Balloon or kite
antenna? Why not

First thick nylon line, then copper

Be extremely
careful about static

My balloon
and kite antenna system

Kite antenna
- watch out!

Balloon antennas
- a theoretical approach

Excellent supports
for LF antennas
thick nylon line, then copper wire
Hugo Caron (
Date: Nov 4, 1996
Original source: Usenet's
Last month
there was a discussion about balloon antennas, mainly about
using 2 balloons instead of one for a vertical antenna.
Two persons mentioned their concerns after having read articles
on the subject relating about wind-induced static shock hazard
and reception high noise level.
One participant replied that if one would shunt the antenna with
carbon resistor (~4.7k-22k) to local ground, high enough not to
upset antenna caracteristics but still, low enough to discharge
the beginning of charge buildup, one would be able to cope with
this problem.
On the
same subject, a second participant with actual balloon and
kite antenna experience (300 ft - 100 meter) did report the reality
of shock hasard, but eventualy got around the problem by shunting
an antenna tuner inductor to ground or shunting the antenna directly
with a 100k resistor. He reported that in these conditions, he
was able to get signals that sounded great. Also in light wind
conditions, he said that static was not much of a problem.
On the
structural aspect, for security reasons, personally I would't
try to tie a thin copper wire directly to the balloon, as some
may have suggested. I'd rather use high strenght nylon or alike
line (fishing line type for exp., I've seen some with 40 lbs capacity)
to cary the all strain the holding line may be subject to in presence
of higher ds than expect winds. The thin wire copper line would
only be ' brought along ' for its antenna role. To avoid any wobbling
of the 2 lines, I would knot, using short lenght of holding wire
(trimmed after knotting), every 5 feet or so.
For example, if one want to jack a 300 feet vertical up and chooses
a nylon line of 20 lb capacity (lets say it's 2000 feet/lb (.0005
lb/foot) and AWG #28 copper wire at 2081 feet/lb (again, ~.0005
lb/foot) and 65 ohms/1000 feet (ARRL handbook), one would end
up with a line at .001 lb/foot for a total payload of .3 lb. So
the balloon would need, at least, this 'net' boyancy (preferably
a bit more let say .4 lb). By net boyancy I mean the payload the
balloon can handle, after lifting its own weight. A 3.5 to 4 feet
diameter ballon should be able to handle this charge, depending
on its enveloppe weight.
The balloon
envelope material quality his also something one should consider
before attempting any lift off. If not, one may experience a short
lived project.
We've all air blew party rubber balloons to their max, just to
realize that the next day they had shrinked to half their size.
The reason being that, due to pressure differential between inside
and outside of the streched enveloppe, air will just sift through
it. Rubber is an elastomeric material build around long organic
molecular chain attatched one to the other through ramifications
(something like a tree), and there are 'holes' between these chain
elements. Air (that is, molecular oxygen, nitrogen (and carbon
dioxide if you blew the balloons yourself... pfiew!!)) eventualy
finds its way through. So if molecular elements like O2 and N2,
that are many time the size of atomic helium (He) can do that,
you can imagine how helium would act considering the wide open
barn doors these 'holes' are, relative to its size. I dont think
one would be able to retain it for more than a couple of hours.
So not any off the shelf stock will suffice.
I've done
a few phone calls, a couple of weeks ago to see what's available,
mentioning I was looking for a balloon to be inflated with helium,
that was able to retain its content for at least a couple of days.
The only source I found was the Party Decoration retailers. I
eventualy found someone that told me they had 42 inches size balloons,
the enveloppe of wich is made of unstreachable material (vynil???)
made for that purpose (helium inflating) for $5. They would inflate
them for $5 each. One can also get pressured helium portable refill
thanks, good for ~25(?) of these balloons, at $60. They were not
able to specify the enveloppe weight or the ' net boyancy '.
Another retailer told me the he could supply me with a 7 feet
balloon (that's 9 times the volume of 42" diam.), again the unstreachable
kind used for outside advertizing, hence relativaly long lasting,
with a 4 lb lifting capacity for CAN$342 + helium...
Ooops, this time my budget was blown!

extremely careful about static
Jake Brodsky
Date: Nov 6, 1996
Original source: Usenet's
Hugh Caron's post concerning static charges on the balloon wire
are accurate. I was one of the guys he spoke about and, yes, when
flying kites with a wire antenna, one must be extremely careful
to bleed off the static charge. My friend Tony, was practically
thrown across the deck of his boat when he touched the ungrounded
wire on one of our kite- antenna experiments.
Helium is much easier to buy and transport than hydrogen. It may
not be cheaper, but at least you don't get anything close to the
HAZMAT paperwork you'd get if it were hydrogen.
Although latex balloons do deflate more readily than, say, mylar
balloons, the surface area to size ratio of an eight foot weather
balloon will guarantee that it will stay up for quite a while.
The FAA's relevant regulation on this subject of tethered kites
and balloons is Part 105. When I last read it three years ago,
it said that anything with a total weight of under five pounds
empty is exempt from most regulations.
You do
have to know where the airports are, and don't fly your kite
or balloon where it may get in the way. A call to the local Flight
Standards District Office (in the United States) will go a long
way toward clarifying whether the place and altitudes you wish
to fly the antenna are appropriate. Even if you might fly it so
high that it could interfere, they'd be more than willing to accomodate
you by issuing a NOTAM, or NOtice To AirMen, with adequate notice,
and then issue you a permit for a certain time and place.

balloon and kite antenna system
Jake Brodsky
Date: Nov 7, 1996
Original source: Usenet's
the discussion is going this way I'll go in to more detail
as to how I handled the Balloon and Kite antenna systems.
First, all flights were made from a boat, a few miles south
of the Middle River in the Chesapeake Bay. All lines were 400'
or less.
The kites and balloons all had empty weights of under five pounds
(thus not requiring notification under part 105). Prior to conducting
these tests, I contacted the Baltimore Flight Standards District
Office for advice on how to proceed.
We thought
briefly about using a strobe light. The problem was two fold:
first, the strobe itself sometimes put us over the part 105 weight
limit (depending on which kite we used). Second, the strobe light
could easily have been mistaken for a life-vest strobe light on
the water (because that's what it was). We decided to keep the
line to about 200' instead, and to forget the strobe light.
are few standards for this sort of activity. Kites and tethered
balloons are usually not a problem for most aircraft, especially
those over open water. I caution you, however, to know the area
where the airports are, to know where the instrument approaches
are and to avoid those places. This is something I'm already aware
of, since I am an instrument rated pilot.
In any
case, low flying aircraft don't often go over open water,
so the risk of collision is low (the big sky, small target theory).
Obviously, these details are things you should consider well before
purchasing that kite or balloon...

Kite antenna
- watch out!
Glen Leinweber
Date: Dec 12, 1994
Original source: Usenet's
a kite, or balloon, to launch a long-wire antenna is a risky
business, even on a clear day with no clouds around. The danger
arises from the electric field between the earth and ionosphere.
This field is about one hundred volts per meter (in the vertical
direction), and is always present. Any antenna launched into the
clear blue yonder will aquire a charge large enough to wipe out
a final transistor, or a receiver front end.
So what's
the difference between ordinary outdoor antennas and one attached
to a kite?
Earth's electric field is easily distorted by objects attached
to ground, like a tree, or mast, or house (your tower doesn't
have a few kilovolts between top and bottom). A kite-bourne antenna
protrudes into wide open spaces, where it very likely gets charged
up. Your earth-bound antenna is attached to a mast or tree or
house, where earth's electric field is greatly reduced.
Here are
some precautions for kite experimenters, or anyone who uses
temporary outdoor antennas:
Add a choke
coil to the antenna connector between centre pin and ground. This
will leak away any charge that tries to accumulate. I see that
most modern rigs don't provide a D.C. discharge path from antenna
connector to ground - this is dangerous to your equipment.
This choke
won't save you if you connect a charged antenna to your rig after
you've put it up: either discharge the antenna to ground or connect
the rig to antenna before putting it up.
A few
years ago I put up a two-meter 1/4 wave antenna on top of
my tower. The coax snaked thru the window had no connector. When
it started snowing, I noticed a snapping sound every twenty seconds
or so. The end of the coax was arcing over from the charge accumulating
in the coax capacitance. That cable was being charged five or
ten kilovolts in only twenty seconds!

Balloon antennas
- a theoretical approach
Hugo Caron (
Date: Oct 27, 1996
Original source: Usenet's
The discussion
about the possibility of erecting a balloon supported long vertical
and/or inverted L type thin wire antennas has raised concerns
about potential shock hasards and high noise levels resulting
from wind-induced static. Solution replies were proposed, through
the use of bleading resistor (and/or inductor) to a good ground,
high enouph to discharge the static buildup at adequate rate while
preserving electrical caracteristics of the antenna. r > 4700
ohms. inductor = ?
Concern was
also raised about the trouble of putting up a 2 balloon setup
over a single one as high (or even higher) vertical, on the base
that inverted L would behave as top loaded vertical, which is
omnidirectional by nature. On this, I replied it may and
would only be worth the trouble if, considering
the multiple wavelenght in hight and lenght for a large part of
the SW band, such a setup would show directivity caracteristics
that would approach that of a long wire. As I could't answer this
question myself, I left it open for comment. If there were any,
I have not seen them, yet.
Lastly, concerns
were also expressed about the physical (structural) ' reality
' and security of such a setup. To this I brought the idea it
should take the shape of a trapezoidal figure (as seen from the
side). I also stated that I will try to determine through mathematical
(mecanical) equations, proper sizing of such a setup along with
constrains the wiring would be submit under different wind loads.
This is what will now follow.
Sizing for still-air
Thin copper wire: AWG 28 : 2081f/lb (.0005 lb/f); 65.31ohm/1000'
(source ARRL Hbk.) about $12 for a 1500 feet spool at Mouser Electronics
Support wire: fishing line type 20+ lb at .0005 lb/f (conservative
I choosed
to evaluate a 200'H x 200'L feet trapezoidal setup, ABCD c.c.w.
with base angle at A and D = 60 deg.
XY locations

Sides: AB
= CD = 230.94'
Top base: BC = 200'
Bottom base: AD = 430.94' Actual side line AB is made of
2 lines of support cable, thus 40 lb strain capacity and unit
lenght weight of .001 lb. Reasons for doubling this lenght will
be brought later.
Lines BC and CD are made of 1 support line and 1
thin copper wire for, again, a unit lenght weight of .001 lb,
and strain capacity of 20 lb (only the support wire will bear
any constrain, the copper wire only brought along on support wire,
for it's antenna function. So only the support wire would be attached
to the ground and the balloons.
A cable or
wire suspended between to horizontal points, such as points B
and C in the above figure is called a ' Catenary ' in a Mathematical
and Mechanical sense. A cable or wire such the ones that links
A and B or C and D (sides) is more simply call a ' Flexible Cable
Suspended from Two Differents Levels ', at least in the Mechanical
engineering texbook I refered. (1952 ed., but the logic still
good, even after iron curtain fall ;-))
I will
limit here the results resolution of the proposed equations
brought, in the case of this problem. I would suggest to those
interested by the details of these equations to refer to similar
book as mentionned above. They are long, dry and require the use
of minimal graphic support, beyond the limit of this media, to
have any meaningfull sense. I will just mention they are of the
recursive type, that one can resolve with a spreadsheet such as
Excel with relative ease.
The resulting
figures were found to be:
Top section BC (Catenary):
wire lenght: |
202.97' |
Sag |
15.0' |
at B and C |
lb at 16.82 deg with horizontal axe |
lb along x axis |
lb along y axis (down) |
sections AB and CD |
wire lenght: |
(to compare with 230.94' above, thus very little sag on those) |
at B and C |
lb at 64.47 deg with horizontal axis |
lb along x axis |
along y axis (down) |
at A and D |
lb at 54.55 deg with horizontal axis |
lb along x axis |
along y axis (up) |
At B and
C vertical down force combine .1015 + .7030 to give .8045 lb which
is the vertical upward force (net boyancy) that is required by
the balloons, at each site, to maintain the setup aloft at desired
The Baloons
As per Archimede's
principle, the upward force developped by a balloon is related
to the weight of the displaced air by the balloon volume.
Actually the balloons shall be sized to carry this net boyancy
(.8045lb) + the weight of the helium ( s.g. = .1308 that of air)
it carries + the weight of the balloon envelope.
For exp., someone wants, on 500' ASL (at sea level) site put a
200' high (= 700' ASL) balloon able to procure sufficient lift
for a .8045 lb payload.
Let suppose
that a 40 inches (3.33' ) diameter of .5 lb envelope weights is
of air at 500' ASL = .0754 lb/pi3, at 700 ASL = .0750 lb/pi3
= .5236 x d3 = 19.39 pi3
At 700'
ASL ; Weight of air = 19.39 x .0750 = 1.454 lb
At 500' ASL ; Weight of helium = 19.39 x .0754 x .1308
= .191 lb
Net boyancy
at 700' ASL = 1.454 - .191 - .4 = .863 lb
In this case,
2 of these balloons would be ok for the proposed setup. The top
part would be a bit flatter (but, not by much) than calculated
Effects of the wind
In fluid
mechanics textbooks, one can find formulas to determine the drag
force applied by moving air upon stationary spherical object.
(the balloons) :
Fd = Cd p V2 A / 2
Fd : drag
force ( lb ) Cd : drag coefficient (no dimension)
V2 : Velocity of the wind squared ( f2/sec2 )
A : Center area of the sphere ( f2 )
Cd = .4 for
Re ( Reynold number) < 350,000
Cd = .2 for Re > 350,000
Re = D V
/ u
D diametre
of the spere (feet)
V Speed of the wind (feet/sec)
u (nu) Kinematic viscosity of air = ~.00016 (f2/sec)
Below a table
that shows the evolution of horizontal pressure (in ponds) induced
by various wind velocities (mph) on various balloon diameter (feet)
Horizontal wind-induced pressures on a spherical balloon: Fd (pounds)
Here, I will
limit the analysis to a worst case senario, where I will use only
common sense to evaluate resulting strain on support wire AB.
Examining the trapezoidal shape of the proposed setup, one can
observe that a wind blowing from the left would induce the highest
strain on line AB, resulting from the combine effect of the pressure
on balloon C 'added' to the one on balloon B through wire BC.
To get these 'exact' values one would have to develop some kind
of program that would require to first compute the relative reposi-
tionning of each balloon wit varying wind condition and then apply
vector computation to get this value. Developping such a program
would be time consuming.
Common sense
evaluation should suffice to get acceptable ballpark values. One
can see that wind blowing from the left will tend 'push' balloon
B along a circonference of radius AB, thus going down. At the
same time, balloon C would be ' forced ' to travel up along the
circonference of radius DC. Those 2 opposite forces would tend
to oppose, resulting in reduced displacement of point B as to
compare to a single vertical balloon. In any case one can see
that balloon B moves at all, the effect will be to reduce the
angle at A.
Hence, If
one directly adds the horizontal wind induced pressure on B and
C balloons (or doubles the value at B) and divide the result by
cosine 60 deg, one would get a value of the strain induced in
wire AB higher than reality, but still representative for evaluation
purpose. I did that to Table 1 above to generate Table 2 below.
Let's keep in mind these values are somewhat on the overestimated
Estimated side wind-induced strain on wire AB: T ( pounds)
One last
table (some useful physical properties of air)
Well those
are my findings. I hope those infos will be of some help for anyone
who would like to tackle (or proceed) with the idea of erecting
some kind of balloon antenna.

A Skyhook
for the '90s
Don Daso, K4ZA
Date: May, 1997
Original source: QST May 97, pp. 31-33
shaped like small blimps, are in relatively common use for advertising
purposes. Such a blimp, of 10- to 12-foot (3.3 to 3.7 m.) length
and 3- to 4-foot (0.9 to 1.2 m.) diameter can easily be used to
support a vertical antenna for temporary use, such as in Field
Days. K4ZA has successfully used them, and in this article, offers
the benefit of his experiences for others who might want to follow
his example.
A balloon
of such size, when filled with helium, will provide a lift
of about two pounds, ample for a quarter-wavelength wire on the
160-meter band. The balloon should be tethered in the center of
an open space of such size that the perimeter is at least as far
in all directions from the tether as the length of the antenna.
For safety and good results, one should select an area of relatively
flat ground with no buildings, towers, trees, fences, or overhead
wires within it.
The balloons are commonly made of polyurethane film of 2- or 3-mil
(50- to 75-micron) thickness. The film is relatively strong but
must be protected from puncture. The author suggests laying a
20- by 20-foot (6- by 6-m.) tarpaulin around the tether where
the blimp will be inflated, to protect it from twigs or sharp
The tethering
line should be 100-pound test fishing line or 1/8-inch (3-mm.)
nylon rope. Stranded wire or aluminum welding wire is light and
amply strong for the radiator. A good quality ball-bearing swivel
should be used to attach the tether to the balloon's halter, since
the wind will cause it to turn, pitch, and roll in all directions.
Gloves should always be worn when the blimp is being launched
and retrieved. In all cases, one should avoid dangerous situations,
such as operating near power lines, in wet or stormy weather,
or near airports or areas congested with people. Do not attempt
to use heights greater than a simple quarter-wave monopole. Finally,
remember that an adequate ground system is at least as important
as the antenna; use either four elevated, or up to 60 ground radials
for best results.
Two suppliers
of these inflatable blimps are:
Toy-Tex Novelty Company, 7315 N. Linder, Skokie, IL 60077, tel
(847) 673-6600;
The Blimp Works, 156 Barnes Airship Drive, Statesville, NC 28677,
tel (704) 876-6705; web