la "ayuda obrera suiza" (yo me inclino a pensar que se refiere a la "ayuda obrera sueca"). R Andes, es propiedad de la Federacion Unica de Trabajadores Campesinos del Altiplano Sud, emite en quechua y en espanol, y su proposito es tratar de elevar en algo el nivel de vida de los habitantes de la zona, una de las mas pobres de Bolivia. La emisora no tiene banderines, y sobrevive ahora en base de donativos de los campesinos. El envio de una carta fuera del continente latinoamericano les cuesta dolar y medio, de manera que si cada reportero enviara, como minimo, 2 dolares, la emisora se quedaria el equivalente de medio dolar por cada reporte, lo cual seria una pequenisima pero apreciada ayuda. Los reportes llegan bien si son dirigidos a la Casilla # 16, Uyuni (Potosi), Bolivia. 4800.7 MEXICO (t) XERTA R Transcontinental, nonstop music of Ray Conniff type Aug 15, 0938 to past 1000, w/out any ToH id. Not too strong. 4815 ECUADOR Several DXers - me too - have received another letter from R El Buen Pastor in addition to the verie. The purpose of this letter may not have been fully understood by recipients: it is a politely worded request for money in order to purchase a motor vehicle to enable staff to travel to the villages in the area covered by the station. 4830 VENEZUELA. R Tachira reading reception report and acknowledging 1 dollar sent in by Arturo Fernandez Lloreda, in Barcelona, Spain, Apr 22, 0044, in the course of prgr "Romance, copla y sabana", which is all "musica llanera".---[Later] The station carries Brazilian run evangelical prgr La V de la Liberación at various times, usually after 0300, in // to R San Cristóbal (1060) and Exitos 5-60 in an ad hoc network called "Cadena de Emisoras Buenas Nuevas" (Good News Network). 4830.6 PERU R Lircay, Mar 1, fabulous signal between 2325 and 2344 during R Tachira txer outage. DJ unusual inasmuch as he was reviewing and commenting on recent record releases by Los Super Ases del Peru, Los Jaraneros del Peru and Las Chicas Mananeras del Peru. ---[Later] once more in the clear during R Tachira outage, Apr 19, 2230-2320. 4850.7 ECUADOR. Emisora Luz y Vida reactivated, first noted May 4, 0024. Usually not on the air before 2300. 4854.9 BOLIVIA (t) R Centenario La Nueva, Apr 14, 2349, with Luis Palau, heard only for a few minutes when RTTY was silent. 4855.5 PERU R La Hora, Cusco, one of many ID tags: "Radio La Hora, programación diferente, a la altura de su exigencias". 4864.4 BOLIVIA. Absolutely unique, strong and interference-free reception of "16 de Marzo", Jun 19, 1020-1045z (when Brazilian R Verdes Florestas came on the air); at 1030, after "Mañana minera", a 60' morning show, TC, "Atención, esta es la hora exacta en Bolivia", followed by canned ID: "Su preferencia es correcta: frecuencia modulada 102 MHz y onda corta, en 4865 kilociclos, 16 de Marzo, Centro Minero Bolívar, Cañadón Antequera, Oruro, Bolivia". At 1031 into "Recuento informativo" news prgr. 4865 BRAZIL. "Sentinela da Amazonia transmitindo de Obidos, Pará, levando o mensagem de Cristo..." Aug 15, 0955. But you'll never know what's cooking on this fqy, as on Aug 18, 0040, another station was heard announcing as follows, "ZYH204 940, ZYF203 4865 kHz, emissoras da Fundação Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brasil". 4870.1 PERU. R Majestad, Huancayo, May 3, 1048, with huayno selections and several clear ID's. Also May 4, around 0100. Surprisingly weak in Bogota. 4895 COLOMBIA Reactivated for a day only, La V del Rio Arauca, Feb 28, 2320, relaying RCN main network. 4915.0 COLOMBIA. Armonías del Caquetá, Aug 17, 1954-2110 with Colombian popular music, ToH id as follows: "Desde Florencia, primera ciudad de la Amazonia colombiana emite su señal Armonías del Caquetá, HJVK 970 kHz onda larga, 30 000 vatios de potencia en canal preferencial y 4915 kHz onda corta en la banda internacional de 60 metros. Armonías del Caquetá, un faro de orientación religioso y cultural para Colombia y el mundo". 4924.3 - 4922.3v BOLIVIA R San Miguel, Riberalta, drifting once again after several months on 4926.5. 4939.4 VENEZUELA. R Amazonas seems to be reactivated, Apr 30, 2300, but the signal is noticeably weaker than before. May 3, 1100, with "Amanecer con el ayer". 4939.2 BOLIVIA R Norte, Montero, has been producing audio almost every night (in the absence of Venezuela's R Amazonas) from about 2300. Carries a gospel prgr, news relays from Euro bcasters and a homemade 55 minute show of "musica del recuerdo" which is also available on cassette, the DJ said. S/off Mar 2, 0125, w/twain canned ID's, where phone numbers and postal address was given, one was in Spanish as you would expect, and the other one was, believe it or not, in English. No NA. Very tough copy due to distorted audio. 4945 BOLIVIA R Illimani, La Emisora del Estado Boliviano, booming in, Mar 2, with "Fiesta" prgr starting at midnight UT and scheduled to run until midnight Bolivian time, i. e. 0400. 4950.0 ECUADOR. R Bahá'i was on extended sked until 2300, all in Quichua, Oct 9, due to national holiday (Liberation of town of Guayaquil). 4955 COLOMBIA. R dif Nacional de Colombia carries some prgrs specially intended for listeners abroad, news headlines etc. around 0130. Humming carrier makes listening uncomfortable.---[Later] offered a specially produced prgr for listeners abroad, Nordx & others, Oct 19, 0310-0335. 4980 VENEZUELA. Ecos del Torbes "en el ano de sus bodas de oro" (50th anniversary this year), with spurs on +-15,7 kHz Mar 17, 2140. One and only time I've been hearing this. --- Friendly Ecos del Torbes is celebrating 50 years ("bodas de oro") this year. One special anniversary broadcast worth listening to is "Recordando A gozar, muchachos" (Remembering Have a good time, guys), Sat 2200-2300, featuring lots of oldies recorded by Venezuelan dance band Billo's Caracas Boys whose "A gozar, muchachos" show was live on R Caracas in the 50's. Prgr producer, Dr. Simón Zaidman, will appreciate reception reports either directly to him or via station manager (Mrs.) Lic. Dinorah González Zerpa to the usual Apartado Postal 152 address. In answer to an inquiry of mine, Zaidman in the Oct 11 broadcast said that a commemorative pennant will be ready shortly for reporters to his show. On Oct 18, part of this prgr will carry special announcements for NORDX 97 participants. 4991 BOLIVIA. "Animas, la radio" was on top of Peruvian R Ancash, which happens once every year or so, Jun 19, 1040-1055. First segment of two-part canned ID, 1054, "Deportes, información, amenidad y mucho más en Animas, la radio". N.B. The inverted slogan was used in the live segments as well. By 1055 drowned by R Ancash, Peru. 5012v DOMINICAN REPUBLIC R Cristal Int'l, Mar 16, 0024, ending "Caribe DX" letterbox, presented by Fernando Hermon. Acknowledging reports from George Brown, in the UK, Jose Mauricio Rangel Neira, in Colombia, and Adrian Peterson, in the USA. --- Oct 11, until s/off 0100; better signal than for quite some time. An annc't in Spanish said they were running "a Dominican music contest" with casettes of Dominican music as prizes. In order to participate in what rather seems like a lottery, a dollar bill should be sent to "Concurso de música dominicana", in care of Apartado 894, Santo Domingo, which is the usual stn address. 5017.6 COLOMBIA. Ecos del Atrato, Mar 23, see 6014.3. 5030.5 PERU. R Los Andes, reactivated, May 10, 0100, with full fq announcement, readable only on USB due to AWR QRM. Otherwise good level, and well modulated. 5046.2 PERU Station in the town of Abancay, Sept 9 and 10, round about 1100, weak but on a clear channel, in Quechua and Spanish. No actual stn id noted - TIN has it as R Integración - but both mornings there was a clear reference to a company called "Suramericana de Radiodifusión" which is conducting a course in broadcasting techniques for "jóvenes de ambos sexos" on the premises of "Inti R", which is located, they say, "en la gran avenida Seoane 377". 5050.4 ECUADOR "la internacional Jesus del Gran Poder" has a newsblock 2300-2400 called "CRF, La Verdad en la noticia", CRF standing for Cadena Radial Franciscana. Bears watching early Feb as trade unions are gearing up for a full scale strike.---[Later] Will be back in a couple of weeks, per Mariela Villarreal and tn mgr. Padre Angel Falconí. Tx was damaged when struck by lightning some time ago. When back on the air they will no longer carry Francisco Estéreo prgr 5060.2 ECUADOR R Progreso, noted reactivated Mar 7, 1950, very poor, but growing into a fullfledged signal by 0030, Mar 8, when they ended one of their typical esoteric prgrs.---[Later, May 10] is off the air for the time being. 5067.2 PERU. (t) Ondas del Suroriente, Sept 9, 0019, with cumbias etc. in "Noches bailables". Ads referred to Quillabamba, but I did not hear any stn id. If it's them, it's a move from 5068.6. 5076.8 COLOMBIA As of Jun 9, Caracol main network was renamed "Caracol Colombia". Programming remains unchanged. Caracol "R Reloj" outlets (MW only) have been renamed "Caracol + QTH" and will specialize in covering local news. Additionally, they will relay the top of the hour "Cuarto de hora Caracol" newscast from the "cadena básica" (main network). In Bogotá, 1100 kHz is thus "Caracol Bogotá", in Cali, 1110, is "Caracol Cali" etc. 5092.9 BRAZIL. Unid heard several evenings around 2300; does not seem to announce at regular intervals as Brazilians do, but does carry "A Voz do Brasil". Harmonic or spur?---[Later}Unid here is a spur from R Jornal A Critica, Manaos, 5055. Definite ID May 25, 2303. Fundamental is seldom on top of Cayenne, French Guiana. 5160.4 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC R Barahona, Jan 13, 2255, with a newscast reminiscent of Venezuela's "Noti-Rumbos". FMing and hard to read. 5131 PERU. Unannounced SS gospel music, yes, even a few gospel selections in a huayno setting, Jan 4, 2355, to sudden s/off Jan 5, 0016. - R Vision 2000 has been off for quite some time; this may have been a test transmission from this station or from a new one. 5139.8 PERU. R Amauta del Peru, Provincia de San Pablo, Jan 12, 0105. Good. This is a reactivation. 5153.4 BOLIVIA.R Galaxia, reactivated on a readjusted fqy, Dec 2, 0050, thanks to Rafael Rodríguez. 5236.6 PERU. R Apurimac, Abancay, Jan 6, 1130. This is about 1 kHz up from previous frequency. 5264.8 PERU. R La V de Chiriaco, new name for R 5264, first noted Nov 21, 1105, thanks to tip from Rafael Rodriguez. Does not seem to operate at night. 5271.6 PERU. Station noted by Novello-NC, Aug 22, was heard here Aug 24, 25 and 27 from fade in around 2315 and way past 0100. The first two days progr was a relay of Lima pop music station "Once sesenta" (1160 kHz), slogan: "11-60, al rojo vivo", while on Aug 27 there was a downlink of Lima's RPP (R Programas del Perú), which is all news. Not heard recently, but as my best antenna has been downed by a flying kite, I wouldn't swear the stn is off the air. Reception was on the whole rather poor. 5305 PERU. After a few days of testing as R Frecuencia Nueva, the stn on this fqy in Santa Cruz, Cajamarca, has now revelead its real identity: R La Inmaculada. So it's actually a reactivation of the stn that used to be on 5556.2 a few years ago, although now on a new fqy and with a stronger transmitter. Sked per annct: 2000-0230. Prgr consists of "musica variada" and some commercial messages, one for the Idrovo Electronics Repair Shop (maybe the provider of the new tx), and for an ice cream parlour called Anchay (or perhaps Canchay) where you can enjoy D'Onofrio ice cream in all sorts of flavours and have a look at some of the videos they stock. Studios of the stn are in the La Inmaculada parrish, speaker said, so cf. PWBR '97 and Summer edition '97. ---[Later] reliable signal every night. Christmas eve draw of one Christmas basket to one of the 40-odd women who had left letters with their names in them to the stn. A child who happened to come along from the neighboring village of Llama did the draw. Heladería Anchay is the correct name for the ice cream parlour mentioned in an earlier issue of Dateline Bogota. 5342.3 PERU R Naylamp, s/on 1115, Mar 16, "Desde la evocadora ciudad de Lambayeque, cuna de la libertado, Radio Naylamp..." 5385.2 PERU R Huarmaca, "la voz de la serrania peruana", parece haber aumentado de potencia, porque se capta con buenas senales todas las noches. Aparte de los programas de musica solicitada, hay una nutrida pauta comercial local, con empresas de nombres muy peculiares, como por ejemplo "Comercial Dios es amor" y "Bodega y panaderia Senor de la Exaltacion de la Cruz de Huarmaca". 5470.7 PERU R San Nicolas, Jan 16, 2325, with an ad for Hostal Grandez, owned by Juan Jose Grandez Santillan. So what? A QSL, reported by Masato Ishii (RNM, Jan '97), indicates that this gentleman is also the "gerente propietario" of R San Nicolas.---[Later] R San Nicolas and a local hotel are both owned by J J Grandez Santillan, "el popular JJ", as the speaker says: "Hostal Grandez, de la mano con tu Radio San Nicolas". The Hotel is at Pasaje Hilario 5486.7 PERU Reina de la Selva, Jan 15, 2320, ballads. Poor. 5498.3 PERU R Lajas, Jan 16, 2320, "Por las rutas del Peru", + .3 kHz compared to previous readings. Poor. 5522.3 PERU. R Sudamérica was asking for listeners to greet them on their 4th anniversary via the phone. Canned ToH id: "Desde Cutervo, Cajamarca, Perú, América del Sur, transmite R Sudamérica, onda media 1060, onda corta 5525 kHz, con nuestras oficinas ubicadas en Jirón Ramón Castilla 491, tercer nivel, Plaza de Armas, teléfonos 074 736090 y 737443. Con orgullo decimos: Somos R Sudamérica, una señal cutervina llegando a todo el Perú y el mundo". --- They also use a second id on a worn-out tape, saying "Desde el vasto horizonte del Chimborazo en el Ecuador, el Aconcagua en Chile y del Ilucán al Misti y al Huascarán, desde sus blancos arenales se yerguen al éter universal los efluvios del corazón cutervino a través de R Sudamérica, en AM 1060, su amigo de hoy su eterna compañera". 5556.2 PERU. R Santa Fe, Santa Cruz (Cajamarca), is a new station first noted Jan 12, 0043 with folklore prgr "Raices del Peru". Poor signal, but speech audio is surprisingly crisp. Frequent announcements saying "R Santa Fe desde Santa Cruz"; no address info heard. - Listed on this freq is R La Inmaculada, in the same town of Santa Cruz, but unheard since last August. I am not sure if this is a new operation or a mere shift of name. 5560.7 PERU. R El Sol, Pucara' (Jaen), is a new station first noted Jan 6 @ 1130 with "musica vernacular", with canned ID's by a female voice. Announces 5560 kHz and an address along Av. Jaen in the "caluroso y acogedor distrito de Pucara'". - This is the 2nd SW broadcaster to surface in this oil town in northern Peru; previous one was R Estacion Uno, still to be heard on 5955.1. --- Jan 14, 1100 s/on; Jan 17, 0001 s/off with NA. 5604.3 PERU La V del Maranon, Jan 14, 2310, "Brisas del Maranon", hosted by v/s Eduardo Diaz Coronado. Poor-to-fair. 5619.3 PERU R Ilucán, s/off annc´t Mar 13, 0234, "Señora y señores: En esta forma llegamos al final de una jornada más. [Music] Radio Ilucán, voz y centinela del [...] cutervino, en los 1470 kHz, les agradece su sintonía dispensada. Para Radio Ilucán realmente ha sido un verdadero placer acompañarles hasta estos instantes. Queremos despedirnos, deseándoles que tengan un reparador descanso y que mañana sea mejor que hoy, que el éxito y el triunfo siempre les acompañen. Hasta mañana, Cutervo! Feliz noche, Perú!" 5629.9 PERU. R Ilucán here since Aug 7. This is a move from 5619.2 where the station has been for about one year. (On Aug 2, the station made a casual "excursion" to 5789.8). 5636.7 PERU. New fqy, ex-7032, for R Peru, San Ignacio, May 31, 0030 and later. Stronger than competitor on 5700, R Frecuencia San Ignacio, and much better than on previous 7032. 5645.9 PERU. R La V de San Antonio, Apr 21, 0111: "Bambamarquino ausente", a prgr intended for Bambamarcans in the diaspora) 5678.1 PERU R Frecuencia San Ignacio, EX-5700v, Aug 2, 2331, s/on with NA and usual 'battle-hymn' "Mi frontera es mi frontera". --- On 5676.8 Aug 8, after some moving around: from usual 5700 they went to 5678.1 on Aug 2, and 5675.5 on Aug 4. Annc'ts as before "a través de los 5-700." Carries a 30' esoteric prgr in // with R San Ignacio, 7040.5 at 2330. ---On 5677.1 Sept 14, 2345, poor. On 5677.0, Sept 18, same time, carrying Señora Matallana esoteric show, this time not in // with R San Ignacio, 7040.5. 5700.1 PERU R Frecuencia San Ignacio parece tambien haber aumentado de potencia, ademas de emitir una senal ecualizada de tal suerte que ya no se pierde casi nada de los hablado. La musica tambien tiene un brillo que antes no se conocia. La direccion sigue, sin alteracion alguna, en el Jr. Villanueva Pinillos 330. A las 0230, Feb 8, anunciaron "es Frecuencia San Ignacio, transmitiendo para esta vasta zona del pais". 5728.5 PERU R Naylamp, Lambayeque, new fqy, ex-5342, Aug 18, 2320, in the course of usual "Buenas tardes, Ecuador"; next morning, 1100, Angelus and into "Buenos días, Lambayeque" (which is a newscast). Not too strong, but did, in fact, announce "5730", so seems to be an intentional change of fqy. 5730 PERU R Santiago "voz y sentir del pueblo de Condorcanqui", Aug 17, 2300 s/off on annc'd fqy of "5730 MHz". - Aug 19, s/on 1100 with NA and long canned annc't w/out indication of address etc. 5767.1 PERU R Master, is a new station, ex-R Universal, ex-ex R Estelar and ex-ex-ex Estacion Soritor, Jun 26, 1151 with "Ecuador y sus grandes canciones". QTH announced as Jiron 20 de Abril 308. Poor-to-fair. [In "LA DXing No. 6", edited by Radio Nuevo Mundo, there are some interesting pictures related to the predecessors of R Master. They were taken by Takayuki Inoue in Jan 1997]. 5775.2 PERU A new one is R San Juan, Lonya Grande, Provincia de Utcubamba, región nor oriental del Marañón, Mar 1 until s/off 0319 with NA. Studio address sounded like 28 de Julio 420. - Seems to s/on fairly late, around midnight. Speakers seems fairly confident, do not play hide-and-seek, and they do give their own names on the air. Lonya Grande is "la capital del cafe", it was said. They say they are on 1150 kHz during the day.---[Later] The station seemed to provide a reasonable explanation for Peruvian sw absenteeism over the weekends when, on Mar 13, 0155, DJ said he was sorry to have to close down so that the technician and other people at the station would be able to watch the football derby between two Lima teams on TV. The two contenders were Sporting Cristal and Alianza Lima. --- After some time off the air, back again June 4, 2355, "en sus dos frecuencias". (The other fqy is MW 1150). 5873.7 COLOMBIA. R El Sol, Villa Moreno (Narino) Jan 4, 2129 with live coverage of the local "fiesta de los blancos y negros". 5890 HONDURAS HRMI, R MI, Jan 17, 1210, weak. Latin phone patch net on same channel makes reception difficult. 5917.9 PERU R Victoria, Lima, se capta de noche por esta frecuencia, así Feb 9, 0120, en paralelo con 9721.6 y 6018. 5953.6 COSTA RICA R Casino "su preferida de ayer, su favorita de siempre", is reasonable especially on Sun, am and pm, when the channel seems less noisy than other days. Unfortunately, they seem to s/on as late as 1100 and s/off already by 0030, as soon as the local evening mass is under way. 5955 COLOMBIA. La V de los Centauros, Aug 26, with local news broadcast from tune in 1253 to 1300 s/off. Apart from this [new] segment, the station is only on the air, weekdays, at approx. 2100-2300. Has been suffering from "chronic" overmodulation for over 2 years, but the signal is now OK. 5969.7 PERU R El Sol, Lima, in the clear after 2300 until 2358 when BBC reappears. Carries sports and news, such as "El Sol en la noticia". 5980 PERU. Radio LTC, May 3, 1057, with ads in Spanish and Quechua, followed by Peruvian NA and canned ID at 1102, then into "La Hora de la Transformacion". Fair until AWR s/on 1114. 6014.3 COLOMBIA. R Mira, Tumaco, reactivated, Mar 23, 2107 relaying football from Caracol basica (=810 and 5076.8) narrated by Edgar Perea. Same match, Independiente Santa Fe vs Quindio, was also relayed by Ecos del Atrato, 5017.6. ---[Later] Heard 6014.4-6014.8v as early as 1225 and as late as 2145. Carries mostly local prgr, but ID's are of the Caracol type. 6020 BRAZIL R Educadora da Bahia, Feb 13, 0847, with prgr called "Conversando com o homem do campo". At 0900 time was given as 7 am, local summer time. Good signal on what seems to be a recently reactivated channel. 6034.9 COLOMBIA. La V del Guaviare usually carries "Radio Sucesos RCN" 2300-0100. Oct 4, 2215, relaying "Miniconcierto" from R Uno, 1340 MW, 6065.1 COLOMBIA Colmundo Bogota, relaying HJCJ 1040 kHz, key station of Colmundo network, first noted Jan 16, 2240. Prgr Mgr Fabio Restrepo G. said 6065 was allotted as a back up fq to 1040 MW. Per this reasoning, from 1971 and for some 15-odd years, 6065 rightfully belonged to R Super, which was on 1040 during that period of time, but when moving to 970 MW, Super lost their right to use 6065. However, Super did not give up using 6065 until early 1995 when their tx seems to have had a serious breakdown. Colmundo will stay on fq, Restrepo said. Their tx, presently operated at 1 kW, will increase power to 5, using a "Delta antenna". [Tx site and gear are wholly different from that of R Super]. Restrepo is keen on correspondence from abroad. [Address: Diagonal 58 No. 26A-29, Bogota, Colombia]. Restrepo runs a prgr intended for local and foreign listeners, Mo 0400-0430, called "Frecuencia internacional". I was shown a folder containing a few reports from abroad, all related to their 1040 channel [two good reports from Finland], as well as a printed letter (not a report) requesting material for a Pennant Museum in Germany. Restrepo said he has ordered QSL-cards and pennants to be made, but I have yet to see if they materialize. "Colmundo, radio para la paz", is on a 24 h sked and should be audible in the Americas during darkness, when the tx is operated at full power, provided of course that the high power tx's on fq are silent.--- [Later] 6065.2 Colmundo Bogota still going 24 h. Prgr mgr Fabio Restrepo G unexpectedly left station, acting prgr mgr is Jorge Hernandez. I have been in touch with him and his boss, so chances are that they will start QSLing in the near future.--- [Later] When talking to Hernández personally, I was shown a huge amount of DX-correspondence, most letters addressed to Fabio Restrepo in person.--- 6063.8 Colmundo Bogota, noted with their new 5 kW tx May 17, 2155. --- 6062.3 is where Colmundo Bogotá is to be found as of Sept 17. Seems to be having some tx problems from time to time.--- 6064.5 Colmundo Bogotá played lots of sentimental LA tunes specially dedicated to Nordx participants, Oct 18, 2309-2348. 6075 HONDURAS. La V del Junco, Jan 4, 1229 (probably close to actual s/on), selections of Mexican Pedro Infante renderings, "Un mundo raro" & others. At 1241, "A esta hora, La Voz del Junco esta presentandoles..." Weak, on a clear channel. 6087.9 PERU Unid noted Aug 7 1250 with a sermon in Quechua. S/off annc´t in Spanish 1301 was too garbled to understand clearly. On Aug 8 1159, after a transcribed prgr in Spanish from Chile, ID, "Usted sintoniza Radio Chaski desde el Cusco, Perú" ---Following extensive monitoring, the sked of the stn seems to be 1130-1300 and 0000-0200, in Quechua and Spanish. No address info available as yet.--- Stn still around, Oct 9, 0049, with a Quechua preacher. Drowned by the Vatican R, signing on in Spanish at 0100, on 6090. Otherwise readable most nights from s/on midnight with an old hymn interpreted on the Andean sicuri pan flute, then into prgr in Sp and Quechua. Oct 15 s/on annc't said, "Muy buenas noches, hermanos y amigos. A partir de este momento Udes. están sintonizando R Chaski en los 6090 kcs de la onda corta, desde el Cusco, Perú, programación correspondiente al día de hoy, martes 14 de octubre de 1997".---Thanks to Richard McVicar, in Ecuador, I obtained the e-mail address for the stn´s mgr, Don Muth. On Aug 20 I received a reply to my report from Aug 11. In his letter, Don says that the station has been on the air since Jul 1. "The assigned frequency is 6090 kHz, however, it is interesting to note that you were very close to the actual crystal frequency of 6087.5 kHz. Four years ago when we hoped to get on the air, we did not have all the interference on each side of us". 6095 PERU. R Nal del Peru, 2134, Apr 27, relaying "Nacinal FM", but usually s/on slightly before 2300.--- Oct 15, 2130-2200, enjoyable background music in the Agustín Lara and Ernesto Lecuona vein; at 2201 "Fuerza sicuri", a programme of Andean folklore, featuring more of the inevitable sicuri pan flute [see 6087.9]. Retuning 2330, newscast "El Nacional" in full swing. 6096.3 PERU. (t) R Interoceanica, (t) Azángaro, seems to s/off after 2300, no doubt to avoid QRM from R Nal. del Perú. Was audible May 2, from before 2200 to sudden s/off 2308, with "musica romantica y juvenil". At 2201 a plug for a store in Azángaro, selling "electrodomesticos, lavadores, televisores". No actual ID heard. --- [Later] "R Interoceánica irradiando su señal (...) desde la provincia de Azángaro, departamento de Puno" says a canned ID preceded by a flute cue (which is not "El cóndor pasa". On May 31 noted with ads for cerveza Cusquena and an invitation to a live performance by Grupo Alegría, one of the main Peruvian "chicha" groups. At 2215, and for a half-hour, esoteric prgr run by herbalist located on Azángaro's Jirón Arequipa. Poor signal. 6115.0 PERU R Unión now answering reports with a full data card and a sticker. 6115.2 COLOMBIA. New readjusted fqy for "la internacional Voz del Llano",Aug 2, 2252, with merengues and other tropical music. They moved to 6115.8 in Mar 95, trimmed the fqy 0.2 kHz down in Jun of same year.--- La V del Llano takes Super network news every half hour. On Oct 10, 2315, ranchera "Tu maldito amor", as interpreted by Dr. Henry Pava Camelo, who is crippled (confined to a wheel-chair) and the general manager of R Super AM network. 6173.8 PERU R Tawantinsuyo unexpectedly in the clear May 18, 0005 with "La hora estelar de los incas del Peru", sponsored by local truck dealer Diesel Andina, followed by an esoteric show, "Cosas de la vida". ID, "R Tawantinsuyo, primera en el corazón del pueblo, por sus cuatro frecuencias, onda media, tropical, corta y FM 94.6". 6180.0 GUATEMALA Marimba music hrd by Hauser shortly before 2300, per info on World of Radio #895, is indeed La V de Guatemala. Poor but slowly improving, May 26, from 2230 till s/off 2304, and again May 30, 2245-2303. Last few minutes buried under Jap. morning prgr from NHK. Prgr called "Chapinlandia" [a colloquial reference to Guatemala] features Guatemalan places worth visiting, and seems intended to a foreign audience. Musical selections played by the station's "studio band" "Los Maestros de la Marimba TGW" [te-ge-dobleve']. TGW has not been on SW for many a year. 6194.6 BOLIVIA R Carlos Palenque, ex-R Metropolitana, Aug 9, 0905, in Aymara and Spanish. Undermodulated. 6201.1 COLOMBIA. Here is an unid parrish broadcaster heard daily between approx. 2330 and 0100. Not on theair in the morning. Progr consists of mass and occasional "información pastoral", during which, one night, reference was made to "our bishop Flavio Calle". As it happens, he is the bishop of Sonsón and Rionegro diocese in Antioquia. On Sept 7, brief mention for church attendants that a "community broadcaster" has been purchased; a down payment of 50% has been made, said the priest. If a harmonic, fundamental would be 1550, which is a fqy many Antioquian parrish broadcasters use. Signal strength is fair-to-good, and I can attest to the fact that they go on the air and leave the air without any stn identification whatsoever.--- Approx. sked weekdays 2320-2400 approx., Sundays until 0100 approx. Believed to be from Granada, Antioquia.---The unid parrish broadcaster is no longer audible since Sept 20. 6250 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre now (May 10) daily, 2200-2239.---In May, anncd sked 1 pm and 5 pm, the latter segment is on the air almost daily now. In addition to their usual prgr now also running political "PSA's". Very good signal. --- Oct 27, 1803-1826, celebrating 9th anniversary of station, which is now a "sistema radial", they said, R Frontera Rebelde, "in the northeast", R Resistencia Caribe, "on the Atlantic coast", R 15 de Agosto, "in southern Bolívar", and R Rebelde, "in the northeast of Antioquia". In the anniversary broadcast it was remembered that R Patria Libre was heard in foreign lands as indicated by the "stateside agency of R Nederland", which seems to be a reference to Glenn Hauser. - Station has been on 6248 and 6251 in an attempt to stay clear from jamming. 6255-6251v COLOMBIA. A R Patria Libre impostor noted Oct 28, 1800-1821 and also at 2200-2221. Carries "Noticiero Patria Libre" etc. with anti-guerilla propaganda. Is quite successful in jamming the "original" Patria Libre transmission. 6259.2 COLOMBIA V de la Resistencia, Aug 2, 2158-2230, considerably weaker than R Patria Libre. Opening music followed by ID, 2207, "Transmite Voz de la Resistencia, Comando conjunto occidental. [music] Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias del Pueblo, Farc EP". ID in conjunction with instrumental version of "Mi Buenaventura" as a cue, at 2211, 2215, 2221 and 2225, before, between and after three spoken political commentaries. ID at 2225 went "Transmitio Voz de la Resistencia [etc]. Los esperamos en una proxima emision. Gracias. Hasta pronto". Transmission ended by a 4-minute vocal version of "La Internacional". - This station has not been heard since Sept 1996. 6261.1 PERU. "Radio JL" is what I am hearing here, s/on 2345z and probably on the air until 2300, if one is to believe their annc'ts. On Mar 25, an ID at 0110, in the course of music prgr "Noches variadas", ran like this: "Esta es Radio JL que transmite del centro comercial de Consuelo para toda la region San Martin". Ads for establishments in Consuelo, which I cannot find on any map, viz. Electronica El Futuro, Taller de mecanica El Magnifico, Comercial Jaen. From the ID one might conclude that Consuelo is the name of a shopping mall, but from DJ small talk it rather seems that Consuelo is a village, located perhaps not too far from San Pablo, which, in turn, is in the vicinity of Saposoa. Greece-6260 provides quite a lot of QRM. ---[Later] very loud May 3, between 0100 and 0200 (not s/off) with varied "musica tropical" and some disco, but not one single ad. Identification was repeatedly given as "JBL", only once as "Radio JBL". [However, as the letter "b" is phonetically equal to "v" in Peruvian Spanish, slogan may also be "JVL"]. Fortunately, there was a clear indication of the QTH, "estamos ubicados en el Centro Comercial de Consuelo, distrito de San Pablo, provincia de Bellavista, en el departamento de San Martin".--- JBL (or: JVL?), nightly with fair signals, for example May 10, 0015.---R. JVL, also identifying itself as "Frecuencia Musical (and: Frecuencia Nacional) de los 62-60". Frequent adverts for Electronica El Futuro, Av. Tupac Amaru 105, run by someone by the name of León Villanueva, which makes me wonder if this fellow has something to do with the station. On May 20, a young basketball player by the name of Ester was invited to say hello on the air. As a student at the local Colegio Juan Velazco Alvarado (Peruvian military dictator from the 70's) she greeted "la audiencia de R. JVA", which, if a 'Freudian slip', would indicate that station name is JVL rather than JBL. 6280 COLOMBIA V de la Resistencia, from "las montañas del Occidente colombiano", Nov 3, from tune in 2248 to sudden s/off 2318. 6339.6 PERU R Arcángel San Miguel (also: Arcángel San Miguel la radio), hrd testing past midnight as from Nov 13. 6420.3 PERU. R Mi Frontera, May 9, 0140, good signal, noticed thanks to phone alert from Österholm in Finland. 6520.2 PERU. New station: R Ondas del Rio Marañon, Aramango, Bagua, May 10, 2250 to about 2345 s/off, w/ preview of music request sessions for moms to start May 11, 1000 UTC. Slogan: "una señal viva surcando los Andes del Peru". Fair signal. 6675.6/6674.5 PERU R Ondas del Río Marañón, Aramango, Amazonas, says they are on 6660 kHz, their sked being "6-10 am and 3-8 pm". Evening prgr include "Sanjuanitos y sanjuaneros (the latter being the rhythm that pervades northern Peru these days; also labeled as "cumbia sanjuanera") and "Noches tropicales". Address mentioned as Calle (also: Jirón) Amazonas, but I'd better not attempt to copy the three-digit number, as I'd surely miss out on it. Spkr plays around with slogans and id's such as "Marañón, Ondas, su radio" or just "Ondas, su radio". Music is well-modulated, but speech below par. 6676.2 PERU New on SW is R Huamachuco, in the town of same name, May 30, 2330 with 30 min. of esoteric stuff followed by folklore. Noisy fqy but reasonable signal. This is probably the station listed in WRTH '97 on MW 900. Tracked down and identified as a result of a phone alert from Österholm, in Finland, who once again found another interesting spot. Thanks, JEO! --- Jun 16, 2330, back on the air after several days of silence. Canned ID at 2359, Jun 2, said "OAX2H 910 AM", but there was no mention of a SW fqy. Another echoing and canned ID says, "Somos Huamachuco, el poder de la música".--- Jun 28, 2310, plugging for "Conferencia de los Adventistas del 7o. dia, del 3 al 6 de julio, en Huamachuco". - Unheard, Aug 2, 2330. 6674.6 PERU R Ondas del Río Marañón, ex-6520.3, Sept 17, 2255, with selections of "cumbia tropical andina" (i.e. 10-year old HJ pops). Also on Sept 18, which confirms that R Huamachuco, 6676v, is gone. 6675.6 PERU R Ondas del Río Marañón, ex-6520.3, Sept 14, poor signal with s/off at midnight after selections of HC mx labelled "Atardecer en los Andes". Gave name of general manager (unintelligible) and promised to be on back on the air by 6 am, local time. Slogan "la frecuencia internacional" would seem to indicate that reports have been received from abroad. --- Moved to 6674.6, see. 6725.5 PERU R Satélite, Santa Cruz, played lots of previously requested tunes for Nordx participants, Oct 19, 0230-0305. There was no mention of Nordx until Oct 21, when there was a two-minute reference to R Satélite having participated in Nordx in the 0130-0200 "Radar noticioso" prgr presented by José Mautino.--- Station was off the air Nov 14-18 due to pwr outage at the tx site on Cerro Coturumi. Back on the air Nov 19. Mgr Sabino Llamo says in a fax that the Comms Ministry wants them to move to 4780, and that the move is imminent. They are still on the old fq by medio December. Last year the telephone made its arrival to Santa Cruz, and the stn now proudly anncs that they have two voice lines, 74 714074 and 714169, the latter also fax. With the advent of the telephone, the stn now calls upon distant parties to phone in to relatives who will wait for the call at the stn. 6797.8 PERU. R Ondas del Rio Mayo has been using a 1 kW Petrick tx for about a week only. The tx was recently brought back from Lima, said mgr Edilberto Peralta Lozada when I called him on the stn's brand new phone, +51 94 560006. He was happy to learn that they are getting out a lot better now than before. In canned annc'ts, the stn says they are on MW 1490, call sign OBX9N, and 94.5 FM stereo. SW is not mentioned, though. [Just for the record, the cordillera next to Nueva Cajamarca is called Mamanhuasi, not Huamanhuasi, Peralta explained]. In principle, Peralta will QSL, "but some letters are lost in the mail, you know", he said. --- The owner of R Ondas del Rio Mayo does appreciate phone calls, but so far the station is technically not equipped get the actual phone call on the air. This we know after Rafael Rodriguez' phone call to the station from my QTH, May 1, 2250. When monitoring the tape, we were suprised to find that Rafael was not on the tape, only the voice of the Rio Mayo DJ! 6811.2 PERU R Ondas del Río Mayo, Sept 17, 2145, poor signal and audio on this fqy, with "Voz y sentimiento del pueblo del Ecuador" followed by "Atardecer andino". Lots of ads and messages with same old arguments: "visítenos y se convencerá", "cuidado con las imitaciones", "avisar, por favor, a la parte interesada". 6895.0 PERU. R San Miguel with slogan "la onda integradora", May 9, until s/off midnight. Exact address is unconfirmed, but I now suspect the station is somewhere along Avenida Piura, in the neighbourhood of Pampa Alegre, which I suppose belongs to El Faique district. 6997.6 PERU. R San Ignacio "la voz de la peruanidad", reactivated and on a new fq, May 9, around 2300, with music, and lots of deadair. Good, strong signal.---Adress given as Av. Santa Rosa 751, San Ignacio (Jaen). Station belongs to Cesar Colunche, who used to run R Huancabamba, 6281v, silent for the time being but to hit the air again soon, per Colunche himself in a prgr on May 11, when he was entertaining studio guests such as Lucho Julca, owner of Estereo 100, and Oscar Vasquez Chacon, ex-DJ on R Frecuencia San Ignacio, 5700, and now mgr (not the owner) of R Peru, 7032. Colunche said he would take phone calls at (0)94 716238 plus two other numbers. I gave it a try, but at the other end was a fellow by the name of Evaristo Campos, who wasn't even at the station but at his own car repair business at Av. Santa Rosa 701. Colunche got the message, however, and in discussing habits of "radioaficionados" on the air, he remembered his "gran amigo Takayuki" who went to see him at R Huancabamba.--- This R San Ignacio operation seems to be totally different from the one which was on 6751 in June 1995, on 6747.2 from Aug 1995 to July 1996, when they moved to 6746.2 and, in Sept, to 6753.3 which was their last recorded frequency. ---[More info relating to R San Ignacio}: R San Ignacio runs 2 kW, per their own annc'ts. "There isn't a single place in northern Peru that we do not reach". Is onthe air all day, but s/off is often as early as midnight. The station seems to have become a pain in the neck of other local broadcasters. It appears that R San Ignacio owner Cesar Colunche was harrassed and beaten by followers of local competitor R Frecuencia San Ignacio, 5700, in the afternoon of May 24, when Colunche was rallying for advertisers at the San Ignacio Mercado Central. "San Ignacio will have to change", "I am not going to move from this place, this is where I'm going to die", Colunche sobbed on the air. Shortly afterwards R Frecuencia San Ignacio, 5700, issued a warning against an unnamed "humbug broadcaster" who "was cheating people of their money". This "cheat" had taken a beating that same afternoon, and he would probably end up in jail, the female DJ said. 7003.3 PERU R La V de las Guarinjas [spelling Huarinjas may be acceptable, too; actually, I do not know which of the two is official], Dec 17, 1215, poor, with music, TC and a greeting to César Colunche Bustamante. As Mr Colunche at the same time was on the air with a music prgr on R San Ignacio, 7040.5, I phoned one of his "message box" phone numbers. At 1345, the following announcement was heard on the air: "Solamente 13 minutos y son las 9 de la mañana. Atención, atención, atención, en la república de Colombia, Bogotá. [Musical interlude]. A solicitud de nuestro amigo Henrik Klemetz, le damos la dirección de R Las Guarinjas. Atención, en la república de Colombia, en Bogotá, a nuestro amigo oyente, don Henrik Klemetz, le comunicamos que la dirección de Radio Las Guarinjas es Barrio El Altillo, ciudad de Huancabamba, Barrio El Altillo, ciudad de Huancabamba, y el propietario que dirige la emisora, su nombre es Alfonso García Silva. Reiteramos el aviso para nuestro amigo Henrik Klemetz, en la república de Colombia, allá en Bogotá...." Later Colunche said that the studios are on Calle Cajamarca, but if letters are sent to Correo Central, Huancabamba, Región Grau, señor García will pick them up there in due course. Colunche also sent his greetings to "radioaficionados" in Australia, Colombia, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, USA, South Africa, Finland, Japan and Italy. 7032.0 PERU. R Peru, San Ignacio, reactivated, and on a new frequency, ex-5926/6078v, May 10, 2250 and later with tropical music and ads. Uses slogan "R Peru, la frecuencia internacional". DJ says they are on FM stereo in addition to SW. Poor-to-fair; R San Ignacio, in the same town, on 6997.6, is considerably stronger. 7040.3 PERU. R Melodia, San Ignacio, is on the air most days. Early riser show called "Voz y sentimiento campesino" from 1030v to 1200v. The stations seems to have been on the channel from approx. Nov 16, 1996 to Jan 5, 1997 only. 7040.4 PERU.Many reporters are hearing a Peruvian on this channel. This is R San Ignacio, ex-6997.6, first observed Jun 2, announcing "7015 kHz" and "frecuencia internacional". (The former fqy was announced as "frecuencia 7000 de la onda corta"). R Melodía was logged only during the first week of Jan. Comparing recordings from the time with the present R San Ignacio there is no doubt that the man behind the mike (and the operation as such) is César Colunche Bustamante, ex-mgr of R Huancabamba, 6290v.--- On Jun 26, 1300-1400 with "Latin Show" run by owner's son, Fredy Colunche. Played Tito Rojas' tune "Esperandote con los brazos abiertos" for yours truly. --- R San Ignacio has been off the air since the end of Nov, coinciding with anncts saying they'll shortly be operating on FM. They made a come back to sw on May 9, on 6997.6. 7141.3 PERU. R Ayabaca, Ayabaca, on a slightly readjusted freq, ex-7143v, Jan 8, 0037, with prgr "Tropicalizando la noche". Slogan: "R Ayabaca, la radio que esta en el corazon de su pueblo". ---7141.7 (new fq) R Ayabaca, Aug 2, 2148, talk show run by "maestro curandero", prgr of HC music started on top of the hours. Weak. 7205.7 PERU. New since beginning of Nov is R dif Paratón, Huarmaca, operating from 1030 to 2330/2400. [On Nov 23 very late s/off, at 0046]. Prgr noted so far: 1030 Amaneciendo con Paratón /music and horoscope/, 1100 Buenos días, hermano campesino, 1200 Sentimiento andino, 1300 A todo ritmo, 2200 Sanjuanitos y sanjuaneros. Studio address, per Rafael Rodríguez, Jirón Alfonso Ugarte 109, esquina del Parque Leoncio Prado [not Pardo], Huarmaca. - Seems to frown at reception reports.Not even the professor running the 1100 show seems interested in letters from abroad. Perhaps they don't even get there? 7746 PERU. I haven't had the chance of checking the new Peruvian in this fqy until Sept 11, 2330. Horacio A Nigro's believes the stn is called R Cristal. This is correct. The id tag - repeated over and over again - says "Cristal, la nueva radio, la radio más potente del Perú". Speaker avoids mentioning the QTH, but music is so local in flavour that I'd be surprised if this is anything else than a new pirate from the Huancabamba area in northern Peru. Reception was quite good by 2330, but started deteriorating one hour later.---New R Cristal heard warming up with chicha music 0043, Sept 13. Ensuing s/on annc't, 0054, said "7745 kHz banda internacional de los 49 metros" and included a greeting from owners, who were mentioned as "familia García Arjona" (second surname tentative). Stn location was given twice, and as often is the case, slurring and without particular emphasis. Only after cross-checking the tape with my "Almanaque del Perú" can I establish the QTH as "distrito de San Hilarión", in the province and "departamento" of San Martín. Per speaker, stn is still in a testing stage, but regular transmissions, also in the local morning, will start shortly. ---[Later] R Cristal is at "distrito de San Hilarión, provincia de San Martín, región de San Martín". Owners are Lucho García Gaona [so not Arjona as initially thought] and Marina Gaona; station is being run by family members. S/on varies from 2330 to 0045 and s/off is at approx 0300 if one is to believe their announcements. On Sept 14 (Sunday) the stn was on the air as early as 2130, with s/off for "refuelling" 2345-0015. Rafael Rodríguez same night heard speaker say stn will be officially opened on Oct 13.--- R Cristal sometimes heard in broad daylight, so must be relatively high power. Canned id, culled Dec 27, 2305, one day prior to birthday of station boss, Mrs. Marina Gaona: "Desde el distrito de San Hilarión, comprensión a la provincia de Picota, región San Martín, república del Perú, transmite R Cristal, OAZ9A, 7745 kHz, banda internacional de los 41 metros, onda corta, desde el valle eminentemente productor, zona arrocera río Sisa, llega a sus hogares con la mejor programación e interviús conducidos por expertos locutores y periodistas que hacen a cada momento tu mejor entretenimiento, con amenidades, cultura, buena música y la información al día de los hechos y sucesos que suceden [sic] en San Martín, Perú y el mundo. Somos R Cristal, la campeona en sintonía". - N. B. The slogan is a reference to Cristal brand of beer, labeled "la campeona de las cervezas". 9650.2 URUGUAY CXA42, Em Cd de Montevideo, "la radio del carnaval", most nights between 2300 and 0030 when buried by carrier. Tough to read, mainly due to "low key" speaking habits, especially when reading ads ("frases"). Totally devoted to the coverage of carnival "murgas" and their performances; not even international football /soccer/ matches will make them change their minds. 9721.6 PERU. R Victoria, Lima, on a slightly readjusted frequency ex-9720.5. Jan 4, 2222, ending satellite downlink from Brazilian hq of "Dios es amor" church, in Sao Paulo. Good signal. --- [Later] sometimes carries R Moderna (930 kHz), viz. Jan 13, until 2250. 9750 R Occidente, Apr 27, 2107, May 1, 2050. Unheard for several weeks. Seems to be on the air from 1800 to 2200 approx. 11704.9 BRAZIL. Caught part of canned ID at s/off, Apr 19, 2159, after a 30-min. prgr called "Resposta franca" containing suggestions on how to tackle problems of living together in marriage, "... a sua R Transmundial pela Nova Visao, de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, uma emissora da Fundacao Brasileira da Comunicacao". Call signs given as ZYE857 5965, and ZYE858 11705, which is different from what the WRTH says. During the Q and A prgr, short references to "RTM" were noted as well as in-between ID's saying "Esta e a sua R Transmundial" and "R Transmundial, a radio que esta com a palavra". Fair signal. 11724.8 BRAZIL. Canned ID Apr 18, 2130, "as ondas curtas da R Novas de Paz, ultrapassando barreiras e chegando ate voce", followed by "Cruzada misionaria" prgr. Fq's mentioned in ID were 11725 [not so in WRTH], 6080 and 9515 kHz. Sudden s/off 2200 after TC for "7 horas". Fair signal.---Canned ID, Jun 17, 2030, "Transmitindo: ZYJ208 onda média 730 kHz, ZYD453 Freqüencia Modulada 88.5 MHz, Rádio Marumby. Ondas curtas, Rádio Novas de Paz, ZYE726 49 metros 6080 kHz, 31 metros 9515 kHz, 25 metros 11725 kHz. Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Organizaçao Matéus Jensen". From this ID one must conclude that the QTH is Curitiba, and not Florianópolis as listed in the WRTH. Additionally, WRTH users will be confused to find two separate entries for what is believed to be one single organization, albeit with two names and perhaps two programmes. 11965.1 BRAZIL. R Record, Apr 19, 2110, "Sabado esportivo". Poor-to-fair. PERU May 11 is Mother's Day ("dia universal de la madre") in Peru, which is an excellent occasion to look for Peruvians on extended sked. Certain Peruvians have been heard gearing up for the event, by reading names of moms that can expect to be greeted on the air. In Peru,1997 has been named "el año de la reforestación", although this slogan is very seldom heard on the air. |