DATELINE BOGOTA 1996Compiled and copyright Henrik Klemetz
![]() © Henrik Klemetz Receiver: Sony ICF 2001D. A selection of loggings published in various bulletins during 1996 LOGGINGS H1819.9 COLOMBIA. La V del Río Grande, Medellín, May 17, 2330, with "Noticiero Todelar de Antioquia". H2480.2 ECUADOR. R Sonorama, is the only harmonic I can hear on this channel, viz. Mar. 15 and 21, before 1100. H2679.7 COLOMBIA. R Sonorama, Bucaramanga, March 15, 1055 with Todelar "Punto 55" news. Co-channeled by R Comunal, Nariño, Colombia, s/on at 1100. H2868 varying up to 2915 COLOMBIA. La V de la Provincia, Guaranda (Sucre), an unlisted "community broadcaster", first logged Dec 21 shortly before s/off 2300. - Dec 22, f/in 2212, audible until s/off @2300. - Dec 24, 1057, drifting from 2870 to 2888 in less than 5 min., audible until @1150, at which time carrier had drifted up to 2909. - Stn QTH is consistently eluded in TC's and ID's, but the extended prgr on Christmas eve produced some clues as town mayor, Tarcisio Martinez Guzman, was referred to as a sponsor of Christmas presents for the children of Guaranda. [Community stns, altho illegal for the time being in Colombia, are known to be run under the auspices of the local town mayor]. Slogans: "el canal complaciente de la banda sonora AM en el medio Cauca y sur de Bolivar", fund given as 1450 kHz. Usually all vallenato prgr, w/ some "villancicos" thrown in here and there, heavy reverb on speech. - Drifting upwards in freq in the morning, downwards at night. - Despite the fq, this may well have been the UNID "La V de (Bol)-i'-cia, 14.. kHz", (Mohrmann, Cumbre DX #117), reported as drifting from 2822 to 2829 in a couple of minutes. The children's singing he mentions would be consistent with this stn and the date, Dec 16, which is first day of Colombia's "novena" celebration when "villancicos" (= carols sung by children) abound. The stn is located not too far from the Atlantic seaboard, which no doubt helps the signal travel farther north at the time of Mohrmann's reception. H2879.9 COLOMBIA. R Reloj, Tuluá, May 19, 2320, with local adstring, also on 3rd harmonic 4319.9. H2880.1 COLOMBIA. RCN Caqueta, Florencia, Dec 24, 2242, with local ads and ID. "Brilliantly" equalized audio. Slight co-channel QRM, probably from R Reloj, Tulua, which has been the only steady harmonic so far on this spot. H2900 ECUADOR. "Somos R Calidad", mighty signal from Ecuadorian in Riobamba, Jun. 28, 1030. Ads for ferretería Pichincha, Comercial Fierro, talleres Carioca etc. H2900 (2x1450) COLOMBIA. Ondas de Palo Cabildo, Palo Cabildo (Tolima), Oct. 21, 1130, "Cita con Dios". Full ID at 1201 after ads for panaderia Tequendama, Centro botanico regional San Martin etc. Unlisted and probably unlicensed. Many harmonix on this fq; this one is better on the lower edge. H2900 COLOMBIA. Audible on this fq is also R Metropolitana, Bucaramanga, several times in Nov and Dec, always in the 2300-2400 time slot.--- Dec 29, 2311,"Metropolitana, su estacion bonita, 1450 AM". (One of Bucaramanga´s nicknames is "la ciudad bonita"). H2920 COLOMBIA. R Uno "la estacion del vallenato ventiao", Barranquilla, Oct. 21, 0008, w/ "vallenato galore" (which is the actual meaning of the slogan), a name shift from R Multicolor. - New name noted already Oct. 7, on 1460.03, by Finnish veteran Dxer Pertti Äyräas. - This is probably the stn reported as "R Turbo" in Cumbre Dx 108.-- (Later) no longer audible (by Dec 15); Paul Ormandy advises me that RCN e-mail address rcn@impsat.net.co can be used for reports, which then should be sent c/o Antonio Pardo Garcia, Director Nacional de Programas. H2968.8 COLOMBIA. Ecos de Pueblo Rico, Pueblo Rico (Risaralda), heard Dec 15 and later, usually closing @ 2300 with Colombian NA. - On 2969.1, Dec. 18, 2233. H3019.9 COLOMBIA. R Estrella, Armenia, belonging to Colmundo R network, Aug. 19, 1025, canned ID. H3133 COLOMBIA. R Maranatha Cultural, Chaparral (Tolima), regularly heard morning and night with rlg prgr. H3198.0 COLOMBIA. R Espacial, Andalucía, (Valle), Jul. 6, 1000 s/on, with "Alegre despertar". Fundamental announced as 1590. H3200.3 ARGENTINA. (tent) R Armonía, Jun 22 and 23 around 1020. Definitely Rio de la Plata accented, but no ID heard. --- "Armonía [music], 1600 kHz amplitud modulada, desde Caseros, 3 de Febrero, Provincia de Buenos Aires", Jun. 28, 1000, canned ID. Heard most mornings. H3200.7 ECUADOR. Unid, May 16, 1022 and for another 10 minutes, Ecuadorian pasillos and TC´s for UTC-5h. Fair but rapidly deteriorating.-- An Ecuadorian here, Jun 23, 1030, HC music, messages, interfering w/stn on H3200.3, "tenemos las cinco y media en la mañana, atención, atención, continuamos con nuestra programación". Then into more HC pasillos. (Preposition "en" in TC may occur in Ecuador, cf. p. 132 in "Latin America by Radio"). When in Ecuador, Swedish Dxer Björn Malm reported an unid Ondas del Caluma and a R La Cruz on this spot. H3200.7 Ecuadorian here s/on 1000 is R Ondas de Caluma. Caluma is located in the Bolívar province. Jun. 26, 1045, definitely identified when inviting finder of missing mule to report back to owner Pepe Vargas, or at the stn. 3324.7 GUATEMALA Nice opening ID for R Maya, Jul 6, 1026, "TGBA, Radio Maya inicia su transmisión correspondiente a este día. Nuestra signatura musical invita a la apertura de la transmisión para hoy al momento de enviarles nuestro respetuoso y fraternal saludo. TGBA Radio Maya lanza su voz a los más remotos fines de la tierra a través de sus frecuencias de onda corta, 2360 kHz, banda de 120 metros, y 3325 kHz, banda de 90 metros, desde la villa de Santa Cruz Barillas, departamento de Huehuetenango, en Guatemala, Centroamérica. Hoy, como todos los días, transmitiremos en las lenguas Kanjobal, Ixil, Xij de San Sebastián Coatán, Chuj de San Mateo Ixtatán, Migueleño, en idioma español. Transmite TGBA Radio Maya, Barillas, Huehuetenango, Guatemala, Centroamérica". 3234.8 PERU. R Luz y Sonido, on this new spot since beginning of June. First noted Jun. 6, 0100. On Jun. 10, s/on 1048. Much weaker here than on previous 6471.4v.--- Also with a satellite relay of disco music from R Once Sesenta, Lima, Sept. 18, 0125. 3280.2 (fq is approximate) PERU. Unid in Ayacucho, possibly Estación Wari, Jun. 29, 1014 to past 1100. Heavy QRM from La V del Napo, Ecuador, 3278.8 --- 3280.6 "Estación Wari, diferencia que se siente" and "Para el Perú, Estación Wari transmitiendo desde Ayacucho, capital [indo]americana" were two ID's heard July 12, between 1000 and 1040 when La Voz del Napo, Ecuador, 3279.8, was off the air. The HC stn had been off the night before, too, but the Peruvian was not strong enough to make it thru the local noise before an unexpected s/off @ 0100. - This is a long-awaited reactivation. 3281.6 PERU. Estacion Wari, exactly one kHz up on previous freq, Oct 29, 0029, poor, and again at 1014, fair, with ads for Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito Santa Maria Magdalena, Instituto Superior Pedagogico etc. 3285.9 ECUADOR. La V del Río Tarqui, Mar 20, 1048, weak signal, good modulation. Usually esoteric prgr at this time of the day. Unheard at night. 3285 suprisingly in a hook-up with NYC station on 1380 kHz, identifying itself as "Grupo Radial Delgado", probably an ad-hoc name for a particular time slot, May 10, 1000-1100+ with greetings to Ecuadorian listeners for Mother´s Day and the Cuenca stn doing likewise in return. One caller from somewhere in the NY State was Bayardo Maldonado, the son of the lady who at the time was operating La V del Río Tarqui! --- [] reported with a surprise satellite hook-up in a previous issue of Dateline Bogotá, seems to be a new operation. The old one would not have been in a position to hook up with a US medium wave station. This is my conclusion when noticing that stn, Jun. 10, 1030, was welcomingreports from abroad to the following (new) address: Manuel Vega 653 y Presidente Córdova, Cuenca.-- Jun 13, 1025, once more relaying NYC stn on 1380 with their "Buenos días, América" prgr sponsored by Delgado Travel. -- Jun 10, 0924 negative election propaganda: (F) "Ni muerta voto por Bucarama" [I´d rather be dead than vote for Bucaram], and (F) "Dios nos libre que llegue al poder Bucaram" [Bucaram in power, heaven forbid]. Presidential voting scheduled for July 7. 3290 GUYANA. Guyana Broadcasting Corp., on a new fq, reportedly 5 kW, Jun. 6, 0146, in English, QRMing Ecuador's R Centro. 3340 PERU R Altura, Jun 29, 2320, plugging for Ferretería San Cristóbal which is on the ground floor of the station building, then ID in the passing, "Tan majestuosa como la gran cordillera, Radio Altura, con la programaci´n que le gusta". 3374.8 BRAZIL. R Nacional de Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, "a voz forte do alto Rio Negro, Amazonas", said ID, Nov 7, 0100. 3375 BRAZIL. ZYG792 R Educadora de Guajará-Mirim, with a booming stn ID, Apr 22, 1015, and then into "Amanhecer rural". Was on top of the other Brazilians on fqy. 3384.9 R Educacao Rural de Tefe, Brazil, Dec 1, 0015, powerful signal, full ID and into a message slot. H3390 COLOMBIA. Third harmonic of Emisora Río-Mar, Jun 22, 0030, w/football and also, 10 hrs. later, w/Todelar nat´l prgr from Bogotá´s R Continental, 890. Promos for Todelar´s new e-mail address, todelarb@colomsat.net.co. "We want to hear from you", the promos said. - I phoned Todelar hq and learnt that the Cali offices also have an e-mail address, todelarc@colomsat.net.co. Could be useful for follow ups. Hq e-mail is handled by Carlos Arturo Tobón, vice-president, who is fluent in English. 3570 ECUADOR. La V de Chinchipe, poor, Nov 15, 0149 s/off w/HC NA. Birthday greetings etc. with heavy reverb. Unheard previously during 1996. 3579.8 COLOMBIA. Latest recorded freq for pirate R Católica Nacional. Owner/operator José Celio Díaz called me Feb. 5 to ask for my help in securing a licence for him. Precisely as hundreds of other stns, this one was raided early Dec. and equipment confiscated. Said he had been in Ecuador for Christmas and New Year's together with his wife. Has received many reports from abroad (no doubt as a result of address info published in an earlier Dateline Bogotá as well as in PWBR '96), one report from Uruguay, and also "a very nice letter from Boston". I didn't ask for names, but I think I know who's the MA DXer. 4000.4 PERU. La V de la Amistad, Trujillo, still active May 21, 0122. Gospel only.--- Gospel prgr 1000-1100, and also, as it seems, 0200-0600 (the stn doesn´t seem to be on the air before 0200 at night). On Jun 14, 1054, spkr bidding listeners farewell, asking for comment in writing to "La V de la Amistad, R San Juan" at a P O Box which I could not make out. After adstring into prgr "Fortaleza peruana" which is a secular music prgr handled by a femal DJ and singer, "La Norteñita". Address for this prgr is given in c/o R San Juan as Pasaje San Martín 300, Urbanización Alto Mochica, Trujillo. Their Apartado Postal sounds like 352 but I am not sure if it is in the Trujillo main P O or somewhere else. 4000.4 Nice letter and cassette with interesting huaylas and huaynos received from Miguel Bacilio A. whose record company, APROBA, sponsors the "Fortaleza peruana" prgr on R San Juan, Trujillo, Peru, mentioned in a previous Dateline Bogotá issue. Letter confirms that La V de la Amistad is a block of rlg prgr. [At s/off 0617, Jun. 23, R San Juan, mentioned shift of fq so as to enable listeners in Canada and Germany (sic) to receive the stn. Too much QRN to get the rest. ---4000.5 R San Juan, Trujillo, Peru, on and off during past few days. The company sponsoring "Fortaleza peruana" show, 1100-1200, sent me five cassette tapes, including one of the Jun. 25 show where they acknowledged receipt of my report. Quite interesting to have in lieu of a written QSL on San Juan stationery.--(Later) now signs off around 1100, when concluding the "La V de la Amistad" block of rlg progr. The "Fortaleza peruana" prgr starting at 1100 will be moved to another stn, manager of APROBA record company tells me. R San Juan can't make ends meet financially. They are slow to pay their electricity bills, he says, that's why he feels he shall have to pick another stn for their promotional prgr. 4012.1 PERU. R Frecuencia Popular, raided and closed in early Dec. 1995. [Cf. 4300 and 6803v]. 4183.2 PERU. La V de Sayapullo, possibly from distrito of same name, Cajamarca department, Mar 30, 1050 and for another 30 min., "Amanecer latinoamericano". In promos, said to cover areas such as "Valle alto Chicana", and mining areas of La Libertad department. Should be ex-R San Ignacio, ex-ex-R Membrillar. This stn is not heard every day. Possibly their sign on tends to be past local sunrise. 4190.4 PERU. La Super R San Ignacio, now active almost nightly 2300-0100v, fair signal, good audio. On Sept. 26, last year, DJ revealed QTH as Av. Victor Larco 104, a un costado del Campo deportivo, pueblo menor de San Ignacio, distrito de Sinsicap, provincia de Otuzco, región La Libertad. There were ads for a Carniceria (butcher's) Oriental at the same address. Reactivated this year, logged for example on Oct. 17, 0120, there are additional plugs for more stores at the same address, Agrotecnica Oriental, Comercial Contreras etc. Fq is announced as "frecuencia 4200 banda de 75 metros" and, on Dec 1, also "1400 amplitud modulada".. "La super super R San Ignacio", Peru, seems to be on reduced sked, only 2300-0100v. 4279.4 PERU. R Cajamarca, on a new fqy, May 16, 1040, "Melodías folklóricas del Perú". Almost killed by RTTY. H4291 COLOMBIA. R Majagual, 3rd harmonic, sometimes audible at night, @2300. 4300.1 PERU. "R dif Comercial La V de Naranjos", raided and closed early Dec 1995. [Cf. 6803v]. H4319.9 COLOMBIA. R Reloj, Tuluá, see H2880. 4461 PERU An example of an elaborate canned ID from R Nor Andina, Aug 18, 1059, "Hasta los departamentos del Cusco, Huancavelica, Junín, Lima, Arequipa y toda la parte sur y cento del país llegan nítidamente las potentes ondas de Radio Nor Andina de Celendín, orgullo de la región". 4524v PERU. Sounding as a harmonic, R Gotas de Oro, Chiclayo, ann. MW 1430, May 14, w/esoteric prgr until 1100, then into tropical dance music. At 1113, at recorded promos for the stn by fellow stn Frecuencia Latina. A Chiclayo stn announcing R Latina was on 4570 kHz in Jan 1995. At the time I reported the stn setting a sked for them some week later. H4530 COLOMBIA. Unid reported in Cumbre DX 111 is R Estrella, Armenia, s/on @1145; Nov 8, 2329, "Rumba Estrella fin de semana", Nov 11, 2343, "Bailables de siempre". Is an affiliate of "Colmundo, la cadena de la paz". 4530.3 BOLIVIA. Hitachi Radiodifusión, Mar 11, 1055, announcing "4530 kHz".---"Actualidad deportiva, una especialidad [sic] a través de Hitachi, la emisora que informa más y mejor", was the annc't hrd when tuning by at 1036, July 12. 4575.2 PERU. R Soledad, Oct. 18, 2350. Drifting. 4593.6 PERU. Estación X, Yurimaguas, reactivated after a long time of silence, Feb. 8, 1107, with "Informativo Expresión del pueblo para el pueblo". Slogan "la doble frecuencia" sometimes explained as "97.1 FM y onda corta de 60 metros". Seems to come on the air well before 1100, but usually out of skip until after local sunrise. 4606.5 PERU. On Feb. 9, 1035 to past 1100, bilingual - or maybe even trilingual - prgr, but ads for stores etc. partly given in Spanish as well as the ID which was R Ayaviri, La V de Melgar. (No mention at all of any other slogan, such as "Radio A" or the like). At 1101 apparently a news relay from Onda´Azul, at Puno, which, by the way, is inaudible on their usual SW venue of approx. 4800. 4632.4 BOLIVIA. Strange things going on on this fq which has been idle since Bolivian FM 97.5, at Guayaramerín, left the spot in mid-94. On Sept. 19, 2259, speaker said this was a test transmission from R 11 de Octubre, Cobija, Bolivia, requesting reports by phone to number 2131 in Cobija. Then followed "Encuentro nacional", a satellite fed prgr from ERBOL. Just before midnight short ID, "En transmisión Radio 11 de Octubre".--- 24 hours later the signal was that of R Frontera, Cobija, in parallel to their regular fqy 4449.9 which offered much better audio quality.--- On Sept 21, 2330, the audio was that of Perla del Acre, which was also audible on 4600.---Finally, on Sept 22, 2330, R 11 de Octubre programming with requests for reports to Casilla 200 or by phone. So the transmissions the two nights before were probably a way to compare the audio of the three local stations in the town of Cobija. 4653.7v PERU. R Soledad, seemingly settled around this spot, early Apr. Fqy drifting less than before, actually only some 300 Hz a day. Signal is weaker than before. Not ID´ing properly very often. Ads centre around firms in the neighbouring town of Retama. The phonetics of this place-name seems to make it through any kind of noise. 4667v BRAZIL. Spur from R Integracao, most mornings around 1100. Very strong and distorted. Unheard on fundamental 4765. 4689.4 VENEZUELA. Spur from R Amazonas, see also 5189.7. H4702, ex-H4725v, COLOMBIA. R Fortaleza, Sogamoso, has reappeared on this fqy, heard s/on 0100 and interfering with Bolivia´s R Eco. On Jun 22, 1030, on 4700.9- H4725v COLOMBIA. R Fortaleza, Sogamoso, is a "gospel pirate" active, per own annc´ts weekdays local time from 5 to 7 am, and from 8-9 pm. On Sat, Sun and holidays, 6-8 am and 8-9 pm. Announces 1600 kHz and has mentioned their address as Carrera 10 No. 14-95, Sogamoso, Boyacá. A canned ID runs as follows, "Desde Sogamoso, capital cosmopolita del departamento de Boyacá, Colombia, Radio Fortaleza, fuente de luz, verdad y amor del infinito". Seems that stn is run by owner of Librería Leal, which is "just round the corner", open precisely at hours when the stn is off the air. On May 5 the stn drifted up to 4751.4v. 4738.1v PERU, R Soledad, Mar. 5, 1109, strong with surrealistic ads, one for a centro de salud where nails are being extracted without pain (extracción de uñas sin dolor) and also a summons to a meeting for members of Comité de productores de hoja de coca. Two slogans for the town of Tingo María mentioned: la ciudad de la bella durmiente and puerta de la Amazonía peruana. Also mentioned a new address to the stn, Jr. Callao 115. It's unclear if this address replaces the one listed in the books. 4761 VENEZUELA. R Frontera, reactivated Jan. 13, 1500, with live coverage from San Antonio's Centro cívico. Undemodulated precisely as before. 4763.9 PERU. R Chincheros, temtatove log thanks to tip from PFA, Nov 22, 1049, adstring in Spanish; Nov 25, 1047, in Quechua. This one is very poor, at least 1 QSA unit weaker than other Peruvians. 4775 BRAZIL. R Liberal, Belem, Oct 11, 0700, with full fq id. Is a reactivation. 4775.4 PERU. R Tarma, Jan. 3, 1027, with one of their ID spots in American English, Greetings from Peru, the archaelogical center of the Western hemi-sphere... 4777v BOLIVIA. The new one here is R Andes "La V del Altiplano Sur", also "La V de los Trabajadores Campesinos del Altiplano Sur", Uyuni (Potosí). Three canned ID in a row, Aug. 21, 1030, made a definite ID possible. When using the AM synchro mode there's a strong humming sound on the carrier, making it all but impossible to understand the speech. Usually only in Quechua at this time of the day; however, some short segments have been heard in SS, too, including a promo for prgr "Ramilletes musicales".--- [Later] seems to s/on 1000; three ID's noted @1030, (1)[charango]"Desde el Altiplano (...) de Bolivia, transmite R Andes, en los 4775 kc/s, amplitud modulada, (..) metros onda corta. [charango] Desde Uyuni, departamento de Potosi, Bolivia" [charango]; (2) "Esta sintonizando R Andes, la Voz de los Trabajadores Campesinos del Altiplano Sud, en emisiones [de carácter] experimental"; (3) "Usted esta sintonizando R Andes, la voz del Altiplano Sud, brindandoles entretenimiento (....) todos los dias. Por ser Ud. el primero para nosotros, gracias por compartir sus maximas emociones". Also: "R Andes, siempre con usted". - Aug. 31, 1010, vy good, in Quechua, when tuning by; above canned ID's at 1028, but R Tarma and R Oriental messing it up. No hum on carrier any more.---(Later) now s/on 0930, closing a few minutes past midnight; now it's the right time to log this stn, as the Ecuadorian R Oriental is off the air (and has been for about a month) awaiting a tube replacement. R Andes is asking local listeners for a donation of 5 Bolivianos (=1 US$), "Companero, companera: Su aporte de los 5 Bs. para la radio es muy importante. De su apoyo dependera el futuro de nuestra radio". This maybe explains why they haven't been sending out any QSL´s so far. 4795.3 ECUADOR. La V de los Caras, active only local Sat. nights, will be on the air all day, Jun. 21, for stn's 50th anniversary celebrations, says stn mgr Marcelo Nevárez F.--- Jun 16, 0548, off cue for "El night club del aire" which is aired every Sat night at 9 pm local time. Is a relay from 95.3 which is called "LVC Radio, la radio de Bahía". "La Voz de los Caras" annc´ts heard superimposed on many tunes. 4815 ECUADOR. R El Buen Pastor, ex-4830, heard here for 1st time, Sept. 5, until s/off 0106. Not much stronger here than the Brazilian. 4815.4 ECUADOR. R El Buen Pastor, found on this spot Sept. 21, 0030. If they stay here, it might be easier to log the station abroad. 4819.6 HONDURAS. HRVC, La V Evangélica de Honduras, Apr 28, 0030, with "Maratón 96", a fund-raising campaign in order to finance 24-h operation of the stn, nicknamed "la misionera del aire" (missionary of the air). 4830.2 ECUADOR. R del Buen Pastor, Saraguro (Loja), unexpectedly Jan. 11 for some ten minutes prior to s/off with NA at 0103. Good signal. R Táchira was apparently off the air or out of skip. 4830.6 PERU. R Lircay, during R Tachira power outage, Sept. 5, 0030 to a couple of minutes past 0200; some 15 different music selections for youngster by the name of Felix Yauli de la Cruz whose birthday it is tomorrow local time (=Sept. 5). Last heard, some 4 years ago, on 5059. --- Sept. 14, 2300 till after midnight; request music, a few ads and comunicados, one of which saying that Aurelio Willca was staying at the Hotel Manolo where he expected to see those miners who had signed up to work at the Casapalca mines (which are in the Pasco dept.). Lists of toponyms mention only one Lircay, in the Huancavelica dept., but this station has not come up with definite address info so far; they are in a neighbourhood called Barrio Maravillas, that's for sure, though.--- Dec 16, 2325-0010, in the absence of Venezuela's R Tachira, w/elaborate mx prgr called "Joyas folkloricas". Canned ID at midnight, "Transmite R Lircay, OBX5G, 5058 kHz, banda internacional de los 60 metros", followed by esoteric prgr. 4835 GUATEMALA. R Tezulutlán, is asking foreign listeners for donations to a bank account with the Banco del Café, Cobán branch, in exchange of which the donor becomes a member of Círculo de Amigos de R Tezulutlán. "Además de la tarjeta QSL, recibirá un banderín", the promo said. "Por favor, no envíe dinero en efectivo. No envíe dinero en efectivo", speaker cautoned. Please don´t send cash. This promo spot has been aired at irr. intervals during their evening transmission, heard at 0030, 0135 etc. It was first noticed by Bogotá DXer Rafael Rodríguez. The number of the bank account sounds like 01- [...] 911-9, but within brackets there are two or three digits that we have not been able to decipher. Maybe someone in the States could offer us some help. 4845 COLOMBIA. R Bucaramanga, left SW "8 years ago", said stn mgr Germán Gómez Vahos on the phone. Unlikely to hit the 60 m b again. H4849 COLOMBIA. Dec 28, 2050. - Dec 31, 2250, FMing but nevertheless very good, announcing "Esta es la frecuencia alegre para el fin de ano". 4850.3 ECUADOR. Emisoras Luz y Vida, Loja, reactivated. Good signal Jan. 10, making it here also during daylight hours. H4853 COLOMBIA. R Fortaleza, Sogamoso, ex-4702v, Sept. 9, 1010. 4855.4 PERU.R La Hora, unsually strong, Jan. 22, 2339, with sports talk and ads for Coca Cola, cerveza Cusqueña, ferretería Fortaleza, Centro Comercial Cusco etc. 4860 ECUADOR. R Federación Shuar, Jan. 25, 1115, with political speeches in Spanish in // with 4960.9 4865.1 COLOMBIA. La Voz del Cinaruco, with reduced power. Probably no more than 0.5 kW. 4870 ECUADOR. V del Upano, Oct. 12, 0115, English language lesson! 4879.6 ECUADOR. R Nacional Espejo, warming up txer, Apr 28, with old-fashioned radionovelas (radio drama) such as "Kalimán, el hombre increíble", episode called "Los cadáveres vivientes" (The living corpses). Political PSA´s and ads for ron Cañaveral, Fruit (a fizzy drink) etc. Their canned ID is exactly as it used to be some 20 years ago. 4895 BRAZIL. R Baré, Manaus, Oct. 8, 2215. Not too strong. This is a reactivation. 4905.3 COLOMBIA. Non-stop Venezuelan and Colombian music Sun, Jan. 7 until unexpected s/off around 2300. Then apparently silent until Jan. 10, when back with similar prgr. At 2302, female speaker giving name of station as Ecos del Orinoco, proyecto de comunicaciones de la Gobernación del Vichada. In a later canned ID, cultura, música y medio ambiente. Was on the air until 0500. On Jan. 12, starting by 1900. Obviously testing on this fq (which is announced on the air) as well as on FM 100.3, but I have not heard any formal requests for reports. Vichada state local gov't is at Puerto Carreño, so that's their QTH, although they didn't say so at the outset. Very good in Bogotá, but R La Oroya, Peru, 4904.7, is interfering at night. - The environmental part of the slogan now implemented in the form of various PSA's, viz. on how to fish without recurring to depredatory methods.--- Oct 21, 0105, plugging for new Palacio de Deportes. This is a reactivation. 4915 COLOMBIA. Armonías del Caquetá, Florencia, on extended sked past midnight, Dec 17. That night the FARC guerrillas were expected to release 60 Colombian soldiers held captive somewhere in the jungle area south of Florencia, which is the primary target area for this station. However, the release did not materialize. 4919 ECUADOR. R Quito, relaying R Programas del Peru, >0800-0930, Dec 18. Also other Ecuadorians, such as La V del Napo, 3280, downlinked RPP that night for coverage of the guerrilla takeover of the Japanese Ambassador's residence. RPP mentioned their Internet address as www.rpp.com. 4925.1 BOLIVIA. R San Miguel, Riberalta, no longer drifting up and down in fq; quite readable on AM syncro which was a problem earlier. Special prgr for foreign listeners, Bolivia al mundo, 7/25, 0200-0225 (a Thursday morning UTC) featuring música nacional and descriptions of places of interest for the tourist. Prgr host asked for reception reports, adding that the stn would answer by way of a QSL, contestamos a través de una QSL. Unusual jingle at the outset of prgr, Amigo turista, no te vayas, amigo turista, es Bolivia, donde el pobre es pobre, donde el rico es más rico, which in rough translation means "Tourist friend, don't go, fellow tourist, it's Bolivia, where the poor are poor, where the rich are richer". 4935 PERU R Tropical, Tarapoto, regular in Bogotá. S/on Sept 3, 1002, "Señoras y señores, tengan Ustedes muy buenos días. Esta es la señal amiga de Radio Tropical, la primera emisora del Oriente, puesta al servicio de la industria, la banca y el comercio. Con nuestras frecuencias de onda media de 1340 kHz y onda corta, en 4935, cubrimos nítidamente la sintonía de la región. Al ingresar a [...] hogares [...] Radio Tropical confía en que cada uno de Ustedes [...] y anhelamos como Ustedes un día feliz y próspero para todos. Bienvenidos a la frecuencia más importante del dial, Radio Tropical de Tarapoto". And, "Transmitiendo en sus tres poderosas bandas, desde la ciudad de Tarapoto, en el departamento de San Martín, región [...] Radio Tropical [...] Somo el mejor vínculo en educación, cultura, entretenimiento y orientación. Para cada generación hay un programa especial. Por eso somos una radio con historia. Radio Tropical de Tarapoto - qué tal radio!" 4939.5 VENEZUELA. R Continental, Barinas, active for New Year's, from Dec. 30 thru Jan. 3, then gone. Yelling primer lugar en sintonía as in years past. -- Replaced by R Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela, Feb. 25, 2210, and later. Much weaker than neigbouring stn Ecos del Orinoco, 4905.3. At night, usual fare of Venezuelan tecno pop music. In the morning, around 1100, news magazine (sort of) called "Noticontacto Amazonas La V del Pueblo". Slogan "La emisora más divertida de Venezuela" has no substance at all to it. Ridiculous would be a better word for it. Audio quality worse than when tx was at the Barinas site. [See 5189.7 and 4689.4]. 4955 COLOMBIA. Off the air for a couple of days early Jan., Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia returned to the air with much improved audio on Jan. 4. For fans of Cuban music and its cultural background, César Pagano's prgr Son para un sonero, Thu 0415-0445 (approx.), is one of the very best to be heard anywher 4974.6v COLOMBIA. Ondas del Orteguaza, sked 1700-1800 and 2100-2300 only per info obtained via the phone. 4985v BRAZIL. R Progresso, nominally on 4945, has drifted to this spot, Jan. 12, 1037. Terribly distorted FMing sound. 4985 BRAZIL. R B C (R Brasil Central), now all night, Oct 26, 0652, "Viva com saude". 5010.3 ECUADOR. ERPE, Riobamba, reactivated for New Year's, went off the air once more until Jan 22. Station is fond of "telegraphic" ID announcements such as Escuelas Radiofónicas, potencia diez mil. 5012.2 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. R Pueblo, Santo Domingo, May 31, 0020, with boring interviews, changed into the music-to-lure-foreign-tourists-format one day later, also changing its name to [R] Cristal Internacional, call sign HIMI. Just after midnight, DJ Fernando said he had taken a call from Ulis Fleming, in the US. Other callers were invited. At 0215, Bogotá DXer Rafael Rodríguez gave them a call, which was acknowledged on the air a few minutes later. A few days later a canned stn ID was heard where mention was made of reports/calls/faxes from someone in Norway (Ivarsen?), Ulises Fleming, Henrik Klemetz, Rafael Rodríguez, Michael Schnitzer, Germany, Ivar Stormo, Norway, and last but not least Edward Rausch, who reported [R Pueblo] already May 23. Address given as Apartado Postal 894, Santo Domingo. Stn mgr is Héctor Badía. Present phone number is +1 809 5665411, fax remaining as earlier, +1 809 5679107. La V de la República Dominicana en el exterior (also: La V del turismo y la cultura en la República Dominicana) carries promotional messages for would-be tourists to the Dom. Rep. and LA music, usually Dominican, but they also carry a prgr slot called Latin Jazz where they feature Eddie Palmieri and others. Annc´d sked 2100-0200. --- On Jun 23, Fernando Hermón said a QSL-card was being printed. Stn is looking forward to receiving pictures of reporters in their shacks. --- Relaying R Pueblo, Jun. 29, a stn that was rallying for PRD presidential candidate Peña Gómez - the one who didn't make it in the end. (Cf. 6235.3). On Jun. 27, relaying R Pueblo at 1130. - 2-page QSL fax received from stn. Info much the same as published elsewhere. Stn mgr lives in a house on "Calle Ollof Palme", says the fax. 5014.7 PERU. Estación Tarapoto, 1000-1100, weekdays, with El show de la apertura. Carries a variety of canned ID's, one of them being Todo San Martín lo sabe, la respuesta correcta es: Yo escucho Tarapoto, la estación. (N.B. the inverted stn name). 5015.9 PERU. R Juliaca, Jan. 26, 2355 with on-cue for "Juliaca en la noticia". Is one of those Peruvians that play the opening bars of Beethoven's 5th Symphony before the ID, where they refer to 91.1 MHz, 1300 and 5015 kHz and the town of Juliaca nicknamed as "capital de la integración andina". 5020 PERU. R Horizonte, regularly hrd with prgr "Hola paisita" [Hello highlander] between midnight and 0100. Prgr name usually misinterpreted in bulletins. 5025 PERU. R Quillabamba, all alone, Mar. 3, 0104 with "Tropicalizando la noche". Very good copy when playing a couple of old Cuarteto Continental hits, such as "Un sorbito de champán". 5040 ECUADOR. V del Upano, Aug. 19, 1030, using SW in place of FM 107.5 which was said to be out of order. Speaker was happy to announce that the SW signal was loud and clear "mucho mejor en el Cantón Gualaquiza que La Voz de los Andes", i.e. "much better [in the referred place] than the Voice of the Andes".--- Example of typical ID: "Desde la región amazónica ecuatoriana, para el país y el mundo, transmite el circuito de emisoras Voz del Upano". 5046.2 PERU. Presumed R Integración, Jan. 10, 1048, with Los Alegres del Perú and Christmas greetings from firms in Abancay. Unheard since Feb./Mar. of last year. 5049.6 PERU. R Tayacaja, Jan. 30, 1055, ads including one for aserradero y tornería Santos, on Av. del Centenario. Also ads for comm'l establishments in Huancayo (which is quite some distance away). 1059, "continuamos con nuestro programa folklórico Amanecer campesino". Rather weak signal, better on lower sideband. 5050.4 ECUADOR. R Jesús del Gran Poder, back on the air after a lengthy period of silence, Jun 14, 0052 ending prgr called "Denuncia en vivo". Spkr happy with phone calls from various places in the country where listeners were tuned to their sw fqy: Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Loja, the Chimborazo area, Tulcán and the Cayambe area. This would indicate that sw is still alive and kicking in Ecuador.--- 5050.4 Francisco estereo seems to be used for a filler by R difusora Jesus del Gran Poder. On Dec 13, the Francisco estereo progr was aired from @2215 s/on till 2257, when Jesus del Gran Poder programming - the 6 o'clock mass, in this case - took over preceded by full ID: "Desde el corazon de Quito, y para el corazon de los ecuatorianos, transmite Radiodifusora Jesus del Gran Poder el mensaje del Padre para sus hijos. Sintonice sus frecuencias". [It may be remembered that both studios are inside the San Francisco Cathedral, in downtown Quito]. 5055 BRAZIL. Relay of FM A Crítica (93.1), Manaus, May 29, 1015, and Jun. 2, 2330 5060.3 ECUADOR. R Progreso, back after a period of silence, 7/25, 0048. As their slogan Nacional Progreso was banned by authorities long ago, they've now coined a new one, Progreso Intercontinental. 5076.8 COLOMBIA. Caracol Colombia, Bogotá, returning to the air Jan. 21, 0018, after a period of silence. By April no longer tuning to 10 or 15 MHz for relay of WWV time signal weekdays at 1143. Instead they seem to take the audio from the phone (or Internet?). This TC is being paid for by toilet paper brand La Familia. It has been a regular feature for many years now. 5083.9 PERU. R Mundo, Cusco, occasionally around 1030 with all Spanish prgr called Tierra fecunda prior to bilingual Voz campesina, which is their usual fare at this time of the day. (cf. 6115 kHz). "R Mundo para todo el mundo" is the Spanish language slogan for this Peruvian, MW is announced as 870 kHz. Feb. 2, 1102, "Producciones La Alborada presenta el informativo Nuevo Amanecer". 5097.4 PERU. R Eco, has been inactive for weeks (in June). 5100.4 VENEZUELA. Spur from Observatorio Cajigal, n. 5000, Jul. 2, 1105 5139.8 PERU. Unid, Apr 28, 0051 to 0159 when drowned by Iranian-type jammer. ID sounded like R Amauta. I could not understand its location, but judging from the kind of music they play, the stn should be in the Cajamarca area. --- R América, San Pablo, is the real ID and QTH for this one. Definite canned ID May 14, 2348. Very irr. opn. Sometimes not on the air before 0030. Modulation is totally inadequeate. "América" still sounds like "Amauta" when spoken live. Progr is all "música vernacular". Announces 5133.--- Apologies due for mis-identifying the Peruvian on this channel. It is not R América but rather, precisely as I suggested, in the May 6 issue of Dateline Bogotá, R Amauta. Fair-to-good Jul. 7, between midnight and past 0100. Microphone audio still incredibly blurred, but a couple of canned ID's got through all right, one of which mentioning address as follows: "Jr. Miguel Iglesias s/n, a pocos pasos de la Plazuela San Juan, provincia de San Pablo, Región Nor Oriental del Marañón". In Jul. 7 transmission, a DJ with R Internacional, in the same town, announced a couple of the selections played on the prgr. 5144 PERU. R Imagen, Tarapoto, uses this fq intermittently and for unknown reasons instead of 4969.1. Heard several afternoons in Dec until s/off around midnight, during last halfhour featuring "El Vespertino Imagen", a newscast. This standby fq has not been noted in the mornings, so far only between 2300 and 2400. The signal is poor, tx power probably no more than 100W 5182.4 Unknown Spanish speaker, Feb. 1, 1059, too weak to copy. Flute, 10 min. prior to opening annc't (?), sounded Bolivian to me. 5189.7 VENEZUELA. R Amazonas "Internacional", Jun 22, 0113, turned out to be a spur from Venezuelan on 4939.5, now seemingly capitalizing from foreign reports received at the stn. The lower spur, on 4689.4, was even stronger. 5235.5 PERU. R Apurímac, has had a good spell early Jan. Usually on the air well before 1030, on Jan. 3, only at 1059. "R Apurímac, una emisora al servicio del país" is one of their canned ID's. Another one is, "Informativa, musical, entretenida, R Apurímac, la emisora que nació para ser siempre la primera". -- Jan. 30, 1100, with one of those countless cerveza Cristal jingles ("En Apurímac, como en todo el país, ¡salud! con la rubia insuperable..."). Then also something I have rarely heard, viz. a jingle in Quechua. This stn carries regular ads for Lima-based R Mar Plus, 760 kHz, which, as it seems, has an ads sales outlet in R Apurímac's own offices, at Jr. Cusco 206. Another significant (?) piece of info given this morning, and following mornings, is the fact that "el famoso herbolario Paolo" is now back in town. 5264.8 PERU. R 5264 "desde la bella ciudad de Chiriaco, provincia de Bagua, departamento Amazonas", Peru, May 20, fair "vernacular" and "chicha" music. 5342.5 PERU. R Naylamp "la diferente", also: "la radio de la familia", new fq, ex-4154v, July 20, past midnight, July 21 past 1100. This is clearly a new tx, 1 kW or more; fq is covered by strong RTTY. -- [Later] may be on the air before 1000 on weekdays, Aug 2, 0955, w/La V del Exportador, a transcribed prgr for coffee growers heard on many Peruvian stns. There is strong RTTY next to this channel. 5454.3 PERU. Unusual and weak Peruvian here. By chance I heard the stn signing off on Mar 0105. Signal was so weak that I wasn´t aware at the time that they were going to close down and ID´ing. Only by playing back the tape a bit faster than normally I was able to overcome the background noise. The tenative ID is R Estación Vernacular and the QTH is San Miguel, in Cajamarca. The ID seems to say "desde la provincia de San Miguel y para toda la región nororiental del Marañón, R Estación Vernacular". Heard on later occasions, too, but no ID noted among endless huayno selections. 5453.6 PERU. Very poor, Oct 29, 0055, seemingly R Estacion Vernacular. 5470.6 PERU.R San Nicolas, Rodriguez de Mendoza, Amazonas, reactivated, Aug. 24 from shortly after midnight till 0155 s/off.(Fq was 5470.7 at s/off). Playing varied "exitos musicales" with a short break for "Un mensaje a la conciencia" with Hermano Pablo; fq mentioned as "5470 kcs, banda int'l de 60 metros", and address, Jiron Matiaza Rimache 208(?; clearly not 201), a pocos pasos de la Plaza de Armas, Rodríguez de Mendoza. Slogans heard include "la frecuencia amiga de R San Nicolas", "R San Nicolas en su receptor", "la voz del oriente peruano". Signal strength, fair at best.--- "R San Nicolas, desde Rodriguez de Mendoza, con la mejor musica para la familia peruana", is a canned ID noted for this Peruvian, Nov 25, shortly after s/on 1100. 5485.4 PERU. New Peruvian spotted Aug 4, 2300, thanks to alert and query from Havukunnas via Österholm. Female DJ read quite a lot of local ads but did not ID properly, only said in the passing that this was R Huarmaca, su emisora amiga. An advert for Inversiones La Loretana, a local firm, gave a clue to the whereabouts of the stn, Av. Grau 454, a espaldas de (behind) Radio Huarmaca. This is the third SW stn to appear in the little town of Huarmaca, in the Huancabamba province of Región Grau in northern Peru. R Altura, 7143.2 continues active as before, whereas R Los Andes, 6479.8, seems to be silent for the time being. 5498 PERU. R Lajas, usually signing on just before midnight. On Sat/Sun their first prgr, run by owner Alfonso Medina Burga himself, is called Añoranzas cajamarquinas. On Jan. 14, 0100, interestingly, warning audience for a letter to be read on the air, "in order to get to know how we're being heard in Japan". And then, at 0108, the speaker started reading this letter, wherein this Japanese listener claims to have heard the station in Tokyo for the first time on Oct. 14, 1995: "Sintonicé su emisora Radio Lajas por primera vez en Tokio (---) en 5498 kHz, en la banda de 54 metros, longitud de onda corta 54 metros con 56 centímetros, el día 14 de octubre de 1995 desde las 19 horas con 20 minutos hasta las (---) horas, en hora local peruana. Esta sintonía fue realizada por un receptor de marca JRC, Japan Radio Corporation, de modelo NRD 5-5 [525 or 535, hard to tell] y una antena de tipo dipolo de 30 metros de longitud. La calidad de recepción era buena. Me parece que su transmisor (--) tener una capacidad de 1 kW en antena".- This letter tells of the reception of R Lajas in Japan. However, in RNM # 210, the same listener says that the logging was made during a visit to Peru during the first fortnight of October. And, as can be seen from RNM loggings, Peruvians on the tropical bands propagate to Japan only prior to local sunrise, never in the local evening, Peruvian time. - Although very interesting, this report was not the only one from abroad to have reached the station, the speaker said. They had also received letters from, in this order, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia y hasta una carta muy hermosa desde Suecia, which the speaker promised to read on another occasion. - In view of their nearly global outreach R Lajas has now added a couple of more slogans to their previous one, la frecuencia de la amistad. Additionally, they're now la frecuencia internacional and la frecuencia láser. The speaker (apart from the owner, the voices of Julio Apolinar, Serafio and César Augusto can also be heard on the air) apparently doesn't believe the station has a worldwide audience judging from the following ID tag, transmitiendo para todo el territorio nacional y parte del territorio internacional. -- With slogan "la pionera del dial", well hrd early Apr, s/on usually a few minutes past midnight UTC. One of their prgrs, "Añoranzas cajamarquinas", is sponsored by a clinic specializing in dental prosthesises. --- (Later) "R Lajas, la frecuencia de la amistad," Peru, s/on 2313, May 25, says stn is now also on mw 1480 kHz. 5504.3 BOLIVIA. R Emisora 2 de Febrero, Aug. 10, 0050, w/a transcription svc from the Vatican R. The stn uses Richard Claydermann's rendering of "Ballade pour Adeline" as an ID cue. Fellow Bolivian broadcaster R difusoras Minería, 5927v, has been using the same theme for their canned foreign language ID's. 5569.7 COLOMBIA. R Nueva Vida, Bucaramanga (ex-Tibú), to be reactivated as of Jul. 23, said Marco Antonio Caicedo, HK7PEW, when asked why stn went silent. Sked 1000-1200 and 0300-0500. Reports (including return postage) will be QSLed if sent to PWBR '96 address. 5600.9U ARGENTINA. Weather report in Spanish read by female spkr, Nov 20, 0035-0045, followed by ID "Transmitió Ezeiza Aeradio, Buenos Aires, Republica Argentina". [This stn has been reported as R Ritmo, Peru, long after this stn was closed]. 5604.1 PERU. A new one here, s/off 2329, May 3 and 0017, May 5. Signal is fair, audio not bad, but there is flight weather info (in English) on or just around this fqy (indeed, the aero wx stn did complain about the interference from a "broadcasting station") and a Colombian military (?) net on 5605U. ID sounds like R La V del Marañón which seems a bit odd as the location is given as Cajabamba, a place which is at some distance from the river Marañón. The stn is testing from Jirón Bolognesi 1300 (or something), Barrio La Alameda, Sector Los Delfines, Cajabamba (Cajamarca), Peru. -- May 4, 2230 until s/off 0017 May 5. Said they were testing. Rather slick operation. Canned ID´s such as, "La Voz del Marañón, música y [...] del rico acervo folklórico de Cajamarca y de todo el Perú". "Por su seriedad y el respeto a nuestros valores cívicos y culturales, La Voz del Marañón inspira confianza en sus oyentes". And on June 26, "[...]los 5610 kHz onda corta Usted escucha La Voz del Marañón, la emisora más potente del norte peruano, transmitiendo desde la histórica ciudad de Cajabamba, región nor oriental del Marañón, llevando entretenimiento, cultura e información a todo el país"..--- Stn owner Eduardo Diaz Coronado sent me a handwritten letter [with sorts of a QSL text] apologizing for being late in answering my report. Mailed in mid-Oct, his letter reached me only in Dec, due to the negligence of Avianca [Colombian P O] postal clerks. Addr given as Jr. Bolognesi 130 [report was sent to # 1300, though], Cajabamba, Peru. In his letter, Diaz says he will play selections of Cajamarcan music for me every evening on the "Brisas del Maranon" prgr, 2300-0030. With the letter came one of the strangest picture photographs I've ever received from a radio station, a panoramic view of terraced pastures, with an Indian woman sitting in the grass some 50 feet behind what is to be seen in the foreground of the picture, a solitary white cow! 5620.9 PERU R Ilucán, Cutervo, always dependable. One of their canned ID´s: "Radio Ilucán, desde los arenales de su pétreo guardián proyecta y comunica a Cutervo con el Perú y el mundo". 5636.8 PERU. R La V del Marañón, standby fqy for 5604.4, Aug 27. 5645.5 PERU. R San Antonio, also known as R La V de San Antonio, Jan. 14, ann. 5645. Speaker hoping recent readjustment is providing a better signal. Again on 5645.9, Jan. 15. -- Jan. 23, 0115, "Paraíso tropical". 5730 PERU. New stn here; noted as unid w/music till 2359, Sep 15. Oct 4 w/regular prgr, 2240 to past 0100, saying they would be on the air until 0200, altho regular sked was ann. as 5-9 am, 3-8 pm. During first two hrs. plaaying the same music tape twice, including chicha group Celeste, from Chiclayo, and a Cuarteto Continental LP. Short id's plus TC at 2314 and 0005, "Esta transmitiendo R Santiago". After midnight, another DJ came on the air, announcing every now and then, "Esta es R Santiago, desde la capital del distrito de Puerto Galilea", mentioning fq as "5730 kHz, banda internacional de 60 metros". There was a comunicado for a vaccination campaign from the local Centro de saludo, but no regular commercial ads. Later id's made it clear that Puerto Galilea is on the shores of the Santiago river, in the Condorcanqui province of Amazonas department.--- Oct 24, 1105, good; Nov 5, 2230, fair, on a noisy fq. This stn is so strong that it should be able to put out a readable signal outside of South America. H5765 COLOMBIA. An unknown Caracol station interfering with Peruvian Estación Soritor, 5766.7, Jan. 19, 2126. 5766.7 PERU. The Peruvian here seems to be playing games. By early Apr renamed R Estelar, allegedly broadcasting from Moyobamba (Jirón Callao 768), "en cadena con R Estación Soritor" (in network with R E S), DJ´s have been referring to "two international fqs", specified as "R Estación Soritor, 5766 kHz y R Estelar 5768 kHz" (sic). The txer manufacturers calling themselves Centro Laboratorio Láser are now also at the above mentioned Estelar address. From DJ small talk one cannot find out which is the real QTH either, as both Soritor and Moyobamba are mentioned as being at some distance from the DJ is, "allá en Soritor" (over there in S) and "allá en Moyobamba". Good signal into Bogotá, and power has been mentioned as "1500 Watios". Among the DJ´s I can recognize J R González, whom I have heard before on Estación "C", 6498.8. R Estelar definitely settled in Moyobamba in mid-April. Their very first newscast, called "Dialogando" was aired Apr 15, 1200-1300. I sent them a note of praise, which was read on the prgr twice, both on Apr 22 and 23. Apart from Jr. Callao, they now also mention an address on Jirón Trujillo 289. On May 2, the DJ of their morning show, "Amanecer cajamarquino" said that the stn had rec´d some nice letters from abroad. No names were given however. DJ Reinel Gómez insists that his prgr is aired on "5768 kilowatts". -- [Later] has changed its studio address to Jr. Reyes Guerra 779, it was said. On Jun. 9, DJ mentioned that the stn had been getting mail from various foreign places, even European countries. He also stated that the stn's offices are at Jr. Manuel del Aguila 301, while studio address remains the same as before.--On Jun 11, stn´s "gerente propietario" went on the air himself, 0115, to greet his own brothers and to say the the studio addresses was Jr. Manuel del Aguila 301, and that there was also an Apartado Postal 26, while offices still were at Jr. Reyes Guerra 779, which are the premises of Centro Laboratorios Láser. -- On Jun 22, he said that offices and studio were now both at the Jr Manuel del Aguila address. Mgr said his name was Rider Jibaja Ramírez. 5767.2 PERU. Silent for a long time, the Peruvian on this fq has reappeared, Nov 30, 2230 and past midnight. Not surprisingly, it is no longer R Estelar, although it is, indeed, a stn located in Moyobamba. ID is R Universal, studio address "Jr. San Carlos a media cuadra del Grupo Petroselva". (I'm not 100% sure of "Grupo Petroselva", but that's the best I can suggest).* Prgr "Atardecer campesino" runs until midnight, and is followed by "Panorama musical", a 2-hour show hosted by Manuel Jibaja Ramirez, who is a brother to Rider Jibaja, the R Estelar manager. Per annc'ts, the stn will be on the air in the morning from 1000 onwards. Good level, but the audio quality is not what it used to be. --* It later turned out to be a gasoline pump, "grifo", not "grupo", in other words "Grifo Petroselva". 5770U NICARAGUA. R Miskut, Mar 17 s/off 0005 with Evaristo Mercado Pérez (the mgr), at the mike. 5775 COLOMBIA. R Mira, Tumaco, FMing signal on this spot. Fundamental is 6015.3. 5873.7 COLOMBIA. A long-time mystery on this fq has now been solved. It's the Colombian pirate which was first logged, as it seems, by J C Codina, in Peru, and then chased by myself without much success for over three years. On Nov 16, at 2152, the speaker not only gave away a full ID, but also their current sked. It is R El Sol, at Villa Moreno, a village located some 40 km NE of Pasto in SW Colombia. Their sked is Mo-Fri 2100-2300, Sat/Sun 1930-2400. At 2158 obliterated by the BBC, on 5875.--- I have now received an acknowledgement of my report by phone from the town of Pasto, by way of Jose Francisco Ortega, [phone number 927 211047] who originally built this crystal-controlled 50 W tx. There's no telephone service in Villa Moreno, said Ortega, so that's why he gave me a call instead of the stn owner, who is a friend of his. I have requested a written statement, but who knows, such a paper may be felt as a bit too compromising. After all, this is a pirate. [Announced sked: Mo-Fri 2100-2300, Sat/Sun 1930-2400]. 5894.9 COLOMBIA. R Mira, Jan. 4, 2215, quite readable on ECSS. Another spur from 6015.3 5926.6 PERU. New one here, first noted Aug. 20, 0050-0205, ann. as R Perú, (also Perú Radio) giving location as Jr. Atahualpa 191, San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Región Nor Oriental del Marañón. Heard with ads, messages and a rustic music prgr called "La hora de las provincias". In their ID's, they said station was "la primera y la mejor en San Ignacio". Speech audio OK, music somewhat blurred. Does not seem to be on the air in the early morning. --- Ex-6076.7, Nov 8, 2317. This is the fq where I first discovered them. In the meantime, they have been in the middle of the 49 metre band from whence they have now returned. 5927.1 BOLIVIA. R difusoras Minería, first noted Apr 24, 1048, thanks to a tip from Emilio P Povrzenic, in Argentina. I called their regular speaker, Miss Costa Colque, who on the morning of Apr 25 dedicated a number of Bolivian tunes from 1048 s/on way past 1100. H5932.4 COLOMBIA. A harmonic, believed to be R Cocorná, Cocorná (Antioquia), again heard Aug. 19 & 20, 2300z with vallenato themes and mentions of Cocorná. R Cocorná was logged on this spot in Jan. '95. 5952.3 BOLIVIA. R Pio XII, has been criticizing Bolivian gov't for allowing a Canadian mining firm to purchase a gold mine at Amayaspampa, in the Potosi area. The police reportedly raided the mine, when miners refrained from quitting the gallery for fear of being dismissed after the Canadian takeover. - On Dec 22, in their 0030 news, Pio XII was denouncing what they called "el masacre policial" and calling for "pronunciamientos de solidaridad" from other trade unions. 5953.6 COSTA RICA. R Casino, la cincuentenaria Reina del Caribe, they say. So this is the year when they're celebrating their 50th anniversary. Sometimes around 2130, and also around 1030, when Caracol Villavicencio is out of skip. -- May 27, 2332: You're tuned to the Gold Coast Broadcasting Station, Radio Casino, in the city of Porto [sic] Limon [...] of the Republic of Costa Rica.[...] The station transmits on an assigned frequency of 1,230 kHz medium wave, 5.953 shortwave [...] by the Ministry of [...] 5955.1 PERU. R Estación Uno, May 30, 1203, El diario del aire. (Colombia's La V de los Centauros closes 2310v weekdays, and is off the air weekends).--R Estación Uno, distrito de Pucará, provincia de Jaén, Cajamarca, Peru, May 12, s/off 0257 after selections of Peruvian chicha and Colombian vallenato. DJ said freq was "59-60 kcs", studio in "Barrios Altos" of Pucará. Good level, but some co-channel QRM by Russian speaker. (La V de los Centauros, Colombia, signs off by 2315 weekdays, and is off the air during weekends). 5974.3 COLOMBIA. R Macarena, to hit the air as soon as a faulty 4CX1500 tube has been replaced. Stn mgr Carlos Alberto Pimienta said he believes he'll soon have the US$ 3,000 required for a new tube. Meanwhile, he has contact with Caracol Villavicencio, also called La V de los Centauros, asking them to care about their 5955.1 tx which is producing strong splatter all over the 49 m band during the day. (The stn closes down at 2300/2330 on weekdays and is silent during weekends in order not to cause to much QRM, C. E. Alberto Niño has told me. He's obviously unable to put an end to the mess). 5980 PERU. R LTC (also R Comercial Collao), Juliaca, on Apr 13 during "Noticiero LTC", 3ra. edición, starting just after midnight UTC said, "nos sintonizan a nivel internacional". A few days later, a fax rec´d from the stn confirmed that they were in fact referring to my previous fax report, which I was able to mail thanks to previous info from Horacio Nigro, in Uruguay. The stn is testing a 1 kW KLM (Peruvian-made) txer at 0.6 kW between 1100 and 1300 and 0000-0200 on weekdays, at 1100-1900 on Sat/Sun. The fax was signed by stn mgr Mario Leonidas Torres, who also gave me a phone call. Stn addr is Jr. Unión 242, Juliaca, and their phone ¨51 54 322452, fax 322570. Previously they were on 1100 kHz only, and now they are on sw as well as on FM 102.7 with 1kW.-- [Later] seemingly with full power now, which means 1 kW. Nighttime transmission 0000-0200 sharp, whereas morning transmission may start a bit before 1100. Tomorrow, May 24, and lasting until Jun. 2, big cattle fair in Juliaca, Feria de Exposición Ganadera del Sur del Perú. 5980 R LTC, Peru, Jun. 5, 0109, Antena cultural with a feature on the female mummy found last year in the vicinities of the Ampato volcano, la momia de Ampato. 5996.4v BOLIVIA. R Loyola, July 15, 1055, a news story turned into a complaint against local police and business people. A group of Uruguayan tourists was robbed of their documents, and, as July 14 was a holiday, there was no police around to help them. Additionally, they were almost freezing to death, having arrived from the hot and humid Bolivian Oriente w/out appropriate clothing, for temperature in the Bolivian highlands, especially at this time of the year, barely hovers above freezing-point. No shop-owner was available to sell them woolen sweaters or anything. Shameful, said news commentator. 6010.8 PERU. R América, 1103, with news and weather for Lima, the town where it never rains. 6034.9 COLOMBIA. La V del Guaviare, reactivated, Dec 18. 6045 URUGUAY. News bulletin, July 12, 1104 and some 5 minutes more. Not bad, but at this time of the day Colombian La V de los Centauros, a.k.a. Caracol Villavicencio, 5955.1, was on the air making a mess of the 49 m b. 6063.2 CUBA. R Habana Cuba, Oct 6, 0006, in Spanish, off regular fqy. 6065.7 Unid SS, seemingly Andean, perhaps BOLIVIA, Sept. 3, 2345, bassy, distorted audio; covered by R Sweden at midnight. - Sept. 4, 1100, in the clear w/nx, but too weak to copy. - Sept. 4, 2300, vy low audio, fluttery QSB, on a clear channel, message for Santa Cruz and charango ID cue. Most of ID unreadable, exc. for ending "departamento de Chuquisaca, República de Bolivia", which fits with R Mauro Nunez, Villa Serrano, unheard since end of Jan.; on 6142 at that time. -- Sept. 13, 2230, totally unreadable. - Stn ID referred to in previous Dateline is a canned variety, with a charango theme as a cue, ending "... depto. de Chuquisaca, República de Bolivia". Prgr style is also consistent with previous logs of Mauro Núñez, on 6142.--- The stn has indeed come back to a combined report and inquiry of mine. Not surprisingly, they are cautious about their present whereabouts. Neither confirming nor denying my fq info, general manager Vladimir Gutierrez says, "Initially, we were on 6142 kHz. Unfortunately, there are many power outages in the rural area where the transmitter is located, which has damaged the transmitting equipment in various ways. We are trying to solve the problem [...]" The answer could of course have been a bit more explicit, but one has to understand their position. Who would really want to acknowledge such a mishap? 6076.8 PERU. Sept. 3, 2315, with adstring and news, appeared to be R Peru, San Ignacio, ex-5926.6, judging from mention of "departamento de prensa de R Peru" at 2325. - Nothing on channel, Sept. 4, 1130. 6095 PERU. Radio Nacional del Perú, July 14, 2300, with much improved audio. 6096.4 PERU. Unid, Aug. 24, 2252, with Andean music. Heavy sideband QRM. 6105 COSTA RICA. "Está Ud. en la compañía de la Emisora Cultural de la Universidad de Costa Rica", said speaker Aug. 17, 0153, when off-announcing operatic music by Verdi. At 0201, "La Nación /a newspaper/ da la hora" followed by "Hora de noticias en R Universidad". Very good signal. 6115 PERU. Unión la radio, with programación de aniversario, Jan. 6, 2230, playing 30 year old Peruvian pop songs. 31st anniversary of station on Jan. 14. Jan. 27, 7 pm, a Festival del recuerdo is scheduled to take place at Lima's Teatro Segura. 6135 BOLIVIA. R Santa Cruz, low power, reportedly no more than 2.5 kW, fair a Sat. morning at 0930 with unannounced "música nacional" followed by a 10' ad block, including motosierras Husqvarna, Academia de choferes Indianapolis (sic), and various promos such Campaña de educación vial (unrelated to former advertiser), Campaña contra el dengue (a tropical disease) and Campaña en defensa de la ecología y el medio ambiente. At night blocked by Switzerland. On full power, ex-2.5 kW, since mid-April. 6142 BOLIVIA. R Mauro Núñez, reactivated with better audio than ever before. First logged Jan. 6, 0040. Now also active in the morning, from 1000, as of Jan. 11. [Went off the air after a couple of days only to return several months later on 6065.7v, see] 6160 BRAZIL. R Rio Mar, Manaus, Aug 2 1030, good signal on a clear channel, announcing 6160 and 9695 but unheard on latter fq. This is a reactivation. 6161.5 PERU. Spur from R Oriente, not to be mistaken for R Malargüe, Argentina. 6188.1 PERU. R Oriente, has been on the air quite regularly since their reactivation in Sept 1995. A serious overmodulation problem was solved some 4 months ago, and that may have made long-distance reception of their signal more difficult. And so the stn is no longer putting out spurs on such fq's as 6201v and 6161v. 6200 COSTA RICA. R for Peace Int'l, Jan. 4, 2200, still going 1 1/2 h. later with UN Radio. 6201.2 PERU. R Oriente, spurious radiation, Jun 25, 2330. 6203.7 PERU. "De luxe" music prgr from R Cusco, Sats 2200-2400, called "Horizontes, la voz de la expresión sudamericana". Listeners invited to phone in. 6230/6250 PERU. R Superior, Naranjos. Raided and closed in early Dec 1995. Cf. 6803v. 6231.1 COLOMBIA. V de la Resistencia, Colombian clandestine, has been regularly audible every evening @2150-2220, except Nov 15. Mainly music. One evening, however, they read an open letter to the Nation's President from guerrilla leader @Alfonso Cano. 6235.3 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. R Quisqueya, May 18, 2155, dull and uninspiring signal.-- Jun. 29, 0030, rallying for PLD and Dr. Leonel Fernández, who in the end turned out to be the winning candidate. 6250 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, (ex-6300, ex-6450) Jun 20, 2200-2230 w/usual prgr. Promo at 2210, (M) "Amiga, amigos: Quédate en la onda de la información alternativa. (F) Sintoniza nuestras emisiones todos los días por ampitud modulada en los 6190 kHz a las 8 de la mañana, 5 de la tarde. (M) Somos R Patria Libre, una voz alternativa en Colombia que da a conocer la verdad de nuestro acontecer diario". Signal fair-to-good. News and info now carried without much delay. 6251v PERU. R La Voz de Andahuaylas, [also announcing as R La Voz and La Voz del Pueblo], Andahuaylas, Apurímac, July 18, before 2300 w/an adstring for an empresa de transportes, covering the Abancay-Andahuaylas route three times a day, a tapiciería-mueblería on Av. Perú 369, phone 621569, a taller-ferretería, and a bar recreo. Appeared to go off the air by 2330. - A stn calling itself R La V de Andahuaylas has been listed on MW 1030; unsure if this is the same stn. No mention has been made of MW, only SW, "6300 kHz". - On July 13, 2340, "R La V de Andahuaylas, desde el corazón del pueblo", and a few minutes later, "R La Voz, la voz del pueblo", s/off at midnight w/usual Peruvian nighty-night: "Buenas noches, permiso". ---6249.6 "R La Voz", Peru, Nov 24, 2303, winding the huayno machine after an hour or so of football. This stn has been slightly above 6250 in the past. 6255 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, Sept. 11, 2200. "Somos una emisora rebelde al servicio del pueblo colombiano", speaker said. Listeners' input were invited by radio (!) for Friday, 1830, on 6666 USB. I have been missing that particular time slot now on two successive Fridays... - Back to normal 6250 next day. 6259.0 COLOMBIA. Clandestine, believed to be the Farc-operated La V de la Resistencia, 9/28, 2311 (tune in) to 2322 s/off w/radio drama entitled "500 anos y siguen abiertas las venas de America Latina". No ID at s/off, only "hasta la proxima emision". 6261 Unid SS closing at midnight, Jul. 6. 6300 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, reactivated after long absence, Jun 15, 2230 s/off. Next day on 6450. 6325 COLOMBIA. Clandestine, Sept. 12, 2214 (tune by) to 2223 s/off, announcing "Somos Colombia, somos las FARC, Ejército del Pueblo" or similar. Very difficult copy due to CW on LSB 6329 PERU. New fq for Estación C, La Radio, Moyobamba, ex-6498.9, Aug. 10, 2230, thanks to tip from Bogotá DXer Rafael Rodríguez. (Estación C was on approx. 6325 when appearing on SW some 10 years ago). S/on 1130, s/off 2400. 6330.2 COLOMBIA. A stn believed to be the clandestine "Estación Fariana", operated by the FARC guerrilla, was heard by Rafael Rodríguez, July 31, 2135 (tune in)-2145 when closing down, promising to return "some other time". This stn is extremely irregular, which is not the case of R Patria Libre, now with two daily ½-hours, at 1800 and 2200, on 6250. 6420.3 PERU. R Mi Frontera, another new Peruvian, noted Aug 4, 2315, thanks to a tip from Arrunátegui relayed by Hans Johnson and also by McVicar. So, elaborating on PFA's tip, here's the announced address and location: Calle San Ignacio 520, Distrito de Chirinos, Provincia de San Ignacio, Región Nor Oriental del Marañón. On Aug 5, 2140, DJ made it clear that the tx is the one that was formerly used by R Imperial: "R Imperial es ahora R Mi Frontera, La Voz de la Peruanidad". Fellow DXer Rafael Rodríguez, who sent them a report a while ago, was hearing his report read on the air, Aug. 18, at 1305 UTC. 6450 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, ex-6300, Jun 16, until 2234 s/off with "regular" prgr including "Noticiero Patria Libre" and "Rompiendo las cadenas". 6479.8 PERU. R Los Andes, Huarmaca (Piura), May 9 and later. Uses fuel-generated power. Off for ½-¾ hour around midnight for refuelling. (R Altura, 7143, does likewise). Mighty signal at night. Has three or four really pompous canned ID-harangues. Here's one example: "Huarmaca, distrito andino en el departamento de Piura, ubicado a 2180 metros sobre el nivel del mar, latitud de 5 grados y 34 centígrados, 186 caseríos, extensión de 2 214 kilómetros cuadrados, lleno de encantadores paisajes con vida y belleza sin par, para bienestar total de sus hijos. Desde aquí transmite Radio Los Andes, fiel expresión de un Huarmaca mejor para todos". Another ID, "Desde la sierra note del Perú, sinónimo de nevados, mesetas y quebradas, paisajes multicolores de costumbres y tradiciones, hasta los blancos arenales de la tierra costanera, hasta la selva tropical, tierra de encantos y sueños para sus hijos, transmite Radio Los Andes [...] desde Huarmaca para todo el Perú".-May 20, 0100, mention this year´s official slogan for Peru: "el año de los 600,000 turistas". 6557 BOLIVIA. R Televisión Colonia (also: R Estación Colonia), Jan. 9 until s/off 2340 with canned ID's in Spanish and Quechua. Much gospel prgr on this stn, altho R Fides' La hora del País has been heard (fragments thereof) around 1200 and 2200. Is getting more and more distorted. The carrier sometimes lingers for one or two hours after s/off. -- Jan. 15, s/off 2331 after prgr called (t) "En contacto con Dios". Messages, congratulations etc. were said to be welcome. -- On Jan. 17, s/off 2338. --- On June 23, 2155-2330z s/off, annc´ing R Colonia, fair with rock and disco. Announcing "en sus tres bandas" and SW mentioned as "6555 kcs". 6746.2 PERU. R San Ignacio, has stepped down in fq, Aug 10. Casually mentionin another yearly slogan, "1996, año de los 600 000 turistas". 6753.2 PERU. R San Ignacio, slightly readjusted upwards in fq, mid-Sept 6803v PERU. R Ondas del Río Mayo, has been raided by police, equipment seized and station closed. This was reported on HCJB TLC, Jan. 10, per info from BBC Monitoring Service which quoted a news report from Peruvian daily La República. Eduardo Macedo Zapata, judge of Rioja's penal court, assessed by Ministry of Transport and Comms legal advisor Teófilo Mesa, witnessed the operation undertaken by the local police. Nine stations were reported to have been closed down, three of which have been operating on SW. (Cf. 4012 and 4300.1 kHz. From the town of Naranjos, only "R Naranjos" was mentioned, but it seems to me that in addition to 4300.1, R Superior, 6230/6250 kHz, is gone, too). - Panamericana TV, Lima, has shown how police is cracking down on emisoras piratas, says Bogotá DXer Rafael Rodríguez, who has been watching events on his TV screen. --- And yet, Jan 20, 2208, reactivated, although with a weaker signal than before and more muffled audio.--- Jan 21, 0119, usual "Por las rutas del Perú". 6895.3 PERU. R San Miguel de El Faique, (distrito de) El Faique, (provincia de) Huancabamba, (departamento de) Piura, (region) Grau, Peru, is a new station, first noticed Dec 29, 1930-2256 s/off, announcing 1100-2300 schedule. - Dec 30, 1119, s/on with Peruvian National Anthem and "El Condor pasa". Initial canned ID contains their address info, Av. Piura something, but the number is impossible to understand due to exaggerated reverb level. Slogan: "la onda integradora de los pueblos del Peru". Prgr preview included 1 h prgrs with names such as "Variedades de oro", "Estampas peruanas", "Anoranzas nortenas", "Impacto musical en el aire". At 1800-1900, newscast called "Informativo San Miguel". - Obviously using same tx as that of now extinct R Sensacion, Huancabamba; the signal is a bit weaker, though. 7040.3 PERU. A Peruvian huayno noted here on Nov 16, 2134, sudden s/off at 2140. - Again, on Nov 30, Venezuelan technopop music noted 2244, followed by disco. ID, 2255, said: "Desde San Ignacio emite su señal R Melodia..." After another disco selection, suprisingly a s/off annc't wherein ID was confirmed as R Melodia. Studio address sounded like Jr. Comercio 740, and the fq was given as "7015 kHz onda corta banda internacional". At 2301 NA and off the air. The signal was rather weak.--- Dec 7 announcing forthcoming transmissions on FM, as well as an immediate increase in prgr time, from 5 am to 10 pm, local time. - On Dec 12, 1150, in a news prgr called "El matutino, organo informativo de R Melodia" mention was made of their address as "Calle Comercio 140", which then supersedes previously reported "Jr. Comercio 740". As is the case with some other Peruvians, this one doesn't seem to be active during weekends.--- In the course of their Christmas greetings, Dec 24, 1220, their address was given as Jiron Comercio 740 (I am positive). The stn has an "oficina de recepcion" for messages and ads at Av. San Ignacio 345, in the same town. The stn is apparently linked in ownership with R Nueva Sensacion, in Chiclayo, 990 kHz, "la señal de la amistad regional", whose phone number and address was also mentioned. 7048.4 PERU. R La V de Santa Cruz, "Santa Cruz, Cajamarca, Región Nor Oriental del Marañón", s/on 2335, Aug. 13. Regular prgr starting at 0100 is "Ritmo cumbiambero". Address mentioned on the air last year, Av. Zarumilla 190, Santa Cruz, probably still holds. This station was initially on 6360, then moving to 7050v. 7143 PERU. R Altura, sometimes using slogan "Emisora RA", and "la emisora de todos los huarmaquinos", Mar. 9, 2340, with a "japiverdi" music request session for a sexagenarian gentleman, who was said to be rambling around, "chumaíto", tipsy, with a half-empty bottle of aguardiente in one hand and a transistor receiver tuned to R Altura in the other. Speaker said they were now operating from new studios at "Antonio Raymondi 312" (or 302, impossible to tell). - Previously given address was "next to the Huarmaca electricity plant". Hopefully, the new address will work out better for DX reporters.- Heard for the better part of theday and at night until 0300, but off the air regularly 2315-0015v, apparently to change generator fuel, "vamos a hacer un corte en la transmisión para hacer el cambio del fluido eléctrico". 7143 PERU. Unid reported in Cumbre DX 112 is R Ayabaca, in the town of the same name, Piura dept., almost on the Ecuadorian border, Nov 15, 2200, w/ a comunicado from "la municipalidad provincial de Ayabaca" and the never-failing want-ad for a missing mule. Rather weak signal. Announces "7150 kHz para el Peru y el mundo"---7142.8-7143v R Ayabaca, Peru, "su nueva frecuencia", Nov 22, 1122, apologizing for being late; usually audible also around midnight with "Congratulaciones musicales". I somehow feel this stn is here to stay for quite a while.--- Has a DJ who makes believe stn is on mw, "en los 7-50 de Ayabaca su radio, sintonia regional, desde la señal de la amistad en el norte peruano". On Dec 7, the stn closed at midnight UTC, promising to return to the air by 5 am.---Canned ID noted Dec 27, 0120: "Ayabaca, tierra noble y generosa, de ricas leyendas y tradiciones, rodeada por sus celosos centinelas como el Calvario, el Yantuma y el milenario Alface, de gente entusiasta y trabajadora, de nobles riquezas y tradiciones; desde aquí transmite Radio Ayabaca, onda corta internacional, para el Perú y el mundo".. 9500 CUBA. R Habana Cuba, Jan. 27, 0009, terribly distorted, FMing, with news in Spanish. 9510 VENEZUELA. R Nacional de Venezuela, Jan. 12, terribly distorted and FMing, after 2200, per phone call from Michael Schmitz, at a DX Camp in Germany. Also Jan. 13, until s/off 1459 on H9590. The fundamental of 9540 was silent. 9540 VENEZUELA. R Nacional de Venezuela strangely enough on their nominal freq, Jan. 19, 2119, however, with terribly distorted audio. 9707v PERU. Hefty spur from R Victoria, 9720.5, July 18, 1615. Stronger here than on fundamental. 9720.5 PERU. R Victoria off the air since mid-December as well as on their // fqy of 6018.3, then heard again Jan. 19, 2024. Is now on the air only sporadically on this freq. and on 6018.3. 9750 VENEZUELA. R Occidente active again, Mar. 9, 1606, with 1-minute feature called "Los libros de la Biblia". One hour later, "Deportes para todos". Canned ID includes 1100, 9750 and 3225 (where they haven't been for years). Good strength, but slightly distorted audio. Doesn't seem to be on the air at night. PERUVIAN YEARLY SLOGAN 1996 was dubbed "el año de los 600,000 turistas". |