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Glenn Hauser logs August 15-26, 2019  View Printable Version 
Monday, August 26 2019

** CANADA. 6754-USB, Aug 26 at 0533, Trenton Military, with weather
for Thule as ``temperature 4 at 0456`` --- wow, how hot for 76.5
degrees north in the ``night``, as Greenland continues melting. Don`t
recall hearing CHR mention Thule before, but must show occasionally in
rotation. Some others are ``no report received`` as they never receive
all reports. I suppose there are no commercial flights ultimately
landing at Thule, other than emergencies as it`s right along some
nearly trans-polar routes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9215, Aug 26 at 1443, JBA Chinese? on a *jammed Sound of
Hope frequency; nothing else WOOB found in the 9s, 10s or 11s (Glenn

** CUBA. 11670, Aug 26 at 0121, S8/S9+10 of dead air; while 11700,
11760 and 11850 are S9+10/20 with good modulation except 11700
suptorted. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CUBA. 13660, Aug 26 at 1401, JBA music enough to match to RHC on
13700 & 13740 which are S9+20 and S9+30 respectively during `Sonido
Cubano`. So this is a leapfrog mixing product 40 kHz down (but no
match on 13780 40 kHz up), or if you insist, third-order
intermodulaton. By 1437 recheck, 13740 is off and so is 13660.
Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** MADAGASCAR [and non]. 11610, Aug 25 at 2201, S4-S6 of dead air;
must be MWV not turned off after 21-22 Chinese hour to Europe.
Transmitter not needed for next broadcast, 22-23 on 11790 Chinese to
Europe, or 11965 Chinese to China? Not recalling those frequencies, I
do not check them.

(At 0119 Aug 26 I notice an S6-S8 JBM signal on 11610, wondering
briefly if MWV still be stuck? Rather WEWN English allegedly eastward
to Africa in its nightmiddle, which is never a decent signal here)

** SPAIN. 12030, 11940, 11670, 9690, Sunday August 25 at 2203, all
four REE transmitters are still on playing their earworm IS. All VG to
G, even 11670 normally the least of them here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1996 monitoring: not confirmed
Sunday August 25 at 2153 the 2130 on WRMI 7780: JBA carrier in S8-S9
high local line noise level; and this week do not expect a
confirmation from Richard Langley since he`s away from NB.

Confirmed UT Monday August 26 at 0130 on WRMI 7780, S9+10 in HLNL
after usual Rudy Espinal canned ID at 0129:30; also on // 9395,
S9/S9+10, but *much* louder and less noisy.

Also confirmed UT Mon Aug 26 at 0230 on WRMI 7780, same as 0130.

Also confirmed UT Mon Aug 26 from 0302.5 on Area 51 webcast after live
JL runs over again; JBA vs HLNL amounting to S9+10 on WBCQ 5130.34v at
0327 check.

Also confirmed UT Mon Aug 26 at 0330 on WRMI 9955, S9/+20 VG,
immediately after familiar song with Czech lyrix. Next:

1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania ND
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full WOR schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A. 7315, Aug 26 at 0128 tune-in, no signal from WHRI -- until
*0129 after it has changed beam from 173 to VG 260 degrees for Voice
of Vietnam relay, JIP during totally off-topic break about Tanzania
from Voice of Martyrs. HFCC shows VOV 7315:
0000-0300 English at 25 degrees
0030-0130 Spanish & English at 173 degrees
0130-0200 Vietnamese [! really English] at 260 degrees
>From 0200 back to 173 for other WHRI gospel-huxtering (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A. 10100, Aug 26 at 0328, JBA carrier, presumably second
harmonic of 5050 WWRB TN, which Paul Walker, WY, had just reported
with a much stronger signal. I had not heard this for over a year;
possible only during the limited UT Sun & Mon activity of WWRB, and
not in the B-seasons when on 90m instead. Then it would be worth
checking for 2 x 3185, 3195 or 3215, whichever in use, on 6370, 6390
or 6430. Whenever such a WOOB mystery arise, first thing to try is
dividing by two (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 780, UT Mon Aug 26 at 0142 UT, `StarDate` just ending on
WBBM Chicago --- probably reliably at 0140, also UT Sun? Our Okie
affils KUCO & KWOU skip it on weekends (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A. 760, Aug 26 at 0150 UT, WJR is nulled as I am trying to ID
the Spanish LAH on the minus side, but more signal is coming from
something in English with ``Place for Mom`` national ad but then Glen
Beck plugging his show ``tomorrow at 7 am on Freedom 93-7, Real News,
Real Talk``. That`s now the branding of KDSP Thornton CO = Denver
market, U4 50/1 kW, obviously a flip from NBC Sports as of a year ago.
0159 UT ad with 303 areacode, 0200 Fox ``news`` sounder. I wonder if
KDSP employ digital signal processing?? Rather the call was likely
denoting ``Denver SPorts``. Now, FCC AM Query shows it`s KDFD as in
``Denver FreeDom``, since 6/25/2019. Official LSS in Aug is 0200 UT;
September 0115 UT.

As for 93.7, it`s a mere 99-watt translator in Lakewood, K229BS
[apropos call!], wagging the 760 dog; WTFDA DB still shows it
originating with ``KDSP`` 760 but does have the new slogan ``Freedom
93.7`` [sic, with a point] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 760-, Aug 26 at 0143 UT, WJR Detroit in Michigan
talkshow suffers from a low audible het on the minus side. I pull some
Mexmx by nulling WJR, i.e. NW/SE, but it`s hard to tell where this QRM
peak, as there is more QRM from Colorado really from the NW [see USA
log]. At 0156 an SHVA in Spanish but can`t copy any ID. In the NRC AM
Log 2018, the only USSSes on 760 are two Floridians, both on at night
but with wrong formats: WLCC Brandon 1 kW religious, and WEFL Tequesta
1 sesquikW ESPND; even less likely two Radios Progreso in Cuba.

Could it be Mexican? The most clockwise is on the AZ border, XENY
Nogales, Sonora. Was slightly off-minus, 29 months ago per mwoffsets:
``759.9898 MEX XENY-AM Radio Xeny (Nogales) 2017-03-25``
i.e. -10.2 Hz which unseems quite enough for the LAH I hear. While WJR
itself was only 0.2 Hz high as of a dekamonth ago. IRCA Mexican Log
last year shows XENY 5000/100 watts with music formats, but no mention
of offfrequenciness. Perhaps someone closer can confirm its exact
frequency (and existence) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1733 UT August 25
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Glenn Hauser logs August 24-25, 2019  View Printable Version 
Sunday, August 25 2019


1) China - CRI: Added new link for "My China" archive audio and
scripts of some CRI feature programmes (such as Selfie) amongst others
2) Finland - Scandinavian Weekend R: Added entry for this station
Unless there's a major change anywhere, the next update will be late
September. Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe, Aug 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11855.77V, Saturday August 24 at 2215 tune-in, during the
DX program on R. Aparecida, `Encontro DX`. Immediately mentions the
station a few times, but made up of several segments with very
different voices. 2217 it`s a report by a slow talker from the DX
Clube do Brasil about the futuro das ondas curtas. There is slight
pulse jamming bleed from Cuba on 11860 until I switch to LSB tuning.
2221, report from Paraíba by Amaral(?), fast talker, full schedule of
RAE relays via Okeechobee very rapidly, but I heard one incorrect
frequency, 9455. 2225 Daniel Camporini mentioned, Argentine DXer. By
2229 has drifted down to 11855.73 or so and show is not over: now a
RAE guy is speaking Spanish with a porteño accent, about how many LRA
stations there are around the country. 2233 mentions DX Clube sem
Fronteiras, outro this show ``Encontro DX na Rádio Aparecida, nos
sábados``, finally ends at 2235, then some whistling.

The 11855+ signal rated S6, fades to S3; I then compare it to RNA on
11780: S8-S5, so ZYE954 is providing a respectable signal considering
the 250:1 kW power differential --- or is one a bit less, the other a
bit more? I have to look this up in a previous WRTH since the 2019
had deleted all four Aparecida SW frequencies! Finally I check the
other one propagating at 2238, 9630.4 as it too is always
off-frequency, rating S4 vs local high noise level.

It`s great that a Brasilian station allows such a DX program to exist.
As in DXLD 19-33, a certificate is being issued for reception reports,
so I am copying this to them hoping they don`t mind some English:

``BRAZIL. "Encontro DX Radio Aparecida" --- A partir del próximo
sábado 10 de agosto de 2019, el programa "Encontro DX Radio
Aparecida", y el SWL Brasil DX Group, otorgará un certificado de
escucha, a todos los oyentes en general que reporten la escucha del
programa. Puede escucharlo por

6135, 9630, y 11855 kilociclos a las 2200 UT [de los SABADOS]


Los informes de recepción puede enviarlos a:
Francisco Jacson py1pdf.rj@gmail.com

Atte, (Héctor Frías Jofré, CE3001SWL-CE3FZL, Chile, Aug 9, WOR iog via
DXLD)`` (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5025, Aug 25 at 0621, S9+10/20 of dead air from Radio
Rebelde, except for some hum. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1996 monitoring: confirmed Saturday
August 24 at 2100:00 on WRMI 9955, S9/S9+10 but upcut JIP as I say
``---1996``; after IS & ID loop from at least 2058, as the automation
continues to be misaligned, starting playout a few seconds before
switching sources; independent asynchronous clox?

Also confirmed UT Sunday August 25 at 0130 on WRMI 5850, VG aimed
thisaway, but still fadier than co-aimed 7570 with BS, which is closer
to one-hop.

Also confirmed UT Sun Aug 25 at 0336 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Missouri,
S9+30 including storm noise level making copy difficult, but during
item on YHWH about 17 minutes into, so started circa 0319. Next:

2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE
1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania ND
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full WOR schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A. 9955, UT Sunday Aug 25 at 0035-0045, WRMI with beautiful
gospel harmonies in Spanish, but 0045 abruptly cut to gospel huxter
`La Verdad para el Mundo` with a bit of lo-fi harmony, introducing el
evangelista Philip Gray [sp? sp?], who speaks very good but not quite
native Spanish. What`s the harmony show? Sked shows 0115-0145 UT
Sundays is `Buscando la Verdad`, while 0145-0200 is merely `La
Verdad`. Perhaps they be related; show titles are often truncated to
fit in the fields (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

this report dispatched at 1920 UT Aug 25
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Glenn Hauser logs August 23-24, 2019  View Printable Version 
Saturday, August 24 2019

** CHINA [and non]. CNR1 jammer survey Aug 24 at 1430: JBA maybe
Chinese on 12820, 12880, nothing WOOB higher or lower; two well-known
Sound of Hope jammed channels. Probably would have found several more
had I got around to it an hour earlier.

Sound of Hope is the clandestine radio mouthpiece of the Falun Gong,
which also run The Epoch Times. That made news lately, altho never
mentioning the connexion, since SW is insignificant? Epoch Times also
propagates far-out debunked wacky conspiracy theories. Hey, maybe the
jamming is not such a bad idea, after all? NBC News NOW:


The Epoch Times has been paying for some of the biggest pro-Trump ads
on Facebook. NBC News’ Brandy Zadrozny reports after NBC News
exclusively learned that Epoch is tied to a Chinese spiritual group
whose goal is to take down China’s government. Aug. 20, 2019. . .



Started almost two decades ago with a stated mission to “provide
information to Chinese communities to help immigrants assimilate into
American society,” The Epoch Times now wields one of the biggest
social media followings of any news outlet. . .


Is it any wonder why I refuse to participate in disgraced FB? (Glenn

** HAWAII [and non]. 10000, Aug 23 at 1150, WWVH only, with same
``MARS interoperability exercise`` announcement as on WWV at :10, but
this by of course a YL voice, ending by referring to a listener survey
at a URL spelt fonetikaly as I previously reported. Have you filled it
out yet? Current announcements were to stop after Aug 24. And yes, the
unwarranted RTTY QRM is still there from 10002+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** KUWAIT. 17550.0 & 17550.6, Aug 23 at 2013, two JBA carriers. One of
them no doubt the ridiculous Radio Kuwait C&W North American service
in Arabic at 20-24; the other perhaps a local birdie. MOI Kuwait may
well be the one typically way-off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** MEXICO. 650, Aug 23 at 1200, Radio 65 ID mentioning elevation of
its antenna, presumably referring to FM where that matters. WTFDA FM
Database shows XHTNT-FM on 100.5 from Los Mochis, Sinaloa, 10/10 kW at
a height AAT of 185.76 metres --- which is nothing special, but
admittedly higher than anything else in Los Mochis, and in fact
exactly the same as for 104.3 XHREV-FM; hmm, and exactly same
coördinates, which tell us something. XHTNT used to be on 106.5,
commensurate with its AM slogan which they are still using and

Unfortunately awake this early, I had been tuning SRS Mexicans for a
semihour and hearing most of the usuals below 800 kHz, altho the more
easterly ones were fading out circa 1140. Enid LSR 1156 UT, and XETNT
now about to outfade (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Another look at that new electronic billboard at the NE
corner of Garriott and Garland in Enid owned by Williams Broadcasting,
the afternoon of Aug 23: amid many local advertisers it flashes that
Rush will be on FM in Enid ``in a matter of days``, same as Sean, but
the latter will also be in $ tereo --- hot crap!!

These teasers have not bothered to mention the frequency or station,
but we knew it would be activating the CP for ``fully loony`` K265FL
translator of 960 KGWA on 100.9. In fact, it was within a matter of
*hours*, since next check circa 0000 UT Aug 24 found new local bigsig
with Fox ``news``. Recheck at 1358 UT, 100.9 still on with the
absurdly-accented Sebastian Gorka concluding an hour of his `America
First` show on the Salem Radio Network (featuring witch-hunts). So I`m
listening carefully for the new ID: NO, 1400 UT ToH ID on 100.9 ONLY
for KGWA AM, into Fox ``news``. Off to a great start!

BTW, the power consumption of full-size electronic billboards must be
huge with all those LEDs bright enough in full sunlight.

Far-right extremist talk stations often default to less- or even
non-political talk shows to fill time on weekends; such as here on
Saturday circa 1735 UT it`s about travel. And guess what, *no* stereo
pilot. Do they turn it on only for Sean, or is that fake news? Most
stations would not want to bother with turning stereo on and off.

Back before K265FL activated, Aug 23 at 1839 UT on the caradio I kept
on 100.9 for one last chance to hear anything else there; various
marginal signals fading back and forth, but at 1849 UT, ad for
Keystone Chevy in Sand Springs, ergo KTSO, Sapulpa, both Tulsa
suburbs, 19/19 kW at 114 m HAAT, per WTFDA DB, ``80'S HITS --- TOTALLY
AWESOME 80'S``. There are other lower Okies on 100.9 in Edmond,
Chickashay, Shawnee and Miamuh. There are three in Kansas, a 96.9 watt
LP in Wichita, 35.5 kW in Clay Center, and 100 kW in Lakin (which IIRC
was far enough away from Wichita to have another NTSC channel 3).

It`s a shame that a CP for a new LP in Enid on 100.9 never eventuated;
it would have had some public-service remit with one of its backers
Enid and Garfield County Emergency Management Director, Mike
Honigsberg. So KGWA glommed onto the frequency which will surely
attain inferior coverage to its 1 kW on 960. But we all know AM radio
is *so* passé.

Is the translator on one of their AM towers at the NW corner of Enid?
NO, FCC info shows it at the NE corner of Grand and Randolph in
downtown Enid, certainly better for city-wide coverage. K265FL antenna
is atop the former First National Bank building of seven stories, now
``One Grand Center`` of Wymer-Brownlee, photoed the next day:
as a 2-element thing. This is a block NNW of the white-elephant vacant
and locked-up ten-story Broadway Tower which now accomplishes nothing
except serving as a somewhat higher antenna base for some other
lower-powered FMs, not including ex-104.7 KUAL/KEIF-LP The Rocket,
which got caught with too much antenna height as a result (and too
commercial). From another angle, the much higher antenna mast on BWT
behind it, eclipses the closer and lower K265FL one.

In its heyday, the BW Tower contained the office of my uncle, a lawyer
and later respected judge. A few years ago, somecompany tried to
refurbish offices into hotel suites, apparently busted. Meanwhile, a brand
new downtown hotel is going up less than two blox away (Glenn Hauser,

** TURKEY. 9635.021, Aug 23 at 2017, ME music not Qur`an, what?
Carrier wobbles slightly as I off-measure it; cuts off at 2028, what?
Aoki shows VOT in French from 1930. Something`s always wrong at
Emirler. Unusual to hear much of anything from Eurasia at this time on
this band, beyond maybe Greece and Spain. VP signal (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A. 13306-USB, Aug 24 at 1431, ground-to-air contact by New York
Radio good vs JBA signal from aircraft. YL op assigns 11396 as
secondary, then she can barely hear Iberia 0012 flight.

13348-USB, Aug 24 at 1433, another flight contact by OM op with
selcals, also New York? This frequency not listed by EiBi for
anywhere, so I search the UDXF iog: incredibly, no logs since November
2014, by the once-prolific Al Stern at Satellite Beach FL, as New York
LDOC, whatever that mean; reactivated?

Meanwhile, Andy Robins, Kalamazoo, replies to my previous 13306 log:

``Glenn: Selcal codes are assigned to particular aircraft. The same
code can be assigned to different aircraft, although I believe the
ICAO suggests that planes sharing a code not operate in the same area.
For example, an airliner flying routinely in the North Atlantic MWARA
and another with the same selcal in the Indian Ocean aren't likely to
be getting calls intended for the other aircraft. When I was heavily
into HF aeronautical listening in the late 1990's, there were fat
books of selcal codes that DXers used to figure out the "tail number"
(registration) of the aircraft they heard. 73``

Thanks, Andy; I am always glad to get elucidations from others about
my logs! Unfortunately, some editors delete them, feeling they are not
authorized to quote someone I quote (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1996 monitoring: confirmed first
SWBC, Friday August 23 at 2200 on WRMI 9955, S9-S6 and no upcut.

Also confirmed UT Sat Aug 24 at 0130 on WRMI 7780, S9 vs HLNL.

Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany reports: ``GERMANY, 6189.996-usb mode, Sats
0629-0659 UT, WOR by Glenn Hauser-UK-USA, fluttery, average S=8 or -81
dBm signal strong, at 0656 in southern Germany and remote SDR in
Switzerland. Some summer thunderstorm scratching amongst the recording
happened in Slovenia, all-Balkan, former Yugoslavia, Albania and on
central Italy Appenine mountains``

Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, agrees: ``Today same good signal here ---
World of Radio #1996 via Hamburger Lokalradio, August 24

0630-0700 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat, fair/good``

Alan Gale, England, reports: ``Hi Glenn, Was it just me or was the
Romanian signal even wider than usual today? I couldn't hear WoR on
9485 from here or even on the usually reliable Finnish SDRs. Media
Network Plus had been audible at around 1400 UT before fading out at
around 1410, and I could zero beat a carrier on 9485, so you may
have been there but just masked by the heavy splatter. It's a pity the
programme isn't on 30 minutes later as 9490 always goes quiet at 1500.

Tnx; I completely missed checking that today. HLR seems oblivious to
interference problems. Next:

1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
2100 UT Saturday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0130 UT Sunday WRMI 5850 to NW
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315] ND
1030 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany to SSW
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE
1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania ND
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full WOR schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A. 9330, unlike last Friday, WBCQ Superstation is not running
in the afternoon altho AW had twitted that he would be on 9330 plus
the other four this evening. On my noisy-by-the-computer/TVs ATS-909,
no sign of a signal even after 0000 UT Aug 24, unlike the SS which had
no problem overcoming. On webcast, AW launches right into political
vehemence, so I`m not listening except for occasional spotchex during
the hour.

However, just before, from 2354 Aug 23, I checked out all the SW
frequencies: 9330 detectable at only S7-S9, off-frequency a dead
giveaway it`s the Classic transmitter not the SS. Measured on about
9330.04V. Much stronger at S9+20 is 7490.17; someone even wondered if
the SS were on there --- but not if it`s inexact. 6159.97, S7-S9 but
ACI from 6165 much stronger RHC even tho it`s undermodulated as usual.
5130.38 is S9+10 but struggles against noise level; 3264.9 a JBA
carrier as usual at best here. Rehear last few minutes as usual
running past 0100 until finishes at 0103:35.

John Carver reports: ``Tonight's show started on time. Listening on
7490 this evening. Tried 9330 and they're not using the new
transmitter but the older transmitter set up for 9330 and could barely
copy it here. Allan bemoaning that the world is full of idiots. Rant
about the perception of climate change. First phone call at 0012 from
Bill Smith who is now out of prison and in a halfway house.

After phone call Allan states that the work on the new transmitter and
antenna is coming along nicely but no dates given for completion. The
discussion on climate change continued after that. Talk of many ways
of creating energy that will be used at a future time. Discussion
became a little more political as Allan expressed his disgust with the
number of people wanting to be supported by the government and not
having to work. Reading of emails at 0051. Program was off the air at
0103. 7490 moved into Brother Stair. John Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn

** U S A. 9475-, Aug 23 at 2015, WTWW-1 is on! First time caught in a
few days, S9/+10 but very undermodulated. It`s gone again at next
check 2131, nor on night frequency 5830- (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. 1560, Aug 24 at 0556 UT, KGOW Houston Vietnamese nulled as
much as possible, so I again hear English station roughly east/west.
Making SAH of about 144/minute = 2.4 Hz. Local weather by YL but can`t
catch any clues (some weather forecasts assume everybody listening
knows it`s local!); 0558 UT ``Odd Couple`` seems show name, one of
them being Rod Pearson? or something like that. No local ID caught but
``Fox Sports Radio`` and at 0600 UT into scores of stupid ballgames.

Meanwhile I got this suggestion: ``(just a wild guess here) your 1560
beating with KGOW might have been Paducah in rogue-daytime mode.
Again, that's just a wild guess based upon absolutely nothing. And, re
the semi-colon; I completely agree. Always 73z. -- GREG HARDISON``

By Greg, I think he`s got it. WPAD, KY from the east, is indeed a Fox
Sports affil, supposedly U1, 1000/35 watts. One might have guessed my
nearest 1560, KEBC Del City OK, also sports, but listed in last year`s
NRC AM Log as NBC, U2 1000/250. But it`s virtually co-linear with KGOW
and I hear nothing of it when aiming that way, just KGOW (Glenn

UNIDENTIFIED. 2900, Aug 23 at 0554 UT, JBA carrier. Checking out Kevin
Redding`s Crump TN suggestion on the ABDX yg, Aug 23 at 0210 UT,
``WREL 1450 2nd harmonic --- Turn to 2900 to hear WREL 2nd Harmonic on
2.900 MHz``. We`re supposed to know the locations of every
graveyarder? I find a previous log of its fundamental from *2017*:
``1450 August 11 at 1530, WREL Lexington VA, ID "Sports radio for
Rockbridge County 1450 WREL" (Larry Will-WV)``.

Of the hundreds of stations on 1450, several others could be
harmonicizing; what`s remarkable is that how few US MW stations
axually radiate on doubles and triples beyond local range. Also I am
surprised even to detect some JBA carrier, with summer storm noise
more of an obstacle than my high local line noise at this part of
spectrum, which sometimes is bad as high as 11.8 MHz (Glenn Hauser,

UNIDENTIFIED. 2940.082, Aug 23 at 0555, JBA carrier vs storm noise,
naturally suspecting HJNT, Radio Huellas (footprint), Cali, the 2 x
1470+ harmonicizer previously identified always off frequency+plus
altho last time April 23, it was on 2940.132; Colombia`s only (almost)
SW station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 2028 UT August 24
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


SW/HF Logs page by Jotagarzon  View Printable Version 
Friday, August 23 2019

Hi,I have add a new page on my blog to compile my SW/HF Logs and share them with the DX Community. They can be found here: 
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I will gather here some of my SW/HF logs, sometimes with details, sometimes just links to get more information. I use to keep these records in my own database, not available online. All listening i…
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UNID stations marked in red.
Regards and ¡Buen DX!
Jorge Garzón (España-Spain)
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Glenn Hauser logs Aug 18, 19, 21-23, 2019  View Printable Version 
Friday, August 23 2019

** CHINA. CNR1 jammer survey Aug 22 at 1349-1359:
11120, Chinese S3-S5
9230, Chinese S5-S7
12190, Chinese, S5-S7
12820, Chinese, S4-S6
None higher up to 15 MHz, skipping the JBA carrier on 13150 which must
be local mix of RHC 11760 + KCRC 1390 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** NEW ZEALAND. 9760, Thu Aug 22 at 0614-0615* huge S9-S6 dead air,
presumably RNZI which during its Thursday maintenance period is liable
to test frequencies beyond their scheduled hours. Signal level is much
like the SSOB we get from RNZI on 9700 before 0600. Richard Langley,
visiting California, also had unID on 9760 a bit earlier:

``As noted here in Indian Wells this evening (22 August UT), there was
a strong carrier on 9760 kHz with test tones before 0430 UT, then a
straight carrier continuously except for a couple of brief pauses and
then around 0500, a wideband signal appeared, presumably DRM. But from
whom? RNZI? Anyone else with DRM capability use this frequency?``
The question is whether 9700-AM was on as usual at 05-06; if so, both
transmitters would have been running. Hours for 9760 are DRM only,
1936-2058 on Sunday-Friday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. RF 28, Aug 22 at 1437 UT, 44-1 Ion is decoding, along
with 44-2 Qubo, 44-3 IonPlus, 44-4 Shop, 44-5 QVS, 44-6 HSN, i.e. the
usual six channels on Ion stations like KOPX OKC. Lacking any real
callsign ID, we know this one is really megawatt KTPX-TV Okmulgee for
the Tulsa market; W9WI.com shows 44-3 as Ion Life instead. No, it`s
now IonPlus as on KOPX, RF 18, 62-3, OKC.

An hour earlier, KWOU 88.1 Woodward was way above normal level for
`Stardate` so I knew there was some tropo; and good thing I made the
DTV bandscan, since Hepburn`s tropo predixion maps showed no
enhancement at all reaching Enid from either direxion. And his link to
Mountainlake for current conditions still lands on blank maps.

Only other DTV DX decoding is RF 20, KQCW-HD 19-1; but plenty of Bad
signals from the OKC-aimed antenna thru the STB: 8, 10, 11, 12, 21,
22, 31, 34, 36, 45, mostly correlating with Tulsa market (Glenn

** U S A. 10000, Aug 23 at 0010, WWV with its announcement every hour
during this minute referring to a survey to be found at
http://dodmars.org --- dodmars is spelt fonetikaly, no dot betwixt.
However, my browser blox it, changing to:
Not to be confused with sexercises; there is more than one survey; we
non-Marsians are interested in the one linked about WWV:
It would be a good idea for all SWLs to fill this in, reasserting that
WWV/H are still very much useful for us (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF

** U S A. 13306-USB, Aug 22 at 1359, JBA New York Radio assigning
backup frequency 17946 to some flight, then selcall tones. (Are these
constantly reassigned to current flights/planes, or always pertaining
to only one? It would seem there could not be enough tones for the
latter.) EiBi shows 13306 is shared with other ground stations on the
North Atlantic route: Gander, Keflavík, Shanwick, Santa Maria = Açores

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1995 monitoring: confirmed
Wednesday August 21 at 2100 on WRMI 9955, but upcut JIP ``...with
World of Radio 1995``. Who says that?? It had been on since at least
2058 tune-in with IS & ID loop, good at S9 to S9+10.

Also confirmed at same time on WBCQ 7490+, JBA in hi line noise level
and not synchronized with WRMI.

Also confirmed UT Thursday August 22 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, fair vs

WORLD OF RADIO 1996 contents: Armenia, Ascension, Australia,
Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland,
India, Kashmir non, Korea North, Korea South, México, Myanmar and non,
North America, Oman, Solomon Islands, Taiwan and non, Ukraine, UAE,
USA, Uzbekistan, Zambia; and the propagation outlook

WOR 1996 ready for first broadcasts Friday August 23:

[Unique Radio, NSW on hiatus pending repairs]

2200 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0130 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE
0629vUT Saturday HLR 6190-CUSB Germany to WSW
1430 UT Saturday HLR 9485-CUSB Germany to WSW
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
2100 UT Saturday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0130 UT Sunday WRMI 5850 to NW
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315] ND
1030 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany to SSW
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE
1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania ND
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

WOR times have changed on our longstanding webcasting affiliate, The
Global Voice - Radio for All, to Sat 0600 & Mon 1700 UT, via
Radio for All
as Managing Director Chrissie Cochrane tells us. While there check out
their other programming (WORLD OF RADIO 1996)

Full WOR schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A [and non]. Re: ``WORLD OF RADIO 1995 monitoring: [...] Not
confirmed UT Mon Aug 19 at 0300 on Area 51 webcast, which is down
(while 7490 is running); earlier at 0230 I found WBCQ 5130.34 was JBA;
and after 0300 even with NB & NR engaged could only detect a JBA
carrier and maybe a trace of audio, probably me.``

Larry Will, Maryland, of Area 51 explains on the WOR io group: ``At
0115 a strong thunderstorm with lots of lightning passed through our
place in Mount Airy, and at 0127 our power failed. The UPS protecting
the radios and computers actually lasted longer than the internet,
which gave up the ghost at about 0135. Power was not restored here
until the early morning. No damage here, but there were multiple
reports of power poles snapped by the storm in the immediate area. So
Area 51 was off after 0130 or so last night. Lw`` (Glenn Hauser, WORLD

** U S A. 7490.2, UT Thu Aug 22 at 0058, I`m hearing Morse code on
WBCQ: not QRM but tones modulated on usual AM carrier. I guess
contained in the Spanish program `Antena DX` at 0030-0100 (Glenn

** U S A. (15825), Sunday August 18 after 1600, quick check of WWCR-1
webcast confirms they are still playing Latin mass during this
semihour; a rather strange accent I hear, but then I am partial to
classical, not church Latin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1210, Aug 22 at 0557 UT, with KGYN OK to the west nulled as
much as possible, different talkshow with YL, and ``resuming Beyond
Reality Radio``, which we have previously matched to cheating 50 kW
daytimer-only, WJNL Kingsley MI; however KGYN is gaining with the
usual SAH of almost 3 Hz, and I can`t read the rapid multi-station ID
from the WJML group just before hourtop 0600 UT bong and news, but not
sure if CBS. At least the high line noise level is not affecting this
MW area now, tho still roaring higher e.g. 7 MHz band.

WJNL has now been doing this for at least two months. BTW, they are
also the only 1210 listed affiliate of the self-confessed psychotic
Alex Jones whom someone heard replayed later in the madrugada as an
unID 1210. I was pleased to see he has only one affiliate in Oklahoma,
as far as possible from here, Idabel, KBEL 1240, which I have never
heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. More follow-ups on 1560 KGOW, Vietnamese from Bellaire TX:

Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas, Aug 20 on the WOR io group:
``Glenn, it appears the KGOW night site might be out of whack.
See the Houston board on RadioDiscussions.com for more:``

also referred to that by Artie Bigley, OH.

KGOW was originally running a 9!-tower direxional array. Here is the
most recent item in the correspondence folder, also revealing where
the call letters come from (gh)



ENGINEER: Joseph Szczesny

TELEPHONE: (202) 418-2700
APPLICATION STATUS: (202) 418-2730

FACSIMILE: (202) 418-1410
HOME PAGE: www.fcc.gov/media/radio/audio-divsion

E-MAIL: Joseph.Szczesny@fcc.gov

September 12, 2018

David Gow, CEO GOW Media, LLC 5353 West Alabama, Suite 415 Houston, TX
Re: GOW Media, LLC (GML) KGOW(AM), Bellaire, TX
Facility Identification Number: 17389
Special Temporary Authority (STA) BESTA-20 18081 3AAG

Dear Mr. Gow:
This is in reference to the request filed on August 18, 2018. GML
requests a further extension of the STA granted on June 28, 2016, to
continue operating daytime using the licensed 15 kW nighttime site
array pending the filing of the required FCC Form 302 application to
update all operating parameters due to repairs made over the past two

In support of the request, GML stated that all repairs were completed
with exception of the replacement 50 kW daytime site transmitter (new
parts on order).

Requests for extension of STA will be granted only where the licensee
can show that one or more of the following criteria have been met:

• Restoration of licensed facilities is complete and testing is
• Substantial progress has been made during the most recent STA period
toward restoration of licensed operation; or

• No progress has been made during the most recent STA period for
reasons clearly beyond the licensee's control, and the licensee has
taken all possible steps to expeditiously resolve the problem.
Accordingly, the request for extension of the STA IS HEREBY GRANTED,
and GML may continue to operate day and night from the nighttime
transmitter site using the currently licensed 15 kW nighttime site
array. GML must use whatever means are necessary to protect workers
and the public from exposure to radio frequency radiation in excess of
the Commission's exposure guidelines.

'KGOW(AM) is licensed for DA operation on 1560 kHz with 46 kW day and
15 kW night, using different patterns at different sites.

See 47 CFR § 1.1310. GML must file the application to update all
operating parameters, or submit an e-mail to my attention to confirm
the date the station was able to resume the separate licensed daytime
site and nighttime site operations (per BL-201 1 12O5ALL with
negligible changes).

This authority expires on March 12, 2019.

vJseph S,Tineer Audio Diition Media Bureau [sic]
cc: Barry A. Friedman, Esq. (via email only)

[Joseph Szczesny --- his own signature messed up the text copying]

HOWEVER our easy reception to the N and NW implies it is the day
pattern being used at night, rather than night pattern day and night
--- or maybe they just gave up and are non-direxional.

Steven Luce replies again, Aug 22: ``KGOW is using its night site at
night; easy to DF here in Houston as the day site is to the south and
the night site to the west. The night site has the nine towers, but
apparently now out of whack`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 10002.43, Aug 23 at 0010 as I am checking out WWV`s
temporary MARS announcement until tomorrow, there is RTTY QRM,
measured to a zero-beat here. Carlie Forsythe in Madison WI had also
noted this to the ODXA iog after 0305 UT Aug 21: ``And RTTY clearly
audible first beneath WWV on 10 MHz, then beneath both WWV and WWVH on
the same frequency. What the?! :( `` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

This report dispatched at 0358 UT August 23
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