DATELINE BOGOTA 1993Compiled and copyright Henrik Klemetz
![]() © Henrik Klemetz A selection of loggings and articles most of which were published in 1993 in various publications such as Radio Nuevo Mundo, Japan, DX South Florida, USA, The Radio News, Venezuela, DX Listening Digest, USA, Kurier, Germany, as well as the WRTH LA-Newsletter, Distance and SWB, Sweden. In addition to the loggings there is some QSL information, most of which has never been published. Receiving equipment: Sony ICF2001D and Sony ICF6500W, equipped with a 7 metre external wire; also, when travelling, a Sony WA-8000 portable. LOGGINGS H2060 ECUADOR. R Francisco de Orellana, nominally on 1030, Jan 12 2320 w/reverb and pasillos. H2900.1 ECUADOR. R Calidad, Riobamba, May 14, 1040 2967.7 ECUADOR. The Spanish ID for R Runacunápac Yachana, at Simiátug, in the province of Bolívar, has been reported as "R El S?bre", "R un Seville del Hombre", "R Sabor del Hombre" etc. However, it is actually "R El Saber del Hombre", which would mean something like "R Human Knowledge". In Jan, their TCs were always UTC -5h, i.e. in defiance of the "summetime" imposed until Feb 6 in Ecuador. - QSL letter and PPC, dated Dec 28, 1993, signed by Eusebio Sigcha Tixilema, "Director de Programación de Radio R.Y., El Saber del Hombre", Simiátug, Provincia de Bolívar. In a long, friendly letter on the stn´s printed masthead, Sigcha, who has been with the station for 10 years, says that "due to a technical malfunction" the stn for some time was putting out a signal on sw. Further correspondence would be welcome to Eusebio Sigcha, Parroquía Simiátug, Cantón Guaranda, Provincia de Bolívar, Ecuador. The stn masthead shows logo with various elements joined together: an antenna tower, an Indian hat, a mattock and a "rondador" (an Ecuadorian pan flute).---Swedish expert DX-er Olle Alm says that the stn name in Quechua actually means "Knowledge for the People".. H3041 COLOMBIA. Una Voz en la Frontera, Puerto Santander. See 4561.5 H3139.7 COLOMBIA. La V de los Cedros, Líbano (Tolima), anncing 1510, Apr 21 with one hour of varied music and TC´s, followed at 0200 by "Avivamiento pentecostés" (Pentecostal Revival) from a local church. This stn is a pirate. La V de los Fundadores, Manizales is on 3140.3 kHz, 2x1570 kHz, at the same time. S/off at 0236 w/Colombian NA. H3160 COLOMBIA. R Koinionía "al servicio de la evangelización en Manizales", Apr 24 1016 with Catholic devotional on top of a Waldo de los Ríos tune. Announcing 1590. Stn operated by a Catholic Seminary in Manizales. Verification by phone; by mail one of the seminarists sent me a couple of the magazines they publish under the name "Koinionía". H3170.4 COLOMBIA. La Voz de los Fundadores, Manizales, Mar 10, 0115 "Mundorama". H3188 COLOMBIA. Armonías de Risaralda, Risaralda (Caldas), Dec 5, 0026, "Canciones alegres de fin de año", announcing fundamental 1570. 3200.4 BOLIVIA. R 9 de Abril, Apr 14, 2233, "Tarjetas de felicitaciones" and "battle hymn" for semi-local Bolívar football team, "Bolívar es campeón". 3249.7 ECUADOR. R La V del Triunfo, Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Jan 12, abruptly off the air 2353 after half an hour of "news chat". The speaker mentioned that the stn had inaugurated a brand new txer and that they were reaching out to all corners of the country. Heard daily. - QSL dated Feb 12, 1993, signed by Manuel Yépez Orquera, "Gerente-Propietario". Along with his letter which is a full-data verie mentioning fqy and actual sked, 1700-2100 local time, came a couple of stickers, referred to as "afiches" (posters) by Yépez in his letter. Letter masthead and stickers mention mw 1250 and sw 3250 kHz. Stn´s slogan is "la emisora del amor". 3260.1 PERU. R La V de Oxapampa, July 28, 0011, "chicha". Undermodulated signal. 3350.6 ECUADOR. R Cumandá s/off at 2353 20/2 w/NA and calling itself "la onda internacional de los 90 metros". - Mar 10, 0045, "Cumandá, la líder" with lots of bolero tunes in prgr "Noches de amor". 3360.0 ECUADOR. V del Upano, Macas, Jan 23 0110 EE lession, and Apr 24, in // to 5965 and 5040, at 1030. 3374.9 BRAZIL. R Nacional Sao Gabriel, Mar 21, 0100 "Brasil saudade" and plugs for message slot called "O Mensageiro do Interior". 3402.6 PERU. A new station here: R Internacional del Perú, at San Pablo, Cajamarca Dept. Thus went the canned ID on Jan 24 at 0029. Fqs mentioned were 3270 (OAZ2B), 1400 (OCI2D) and 100.7 (OCW2C) FM stereo. Call signs were ment´d too. The night before the speaker clearly and repeatedly annc`d "R Internacional del Perú, desde Lima, Capital de la república peruana", which seemed funny as he was greeting parties in the Cajamarca area only, especially one family in San Pablo, "donde está la sucursal de Radio Internacional del Peru" (where the branch office of R Int´l del Peru is located). Fq annc´d was 3395 and the address ment´d in the canned ID was as follows, Av. Bolognesi 532, San Pablo, Región Nororiental del Marañón, Cajamarca, Perú". --- Later: 3397.4 R Internacional del Perú, "su radio", San Pablo, Cajamarca, Peru, 17/4 0135, two females on an imaginary musical tour of Cajamarca. Said they had been invited to next year+s carnival by R Moderna and R Cajamarca and Porfirio Cuzco, who is the manager of ex (?) R Inca del Perú, at Baños del Inca. 3501.3 COLOMBIA. La V del Guainía, reactivated after months of silence, Nov 5, 1037, "Despertar en la selva". 3800.3 PERU. R Oyón, Feb 5, 1118, "Aires y tradiciones andinas" followed by editorial, "nuestra nota editorial". Poor. - Mar 30, 1016, same prgr TC and date w/mention of 1993 slogan, "año de la modernización educativa". 3869.6 PERU. A new station is R Adventista Mundial, R La V de la Esperanza, Peru, first part of the name also abbreviated as "RAM". (The regular Adventist stns announce R Mundial Adventista, though). First hrd Jan 23 and 24 around midnight UTC, anncing 3870 kHz "en la banda internacional de 75 metros" At 0100, Jan 23, "Desde Celendín, en la región norortiental del Marañón, y en el año de la paz y desarrollo, transmite R.A.M., La Voz de la Esperanza". Addr. was given as Jr. 2 de Mayo 218, Celendín, Cajamarca. Per one of the ads there is a private religious school, clearly run by the same organization, on the 2nd floor of that house, Escuela particular "Cristo El Redentor". 4108-4107v PERU. "R Atorongo" or "R Otorongo", I am not sure of which name is right, with annc´d QTH as "distrito de Maipuco, provincia de Loreto", Jan 26 @1030 with electoral ads and "Amanecer con Dios".- Also noted a few times during the next few days prior to Peruvian elections.---Per Julia Jáuregui, manager of La V de la Selva, in Iquitos, this stn does in fact exist, and the correct name is "Otorongo", which is what locals call their particular brand of ocelot. 4183.2v BOLIVIA. R 11 (Once) de Octubre, Cobija, ID and QTH is positive, (*) relaying R Fides for Copa de los Libertadores football championship along with 40 other stns, including so far unheard of La V del Transportista, Puerto Suárez, 15/4 0030. Heard almost daily, also in the morning, sometimes with carrier on from before 1000. Does not announce sw, only FM 101 Megs. "El mejor sonido en R 11 de Octubre, FM 1010 MHz,Cobija, Pando, Bolivia". ---(*) In "Monitor DX", on TWR, Dec 14, 1992, the stn name, correctly reported to Italian "Play-DX" magazine as R 11 de Octubre, was corrected to "R 20 de Octubre" upon a suggestion from a listener living in Bolivia itself. 4238.1 PERU. R Cajamarca, "la decana de la radiodifusión norteña", "la decana del departamento". An oldtimer making it to sw, May 7, 2345, giving address av Jirón La Mar 675, in Cajamarca, and mw fqy as 1360. All esoteric progr, "El mundo busca su felicidad", featuring a letter from a desperate "curandero" (healer) who has lost his clients. - May 8, 0954, "El Perú y sus canciones". 4254.5 PERU. A new one was identified on Oct 9, heard only once before, on Aug 18: R San Andrés de Llapa, located at Llapa, which is a "distrito" in the San Miguel province of the Cajamarca department. The fq has not changed since Aug, remaining quite stable on 4254.5. The s/on is at approx. 2350 with the NA and "El cóndor pasa". Then into "Anochecer campesino", which is a rather predictable prgr title. The signal is weak and sometimes harrassed by CW. (In the Andean countries the word "campesino" is a euphemismo for "indio", which to the local population is as unpalatable as the word "nigger" is to American black people).-Still going strong Nov 28, 0010, with ad for unusual shop combing a butcher´s and a tailor, Sastrería y carnicería El Cristo Rey. 4299.7 PERU. R Naylamp, Lambayeque, Mar 20, midnight, local ads.--Mar 31, 1010 s/on, greetings to all farmers in the country and also greetings to R Ideal and R Horizonte in Chiclayo. Slogan: "la diferente". Mentioning that Peru will now revert to standard time, "la hora solar". Same day, past midnight, "Buenas tardes, Ecuador", with HC pasillos, prgr hosted by stn mgr and owner, J J Vargas Grández. 4419.2 PERU. "Frecuencia Líder es Radio Bambamarca", one of many slogans where this station is trying to establish its new double identity. May 24, 0257, boasting of "sintonía multiregional", listenership in many of the regions of the land. 4441.3 BOLIVIA. R Ecología Internacional, San Matías, new station May 14, 0145, with a few boleros and some songs with Roberto Carlos. S/off 0202. ID given as "Desde San Matías, centinela de la patria, transmite R Ecología Internacional". Found thanks to report on report on WHRI "DX Daily", 7315, where someone reported it as "R Padilla Internacional". - May 15, 2311 ending "El mensajero de REI". 4485.0 PERU. La V de Celendín now announces R Frecuencia DH (or BH? or VH?) Nov. 1, 1992, 0040, w/astrology: "Los astros y su destino".--- Later: 4485 This stn is R Frecuencia VH - not BH nor DH - La V de Celendín per letter from R.A.M. La V de Esperanza, 3869.7, which is in the same town. In this letter is is stated that there is no electricity before 2300, which explains why all Celendín (and Bambamarca) stations sign on only after 2300. 4485 announces new FM outlet to be added soon. Their addr. is given as Jr. José Gálvez in the 800´s. - Addr. finally caught on May 3, as Jr. José Gálvez 710. - In prgr Feb 2, DJ grumbles at the national slogan given for 1993, not one as before, but rather three: "el año de la paz y del desarrollo" (year of peace and development), "el año de las comunidades indígenas del Perú" (year of the indigenous communities of Peru) and "el año de la modernización educativa" (year of educational modernization). Only on Mar 25 it was announced, per R Visión 2000, 5131 kHz, that the third slogan was the one officially selected for 1993. 4502-4503v PERU. R Tayabamba, ex-5388v, Oct 27, 1030, "Amanecer campesino". 4505.0 PERU. R Horizonte, Chiclayo, ex 4509.1v, Nov 15, 2340, w/adstring Carpintería Guevara, Teatro 2 de Mayo etc. New address: Calle Incanato 387. Distrito José Leonardo Ortiz, Chiclayo. Phone: 222486. --- Lambayeque department, including Chiclayo, as well as Cajamarca and Amazonas are now called "Región Nororiental del Marañón". 4510v PERU. "RP" R Paucartambo, Paucartambo (Pasco), new stn first noted Apr 7, 1040, w/birthday greetings in progr "Buenos días, Perú". Same day, 2345, "Mensajes musicales". 4541.3 PERU. Unid heard around 0000 Nov 16 and 17. Slogan given as /Super/ Estación X, and X, la radio. Football results Nov 16 included a team in Yurimaguas. Addr mentioned during prgr "Mundo musical" Nov 17 (s/off approx 0130), Jr. Mariscal Castilla 4. Statics ruined reception of an otherwise fairly strong signal. --- The departamento called Loreto is now a "provincia" in the "región Amazonas".---Just before Christmas moved to 4593.5, see. 4552.5 BOLIVIA. R Trópico, Trinidad, Feb 5, 1040, "La hora del navegante". This prgr is also on the air at night, 2240 followed by "Mensajero Tropical" until 2330, "Ecocosas and ecocasas" and after midnight "El minuto de la vida", which is a service sponsored by the Catholic church and its "Renovación carismática católica". Usual s/off a while before 0100. H4561.5 COLOMBIA. Una Voz en la Frontera, Puerto Santander (NS), heard Jan 5 and 6 around 1000 with px "Quiero amanecer". Stn labelled as "emisora cívica y cultural". Telephone number was given on the air, as well as the mw frq, 1520. so I checked the appropriate phone book, and lo, the stn was listed in the yellow pages despite not being officil! I phoned them, and they were suprised to learn that they were heard in the Nation´s capital, and on sw. (In the latest issue of TRN, Viloria, in Valencia, Venezuela, reports hearing their 2nd harmonic). The address is Carrera 2 No. 1-10, Puerto Santander (NS), Colombia. --- Also audible on H3041, see. H4562.3-4561.3v COLOMBIA. Sonoradio 1520 AM, Viterbo ( Caldas), Aug 20, 2110, local ads and music. H4571.9-4573.3v COLOMBIA. La V del Centenario, Armenia, "con lo mejor de la música mexicana", Feb 20 2316, and announcing 1520. 4593.5 PERU. Estación X, "la radio de la juventud", Yurimaguas, ex-4541.3. Heard almost daily in the morning and at night from Dec 23 onwards. 4600.0 BOLIVIA. Only stn to be heard here is Perla del Acre, around 1000 and again around 2300. 4625.7 BOLIVIA. R dif Machupo, San Ramón de la Ribera, Beni, Apr 22, 0100-0130 with pedagogical talk on child care, "Conozca a su niño". Speech is better than music on this stn. - Sometimes ann. as R Machupo. H4627 COLOMBIA. Ondas del Puerto is an unofficial one, hrd now and then just after 2300 when the band starts opening up. Weekends at this hour, "Atardecer porteño", aprgr for "tangófilos" (tango lovers) followed by "De cantina en cantina" (From one bar to another) with carrilera music. I have spent several evenings on this one without succeeding in getting any QTH. However, on 13/2 there were several ads for firms in La Virginia (Risaralda), some of which with phone numbers, so I phoned one of the advertisers, a music shop, and according to the sales clerk the fq of the station was 1165. He was unable to supply the exact address, "why, it´s three blocks from here". La Virginia which is along the Cauca river, is nicknamed "el puerto dulce de Colombia". 4631.0 BOLIVIA. R Entre Ríos, Jun 27, 2330-2355, w/threshold reception but better than any time during the past two months I have been checking the fqy. The stn was first reported from Argentina in mid-Apr. H4663.8 COLOMBIA. R Parroquial, Santuario (Antioquia), s/off 2352 Jun 21 after Catholic mass and slogan "dile no a la mentira y sí a la verdad". Promised to return at 7.30 am, local time. Announced fqy 1600. This is one of the genuine local parish broadcasters which have been "tolerated" by authorities for years in spite of being illegal. 4681.9 BOLIVIA R Paitití, (also: Paitití Radiodifusión and R Emisoras Paitití), Jun 3, endless adstring and canned IDs such as "R Paitití, 4865 kHz de frecuencia en 60 metros onda corta tropical y 100.1 MHz, dos características en una sola potencia", and "La publicidad es el alma de las mayores ganancias y la promoción de las mayores empresas e industrias del mundo. Publicite en Radio Emisoras Paitití y sea un triunfador más", and "Amigo comerciante, señor empresario, Ud., señor industrial, puede mejorar considerablemente sus ganancias, incrementar su empresa o su industria publicitando por Radio Emisoras Paitití." 4705.0 PERU. "Desde el corazón del Alto Mayo, ( ) Perú, transmite Estación Láser", Feb 7, 1130, Latin rap. This is in Rioja. On Mar 17, s/on 1115, announcing 4700. - Mar 30, 1040, "R Láser desde la ciudad de Rioja".-- On Nov 6, 2355 announcing their address as Jirón Faustino Maldonado 308 (or 608?) H4710.7 COLOMBIA. La V de los Fundadores, Manizales, Feb 28, 2303, music and TC. 3x1570. H4679.9 ECUADOR. R Central, Riobamba, Jan 18, 1030 4680.4 COLOMBIA. Spur from La V del Cinaruco, nominal fqy 4865, Jan 18, 1020, "Los informadores del deporte". H4720.3 ECUADOR. R Cuenca, 4x1180, Jan 26, 1000, with an ad for Relojería Azuay. Seldom noted. - On Dec 20, 1049, "La navidad en el corazón del pueblo" with a host of local ads. 4759.0 PERU. R Tingo María, good signal Dec 17, 1992, "Canciones del Perú profundo", w/music, the DJ said, that has given Peru renown all over the world, and the stn was also reaching out "a todos los países del mundo", he added. 4773 PERU. R Atlántida. Spur. See 4790. 4779.6 ECUADOR. R Oriental, Tena, new on sw, Sept 17, 1354, announcing 1360 and 4780. 4781.3 PERU.R Marañón, spur. See 4834.9 4785.6 COLOMBIA. Ecos del Combeima, reactivated, Mar 17, 1120. 4785.8 R Federación Shuar, Ecuador, on a new fqy ex-4960.9, 2245- very strong signal. 4790 PERU. R Atlántida, sometimes producing spurs, for instance on Aug 27, 1955, on 4773 and 4807.5. --- Provides a wide variety of prgr, starting at 0900 in the morning, 0400 local time, with "El madrugador". Annc´t caught Nov 1: "Atlántida, 36 años en los cielos del Amazonas". 4795 ECUADOR. La V de los Caras, Dec 15, 1992, with funny ID tape at 1208, "De la antena al receptor - La V de los Caras, radio estéreo, frecuancia equalizada, desde Bahía de Caráquez, Manabí, Ecuador - lo mejor", where the middle part was with a female voice, and the first and last segments in the voice of Máximo Mewe, of R Nederland, actually, parts of a slogan this stn is using in their "R Enlace" DX programme. 4800.0 ECUADOR. "Esta es Radio Popular Independiente, La Voz del Austro", said ID at 1030, Jan 25. While a "invitación fúnebre" (invitation to a funeral) was being read in the studio, one could hear, quite clearly, a rooster crowing in the background. 4801.0 PERU. R Onda Azul, 2310, July 25. José Luis Perales, Latin Brothers etc. 4804.4 PERU. Villa Rica R., Huancavelica, always dependable early 1993. They seem to have been working very hard on ID tapes, mixing in Máximo Mewe of R Nederland (cf. 4795) in one of them: "Esta es R Villa Rica info telecomunicación" where there are three voice, initially a local male voice, then a female voice and, finally, Máximo Mewe. On Apr 19 they provided this quasi-syllogistic gem, "La radio es comunicación/La comunicación es un deber/Brindarla es sabiduría/Engánchese con R Villa Rica/la compulsiva del dial" where the ideas fly from communication to duty and wisdom ending up in getting hooked on R Villa Rica. 4807.5 PERU. R Atlántida. Spur. See 4790. 4810.2 PERU. R San Martín, Mar 5, 0815, "Amanecer andino", very good. 4819.7 ECUADOR. R Paz y Bien, Ambato, Feb 3, 0917 devotional; very good level. 4820.8 PERU. R Atahualpa, Feb 15, 0913 "Amanecer andino", good; TC for -5h. 4830 VENEZUELA. R Táchira, celebrating the stn´s 57th anniversary, Nov 16, 2100. 4833.0 COLOMBIA. R Buenaventura, reactivated, Jan 6, 0119-0157 nonstop salsa, plugs for Dandy Dandy "donde comer bien" (for good eating) and morning show "El cantinazo". 4834.9 PERU. R Marañón, 2236, good signal on this reactivated fqy, Jun 17, "3ra. edición del servicio comunitario". - On Dec 22, 1022, spurs 53.6 kHz on either side of fundamental, i.e. on 4781.3 and 4888.5. 4835.9 COLOMBIA. R Buenaventura, new fqy, Apr 1, 2130, "En el barrio Galeón, R Buenventura sonando y sonando". H4842-4860 COLOMBIA. Armonías de Risaralda, Risaralda, Caldas, fundamental announced as 1620. Leonardo Favio and Leo Dann in "duel" called "Frente a frente" until 2300, Aug 19. Address given as Carrera 9 # 7-27. 4855.8 PERU. R La Hora, ex-4899.5, Feb 3, 1020, "Amanecer andino". 4859.9 ECUADOR. R Federación Shuar on this fq Nov 8, 2000 to past 2100 in // with 4960.2. Not heard since on this fq. Modulation on 4859 was excellent. 4860 PERU. R Líder, Cusco, new stn on sw, Nov 3, 1010, ads for Marisquería El Pulo, then into "Opinión informativa" newscast, hosted by Alejandro ( ) Monterrosa. In the newscast info abt their sw: "estamos en la poderosa onda corta de 60 metros". 4870 ECUADOR. R Río Amazonas txer has now been taken over by V del Upano // 5040, 2230 19/4 EE lesson, very good level. - Per later reports from McVicar, at HCJB, in Ecuador, V del Upano is using a txer of their own, located at Macas, not the txer R Rio Amazones used to operate from their QTH, at Macuma. 4881.6 PERU. Unexpected reactivation of R Nuevo Mundo, Pucallpa, Nov 29, 1030 to past 1100 with esoteric prgr calle "Una cita con su destino" (An appointment with your fate) and "Radioperiódico El Cóndor". Casual ID, "Nuevo Mundo transmitiendo para todo el Peru". 4888.5 PERU. R Marañón, spur. See 4834.9 4890.3 PERU. R Chota "qué linda radio", Nov 2, 0030 w/"Joyas del folklor andino". 4899.5 PERU. R La Hora, Cusco, ex-4860, first noted Nov. 8, 1992, s/off before midnight UTC: Also on Nov 16 way past midnight. --- Cusco, Abancay (but not Andahuaylas) and Puerto Maldonado areas are now part of "región Inca". Cusco, Puno, as well as Iquitos, are on -5h as usual per Jan 1993, whereas the rest of the country is on savings time, UTC -4h. 4899.9 ECUADOR. La V de Saquisilí, reactivated, Aug 26, 1240. Very good. 4901.0 BOLIVIA. R San Ignacio, heard many mornings in Bogotá at s/on at 1045, viz. 28/6, with rustic flute, TC´s, weather info such as "23 grados en la capital folklórica del Oriente boliviano". H4899-4906 COLOMBIA. Su Frecuencia Musical AM, Quimbaya, Quindío, Aug 28, 2330, local ads, music. FM-ing signal. 4903.9 BOLIVIA. The Bolivian here says "La Palabra - Paz y bien para todos los hogares anuncia la hora " First noticed Jan 26. No positive QTH, but references to the town of Trinidad heard in one sermon. S/off 0045A, daily. --- Later: 4903.9 The Bolivian on this frq - tentative name Radio (or: Ondas) de la Palabra, appears to be located in Santa Ana de Yacuma. Contrary to other reports, the sked seems to be 2130-0045/0100v only. I have never heard the stn in the morning. Besides, they never sign off in any other fashion than by praying the Lord´s prayer. Programmes include music, usually non-vocal and non-folkloric, a dramatized version of the life of Jesus Christ, "Un tal Jesús", and Mass (including lethany, eucharist etc). Almost every day, you can hear a woman singing "cánticos" during the celebration of Mass. During the last week of June, some 8 or 9 of these women visited every home in Santa Ana (15,000 inhabitants) during what was called "Misión Católica 93". Their names are: Hortensia, Sonia, Gina, Rosalba, María, Josefina, Jacqueline, Ana and Rosa. When retransmitting the Mass, the readability is fair, when the studio man comes on the air, almost nil. He does not even attempt to ID, instead he greets his listeners by saying, "Amigos oyentes de esta emisora " (Listening friends of this station ) In March, the studio man didn´t sign off, which was done by a priest instead. And on Apr 4, the priest at 0032 said,"La Palabra - Paz y bien para todos vuestros hogares, anuncia la hora " On Apr 9, exactly the same annc´t. On Easter Sunday transmission lasted until 0425. On Apr 13 the annc´t went "Ondas (?) de la Palabra transmitiendo la misa". The occasional relay of this stn by R Movima, 4472, on 28/4, was a clear reference to the location of this station. Also, when presenting the evangelization week, on Jun 11, there were many references to Santa Ana and the 8 "barrios" (neighbourhoods) to be visisted by the aforementioned missionaries. - A priest with the Episcopal Conference in Bogotá tells me that the greeting "Paz y Bien" indicates that the priest is Franciscan. This seems correct, as Ecuadorian R Paz y Bien, 4820 kHz, is operated by priest of this Catholic order).---Still later: In a rather desperate attempt to find out about the Catholic station on 4903.8, I decided to twrite, not only to the Parish of Santa Ana but also to a newsman at R San Miguel, 4925v, and a journalist in Santa Ana. On Aug 13, the morning newscast from R San Miguel, called "La V de la Selva", provided an excellent excuse for writing. In his prgr, the San Miguel newsman Amador Cárdenas said that he had received a cultural magazine from a fellow countryman living in Santa Ana. So I sent both of them a letter, and, incredibly enough, both of them have replied as well. (While waiting for their replies, I as very pleased to receive a short letter from the Santa Ana Parish, Parroquia de Santa Ana, in which, finally, all my question marks were wiped out. And, a bit later, Mr Inoue, in his Relámpago DX was able to confirm the power and sked of the stn. Mr Cárdenas´ fellow countryman living in Santa Ana is with the Benivisión TV station, and he used to verify DX reports sent to R Santa Ana, 4649. His name, slightly garbled in Evelyn and Robert Wilkner´s Bolivian list, is Mariano Verdugo Olmos. He sent me copies of his cultural magazine, called "El Movima", wherein there is a big article about the campaign called "Misión Católica 93", which was featured on the La Palabra radio station (the one on 4903.8). The newsman at R San Miguel sent me a letter, one of the stn´s computerized verie letters, a sticker and a pennant issued for the stn´s 25th anniversary, which, by the way, was another topic on the Aug 13 broadcast. 4910.6 HONDURAS. Tent. La V de la Mosquitia, Jan 13 at 0020 in vernacular. A few Spanish words intellible, viz. "Nicaragua", "Señora Amalia" etc. At 0027 hymn singing to guitar accompaniment. Q4 lever for a while. 4915.1 COLOMBIA. Armonías del Caquetá is the likely identity of stn heard Jan 10 1215-1230- with apx from the Vatican Radio and a relay of the mass from "la catedral de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes". No proper ID was given. Signal was good. 4926.2 PERU. Onda Verde R., Peru, "la nueva voz de la selva central", is on 89.7 and 4925 per annc´ts. Hrd almost daily with s/on 0954z followed by "Ecos folklóricos de mi Perú" (1st edition), hosted by Ernesto Camarena. The 2nd edition is at 2200. There is something funny and clandestine about this stn: the same four or five canned ads are being repeated every day. The QTH sounds like Pichinaqui, but in which department? This info is not supplied on the air. The do announce an address at Jr. Andrés Avelino Cáceres 437 (number uncertain), and Pichanaqui is what Camarena terms "emporio cafetalero del Perú" (the country´s coffee trading centre). It´s not on my maps, though, but accodring to the same speaker there are no less than 7 candidates for the office of town mayor in the forthcoming elections Jan 29. Signal level is fair, but R San Miguel is producing heavy QRM at all times. On Jan 15 stn affiliation was given as "una emisora RC-2000" which reminds me that R Cobriza 2000 is off the air and that its owner in a WRTH questionnaire promised to come back from some other town. N.B. Peru is on UTC -4h. now, except Loreto, Cusco and Puno, which are on UTC -5h.--- Later: The Peruvian on 4926.1 is Onda Verde Radio, broadcasting from Pichinaki in the Junín department (actually the Región Andrés Avelino Cáceres). The station opens at 0955z with the NA followed by a few canned ads (with heavy reverb) and theninto "Eco(s) folklórico(s) de mi Perú", presented by Ernesto Camarena. At 1100 there is a relay of RPP`s "La Rotativa del Aire". I have been listeing in to this station for quite some time. The signal is fair, but R San Miguel on 4925.7v is much stronger and often audible until past 1230. There has been no mention at all of the department from where this stations transmits. "La nueva voz de la selva central", is their slogan and this hints to the "selva central" which is a vast area. When they mentioned that Pichinaki was the "emporio cafetalero del Perú" (the Peruvian coffee trading centre), some areas could be excluded, for instance the "selva baja" where it´s too hot for growing coffe. However, there is no clue to this place in my Almanaque del Perú (from 1974 ) nor in any of the Peruvian telephone books. The clue to this place does, in fact, come from the South American Handbook, 1992 edition, where on p. 1055 it says, "Halfway between La Merced and Satipo is Pichinaki, which has a good hotel " Another interesting thing was heard in their main opening annc´t: Onda Verdes Radio is "una emisora de RC-2000". This could have something to do with R Cobriza 2000, which is silent, and whose owner in a questionnaire to the WRTH mentioned that he would return to the air from some other location. --- In RNM, Inoue says that San Ramón and La Merced are two more coffee trade centres in the region. --- According to the South American Handbook, Pichanaki (thus spelt) became a "distrito" in 1997. As a result of the recent subdivision in regions, the Junín dept., where Pichinaki is located, is now, along with Cerro de Pasco and Huánuco, part of new "región And´res Avelino Cáceres". 4942.2-4943.8 ECUADOR. R Popular Indpendiente, ex-4800, Cuenca, FM-ing, Mar 14, 0130. On Mar 17 back on normal fqy at 1130. 4944.5 PERU. Onda Verde R., ex-4926.2, Feb 15, 1005. 4950.0 ECUADOR. R Baha´i. Reactivated Sept 16, 1059; very good level, in Quechua. - Sept 25 ending morning transmission at 1600. 4959.9 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. R Cima 100, Nov 23, 0800 "Cima - sabor navideño - una presentación Barceló" (a local brand of rhum). --- "Cima caneando", previously heard slogan seems to refer the the Dominican girl band "Las Chicas del CAN". 4964.5 PERU. R La Merced, "canal 1230 y 4960", May 29, 0126. - On Jun 30, back to near-normal 4961.2, 1038. 4965.4 COLOMBIA. Surprise reactivation for only a few days of R Santa Fé, Bogotá, Aug 10, 0200. I did not believe my ears when J E Österholm in Finland called me to give me the breaking news which I had no problem whatsoever in verifying. 4968.0 PERU. "Imagen, la radio" on new fqy. Oct 26, 0956, "la frecuencia 11-60 para todo el Perú" 4975.0 COLOMBIA. Ondas del Orteguaza right on this fq since mid-April. 4980 VENEZUELA. Ecos del Torbes in // with R Táchira and R San Cristóbal MW 1060, Apr 4, 0230, w/obituary note and special prgr in commemoration of Brígido Gregorio González Lovera, founder of these three stns, and grand old man of broadcasting in Western Venezuela. "Paz a sus restos y resignación a su familia", said speaker to widow Albertina Zerpa de González and their children. 5030.0 VENEZUELA. R Continente. Jan 10, 1900, "hipismo" (horse racing).---Back on the air Oct 7 2340, but only a few weeks later w/txer problems. See 5211. 5030.6 PERU. "Los Andes, la radio total", Huamachuco, Feb 8, 1006, with "Happy Birthday". 5045 BRAZIL. R Cultura do Pará, Feb 15, 0900, "Pará caboclo", prgr for farmers. 5045 PERU. R Rioja, July 7 2208 with "Directo al corzón", announcing FM stereo 101.1. Weak signal 5046.4 PERU. Estación Yurimaguas is another new sw operation from the town of Yurimaguas, located in the provinces of Alto Amazonas, Loreto Dept., Dec 22, 1992, between 1200 and 1255 approx. with a news pgr. Not hrd prior to this hour of the day, and only if the HC and HJ are silent. (This is the UNID reported in DX South Florida). 5050.3 COLOMBIA. La V de Yopal, "la radio de los llaneros", May 8, 0955. Occasional spurs, for instance on Aug 27, 1900, on 4968 and 5129.7. Noticeably stronger on the lower fqy. 5068.5 PERU. Ondas del Sur Oriente, Quillabamba, s/on 1032, Feb 2, announcing 1400, 5070 and 96.5. "Ondas del Sur Oriente llega a más". Mar 1, 2305, "Visión informativa"; May 26 1050 "Radioperiódico La V de La Convención". 5073.8 COSTA RICA. TIFC Faro del Caribe, spur from 5055, Nov 28, 0050. 5082.7 PERU. Unid, probably in the Cusco dept. Quechua after 1000, Spanish earlier. No clear ID caught so far. --- Later: The Peruvian reported by me on 5082.6 is R Mundo, Cusco. The Spanish language programme before 1000 is called "Por los caminos del Perú", sometimes "Por las rutas del Perú". H5119.7 COSTA RICA. R Alajuela, Dec 9, 1042, info about Feria de Santiago in prgr called "Despertar de Alajuela". --- QSL-package rec´d years later thanks to Ulis Fleming on one of his trips to Costa Rica. 5131 PERU. R Visión 2000 on Apr 14 annc´d power as "500 Watios en punta de antena".-In prgr "Atardecer andino", Mar 20, speaker Juan Muñoz said he had received a "reporte de recepción" from R Ondas del Río Mayo. 5156.2 BOLIVIA. R Galaxia, ex-5178.6, May 15, 2359, with a down-to-earth ID saying "Desde Bolivia y el mundo (sic), esta es R Galaxia, la joven sintonía, transmitiendo desde la ciudad de Guayaramerín, departamento del Beni, enla república de Bolivia, América del Sur. Trabajamos en 5160 kHz, CP218, banda internacional de 60 metros, onda corta " 5178 PERU. Spur from R Mundo, Cusco, Dec 13, 1000 s/on. Also on fundamental 5082.2 5178.6 BOLIVIA. This is the fqy for Galaxia Radiodifusión, Guayaramerín, in early 1993, heard from 2300 onwards. Religious programming starts at midnight. 5211.0 VENEZUELA. R Continente, Caracas, Nov 15, 2100, w/tx problems. Has not returned to 5030 since then. 5244.4-5245.2v PERU. R Tayabamba, Jan 17 1050, "Amanecer campesino" and plugs from Taller de carpintería Segura. 5323.6v PERU. R Tayabamba, ex-5245v, announcíng 4600, Jan 26, 0105, w/esoteric prgr "El tribunal de la felicidad". 5323.7 PERU. R Origen, Jan 17 announcing 5322 at 1053 and mentioning addr. on Av. Augusto B. Leguía, in Huancavelica. Ad from Ventas y reparaciones Master. 5339.1v PERU. R Líder, Cajamarca, announcing 960 and 5340 "a nivel internacional", addr: Jr. Huánuco 2361, Cajamarca, Peru. Oct. 31, 1030 w/"Canto al Perú". Also at night. No heard for a couple of weeks. 5388.5v PERU. R Tayabamba, ex-5326v etc, Apr 8, 0026, playing "chicha" by Los Shapis. 5486.5 PERU R Reina de la Selva, ex-3464, "estéreo 100", "la radio más joven". 0100 Feb 2 with disco music from 1983 and 1986, ads for Pilsen Callao beer brand and then into "Pentagrama romántico". The disco program was sponsored by a shoe repair business, Renovadora de calzado Arnold´s. Those phoning in to the stn, at their phone number 207, were given a ticket for one free shoe servicing. Addr to stn gives as Jr. Ayacucho 761 (number uncertain), Chachapoyas. There were very few callers. --- According to info in DX South Florida, this Peruvian was positively identified as "R Popular" only a few days prior to my log.--- Apr 14, 2250, "Esta es Reina de la Selva y Estéreo 100 para todo el Perú". 5505.4 BOLIVIA. R Emisoras 2 de Febrero, Apr 28, 0027, ending prgr "Rurrenabaque hacia el progreso" sponsored by provincial development authority "Cordebeni". TC ("R Emisoras 2 de Febrero con la hora exacta para el Beni y Bolivia") and into "radionovela". Not too frequent. 5534.0 COLOMBIA. Unid pirate, Sunday evenings until 0100 (i.e Monday UTC). The stn is weak and the speech is nearly unintellible. On Dec 6, 1992, mention made of "aquí en La Floresta, muncipio de Sapuyes", which fits with a pirate heard years ago on 5555 and 6205, announcing itself as "Ondas del Sur". The location mentioned is in the Nariño dept.---On 5531.0, Feb 14 (also a Sun) until 2355, close down, announcing as Emisora Ecos del Pueblo, and mentioning QTH as La Floresta, Sapuyes, Nariño. 5547.2 PERU. R La V de Andamachay, Dec 18, closing down 0059 after a prgr of musical requests. New station. -- Same day, s/on 2338 with NA, into "Tropicalizando la noche", various announcments for 5545 and location seems to be a "caserío" in the Cortegana district of Celendín. Possibly owned by Fernando Vasquez Castro (manager-owner of R Frecuencia VH) as there were mentions of him, greetings etc. Also, the speaker once mixed it all up, saying "8 de la noche con 7 minutos en R La Voz de Celendín, eh, perdón, es R La Voz de Andamachay". 5566.4 COLOMBIA. Putumayo Estéreo, Mocoa, Dec 19, 2245 to sudden cut of transmission @ midnight. Unheard since. 5580.3 BOLIVIA. R San José, San José de Chiquitos, Jun 3, 0012, mixing recorded ads with live political meeting sponsored by a party calling itself "Acuerdo patriótico de San José". Poor. 5602.7 PERU. Unid, probably in Puerto Maldonado, calling itself "11-60 al rojo vivo, mi radio" (Red-hot 11-60, my radio). Slick programming such as in Lima, but ads are clearly not for Lima. 14/1 unusual promo with the stn´s coverage area: "Cuando Ud. nos escucha, también nos escuchan en " (When you hear us, we´re also being heard in ) and then over a dozen place names, such as Manú, Quince Mil, Puerto Pardo, Planchón, Alerta, Alegría, Iberia, Iñapari, all of which are in the Madre de Dios dept. --- WRTH LA NL # 4, May 20: "Having relayed R Programas and Once Sesenta for about 6 months, this stn started to identify in March. ID (for R Ritmo) noted for the first time 8/3. The stn is currently off the air". ID on Mar 8 was only in the passing, "Antología de la cumbia peruana por Radio Ritmo". 5660.5 PERU. "La radio está más cerca a la gente. Anuncie en La Voz de Cutervo, su radio", standard ID plug for this Peruvian, Apr 21, 2311, into "Un momento de reflexión con el hermano Pablo". 5800 PERU. R Nueva Cajamarca, whose addr is OK in WRTH-93, in their prgr "Rocio tropical" (Tropical dew) at 1100, 9/2, greeted their "oyentes fanáticos" (listening fans) in the USA, Brazil, Italy and Colombia. No names were given, abut the latter cannot refer to myself as I haven´t ever written to them. 5835 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, Colombian clandestine, Nov 27, 1992, 0029. Poor signal and fading. On Dec 17, 1992, invitation to listeners "to call someone abroad and ask him to listen to our transmissions". R Patria Libre wants to fight the lies and disinformation in Colombia, "combatimos la mentira y la desinformación en Colombia". Some of the guerilla reports featured on the programme were recorded off the air from SSB transmissions on sw. - May 12, 0040, jammed by "El Pueblo responde", 5834.0 5838.0 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, Colombian clandestine, Jun 12, attempting to get rid of jammer. Ending transmission at 0058 with 20" anthem. 5840.1 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, Colombian clandestine, 2/2, 0048, poor signal. 5866.7 PERU. R Ilucán, on new channel ex-5620v, Dec 19, 2316. 5873.6 COLOMBIA. "Con mucho gusto, Radio El Sol, desde Túquerres", casual ID Dec 5, 2330, clarifying to some extent the origin of an oldtime Colombian pirate heard especially on Sunday nights for many years. At 2342 buried by the BBC signing on on 5875. 5968.8 PERU. R El Sol, Lima, football, Jun 16, 2200 6010v VENEZUELA. "Le acompaña Mil Cuarenta, la emisora más musical de Mérida", Feb 22, 1308, playing "Celoso" with Las Chicas del CAN. 6025 BOLIVIA. "Radio Illimani - Bolivia", May 16, 0132, plugging for prgr "El Mundo de la Amistad", weekdays at this hour, and giving their new address: Av. Camacho 1485, piso 6, in addition to their P O Box, Casilla 1042. 6070 PERU. R La V de Huamanga, ex-6200.6, Dec 9, 1023, ending "La V de la Liberación" evengelical prgr, and after an adstring, into esoteric "Cosas de la vida real" at 1031. H6081.3 COLOMBIA. Sonoradio 1520 AM, in // to H4561.0, Aug 28, until 2050 when covered by HCJB. 6090.9 PERU. R Universal, Cusco, a move from 6095.2, Aug 24, ending "Perú andino" show at 1053. 6095.0 BOLIVIA. R Cosmos, Feb 15, 0940, local ads, mentioning "R Fides de La Paz" in the passing. Buried by Chinese speaker @0950 6095.1 PERU. R Nal del Perú, Lima, new fqy, Sept 16, 1108. 6095.2 PERU. R Universal, Cusco, s/off procedure at midnight 22/4. Very low audio. 6122.9 BOLIVIA. R dif Integración, El Alto, La Paz, logged here thanks to alert from Inoue 21/4 1035 with trilingual prgr sponsored by political party "Unidad Cívica Solidaridad". Said an ad, "in another 46 days we will be able to proclaime Max Fernández rojas as the constitutional president of Bolivia". Ads and ID 1106, "La hora de la Integración". New on sw, earlier only on mw 660 kHz. - On "DX Daily" on WRHI, 7315, a report said that this was a reactivation of R El Cóndor, in Oruro, Bolivia, perhaps on account of ad for a music group, "Grupo Crisol, de Oruro; es una producción El Cóndor". 6137.5 Suprising reactivation of R La V del Alto Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca, provincia Rioja, departamento San Martín, Peru, Jun 29, 2110- 6140.1 URUGUAY. R Monte-Carlo, Feb 15, 0928 ID including mention of sw fq; news, shortly later buried beneath Peruvian R Concordia, 6141.1. 6150.2 PERU. R Frecuencia VH, Celendín, in // to usual 4485.1 from May 18 to May 29 during II 7th Day Adventist Conference to be held in Celendín. Announcement heard when tuned to 4485, so I checked the 49 m band only to find a carrier until 0047 when transmission started. Signal was in the clear, and slightly better than on 4485. Already on May 20, the reception was ruined by Caracol, Colombia, which decided to reactivate their 6150 fqy. 6160.7 ARGENTINA. R Malargüe (presumed) with zambas and typical Argentinga male/femal dual speaker technique. Threshold level 1015 Apr 21.. 6170.1v COLOMBIA. La V de la Selva, reactivated. First heard Jan 5 with news progr called "Vanguardia Liberal", at 1115. Still believed in sw as can be seen from their canned ID, Feb 20, 2230, "Esta es La Voz de la Selva, de la Cadena Caracol, transmitiendo en los 6170 y 1090 para Colombia y Suramérica". 6194.5 BOLIVIA. I was surprised to heard R Metropolitana "la radio popular", 0940- Jan 13 totally blotting out R Cusco. Very strong signal but overmodulated. Px in Spanish and Aymara. 6196.2 BOLIVIA. R Metropolitana, new fqy, Dec 6, 0950 in Aymara. Good signal, better on this channel than the previous one. 6200.5 PERU. R La V de Huamanga, Apr 21, 1020 "informativo bilingüe". H6201.2 ECUADOR. R Sonorama, "la emisora del amor", Riobamba, Mar 8, 0023, "mejor frecuencia, mejor música". Fundamental 1240. Very unusual harmonic. 6203.7 PERU. R Cusco, ex-6194.4, new fqy to avoid QRM from R Metropolitana, 6194.5, Mar 3, 2330 6206.0 PERU. R La V de Huamanga, ex-6200.6, May 24, 1056. However, back to normal 6200.6 already by May 27, 2230. 6270.2 COLOMBIA. R Patria Libre, Colombian clandestine, Aug 22, 1145, "Espacio abierto". This is a move from 5838. H6280.8 COLOMBIA. La V de los Fundadores, Manizales, only hrd once on this fqy, Jun 22, 0038 in addition to "regular" 3140.4 and 4710.6. - Very close to Peruvian R Huancabamba, 6281.7. 6339.5 PERU. "Arcángel San Miguel, su radio", s/on 0010 Apr 12 --- Owner of stn is Miguel Lozano if one is to believe the owner of R Ondas del Río Mayo, who on the air greeted his San Miguel collegue. H6467v COLOMBIA. Armonías de Risaralda, same stn as on 4842/4860; Aug 23, 2130, with tango prgr "Una hora en Buenos Aires". 6499 PERU. Estación "C", Moyobamba, ex-6330, Jun 11, 2155. Last recorded on their old fqy on Jun 6. H6540.3 ECUADOR. Ecos del Oriente, Jun 11, 2152, ballads. Fundamental 3270 inaudible. 6628 PERU. R La V de San Antonio, Jun 16, 0029, reading report from Venezuelan listener Santiago San Gil. Using slogan: "6627, frecuencia internacional". 6670.3 PERU. R Santa Mónica, Feb 9, 1035, very poor audio. 6801.0 PERU. R Ondas del Río Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca, usually on 6803..5-9v, Nov 20, s/on 0910, also heard at night. At 1030 spiritist prgr called "El camino de la felicidad". This stn also carries evangelical prgr. 6815.3 PERU. R Universo, Saposoa. Addr: Av. Lima 307. Mar 14 0120 testing. - Apr 11 closing down 0400, "Universo Radio, Saposoa, su estación preferida". - Still going strong Nov 28, now on 6815.6, 0040, saying that they would be on the air until 10 pm local time. Prgr: "Tormenta tropical" featuring chicha groups such as Los Ovnis (=UFOs) de Huancayo. 6895.3 PERU. R Sensación, announcing sked as "7 am to 7 pm" 9625 BOLIVIA. R Fides, new fqy, Dec 22, 1140, "La hora del país" news magazine. 9655 PERU. R Municipal Norperuana, Chachapoyas, new name noted Jan 27, 1993, 1600. 9655 COLOMBIA. R dif Nal de Colombia, ex-9685, reverting to old channel, Dec 22, 1992, 2010, feature on the "Francisco el hombre" legend (roots to the vallenato music). 9685 COLOMBIA. R Dif Nal de Colombia on this frq since Nov 13. S/on annct at 1800 mentions 11825, which is silent, and 17865. Had been on 9655 for a couple of weeks. (The fq in the 25 mb used to be 11822.5). This is a new 20 kW Thompson Houston txer. 9717.1 BOLIVIA. R La Plata regular during the day in May, for example May 22, 1815, ending "Confidencias". "50 años La Voz de la Capital, Radio La Plata, ondas de oro". 9750 VENEZUELA. R Occidente, Tovar, listed on mw 1100, has surprisingly reappeared on this fqy after several years of absence. First noted on 13/10 around noon, local time, with rlg. and secular prgr. Carted ID includes - per usual Venezuela practice - all licensed freqs, whether active or not, thus not only YVOS 9750, but also YVTC 3225, which I believe is inactive. 9750 seems to be on all day, although I cannot pick it up thru the QRM after darkness. 11694.8 VENEZUELA. R Nal de Venezuela, 2/2 1822 SS, //9540.1; undermodulated. 11765.4 BRAZIL. R Universo, Nov 23, 0818, w/ID mentioning 1210, 9565, 11765 and 6060 kHz, "Rádio Universo de Curitiba, a emissora de Deus" etc. 11785 COLOMBIA. R Dif Nal de Colombia, in the evenings on this fqy, Nov 13, 1915, during "Canal Internacional" prgr, hosted by Jesús Valencia and Amparo Rojas Gil, mention of reports to compere`s P O Box 92994, Bogotá, for instance one from Juha Ignatius in Helsinki, Finland. H12232.9 COLOMBIA. La V del Llano, 2x6116.4, Aug 27, 2055, weak. 15674.8 HONDURAS. HRJA R Copán Internacional, July 16, 2144, with a cumbia and announcements in SS and EE. First 5 reporters will receive a 5-band sw radio receiver. I got one, a rather short-lived Chinese-made PLL portable. ARTICLES AND OTHER NOTES ON TOPICS RELATED TO LA DX-ING 1. POSTAL AFFLICTIONS ( )In Colombia and Venezuela the local varieties of Federal Express (there are many) are extensively used within both countries. An ordinary EMS letter (from airport to airport) inside Colombia is delivered the day after it as mailed. The cost for an EMS letter of the first rate weight class is only 600 pesos, which is less than one dollar. On the international side, Federal Express letters and parcels can be claimed in Bogotá oneor two days after having been sent from the States. The ordinary mail service has gone to the dogs. In 1966 I used to receive letters from Europé in 3 or 4 days. Today anything between 8 and 21 days. Letters to and from the States will take 14-18 days, i.e. if sorted correctly. (I know for sure that some letters have been delayed due to faulty sorting. One was sent to El Salvador and others have ended up in someone else´s P O Box). I have asked the bosses of the Bogotá Air Mail Authority, which is run by Avianca airlines, why a post-card from New York will take 18 days in getting here. The answer is, they say, that all incoming and outgoing mail is delayed for at least 5 days in Miami for some sort of drugs inspection. A fortnight is still a bit too much, I think. And yet there might be something to this "Miami connection". The Colombian RCN network offered live coverage from Russia during the April 25 referendum. One of the sponsors was the Colombian company Servientrega (similar to Fed Express). According to their plug, they do deliver everywhere, even in Russia, they say, and they do it fast. How do they do it? Well, nothing is being sent via Miami, they say. I never thought that mail to and from Europé would be sent via Miami. My sister, who lives in Sweden, sent me a letter to Bogotá, in February, without indicating the name of the country. This letter ended up in La Paz, Bolivia, from where it was forwarded to Bogotá on March 6. It got to my P O Box exactly one month later. I am happy it did arrive at all. Why do we bother? Latin Americans can apparently take it easy. A letter? Oh, yes, but the personal connections what really counts. Whenever possible, Latin Americans will send letters and parcels to be delivered in person by someone else. Still radio can play a certain role. Either you file a message on the air or the radio station is used for announcing that mail canbe picked up. I have heard several stations mentioning names of persons who may claim a letter at the station. Here are some examples. On Jan 14, 1993, 0009 UTC, R Frecuencia VH - La V de Celendín, Peru, 4485 kHz, read "Communiqué # 004 from Celendín Post Master" which contained a list of some 30 people who might claim letters at te Post Office. On April 13, 1993, 0110 UTC, R Chota, Peru, 4890.1 kHz: Plug for Empresa de Transportes Atahualpa, a local bus company, containing a list of some 20-odd people who could claim ordinary letters (cartas) or big Manilla type envelope (sobres) at their offices in Chota. (This is a sligthly edited version of the original which was published in various magazines, DX Listening Digest, Mosquito Coast, etc. in mid-May 1993 2. SOME NEWSCASTS FROM LATIN AMERICA LOGGED DURING JAN/MAY 1993 N.B. Colombia, Ecuador and Peru were on savings time early 1993, and some of the times indicated may have varied since then. 3394.8 R Católica, Ecuador: -2330 Panorama informativo 4409.3 R Eco, Bolivia: 25 minutos (25 min. past the hour) 4449.8 R Frontera, Bolivia: 1030- El informativo matinal de R Frontera 4461 R Nor Andina, Peru: 0005- El radioperiódico ´El heraldo noticioso`, el informativo que cuenta antes que los demás 4485 R Frecuencia VH La V de Celendín, Peru: 0000-0030 Celendín noticioso 4746.8v R Huanta 2000, Peru: 0015- Radioperiódico 2000 4770.8 CDS, Ecuador: -1050 El noticiero matinal; 2245- Informativo ´Síntesis´ 4790 R Atlántida, Peru: 2230- Magazín informativo; 1105- El tingotero 4795.3 La V de los Caras, Ecuador: -1222 Radioperiódico La V de los Caras, 1a. entrega; -0022, id., 3ra. entrega 4810.2 R San Martín, Peru: 1115- La hora de la verad, 1a. emisión 4836 R Buenaventura, Colombia: 1002- Alerta Buenaventura: Cómo amaneció Buenaventura? 4845/6155/9625 R Fides, Bolivia: 1100- La Hora del País; -0120 Últimas noticias 4855 R Centenario la nueva, Bolivia: -2213- El noticiero Centenario la nueva 4925v R San Miguel, Bolivia: 1105-1130 La V de la Selva 4950.1 R Madre de Dios, Peru: 0100-0130 Informativo CEMCOS 4975 Ondas del Orteguaza, Colombia: 2300- Radioperiódico ´Florencia al día´ 4990.8 R Ancash, Peru: 1130- Informativo ´Alternativa´, el noticiero total 5010.3 ERPE, Ecuador: 1100-1200 Informativo Nuevo Día 5015v Estación Tarapoto, Peru: 1000- Noticiero ´La mañana en la noticia´ 5097.3 R Eco, Peru: 1100 Panorama, el compendio noticioso más completo de la Amazonía, 1a. edición; 0000 id., 3ra. edición 5486.6 R Reina de la Selva, Peru: 0000-0025 Resumen informativo ´RS´ 5620.4 R Ilucán, Peru: 1700-1800 Sucesos, 1a. edición, 0000-0100 2da. edición 5975 R Macarena, Colombia: 1130- El noticiero R Macarena 6085.1 R San Gabriel, Bolivia: 2300-2330 Encuentro nacional 6095.2 R Universal, Peru: 1100- El informativo Universal; every half-hour Radionoticias Universal 6105.5 R Panamericana, Bolivia: 1035- Buenos días, Bolivia, including El Panamericano 6115 R Unión, Peru: 1100- Radioperiódico El Frente 6116.5 La V del Llano, Colombia: 2115 Noticiero del Llano 6141.2v R Concordia, Peru: 1000- El noticiero de R Concordia, el vocero del pueblo arequipeño 6170v La V de la Selva, Colombia: 1115-1200 Radioperiódico Avance liberal 6173.8 R Tawantinsuyo, Peru: -1055 Antena informativa 6190 R Oriente, Peru: 1130-1230 and 2300-2400 Al instante 6200.5 R La V de Huamanga, Peru: 1020- Informativo bilingüe 6203.7 R Cusco, Peru: 1100- Hechos y realidades; 2305 Informativo Visión 6628 R La V de San Antonio, Peru: 0005- Informativo ´El acontecer de los pueblos´ 9505 R Tacna: 1005- El impacto 3. ÜBERSINNLICHES LATEINAMERICA (An article on esoteric broadcasts from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The text was published in Kurier, Germany, # 12/93) Ein guter Christ kauft und besitzt keine Amulette, Talismane, Räucherwerk, magischen Kreuze, noch schreibt er ihen irgenwelche Kräfte zu". So steht es im örtlichen Hirtenbrief der Stadt Manizales in Kolumbien, der ein Veranstaltungsprogramm für die Osterwoche 1993 beinhaltet. In Kolumbien - wo ich wohne - kann man anscheinend jewedes religiöse Programm via Radio übertragen, wenn es sich um eine anerkannte Kirche wie die Katholische oder die Evangelische handelt. Was jedoch nich erlaubt ist, sind Programme von Scheinheligen, Heilern, Zauberern etc. Diese Trennunglinie ist jedoch in Ländern wie Ecuador und Peru nich so klar gezogen. Aus diesen Ländern habe ich im Laufe der letzten Monate gut zwei Dutzend verschiedener Programme gehört, die sich allesamt als Hexerei einstufen lasse. (Für diejenigen, die dieser Programme herstellen, handelt es sich natürlich nicht um Hexerei, sondern eher um "soziale Orientierung" oder "Familienratgeber"). Die Tradition der Zauberei in Ecuador und Peru ist lang und ihr Ursprung liegt im Dunkeln. (Zu beachten ist hierbei, dass der Norden Perus bis vor ca. 50 Jahren Teil Ecuadors war). Im "South American Handbook" von 1992 spricht man von der Region "Las Guaringas" im Norden Perus als einem Gebiet, wo es überaus viele Hexer gibt und wohin diejenigen fahren, die sich berufen fühlen, selbst Zauberer zu werden. In dem selben Buch zitiert man einen nordamerikansichen Antropologen, der in der Stadt Chiclayo, ebenfalls im Norden Perus gelegen, lebt und der bestätigt, dass "der Zaubermarkt" von Chiclayo wohl der grösste und umfangsreichste in ganz Lateinamerika ist. Doch worüber redet man nun in den anfangs erwähnten Radiosendungen? Nun, über alles mögliche, von der Graphologie bis hin zur Schwarzen Magie (Zauberei mit Hilfe des Teufels), von Tarot und der Hellseherei. Das einige, was dort nicht behandelt wird, ist die Wissenschaft von den Heilpflanzen. Dies sind andererseits die einzigen Programme, die in Kolumbien gesendet werden dürfen. Die folgend aufgeführten Programmausschitte sprechen für sich: "Wir sind weder Hexer noch Zauberer" (Karman und Franklin, ein Paar - es handelt sich fast immer um Paare - das im Hause des Direktors des Senders Ondas del Río Mayo in Peru lebt. "Bruder Franca, der Ausweg und die Rettung für die Meschheit, der einzige seiner Art im ganzen Lande. Mit seinem Wissen über das inkaische Tawantinsuyo praktisiert er mystische Reinigungen, Heilungen, Santerismen (Beim Santerismus - ein afrikansichen Religion - gibt man den afrikansischen Göttern die Namen von christlichen Heiligen), Kerzen und Exorzismus". (Radio Centro, Ecuador) "Iván del Solar und Marylin besitzen den Magnetismus, um alle Arten von Lastern und Übeln zu kurieren. Kommen Sie mit Vertrauen, denn wir werden Sie auf denWeg des echen Glücks führen". (Radio Frecuencia San Ignacio, Peru) "Geben Sie uns zwei Soles (peruanische Wäjrung) für unsere Studienbemühungen und wir werden Ihnen mittels der Graphologie Ihre Probleme deuten und Ihnen Auswege zeigen". (Ondas del Río Mayo, Peru) "Wir kämpfen gegen das Böse, die Zauberei und den Widerstreit. Wir sind Experten im Gegenzauber Ihrer Feinde (es geht darum, den Schaden, den man selbst den Zauber eines Feindes erhalten hat, abzuwenden). Wir ermöglichen es Dir, in einem Glas Wasser das Gesicht desjenigen zu sehen, der dich bestohlen hat oder Dir Schaden zufügte". (Ondas del Río Mayo,Peru) "Lieber Freund: Bist Du überzeugt davon, dass es die Wahrheit ist, die ich Dir mit Hilfe der spanischen Karten enhüllt habe?" - "Ja, Doktor". (Estación C, Peru) "Sie haben eine Wachspuppe hergestellt und sie unter seinem Namen getauft, sie haben einen sargförmigen Karton genommen und ihn mit schwarzer Erde vom Friedhof gef¨llt " (Ecos del Oriente, Ecuador) "Wir haben das Privileg, die Überbringer der Heiligen Rose zu sein, die an den Ufern des Jordans wächst, wo unser Herr Jesus Christus getauft wurde. Es ist eine Rose, die 1500 verschiedene Fähigkeiten und Eigenarten hat". (Ecos del Oriente, Ecuador) --- Translated from original Spanish into German by Michael Schmitz 4. ESOTERISCHE PROGRAMME IN LATEINAMRIKA (Following up on previous article, a list of current esoteric broadcasts, published in the German Kurier, #13/14 1993) In der letzten Ausgabe des KURIER brachten wir einen Bericht über die Sendungen von "Wunderheilern" bei Rundfunkstationen aus Ecuador und Peru. Als Ergänzung dazu folgt nun eine Übersicht über die Frequenzen un Programmzeiten solcher Sendungen. "Secreto y verdad" (Geheimnis und Wahrheit) - Ecos del Oriente, Ecuador, 3270 kHz, 2330-0000. - Hier wirken "Hermano Marlo, maestro Gerson, Grupo Internacional Marlo im ´Templo sagrado´" (dem heiligen Tempel). "El sol brilla para todos" (Die Sonne scheint für jeden) - Radio Horizonte, Chiclayo, Peru, 4505 kHz, 0430-0500 Ortszeit mo-sa - Hier wirken der Professor Rodman und Clemencia, die "Ecuadorianerin aus Loja". "El sol brilla para todos" (Die Sonne scheint für jeden) - Centinel del Sur, Loja, Ecuador, 4770.8 kHz, 1000-1030 sowie über Radio Progreso, Loja, Ecuador, 5060.8 kHz, 1030-1100 - Es wirken Santos und Pedro, die Gebrüder Guardiol aus Huancabamba in Peru. "El sol brilla para todos" (Die Sonne scheint für jeden) - Frecuencia San Ignacio, Peru, 5700 kHz, ab 0110 Uhr - Es sind tätig Iván del Solar und seine Gattin Marylin. "Casos y cosas de la vida" (Begebenheiten und Dinge des Lebens) - Radio Ilucán, Peru, 5620.4 kHz, ab 1105 Uhr - Es betätigt sich der "internationale Triumphator" Rapso. "Casos y cosas de la vida real" (Begenheiten und Dinge des wirklichen Lebens) - Radio Perla del Acre, Bolivien, 4600 kHz, ab 0000 Uhr- Hier wirkt der Meister Carlos Rodríguez, "mit internationalem Ruf". "El naturismo como ciencia" (Naturkunde als Wissenschaft) - Radio Chota, Peru, 4890 kHz, ab 0035 Uhr - Tätig wird Bruder Mauricio Ventura Zapata vom "Naturzentrum in Loreto". "Una luz en tu camino" (Ein Licht auf Deinem Weg) - Radio Horizonte, Chiclayo, Peru, 4505 kHz, ab 0630 Uhr - Hier heilen Celia und Omar, die Spiritisten und Heiler. "Encuentros con la felicidad" (Treffpunkte mit dem Glück) - Ondas del Río Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca, Peru, 6803 kHz, ab 1050 Uhr - auch über Estación "C", Moyobamba, Peru, 6330 kHz, 2220-2250 UTC und Radio Tropical, Tarapoto, Peru, 4935 kHz, 2200-2230 Uhr - Es wirken die Gebrüder Yandú. "El tribunal de la vida" (Das Tribunal des Lebens) - Radio Frecuencia VH - La Voz de Celendín, Peru, 4485 kHz, ab 0110 Uhr - ist hier Schwester Mary aus Loja tätig mit ihrem Gatten Julio und Schwager Simón. "El tribunal de la felicidad" (Das Tribunal des Glücks) - Radio Tayabamba, Peru, 5388v kHz, ab 0105 UTC. "Los astros y su destino" (Die Sterne und Ihr Schicksal) - Radio Frecuencia VH - La Voz de Celendín, Peru, 4485 kHz, sonntags ab 0040 UTC - Es wirkt Abraham de la Cruz. "Por un futuro mejor" (Für eine bessere Zukunft) - Ondas del Río Mayo, Peru, 6803v kHz, 0030-0100 UTC - Es betätigt sich "El mensajero del destino" (Der Bote des Schicksals). "El camino de la felicidad" (Der Weg des Glücks) - Ondas del Río Mayo, Peru, 6803v kHz, bis 1040 UTC. "Luz, ciencia y verdad" (Licht, Wissenschaft und Wahrheit) - Ondas del Río Mayo, Peru, 6803v KHz, montags bis freitags von 2330-2400 UTC - Es wirken "Los hermanos clarividentes" Mayer und Daniel (Die hellseherischen Brüder..) "Tu destino en mis manos" (Dein Schicksal in meinen Händen) - Radio Centro, Ambato, Ecuador, 3290 kHz , 0830-0900 UTC - Es wirkt Dr. Karman de la Cruz y Zúlmar. (Original in Spanish, translation into German by Michael Schmitz) 5. SOME RECURRENT PROGRAMME TITLES IN LATIN AMERICAN RADIO ARRANGED BY CONCEPTS 1. Morning 1.1 Awakening (despertar) Dulce despertar - R Oriente, Peru El despertar de mi pueblo - La V de la Selva, Colombia Nuevo despertar pandino - R Estación Frontera, Bolivia 1.2 Daybreak, dawn (alborada) Alborada del llano - R Paitití, Bolivia Alborada musical - La V del Llano, Colombia Alborada tachirense - Ecos del Torbes, Venezuela (AN show @1970) 1.3 Daybreak, dawn (amanecer) Amanecer en los Andes - R Frecuencia VH, Peru Amanecer andino - R La Hora, R Atahualpa, R San Martín, all Peru Canciones para un amanecer - R Cusco, Peru Amanecer vallenato - Ecos del Palmar, Colombia; R Uno, Colombia Amanecer campesino - R Chortís, Guatemala; R Tayabamba, Peru; R Sicuani, Peru; Ondas del Orteguaza, Colombia Alegre amanecer - R Tarma and R Madre de Dios, both Peru El amanecer cristiano - La V del Napo, Ecuador Amanecer al día - R Los Andes 1040, Venezuela Rumbo al amanecer - R Centro, Ecuador Quiero amanecer - Una V en la Frontera, Colombia Amanecer tropical - R Tropical, Peru 1.4 Early riser (madrugador) El madrugador, R Atlántida, Peru; Ondas del Río Mayo, Peru; R Pio XII, Bolivia 1.5 Good morning (buenos días) Buenos días, Ecuador, R Frecuencia VH, Peru Buenos días, Amazonía, R Estación X, Peru Buenos días, Bolivia, R Panamericana, Bolivia Buenos días, Peru, R Paucartambo, Peru 2. Afternoon, evening, night 2.1 Afternoon (tarde) Arriba la tarde - Ondas del Orteguaza, Colombia Tardes de radio - Radio Illimani, Bolivia Buenas tardes, Ecuador - R Naylamp, Ondas del Río Mayo and R Huancabamba, all in Peru Tardes norteñas - R Del Pacífico, Peru 2.2 Late afternoon, dusk (atardecer) Atardecer andino - R Visión 2000, Peru Atardecer campesino - R Satélite, Peru; Ondas del Orteguaza, Colombia Atardecer porteño - Ondas del Puerto, Colombia 2.3 Nightfall, dusk (anochecer) Anochecer campesino dominical - R Chortís, Guatemala Anochecer paucartambino - R Paucartambo, Peru 2.4 Night (noche) Noches de amor - Ecos del Oriente, Ecuador Noches espectaculares - Ondas del Río Mayo, Peru La noche con Frontera - R Estación Frontera, Bolivia Tropicalizando la noche - R Quillabamba and R Nuevo Cajamarca, Peru 2.5 Midnight (medianoche) Rumbo a medianoche - R Guatapurí, Colombia 3 Route, road; bound for.. 3.1 Route (ruta) Por las rutas de ayer - R Oriente, Peru Por las rutas del Perú - Ondas del Río Mayo and R la V de San Antinio, Peru 3.2 Road (camino) Por los caminos del Perú - R Mundo, Peru Por los caminos del Tolima - Coral Ibagué, Colombia Una luz en tu camino - R Horizonte, Peru El camino de la felicidad - Ondas del Río Mayo, Peru 3.3 Bound for.. (rumbo a ) Rumbo al amanecer - R Centro, Ecuador Rumbo a medianoche - R Guatapurí, Colombia (Edited version of original which appeared in DX South Florida, July 1993) 6. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME IN EQUINOCTIAL LATIN AMERICA Colombia has been on UTC -4h. ever since April 1992. Cadena Super is rallying againt "la hora de Gaviria", named after the Nation´s President, who decreed the time change, and the network requires reversal to "la hora de Dios". Time checks say "la hora de Venezuela en Colombia " which is meant to be an ironical remark. 7. BANDSCAN 3500-5070 kHz (EXCLUDING BRAZILIANS, SPURS AND HARMONICS), BOGOTÁ, NOVEMBER 1993. 3501.3 La V del Guainía - 3800.1. R Oyón - 3869.3 R Adventista Mundial - 4012 Frecuencia Popular - 4039.2 R Marginal - 4239 R Cajamarca - 4254.5 R San Andrés de Llapa - 4299.8 R Naylamp - 4409.2 R Eco - 4419.1 R Bambamarca "Frecuencia Líder" - 4441.3 R Ecología Internacional - 4449.9 R Estación Frontera (inactive for the time being) - 4460.1 R Nor Andina - 4471.8-4472 R Movima - 4485.1 R Frecuencia VH - 4502v R Tayabamba - 4505 R Horizonte - 4510.4v R Paucartambo - 4549.5/4552.5 R Trópico - 4593.5 R Estación X (off) - 4599.7 R Em Villamontes (rare) - 4600 R Perla del Acre - 4625.7 R Machupo - 4649 R Santa Ana - 4681.9/4682.7 R Paitití - 4705.1 R Estación Láser - 4712.5 R Abaroa - 4746.7/4747.4 R Huanta 2000 - 4759 R Tingo María - 4770.3 CDS Internacional - 4775 R Tarma - 4779.7 R Oriental - 4779.7 Onda Musical - 4785.7 Ecos del Combeima - 4790 R Atlántida - 4795.3 La V de los Caras - 4800 R Popular Independiente (off) - 4800.7-4801v Onda Azul - 4804.7 R Villa Rica - 4810.2 R San Martín - 4820.1 La V Evangélica de Honduras - 4820.9 R Atahualpa (am only) - 4824,4 La V de la Selva - 4826.3 R Sicuani - 4830 R Táchira - 4831.5 R Reloj de Costa Rica (off) - 4834.9 R Marañón - 4835 Sistema Radial Tezulutlán - 4836 R Buenaventura - 4840 R Andahuaylas - 4840.2 R Valera - 4845 R Fides - 4850.8 R Luz y Vida - 4855 R Centenario la nueva - 4860 R Líder - 4864.4 R 16 de Marzo - 4865.1 La V del Cinaruco - 4870 V del Upano - 4875.1 R La Cruz del Sur - 4879.6 R Nal Espejo - 4881.6 R Nuevo Mundo - 4885 Ondas del Meta - 4888.6 Dif Huanta - 4890.2 R Chota - 4895 La V del Río Arauca - 4899.8 R La Hora - 4899.8 La V de Saquisilí-Libertador - 4901 R San Ignacio (am only) - 4903.9 R La Palabra (pm only) - 4914.5 R Cora del Perú - 4915.2 Armonías del Caquetá - 4919.9 R Quito - 4923.6-4925.7v R San Miguel - 4930 R Barahona - 4935 R Tropical - 4939.1 R Norte de Montero - 4949.9 R Baha´i (am only) - 4953 R Madre de Dios - 4955 R Cultural Amauta - 4960.9 R Federación - 4965 R Juan XXIII - 4965.4 R Santa Fé - 4968 Imagen la radio - 4970 R Rumbos - 4974.8 R Del Pacífico - 4975 Ondas del Orteguaza - 4980 Ecos del Torbes - 4990.9 R Ancash - 4955.8 R Andina - 5004.8 R Libertad - 5010.3 ERPE (off) - 5020 (ex-5014.3) Estación Tarapoto - 5020 Ecos del Atrato - 5025 R Rebelde - 5025 R Quillabamba - 5030 R Católica Nal del Ecuador - 5030.6 R Los Andes - 5039.2 R Libertad de Junín - 5040 V del Upano - 5045.2 R Rioja - 5046.3 Estación Yurimaguas (off) - 5049.8 R Jesús del Gran Poder - 5050.1 La V de Yopal - 5055 TIFC Faro del Caribe - 5060.5 Sistema de Emisoras Progreso - 5068.7 Ondas del Sur Oriente. |