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�tf-8?q?Latin América Monitoring  View Printable Version 
Thursday, November 05 2020

Monitoring from Latin América

4955kHz, R. Cultura Amauta, Peru, Huanta; 02/11, 2331 – 2349 male and female in Spanish announcements, ads “pequeno pagamiento....dia de la cancione mexicana...” (some ads have around one minute), seems news program. Better than ususal, few words readable, fair; from 2343 deteriorating (LOB).

4775kHz, R. Tarma, Peru, Tarma; 02-03/11, 2352 - 0003 male in Spanish talks ads “estruturas metálicas...”, ID, local pop music. Readable, fair to good (good few moments) (LOB). 

3310kHz, R. Mosoi Chaski, Bolivia, Cochabamba; 03/11, 0005 – 0011 local pop music, male announcements in quechua. After listening to the recording with this clear signal, i think i shoud record a little more. Good, clear (LOB).

7582kHz, Voice of Korea, Korea North; 03/11, 0802 – 0809 male and female short announcements in japanese alternating orchestral music. Strong, clear //9650 (LOB).

15515kHz, R. Kuwait, Kwait, Sulaibiyah; 03/11, 0814 – 0818 male studio conversation between male outside in arabic. Fair, some fade (LOB).

4764kHz, R. Huanta 2000, Peru, Huanta; 04/11, 0001 – 0007 local pop music, ToH emotional message. It was not this time that i heard that expected strong and clear signal, fair, fady, het (LOB).

9445kHz, Voice of Korea, Korea North; 04/11, 0814 – 0818 choral female music, female in chinese announcements. Strong, clear (LOB). #SoundCloud

Tecsun PL310et 
Wire 14m, dipole 18m 
Embu SP Brasil

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Monitoring 3+4  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, November 04 2020

A simple audio diversity  technique to test the sensitivity of two radios

17680 seems CRI in Khmer as noticed in last eibi edition , afer checking in the Rumanian kiwi as first . very low noise at -140dbm without any BPL QRN Signal is B20 only after the ML service -95 τ? -110 signal fir that time that continuously degraded to fade out and finally on 1130 with signoff
167650 CNR 1155 with a nice song og 80s So clear as HIfi sound on -/+7.5kHz filter with signal -65dbm  s off 1157
17640 BBC Afrique n French 1159 after 2 mins of IS mixed with nice music fller . News in France .

1153 Just Bucharest RRA at1300 with -80dbm ClockIS and then news



With low level BPL on the higher bands that gone lower (seen on 7-10 MHZ )
6300 operator at 1305 in unknown lang stopped after seeing to agree with a tatata
6452 someone transmitting in bad audio tll 1313 A video has been uploaded https://youtu.be/JVSOT__r2qw
7600 FR North Korea ? as notice in EiBi 1318 at-85/130dbm  
9315 CNR jammer Chinese talks 1247 rythmic music
9530 IRIB  1227 with hymns -64 /-120 dbm max ID ib 1230 after the IS and talks in Arabic
9610 poss AWR in Amoy 1232in a lang similar but not equal to Chinese  -75dbm over annoying  noise
9749.8 Kuwait 1235 with -45 dbm signal . talks in Arabic about Sudan
9800 signal very 1240very low modulation but -65dbm signal this is possibly RIB Clear audio
9875 ?? in Korean 1245 with talks AWR per eibi -75dbm high noise
11253 Shannon Volmet 1040 with -95/-120dbm Poss. Also on 13263.95 for the best reception instead of 13264
11550 V Iran 1042 talks by man poss. political talks
11555 CNR with external talks 1250 , plus noise in the band
11825 reach beyond in Gujrati with talks at 1254 -76dbm talking to Bible at1258 mentioning karegram gujarati
17650 CNR signal max of -103dbm with talks abut Taiwan at 1027
17680 once again 1022 with signal -110dbm over -150 without the ability to identify the lang (ML in the time )1035 in Khmer and in better condition at -120dbm
17880 Mashaal 1031 talks by YL in Pushtun with news -78dbm and 2x5.kHZ wide
21580 RFI talks in French 1034 Filtered at 3.6kHz audio


Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery   with SDRConsole & 2x16 m antena
Icom  R75 /PL380 /  De1103  radios
https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages)
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Unid in 41 mb  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, November 04 2020


Noted two channels in 41 mb at 15.00 UT

E'SWATINI / SWAZILAND Probably 7454.996 kHz at 14.59 UT
TWR Africa from Manzini in Sho / Shanga language
requested 1455-1525 UT, S=7 or -75dBm

CHINA/TAIWAN from 15 UT onwards two signals hit each other
7665even CNR1, and less strong
7665.103 kHz at 15.06 UT on Nov 4th.

73 wb df5sx
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WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1445  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, November 03 2020

The latest edition (3 November 2020) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News",
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:


(or http://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml / https://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml)

It can also be downloaded as a txt file at: http://bcdx.wwdxc.de.

Best regards,

Michael Bethge

Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg
Fax: +49 6172 123117
E-Mail: mail@wwdxc.de
Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de

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Clandestine broadcasts via Dushanbe and Tashkent  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, November 03 2020

*Clandestine broadcasts via Dushanbe and Tashkent. Some frequencies are
under RED Red Telecom in HFCC Database September 14, but deleted later*
1100-1300 on 7200 DB 200 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean National Unity Radio
1200-1230 on 9930 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs
1300-1400 on 7600 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Radio Free North Korea
1400-1500 on 7625 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Wilderness
1430-1530 on 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean North Korea Reform Radio
1500-1530 on 7625 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Sun Voice of Wilderness
1530-1600 on 7530 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs
2000-2100 on 7550 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Radio Free North Korea
2030-2130 on 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean North Korea Reform Radio
2100-2130 on 7530 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs
2100-2200 on 5985 DB 200 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean National Unity Radio


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
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