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Log 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 y 27 de Octubre.  View Printable Version 
Sunday, October 27 2019

** CHILE. 6925. RCW- RADIO COMPAÑÍA WOLRDWIDE. Octubre 22. 2130-2220 UTC.
Transmisión de noticias sobre la crisis social y jornada de protestas en
Chile desde Radio Bio Bio. SINPO: 35433 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL
660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** CHILE. 6925. 2200-2230 UTC. RCW- RADIO COMPAÑÍA WOLRDWIDE. Octubre 25.
Transmisión de noticias sobre la crisis social y jornada de protestas en
Chile desde Radio Bio Bio (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena:
Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** CHINA. 7260. CRI. Octubre 24. 2205-2220 UTC. Música tradicional china.
SINPO: 55544 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de
30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** CUBA. 15230. RHC. Octubre 23. 1320-1400 UTC. Noticias acerca de las
protestas y cacerolazos en Chile y resultados electorales en Bolivia. A las
1323, el programa: “Figuras en la Historia” con una reseña sobre la vida de
Ramiro Guerra y sus contribuciones educacionales. Desde las 1330, se emite
un espacio de noticias acerca de las relaciones entre Bielorrusia y Cuba,
Reunión en Azerbaiyán, Paro nacional en Chile, Defensa de resultados
electorales en Bolivia, Elecciones en Colombia, Declaraciones del dueño de
Facebook acerca de los intentos de interferencia electoral por parte de
China, Irán y Rusia, Presidente venezolano firmará programa junto a la FAO,
Solicitan fin del bloqueo a Cuba. A las 1336, se emiten informaciones
deportivas. Luego, desde las 1342, se emite una entrevista a una socióloga
cubana hasta las 1352, cuando se habla del ritmo cha cha cha. SINPO:
55444 (Claudio
Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de
escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** IRAN. 7230. IRIB. Octubre 24. 0007-0123 UTC. Noticias de Hispan TV.
Desde las 0025, se emite una entrevista acerca de la actualidad política,
referida a las elecciones en Argentina. Desde las 0036, se emite el
programa: “Foro Abierto” con comentarios acerca de la crisis social en
Chile, las jornadas de protestas en contra del Presidente Piñera y el
sistema neoliberal impuesto desde la dictadura militar. SINPO: 35433 a
45444 desde las 0033 en adelante (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660;
Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** IRAN 7230. IRIB. Octubre 24 a las 2355 UT hasta Octubre 25 a las 0104
UTC. Música de cortina, presentación del servicio en español por parte de
Julia Palominos. A las 00 (Oct, 25) noticias de Hispan TV sobre Estados
Unidos, Estado de las empresas públicas en Ecuador y los diálogos con
indígenas, Protestas sociales en Chile, entre otros países
latinoamericanos, luego se habla de protestas en el Líbano, Banco Central
del Ecuador y otras informaciones como las de Nicaragua y Los Ángeles,
California. Desde las 0026, se emite un programa acerca de los Derechos
Humanos en los Estados Unidos y en otras partes del mundo. A las 0038, se
emite el programa: “Detrás de la razón” acerca de los últimos
acontecimientos de la crisis social y jornadas de protestas en Chile.
SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de
30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** IRAN. 7230. IRIB. Octubre 27. 0000-0120 UTC. Noticiero de HispanTV
acerca de activistas medioambientales en Estados Unidos, Manifestaciones en
Costa Rica, Infomaciones politicas en Perú, Acto político en Venezuela,
Cesantia en España, Campaña electoral en Colombia, Acto en Venezuela,
Protestas en Chile, Colombia, Elecciones en Uruguay, Acontecimientos en la
frontera de Siria y Turquía. A las 0028, se emite un programa acerca de las
elecciones en Argentina. SINPO: 55444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL
660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** JAPAN [NON] ** USA. 6195. NHK. Octubre 26. 0400-0430 UTC. Noticias
acerca de inundaciones en Japón, Programa de comercio, Atentado suicida en
Afganistán, Gobernadora de Tokyo declara acerca de las Olimpiadas, entre
otras informaciones. A las 0410, se emite el programa: “Leer a Japón” con
la lectura del cuento “Vergüenza”. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle,

** KOREA SOUTH [NON] ** USA. 9605. KBS. Octubre 24. 0125-0200 UTC. Canción.
Desde las 0127: “Literatura en Audio: Bari, la princesa abandonada” con la
descripción de hierbas usadas por la protagonista. A las 0134, se vuelve al
segmento: “Corea a diario” acerca de emprendedores y el uso de franquicias,
servicios de agencias de mensajería en Corea y sus cambios por el internet.
Luego, a las 0138, se emite una canción. Desde las 0140, se emite el
programa: “Coreano en dramas” con la frase: “listo” o “satisfecho” y a las
0145, se emite: “Al son de Corea” con música tradicional con influencia
confucionista y el taoísmo. SINPO: 55444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN
PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** KOREA SOUTH [NON] ** USA. 9605. KBS. Octubre 27. 0126- UTC. Programa:
“Rincón del Radioescucha” con informaciones acerca de la emisión web no
estará disponible para Internet Explorer y de la pronta distribución de
calendarios de la emisora. Luego, se leen informes de recepción y alusiones
a las encuestas de satisfacción. A las 0134 se emite el Programa:
“Literatura en audio: Bari, la princesa abandonada” acerca del padre de la
protagonista, después un espacio musical. Desde las 0143, se vuelve a la
lectura de informes de recepción. A las 0150: “Todo sobre Corea” con una
reseña acerca de las historias de Fantasmas y terror que son populares en
Corea hasta las 0155, cuando se emite la despedida del servicio con un tema
musical. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo
largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** KOREA SOUTH. 15575. KBS. Octubre 25. 0230- 0300 UTC. Programa “Corea a
diario” acerca del coeficiente de gini y las motivaciones para aprender
coreano. Luego canción y a las 0241 “Coreano en dramas” con la frase
“satisfecho” y desde las 0245: “La Nueva Era de la Península Coreana” con
el tema acerca de Norcorea y su relación diplomática con Estados Unidos en
los últimos meses. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660;
Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** TURKEY. 9870. VOT. Octubre 25. 0106 - 0200 UTC. Noticias sobre protestas
en Chile, Reforma de negocios en Turquía, Acciones turcas en el norte de
Siria y Economía turca. Luego, lectura de titulares de la prensa
internacional especialmente de Alemania, Rusia, Israel y Arabia Saudí. A
las 0116, se emite: “Hoy en la historia” con reseñas de los principales
sucesos del 24 de octubre. Desde las 0121, se habla de elementos
arquitectónicos y de patrimonio cultural. A las 0127, identificación de la
emisora. Luego, espacio musical hasta las 0150, luego datos de contacto de
la emisora y de los horarios y frecuencias de la emisión en español hasta
las 0152, después identificaciones de la emisora en diversos idiomas.
SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de
30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)
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Glenn Hauser logs October 26-27, 2019  View Printable Version 
Sunday, October 27 2019


Hi Glenn, my latest Hitlist update.

1) Australia - Unique R: Added livestream link (thanks to Tim Gaynor
in WOR iog list)

2) Germany - Shortwave Radio for Eur: Updated links to new designed

3) Updated UTC offset notations (due to summer time changes) for
Croatia, Germany, Greece, New Zealand, Romania, & Spain

The next update will be early November for winter time changes in the
Americas. Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe)

** ALASKA [non]. 11760, Oct 27 at 1427, any trace of KNLS English
under RHC Spanish? NO, despite tentative schedule quoted in DXLD 19-41
which came from the B-19 info on KNLS Russian website, 11760 for both
the 1200 and 1400 English hours. Rechecking current HFCC info for
KNLS, NOW it shows 11670! for both transmissions, unconfirmed yet but
which should bear a bit less blockage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** BONAIRE. 7245.0-LSB, Oct 27 at 0031, PJ4K working contest.
PJ4K Bonaire
Rich Smith, N6KT
Bonaire Bonaire QSL: Via KU9C

** BRAZIL. 7092.6-LSB, Oct 27 at 0023, PR4T calling CQ Contest,
working mostly US stations. This is my mini-dip into the madness of an
annual event, packing 40m with signals on split frequencies rather
than at least convenient 1 kHz intervals. QRZ.com shows:

** BRAZIL. 11855.7, Oct 27 at 0042, JBA music, suspect R. Aparecida,
which has been undetected here for some weeks, but typical
offfrequenciness, altho sometimes above 11856. Now 11780 RNA is
incredibly stronger, so RA must be very QRP (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CANADA. 1610, Oct 27 at 1255 UT, talk in English; after sunrise
here and way after in Toronto, so could it be something else? No,
pronounces about ``aboot`` twice, and 1258 ID ``CHHA 1610 AM``. So
Voces Latinas also employs a minority language. TopEnd this time of
year can keep skywaving quite a while, but fading out by 1310.

Stale 2015/2016 program grid at

does show ``English music`` Sat & Sun until 9 am ET. But this was
all-talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 7103.8-LSB, Oct 27 at 0025, CF3M uttering nothing but own
callsign over and over; soon shifts to 7104.8. QRZ.com shows:
CF3M Canada
Ken Kovalenko
Richmond Hill, ON
QSL: LoTW or direct via VE3LA

Contesters like to get special 4- or even 3-character callsigns, since
5-character original calls would eat up too much time, reducing number
of contacts and ultimate scores. Even better: as many single-syllable
fonetix as possible. Every microsecond counts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CUBA. 900, Oct 27 at 0613, Spanish song, XEW? NO, loops SE and
quickly // much weaker 890 with WLS Jimbo nulled, therefore the two
Radios Progreso. Yet WRTH shows 900 is 50 kW from far Holguín, while
890 is 200 kW from closer Ciego de Ávila.

[and non]. Once mighty XEW, La Voz de la América Latina desde México,
is seldom heard here; if I do get a 900 Mexican, it`s XEOK Monterrey,
or used to be: IRCA Log thinx it may be off to FM. There was a 100:1
power disparity, 250 vs 2.5 kW night power! WRTH 2019 gave XEW only
100 kW, a 40:1 ratio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15140, Sat Oct 26 at 1940, `The Jazz Place` on RHC, but
somewhat overmodulated/distorted. I think this is on alternate weeks;
better luck on some of the repeats? Something`s always wrong at RHC

** CUBA. 11760, Oct 27 at 0040, RHC is splattering plus/minus 15, even
20 kHz; while // 11700 & 11670 are cleaner. Something`s always wrong

** CUBA. 11980, Oct 27 at 0048, CRI relay at S3-S4, but hardly any
modulation, i.e. second harmonic of 5990 then checked with same JBM
and suptorted, yet S9+35. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn

** CUBA. 6000, Oct 27 at 0049, RHC English with jazz show, but JBM,
hum and suptorted, so even worse than first hearing at 1940 on 15140.
Something`s always wrong at RHC.

[and non] BTW, since 5990 useless CRI relay is also on now, they
result in a very weak leapfrog mixing product on 6010, probably the
stronger of hets vs BRAZIL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CURACAO. 7126.6-LSB, Oct 27 at 0027, PJ2T calling QRZ during
contest. QRZ.com shows:
PJ2T Curacao
Geoff Howard
#1 Groot Santa Marta

PJ2T, located at our club's permanent QTH called "Signal Point," is
situated on half an acre of oceanfront property adjacent to what used
to be called the Coral Cliff Hotel, formerly owned by PJ9EE, Mr. Chet
Brandon. . . with lots more info and fotos

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11510, Oct 27 at 1342, Kurdish? music/chanting,
S4-S6, the only active frequency of the bunch up to 11550, presumed
Dengê Welat today; can`t hear a second signal if co-jammed by TRT

** MEXICO. 710.0, Oct 27 at 0603 UT tune-in, last few notes of
orchestral Mexican NA and apparently off, no Spanish or music further.
Must be XEDP, Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, from the SW, the only one
I ever hear. This and the other two actives in the IRCA Mexican Log
are all shown as 24 hours.

NB that at the bottom of the Log
there is a new extensive survey of when and what version of national
anthems are played, including XEDP, ``Adult choral at Midnight`` The
morning/evening anthemings do not necessarily denote sign-ons/offs.

BTW, except for border towns, the rest of Mexico which had been on DST
has now gone off it, a week before the United Statesian Hallowe`en
extension, which Mexico never copied despite Dia de los Muertos (Glenn

** MEXICO. 1130, re XEYZ, Aguascalientes2 still/again on the air:
On the WTFDA Forum, Raymie Humbert, AZ, also replied October 20:
``XEYZ still on air!? What necromancy is this? This is an AM that
nearly 18 months ago told the IFT "you can have the AM back, thank
you": [4 pp]
What is going on?`` Pertinent paragraph among all the verbiage:

``Ahora bien, en términos de lo señalado en el último párrafo de la
propia Condición Tercera de la citada Resolución, manifiesto la
voluntad de la concesionaria para renunciar a la frecuencia 1130 KHz.
originalmente asignada, a través de la estación de radio con
distintivo de llamada XEYZ~AM; en ese sentido, es nuestra intención
continuar la operación y explotación únicamente de la frecuencia 107.7
MHz, por medio de la radiodifusora con distintivo de llamada XHYZ~FM.
Como consecuencia de lo anterior, solicitamos que los Títulos de
Concesión correspondientes versen exclusivamente sobre la frecuencia
que opera en la banda de Frecuencia Modulada y en su caso, se indiquen
las condiciones y el momento en que deberá de suspenderse de manera
definitiva la operación de la frecuencia de Amplitud Modulada y por
tanto revertirse en favor del Estado.``

1130, Oct 27 at 0624, super-hype voice actor (SHVA) proclaims, ``La
Poderosa, la más famosa`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1510, Oct 27 at 0629, classical music from SSW/NNE, no
doubt XEQI Monterrey; there is *no* USA AM station with a classical
format we hear. Brand is ``Opus 15-10 AM`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** SPAIN. Re ``Gran Sol`` target of REE on 12030 --- it`s surprising
that it`s NW of Spain, since this is on a 110-degree azimuth, the
other targets being the Indican Ocean and the Middle East ---
disinformation, or deliberately counting on back-radiation coverage?
This led us to assume Gran Sol would be somewhere around the other
targets. In fact the CIRAF target zones registered, 38, 39, 47, 48 are
the Arabian peninsula and the NE quadrant of Africa; not the Indican
Ocean, either, except by extension. BTW, new query: how did that C get
inserted into the SS version of Indian? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** TURKEY [and non]. 12035, Oct 27 at 1339, JBA carrier from presumed
VOT English to Europe and also USward, but no improvement over ex-A-19
15450 at 1230. The English hours explicitly for us are now 2300 on
5960; 0400 on 6125. Oh2, TV Martí audio is now sked on 6125 at
2300-0400, so once they catch up with it, Cuban jamming likely to
impede Turkey too, as they are in no hurry to turn it off. I`ll bet at
HFCC B-19 this was not recognized as a potential problem.

TV Marti, however, is ex-5980, with nothing registered there between
2200 and 0200, so should finally be a great reopened window for Radio
Chaski, Perú, until whenever it close, 0000v? --- if and when the
Cuban jammers get off it! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2005 monitoring: confirmed UT
Sunday October 27 starting at 0324 on WA0RCR, MO, 1860-AM with slight
ACI from LSB ham; fair. Next:

[however, as of Oct 27, uniqueradio.biz is marked:
``NB : Off the air for now till further notice.``]

2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0930 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW
1130 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW
1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania to WNW
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW
0830 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW [another episode]
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A. 7490+, Sat Oct 26 at 2225, TOMBS, but not // at all to 9455
WRMI; what became of `Good Sounding Oldies` still on the sked
at 2200-2340 [sic], following Brother Scare at 1600-2200? BS does
appear M-F at 2200-2300, and everyday from 1600 until break for
otherness from 19, 20 or 21, depending (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A. 3215, UT Sun Oct 27 at 0014, awful audio of gospel huxter
conversation, presumably WWRB which has swiftly made a B-19 shift from
5050 where nothing is now. HFCC shows the usual time-share arrangement
with WWCR: during the Week of Confusion while DST remains regnant,
WWRB turnover to WWCR at 0100 UT; then from Nov 4, 0200. But WWRB will
presumably remain active only on weekends. WWRB may continue after
leaving 3215, on 3195 which is also registered 100 kW non-direxional
at 0100-0400 only, while 3185 is also registered available 24 hours,
but at 45 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 660, Oct 27 at 1319 UT, Navajo talk, 1320 hymn in English,
1324 ``reflexions for the 30th Sunday of ordinary time`` and fade. I
guess that`s Catholic calculation from Easter. KTNN Window Rock AZ, I
had not heard in some time, so seems to be adhering to night
direxionality west; Oct SR/SS times are 1315/0045 UT (Nov: 1345/0015
UT). checked here after KKOB 770 was in. KTNN reception improved by
USB tuning since WSCR 670 Chicago IBOC noise is still a problem
peaking lowside 657 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 4102+, Oct 27 at 0018, JBA `W` on CW, the weather beacon
somewhere in the USA Desert Southwest. Meanwhile I still hear not a
bit of the `A` beacon on 2097.3 anywhere but Quartzsite AZ (Glenn

UNIDENTIFIED. 6900, Oct 27 at 0021, Spanish QSO discussing
propagation, equally audible in AM and LSB but no USB --- so CLSB
mode? Rather, I think it`s LSB being demodulated by a separate AM
carrier, perhaps a pirate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 10002-USB, Oct 27 at 1351, weak 2-way, unseems Spanish,
maybe Indonesian, first noted as QRM to also weak 10000 WWV (Glenn

This report dispatched at 1832 UT October 27
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Logs of 27-10-19  View Printable Version 
Sunday, October 27 2019


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Glenn Hauser logs October 25-26, 2019  View Printable Version 
Saturday, October 26 2019

** ANTARCTICA. 15476-, Sat Oct 26 at 1503, checking for LRA36 via
UTwente, instead nothing but some un-DRM-like noise blob; Manuel
Méndez had been hearing it very weakly directly in Spain an hour
earlier, altho it was not heard on Friday. My further chex of UTwente
past 1700 find no noise and no signal either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11520, Oct 26 at 1315 via UTwente checking for
Dengê Welat, bigsig here presumed this; while a weak something on
11510, Turkish jammer not yet glommed? Also 11540 something in
Chinese. Direct at 1348 I hear only a JBA carrier on 11510.

11510, Oct 26 at 1435 back to UTwente, VG referring to Agence France
Presse, so probably D.W. A bit of music under, maybe same station or
the jammer? But tuning around, nothing on others except 11500 has some
VG Chinese.

11500 is in Aoki/NDXC at this time as CNR1 jamming/Sound of Hope, and
11540 jammed at 1200-1400 vs RFA Tibetan via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** MEXICO. 1090, Oct 26 at 0605 UT, Spanish from south easy with KAAY
from the east nulled and initially dead-air. It`s an infomercial not
for mattresses but now for ``Vitac-30`` [?], an antiseptic, referring
to phone number to call ``en pantalla``, i.e. on the screen, another
*television* infomercial. The number probably depends on which station
is airing it in order to track response sources, but it`s rather hard
to ``see`` on the radio! Maybe they later inserted it verbally. That
name is incorrect; searching, there is a Vita-C vitamin supplement.
Anyhow, still presumed XEAU, Monterrey NL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, Oct 26 at 1752 UT, KOKB Blackwell is completely OFF
again, yet again (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Oct 25 at 2128 UT, KOSU during NPR `All Things
Considered`, RDS is displaying the current ATC topic, ``TREE OF LIFE
SYNAGOGUE ANNIV. CHANG ON KOSU`` in rotating 8-character fields. Chang
being one of the ATC co-anchors.

I have only two radios with RDS displays, the identical DX-398 and
ATS-909, but I don`t pay much attention to them except during sporadic
E DX openings when the RDS could provide vital ID info or clues,
especially from Mexico --- but often won`t display due to
weak/fading/choppy signals, even if enabled by the station.

Some stations have long used RDS to show current song title/performer
info, but first time I have noted news content as on NPR/KOSU. Is this
something new to KOSU and/or NPR? Is it showing up elsewhere??

At 2130 it changes to generic ``ALL THINGS CONSIDERED ON KOSU``.

Some stations only display their static ID or slogan, such as 94.7 in
OKC, BUZZ; 96.9, KQOB. 96.1 KXXY displays song info. Some other
stations have RDS enabled per icon, but displaying nothing. One of
these slow days I`1l have to survey the entire FM dial around here for
what`s showing on RDS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. Tnx to Mauricio Molano for the answer about the REE 12030
target area ``Gran Sol``, found on Spanish Wikipedia:

>Where is Gran Sol?...

``Gran Sol es un caladero situado en el Atlántico Norte, entre los
paralelos 48 y 60, al oeste de las islas británicas. Destaca por la
riqueza pesquera, especialmente por la existencia de merluza, una
especie de gran rendimiento económico. Desde antiguo el caladero de
Gran Sol ha sido explotado por los pescadores españoles y portugueses,
que navegan desde la costa cantábrica y atlántica a faenar en sus
aguas. Este mar destaca también por la ferocidad de sus temporales. El
nombre de Gran Sol proviene del francés Grande Sole (gran lenguado).
No se debe confundir con el Box Irlandés (Irish Box, en inglés),
caladero éste que está fuera del Gran Sol y que designa un área de
pesca reservada acotada entre paralelos y meridianos (box) alrededor
de la isla de Irlanda``

73! Mauricio Molano, Salamanca, ESPAÑA - SPAIN

Then I hunt for that in English wikipedia, but all it can find is a
hotel/skyscraper by that name in Alicante! So Google translates:

``Gran Sol is a fishing ground located in the North Atlantic, between
parallels 48 and 60, west of the British Isles. It stands out for the
fishing wealth, especially for the existence of hake, a kind of great
economic performance. Since ancient times the Gran Sol fishing ground
has been exploited by Spanish and Portuguese fishermen, who sail from
the Cantabrian and Atlantic coast to fish in its waters. This sea also
stands out for the ferocity of its storms. The name of Gran Sol comes
from the French Grande Sole (great sole). Not to be confused with the
Irish Box (in English), this fishing ground that is outside the Gran
Sol and that designates a reserved fishing area bounded between
parallels and meridians (box) around the island of Ireland``

Note: sol does not refer to the Sun at all, but to lenguado, i.e. the
fish, sole! (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2005 monitoring: confirmed first SWBC, Friday
Oct 25 at 2200 on WRMI 9955, S9ish from S7 to S9+10.

Also confirmed UT Saturday Oct 26 at 0130 on WRMI: 5850 S9+20 after
some overlapping unneeded fill music for a second or two after the
canned ID; S9-S8 on 7780, also S9-S8 on 5010 but noisier.

Altho 4980 and 5010 continue registered available, it`s not clear
whether the new 6060 WRMI in B-19 will affect what`s on 5010.

Brand new WOR time on WRMI, Sat 1300 on 15770, monitored last week by
Ivo Ivanov, but still a blank space on the System D skedgrid: JBA
carrier here, but Oct 26 confirmed good signal via UTWente SDR.

Not confirmed Saturday October 26 at 1431-1500 on 9485-CUSB, Hamburger
Lokalradio; via UTwente SDR, no signal except huge splash from 9490

From next week, WOR should shift to 1531, presumably still on 9485
rather than 7265 or 6190, but not confirmed. At 1530 per HFCC the ACI
should be lessened: 9480 CNR Beijing in Tibetan; 9490 CRI Kashgar
southward in Tamil. Next:

1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315]
1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany [ex-1030] to WSW
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0930 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW
1130 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW
1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania to WNW
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW
0830 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW [another episode]
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A. (7490), UT Sat Oct 26 at 0000 I`m listening only to the WBCQ
webcast; 7490 reception may be degraded by today`s propagation
disturbance after a G2 storm and K-index of 3. FKB gospel huxter ends
at 2400, hangs up, clunk, but after some DA we hear his last minute
repeated! Apparently, WBCQ output had switched to Deland of FLA studio
which got a delayed internet feed.

Then 0001, WTO theme of `AAAWWW` starts and off we go. Annoying Freddy
calls in almost immediately, and AW always gives him priority allowing
him to interrupt whatever he is saying. Asks about other frequencies,
and AW says on 7490 only, since he doesn`t want to bother the guys
back in Monticello with the complexities of multi-casting, running
other transmitters. 6160 it seems is completely silent, since he says
no time has been sold on it at all.

Super-station 500 kW: thinx they will be testing to China this [next?]
week to see how well it funxion over the pole. AW hates the ChiCom
government, yet says CRI would be welcome to relay via WBCQ, altho
they hardly need it. S-S status: ``locked and waiting`` for some parts
and info about how to QSY to higher bands; other than that, both
transmitter and antenna are working well; soon should be on full-time
with Worlds Last Chance Radio;

0043 again laments shortage of shortwave engineers. Has finally caught
up with QSLing, hundreds of them now on the way (meaning P-mailed?).
Still going at 0100 but cut off for Hal Turner.

Good I got this much, since John Carver reports, first at 0016:

``Very poor, noisy signal on 7490 again this week. Can find no other
BCQ frequency on the air, not even 5130. As soon as weather permits
will go outside and check out antenna. Not having problems picking up
other stations. I did check later in the hour and 5130 was finally
running that music program that's been running for a few weeks there.

I'm really sorry I'm not getting anything. Was checking cables,
antenna tuner and pre-selector this evening. They all check out and I
was getting other stations this evening so am assuming that my antenna
is alright but will check it with my eyes once it stops raining. John,
Mid-North Indiana``

I told him the problem may have been the propagation disturbance ---
the northerly WBCQ site is at a disadvantage when that happen (Glenn

** U S A. 12050, Oct 25 at 2057, WEWN is still JBM in Spanish, S6-S7,
as I first noted at 1422; is no one paying attention at Vandiver? Than
why should we? Or anylistener (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Altho Hepburn maps show no tropo at all around here, Oct
26 at 1442 UT I bandscan anyway and find Bad signals on RF 35 and 22.
W9WI.com shows a bunch of LPs or translators in mostly remote areas of
KS and OK; the only full powers being in KS: 35 KMTW Hutchinson, and
22 KSNC Great Bend. Tropo areas are to be closer the next morning.

BTW, of my two TV antennas, as of Oct 25, one of them no longer picks
up some of the OKC stations; something must be broken pending my
roofish inspexion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1835 UT October 26
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Glenn Hauser logs October 25-26, 2019  View Printable Version 
Saturday, October 26 2019

** ANTARCTICA. 15476-, Sat Oct 26 at 1503, checking for LRA36 via
UTwente, instead nothing but some un-DRM-like noise blob; Manuel
Méndez had been hearing it very weakly directly in Spain an hour
earlier, altho it was not heard on Friday. My further chex of UTwente
past 1700 find no noise and no signal either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11520, Oct 26 at 1315 via UTwente checking for
Dengê Welat, bigsig here presumed this; while a weak something on
11510, Turkish jammer not yet glommed? Also 11540 something in
Chinese. Direct at 1348 I hear only a JBA carrier on 11510.

11510, Oct 26 at 1435 back to UTwente, VG referring to Agence France
Presse, so probably D.W. A bit of music under, maybe same station or
the jammer? But tuning around, nothing on others except 11500 has some
VG Chinese.

11500 is in Aoki/NDXC at this time as CNR1 jamming/Sound of Hope, and
11540 jammed at 1200-1400 vs RFA Tibetan via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** MEXICO. 1090, Oct 26 at 0605 UT, Spanish from south easy with KAAY
from the east nulled and initially dead-air. It`s an infomercial not
for mattresses but now for ``Vitac-30`` [?], an antiseptic, referring
to phone number to call ``en pantalla``, i.e. on the screen, another
*television* infomercial. The number probably depends on which station
is airing it in order to track response sources, but it`s rather hard
to ``see`` on the radio! Maybe they later inserted it verbally. That
name is incorrect; searching, there is a Vita-C vitamin supplement.
Anyhow, still presumed XEAU, Monterrey NL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, Oct 26 at 1752 UT, KOKB Blackwell is completely OFF
again, yet again (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Oct 25 at 2128 UT, KOSU during NPR `All Things
Considered`, RDS is displaying the current ATC topic, ``TREE OF LIFE
SYNAGOGUE ANNIV. CHANG ON KOSU`` in rotating 8-character fields. Chang
being one of the ATC co-anchors.

I have only two radios with RDS displays, the identical DX-398 and
ATS-909, but I don`t pay much attention to them except during sporadic
E DX openings when the RDS could provide vital ID info or clues,
especially from Mexico --- but often won`t display due to
weak/fading/choppy signals, even if enabled by the station.

Some stations have long used RDS to show current song title/performer
info, but first time I have noted news content as on NPR/KOSU. Is this
something new to KOSU and/or NPR? Is it showing up elsewhere??

At 2130 it changes to generic ``ALL THINGS CONSIDERED ON KOSU``.

Some stations only display their static ID or slogan, such as 94.7 in
OKC, BUZZ; 96.9, KQOB. 96.1 KXXY displays song info. Some other
stations have RDS enabled per icon, but displaying nothing. One of
these slow days I`1l have to survey the entire FM dial around here for
what`s showing on RDS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. Tnx to Mauricio Molano for the answer about the REE 12030
target area ``Gran Sol``, found on Spanish Wikipedia:

>Where is Gran Sol?...

``Gran Sol es un caladero situado en el Atlántico Norte, entre los
paralelos 48 y 60, al oeste de las islas británicas. Destaca por la
riqueza pesquera, especialmente por la existencia de merluza, una
especie de gran rendimiento económico. Desde antiguo el caladero de
Gran Sol ha sido explotado por los pescadores españoles y portugueses,
que navegan desde la costa cantábrica y atlántica a faenar en sus
aguas. Este mar destaca también por la ferocidad de sus temporales. El
nombre de Gran Sol proviene del francés Grande Sole (gran lenguado).
No se debe confundir con el Box Irlandés (Irish Box, en inglés),
caladero éste que está fuera del Gran Sol y que designa un área de
pesca reservada acotada entre paralelos y meridianos (box) alrededor
de la isla de Irlanda``

73! Mauricio Molano, Salamanca, ESPAÑA - SPAIN

Then I hunt for that in English wikipedia, but all it can find is a
hotel/skyscraper by that name in Alicante! So Google translates:

``Gran Sol is a fishing ground located in the North Atlantic, between
parallels 48 and 60, west of the British Isles. It stands out for the
fishing wealth, especially for the existence of hake, a kind of great
economic performance. Since ancient times the Gran Sol fishing ground
has been exploited by Spanish and Portuguese fishermen, who sail from
the Cantabrian and Atlantic coast to fish in its waters. This sea also
stands out for the ferocity of its storms. The name of Gran Sol comes
from the French Grande Sole (great sole). Not to be confused with the
Irish Box (in English), this fishing ground that is outside the Gran
Sol and that designates a reserved fishing area bounded between
parallels and meridians (box) around the island of Ireland``

Note: sol does not refer to the Sun at all, but to lenguado, i.e. the
fish, sole! (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2005 monitoring: confirmed first SWBC, Friday
Oct 25 at 2200 on WRMI 9955, S9ish from S7 to S9+10.

Also confirmed UT Saturday Oct 26 at 0130 on WRMI: 5850 S9+20 after
some overlapping unneeded fill music for a second or two after the
canned ID; S9-S8 on 7780, also S9-S8 on 5010 but noisier.

Altho 4980 and 5010 continue registered available, it`s not clear
whether the new 6060 WRMI in B-19 will affect what`s on 5010.

Brand new WOR time on WRMI, Sat 1300 on 15770, monitored last week by
Ivo Ivanov, but still a blank space on the System D skedgrid: JBA
carrier here, but Oct 26 confirmed good signal via UTWente SDR.

Not confirmed Saturday October 26 at 1431-1500 on 9485-CUSB, Hamburger
Lokalradio; via UTwente SDR, no signal except huge splash from 9490

From next week, WOR should shift to 1531, presumably still on 9485
rather than 7265 or 6190, but not confirmed. At 1530 per HFCC the ACI
should be lessened: 9480 CNR Beijing in Tibetan; 9490 CRI Kashgar
southward in Tamil. Next:

1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315]
1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany [ex-1030] to WSW
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0930 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW
1130 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW
1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania to WNW
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW
0830 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW [another episode]
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A. (7490), UT Sat Oct 26 at 0000 I`m listening only to the WBCQ
webcast; 7490 reception may be degraded by today`s propagation
disturbance after a G2 storm and K-index of 3. FKB gospel huxter ends
at 2400, hangs up, clunk, but after some DA we hear his last minute
repeated! Apparently, WBCQ output had switched to Deland of FLA studio
which got a delayed internet feed.

Then 0001, WTO theme of `AAAWWW` starts and off we go. Annoying Freddy
calls in almost immediately, and AW always gives him priority allowing
him to interrupt whatever he is saying. Asks about other frequencies,
and AW says on 7490 only, since he doesn`t want to bother the guys
back in Monticello with the complexities of multi-casting, running
other transmitters. 6160 it seems is completely silent, since he says
no time has been sold on it at all.

Super-station 500 kW: thinx they will be testing to China this [next?]
week to see how well it funxion over the pole. AW hates the ChiCom
government, yet says CRI would be welcome to relay via WBCQ, altho
they hardly need it. S-S status: ``locked and waiting`` for some parts
and info about how to QSY to higher bands; other than that, both
transmitter and antenna are working well; soon should be on full-time
with Worlds Last Chance Radio;

0043 again laments shortage of shortwave engineers. Has finally caught
up with QSLing, hundreds of them now on the way (meaning P-mailed?).
Still going at 0100 but cut off for Hal Turner.

Good I got this much, since John Carver reports, first at 0016:

``Very poor, noisy signal on 7490 again this week. Can find no other
BCQ frequency on the air, not even 5130. As soon as weather permits
will go outside and check out antenna. Not having problems picking up
other stations. I did check later in the hour and 5130 was finally
running that music program that's been running for a few weeks there.

I'm really sorry I'm not getting anything. Was checking cables,
antenna tuner and pre-selector this evening. They all check out and I
was getting other stations this evening so am assuming that my antenna
is alright but will check it with my eyes once it stops raining. John,
Mid-North Indiana``

I told him the problem may have been the propagation disturbance ---
the northerly WBCQ site is at a disadvantage when that happen (Glenn

** U S A. 12050, Oct 25 at 2057, WEWN is still JBM in Spanish, S6-S7,
as I first noted at 1422; is no one paying attention at Vandiver? Than
why should we? Or anylistener (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Altho Hepburn maps show no tropo at all around here, Oct
26 at 1442 UT I bandscan anyway and find Bad signals on RF 35 and 22.
W9WI.com shows a bunch of LPs or translators in mostly remote areas of
KS and OK; the only full powers being in KS: 35 KMTW Hutchinson, and
22 KSNC Great Bend. Tropo areas are to be closer the next morning.

BTW, of my two TV antennas, as of Oct 25, one of them no longer picks
up some of the OKC stations; something must be broken pending my
roofish inspexion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1835 UT October 26
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


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