DATELINE BOGOTA 1995Compiled and copyright Henrik Klemetz
![]() © Henrik Klemetz QTH: Bogotá, Colombia. Rx: Sony ICF 2001D. A selection of loggings and articles published in 1995 in various publications such as Radio Nuevo Mundo, Japan, DX South Florida, USA, The Radio News, Venezuela, DX Listening Digest, USA, Kurier, Germany, as well as the WRTH LA-Newsletter, Distance and SWB, Sweden. In addition to the loggings there is some QSL information, most of which has never been published. LOGGINGS H2340 ECUADOR. R Central, Riobamba, is regular at 1030. H2480.6 ECUADOR. R Sonorama, Riobamba, is also quite regular 1000-1100 with mainstream LA music. ID on top of the hour only.H2480.6 R Sonorama, Riobamba, Ecuador, steady 1000-1100+ with LA MoR music and scarce ID's. H2600 COLOMBIA. R Reloj, Pereira, Feb. 27, 1022, good. H2679.6 COLOMBIA. R Comunal, Nariño. July 20, until s/off 0100 with "A lo bien" (local Spanish for "All OK"). Good level. A DX-ing friend of mine reported them via the phone, and by Aug 28 their txer was in order again and no more harmonic to be heard! H2679.9 COLOMBIA. R Sonorama, Bucaramanga, Dec. 14, 2340, ballads. Next morning, 1052, "La palabra del Dios vivo", 1-h. daily evangelical program. H2859v COLOMBIA. R Maranatha Cultural, Chaparral (Tolima), Jul. 3 and for several days, s/on 1100 and s/off 2300. H2900 COLOMBIA. R Metropolitana, Bucaramanga, Dec. 14, 2350, Colombian oldies. H2963 COLOMBIA. Ecos del Ruiz, Baurá (Tolima), Feb. 19, 1030. Nominal freq announced as 1480. H2969 COLOMBIA. Ecos de Pueblo Rico, in town of same name, Risaralda dept., Feb. 19, s/off 0030, and sign on next morning at 1054. This is a parrish broadcaster. Good signal into Bogotá. H3000 COLOMBIA. Colmundo R, La V de la Feria, Manizales, regular at s/on 1100v. H3019.9 COLOMBIA. La V de La Unión, La Unión, see following entry. H3021.4 COLOMBIA. La V de La Unión, Aug. 3, s/off 0006. Also in Sept, and then again on Dec 14, on H3019.9 H3035v COLOMBIA. R Familiar, "emisora campesina", a Colombian, heard at sign on 1100 and s/off 2300 late July and early Aug. No mention of QTH. H3060.1 COLOMBIA. La V del Llano, 3x1020, Jul. 22, 0005. H3074 COLOMBIA. R Altamizal, nominally on 1520, and not usually heard. Poor on Feb. 19, 1125. H3100 COLOMBIA. New name for HJZI 15-50, Bogotá, is MCI Radio, meaning of which is Misión Carismática Internacional, which are the owners and operators. H3120.4 COLOMBIA. R 15-60, Puerto Rico (Caquetá), Jul. 20, 1100. Says it's an "emisora independiente al servicio de la comunidad". H3131.2 COLOMBIA. Frecuencia 5, Vergara (Cundinamarca), Jul. 3, 2200. Fundamental is 200 W per info provided by Rafael Rodríguez who went to see the stn. H3138v COLOMBIA. R Maranatha Cultural, Chaparral (Tolima), Dec. 21, 2302. Hymns. H3140.4v COLOMBIA. R Sensación, ex-La V de los Fundadores, regular around midnight. (Change of name noted end of Dec 1994) H3199.6v COLOMBIA. La Voz de la Colina, Risaralda (Caldas), heard early Jan., best around the 19th, morning and night. On Jan 19, at 1030, "Amanecer en el campo", announcing nom. fqy as 1600 and addr. Av. San Joaquín 1-05, salida a San José. The station is located on a hill called Colina del viento, hence its name. A handwritten letter to this address resulted in a "spoken QSL" via the phone. In my absence, they acknowledged with thanks my report by leaving a message on my answering machine! Unfortunately, no info as where to contact them by phone. Stn sometimes announces 3200 ("para el exterior") as well as 1600 kHz. It calls itself "emisora comunitaria y cultural". The signal does appear to be stronger than a harmonic would be, and, as a matter of fact, they have been announcing both 1600 and 3200 kHz on the air. Music messages cost $150 only, and that's a ridiculous sum. I can't understand how they can make ends meet. -- More: Heard a few days in early Apr with poor signal on H4766 and H6408, see. 3194.6 PERU. R Jerusalén, at "Atahualpa-Jerusalén", which is a cooperative on the outskirts of Cajamarca town, in Peru, definitely back on this frequency. On Apr. 6, until 1017 "La Biblia dice"; on Apr. 7, at approx. the same time, various short transcriptions from a Bogotá entity, whose address is A. A. 16428. The tunes they play are usually interpreted by the local group "Los Heraldos de Jesús". H3211 COLOMBIA. R Espacial, Andalucía (Valle), Aug. 29, 1057. H3225 COLOMBIA. Frecuencia Musical, Quimbaya (Quindío), always dependable on this fq around 1100 with "Quimbaya, buenos días". Around 2200 also heard on H4845. H3240v COLOMBIA. Frecuencia Musical AM, with an FMing signal 1/7 at 2350. A few days earlier on 3225v and 3215v. H3247.0 COLOMBIA. R. Ideal, Úmbita (Boyacá), is a new Colombian pirate heard quite regularly around midnight early January. They announce their frequency as 1650 kHz H3255v COLOMBIA. R. Sonorama, Monguí (Boyacá), heard FM-ing early January at various times of the day. -- Later I visited the stn which was then off the air. It was operated by a journalist desiring to serve his local community. H3255 COLOMBIA. La V de la Colina, unheard for a couple of months, now again heard Aug. 28, 2345 with Colombian "carrilera" music. Weak. Used to be on H3205v. 3255 BRAZIL. New frequency for R dif 6 de Agosto, Xapuri, Acre, listed in the WRTH on 3401 kHz. Having noticed the signal a few days earlier, I was able to identify the stn only on April 3, at 1030. Transmissions are said to be "em carácter experimental". Heard both local am and pm. 3260 ECUADOR. R Stéreo Carrizal, Calceta, has verified my report with a letter, programme schedule, picture postcard/QSL and a poem. The station is a successor to La Voz del Río Carrizal. The initial part of the station s/on announcement, reviewed in last Dateline Bogotá, should be amended as follows: "surgen, en el cielo de amatista del amanecer",... Indeed, a poetic s/on announcement! QSL doesn't mention any MW freq, but on Apr. 2, in the course of "Bailables sabatinos Carrizal", at 0116, mention was made of 1320 kHz. 3270.1 ECUADOR. R Ecos del Oriente, Sept. 11, 0010, reactivated, with "El pueblo y su música". 3280 ECUADOR. La Voz del Napo, carries a newscast from Teleamazonas at 0100, followed by a newsfeed from R. Oriental, unheard of late on 4779.8. The news programme starts at 0130 approx. and is being relayed by R. Francisco de Orellana (1030, H2060) and R. Interoceánica (4840), all of which are located in the same region of Ecuador, i.e. the provinces of Napo and Sucumbíos. 3286.1 ECUAADOR. La V del Río Tarqui, back on the air Oct. 19, 0116, with "despecho" songs with Alci Acosta. Weak. 3289.9 ECUADOR. R. Centro, during the frontier skirmishes with Peru has been relaying satellite news from Radioprogramas del Perú in the course of the "Amanecer andino" show, from 0700-1200. I believe that Programme Manager Luis Gamboa Tello, when relaying an "enemy" bradcaster just wanted to show to his listeners that his station now has satellite receiving facilities. - More: In his programme Feb. 24, at 0410, at a time when I normally don't listen, Señor Gamboa mentioned that the stn has a number of "good listeners" in various parts of the country as well as outside of it, for instance one particular listener in Bogotá, Colombia, whom he mentioned by name. "Ojalá me esté escuchando ahora el sr. Klemetz", he said, I wish Mr. Klemetz would be listening right now. Well, I was, and I gave him a buzz on the phone. Result: He sent me a T-shirt! So DX-ing sometimes is just like lottery. 3339.9 PERU. In case nobody has noted, R Altura has a funny canned ID: "R Altura, 5000 kilowatts en antena, transmite desde Cerro de Pasco". Other occasional ID's run, "Altura, la emisora estandarte de Cerro de Pasco" and "Altura, una radio de clase A". The sports prgr, "Altura deportiva", from midnight to 0100, is very professional. 3370.3 PERU. New Radiodifusoras Huancabamba, with a weak signal, Apr. 18, s/off at 0103, and promising to return to the air at 6 am local time. This station was first logged by McVicar, in Quito. On his tape, which was played on HCJB "DX Partyline", I picked up the stn address as Calle Unión 409. 3397.8 PERU. R Internacional del Perú tentatively here, Dec. 26 and 27 just before 1100. Non-stop huaynos. 3475.8v BOLIVIA. R Em Padilla not too frequent here. Apr. 24, 0032 with "El correo musical de los domingos". Occasional QRM from North Atlantic air traffic, Gander etc., on 3476U. 3570.2 ECUADOR. La V de Chinchipe, Zumba, logged Dec. 13, 2338, thanks to tip from McVicar, HCJB. Also, and slightly better, shortly after s/on, at 1108, Dec. 15, with "Despertar ecuatoriano" programme, ID and slogan "la radio integración". On Dec. 21, s/off 0128 with NA, mentioning "en los 1100 kHz en la onda media", which makes me wonder if this could be their third harmonic (3x1190). The signal is poor in Bogotá. 3579.9 COLOMBIA. R. Católica, R. Católica Nacional, R. Católica Nacional de la República de Colombia, and also R. Católica Nacional Campesina, is located at San Carlos, a village about a mile NE of Túquerres (Nariño). Sked 2200-0400 two or three nights per week with a prgr called "Para nuestra gente", heard Jan 23 and subsequently. Uses old carted ID's from R. Católica Nacional del Ecuador (from the time they didn't use "..del Ecuador" in their ID); uses prgr cues from same station, "Para nuestra gente" bien one of them, and carries occasional devotional messages from the Archbishop of Quito (also for the Ecuadorian homonym). No ads noted, only an anti-cholera PSA. has - This is a definite ID for a long-time mystery. Listed as in "San Gerónimo de la Barca", but there does not seem to be any place of that name in the whole of Colombia. The stn was noticed for the first time in one year, thanks to a tip from Viloria, Venezuela, on HCJB's The Latest Catch. Last year, in the April issue of my WRTH LA NL, I had been told that the QTH was Cuatro Esquinas, next to Túquerres, in Southern Colombia. Although not 100% OK, this location has proved to be very close. On the Jan 24 broadcast, the QTH was given as "primer sector de la vereda San Carlos". There was no reference to where this place is located, however. On a detailed topographical map from the Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi - and sticking to the Cuatro Esquinas info - I found a San Carlos, half a km from Cuatro Esquinas, which, in turn. is about 1 km NE of the town of Túquerres. The speaker identified himself at the end of the transmission as José Celio Díaz, so I sent him a handwritten letter thanking him for the fine Ecuadorian music he was playing. In my letter I enclosed two stickers from the Vatican Radio, sealing the envelope with yet another Italian sticker, courteousy of Dario Monferini. The envelope was addressed to Señor José Celio Díaz, Radio Católica Nacional, Vereda San Carlos Primer Sector, Túquerres (Nariño). On Feb 2, the Señor Díaz was a happy man. For over 2 hours he was playing music, mainly pasillos and sanjuanitos, for his "R. Vaticano listener in Bogotá". The letter had been brought to him the same day "by the chief magistrate of Cuatro Esquinas" (!), he said. This judge has an errand to the Post Office in Túquerres, and there they asked him if he might take the letter along to addressee. In the course of the programme, Díaz gave a lot of personal info about himself. He has a daughter in Bogotá, who will probably call me, he said; for years he has been living in Ecuador; his wife is from that country, hence his love for that country. He has been working with various HC stations, including R. Zaracay, in Santo Domingo, R. Huancavilca, R. Cristal, both in Guayaquil, and R. Progreso, in Loja. Usually on a 2200-0400 sked, the Feb 2 transmission was extended to beyond 0515, at which time I had to go to bed. However, Señor Díaz was still busy playing HC tunes The R. Católica programming usually carries no ads except for a few spoken promos for stores owned by friends of Díaz´. One of the establishments is a car upholstery, in Ibarra, Ecuador!! The station has regular listeners in Ecuador, in places such as Julio Andrade (Carchi) and La Maná (Cotopaxi), said Díaz. - I do not know how many years the station has been on the air, but I know that it was logged in Sweden in the late 80´s or beginning of the 90´s by my friend John Ekwall. The stn carries a live annc't, saying "3500 kilociclos, onda larga, 90 metros, onda corta". 3818.2v PERU. Estación Láser, in Rioja, opens around 1100 on this new freq. They have been requesting reports and promising "un presente" for distant reporters. Their telephone number is 3097, but that is of little help, I'm afraid, so I've sent them a report without any street address asking them for a greeting next Sunday morning at 6 a.m., local time. - This station is reasonably stable on this freq, heard AM and PM. Precisely as with the preceding station I credit Viloria, in Venezuela, with the original tip, posted on HCJB's TLC. Seems to s/on 1000 or 1100; also heard at night. Their address sounds like Jr. Santo Toribio 1260 (or 1270). This seems to be a new transmitter, and that's probably why the station is looking for reports. I have asked for a selection of huaynos to be played at a particular day and time to see if my letter arrives OK.-More: the station was inaudible on the date for my request. 4000.1 PERU. La V de la Amistad, Trujillo, on same sked as in PWBR '96. Canned ID: "Esta es la nueva programación de La V de la Amistad, en los 1450 kHz de la amplitud modulada". 4012.1 PERU. R Frecuencia Popular (presumed), Jul. 13, 1034. H4019.9 ECUADOR. An interesting harmonic, noticed Sep 20 thanks to tip from McVicar, in Ecuador, is La V de su Amigo, at Esmeraldas, Ecuador, 3x1340 kHz. Good signal from 1100z s/on and in the local evening with local news prgr called "Minuto a minuto". Music is bright and varied. Seems to be located on Manuela Cañizares y Olmedo, next to a dentist whose ads are aired on the stn. Phone number is 728784, but in order to keep the signal on the band, it might be a better idea not to report the stn. See H2679. No longer audible in Nov, I thought I might as well file a complaint for the loss of their signal. Manager Raúl Ibarra said there were moving the antenna towner to another place, but this done, reception would probably improve, he said. 4154.7 PERU. R Naylamp, on this new fq, first time on Jun. 24, last time recorded, Sept. 5. Poor signal around midnight. 4183.1 PERU. R San Ignacio "la super radio", at the town of San Ignacio, first noted Aug. 27, 0210-0316*. Clearly not San Ignacio in the Cajamarca dept., for listeners' requests did not include any HC pasillos. (The Ecuadorian music has a strong impact on Peruvians as far south as Chiclayo, which can be explained by a commonly shared historical and cultural heritage). Announcing 4200 and sked as 0430-1000 local time for the following morning with 5 different DJ's in action in 1-hour segments. Said they were testing on SW while waiting for an "amplitud modulada" tx. At s/off they played the entire ID tape, including four different ID's, one of which starts as follows: "A través de los Andes liberteños, Ud. escucha R San Ignacio, la voz del ..." The word "liberteño" implies that the stn is in the dept. of La Libertad. There is however no San Ignacio to be found even on very detailed maps of the department. It wasn't until Sept. 29, shortly before they vanished definitely (?), that I was able to pin them down geographically when they said that San Ignacio was in the "distrito de Sinsicap", and the address "Av. Víctor Larco 104, a un costado del Campo deportivo". - It is interesting to note that Sinsicap (and San Ignacio) is not too far from the towns of Membrillar and Cascas, where there used to be a R Membrillar, which RNM member Nabeshima recorded on approx. 4183 kHz when travelling in northern Peru. R San Ignacio has presumably been using the same tx. H4231.1 COLOMBIA. Caracol Vélez heard almost nightly around 2300. Also in the morning. On Apr 24, local ID heard at 1051! 2x1410.35 kHz. 4238 PERU. R Cajamarca, Feb. 6 and for another couple of days, in the morning, 1100z, with various carted ID's, viz. "R Cajamarca, sintonía que abarca"; "R Cajamarca, la primera"; "La región nororiental del Marañón tiene a R Cajamarca en su corazón". At night, until close down at 0200, the txer was used for a relay of R Nor Agricultura, at Baños del Inca, a new station, giving its address as Av. Manco Kápac 852 (?), in that town. H4290.4 COLOMBIA. R Majagual, 3 times their fundamental, poor, Jun. 28, 2300. 4300 PERU. R dif Comercial La Voz de Naranjos, located at Pardo Miguel Naranjos, Rioja (San Martín), s/on 2356, Feb. 26. In their canned s/on ann., fq and pwr was given as 4310 and 0.5 kW respectively. "Oyentes: tengan Uds. muy buenas noches. Radiodifusora Comercial La Voz de Naranjos da inicio a su transmisión de esta fecha con el propósito de presentar a Uds. esta programación vespertina (...) amena y entretenida, de música, de noticias (...). R dif Com'l La V de Naranjos tiene una potencia de 500 Watios en antena y estamos ubicados en los 4310 (..) casa radial está bajo la dirección del gerente-propietario Mario Cusma Vásquez. Tenemos las mejores intenciones de hacerle (...) una buena y grata compañía durante 5 horas. R dif Com'l La V de Naranjos transmite desde la ciudad de Naranjos, capital del distrito Pardo Miguel, provincia de Rioja, región San Martín, República del Perú, Sudamérica".--- N.B: This the correct fq and name of the station, not as indicated in "Relámpago DX" #74. Regularly heard in Bogotá since July '94, initially on 4300.4, then on 4300.1, I have never heard the stn on 4300.7 as suggested in the aforementioned bulletin. The town is called Pardo Miguel Naranjos, or just Naranjos, without any plural article so "La V de los Naranjos", suggested in the bulletin, is incorrect. The correct mailing address is in PWBR 1996. 4319.3 PERU. R. Condorcanqui, Santa María de Nieva, reactivated early January coinciding with the HC/OA border conflict. Sign on is at 2310/2320 and programming goes on past 0200. There is a programme in a vernacular language, perhaps Shuar, at 0030 approx. This station was active for two weeks only in July last year. Per annc'ts, it's another emisora municipal. And Nieva is located right next to the disputed border with Ecuador. 4460.9 PERU. R Nor Andina, announcing 1420 and 4460, Oct. 16. Canned ID: "Esta es la señal que surca los cielos del Perú y el mundo: R Nor Andina, desde Celendín, Cajamarca". Heard local mornings from Oct. 23 onwards. 4501v PERU. R Atlántida, with txer problems June 20, down here from 4570 and 4507.7, back to normal 4790 Jun 24. 4505.1 PERU. R Horizonte, Jan 25, 1020, "Amanecer andino", then off the air and noted reactivated, Nov. 26, 2351, with "Música variada". Calls itself "La emisora del pueblo". 4530.2 BOLIVIA. Hitachi Radiodifusión is the usual ID for the Bolivian here. Heard all thru 1995 with usual fade in around 2300. Always pretty poor signal. H4532.1 COLOMBIA. La V de La Unión, Aug. 20, 2216, in // to H3021.4 which is their 2nd harmonic. Still going in Sept, then vanished. 4549.4 PERU. R. Naylamp on this spot from Jan to May. Usually on with Ecuadorian pasillos in "Buenas tardes, Ecuador" at midnight, but during the HC/OA border conflickt the prgr was pre-empted for one of Peruvian waltzes for "the brave Peruvian soldiers" in a programme called "Arriba Perú" (Peru for ever!). [R. Soledad, on 4634v, went on as usual, at 0020, with their La hora del pasillo del Ecuador. The Cutervo stations on 5620.9 and 5660.5, R. Ilucán and La Voz de Cutervo, respectively seem to have cut down, too, on the Ecuadorian pasillos, which are favourites with their listeners.] -- R. Naylamp has a very attractive pennant. Although signed by the Stn Mgr, the person in charge of answering listeners' letters is Srta. Delicia Coronel Muñoz, who is happy to receive postcards and the like. H4559.3v COLOMBIA. Interesting harmonic during June only, announcing 100.1, but obviously also on MW, "Estudio Punto 1", at Taminango (Nariño). Heard almost daily from 2300 to s/off at 0100/0200v. 4567.5v PERU. R. Latina, Chiclayo. A report containing a musical request for my "onomástico" (name´s day) on Jan 19 was mailed on Jan 12 to this new stn at their annc´d address of Av. Sáenz Peña 1556, and this "scheme" produced a special one hour prgr of Peruvian music between 1100 and 1200, with repeated airings of two different carted annc'ts for their listener in Bogotá, whose birthday it was, they said. I never received any written reply, but the Jan 19 transmission was recorded on tape. 4570 PERU. R Atlántida, usually on 4790, was off its fq for a week or so early June. Gone astray as far down as 4507.7 Jun 18, and 4501v on Jun 20 before returning to 4790 on Jun 24. Strong and distorted signal. 4600 BOLIVIA. R Perla del Acre, Nov. 13 with Portuguese esoteric progr 2330-2400, "Os astros revelam a sua vida" (The stars reveal your life). Letters wanted to "Caixa Postal 209, Correio Central, Cobija" or to a street address in Brasiléia, on the other side of the border. Phone calls to # 2093, in Cobija. Collect calls not accepted, prgr moderator said. 4606.5 PERU. R Ayaviri, "La Voz de Melgar", is again on the air. First noted Apr 13 with music and PSA's. Much CW/RTTY around this fqy, and when listening in the AM mode the ID initially sounded something like "R Acarí", but the fqy "5035", and the slogan "La Voz de Melgar", were both clearly distinguished, so on the third count the ID sounded as it should. On Apr 14, several clear ID´s and TC´s, "Solamente faltan 6 minutos para llegar a las 8 de la noche en los estudios de R Ayaviri, La V de Melgar", and "7 de la noche, 7 con 36, en los estudios de R Ayaviri", and ".. a través de los 5035 kilociclos, banda internacional de los 60 metros onda corta". 4612v PERU. R Soledad in Apr. At s/on 1020, speaker Vicente Valdivieso announces 4648 kHz in the 62 metre band. H4613v COLOMBIA. Colombian heard last year announcing as Ondas del Puerto is back with another name, R. Musical. Location is La Virginia (Risaralda). Logged Feb 18, 1130. Jun 16, 0045, on 4641, using slogan "Musical 11-60" 4619.7v PERU. R Soledad, ex-4640v, from Sept. 21 on. Still relays news from América TV, at 0100z. 4627.3 PERU. R Cosmos, Jr. San Martín 484, Celendín, "en calidad de prueba", Sept. 6, 2340, with huaynos and muffled microphone sound. Also announcing "Estación Cosmos" and "Cosmos, su emisora amiga". Is the strongest stn in town. Will not charge for messages for the time being, DJ said. 4632v PERU. This is where to look for Peruvian R. Soledad in Jan 1995. They appear to have moved to this frequency around last Christmas. On Dec 31 1994, at 2336, there was a sudden reference to reports received from listeners abroad: "en Japón, saludos a nuestro gran amigo Takayuki que a esta hora está en plena sintonía de R. Soledad". "Siempre nos escribe", the DJ went on, adding that he had seen "una fotografía de 40 banderines que tiene recibidos, ya que es el director-gerente (sic) de R. Nuevo Mundo, de Japón". There was also a greeting to someone from Sweden, "para Suecia, nuestro amigo .... quien está también correctamente (sic) en nuestra sintonía". And, finally, a greeting to the town of "Borja" in Finland, a clear reference to Jan-Erik Österholm, of Borgå, in Finland. H4641 COLOMBIA. R Musical, Jun 16, see H4613. 4680.5 COLOMBIA. Caracol outlet reported by a traveller to Venezuela, is a spur from La V del Cinaruco, Arauca, 4865.1. 184.5 kHz above this freq the upper spur is to be found, i. e. on 5049.6, which sometimes is co-channel with Peruvian R Tayacaja. H4690v COLOMBIA. R Guaranda, in town of same name, Sucre dept., Feb. 16, 2230, with vallenato music, announcing 1560. Next morning, 1130, on 4663v. - Also heard in June and July.' 4702.3 BOLIVIA. R Eco, San Borja, (also San Borja la radio), Jul. 22, offering a poster to reporters. Fq annc'd as 4700. When first logged, Jul. 5, they gave fq as 4710. 4702.3 "Eco, San Borja", Bolivia, has read J E Österholm's report on the air, says a Finnish DXing collegue. However, not one single poster has been sent out so far despite promises made when the stn went on the air. -- Canned ID monitored Nov. 21, 2334, "4700, banda internacional de 60 metros, onda corta, Eco, San Borja, su amiga y compañera. Le invitamos a que comparta nuestra programación". -- On Dec. 7, "4700, Eco, San Borja, un éxito más en la radiodifusión nacional". -- On Dec. 9, 2247, "Eco, San Borja, contigo donde estés", once again offering their poster to reporters. (They've done so for quite a while now, but no one seems to have received an answer in writing from the station. However, it's clear that some reports must have reached the stn. 4719.6 BOLIVIA. R Avaroa, on a readjusted fq. First noted on this spot, Sept. 9. The move seems to imply that Bolivians try to keep at least 15-20 kHz apart. On 4719.9 Nov. 27, 0950 "Amanecer amazónico". Very good at this time of the day. 4725 COLOMIBA. Another spur from La V del Cinaruco, fundamental 4865.1, in // with earlier noted spurs on 4680.4 and 5049.7, both of which are still around. Aug. 12, 0900. 4732.3 BOLIVIA. R La Palabra, Santa Ana del Yacuma, Nov. 1, 2330. 4750.1 PERU. A new station, first noted Aug. 11, 0110, with Venezuelan "tecnopop" and an extremely fast speaker. Greetings to listeners in Huancabamba, Jaén, San Ignacio, Sóndor etc. gave a rough idea of the location of this stn, which seemed to ID as "R San Francisco", 0135. - On Aug. 12, s/on at midnight, slop from R Huanta 2000, 4746.7, until their s/off 0050. QTH info: "estudios ubicados en la parroquia de San Miguel de Sóndor". At s/off 0236 mention of 89.1 and 4750. - At s/off 0302, Sept. 8, I clearly heard another word in addition to "R San Francisco" and that the slogan was "La V de la Parroquia de San Miguel de Sóndor y Sondorillo". The DJ bid goodnight as Franciscans do, "Paz y bien". - On Sept. 9, there was a slow-speaking DJ by the name of Luis Alberto Castillo, hosting the show "Al ritmo de la noche". Thanks to this gentleman and to my Almanaque del Peru, I was able to establish the station names as R San Francisco Solano, actually in conmemoration of a Spaniard who settled in Peru in the 16th C., later to be declared a saint. Address: "Calle San Miguel 215, distrito de Sóndor, Región Grau". [The area of Huancabamba, where this stn is located, does not belong to the "Región Nororiental del Marañón".]- There is usually a good deal of utility QRM from an Argentine bus network (!), especially around 2300. The interfering net seems to operate all over Argentina, Jujuy, Catamarca, Tucumán etc. 4750 R San Francisco Solano, Peru, cf. Dateline Bogotá, Oct. 15. -- Increasing level late Nov. "Atardecer campesino" until midnight or slightly later, followed by "Por los caminos del Señor", which is a Catholic devotional programme, often presented by P. Manuel Rosas, who is the manager of the station and vicar of the Sóndor and Sondorillo parish. This priestly gentleman must have spent a couple of hours in writing a 3-page letter to my Finnish friend J E Österholm, wherein he confirms the address info I have given in a previous issue of Dateline Bogotá. "La Voz de la Parroquia de San Miguel de Sóndor y Sondorillo" is the slogan of the station, and for collectors of gentilicios like myself, those of these two towns are "sondoreños" and "sondorillenses". I have the vicar's word for it! 4756.9 PERU. R Huanta 2000, on this odd fq Sept. 8, 2315. 4761 VENEZUELA. R Frontera, San Antonio del Táchira, undermodulated as usual, Feb. 18, 2030, with election of Carnival Queen. ID often given as "7-30, la radio". 4765.4 BOLIVIA. R dif Guanay, quite readable Jul. 22, 0100 to past 0200 w/LA pops viz. Vilma Palma y Los Vampiros, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Luis Miguel. H4766.5 COLOMBIA. La V de la Colina, Risaralda (Caldas), Apr. 14, 1220, in // with H3177.6. 4775.4 PERU. R Tarma, Sept. 30, s/off 0728! 4779.6 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Onda Musical noted reactivated around Jan 20. Programming isn't precisely what the station's name implies. Instead, long-winded spoken word programmes on medicine and horse-racing, for example one at 2300 incredibly called El cómplice del consenso de agencias y comentaristas hípicos (sic). 4779.8 ECUADOR. R Oriental was reactivated mid-June, vy good all thru Aug. and Sept. On Aug. 28, closing at 2300 due to electricity cut. Said they were grateful for reports from Sweden, Finland and Norway; no names given. 4781.2 PERU. R Satélite, testing Sept. 9, 0330, "desde la cima del Cerro Cotorumi en la banda de 60 metros, 4780 kHz". 4785.1 COLOMBIA. Adjusted freq for R Super, Ibagué, Apr. 19, 0200. There might be a change of name here, as their flagship in Bogotá has changed to talk & all news format, announcing Stereo 970 AM, Sistema Super de Colombia. -- A few days later drifting down to 4784.7, May 1, 2300. 4790. PERU. Pennant available in 5 or 6 different colour settings for reporters to "Trocha turística" programme on R Atlántida, Peru, 4790 kHz, 2300-2330 UTC. Write to compère of programme, Señora Carmela López Paredes, c/o R Atlántida, Arica 441, Iquitos, Peru. 4795.3 ECUADOR. La V de los Caras, Bahía de Caráquez, isn't inactive as reported elsewhere. Opn is, however, very irregular. Seems to be on for long distance messages, viz. Feb. 10, just after 0100, abruptly closing at 0119. 4800.0. ECUADOR. On Jan 29, pasillos and local ads for Cuenca, in Ecuador, until 2340 when buried by R. Buenas Nuevas. Also a promo for a program on Ecuadorian pasillo singer Julio Jaramillo. - On Feb 10, "Viernes de farra". No ID heard. Must have been R. Popular Independiente, which has been off the air for over a year now. 4830.2 ECUADOR. R El Buen Pastor, Saraguro (Loja), testing Jun. 16, 0144 to past 0315. Non-stop HC music, including instrumentals by Los Corazas and vocal music by traditional Benítez y Valencia. Quichua name of stn is R Alli Michic per pennant rec'd. 4845 GUATEMALA. R Kekchi, "la voz evangélica de Las Casas", unusual guest in Bogotá, Jul. 27, with an even more unusual programme, "La V del Soldado Guatemalteco", until 0131. This programme featured advice on how to avoid tuberculosis and dysentery. 4850.6 ECUADOR. Emisoras Luz y Vida, Aug. 10, 0056, reactivated Jul. 27 on 4850.0, perhaps due to presence of semi-local competitor R El Buen Pastor, on 4830.2. 4855.4 PERU. R La Hora, reactivated Sept. 6, 1028. Unheard for quite a while. 4865.1 COLOMBIA. La Voz del Cinaruco, Apr. 10, 0203, when they were about to read some reception reports from abroad, but the ruthless transmitter attendant was right there to pull the plug. 4884.8 COLOMBIA. Ondas del Meta, on a slightly readjusted freq. since Apr 1. In late June seemingly on the air 24 h. 4886.5 PERU. "Villa Rica, la consentida de su dial" was the carted ID prior to closing down with NA at 0100 on Sun. morning Apr. 9. 4893.9 COLOMBIA. La V del Río Arauca, with tx problems, Nov.1, 0115. 4902v BRAZIL. Terrific spurs still here, originating from Brazilian R Progresso, at Porto Velho, nominally on 4945. 4902.5 BOLIVIA. R Emisora San Ignacio regularly for a few days after Feb. 17, with s/on 1050. Is a move 1 kHz up with regard to last year. 4915.3 COLOMBIA. Armonías del Caquetá active during local daytime. Mar. 30, 2032, plugging for 20a. Feria Nacional Artesanal "El Portal del Amazonas", to be held at Florencia, Apr. 7-17. 4919.9 ECAUDOR. R. Quito is regular again early Feb on this frequency as a result of the border conflict with Peru. The station has been on and off SW for the last year or so. 4945 BOLIVIA. R. Illimani, "Voz Oficial de la República de Bolivia", and "Emisora Bandera de la República de Bolivia", heard on this frequency Jan 7 after long absence. The signal is better on 6025, though. 4950.1 PERU. R. Madre de Dios was celebrating its 37th anniversary on 11/24, so there was no transmission at all on that day. A few days earlier, on 11/21, in their weekly programme for foreign listeners, 0100-0200, "Un festival de música internacional", the DJ read some of the most interesting reports they had been receiving during the past months. One was from the island of Kiribati, in the Pacific, another one was from Takayuki Inoue, in Japan, and the third one from Eng. Santiago San Gil, in Venezuela. 4955 COLOMBIA. R. dif. Nacional de Colombia, on this freq as of Jan 27. This freq replaces 9655 for the time being, and is the result of a suggestion of mine to the station manager Jimmy García Camargo. On Sunday, 0015-0045v, in Canal internacional, Jesús Valencia Sánchez is reading reception reports (usually all "programme details" are omitted...) sent in to the station, either directly to Edificio de Inravisión, CAN, Av. Eldorado, Bogotá, or to the producer's private P. O. Box, which is 93,994. The 1-29 programme featured reports from Miguel Mitonno, Argentina, Hans Johansson, Sweden, and Takeshi Sejimo, Japan. For over a year now, Valencia has been reading reports on his programme, but not one single report has been verified in writing. Reporters should mention that this is a fact that has come to the attention of the international DXing community, and that they urge the station to recommence verifying. On Apr. 15, shortly after midnight with the Saturday eve "Canal Internacional" programme. Various reports were read, for example from Rich d'Angelo and Michael Schnitzer. One report was really outstanding from a linguistic point of view, and that's the one sent in by Swedish DXer Roland Åkesson. "Como pueden ver, este señor sí conoce nuestros giros", As you can see for yourself, this gentleman really knows the way we talk, said the speaker somwhat grudgingly. And that's the best praise one would expect from a Colombian. [I have also seen some of Roland's reports at various stations, invariably typed in red, which of course makes his reports easily distinguishable from others]. 4974.7 COLOMBIA. Ondas del Orteguaza, Florencia, usual s/off time around 2300. 4996-5011v BRAZIL. FM-ing spur from R Progresso, fundamental 4945, very hard to read, often heard 2300z. 4986.7 BOLIVIA. R Emisoras Minería, on this slightly adjusted fq, Dec. 11, 1025. "Ballade pour Adeline" serves as a cue for the canned ID's the station once received from Sweden, voicing Arto Mujunen, Finland, Dario Monferini, Italy, and myself and/or their ad strings. 5005.7 PERU. R Jaén. "Estás escuchando a R Jaén con nuestra programación más dinámica, musical y noticiosa del dial, Primavera 95. Somos los primeros en su receptor. ¡Claaaro!". Also: "R Jaén, tres frecuencias para una buena audiencia" and "R Jaén, el centro de tu corazón". Irregular, but easily copied when on the air. 5010.3 ECUADOR. Typical ID's for the Ecuadorian on this channel, May 1, 2300: "Desde Riobamba, y el corazón de la patria, Radiofónicas, símbolo de cultura" and "Desde el corazón de la patria, y con el espíritu del pueblo, Radiofónicas". ["Radiofónicas" was, in its time, the cable and all-inclusive postal address for Colombian R Sutatenza]. 5015.9 PERU. R Juliaca, "la decana", noticed for the first time on Nov. 7, 0010 with "Juliaca en la noticia". A handwritten complimentary letter to the head of the news department seemed to make the news team happy, as they were talking (and reading) my letter on two successive evenings, Nov. 15 and 16. In my letter I referred to their fq 5780 which was well heard in Sweden in 1958/9. Later news bulletins include a canned spot greeting their listeners in "América, Europa y parte de Asia". 5016.7v PERU. Estación Tarapoto around here in mid-Sept., but usually on 5014.8, so reports saying this is R Juliaca seem a bit exaggerated. Occasionally, before the morning news at 1100, there's a 10-15' relay of R Exterior de España. On Aug. 16, I noticed that the on-cue of the news was in the form of a huayno: "A continuación ofreceremos / las noticias frescas emanadas / del informativo más completo / que haya llegado hasta sus casas /¡qué emoción! y ...¡atención!" This incredible huayno was followed by a canned annc't by stn mgr himself, saying "Es dura y difícil nuestra tarea de vivir con honor en la región de San Martín. ("It´s hard and difficult to make a honest living in the San Martín region", which may be a reference to the all-pervasive drugs trade). Estación Tarapoto, primera opción en radio, con sus tres frecuencias en simultáneo, apertura una nueva edición de La mañana en la noticia". 5035 BRAZIL. R Coari, Feb. 21, 1015, with "Desperta Amazônia" mentioning that letters can be sent to this programme at Praça São Sebastião 228, Coari, AM. Also called R Educação Rural special prgr during 31st anniversary week, Jul. 24-30. Good signal morning and night. R Aparecida is sometimes audible on 5034.8, but w/a weak signal. 5040 COLOMBIA. La Voz de Yopal back on the freq as of Apr. 11. This makes it hard to hear Voz del Upano, Ecuador, on the same freq. Before this reactivation, the latter was on reduced sked on this freq, in Shuar, until s/off 0100. 5046.3 PERU. A new one, first reported by Takayuki Inoue, in his "Relámpago DX", R Integración, at Abancay, in the departamento of Apurímac, also announcing Inti R, 1520 kHz, has been regular here since medio March. Sign on varies between 1025 and 1055. First programme of the day features Peruvian "folklore". Annoucements are in Quechua and Spanish. Lots of electoral ads prior to nationwide elections April 9. Other regular ads include those of Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes and panadería San Carlos. There is a news programme at 1130. On April 7, at 1042, they played the entire carted sign off announcement just like that... This station has not been heard at night. 5049.6 PERU. R Tayacaja, at Pampas, signing on regularly at 1105, co-channel spur from La Voz del Cinaruco, Colombia, whose fundamental is 4865.1. [La V del Cinaruco is on extended sked on March 18 even at night, relaying R Reloj, Bogotá, 1100 kHz, with confusing annc'ts for "Caracol Colombia y Caracol Miami", which, of course, is WSUA 1260 kHz]. The Peruvian is presently also heard at night. 5054.7 COSTA RICA. Faro del Caribe Int'l mentioning letter from Takayuki Inoue Nozaki, in their letterbox progr "La hora del oyente", Oct. 24, 2325. 5083.9 PERU. R Mundoon a slightly shifted fq, Aug. 29, 1035 with usual bilingual (Spanish and Quechua) "Voz campesina" programme. At night, s/off is around 0100. 5116.4 PERU. R. Diez, Iquitos, unheard in Jan. A two-page QSL letter, four photographs, a bingo card etc. arrived here in late December 1994. - In answer to the query in the latest DXSF, I never heard any news at 1000, only at 1100 and and 2300. - Normally silent, for some reason or other, they were active on March 14, at 0030, in the course of the evening newcast "Yo soy la voz del pueblo". 5123.7 BOLIVIA. R Galaxia, back on this freq since Apr. 1. Poor signal after midnight. 5205.4 COLOMBIA. Spur from La V del Llano, see 5388.9. 5264.7 PERU. A new Peruvian audible here in early Oct. now that the stn on 5277.2 is gone. First noted as an unid by McVicar. Weak and unreadable in Bogotá, Oct. 5. On Oct. 10, sufficient audio for an ID: R 5264 (cinco mil doscientos sesenta y cuatro). Stn is at Chiriacu, in the Amazonas dept. "el último rincón de la patria" (the utmost corner of the fatherland), the DJ says. The studio address is Jr. Ricardo Palma s/n ( = sin número) and sked, 5:30-9:30 local time. Announcements in a vernacular language, probably Shuar, noted on a few occasions.-- Noted slightly lower in fqy with slogans such as "la superior en el dial" and "la super radio super", Nov. 6, repeating their address as Jr. (=Jirón, Peruvian word for "Calle") Ricardo Palma s/n (meaning "sin número"), "en la ciudad de Chiriaco, distrito de Imaza, provincia de Bagua", in the Amazonas dept. 5275.5 PERU. Estación NC, is the tentative name for the new Peruvian from Nueva Cajamarca, which is audible on this frequency morning and night. As the vicinity is plagued with spurs from R Emisoras Jesús del Gran Poder, nominally on 5049.7, I didn't notice this tiny signal until alerted by Mc Vicar, in Quito. The station uses slogan "la radio de la integración" and gives the address as Av. Nueva Cajamarca 313 (the echo chamber makes the numbers hard to understand). Amazingly, the station was on the air all night between April 21 and 22 with nonstop música vernacular. Later noted with Estación NC alternating with Estación Láser, with slogan "la radio de la integración", s/on at 1100 and, at night, until s/off at 0300z. Featured some ads for firms in Rioja capital, from where the stn moved to Nueva Cajamarca in Apr, leaving at the same time their old fqy of 3818.2. Along with the txer went DJ David Bustamante Chávez. 5277.0 PERU. R Paccha, ex-5547.2, Sep 20 1130 with a poor signal. Noted thanks to tip from McVicar --Audible again as of Nov. 21, morning and night. Initially very weak, then climbing a bit audibility-wise. On Dec. 5, at 2328, in their regular "México lindo" programme, fq was given as 5275. On Dec. 8, a day dubbed "El día del locutor" in Peru, Fernando Vásquez Castro, manager of R Frecuencia VH, 4485, was greeted on the air. The R Paccha requested a "reception report" during the transmissions for Monday Dec. 11. How was the R Paccha signal getting to Celendín? (From this and other evidence, I believe that the R Paccha transmitter is owned by Señor Vásquez Castro). At s/on 1105, Dec. 11, station address was given as "Calle Mariscal Castilla" (no number). 5388.9 COLOMBIA. Spurious radiation from La V del Llano, 6115.7, Jun. 16, 2316. Also on 5205.4, featuring "Romance, copla y sabana" in a satellite hook-up with R Táchira, Venezuela, 4830. 5453.9 ECUADOR. This is still the freq for pirate R Alianza, Alianza la Radio etc., at least on Feb. 12, 2315, Feb. 13, 2320, Feb. 18, 0035, 2230, Feb. 19, 1115, Feb. 20, 2300, Feb. 24, 0155, Feb. 27, 2355, Feb. 28, 1040, and in mid-March. Last time noted was Mar 18, 2130. 5498.1 PERU. R Lajas, at Lajas, Chota, Sept. 6, 2352, on a tip from McVicar, who reports hearing the address of Jr. Recinto Manuel 589. I cannot confirm this, as I haven't heard any addr info at all. Ann. 5500. - A few weeks later, the stn still is signing on just before midnight. Address info (supplied by McVicar and Inoue) in FT/RPDX/RNM/NU should be corrected as follows: Jirón Rosendo Mendívil 589, Lajas, Provincia de Chota, Cajamarca, Peru, which was the address I picked up on the air, Dec. 10, 2350. However, a couple of days later the street number was given as 579. This shouldn't matter very much, though. Slogan is "la frecuencia de la amistad". On Dec. 17, at s/on fqy was given as "5498 kHz, banda internacional de los 55 metros". 5522.4 PERU. R Sudamérica, Cutervo, July 29, 0110, announcing address Jr. Ramón Castilla 704, 2( piso, Plaza de Armas, telephone "número 90, señal central", and acknowledging a report sent in to the stn by Michael Schnitzer, in Germany. - On Aug. 25, 2300, "Sudamérica Radio, celebrando a lo grande su 2( aniversario con Amanda Portales, Los Reales de Cajamarca..." "Sudamérica R, la triple radio". 5547.4 PERU. R Paccha, at Paccha, Chota, Aug. 27, 2347 with Colombian Sonora Dinamita oldies, and, at midnight, disco music. Apparently, the R La V de Andamachay tx has been sold and transferred to Paccha and these places are not very far apart. Actually, they seem to cover the same area, as on their prgr there have been music requests for Cortegana, where Andamachay is located. - Aug. 29, *1016, warming up with ABBA tunes and then into "El Cóndor paccha". Speaker Miguel Condesa Santos said that stn was at "la ciudad de Paccha, provincia de Chota". He gave the fq as 5545. - I have not heard any address info on the air but McVicar says he has heard one, Jr. Ramón Castilla 52. In September, the stn moved to 5277v, see. 5552.3 COLOMBIA.Unid station heard a few times w/vallenato music, i.e. Aug. 25, s/off 2200. 5556.3 PERU. R La Inmaculada, "la nueva radio de Santa Cruz", Jun. 10, 0204 with "El rincón de los recuerdos". Address: "Oficinas: Parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción, frente al Parque Central, Santa Cruz. [This Santa Cruz is the one located in the Cajamarca dept.] 5613.6v PERU. R Ilucán, on this fq just for one day, Sept. 27, apparently using reserve gear while doing maintenance work on their main txer, 5620.9. H5641.4 COLOMBIA. This is a rarely heard harmonic of Caracol Vélez, nominally on 1410.35. Jun. 16, 2310. 5645.9 PERU. R La V de San Antonio, early December. Not as good as on old 6627.8. On Dec. 5, as early as 2056. On Dec. 8, Valentín Mejía Vásquez was mentioned as the stn manager. 5700 PERU. R Frecuencia San Ignacio, Sept. 4, 1230! This is the first time I hear them in the morning, probably they try hard not to loose their position to R San Ignacio, 6747.2, which is active in the morning.--In a QSL-letter published in various bulletins, stn manager does not request CD records, as one of the recipients said, but rather a CD player. As the manager was QSL-ing several people abroad, he thought maybe he would be receiving three or four different players for Christmas. 5721 PERU. R San Miguel Arcángel, Apr. 25-27, at night. Also ID as Arcángel San Miguel, su radio. Heard again May 3, 0035, then gone. On 5719.9 Dec. 8, at 2345, ann. 5720 and giving address as Jr. Bolívar 354. Unheard at other dates. 5766.6 PERU. Estación Soritor, Soritor, Moyobamba, reappeared on Jul. 19 after a lengthy silence. Found the stn at 2338, and five minutes later, Jan Erik Österholm, in Finland, asked me on the phone what was the name of the stn that he was hearing on 5766.50. - It appears that this stn is awaiting an FM tx, so they may leave SW any time. On Oct. 18,fqy annc'd as "5872 kHz, 58 metros", and address as "Jr. Miguel Grau y Chachapoyas, a la salida de la localidad de La Calzada". Soritor is in the province of Moyobamba, not Rioja, as published elsewhere. Their canned ann. starts saying, "Desde el progresista distrito de Soritor, majestuosa selva en la región San Martín". Other slogans heard include, "la nueva voz en el nororiente peruano" and "una voz joven en el Alto Mayo". Also regularly heard in the morning. One advertiser on the stn is Laboratorio Láser, Jr. Miguel Grau 399 "junto a Estación Soritor", claiming to build FM and AM transmitters from 20W to 1 kW. On Nov. 21 announcing "5766 kHz". Very loud signal in Bogotá. H5800.3 ECUADOR. Unusual harmonic Jul. 20, 1140, from R Calidad, Riobamba, 4x1450. 5848.5 ECUADOR. The Ecuadorian NA closing transmission at 2305, Apr. 15. Suspecting pirate R Alianza, ex-5453.9. 5894.8 PERU. R Paucartambo provides a crisp signal in the morning before 1100 when they are offering folklore galore, as well as interesting ads for "El Charapita", who is buying second-hand bicycles at first-rate value, as the advertisement goes. This station is much more difficult to catch at night. Their s/off still appears to be at midnight. 5932.7 COLOMBIA. A stationheard with a poor signal around 2300 for the last few days, has proved to be an exciting catch. Initially, I thought this might be a new frequency for CVU La Voz del Trópico, in Bolivia, but the religious service at 2300 didn't seem to match. And on 1/8 TC's were UTC -5h, so Bolivia was no longer a possibility. Then, at 2216 there was a TC, saying "5 - 16 minutos en R. Cocorná, 5 - 16 minutos". [Cocorná is a place in Antioquia department, in Colombia]. The believed fundamental of this harmonic is 1483.1, and one month ago I heard an UNID Colombian on this frequency with a religious service at 1045 in the morning. And that's quite normal in Antioquia! 5957.0 PERU. R Altura, Huarmaca, ex-7559.5, discovered by H Kuhl, in Ecuador, on 5956.7, per TLC Nov. 15. This is a tough fq, audible only when La V de los Centauros, Colombia, is off the air, such as Sunday afternoon, Nov. 19, 2330. 5974.3 COLOMBIA. R Macarena has been on this frequency since the end of February. 5981.3 GUATEMALA. La V de la Esperanza, Unión R, R Adventista Mundial, Advenestereo, yes, all these slogans are given for 1330/5980/105.7 at 1200. Signal quite good up until this hour, in Spanish. Offers free literature to those writing to La V de la Esperanza, Ap. 355, Ciudad de Guatemala. 6015.2 COLOMBIA. R Mira, reactivated Jul. 3, well heard around 2200 with local programming. 6034.9 COLOMBIA. La V del Guaviare back after several weeks of silence, Oct. 16, 2353. 6080.2 CHILE. R Patagonia Chilena, Sept.13, 1022, with news relay from R Portales. The commercial breaks feature local ads for firms in the town of Coyhaique. 6089.6v PERU. Thanks to the unexpected silence of R Bandeirantes, Brazil, I caught an equally unexpected all night prgr from R San Miguel, at San Miguel (Cajamarca), Peru, Aug. 12, 0725-0838, when I gave up monitoring as the signal also was fading. Said they were at Jr. Grau 493, "en la provincia de San Miguel". Ments of FM stereo and SW, "banda de los 42 metros onda corta". Huaynos and some occasional ads, including one for Juan Quiroz Alcántara, candidate to the local provincial council. [This is the unid Viloria, in Venezuela, reported on HCJB DXPL, Aug. 12]. This stn has never been logged again. 6090 CHILE. R Esperanza, Dec. 30, 0948 with a 5' news bulletin. Booming signal; must have raised their power. 6135.7 COLOMBIA. R Mira, a spurious fqy, Dec. 29, 1230. Fundamental is 6015.3. 6142 BOLIVIA. R Mauro Núñez, regular in Jun./Jul., s/off 2400/0100, is now gone. 6170.3 COLOMBIA. Caracol Florencia, and also Caracol 1090, is the ID of this Colombian, reactivated late Aug. after a period of silence of one year or so. Per my own records, I had them on 6170.9, Aug. 13, 1994. At that time the stn ID was La V de la Selva. - I talked to stn sec'y, Srta. Carmen, on Oct. 10 (phone +57 988 354288) and learnt that they abandoned the La V de la Selva slogan by Dec. 94. Said Carmen, "We haven't been on SW for a very long time". When asking her if the stn might have been on SW on May 21 this year, as reported by a Japanese DX-er in RNM # 205, she said that this was not very likely as the SW tx had suffered a serious breakdown about a year ago, remaining silent until late Aug. 6180.3 R Nacional Mendoza, Argentina, Jul. 1, 0730, featuring zamba music. 6188.2 PERU. R Oriente on this freq now, ex-6190, as of Feb. 16. Not as strong as before, but signal is free from distorsion. Might be their old SW tx. -- Rather weak on Sept.10, when reactivating their SW tx after one month's silence. DJ on duty jubilantly announces that stn now has new gear, studios being air-conditioned etc. 6195.9 BOLIVIA.R Metropolitana has adjusted its freq slightly. Apr. 8, 2341. 6199.9 COSTA RICA. R for Peace Int'l, Costa Rica, well heard, around 2000 in June and July. 6201.2 PERU. Spurious radiation from R Oriente, by several DXers mistakenly believed to be La V de Huamanga, Peru, again audible as of Sept. 16. Two other spurs on 6214.3 and 6227.5, both weak. - By early Oct. the main spur QRM'ed R Cusco, settling for a few days on 6203.4. By Oct. 7, the spur was back on 6201.3, but on Oct. 15, surprisingly enough, it was on 6200.7. La V de Huamanga continues to be silent on or around this fq as well as on 6070. 6234.3v PERU. This is the latest recorded fq for R Superior, Pardo Miguel Naranjos (addr. in PWBR'96), Oct. 11, 0005. The signal which used to be fair-to-good has gradually lost its punch, so on this occasion it was barely audible. 6238 PERU. R. Estación Yurimaguas is off the air since Christmas last year. As the Stn Mgr didn't QSL, nor the gentleman who presented the 1000-1100 show, I wrote to the fellow who was hiring the 1200 time slot, and, lo, he answered immediately... - There might be a fair chance to get a QSL from this station by writing to Estación Tarapoto (5014.8v), addr. per WRTH 95, for the two stations belong to the same company, and the Tarapoto and Yurimaguas Stn Mgrs are probably relatives, as both of them have Hidalgo as their first surname. However, I don't know if such a verie would be of any value, now that the Tarapoto gentleman has sent a verification, on the Estación Tarapoto stationery, to a Swedish DXer who thought he was hearing Estación Tarapoto on 6238!!! In his letter, he says he's happy to know that they are being heard not only nationwide but also internationally... The Swedish DXer enclosed a tape recording, and, according to the Stn Mgr the program matched the one broadcast by... Estación Tarapoto... I have spent several hours listening to both stations, and I have yet to notice a hook-up or relay, so this verie must be considered as a verification of courteousy only. --6238 Estación Yurimaguas, Peru, reactivated on 2-4. Had been off the air since 12-22 or so. In its adstrings, this station plugs for four different ferryboat lines, but not for one single road transport facility. -- The stn is definitely back on a regular basis as from April 1 at least. Fqy is 6237.9. 6242v PERU. R Superior is giving their address as "Av. Marginal 206, Distrito de Pardo Miguel Naranjos, Provincia Rioja, Departamento San Martín", Aug. 10, 0115. This stn is adrift between 6235 and 6245 but announces 6250. Also heard in the morning. Beware of Estación Yurimaguas which is on 6238. 6259.2 COLOMBIA. Su Estación Fariana, Colombian clandestine, operated by the FARC guerilla, Jun. 30, 2200-2240, 20' prgr twice. Not heard at later dates. 6259.2 COLOMBIA. Guerilla clandestine announcing "La Voz del Pueblo, desde las montañas de Colombia", Nov. 26, 2209 till s/off 2259, with guerilla vallenato type music. There was a fq ann. ending in "mil doscientos cincuenta y cinco MHz onda corta." 6281.7 PERU. R Huancabamba with special extended txn for stn's 11th anniversary Feb. 24, until s/off 0515. - Reactivated on 6281.1 Oct. 11 after a lengthy silence. "We're still the No. 1 in Huancabamba", the DJ proudly asserted.Company is actually called "Empresa de Comunicación Social R Huancabamba, la V de los Andes", he said. Apart from SW is also on FM, "9.5 MHz Super Sonido Stéreo con cariño para tus oídos, dos frecuencias y un sonido para un país más unido". 6299.2 HONDURAS. Sani R provides a booming signal every night from s/on 0100. Music requests accepted to phone number 987516. (There is no area code for Puerto Lempira). 6360 PERU. La V de Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Cajamarca, first noted Jun. 10, 0130, with gospel prgr. Tough copy due to RTTY. The move to 7050.3 early July was a great improvement. ID, Jun. 11: "Desde la ciudad de Santa Cruz transmite para todo el Perú y el extranjero R La V de Santa Cruz.." and, later, "emisora de alcance nacional e internacional". Sta. Cruz was labeled as "capital de la cordialidad". H6400 COLOMBIA. Caracol Pasto, regularly around 2200, since May. 5x1280. H6408 COLOMBIA. La V de la Colina, see 3167-3205v. 6420.3 PERU. R Imperial, Huancabamba, ex-6544.7, Sept. 6, 1043. weak. Located thanks to tip by McVicar. DJ said programme "Mañanitas regionales" would start at 1100. 6498.8 PERU. Estación C signs off early, usually 0030/0100. At 2300 there is a news bulletin whose name is reminiscent of their previous SW frequency, "Radioperiódico Patrullero 63-25". 6535.8 PERU. R dif Huancabamba, "nueva imagen radial", Jul. 27, 2332 testing with a 800 W "DAT Panamá" transmitter, DJ said. Was on 3370.3 earlier, Mar. 18 being the first day of broadcasting, all according to the DJ. Reports requested from local listeners to Calle Unión 409. Reassuring statement from DJ: "Somos una radio completamente legal", We are a totally legal radio station. 6544.6 PERU. R Imperial, Calle de Ayabaca 339-341, Huancabamba, is a new one on this frequency, which used to be the whereabouts of R Centinela "La Voz de las Guarinjas", in the same town. First noticed March 16, just before midnight, thanks to alert on HCJB TLC. Uses slogan "La Voz de la Peruanidad". A regular programme is "Paraíso musical", between midnight and 0100. S/off is at 0200. S/on is given as 7 a.m., local time.--- Later moved to 6420.3, see. 6557 BOLIVIA. R Estación Colonia, Yapacaní (Sta. Cruz), Sept.4, 1225, very weak. - Heard as unid once in Apr. (Apr. 27) and again on Jul. 4. Definitely ID'd on Aug. 18 when audible from 2325 to s/off 0040. At s/off, canned ID: "Somos Radio Estación Colonia, desde Yapacaní, Santa Cruz, Bolivia". --6557 R Estación Colonia, Yapacaní, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, has answered my report. Owner Yrey Fausto Montaño Ustárez says letter "proves that our station can be heard abroad". My report was read on the air and shown to the town Mayor who has promised to send me material on Yapacaní. Sign off annc't says R Estación Colonia, letterhead R Televisión Colonia, whereas the letter says R Colonia. Station is on MW "1143 kHz" and FM 107 MHz since 1987. SW has been on the air since July '95, the owner says. - Heard several times in Nov. closing around 2230.-- Often in December until s/off around 2245. On Dec. 4, the carrier stayed on way past midnight, so there's no problem with electricity at Yapacaní, Santa Cruz, where this stn is located. At s/off canned ID's in Spanish and Quechua. Heard picking up R Fides' "La Hora del País" both in the morning and at night. 6670.3 PERU. Fairly strong carrier on this fq, viz. Nov. 7, 1105, but almost no audio. Is a Peruvian, though, probably R Santa Mónica. 6751.1 PERU. R San Ignacio, "desde la frontera", first noted Jun. 9, 2150, giving address as Jr. Mercado 218, "en la progresista ciudad de San Ignacio". Noted on new 6747.2, Aug 18 and later. 6754.7 PERU. R La Merced, rare of late, Sept. 14, s/off 0108, ending "El Ecuador y sus canciones". 6802.9 PERU. R Ondas del Río Mayo, "en 1280 kHz y 6804.3 MHz" with morning news starting 1107, "Antena 12-80". 7050.4 PERU. R La V de Santa Cruz, ex-6360, first noted Jul. 27, s/on 2320z, announces their address as Av. Zarumilla 190, Santa Cruz (Cajamarca). Daily progr include "Peruanizando la noche" and "Ritmos cumbiamberos" 7050.3 Sked to operate only local evenings, the Peruvian on this fq. featured several ID's in a row on Oct. 26: "El Everest en Asia, el Aconcagua en Sudamérica, el Huascarán en el Perú, el Cotorumi en Santa Cruz. Desde aquí transmite R La V de Santa Cruz para todo el Perú y el extranjero". "Desde las faldas del Cerro Cotorumi, y en el corazón del Perú profundo, transmite para comunicarse en el Perú y el mundo, R La V de Santa Cruz". "Desde la provincia de Santa Cruz, capital de la cordialidad, transmite R La V de Santa Cruz, emisora de alcance nacional e internacional" 7143.2v PERU. R Altura, Huarmaca, Huancabamba, Dec. 20, 1930, thanks to McVicar tip on DXPL. During next few days drifting down to 7142.8. Stronger than on 5957, but by no means as clear as on old 7559.5. Dec. 21, 0037 starting "Así es mi tierra" (el programa integrador de los pueblos del Norte peruano). 7559.5 R Altura, Huarmaca, Peru, noted here in July and Aug. Unheard since early Sept. Studios are next to the electricity plant of Huarmaca: "Si desea enviar comunicados, acérquese a los estudios de R Altura, cerca a la planta eléctrica del distrito de Huarmaca". Canned ID: "Huarmaca, tradición y palabra inca, proviniente del quechua, encantadora ciudad enclavada en los Andes piuranos, desde allí transmite R Altura" and, with a widely used slogan, for example R La Oroya, 4904.7, "un mensaje de amistad en los cielos del Perú".---Moved to 5957 in Nov. and to 7143v in Dec. 9540 VENEZUELA.R Nal. de Venezuela, Oct. 25, in French until s/off 1856. Distorted. 9582.9 VENEZUELA. R Nacional de Venezuela, Dec. 29, 1235, in Spanish. Terribly distorted signal. Unheard on fundamental 9540. 9630 BRAZIL. R Aparecida, "a voz da igreja do Brasil", Apr. 10, 0208, announcing the station will be on 24 h sked as of Apr. 17. 9659.8 VENEZUELA. R Rumbos has been off the air for a couple of weeks. Not heard since D-day (devaluation day). 9660.0 PERU. R Nor Peruana logged Feb. 18, 1500, so they're not off the air as reported elsewhere. The signal is weak and unintelligible at other times of the day. 9674.8 PERU. R Del Pacífico, Aug. 12, 1958, with a regular Sat. feature called "Palabra de maestro", a nationwide educational programme, relayed by some 40 stations all over the country, some of which seem new to me (may be FM operations): R RPP, Huánuco, R Arpegio, Iquitos, R Estudio Exito 92, Marcona, R Bahía, Mollendo, R RPP, Moquegua, R Interandina, Pisco (?), R Star, Piura, R Prospera TV, Pucallpa, R Horizonte, Puquio, R Municipal César Vallejo Mendoza, Santiago de Chuco, R Star, Tacna, R Star, Tumbes. 9705 MEXICO. R México Internacional well heard nightly around 0100 in Spanish with IMER programming, sometimes featuring relays from FM stn Opus 94. Asks for reports to Ap. Postal 21-300, CP 04021, México D.F. 9720.5 PERU. R Victoria heard on this fq in // with 6018.3 since early June. Carries "La Voz de la Liberación" at all times except for three daily newscasts, local morning, noon, evening, called "Radioperiódico El Mundo". Slogans: "señal que hace radio", "una radio para todos". Certain programmes in // with R Latina, Lima, and R Líder, Chancay. Appears to be on the air 24 h/day. 9720.5 R Victoria, Peru, relaying Ecos de Colombia, 1160 kHz, Nov.6, during visit to Bogotá by "Misionero" David Miranda who assembled a big crowd at the Coliseo Cubierto El Campín stadium. R Tropical, Caracas, Venezuela, seemed to relay the transmission from Bogotá as well as several stations in Brazil. - News progr aired thrice a day now called "Radioperiódico Nuevo Mundo" ex "Radioperiódico El Mundo SOME MW OBSERVATIONS AT VILLA DE LEYVA, 150 KM. NORTH OF BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA, NOVEMBER 1995. Rx: Sony 2001D. Antenna: LP-shaped loop antenna from German Deutschlandfunk. 550.2 R dif Nacional de Col.; 560.1 R dif Nacional de Col.; 600.1 R Libertad; 670.2 Antena 2, Medellín; 920.2 Em Fuentes; 929.9 La V de Bogotá; 960 R San Sebastían (absolutely booming signal on a crystal clear channel); 1049.9 RCN Granada, Meta; 1120.1 Caracol Tunja; 1139.9 RCN Barbosa; 1229.9 R Reloj, Tunja; 1250.1 Emisoras ABC; 1269.9 Antena 2, C/gena; 1290.3 Two RCN outlets on the same decimal, La V de Garagoa and RCN Girardot, the latter is ex-Ondas del Puerto; 1330.1 R Super, Tunja; 1339.9 R Uno, Bogotá; 1350.1 La V de Yopal; 1410.0 Caracol Vélez, on its exact nominal fq, Oct. 19, using HJCY in a local ID, which is a callsign already assigned to Caracol Bogotá, on 810 kHz! 1444.4 unid, no ID traceable in persistent slop from semi-local 1450.0 Ondas del Porvenir; 1469.3 R Futurama; 1479.9 Antena 2, B/manga; 1483.1 unid, probably R Cocorná (reported in earlier Dateline Bogota); 1500.1 R Reloj, Moniquirá; 1539.7 La V del Petroleo; 1550.2 unid, believed to be R El Sol, B/quilla; 1570.2 Armonías Boyacenses/Antena 2; 1580.0 FSI Radio; 1589.9 Ondas del Rioseco, Rioseco, Cundinamarca, good audio; 1600.1 Armonías Zipaquireñas; 1649.8 La V del Rosario, Junín, Cundinamarca, Colombia, ann. 1650 kHz, HJNJ (or HJLJ), Oct. 19, 2342. PHONE-IN REPORT FOR HCJB DX PARTYLINE PROGRAMME, JAN. 12, 1995 Theres a new Peruvian on approx 4575, drifting down to 4571, the stn is located in Chiclayo in northern Peru, and its called R Latina. I first came across then stn on 2nd of Jan around 0100. The lower sideband is consistently strong than the upper one. There is a news bulletin until 0100, followed by instrumental Andean music and frequent stn IDs which can be a bit heard to understand as theyre using heavy reverb. The address is Av. Sáenz Peña 1558. The Peruvian announcing as R Soledad is now on approx 4632 kHz. They were on approx 4665 until New Years. The signal is quite good, but its no use to store the fqy in the memory of your receiver as its moving one or two kcs from one day to another. On New Years eve this stn greeted some of their foreign listeners, on each in Japan, Sweden and Finland. 4319.3 R Condorcanqui, reactived, hrd in July 94 for a few weeks, now on full sked. Is located in Santa María de Nieva. In Ecuador, La V del Upano, seem to have cut back on their SW prgring. I can hear a rlg lecture in the Shuar language from a Seminary in Sucúa, on 5040, until s/off at 0100, and at that time no other Upano channels on SW seem to be active. On the other hand, R Federación has increased its SW transmissions. In the morning, around 1300, they offer three different educational progrs on each of their SW channels, 5980, 4960 and 4785.9. The Ecuadorian La V del Napo, on 3280, always provides a nice and clear signal around 0100 when they relay a newscast from Teleamazonas, which is a TV channel in Quito. At 0130 they take a newsfedd from R Oriental, which used to be on 4779.8. In Colombia, Armonías del Caquetá, was active on New years eve on their usual channel of 4915.2. In 1994, theyve been on the air only 3 or 4 times. And in the 90 meters band there are number of Colombian harmonics that I can hear on a daily basis. On 3140.4 there is a harmonic that sometimes can be heard in the US and Canada. This stn used to announce as La V de los Fundadores, but they now identify as R Sensación. The QTH is the town of Manizales, quite as before. Finally, Id like to mention that I have managed to get letters of verification from three Peruvians: R Diez, on 5116.4, R Paucartambo on 5894.7 and Estación Yruimaguas, on 6238. As the management of these stns doesnt seem like verifying I have written to programme producers on each of these stns, and these people have answered my reports on the air and also in writing. PHONE-IN REPORT FOR HCJB DX PARTYLINE PROGRAMME, FEB. 9, 1995 Theres a new stn on 5453.9 kHz which has been reported on The Latest Catch . But I dont believe its Ondas Quevedeñas in Ecuador as I think its a pirat from somewhere in the Ecuadorian sierra. The stn announces R Alianza, i e R Alliance, and uses lots of slogans such as "las estacion juvenil del 95", "la estación romántica del 95" and "la emisora más alegre en el norte del país". The stn is playing music which is popular in the Ecuadorian sierra, but the DJ is careful not to mention any QTH at all when he is announcing in Spanish. But in a Quichua annct I have been hearing a couple of times, he is greeting listeners in the Imbabura province, and that is of course in the northern part of Ecuador. Another pirat which also plays Ecuadorian musica is the Colombian R Católica Nacional on 3580, or rather 3579.9. This stn has been heard in many countries, even in Europe, but no one has really been able to pinpoint its true location. Last year, a Colombian radio operator told me that the stn was located in a place called Cuatro Esquina, not far from the town of Túquerres in southwestern Colombia. But as the stn was inactive for most of 1994 I had no chance to verify this info until a week ago, on the 24th of January. The dj several times said that the stn was located in the village of San Carlos. But he didnt say where this place was located. Bearing in mind that there were many references to places in the vicinity of Túquerres, I checked a detailed map from the Agustín Codazzi geographical institute in Bogotá an on this map I found the place. Its just a mil or so north of the town of Túquerres. As the dj mentioned his name on the air, I wrote him a letter saying that I liked his selections of Ecuadorian music. I also included a few stickers from the Vatican Radio in my letter. One week later, on the 2nd of Feb, my letter was read several times on R Catolica Nal. And the txn which usually ends at 0400 was still going past 0515. The operator of R Católica was clearly very very pleased with my report. On his prgr he mentioned that he is Colombian, married to an Ecuadorian woman, and that he has been working with several radio stns in Ecuador, including R Zaracay, R Progreso in Loja and in Guayaquil with stns such a R Huancavilca and R Cristal. On 4238 kHz there is something ususual going on. In the morning around 1100 theres a stn identifying as R Cajamarca, which is the Peruvian listed on the fqym, but at night until sign off at 0200, theres a transmission from a stn in Baños del Inca, calling itself R Nor Agricultura. This seems to be a new name for R Inca del Perú which used to be on this fqy years ago. So it seems that two stns are using the same txer at different times of the day. PHONE-IN REPORT FOR HCJB DX PARTYLINE PROGRAMME, MAR. 18, 1995 Conditions havent been that terribly inspiring over the last month, but theres at least one interesting Peruvian to mention. On 5547.3 R La V de Andamachay, in the village of Andamachay, Cortegana province, Cajamarca. I logged this stn for the first time on the 20th of December 1993, almost 1 and a half years ago, but the stn has been off the air since then so thats why I didnt have it inserted in the WRTH 95 edition. The signal is poor around midnight. I havent noticed the stn in the morning. I logged the stn on Feb 26 and they are still there. Heres a list of Peruvians that have been reactivated during Feb and March. (Im not going to spell out the stn names, all of them can be found in the 95 edition of the World Radio TV Handbook). On 9660 R Nor Peruana, in Chachapoyas, audible in the daytime with a weak signal. On 6188.2 R Oriente, in Yurimaguas. This one used to be on 6190 with a terribly overmodulated signal, on the new fqy the audio is good, but the signal level is por. On 5116.4 R Diez, in Iquitos, hrd on the 14 of March at midnight 30 during the local evening newscast called Yo soy la voz del pueblo, I am the voice of the people. R Andina in Huancayo on 4995.8, used to be on the air only inn the local evening, but they are now on the air also in the morning. On 4895 R Chanchamayo is providing a useful signal before 1100 when the co-channel Colombian comes on the air. R Chanchamayo has been off the air for a year or so. An interesting Bolivian is audible in the morning when signing on at 1050, R Emisora San Ignacio, in the town of San Ignacio, province of Moxos. Theyre on 4902.5, which is 1 kc highter than last year. At 1100 they relay the morning new progr from Radio Fides, which by the way is loud and clear on 9625 kHz at that time of the day. The Ecuadorian R Alianza continues to be heard on 5453.9, despite reports saying that they have moved to another fqy. They are clearly aiming at listeners abroad. I have been hearing the speaker reading news on the border conflict from the Ecuadorian newspaper La Hora for the benefit of foreign listeners. A consistent Ecuadorian harmonic in the morning at around 1030 is that of R Sonorama, in Riobamba, on 2480.6, twice 1240 MW. I have been hearing half a dozen new Colombian harmonics in the area between 2900 and 3200 kHz. On approx. 3190, varying 5 kHz up or down, is a stn called La Voz de la Colina, the voice of the hill, from the village of Risaralda, in the Caldas depto. of Colombia. I can hear them with a fair signal in the morning around 1100 and also at night after 2300. They used to announce 1600 only but DX Partyline boss Rich McVicar told me he hrd them announcing 3200 as well. And hes right, so I sent them a short letter to say that I was picking them up in Bogotá. They didnt answer in writing, but when returning from a 9-day assignment in northern Colombia, I found a voice QSL from the stn on my telephone answering machine! That´s the first time I get such a QSL, and you bet I liked it! PHONE-IN REPORT FOR HCJB DX PARTYLINE PROGRAMME, APR. 8, 1995 Theres a new fqy for the Brazilian listed in the WRTH on 3401 kHz, R dif 6 de Agosto, at Xapuri, in the Acre province. Thats 3255. I can hear the stn with a reasonable signal before local sunrise and after local sunset. R dif 6 de Agosto, Xapuri, 3255 kHz. Theres a terrific spur from Brazilian R Progresso, at Porto Velho, on approx. 4902 kHz. This stn is listed on 4945, but the dominant stn on this fqy is R Illimani, in Bolivia. So R Progresso, Porto Velho, on approx. 4902. Another Bolivian, R Galaxia, at Guayaramerín, has been inactive but is now back on the air on 5123.7 with their usual gospel programming around midnight UTC. R Galaxia, Guayaramerín, 5123.7. The Colombia pirate R Católica Nacional was inatvie for over a month, but theyre now back on 3579.7. R Católica Nacional is located at San Carlos, near the town of Túquerres, in southern Colombia. The owner, who is a botanist by profession, plays about 90% Ecuadorian music until s/off which is at approx. 0400. A reasonably strong Colombian harmonic is that of Caracol Vélez, 4231.1, heard around 2300, relaying the Caracol network prgring. The fundamental is 1410.35 and this fqy is known to propagate from time to time to northern Europe. Now over to Peru. Theres a new one on 5046.3, R Integración, at Abancay. The stn has a music musical in the morning with anncts in Quechua and Spanish, from roughly half an hour before and till half an hour after 1100. The stn also announces Inti Radio. So: R Integración, at Abancay, 5046.3. R Jerusalén, up in the Cajamarca region, is now active again after a lengthy silent period on the fqy of 3194.6. Theyre providing a weak signal around 1030. I can also hear them at 0100, but the signal is very poor at that time. This stn has gospel progring in Spanish. R Soledad, at Parcoy, seems to be having txer problems right now. They have been on approx 4632 since early Jan. On Wed night April 5, they were on 4513.4 and on Thu morning they were on 4612,6 when signing on at 1020 with the NA. Five minutes later they were on 4613.2. So: R Soledad, in Peru, on a varying fqy of 4613 kHz. I havent been able to log the test transmission from R difs Huancabamba which Rich McVicar reported hearing on 3370.3 on the 30th of Marth, But the fqy they mention the tape Rich was playing on last weeks DX Partyinle does, indeed, appear to be 3370. They also mention that theyre on FM stereo. Finally, they announce the stn QTH as Calle Unión 409, thats Union Street 409, at Huancabamba. PHONE-IN REPORT FOR HCJB DX PARTYLINE PROGRAMME, MAY 1995 Conds have been rather disappointing on the tropical bands. There have been high levels of static almost every day. R Frontera, in Venezuela, on 4761, still undemodulated but less so than before, but as the carrier is strong the signal might reach far afield. Last month I reported a Colombian Caracol affiliate at the town of Vélez /victor echo lima echo zulu/ on its third harmonic, on 4232.1. Well, its still there, and the station has been heard with a local ID at 1051 followed by local advertisements until 1100 when they join the Caracol network programming. The harmonic on 3100, 2x1500, is still going strong. The stn has now changed its nam to MCI Radio /mike charlie india/, QTH still Bogotá and address unchanged. Another Caracol harmonic is the one on 6400, which is audible here in the early evening. On the 1st of May [1995] I heard a local ID for Caracol Pasto /papa alpha sierra tango oscar/, so this is the 5th harmonic of 1280. In Peru, the station calling itself Radiodifusoras Huancabamba, first reported by DX Partyline DX editor Rich McVicar, has been heard a couple of nights until sign off at approx 0100. The signal is weak. A few weeks ago, I reported hearing a new Peruvian on 5275.6 kHZ. The stn ID appeared to be Estación NC /november charlie/, as in the first letters of the stn QTH which is Nueva Cajamarca. Now, this stn has changed its name from the end of April to Estación Láser. The address is still the same, Avenida Nueva Cajamarca no. 311, not 313 as I previously reported. There used to be a stn on 3818.2 identifying itself as Estación Láser, but this stn is now gone, so they have probably taken over or merged with the stn on 5275.6. Estación Laser is well heard until s/off at 0300. Then, theres the reactivation on 5721 v of R San Miguel Arcángel, at San Miguel, in northern Peru. This stn was on this fqy some 10 yrs. Ago, and then they went off the air.A couple of yrs ago they reappeard on approx. 6339, and now theyre back where they started. The signal is fair until s/off at 0300. Just as many Peruvians do, this stn sometimes uses an inverted ID, so instead of R San Miguel Arcángel, they may also announce as Arcángel San Miguel, su radio. Finally, in Peru, R Soledad at Parcoy, has made another fqy move to approx 4673 KHz, varying 1 kc up or down. HAM JARGON IN COLOMBIAN MILITARY BROADCASTS 5890U Colombian military net on this freq Apr. 14, 1240. Various stations reporting to home, which was "Corcel 6". Among those reporting in were "Cosmos" [Dinamarca 420], "Centauro", "Cascabel", "Cóndor","Leopardo", "Búfalo". Partly encrypted speech mixed with ham terminology, such as "R" (prounced "erre"), "TKS" (pronounced "te ca ese") and "quedo QAP" (standing bye). "QAP" is widely used in Colombia, almost in standard speech, at least any taxi driver knows the meaning; there is also a newscast on the 2nd TV ch. called "QAP". (In addition, there are huge numbers of private or semi-private nets on SW in this country, and I bet most of them are illegal; a scanner's paradise it is). PERUVIAN YEARLY SLOGANS During the past few years, and similar to the Cuban practice, the Peruvian government has coined a slogan for each year. R Huancabamba, on March 14, at s/on 1105, revealed this year's slogan: "año de inversiones productivas" (year of profitable investments). Last year slogan was "año de modernización educativa y del deporte", and those of 1993 and 1992 were, respectively, "año de la modernización educativa" (sic) and "año de César Vallejo y el encuentro de dos mundos". |