DATELINE BOGOTA 1994Compiled and copyright Henrik Klemetz
![]() © Henrik Klemetz A selection of loggings and articles published in 1994 in various publications such as Radio Nuevo Mundo, Japan, DX South Florida, USA, The Radio News, Venezuela, DX Listening Digest, USA, Kurier, Germany, as well as the WRTH LA-Newsletter, Distance and SWB, Sweden. In addition to the loggings there is some QSL information, most of which has never been published. LOGGINGS H3000 COLOMBIA. La V de la Feria, Aug 27, 2200, ID. H3100. COLOMBIA. Here is a strong harmonic from local HJZI 15-50, ex-R Fantasía. QTH is Calle 22C No. 31-01, in Bogotá.. Format is now Christian Contemporary, i.e. Christian Rock. 3120 ECUADOR. Ecos del Oriente, off fqy, totally distorted, Jun 2, 0130. H3140.4v COLOMBIA. New name for La V de los Fundadores is R. Sensación. Noted Dec 30 at 0045 with music and canned annc'ts, such as "En su dial, la primera emisora es R. Sensación", and "Somos la emisora líder en el eje cafetero: R. Sensación". H3160. COLOMBIA. Local harmonic: Ecos de Colombia, Bogotá, sometimes working in // to AcuarioAM, ex-R Impulso, 1290, La V Panamericana, 1510, La V de la Patria, 1310, and R "K", ex-R Disco, 1500. Slogan: "WV Satélite, otra estrella en el espacio". WV stands for William Vinasco, who is the manager. H3192v COLOMBIA. R Espacial, Andalucía, Aug 4 and 5, 1030. Phone number in Bugalagrande, Valle, gave me a chance to find the stn and its mgr Jorge Zúñiga, who said they were running 125 W on their fundamental fqy. I have later received a full data verie letter, several pictures from the studio as well as several pounds of locally manufactured marshmallows. 3194.3 PERU. R Jerusalén, "desde la floreciente y turística cooperativa de Jerusalén". That is all the QTH info they have given on the air when I have been listening. Fist noted Apr 21. Prgr includes "himnos", TC´s, evangelical transcription services in Spanish and long talks by Manuel Quispe Girón on medcinal herbs. Morning transmission starts at 0900 on weekdays, 1000 Sundays, but there is no proper s/on annc´t. This is a stn operated by a religious community somewhere near the town of Cajamarca, in northern Peru. Apparently, the place is fairly wellknown. From the prgr contents I gather that it has been featured on TV, and that visitors come to stay at the place for a few days, perhaps in order to relax. Announces mw 1600, but sw ("onda corta") has also been mentioned. H3230 COLOMBIA. La Frecuencia Musical AM, Quimbaya (Quindío), Aug 18, 0050, announcing 1600 kHz. H3243.5 COLOMBIA. Frecuencia Musical AM, ex-H3230, Sep 17, 0000, "Salsoteca". Fundamental is now mentioned as 1610. H3250v COLOMBIA. R. Sonorama, Monguí (Boyacá), heard 12-25 and later in FMing mode. Also on 3255v and 3293v. 3260 ECUADOR. Estéreo Carrizal, at Calceta (Manabí), first noted on Nov 22. When asking for reports by phone, I called them on Nov 24, and thE call was recorded and played back at midnight. They use various canned ID's, viz. "Noche y día, en su grata compañía, Estéreo Carrizal, la radio musical", "Estéreo Carrizal, voz e imagen de Calceta, en su dial". Their phone number is +593 5 685470, power said to be 400 W, and the address is CRC, Consorcio Radiofónico Carrizal, Avenida Estudiantil, Quinta Velásquez, Calceta (Manabí). The owner is congressman Carlos Velásquez, hence Quinta Velásquez. 3283.8 ECUADOR. La V del Río Tarqui, 9/1, 1033. Blurred signal on this fqy which is slightly lower than the usual one. 3289.8 ECUADOR. R Centro. Here is an excerpt from "Amanecer andino", 23/1, 1031: "Música ecuatoriana diferente, nuestra música popular, a esta hora que nos escuchan en todo el país, e inclusive estamos tratando de ubicar la carta que nos llegó de Japón. Y lo único que nos han dejado desde Secretaría es la la una lindísima fotografía, que nos han enviado de nuestro oyente en el Japón. Tenemos audiencia a esta hora en casi todo el mundo porque nos escriben de Londres, nos escriben de Japón, nos escriben de los Estados Unidos, a Radio Centro ´Estación 112´".-- Among reporters mentioned on the air during Feb are Hiroyuki Watanabe, Japan, Anothony Scott Helms (?), USA, Bengt Ivan Holmberg and Göran Karlsson, Sweden, Jouku Mustalahti and Jim Solatie, both in Finland. Listeners are invited to call the station at +593 8 822440. 3324.8 GUATEMALA. R Maya, Sep 11, 0329 s/off. 3360 GUATEMALA. La V de Nahualá, Sep 11, 0233, "Tarde musical de mi tierra". 3370 GUATEMALA. R Tezulutlán, Sep 11, s/off 0309; not in // to 4835.2- 3380 GUATEMALA. R Chortís, Sep 11, 0235, "Alegría ranchera". 3500 COLOMBIA. La V del Guainía, Nov 7, s/on 1052. H3510 ECUADOR. R Central, Riobamba, Nov 7 1010 with local ads and mentions of town nickname "la Sultana de los Andes". 3580 COLOMBIA. "R Católica, en los 3500 kcs, onda larga, banda de 90 metros onda corta" (sic) heard Jan 27, 2320-0040, with music, almost exclusively "pasillos", for "nuestra gente campesina" (i.e. the Indian population). Unheard later. Should be in SW Colombia. 4039.2 PERU. R Marginal, s/on 1136, Feb 2, "un poquito tarde", speaker said, then into "La V de la Liberación", a rlg progr sponsored by various pentecostal churches called "Dios es amor", led by Brazilian Antonio Ribeiro. (The same prgr title also in Brazil, heard for example Jan 23, @0845, on R Universo, "a emissora de Deus", on 11765.4- 4108v PERU. R Otorongo, Maipuco, Loreto. This station, heard a couple of times early 1993, does in fact exist, although it usually operates a point-to-point service with Iquitos, says Julia Jáuregui, manager of La V de la Selva, in Iquitos, in an answer to my question. Otorongo is a name given locally to the ocelot. 4300.4 PERU. R La V de Naranjos, Naranjos, Rioja, new stn on fqy previously used by R Naylamp, July 24, s/off 0305, ann. 4310. 4300.7 PERU. R Naylamp, ex-4299.7, Apr 12, 0210, ID and into "Hora 20" prgr. 4319.3 PERU. R Condorcanqui, Santa María de Nieva, provincia Condorcanqui, Amazonas, July 4, s/off 2348, "De esta manera, R Condorcanqui pone punto final a las emisiones de hoy". - July 5, s/off 2354, saying that station is owned by the "Provincial Municipality of Condorcanqui" and that the fqy is 4320 kHz. 4508.7 BOLIVIA. R San Joaquín, San Joaquín, Beni, is a new stn, first heard and identified late Feb by Pertti Äyräs and Jan-Erik Österholm, in Finland. On Mar 3, 2300, fair. Per annc´t they would stay on the air until 0100. Until midnight they played Bolivian music, relayed the news from La Paz Channel 7 TV, read messages and went into a musical prgr called "Preguntas y respuestas". QRM was mounting, as time went by, squeezed in as the stn is between two Peruvians, R Horizonte and R Paucartambo. 4530.2 BOLIVIA. R Hitachi, Mar 29, 1050, reactivated. 4537.5 PERU. Estación Láser, ex-4705, Sept 2, 2327, poor; somewhat better Sept 10, midnight, then on 4538.6 4549.5 PERU. R Naylamp, on a new fqy, Nov 7, 0035. Humming audio. H4620 COLOMBIA. La V del Nevado, Cumbal (Nariño), Jun 1, 3 and 4, from 2315 to 2355 s/off, prgr consisting of messages and poems. 4632.5 BOLIVIA. Guayaramerín Frecuencia Modulada /97.5/, and also R. Guayaramerín, Jun 29, 0003, after phone alert from J-E Österholm, in Finland, saying that there was something new cooking on fqy. Prgr "Aventura musical" featuring Eros Ramazotti. Phone number to station 2155, but no way to dial that number from abroad. On July 4, sw fqy was mentioned as 4630, with a power of 1 kW.---Previous test, probably from txer factory in La Paz, May 31, 2330, with annc´ts such as, "4630 kilos, kilociclos de amplitud modulada en onda corta, banda dee 65 metros. Estamos haciendo las pruebas necesarias para luego ser instalado este equipo en la ciudad de Guayaramerín. Atención Guayaramerín: En ete momento vamos a apagar el equipo, un momento que salimos en el encuentro de ustedes con el transmisor 2 " 4662.4v PERU. R Soledad, Parcoy, Pataz (La Libertad), Jun 29, 0030, announcing 4500 kcs in the 65 metre band and 1500 kcs, 200 meters. Same day at 2300 greeting to various places in their intended "target area", Huamachuco, Tayabamba, Tocache, Tingo María, Aguaytia, Pucallpa, etc in prgr called "Alegría tropical". Per "Almanaque del Perú", 1974 edition, Soledad is a "distrito" that existed prior to 1916. 4725 BRAZIL. R Integracao AM, Cruzeiro do Sul, Aug 1, 1030, very powerful FM-ing signal; much weaker on fundamental 4765. 4732.2 BOLIVIA.New fqy, ex-4903.9, for R La Palabra, first noted on Jan 15. Reception is much better here compared to the previous fqy. ID, including "Radio" heard. - typical TC/ID at 0040, May 11,"La Palabra: Paz y bien para todos los hogares, le anuncia la hora: Son las 9 menos 20 aquí en Radio La Palabra". (Please note the TC, which would be typical for Spain, but quite unusual in Latin America). 4775 PERU. R Tarma "Internacional", is requesting reports, which will be answered, they say, in their morning show "Alegre amanecer", which features "chicha" music. At 1100, "Angelus", usual Catholic devotional feature at dawn, an ID annc´t in English and into "Músic folklórica nacional". Carries an ad for a pennant manufacturer´s, Bordaduría García, but R Tarma does not seem to be among their clients. One canned ID in Spanish runs like this, "Una señal electromagnética en el cielo del mundo, Radio Tarma del Perú". 4779.8 ECUADOR. R Oriental, back on the air after being silent for a couple of weeks, Feb 14, 0040, useful signal although w/distorted audio. Has sent me a beautiful verie package, including photographs and a map. 4779.8 GUATEMALA. R Cultural Coatán, Nov 17, 2353, new stn; noted thanks to tip from Paszkiewicz, on HCJB´s "The Latest Catch". 4781.1 PERU. R Satélite, Santa Cruz, testing their official fqy, July 17, 0330, while 6724.3 was silent. Listeners were told that the new fqy was on the same band as R Chota, R Atlántida and R Tingo María. 4785 BRAZIL. R Caiari, Porto Velho. July 16, 2359 with full ID, "prefixos", slogan "a primeira emissora de Rondonia", followed by prgr "Raízes e tradicoes". Local time was UTC -4h. 4785.6 COLOMBIA. R Super, ex-Ecos del Combeima, new name noted for the first time May 20, 2330, "En el aire, Radio Super, desde la hermosa capital musical de Colombia, Ibagué, HJFT 1020 kHz, onda larga, 4785 kHz onda corta. Radio Super, emisora fundamental del Sistema Super. Sistema Super, orgullosamente colombiano." --- In view of the persistent flow of info saying that Ecos del Combeima was reactivated, I reported the following to the HCJB DX Partyline broadcast on Oct. 8, 1994, "The Manager of R Super Bogotá, Henry Pava, told me that Ecos del Combeima is the present name for the tx on MW 1110, and that this is a shift of name from La V del Nevado. They wanted to get rid of the ominous ring about the word Nevado, the Manager said. Nevado [del Ruiz] is a reference to the volcano that 10 years ago produced a terrible mud-slide that buried the town of Armero". 4785.7 ECUADOR. R Federación, on a new fqy in // to 4960 and 5980, whereas 4860 was silent, Sep 14, 0030. 4799.8 GUATEMALA. R Buenas Nuevas, Sep 11, s/off 0330. 4810.2 PERU. R San Martín. I cannot hear the morning prgr mentioned in "Relámpago DX" # 55, but rather, at 1000-1100, "Agroinforme", which is a prgr for farmers. On Sat mornings there is a music prgr called "Buenos días, San Martín". In their canned ID, they try to wipe out two of their local competitors in one sentence,"Radio San Martín, la imagen tropical de Tarapoto, una radio con música, noticias y cultura para todos los peruanos". 4819.7 ECUADOR. R Paz y Bien, Ambato, is selling their txer. Franciscan monk Luis Florencio León, present manager of the stn, earlier helped dismantle other sw services, such as the one from La V de Galápagos. 4819.8 HONDURAS. HRVC, La V Evangélica de Honduras, on new fqy, ex-4820.1, May 26, 1130. 4824.2 PERU. La V de la Selva, has a morning show weekdays 1000-1100, hosted by "Chochertia" Sandoval. From Mar 1 onwards the prgr time was reduced to 30 minutes. As my Japanese friend Inoue was at odds with me regarding the prgr title, I decided to write to the stn in order to find out. It turned out that neither of us were right. The name of the show is "Baila, baila tanrrillita, moviéndose la colita". Tanrrillita is the local name of a long-legged flamingo-type bird, says Stn Mgr Miss Julia Jáuregui in her answer to me. The name also alludes to "other birds", she says, no doubt referring to beautiful girls. Well, well. On Mar 10, "Chocherita" greeted Inoue and me on the air, not once but three times.-- On Apr 14, celebrating 22nd anniversary of the stn. Miss Jáuregui at the microphone during the local afternoon hours. 4831.5 COSTA RICA. R Reloj, reactivated Aug 1, 1015 in // to 6005.5. 4840 ECUADOR. Tent. R Interoceánica, Sep 24, 2300 and for another half-hour, talk in Quechua and segments of Ecuadorian music, very low audio. 4845 BRAZIL. R Meteorologia Paulista, Jan 22, 0852, w/ID and prgr "Bom día, Brasil". 4845 GUATEMALA. R Kekchí, Sep 11, s/off 0315. 4858.3 PERU. R La Hora, Cusco, Jun 14, 1030, almost as if they wanted to jam R Líder, on 4860.1, which was audible at the same time. 4859.1 ECUADOR. R Federación, on a new fqy in // to 5980 and 4960.9 Aug 27, 2345. Fqy adjusted to 4860.0 on Aug 30. H4860 COLOMBIA. Su Frecuencia Musical AM, Quimbaya, Oct 1, 0115. Yet another of their harmonics. 4860.1 PERU. R Líder, Cusco, Jun 6, 1037, reactivated, "Líder en la noticia". Regular for a week or so, then vanished. 4862.5 PERU. R La Hora, Feb 22, almost covered by La V del Cinaruco, Colombia, on 4865. - 4862.5 was mistakenly reported as R Emisoras 16 de Marzo, in Bolivia, in various bulletins. However, the Bolivian is rock-steady on 4864.5. - On 4862.7 June 14 and 17, both in the morning and at night, right next to local competitor R Líder, 4860.1 4875.1 BOLIVIA. R La Cruz del Sur, noted with a news broadcast in Spanish, 2230-2300, Jan 18, called "El Chasqui Radial". Most other programming on this stn is in Aymara. 4884.9 COLOMBIA. Ondas del Meta, inactive by early 1994; reactivated on 4884.4 Sep 24. 4886.7 PERU. R Villa Rica, new fqy, ex-4804.4, Jun 13, 1108 "Somos R Villa Rica, el mejor formato en la radio". On Oct 12, another ID, including the voice of R Nederland´s Máximo Mewe, in one of his "R Enlace" slogans, "R Villa Rica, el mejor pretexto para quedase en casa". 4888.5 PERU. Tent. Dif R Huanta, Oct 1, 1050. R Villa Rica absent. 4890.2 PERU. R Chota. In his latest log sheet, TIN asks med for the name of their first morning programme, at approx. 1130. It is "Casos y cosas de la vida", an esoteric - not religious - programme, sponsored by "Profesor Rapso", whom I have heard on other stns before, R Ilucán, also in Peru, to mention just one. This prgr contains more music than spoken word. 4895 COLOMBIA. La V del Río Arauca, fortunately off the air today six months after starting to produce some terrible splatters on fqs + and - 50 kHz from fundamental. 4899.7 ECUADOR. La V de Saquisilí-Libertador, celebrating stn´s 30th anniversary Feb 3 and 4 with extended prgr past midnight, although closing before 0100. The birthday party, coinciding with local festival in town, went on Feb 5 and 6, but unheard those nights. 4904.9 PERU. R La Oroya, Apr 3, 0104, with "Perú folklórico" prgr. Same morning s/on at 1050 using a Waldo de los Rios´ rendering of the main theme from Beethoven´s 5th Sympony. In reply to my report I received a diploma, a list of the 20 first reporters and a nice pennant. Morning transmission starts at different times, between 0930 and 1100, and includes "Amanecer andino", sometimes called "Amanecer en los Andes". In May, there is a new name, "Buenos días, ciudad metalúrgica", which in some bulletins has been rendered as "Buenos días, ciudad de la música". Per annc´ts, the Sun transmission starts at 1500 and ends at 0005, prgr called "Domingos espectaculares". 4910.6 HONDURAS, La V de la Mosquitia, July 3, s/off annc´t in Spanish 0300 after prgr in vernacular. Weak. 4925v BOLIVIA. R San Miguel. Their current events prgr, 1000-1030, has changed its name and is now called "La Voz del Norte Matinal". First noted as such on Jan 17. 4930.7 HONDURAS. R Internacional, Casilla de Correos 1473, San Pedro Sula, has been asking for reports indicating at what time the signal is audible in areas far away from Honduras. Recently, on May 11, their morning transmission, including "El noticiero de la mañana" has been heard until 1100. The signal is booming in, and the programming is enjoyable to listen to. The stn was first noted here on Apr 20. 4935 PERU. R Tropical. The correct name for their first morning broadcast is "El gallito madrugador" (The early rising rooster). 4950.1 PERU. R Madre de Dios, ex-4953, with "Un festival de música internacional", Mondays until s/off 0200v. In this prgr there are taped reports from RAI, BBC, R Netherlands, REE, and one can also hear the moderator read the latest DX reports received at the station. 4950.1 R. Madre de Dios, Peru, was celebrating its 37th anniversary on 11/24, so there was no transmission at all on that day. A few days earlier, on 11/21, in their weekly programme for foreign listeners, 0100-0200, "Un festival de música internacional", the DJ read some of the most interesting reports they had been receiving during the past months. One was from the island of Kiribati, in the Pacific, another one was from Takayuki Inoue, in Japan, and the third one from Eng. Santiago San Gil, in Venezuela. 4960.2 HONDURAS. R. HRET, Puerto Lempira, new stn first noted July 3, after R Federación, Ecuador, s/off, 0057 until s/off 0207. Address given as Misión La Mosquitia, Puerto Lempira, Gracias a Dios, Código Postal 33101. 4965.9 PERU. "Radio San Miguel, la radio papá, anca radio" is the bilingual slogan for this Peruvian, Feb 9, 0940 w/"Perú folklórico". Precisely as R La Hora, in the same town, last heard on 4858.3, they seem to start the day by recalling the Inca proverb "Ama sua, ama llulla, ama qella", meaning Don´t steal, don´t lie, don´t be idle. 4969.3 PERU. R Imagen. The name of the morning show is not as reported in "Relámpago DX" # 55 but rather "Amanecer con Imagen". 4970 VENEZUELA. R Rumbos, inactive early 1994. 4985.4 BOLIVIA. R dif Minería, Oruro, Sep 22, 1028 "Ballade pour Adeline" as a cue for my own annc´t in Swedish! 1031 Into rlg. prgr, then swiftly starting to fade. 4991 PERU. R Ancash will celebrate its 10th anniversary May 27 with a big "verbena" (nighttime party) per annc´t heard 3 weeks in advance. As reported elsewhere, stn is now on a 24 h. sked. I was suprised to hear Los Hermanos Yandú, Apr 12, in a regular half-hour prgr ending at midnight. These quacks seem to hit the road after a month or two in one place. Last year they stayed in places such as Saposoa, Moyobamba and Celendín where they used to be on the air live on at least one of the local stns. While they were in Saposoa they fed their esoteric show via the phone line to Estación "C", in Moyobamba, too. The Yandú Brothers, and most other "curanderos" (healers) will stay in a local "hostal" (pension), and in their prgrs they reply to letters from listeners, usually ending their advice by inviting each letter-writer to come and see them at their place. A standard trick used to create some goodwill in a place which is new to the healer is to refer to the town (and, indirectly to the town dwellers) in terms such as, "en esta culta ciudad de " (in this refined town of ) 5005.5 PERU. R. Jaén, "la voz de la frontera", is unheard since late November. On Nov 21 they said there would be a special programme for their listener in Bogotá the next morning, but this programme scheduled to start at 1100 didn't start until 1130 due to problems with their "consola de transmisión". In the course of this programme, called "Pedestal andino", they said that the station was to celebrate its 32nd anniversary on Nov 30. The stn did not send me any written QSL, but on the other hand I can play back some 30 minutes of their programme where they play Peruvian music and say that they are happy to have me among their listeners. 5014.8 PERU. R Estación Tarapoto, has started to move down in fqy, from 5020 to 5016.5 on Feb 16, to 5014.8 on Feb 17. 5019.8 PERU. R Horizonte, Chachapoyas, reactivated after previous stay on 5008.7; first noted end of Dec 93 by Emilio P Povrzenic in Argentina. Heard during Easter, viz. Mar 31, until 0100, w/special rlg svc, also relayed by R Norperuana in the same town. Reception possible thanks to Ecos del Atrato, Colombia, which was silent at the time. Between 2300 and midnight nice musical request prgr called "Hola paisita". ---Was on extended sked on Christmas eve. Well heard past 0530. 5020.7Uv CUBA. R Rebelde off regular 5025, jumping to and fro, Jun 13, 0030, "Parada de éxitos". 5040.1 COLOMBIA. La V de Yopal, Apr 21, 0200, ending "Sentimiento vallenato". 5049.6 PERU. R Tayacaja, Pampas, Aug 28, 2330, with strong splatter from La V de Yopal and V del Upano. Chicha music, " en Tayacaja, la número uno".---On Aug 30, 2300, same slogan and also "Tayacaja, la insuperable". FM will soon be operative, "get prepared", DJ said. 5050.5 PERU. "La nueva R Municipal Cangallo", s/on with NA Aug 28, 2348. Among messages, PSA´s and music, including Bolivian tune "Palmeras", annc´ts such as, "5050 kcs longitud modulada, esta es su radio amiga R Municipal Cangallo, transmitiendo en calidad de prueba". - The stn answered promptly with a friendly letter from the PR Officer of Cangallo. 5060.5 ECUADOR. Sistema de Emisoras Progreso on low power Feb 1 and for a few days, gone by mid-Feb. 5075 COLOMBIA. Caracol Colombia, Aug 21, 0635 "Amanecer en América", a prgr devoted to world listeners. 5105 ECUADOR. R Jesús del Gran Poder, Aug 26, 2300, with txer problem; unheard on fundamental 5049.8. 5116.4 PERU. A new station was noted testing on this fqy Oct 18 from 2210 onwards. The stn went off theair every 20 min. or so, only to return a few minutes later. Adstrings and annc´ts clearly showed that this was not a new operation but rather an FM stn that was looking for a wider audience than the reduced coverage of their 104.5 outlet. Here is what their annc´ts sounded like: "Muy pronto en el aire, la primera y gigante señal en la onda corta desde la capital amazónica de América, Iquitos, Perú, Radio Diez - diez - diez, la radio de los triunfadores (sound of jet plane) para todo el mundo." Another one was like this: "Hábil, dinámica, mejor sonido, +qué tal el programa? Es tu Radio Diez, la radio de los triunfadores". A news broadcast, ending 0100, on Oct 19, "Yo soy la voz del pueblo", presented by Luis Ugaz Espinoza, revealed that this station is a wellknown one. A new correspondent from somewhere out in the Amazon jungle was greeted on the air and people wishing to become new correspondents were asked to send ina letter and aphotograph to the following address, "Radio Diez, Iquitos". So that was the address I put on the envelope for my report - and letter of intention - which has now been acknowledged on the air. The FM programme has also been replaced, at least between 2300 and 0100, by a special music programme for the SW audience. Letters and reports are wanted, so it appears, not only from with Peru itself, but also from Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia. The address has later been given in a more explicit fashion as "Jirón Elías Aguirre 857, Iquitos", and the phone number 094 - 232330. "If you want to greet someone for his birthday or so, do let us know, no matter if he is living abroad", so the saying goes. Since Oct 25, at least, the stn is also active in the morning, heard from 1100 onwards, or just a while before. At 1100, after the Angelus (Catholic devotion) there is a stn jingle, followed by a 60 minute newscast called "El informativo 10". This programme is hosted by the journalist mentioned before. A very special annc´t heard some days ago explains the meaning of the stn slogan, "the radio for winners". From Mo to Fri, listeners can come to the stn to fetch their bingo cards. Numbers - apparently 10 - are given during the broadcasts, and on Sats, at 11 am, the lucky winners (los triunfadores) can report to the stn for their prizes. In addition to multiple greetings on the air I also received by mail a very nice QSL package in the form of a two-page letter, various picture postcards from Iquitos and one of the station´s bingo cards. 5123.7 BOLIVIA. R Galaxia, "la joven sintonía", Sep 19, 0000. 5130.9 BOLIVIA. R Em Galaxia, May 30, 2330. 5131 PERU. R Visión 2000 heard reactivated on Aug 4, 2349 with "Atardecer andino". 5150.4 ECUADOR. R Progreso with txer problems, Feb 23, 1100, in the course of an esoteric prgr. Also heard on fundamental 5060.6 and on 5240.2. 5179 PERU. R Oriental, San Ignacio, is a new stn, noted on this fqy since Apr 12, s/off 0130v. Some of the canned ID´s are given twice, "Desde la cuna del progreso y del trabajo, ( ) nacional, transmite, en amplitud modulada, frecuencia modulada onda corta, R Oriental, la más ( )". Also, "Desde el pueblo de San Ignacio, tierra generosa, transmite R Oriental, la emisora de su preferencia", and "R Oriental, la más alegre de su dial". 5235.2 PERU. R Apurímac, Sep 19, 1035; Oct 19, 1033, with a plug for "chicha" artist Millca from Huánuco scheduled to appar at the Coliseo de Pueblo Libre. On Oct 27, 2300, fair during a prgr called "Show mix", canned ID on the hour, "Esta es la frecuencia 1420 kcs y esta es la señal: Radio Apurímac, consagrada para siempre". Another ID said, "Cadena Radial Apurímac en sus tres frecuencias". 5240.2 ECUADOR. R Progreso with faulty txer, Feb 23, 1100, in // to fundamental 5060.6 and another spur on 5150.4. 5271.7 PERU. R Nor Oriental, [Rodríguez de Mendoza], heard for the first time in many years, Jan 30. Very poor signal, low audio. S/off without NA 0111. On Feb 3, s/on 1115 with NA and low-key annc´t, "Les decimos desde Radio Nor Oriental: Muy buenos días tenga todos Ustedes". Same night also at 2345 with rock prgr, followed by ballads. Does not seem to be on the air daily. 5305.3 PERU. R. Municipal de Paruro, Paruro, Cusco, July 23, weak with huaynos and talk 1115. Also same night 2255, weak. July 24, 0130 s/off, "Esta es R Municipal, tu radio". 5422.2 PERU. This is the lastest fqy for R Ilucán, Peru, first noted here Jan 30. The stn used to be on 5620v but suddenly moved to 5866v at the end of 1993. 5486.5 PERU. R Reina de la Selva is still active here most nights. Only 60W per Spanish DX-er Manuel Carbonell, who was not too impressed with what he saw when visiting the stn. The whole thing was "cutre", a rather negative term in European Spanish, per a report to El Dial, reprinted by Play DX. 5505.0 BOLIVIA. R Em 2 de Febrero, Jun 1, 0000-0200 "Compartiendo la noche". 5521.5 PERU. R. Sudamérica, Cutervo, new station first noted July 8, s/off 0308. On July 9 I checked the fqy already by 2200 to heard "Buenas tardes, Ecuador", "La V de la Liberación". - Extended sked on Christmas eve, heard closing without the NA at 0519. On New Year's eve, this station and many others closed well before local midnight. 5569.8 COLOMBIA. R Nueva Vida, Jun 21, s/on 1051, announcing 5567 and mentioning address in Cúcuta, Apartado Aéreo 402. 5602.7 PERU. R Ritmo is no longer on the air. The police raided the stn some time in May 1993. However, you can still see reports in various bulletins where someone says he has been hearing the station. 5614.3 PERU. R Ilucán returned to usual whereabouts after well over three months on 5422.2. July 10, s/off 0156. On 5621, Nov 11, saying that the stn will celebrate its 16th anniversary on Dec 9. "Importantes regalos para los que escriban" (big present for those writing in), the speaker said. 5700.1 PERU. R Frecuencia San Ignacio, "voz y mensaje de los hitos fronterizos" (voice and message from the boundary posts), s/on in Jan and Feb between 0045 and 0055, except on Mon when they sign on earlier. Address now finally understood. It is Jirón Villanueva Pinillos 330. 5825.3 CHILE. R Triunfal Evangélica, clear ID 0101, in a musical bridge between two sermons. Poor. 5858.6v PERU. R Frecuencia San José, new station testing. Noted Mar 20 with miscellaneous tropical music from 2300 to s/off at 0010. Said they were broadcasting from San José ("cuna de pescadores"), in Lambayeque dept., Peru. Said they would be back on the air the following morning, "en la primeras horas de la mañana". Muffled audio and lower sideband reduced to a minimum. Weak. - This stn has not been heard again. 5894.7 PERU. R Paucartambo was first reported by Valko on DXPL Mar 13. Noted by me for the first time on Mar 19, 2315 and the next morning, at 1050, with "emisión de prueba" (test transmission). Regular in May with bilingual prgr in the early morning. Power seems to be 300 W, although speaker said "potencia de 300 kHz". I managed to obtain a reply over the air and in writing by sending a letter to the DJ who rents a one-hour ballad programme with the slogan "amistad mediante la radio" (friendship by radio) at 2300-2400. Wary about reported thefts in Peru, I sent one letter, containing just one sheet of paper, by ordinary mail. Another letter was sent the same day, Dec. 4, by registered mail. In it there was also a postcard and a one dollar bill. Normally, I never send money with a report, but this time I did to check if the report in Play-DX was true. According to this report, most letters to Peru are opened, no matter if registered or not. However, both letters arrived OK and on the same day, 12/12, and in the programme that same night, at 2313, the DJ acknowledged my letters on the air, saying that he would write, which, in fact, he did. From announcements on the air, it's clear that R. Paucartambo is a "emisora municipal" and that they are now also on FM stereo 104.5 MHz. 5924.1 BOLIVIA. CVU La V del Trópico, Apr 7, 2315, w/news and sports, improved level, but disastrous audio. 5953.7 BOLIVIA. R Pio XII, bilingual Sat night show called "Los Pikichakis" hosted by Eduardo Ojeda, Aug 28, 0010. 5980.4 GUATEMALA. AWR heard tentatively on this slightly adjusted fqy, Jan 11, 1240, w/hymns, 5994.8 BOLIVIA. R Loyola, Jun 4, 2313, "Loyola en el deporte". Buried beneath the VOA at 2347. On Jun 5 s/off 0241. 6005.5 COSTA RICA. R Reloj de Costa Rica, has reactivated this fqy, Jan 6, 2032, weak signal, w/"La noticia al instante". 6010.6 PERU. R América, Lima, Apr 7, 2330 w/rock, using slogan "los mejores tiempos de la radio". Curiously enough, Venezuela´s R Mundial Mil Cuarenta, is on exactly the same decimal, although not usually audible that late. 6014.9 BOLIVIA. R El Mundo, Mar 29, 2306, on a readjusted fqy. 6018.3 PERU. R Victoria, Sep 21, 2330 news; this is a new fqy for this stn. 6029.7 CHILE. R Santa María, Nov 21, w/a jazz prgr until close down with full ID at 0302. Unusual. 6045.2v PERU. R Santa Rosa, Lima, weekdays 1000-1100 w/"La hora huanuqueña", weekends w/"Minca (?), La V de la Libertad". The former prgr is for the Huánuco community living in Lima, the second is for the Cajamarcan community. 6045.5 COLOMBIA. "Melodía AM, Bogotá, emisora básica de la Cadena Melodía de Colombia", with their usual once-in-a-year reactivation of their sw txer, Jan 6 and 7. Good audio, but lots of sideband QRM. Another txer check Jun 8, 2105. 6070.2 PERU. R La V de Huamanga, "La V de la Liberación", ending 1056, male and female canned id, with sexual overtones, "La única voz y radio, la voz qué rico, papacito". 6080.1 CHILE. R Patagonia Chilena, tentatively May 10, 1040-1100 relaying news from R Portales, 1180. HCJB was off, but there was some co-channel QRM from R Australia. Very unusual at this location. 6115 PERU. Unión la radio, or R Unión, during night broadcast "Unión en el camino, Jan 29, 0700, said they wanted to tell their listeners abroad not to write to Av. Abancay any more, because they moved out from there last March, their present address being Av. Central 717, piso 12, San Isidro, or Apartado Postal 833, Lima-27, tel. 408657 and 414962. On local Sun mornings their prgr is called "El Perú en Unión", featuring mainly huayno music, not salsa which is their usual fare during weekday mornings. 6190.1 PERU. R Oriente, Yurimaguas, reactivated, May 30, 2245, playing top hit of the moment, "Desesperada", with Marta Sánchez. 6196.2 BOLIVIA. R Metropolitana managed to keep many listeners glued to their receivers, Jan 22, in expectancy of their promised special programme for listeners abroad. However, there was none. On the evening of Jan 22, at 9 pm, Bolivian time, they relayed their 88.5 Mhzsignalwith "El reventón del fin de semana". And, hours later, at 5 am, their local time, there was the usual morning programme in Aymara hosted by "compadre Roberto". - In spite of this failure, I think DX-ers should be satisfied at the goodwill shown so far in sending out so many written replies, postcards and pennants. 6235.4 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. R Quisqueya, Feb 19, 2300, poor to fair w/pops. 6238 PERU. R Estación Yurimaguas, Calle Comercio 102, Yurimaguas, has made a comeback to sw, ex-5046.3, profiting from a month-long absence of local R Oriente, 6190. First noted Apr 28 @midnight with pop and rock, a few days also in the morning, usually s/on at 1000, with Adolfo Ojanama Tanchiva hosting same morning show as last year on 5046.3. On May 18 and 19 Ojanama and stn mgr Luis Humbert Sánchez commented my letter on the air. What is the actual translation of "Chichaneando en la selva", which is one of the segments included in the morning show? It is roughly "Out in the jungle to hunt for food", they said. At the same time they mentioned receiving a report from Albany, GA, however, no name was given. The prgr host mentioned his private address on the air, Jirón Malapi 203, Sector de Moralillos, but no written reply ever materialized, so in order to obtain a written document from the stn I decided to write to the producer of "Enseñanza y aprendizaje", broadcast at 1100. As a result there was a greeting on the air on Dec 14, and another one in writing a few days later. In his written reply, the producer designates me as his "International Educational Advisor". Well, well... that's not precisely a QSL, but something anyway. On Aug 28, there was a contest with two questions; 1) Which month did the station turn up on 49 m? and 2) Which is the date of anniversary of the stn? 6260 COLOMBIA. R. Patria Libre, the Colombian clandestine, 12/24 at 2130-2245 close down, saying this was the last transmission for 1994. Mostly greetings and music in this transmission. Jamming was negligible, but the signal was poor. 6265 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre ending transmission at 1214, Aug 20, new fqy, poor. 6281.7 PERU. R Huancabamba, noticeably improved level May 3 and later; regular. On May 10, the speaker actually confirmed that they had raised txer power. 6472.6 PERU. R Luz y Sonido, Huánuco, new station; during Easter until 0130v and then from 1030v onwards. Non-commercial, run by the Diocese of Huánuco. First noted on Mar 30. Reception is generally better in the local morning. Address given as "749 Jirón Dámaso Beraún, Plaza de Armas", in Huánuco. Already before picking up this address, I had sent a letter to the director of the San Teodory Seminary, which has a regular progr on Sat night, and this letter was acknowledged on the air one week later, but nothing was ever received in writing. Jan-Erik Österholm, in Finlad, was probably the first long-distance listener to receive a reply by post, a letter from one of the speakers and a heavy bound Spanish language edition of the Bible. 6530.2 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, Colombian clandestine, has been off the air since mid-Apr following a raid by the Colombian Army where the stn equipment was seized. The stn was operating from various sites in the San Lucas mountains of Bolívar department, in northern Colombia. Reportedly, the sw txer was capable of 1 kW output. 6544.7 PERU. R Centinela, Huancabamba, new stn with slogans such as "la voz de los éxitos", and also "la voz de las Guarinjas", July 22, 2256 with Ecuadorian pasillos. 6550 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, Colombian clandestine, Jun 8, 2105. 6580 ECUADOR. R La Voz de la Juventud. See story at the end of the loggings section. 6626.2 COLOMBIA. Stn operated by the Colombian FARC guerilla, Jan 24, abruptly ending transmission at 0051, and on Aug 28 0025-0051 close down without any annc´t. No ID heard. Level rather poor. 6726.7 PERU. R Satélite, July 23, 2325, annc´t: "Por indicaciones técnicas trasmitimos nuevamente en los 6725 kcs", so the test on 4780 has proved to be a failure. 6815.7 PERU. R Universo, Saposoa, Jan 24, 0040 "Fiesta tropical".---Victor S. Lozano Tantaleán verified a report from Jarmo Havukunnas in Finland. saying that the stn is on the air1130-1700 and 2330-0300 with a power varying between 0.5 and 1 kW. Lozano is the same fellow who operated another R Universo, from the "caserío" of Pandalle, in the Chota area, in the mid-80´s. The village had no electicity at that time, so they had to run the txer on fuel brought in by car from Chota, Lozano said in a QSL-letter to me at the time. 8324.1 PERU. A station calling itself Radioemisora Alfa was first noted Sep 20 0015. On Oct 16, I had quite decent reception at 0045 when I noticed several ads for Tingo María and vicinities as well as the following TC, "faltan 7 minutos para las 8 de la noche en Radioemisora Alfa". 9547.7 VENEZUELA. R Nal de Venezuela, Jan 27, 1830, totally distorted and almost unreadable. 9717.2 BOLIVIA. R La Plata, "La V de la Capital", July 24, 1615, good. "Chuquisaca en marcha" and "Confidencias", a prgr of political humour. 9750 VENEZUELA. R Occidente, still active, Jan 26, 1730, "En contacto", Feb 2, 1610 rock music and promo: "Los conductores siempre en sintonía con R Occidente" (Drivers are all tuned to R Occidente). 9751.7 COSTA RICA. Spur from TIFC, Faro del Caribe, Costa Rica, May 16, 2245. This is 107 kHz above their fundamental. There is another spur 107 kHz on the lower side of the fundamental.. H10129.9 ECUADOR. R Progreso, Loja, 2x5060, Nov 23, 2300. 11785 COLOMBIA. R Dif Nal de Colombia, only on this fqy in mid-Feb, sked 1700-0300v. There is a special sw service between 2200-0300v. STATIONS SUSPECTED TO BE OFF THE AIR PER BANDSCAN, MARCH 22, 1994 The following stations would be audible if on the air. As I cannot hear them, I must conclude that they are off the air for the time being: 3249.7 R La V del Triunfo, Ecuador; 3394.8 R Católica Nal, Ecuador; 4183.2v R 11 de Octubre, Bolivia; 4449.9 R Estación Frontera, Bolivia; 4593.5 R Estación X, Peru; 4705.1 R Estación Láser, Peru; 5030.1 R Católica Nal del Ecuador; 5046.2 Estación Yurimaguas, Peru; 5547.1 R La V de Andamachay, Peru; 5602.7 R Ritmo, Peru; 5800 R Nuevo Cajamarca, Peru; 6670.2 R Santa Mónica, Peru. YEARLY SLOGANS IN PERU It was said last year that Peruvian president Fujimore would abandon the regional subdivisions of Peru (región Nororiental del Marañón, región Libertadores de Wari, región Inca etc). If this has happened I do not know. I can only testify to the fact that many stations do mention in which region they are located. Each year has a slogan attached to it. Thus 1994 is "el ano de la modernización educativa y del deporte". Last year was "el año de la modernización educativa", so they seem to running out on purposeful new slogans. A COURTESY QSL On a fqy of 6580 kHz, about a decade ago, the Ecuadorian pirate called "RJ", or Radio La Voz de la Juventud, used to be on the air every Sunday night, local time. The stn is now off the air, and no one ever managed to track them down as far as their QTH is concerned. But there is actually a QSL around, a PPC of doubtful value as we shall see. Working in Ecuador in the mid-80´s, I used to tune in to their request shows where "el que firma PQA saluda a ARF" (signature PQA greets ARF) etc. Nothing was said of the location of the station, only a recorded spot for an electronics store called Electrónica Loaiza seemed to give a clue, however vague, to the location and the people behind the operation, for the voice was recognizably that of Luis Eduardo Herrera, one of the speakers who was working with Emisoras Luz y Vida, 4851v, in Loja, Ecuador. I met with Señor Herrera during my a trip to Loja in 1985. Now, almost 10 years later, during another trip to Loja, I saw Herrera for lunch, and learnt about his involvement in "RJ". On the phone I also talked to the man behind the pirate operation, technician Francisco Javier Loaiza, who is now C.E. with one of the local AM stations in the area. He said that he operated his "La Voz de La Juventud" station from a place called Chivatos, not far from Catacocha (Loja), with a power of 70 Watts. A few years ago, Paul Edwards, a New Zealand DX-er, tried to locate "RJ" while touring southern Ecuador, but he had no luck. Still earlier, in the mid-80´s, a wellknown North American DX-er received a PPC in reply to his report. Despite the reply, mailed from a place called Gonzanamá, the PPC cannot be considered as a valid verification. The North American DXer has sent me a photostat of the handwritten letter that came together with the PPC, both of which were signed by the same person. From the letter it becomes clear that the report, tucked into an envelope together with a cassette tape containing rock music, was never claimed at the Gonzanamá Post Office, so, instead of returning the item to sender, the postal clerk decided to open it to see if he could help. Reading the formal verification request, he clerk decided to sign the PPC and send it back to show his appreciation of the enclosed cassette which he had now listened to. The Ecuatorian P O clerk ended his letter by a humble request. Now that he was returning the card with a signature on it could he please have another cassette of rock music? |