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HCDX Update  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, October 27 2020

With thanks to Paul in Connecticut and the WoR group, the Courtesy Program Committee is happy to pass along the following notification:

I just learned that 840 WHAS will go off the air again tonight for tower maintenance starting at midnight EDT (0400Z). The length of the outage was not announced.

Tune in just before a little B/4 midnight JIC.

Paul S. in CT FN31nl

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HCDX Update  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, October 27 2020

With thanks to Paul in Connecticut and the WoR group, the Courtesy Program Committee is happy to pass along the following notification:

I just learned that 840 WHAS will go off the air again tonight for tower maintenance starting at midnight EDT (0400Z). The length of the outage was not announced.

Tune in just before a little B/4 midnight JIC.

Paul S. in CT FN31nl

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Mystery21 Radio on 4860 instead of 4875  View Printable Version 
Monday, October 26 2020


Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Friol
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

GERMANY, 4860, Radio Mystery21, 1923-1932 , 26-10, on air on 4860
instead of 4875, pop songs, id. "This is Mystery21". 45444.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


AIR B20 Schedule  View Printable Version 
Monday, October 26 2020


has not shown the SoAS AIR fq reality for many years.

in hfcc Sept 14
put the old A-19 as copy into B-20 database
via DX_india, also copied by gh into wor newsgroup.

4760 0130 0410 41NW LEH 10 130 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4760 1030 1700 41NW LEH 10 130 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4760 1200 1630 41NW LEH 10 130 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4800 0000 0215 41S HYD 50 125 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4800 1130 1740 41S HYD 50 125 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4810 0015 0215 41N BHO 50 102 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4810 1115 1740 41N BHO 50 102 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4835 0100 0500 41NE GTK 10 180 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4835 1030 1700 41NE GTK 10 180 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4870 1315 1430 42S DEL 100 102 0 106 Nep IND AIR
4910 0025 1000 41NW JAI 50 90 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4910 1130 1740 41NW JAI 50 90 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4920 0215 0245 41S CNI 50 0 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4920 1200 1740 41S CNI 50 0 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4950 0025 0215 41N SRI 50 200 0 700 Mul IND AIR
4950 1130 1740 41N SRI 50 200 0 700 Mul IND AIR
5010 0015 0215 41S TVD 50 160 0 700 Mul IND AIR
5010 1115 1715 41S TVD 50 160 0 700 Mul IND AIR
5040 0025 1740 41E JEY 50 27 0 700 Mul IND AIR
5050 0015 0400 41NE AIZ 10 36 0 701 Mul IND AIR
5050 1130 1630 41NE AIZ 10 36 0 701 Mul IND AIR
6000 0700 1000 41NW LEH 10 130 0 700 Mul IND AIR
6030 0145 0230 41N DEL 250 102 0 106 Mul IND AIR
6030 1200 1530 41N DEL 250 304 0 701 Mul IND AIR
6085 0700 0930 41NE GTK 10 180 0 700 Mul IND AIR
6100 0845 1200 41N DEL 250 312 0 706 Hin IND AIR
6110 0215 1115 41N SRI 50 200 0 700 Mul IND AIR
6140 0000 0430 41N ALG 250 282 0 146 Urd IND AIR
6140 1415 1930 41N BGL 500 325 0 216 Urd IND AIR
7250 0815 1145 41N,42S DEL 100 334 0 101 Urd IND AIR
7270 0945 1215 41SE CNI 100 0 0 700 EngTam IND AIR
7270 1245 1500 41SE CNI 100 0 0 700 Sin IND AIR
7270 2345 0430 41SE CNI 100 0 0 700 TamSin IND AIR
7290 0230 1030 41S TVD 50 160 0 700 Mul IND AIR
7295 0715 0930 41NE AIZ 10 36 0 701 Mul IND AIR
7325 0630 0930 41NW JAI 50 90 0 700 Mul IND AIR
7380 0045 0200 41NW BGL 400 300 0 216 Snd IND AIR
7380 0245 1145 41S CNI 50 0 0 700 Mul IND AIR
7420 0215 1045 41S HYD 50 125 0 700 Mul IND AIR
7430 0225 0935 41N BHO 50 102 0 700 Mul IND AIR
7550 1730 2230 27,28 BGL 500 300 20 216 Mul IND AIR
7550 2230 0045 49,50,54 BGL 500 90 0 216 Eng IND AIR
7555 0115 0230 41NE DEL 100 65 0 700 Mul IND AIR
7555 1200 1600 41N DEL 100 65 0 101 Mul IND AIR
9380 0015 0430 41S ALG 250 188 0 146 Hin IND AIR
9380 0815 1200 41S ALG 250 188 0 146 Hin IND AIR
9380 1245 1740 41S ALG 250 188 0 146 Hin IND AIR
9445 1730 2230 27,28 BGL 500 325 0 216 EngHin IND AIR
9445 2230 0045 43-45 BGL 500 38 20 216 Eng IND AIR
9580 1200 1330 42S,43SW BGL 500 38 0 216 Bod IND AIR
9620 0815 1145 41N ALG 250 282 0 146 Urd IND AIR
9620 1215 1500 41N ALG 250 282 0 146 Sin IND AIR
9620 1500 1600 41N DEL 250 282 0 101 Bal IND AIR
9620 1600 2045 38E,39,40WALG 250 282 0 216 Mul IND AIR
9690 1315 1500 49,50,54 BGL 500 90 0 216 Eng IND AIR
9835 2345 0045 41S DEL 100 174 0 106 Tam IND AIR
9865 0010 0435 41N BGL 500 38 0 216 Hin IND AIR
9865 0845 1200 41N BGL 500 38 0 216 Hin IND AIR
9865 1230 1740 41N BGL 500 38 0 216 Hin IND AIR
9950 0115 0300 41N,42S BGL 500 38 0 216 Mul IND AIR
9950 0645 0800 41N,42S DEL 100 102 0 701 Nep IND AIR
9950 0815 1200 27,28 DEL 100 342 0 101 Urd IND AIR
9950 1200 1315 27,28 DEL 100 132 0 146 Mul IND AIR
9950 1500 1730 48SW,53W BGL 500 240 0 216 SwaHin IND AIR
9950 1730 1945 48SW,53W BGL 500 240 0 216 Eng IND AIR
9950 2030 2230 49,50,54 BGL 500 120 0 216 Eng IND AIR
9950 2245 0015 49,50,54 BGL 500 120 0 216 Hin IND AIR
11560 0200 0345 40E BGL 500 325 0 216 Mul IND AIR
11560 0345 0530 40E BGL 500 300 0 216 Mul IND AIR
11560 1300 1530 40E BGL 500 325 0 216 Mul IND AIR
11560 1600 1715 40E BGL 500 325 10 216 Rus IND AIR
11590 2245 0115 49,50,54 PAN 250 120 0 157 HinTam IND AIR
11620 0645 0800 42S DEL 100 102 0 106 Nep IND AIR
11620 1200 1430 42S,43SW PAN 250 25 0 215 Mul IND AIR
11620 1730 1945 55,58-60 BGL 500 240 0 216 Eng IND AIR
11620 2030 2235 55,58-60 BGL 500 120 0 216 Eng IND AIR
11740 0200 0345 39NE,40 PAN 250 300 0 156 PusDar IND AIR
11740 2030 2230 55,58-60 PAN 250 120 0 216 Eng IND AIR
12025 1600 1830 39,40 PAN 250 300 0 157 HinMal IND AIR
13645 0945 1100 43-45 BGL 500 38 20 216 Eng IND AIR
13645 1100 1200 49 BGL 500 90 0 216 Tha IND AIR
13695 0945 1100 55,58-60 BGL 500 120 12 216 Eng IND AIR
15030 0200 0300 42E,43 BGL 500 300 0 216 Mul IND AIR
15030 0300 0415 39 BGL 500 300 0 216 Hin IND AIR
15030 1130 1315 43,44 BGL 500 60 -25 216 Zho IND AIR
15185 0300 0530 48SW,53W BGL 500 240 0 216 HinGujHin IND AIR
15185 1500 1600 48SW,53W PAN 250 205 0 216 Guj IND AIR
15210 0345 0530 40 PAN 250 300 0 158 FasAra IND AIR
15410 0945 1100 43E,44,45 BGL 500 60 0 216 Eng IND AIR
15770 0830 0945 54 PAN 250 120 0 216 Ind IND AIR
15770 0945 1100 54 PAN 250 120 0 216 Eng IND AIR
15770 1100 1200 49 PAN 250 120 0 157 Tha IND AIR
17510 0830 0945 54 BGL 500 120 0 216 Ind IND AIR
17510 0945 1100 55,58-60 BGL 500 120 12 216 Eng IND AIR
17595 1130 1315 43-45 BGL 500 38 20 216 Zho IND AIR

B-19 copied as B-20 schedule under date stamp 251020 280321
A lot of wooden entries in <https://www.abu.org.my/>
Has not shown the fq reality for many years.

Subject: [dxindia] AIR B20 Schedule
From: Jose Jacob <vu2jos@niar.org>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020, 06:03:05 AM GMT+1

This is to inform that All India Radio is continuing with the same A20
Schedule in B20 also.

The B20 Schedules of AIR is available as follows:

External Service Time Wise:

External Service Language Wise:

Complete AIR Schedule on SW (Home & External Services):

The printed version of AIR Schedules sent by post to listeners have been

-- Yours sincerely, Jose Jacob, VU2JOS

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Winter B-20 schedule of JSR Shiokaze/Sea Breeze  View Printable Version 
Monday, October 26 2020

*JAPAN(non) Winter B-20 schedule of JSR Shiokaze/Sea Breeze:*
1300-1400 on 6145 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs various langs
1300-1400 on 7295 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs various langs
1300-1330 Japanese Mon/Tue/Sat/Sun; Korean Wed/Fri; English Thu;
1330-1400 Korean Wed/Fri/Sat/Sun; Japanese Mon/Tue; English Thu.
1600-1700 on 5990 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs various langs
1600-1700 on 6085 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs various langs
1600-1630 Japanese Mon/Tue/Sat/Sun; Korean Wed/Fri; English Thu;
1630-1700 Korean Wed/Fri/Sat/Sun; Japanese Mon/Tue; English
Thu.*Winter B-20 schedule of Furusato no Kaze via JSR Shiokaze:*
1405-1435 on 6045 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs Japanese Daily
1405-1435 on 7270 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs Japanese Daily


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

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