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The HCDX Story
A hard core DXer is a shortwave and mediumwave listener who tries to listen
to rare, weak, and normally unheard broadcasting stations.
This kind of radio listener has been around since radio was born in the early
20th century. And since the early days of the Internet, Hard-Core-DX.com has
been around, trying to cover the information needs of these specialized listeners.
Good old HCDX, created in March 2000 when Risto Kotalampi's hard-core-dx email list joined with Hermod
Pedersen's Nordic Shortwave Center's web site.
In October 2002 the site was totally redesigned, to give you an even better
DX news site.
From the very start, Hard-Core-DX.com has offered rovided a very active and
high quality, and moderated, email list for all DXers seeking up-to-date information.
And it has all been in the spirit of old time radio: freely given by its members,
freely given by the HCDX staff.
In March 2000, Risto Kotalampi's hard-core-dx email list joined with Hermod
Pedersen's Nordic Shortwave Center's web site, trying to offer an even better
one stop shop for DX information on the web.
In October 2002, we made a complete redesign of the Hard-Core-DX.com web
site, in order to bring DX content providers even closer together, so that a
unique portal for all DXers is available on the Web.
In August 2005, Hermod Pedersen left the Hard-Core-DX.com web
site, wishing to devote his spare time to other things.
We don't want this site to be the only site for you to visit.
On the contrary.
We simply don't have the resources to maintain everything on one site, and our
charter has never been one of an ego trip.
Instead, we want all DXers to have a starting point, where numerous DX content
provider and HCDX partner bring you the news you want. In lots of different
channels you will find information on all aspect of our fascinating radio hobby.
And, most important, all HCDX members will send you instant DX news when it
We believe that the new Hard-Core-DX.com will be a win-win for everyone.
Please use it.
And please take part.
Together we can make this the best DX site in the world.
And, yes, it will still be free for all to use; just like in the old days, when
radio pioneers freely supported one another.
Our privacy policy
Last Updated Wednesday, July 16 2014

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