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Log 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 de septiembre.  View Printable Version 
Friday, September 20 2019


** ARGENTINA. 550. R. LA PRIMERA. Septiembre 15. 0020-0028 UT. Avisos
comerciales de Neuquen e Id de la emisora. SINFO: 43333 (Claudio Galaz,
Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Loop Tecsun AN-20; Lugar de escucha:
Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

**CHILE. 540. R. SERRANO. Septiembre 15. 2321-2331 UT. Comentarios de
noticias semanales, especialmente internacionales. SINFO: 45343 (Claudio
Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Loop Tecsun AN-20; Lugar de
escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

**CHILE. 930. R. NUEVO MUNDO. Septiembre 15. 2220-2230 UT. Entrevista
acerca de la libertad de expresión en Chile y los insertos pro dictadura
militar que aparecieron en la prensa chilena, durante el 11 de septiembre.
SINFO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Loop Tecsun
AN-20; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

**CHILE. 1000 BBN. Septiembre 15. 2308-2318 UT. Lectura de La Biblia,
Epístola de Pablo a Filemón. SINFO: 44333 con fading permanente y leve
interferencia de una emisora sin ID con Fútbol. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Loop Tecsun AN-20; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo,
4° Región, Chile)

**CHILE. 1020. R.AMIGA. Septiembre 15. 2230-2236 UT. Avisos sobre control
de plagas agrícolas y comerciales acerca de negocios de la zona del Maule y
la ciudad de Talca. SINFO: 45333 con desvanecimiento permanente (Claudio
Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Loop Tecsun AN-20; Lugar de
escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

**CHILE. 1480. R. COMUNICATIVA DE OVALLE. Septiembre 15. 2340-2357 UT.
Programa: “Rock and Rolla” con música de Rock, Punk y Heavy Metal. SINFO:
45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Loop Tecsun AN-20;
Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

**CHILE. 1510. R. ALVAREZ SIERRA. Septiembre 16. 2300-2315 UT. Programa “Al
aire libre en Cooperativa” con comentarios de fútbol. SINFO: 35333 (Claudio
Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Loop Tecsun AN-20; Lugar de
escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** URUGUAY. 850. R.CARVE. Septiembre 15. 2338-2346 UT. Fútbol entre
Nacional y Liverpool. SINFO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL
660; Antena: Loop Tecsun AN-20; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región,


** BRAZIL. 11780. R.N.AMAZONIA. Septiembre 16. 1900-1910 UT. Aviso acerca
de la emisora, Programa con saludos varios y temas de educación, la
Amazonía, entre otros, junto a espacio de música. SINPO: 45343 (Claudio
Galaz, Receptor: TIVDIO V-111; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros; Lugar de
escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** CHINA [NON] ** ALBANIA. 11920. CRI. Septiembre 19. 1504-1514 UT. Via
Cerrik. Hombre habla sobre el socialismo chino en idioma francés. Luego
mujer habla sobre las animaciones realizadas en China. SINPO: 45444
(Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TIVDIO V-111; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros;
Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** CHILE. 3495-AM. RCW-Radio Compañía Worldwide. Septiembre 17. 0230- 0259
UT. Programa de humor, luego saludos a los oyentes y espacio de música del
recuerdo. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TIVDIO V-111; Antena: Hilo
largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** CHILE. 6985-AM. RCW- Radio Compañía Worldwide. Septiembre 16, 1740- 1851
UT. Programa acerca de las emisiones de onda corta desde España y hacia
España durante la Guerra Fría, especialmente del papel de Radio Exterior de
España, el Centro de transmisiones en Pals usados por Radio Liberty y de
las emisiones realizadas por el Partido Comunista de España. A las 1800, se
emite el programa: “Frecuencia al Día”, luego el programa “En Contacto” de
Radio Habana Cuba con informaciones diexistas. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz,
Receptor: TIVDIO V-111; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha:
Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** CUBA. 3900. RHC. Septiembre 16. 2335-2359 UT. Espacio de música con
comentarios y luego ID de la emisora. SINPO: 35333, ¿Armónico de 11700?
3900*3=11700. Sin embargo aquella frecuencia no se encuentra activa.
(Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TIVDIO V-111; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros;
Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** ECUADOR. 6050. HCJB. Septiembre 14. 2340-2350 UT. Hombre habla en idioma
indígena y espacios musicales. SINPO: 33433 con interferencia de una
emisora china (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Hilo largo
de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** IRAN. 7230. IRIB. Septiembre 15. 0000-0015 UT. Servicio en español.
Noticias de HispanTV, especialmente sobre Irán, Medio Oriente, España,
América Latina destacando el acuerdo militar entre Israel y Ecuador. SINPO:
44444 con interferencia de una emisora china (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza
Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** IRAN. 7230. IRIB. Septiembre 17. 0021-0100 UT. Noticiero de HispanTV con
informaciones sobre Panamá y colaboración del gobierno de Ecuador con
Israel. A las 0025 se emite el segmento: “La posición de la mujer en
Occidente” acerca de las enfermedades sexuales y el aumento en las
cantidades de abortos como consecuencias de la revolución sexual. Desde las
0038, se emite el programa: “Foro Abierto” acerca de la modificación de la
Constitución de Perú debido a la duración de los cargos democráticos,
conjuntamente a las discusiones sobre el tema. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza
Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** IRAN. 7270. IRIB. Septiembre 18. 2320-2330 UT. Servicio en Francés.
Presentación de la emisora, luego lectura del Sagrado Corán y luego
noticias. SINPO: 33433 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TIVDIO V-111; Antena: Hilo
largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** IRAN. 11870. IRIB. Septiembre 13. 2100-2120 UT. Servicio en español..
Programa “Conversando con nuestros oyentes”, luego entrevista y a las 2118,
avisos de la emisora. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL
660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros; Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** IRAN. 11870. IRIB. Septiembre 15. 2020-2120 UT. Servicio en español..
Presentación de la emisora, lectura del Sagrado Corán, Hora de Teheran,
Noticias de HispanTV acerca de Irán, Israel, Ataque de los drones de Yemen
a Arabia Saudí, Novedades acerca del movimiento Ansarolá de Yemen,
Colombia, migrantes en Italia, entre otros. A las 2050, avisos de la
emisora y luego entrevista. Desde las 2100, sección: “Claves para la vida”
y a las 2108, se emite un estudio del Sagrado Corán. A las 2118, avisos de
la emisora, junto a horarios y frecuencias del servicio. SINPO: 45343
(Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros;
Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** IRAN. 11870. IRIB. Septiembre 19. 2020-2120 UT. Servicio en español..
Presentación de la emisora, hora de Teheran, himno nacional y noticias de
HispanTV sobre América Latina, especialmente de la censura en Honduras. A
las 2050 programa sobre el cine iraní con tema en los inmigrantes afganos y
filmes que tratan aquello. A las 2100 se emite un programa sobre los
derechos humanos de los migrantes en Estados Unidos. Desde las 2115, se
emite el programa: “Claves de la vida”, luego de avisos de frecuencias y
horarios de la emisión en español. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TIVDIO V-111; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza
Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** KOREA SOUTH. 9740. KBS. Septiembre 16. 1730-1740 UT. Via Kimjae. Mujer y
hombre hablan en coreano. SINPO: 35333 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL
660; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4°
Región, Chile)

** KOREA SOUTH. 15575. KBS. Septiembre 19. 0215-0300 UT. Via Kimjae.
Programa “Corea a Diario” acerca de una niña que ganó un concurso de
astronomía, luego se habla de youtubers que se encuentran en la tercera
edad, reclamo de un pasante coreano en Polonia acerca de un producto que
utiliza la bandera del sol naciente de Japón. Luego espacio musical y el
espacio: “Literatura en Audio: Barí, la princesa abandonada” acerca de los
sucesos acerca de la muerte de una de las hermanas de la protagonista. A
las 0233, se vuelve al programa “Corea a diario” acerca de la llegada del
primer piano llegado a una zona coreana, los tipos de entregas a domicilios
y las aplicaciones móviles. Desde las 0239, se emite la canción: Cheer Up
de TWICE. A las 0241, Programa: “Coreano en dramas” acerca de la frase:
“estoy decepcionado” y desde las 0245: Programa “Al son de Corea” con
canciones tradicionales acerca del Otoño y de alusiones a las estaciones
del año. SINPO: 35343 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TIVDIO V-111; Antena: Hilo
largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** PERU. 5025. R. QUILLABAMBA. Septiembre 14. 2350-2359 UT. Rezo del
Rosario en español. SINPO:44433 con interferencia de Radio Progreso de Cuba
y desvenecimiento propio de la banda de 60 metros. (Claudio Galaz,
Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros; Lugar de
escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** PERU. 5980. R. CHASKI. Septiembre 14. 2320-2335 UT. Música de himnos
cristianos, luego ID: “Red Radio Integridad”, luego reflexiones de un texto
bíblico e ID a las 2335 y hora local de Perú. SINPO: 44444 con
interferencia de Tv Martí en la misma frecuencia. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza
Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** SPAIN. 12030. REE. Septiembre 16. 2010-2020 UT. Programa con temas sobre
el mar. SINPO: 45444 // 11940 sin señal (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN
PLL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo,
4° Región, Chile)

** USA. 5970. EWTN. Septiembre 17. 0120-0133 UT. Rezo del Rosario. SINPO:
45343 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PLL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 70
metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)

** USA. 5010. AWR-CUBA. Septiembre 19. 0005-0014 UT. Via WRMI. Programa con
reflexiones bíblicas y avisos como: “Radio Internacional Adventista de
Cuba”. SINPO: 45343 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TIVDIO V-111; Antena: Hilo
largo de 70 metros; Lugar de escucha: Barraza Bajo, 4° Región, Chile)
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Log of Sept 19, checked some Asian target outlets at 00.00-01.30 UT  View Printable Version 
Thursday, September 19 2019


Log of Sept 19, checked some Asian target outlets at 00.00-01.30 UT
time range on remote SDRs in Hiroshima, Akitakata, Tokyo Japan.

Highest fq of Taiwan SoH Chinese language 'veiled purpose' service today.
21799.693 kHz TWN SOH at 23.50 UT Tuesday Sep 17, S=6 strength in Japan
21799.706 kHz TWN SOH at 00.27 UT Thursdays Sep 17, S=8 strength in Japan
21800even kHz CHN CNR jamming at S=8-9 strength noted from 01.00 UT.

14369.883 TWN SOH Chinese, S=8 at 00.30 UT.
14560even CHN CNR1 jamming signal of S=8 in JPN, against co-channel
TWN SOH Chinese, at 00.31 UT.
14600.187 TWN SOH Chinese, poor S=4-5 at 00.41 UT.
14640.108 TWN SOH Chinese, S=7 at 00.33 UT.
14690.104 TWN SOH Chinese, S=7 at 00.34 UT.
14774.932 TWN SOH Chinese, underneath at 00.35 UT, hit of co-channel
14775even CHN CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+20dB in JPN, 8 kHz wideband.
14799.892 TWN SOH Chinese, S=7-8 at 00.37 UT.
14850even CHN CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+20dB in JPN, many echo repeats
heard and ahead of co-channel TWN SOH Chinese at 00.38 UT.
14980even CHN CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+20dB in JPN, 20 kHz wideband,
heard and ahead of co-channel TWN SOH Chinese at 00.44 UT.

15110.030 MRA RFA Burmese sce likely via IBB BBG Saipan bcast center
S=8 at 00.46 UT heard in remote SDR in Hiroshima Japan.
But unfortunately distorted Burmese audio quality, like bad
satellite feed quality towards Marianas.
15320even PHL VoA Chinese program via US IBB BBG relay facility on
Tinang in Philippines. NOT JAMMED at this hour. S=9+10dB 00.47UT
15340even CHN CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+5dB in JPN, 8 kHz wideband,
heard and ahead of co-channel
15340.003 TWN SOH Chinese at 00.49 UT.
15435.004 PHL FEBC Manila in Tai Nua language acc Aoki Nagoya database,
from Bocaue bcast center site, S=7-8 level, at 00.52 UT.
15565even both signals on this channel
15565even THA US VoA Chinese program from SoEaAS US relay site at
Udorn Thani in northeastern Thailand, but underneath - covered
by co-channel at 00.54 UT on Sept 19
15565even CHN CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+25dB in JPN, 20 kHz wideband
and next door adjacent
15570even CHN CNR11 in Tibetan language via CNR Baoji-Sifangshan #724
site at S=9+15dB channel on remote SDR's in Japan.
15590.005 THA Radio Thailand Bangkok in English via SoEaAS US relay site
at Udorn Thani in northeastern Thailand, at 00.56 UT on Sept 19,
S=9+25dB signal level. At 00.56:58 UT start - seemingly - Thai
National Anthem, sung by girls group.
15700even MRA RFA Burmese sce via IBB BBG Tinian bcast center
S=9+5dB at 00.59 UT heard in remote SDR unit in Hiroshima Japan.
15785even CHN CRI English program sce via Xianyang #594 site, at 00.59 UT
on S=9+15dB level, CRI various addresses given then.

15940even CHN CNR1 jamming signal against TWN SOH services, noted
at 01.23 UT, S=8 signal strength.
15969.860 TWN SOH Chinese, poor tiny S=4-5 signal at 01.22 UT.
16100even CHN CNR jamming against TWN SOH services, noted at 01.21 UT
35.8 N 97.6 E seems likely coming from Golmud/Geermu #916 site.
S=9+20dB at 20 kHz wide audioblock noted on SDRs in Japan.
16300even CHN CNR1 jamming signal against TWN SOH services, noted
at 0120 UT seems likely coming from one of three sites
close to Baoji Xinjiezhen #722 / Baoji Sifangshan #724 /
or Xianyang #594 sites ? see direction finding comment below.
S=9+20dB at 20 kHz wide audioblock noted on SDRs in Japan.
16680even CHN CNR1 jamming signal of S=8-9 in JPN, against co-channel
TWN SOH Chinese at 01.16 UT. 10.4 kHz wideband audio block.
16789.848 TWN SOH Chinese, S=4 poor at 00.10 UT. unstable fq 5 Hz up+down
16979.926 TWN SOH Chinese, S=6-7 at 00.13 UT.
17150.021 TWN SOH Chinese, S=6-7 at 00.14 UT.
17440.242 TWN SOH Chinese, S=7 at 00.08 UT Sept 19.

17489.997 CHN CRI Beijing #572 Doudian site, Cantonese language sce,
S=8 at 00.009 UT.
17550even CHN CNR1 Beijing #572 Doudian site, S=8 in Akitakata Japan,
hit heavily at 00.16 UT on Sept 19
by 20 kHz wideband CNR jamming from 17560 kHz adjacent channel.
17560even CHN CNR1 jamming signal of S=9+15dB in JPN, against co-channel
17560 underneath, PHL VoA Tinang Chinese lower strength at 00.19 UT.
17625even CHN CNR2 Bussiness sce in Chinese, S=7-8 at 00.03 UT in Tokyo.
17650.042 GUM KSDA AWR Agat Guam in Chinese 00-01 UT, heard in Japan,
S=9+15dB strength at 00.06 UT.
17770 DRM mode from CHN CNR1 at Dongfang, Hainan Island bcast center.
3E8 call sign read, S=9+25dB level at 01.05 and 01.55 UT.
17820even carrier at 01.06 UT and 1000 Hertz test tone noted, likely
test PHL R Pilipinas scheduled from 02.00 UT daily
via US IBB BBG relay facility on Tinang in Philippines.

18180.319 TWN SOH Chinese, S=8-9 at 00.21 UT.
18899.685 TWN SOH Chinese, S=6-7 at 00.23 UT.

Checked also on KiwiNet SW worldwide at Chabarovsk Siberia, Pakistan,
Delhi India and Hong Kong SDR units
and used TDoA Extension for directing finding service too.

16100even kHz CHN CNR jamming against TWN SOH services, noted at 01.33 UT
35.8 N 97.6 E seems likely coming from Golmud/Geermu #916 site.
S=9+20dB at 20 kHz wide audioblock noted on SDRs in Japan.

16300even kHz CHN CNR jamming against TWN SOH services, noted at 01.29 UT
33.6 N 103.2 E seems likely coming from one of three sites
close to Baoji Xinjiezhen #722 / Baoji Sifangshan #724 /
or Xianyang #594 sites ?
S=9+20dB at 20 kHz wide audioblock noted on SDRs in Japan.

17770 DRM mode from CHN Dongfang, Hainan Island bcast center. S=9+25dB
Narrowed at TDoA Kiwi direction finding at
23.0 N 107.4 E location at 01.55 UT.

TDoA Help.

See the Kiwi forum for more information. If you are getting errors check
these common problems:

* Not zoomed-in far enough. The TDoA process will run out of memory or have
problems plotting the maps.

* Not all Kiwis used for sampling have good reception of target signal. Open
a connection to each Kiwi by double clicking on its marker to check the
reception or by clicking on the speaker icon in the sampling station list.

* Don't use Kiwis that are spaced too far apart (i.e. many thousands of km).

* Use minimum IQ-mode passband. Just enough to capture the signal. Use the
"p" and "P" keys to narrow/widen the passband.
For AM broadcast signals try a narrow passband that only passes the carrier.

Once you configure this extension, and click the "Submit" button,
information is sent to the kiwisdr.com server. The server then records 30
seconds of IQ data from the two to six sampling Kiwis specified. The
frequency and passband of this Kiwi will be used for all recording. So make
sure it is set correctly before proceeding. Always use the minimum necessary
passband and make sure it is symmetrical about the carrier. The current mode
(e.g. AM) is ignored as all recording is automatically done in IQ mode.
After sampling, the TDoA process will be run on the server. After it
finishes a result map will appear.

Additional maps may be viewed with the TDoA result menu. You can pan and
zoom the resulting maps and click submit again after making any changes.
Or use the rerun button to get new maps without resampling.
The checkboxes exclude stations during a rerun.

To begin zoom into the general area of interest on the Kiwi map (note the
"quick zoom" menu). Click on the desired blue Kiwi sampling stations. If
they are not responding or have had no recent GPS solutions an error message
will appear.

Important: the position and zooming of the Kiwi map determines the same for
the resulting TDoA maps. Double click on the blue markers (or speaker icon)
to open that Kiwi in a new tab to check if it is receiving the target signal
well. You can also manually edit the sampling station list (white fields).

You can click on the green map markers to set the frequency/passband of some
well-known reference stations. The known locations of these stations will be
shown in the result maps so you can see how well it agrees with the TDoA
solution. Practice with VLF/LF references stations as their ground-wave
signals usually give good results.

Start with only two sampling stations and check the quality of the solution
before adding more.

Of course you need three or more stations to generate a localized solution.
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 19)

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JRX Logs September , 2019  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, September 18 2019

JRX Logs_ September , 2019
Receiver (s)_ Tecsun S-2000
Antenna (s)_ Longwire

** 11660. Sep 18, 2019. 1935-1946, BBC, Ascension Island-ASC, in Hausa. Man and woman talk news, of course, with a external reporter participation; Mainly news about Nigeria; 1945 ID and news continues. Good reception this afternoon here, 45544.

** 6925LSB. Sep 18, 2019. 2043-2110, Ham Radio-"Rodada Chapeu de Couro". Brazilian hams of many cities of Brazil, maily northeast region, in nice conversation between them. Interesting to hear! Excellent reception, 55555.

** 9525. Sep 18, 2019. 1947-1957, China Radio International, Beijing-Matoucun-CHN, in Russian language. Man voice and ID; Man talks with music backgrounds; 1951 A chinese song by man singer; 1956 ID, ends programming and IS. Good reception, 45544.
** 9720. Sep 18, 2019. 2030-2040, China Radio International, Urumqi-CHN, in Bulgarian. IS and ID; Woman and man voices; 2032 Man talks news, presumably. Very good reception, 55544.
** 9745. Sep 18, 2019. 2016-2027, China Radio International, Urumqi-CHN, in Esperanto. A chinese lesso by man and woman announcers; 2023 ID, web and address; 2024 ID and CRI sked in esperanto; 2026 ID and IS. Good reception, 45544.

** 15370. Sep 18, 2019. 1959-2015, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Portuguese. IS; 2000 ID and website by man voice; September 18, "Date to Remember" by man; Woman voice; 2004 News by man announcer; 2006 Abrupt sign-off and no returns carrier and modulation till 2015, time of this log. Poor reception with fades, 35422.

JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)

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Glenn Hauser logs September 16-17-18, 2019  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, September 18 2019

** CHINA. 9155, Sept 17 at 1329, Chinese VP from CNR1 jammer; none
audible in the 10s; 11460 & 11785 both JBA carriers at 1333; none in
the 12s or 13s; but 13855 is S3 in Chinese at 1351, CRI in Chinese
this hour only via Kashgar, East Turkistan, land of Uighur
brainwashing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Comparing the two RHC 19mb frequencies, Sept 16 at 2026:
15370 in Spanish song, not // 15140 in other music vamping. At 2030,
15140 goes into Portuguese but chops off at 2032.6* during This Day in
History; and 15370 continues, in choking Arabic. The foreign languages
don`t dare announce what times and frequencies they are on, since, you
never know when and where they will upshow. 15140 was supposed to stop
at 2030 after French, altho last check Sept 13 it was in Portuguese
before 2030.

Another check Sept 17 at 2008: 15140 OK in proper French; 15370 in
proper Portuguese but undermodulated with crackle on the modulation
and carrier. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** MADAGASCAR. 11965, Sept 16 at 2024 tuning across MWV hour in
English, I hear two words: ``vomiting, diarrhea`` ---- and keep right
on tuning! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15730, Sept 16 at 2026, VOA French with pronounced
long/short path echo, off by 2030. Also detected Sept 17 at 2007.
Haven`t heard any like this in a long time, as propagation in general
is so degraded against anything coming the long way around.
Calculating the delay as I have no way of measuring it: Grimesland NC
is only 1860 km from here short path, so would be 38215 km long path,
using 40075 km as the equatorial circumference of Earth. At speed of
light, SP takes only 0.006 second to get here, while LP takes .1275
second, so .1215 is the difference or about one eighth of a second.
The azimuth toward Africa is 94 degrees, so the bulk of the 250 kW
signal is radiating very close to opposite of here where we are almost
due west. Normally we get only a fraxion off the back of the beam,
while the LP peters out long before reaching here from the west. For
this to happen of course, it also takes a frequency/band which will
propagate both day and night. And the closer the source, the longer
the LP echo delay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1999 monitoring: I missed it, but confirmed
by Mark Coady, Selwyn, Ontario, ODXA: ``7780, USA, WRMI at 0102 with
Glenn Hauser's “World of Radio” - Fair to Good at first but largely
lost to deep fading by 0111 Sept 17 – The bands pretty well died off
at this time with absolutely nothing from WRMI or any of the other
North American broadcasters and there were only a few weak
transmissions on the 80 meter ham band around 3755``.

Next we shall hear if WOR has really been canceled Wed at 2100 on WRMI
9955; last week it was replaced by `RFPI` in French, but the websked
still shows WOR. Also:

2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A. 9455, Tue Sept 17 at 2125, S9/+10 of dead air, WRMI-8 must
not have turned off after scheduled APS Radio music at 1900-2100 M-F.
9395 & 9955 are modulating OK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, Sept 17 at 2121, praise music in Spanish at S9/+10,
so KVOH is running overtime, supposed to close SW at 2100 Tue & Thu
per own sked revised Sept. 1;
It`s the OSOB & SSOB, not even Kuwait on 17550, unless that`t the JBA
carrier circa 17550.6 rather than something local (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. 1590, Sept 17 at 0632 UT I find a strong dominant signal
with promo for Dave Ramsey on ``Smart Talk 1590, WCGO and 95-9 FM``,
0634 UT back to C2CAM. WCGO CoL is Evanston but tries to attach itself
to Chicago as the name implies. It`s U2 10/2.5 kW, with night pattern
aimed only NE! So for it to inboom here to the SW, it`s got to be on
day pattern ND and maybe day power too. Recheck next night, Sept 18 at
0350 UT, plug a website with chicago in it, but not as dominant,
losing to some Spanish from the south, see UNID.

NRC AM Log gives WCGO slogan ``The Talker`` instead and no FM. Per
WTFDA FMDB, 95.9 is, you guessed it, a mere 250-watt translator,
W240EH in Evanston, ``Chicago`s Smart Talk``. At least 1590 still gets
top billing as heard. And would you believe there is *another* 95.9
translator licensed to Evanston, W240DE relaying WKTA-1330. It is
however, only 80 watts, located 7 minutes, 1 second further north; 10
minutes, 29 seconds further west (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

UNIDENTIFIED. 1590, Sept 18 at 0351 UT, as I just remonitored WCGO
from the NE, Spanish music upfades, romantic, then tropical. I get a
pretty sharp DF as due south/north, which per NRC AM Log points to
KDAE Sinton TX (Corpus Christi), Radio Aleluya, U4 1000/500 with
virtually no signal to the north. Other SS in TX is KMIC Houston, U2
5000/5000, Radio Libertad, at night Gulfward. Both listed as
Spanish/Religious. Of course, fade down if there were any ToH ID, then
back up while WCGO is in network news in English. One more
possibility, XEVOZ in CDMX, which is somewhat west of south, but 20/10
kW with POP E/S format per IRCA Mexican Log. The only Mexican left on
1590. Fred Cantú`s final 2015y roster still had four (Glenn Hauser,

This report dispatched at 0555 UT September 18
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JRX Logs September 16-17, 2019  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, September 17 2019

JRX Logs_ September 16-17, 2019
Receiver (s)_ XHDATA D-808
Antenna (s)_ Telescopic

** 11920. Sep 16, 2019. 1516-1526, China Radio International, Cerrik-ALB, in French. Woman talks news; Man voice in station´s programming announcements; ID. Song. Good reception, 45544.

** 4885. Sep 17, 2019. 0116-0126, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém-PA, in Portuguese. Sport program with news and comments about football by man announcer; ID. Fair reception this night, 35433.

** 12055. Sep 17, 2019. 2359-0012, China National Radio 17, Lingshi-CHN, in Kazakh language. ID and a brief of the kazakh National Anthem, presumably; ID; 0000 ID by man voice; A kazakh song; Man talks news. Good reception, 45544.

** 9775. Sep 16, 2019. 1815-1825, Radio Ndarason International, Woofferton-G, in Kanuri. Man talks news, presumably; 1821 Woman voice; ID. Good reception relay Woofferton, 45444.
** 9810. Sep 16, 2019. 1907-1917, Koode Radio International, Issoudun-F, in Fulfulde. Man and woman voices; ID many times during this log. Fair reception, 35433.
** 11830. Sep 16, 2019. 1826-1842, Dandal Kura Radio International, Issoudun-F, in Kanuri. A song, it´s seeems a tribal music; Man and woman talking; A song. Fair reception, 35433.
** 15315. Sep 16, 2019. 1843-1853, Sawtu Linjiila, Issoudun-F, in Fulfulde language. A song; ID; Man and woman talking, in conversation. Very good reception, 55544.
** 15400. Sep 16, 2019. 1539-1549, Radio Tamazuj, Issoudun-F, in Sudanese. Man talks and talks during this log. Poor reception, 25422.Parallel log on 15150kHz relay Talata-Volonondry-MDG, open carrier and barely audible modulation.

** 9650. Sep 16, 2019. 1442-1458, Radio Guinea, Conakry-GUI, in French. Men in conversation with a woman about social assistance and education in Guinea; 1455 Ends conversation and a song; ID. Very good reception, 55544.

** 9795. Sep 16, 2019. 2323-2329, FEBC Manila, Iba-PHL, in Mon language. Man talks; A song by female singer; 2327 Man talks; 2329 IS. Poor reception and a slight interference by CRI in spanish on 9800kHz, 34422.
** 9795. Sep 16, 2019. 2330-2340, FEBC Manila, Iba-PHL, in Lao language. IS; Man voice; 2337 A song by male singer. Very poor reception with a interference by CRI in spanish on 9800, 24422.
** 12050. Sep 16, 2019. 2351-2355, FEBC Manila, Bocaue-PHL, in Lu language. A song; 2353 Man voice. Very poor reception with a slight interference by EWTN Catholic Radio, in spanish, on 12050kHz (24422) and a total blocking of two this stations at 2355 by strong CNR17 transmission on 12055kHz.
** 12070. Sep 16, 2019. 2341-2350, FEBC Manila, Iba-PHL, in Chinese man talks during all log. Poor reception without interference, 25422.

** 5980. Sep 17, 2019. 0028-0040, Radio Romania International, Galbeni-ROU, in Romanian. Man talks; 0035 Woman talks and a song. Barely audible reception with interference by Radio TV Martí in spanish, 23411.Parallel log on 7420kHz, Galbeni, 35433.
** 6040. Sep 17, 2019. 0041-0057, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti-ROU, in English. ID and sked RRI in english this time and repeat the same thins a few times; 0046 A song and woman talks; 0055 Sked in english, website and IS. Fair reception, 45433.
** 6040. Sep 17, 2019. 0147-0157, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti-ROU, in French. Woman announcer in conversation with a man; ID and man voice. Fair reception, 35433.
** 6080. Sep 17, 2019. 0210-0220, Radio Romania International, Galbeni-ROU, in Spanish. Man voice; 0213 Program "Pro Memory; 0220 A folk song by female singer; 0225 ID and a program "Horizonte Cultural Rumano".Good reception, 45544.

** 17615. Sep 16, 2019. 1528-1538, Saudi International Radio, Riyadh-ARS, in Arabic. Muslin cleric talking a Koran recitation; 1532 A Koran chant. Good reception, 45544.
** 17660. Sep 16, 2019. 1500-1515, Saudi Radio International, Riyadh-ARS, in French. Man talks news and a brief music between them; Woman voice and a ID: Radio Saoudite Internationale; A song. Fair reception with slight fades, 45533.

** 11835. Sep 16, 2019. 1734-1756, Sri Lanka BC-Thendral FM, Trincomalee-CLN, in Tamil language. Man announcer presents a musical program dedicated to listener´s solicitations, in conversation by phone; It´s a interesting program; 1756 Abrupt ends program this time. Fair reception, 35533.

** 11860. Sep 16, 2019. 1854-1905, Radio Martí, Greenville-NC, in Spanish. Man and woman voices; 1859 ID and website; 1900 IS and ID; News. poor reception with moderate fades, 35422.

** 9700. Sep 17, 2019. 0014-0027, Vatican Radio, SM di Galeria-CVA, in Kachin language. Woman voice and people manifestation; 0017 man talks; 0023 A song by female singer; 0027 Ends programming. Poor reception, 35422.
** 13835. Sep 16, 2019. 1803-1815, Vatican Radio, SM di Galeria-CVA, in Portuguese. Man voice in news about pope and Catholic Church; 1810 A brief song and woman announcer talks news. Very good reception, 55544.

JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)

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