dipole for 60 meter Tropical Band
By Enrique A. Wembagher, Argentina
Antenna Special, 1 August 2004
This is an antenna specially calculated for the tropical 60 meter
band, with instructions for those who do not possess a lot of space
attheir locations.
This antenna is a short dipole made up of inductores (L1 /L2) in
half of each arm, based with the concept of inductive load.

The dimensions are shown in the figure. The L1/L2 can be built on
tubes of PVC; the feeding slope to the receiver can be either coax
of 50 or 75 ohms.
A total of 12 meters of wire, with a diameter of about 2 mm, divided
into four sections. Insulators cn be of porcelain or PVC. To fasten
the antenna one can use , thread of clothes for the anchorage.
Two tubes of PVC of 5 cm (2 inches) of diameter and approximately
20 cm of longitude. Roll 60 turns of wire of 1.5 mm on each tube,
closely wound. A length of 10
meters of wire should be sufficient for each inductor.
The diagram
above show the disposition of the antenna with its respective
inductors L1/L2.