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By John Stoll
March 29, 1999

Midnight Science web site has parts useable for antenna tuners and BCB loops.
They offer spools of various gauge wire, variable capacitors, etc.
While reading your construction article
"Tune your antenna for better DX", I see in the editorial notes that a source for 250pf tuning capacitors is lacking. I have used parts taken from broken radios. The website I mentioned before has similar units for sale at reasonable prices. I strongly recommend that your visit this site, and view for yourself.
In some of their crystal radio kits, I see a rotating switch that, if only it had more contacts, would be a nice finishing touch for the antenna tuner project. I have not ordered from them yet, but do intend to in the near future. The kits appear to have a very high finish quality.
Please keep up the good work. You are responsible for giving me a higher level of enjoyment from the shortwave hobby, and I thank you. Despite QRM here in New York City, I still enjoy SW listening. The world-wide web can give me information, work or fun-- but it will never replace my radio hobby!
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