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JRX Logs November 7, 2019 |
Thursday, November 07 2019
JRX Logs_ November 7, 2019 Receiver (s)_ XHDATA D-808 Antenna (s)_ Mini Loop to SW
BRAZIL ** 4885. Nov 7, 2019. 0215-0225, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém-PA, in Portuguese. Men announcers talk and comments a football game between teams Palmeiras 2x1 Vasco; ID and some announcements. Fair reception, 35533. ** 4925. Nov 7, 2019. 0226-0236, Radio Educação Rural de Tefé, Tefé-AM, in Portuguese. Station transmitting the football game between Palmeiras and Vasco, 2x1, final moments; 0229 Ends the transmission game and at 0230 returns a usual catholic programming, conducted by female announcer this night; She talks a religious message. Poor reception, 25422. ** 9820. Nov 7, 2019. 0144-0154, Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo-SP, in Portuguese. A religious catholic program presented by man cleric: Prayer the Rosary joint the listener; A song; 0152 Other song. Fair reception here, 35433. ** 11815. Nov 7, 2019. 0154-0215, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia-GO, in Portuguese. A musical program - female singer playing "Azul da cor do Mar" melody; 0200 Woman presenter talks, ID and next a variety brazilian songs; ID. A song "Último Verão" (Last Summer) by Carmem Silva singer. Poor reception with fades, 35422.Parallel logs on 4985kHz, barely audible reception and a moderate interference by a chronic and Unid RTTY transmission; On 1270kHz, MW, poor reception, 24322. IRAN ** 6090. Nov 7, 2019. 0133-0143, Pars Today, Sirjan-IRN, in Spanish. Man announcer presents news with a external reporter participation. Poor to barely audible reception this night, 25422 to 25411. USA ** 9385. Nov 7, 2019. 0110-0127, WEWN-Global Catholic Radio, Vandiver-AL, in English. Man and woman announcers present a religious program; A conversation between them. Fair reception, 45533. JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
JRX Logs November 2-5, 2019 |
Wednesday, November 06 2019
JRX Logs_ November 2-5, 2019 Receiver (s)_ Tecsun S-2000 & XHDATA D-808 Antenna (s)_ Longwire & Mini Loop to SW
AUSTRIA ** 5980. Nov 2, 2019. 0220-0229, Adventist World Radio, Moosbrunn-AUT, in Urdu. Man and woman communication; 0128 Woman talks, ID and website; IS at 0229. Poor reception, 35422. ** 5980. Nov 2, 2019. 0230-0240, Adventist World Radio, Moosbrunn-AUT, in Punjabi language. IS and ID; A song; 0235 Woman makes a preaching, presumably. Poor reception, 35422. CHINA ** 7350. Nov 2, 2019. 0146-0200, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in English. Man talks and a short music; 0154 A chinese lesson by woman and man announcers. Good reception, 45544. ** 9710. Nov 2, 2019. 0107-0120, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in Spanish. Woman talks news; 0115 A commentary ab human rights in China and a UNO manifestation this week; ID. Very good reception, 55544. ** 9710. Nov 3, 2019. 0048-0057, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in Portuguese. Instrumental chinese songs only and no usual programming; At 0054, man announcer says CRI sked in portuguese, with IS music background till 0057. Good reception, 45544. ** 9710. Nov 3, 2019. 0100-0110, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in Spanish. IS and ID; Woman talks news; Man announcer presents the programming segment "Al rítmo de China". Good reception, 45544. ** 11780. Nov 5, 2019. 0112-0122, China Radio International, Jinhua-CHN, in Chinese. Man and woman announcers talk during all log. Very good reception with blocking all Radio Nacional da Amazônia programming, 11780kHz, today, in my area (Unusual fact!), 55544. ** 12035. Nov 3, 2019. 0037-0047, China Radio International, Xian-Xianyang-CHN, in Chinese. Woman announcer talks; 0041 Woman voice. Fair reception, 35433. ** 12045. Nov 3, 2019. 0026-0036, China National Radio 1, Beijing-Matoucun-CHN, in Chinese. Men announcers talk, in conversation; 0033 Woman talks. Fair reception with fades, 45433. ** 12055. Nov 3, 2019. 0016-0026, China National Radio 17, Lingshi-CHN, in Kazakh. Man talks; 0021 Man talks with music background and next a song. Very good reception, 55544. INDIA ** 6140. Nov 3, 2019. 0146-0156, All India Radio, Aligarh-IND, in Urdu. Indian songs during all log. Poor reception, 25422. ** 7380. Nov 2, 2019. 0123-0145, All India Radio, Bengaluru-IND, in Sindhi. Woman announcer talks; A song; 0129 Woman voice: ID and next presents news, presumably; 0135 A song; 0140 Man talks and ID; Other song. Fair reception with good signal, 45533. ** 7380. Nov 3, 2019. 0122-0145, All India Radio, Bengaluru-IND, in Sindhi. Woman announcer presents a musical program; 0133 ID and website by woman voice and songs continues. Good reception this night here, 45544. ** 7380. Nov 5, 2019. 0136-0146, All India Radio, Bengaluru-IND, in Sindhi. Music; 0140 Woman voice, ID and more songs. Fair reception, 35433. ** 9865. Nov 3, 2019. 0156-0210, All India Radio-Vividh Bharati, Bengaluru-IND, in Hindi. A indian song; 0158 Woman talks, ID and music; 0200 Man talks, ID, and next, woman announcer presents news, presumably; 0205 Returns songs programming by woman announcer. Good reception, 45444. ** 9865. Nov 5, 2019. 0147-0159, All India Radio-Vividh Bharati, Bengaluru-IND, in Hindi. Music; 0150 Woman announcer talks, ID and more songs. Fair reception, 35433. MADAGASCAR ** 6180. Nov 2, 2019. 0302-0320, MWV-La Voz Alegre, Mahajanga-MDG, in Spanish. A song; Mr. Bruno presents a religious message in the segment "Vale la pena vivir"; A song of the broadcasting IS-ID; 0314 Man presents a christian message. Good reception, 45544. PHILIPPINES ** 12070. Nov 3, 2019. 0002-0015, FEBC-Radio Liangyou 1, Iba-PHL, in Chinese. Man and woman talk; 0011 A song by chorus. Poor reception, 35422. ROMANIA ** 5910. Nov 3, 2019. 0111-0121, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti-ROU, in Romanian language. Man voice and a musical programming. Poor reception, 35422. SRI LANKA ** 11750. Nov 4, 2019. 1758-1820, SLBC-City FM, Trincomalee-CLN, in Hindi. A musical program; 1803 Woman talks, ID and more songs. Fair reception with fast breaks in modulation this afternoon here, 45433. ** 11750. Nov 5, 2019. 1814-18, SLBC-City FM, Trincomalee-CLN, in Sindhi. Woman talks; A song; 1820 Man talks and next a song; Good reception, 45544. SUDAN ** 9505. Nov 4, 2019. 1847-1857, Sudan Radio-Voice of Africa, Al-Aitahab-SDN, in Hausa language. Woman talks and a short song; 1849 Man talks; 1853 A song. Poor reception, 35422. TURKEY ** 7280. Nov 5, 2019. 0200-0210, Voice of Turkey, Emirler-TUR, in Spanish. IS and ID; Woman announcer presents news - Noticias de la jornada. Good reception, 45544. UAE ** 6170. Nov 2, 2019. 0205-0215, FEBC Manila, Al-Dhabbiya-UAE, in Urdu. Man and woman talking during this log. Poor reception, 25422. UZBEKISTAN ** 7280. Nov 5, 2019. 0123-0130, TWR India, Tashkent-UZB, in Hindi. Man voice, preaching?; 0128Woman talks, ID and website; 0129 A brief song, ID and IS ends programming. Fair reception, 35433. JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs November 5-6, 2019 |
Wednesday, November 06 2019
** ALASKA. 11670, Nov 6 at 1358, S1-S2 JBA announcement in Chinese; 1359 dead air, 1400 barely recognizable KNLS IS, confirming it`s really here for the English hour aimed westward, via backward leakage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ALBANIA [non]. 15770, Nov 5 at 2030, WRMI with fill music, NOT Radio Tirana which appeared on the WRMI skedgrid a few weeks ago, but the first time I have checked for it. Still music at 2043; 2100 switch to non-BS gospel huxter but must be TOM as now scheduled, finally BS` own voice at 2106. During this hour both 9395 and 9455 emit separate programmings. I wonder if RT has ever shown up here, M-F 2030 on 15770, since with every seasonal change, now a dekaday ago, there`s a misconnect in the indirect acquisition of RT files via Germany, as the original timing non-DST and/or URL must have changed unbeknownst to the automation. I now suspect the other RT relay slot, nominally shifted to 0230 UT on 9395, has also failed. This deal was not initiated by Radio Tirana, and they take no trouble to maintain it altho tolerate it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA [non]. 6060, Nov 6 at 0004, new WRMI-3 frequency VP S7-S8 with flutter during SMTV, but RAE Spanish relay scheduled for 0100 is AWOL again, altho not checked until 0153 when Christian hymns are playing, ``Holy3``, and ``Rejoice`` cut off for 0200*. I suspect that unlike Albania, RAE is still sending files, but not being configured correctly to show up on this system at this time on this frequency. BTW the skedgrid still shows WRMI-3 on 5800 in the 2100-2400 period before changing to 6060, but I think 6060 is already on earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 7850-CUSB, Nov 5 at 2105, NO signal from CHU, but VG on 14670-CUSB. The middle frequency is normally audible day and into the night vs MUF plunges. 3330-CUSB is audible at 0708 Nov 6, but again not on 7850. Also Nov 6 at 1427, 14670 but no 7850. Happy anniversary! Mike Cooper forwards this: /R E P E A T -- Time flies! 80th anniversary of the National Research Council of Canada time signal/ --- News provided by National Research Council Canada Nov 05, 2019, 13:00 ET https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/-r-e-p-e-a-t-time-flies-80th-anniversary-of-the-national-research-council-of-canada-time-signal--847894922.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 15034-USB, Nov 6 at 1351, Trenton Military, CHR still clocking 61 minutes slow as ``1250 zulu``, after no-reports-received from Ontario APs, but succeeds with a ``special report from Calgary`` as of 1300, which is not really from the future (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15370, Nov 5 at 1959, RHC ID in Spanish and introducing English from 2000; 15140 is not on! But at 2028 recheck, 15370 is S9+10 of dead air, and 15140 *is* on now in English amid `DXers Unlimited, this being ``mit-week`` Tuesday. Talking about ham radio activities during Hurricane Harvey, Houston --- old show or reminiscing? Then advocating pre-sunrise grayline DXing; 2030 outro DXUL already. NOW at 2030, 15370 has started just barely modulating in Brazuguese, whilst previous days, JM Aubier in France had been hearing it in English. 2150 recheck, 15370 is again in Brazuguese, while by now 15140 is off. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6165, Nov 6 at 0153, no signal from RHC, which was expected in English from 0100; but 6000 is running tho VP S9+10 undermodulated as the only chance to hear it in primetime. By 0200, 6165 is now on along with 6000. This night at 0705 check, 6165 is VG in English, while 6100 and 6000 are off. You never know what combo will be active especially after 0500. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15370, Nov 6 at 1352, RHC is *not* on here this morning, unlike yesterday, rather usual 15140, S9 but undermodulated JBA, better on 15230. At 1545, still no 15370, but 15230, 15140, 13700. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 9690, Nov 6 at 1416, choral music, S5-S7 with flutter, 1417 ID as General Overseas Service of All India Radio, plugging its brand new website also offering streaming, URL repeated multiply, http://airworldservice.org No signal on onetime // 11620 for the 1330 sesquihour, altho 11560 Afghan service is audible as usual. 9690 is reactivated for B-19, good for us as long as Spain is not starting here until 1500. 9865 music from Vividh Bharati service is slightly better S6-S8 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN [non]. 6155, Nov 6 at 0459, NHK IS, timepips a few seconds late, opening English from NHK World Radio Japan, a weak S9 about the same as 7410. Previous log had wrong info about the three frequencies for this, lacking 6155 which is 300 kW ND from AUSTRIA as now shown on HFCC and also from NHK`s own pdf schedule. 7410 is 500 kW, 155 degrees from FRANCE; and inaudible on 9860, 250 kW, 184 degrees from Vatican. So the lower two remain our best chance to hear RJ in English. If Japanese will do, there`s still 6105 at 0200-0400, 500 kW, 290 degrees from FRANCE targeting CIRAF 10 & 11 = Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, shunning USA but close enough. 6155, Nov 6 at 0702, weak German as AUSTRIA also runs the only SWBC of its own on same frequency as NHK a bihour before, still 300 kW ND at 0600-0720 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [non]. How`s the Kurdo-Turco radio war going today? Nov 6 at 1357, only active is 11540 with both Dengê Welat and Jammiler clashing about equally approx. 6 Hz apart making heavy SAH; 1401 drumming and chanting. Seems like in no hurry to play mouse-and-cat. At 1459, still colliding on 11540, but at 1501 one station cuts off revealing no other station either. Immediately tune around and now there is a signal on 11530, presumably DW jumped and/or changed site, as Bulgaria, France and Pridnestrovye have all been involved. Another is soon back on 11540, jammer missing target? At 1513 and 1543 chex there remain weakening signals on both frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Hepburn tropo maps for 1500 UT Nov 6 show marginal level-1 enhancement in eastern OK not reaching here and nothing to the west; yet KWOU 88.1 Woodward has tropo-enhanced signal for `StarDate` at 1442.5 UT Nov 6. By 1606 UT I do a DTV bandscan finding a Bad signal on RF 10 which could be Tulsa or Wichita; nothing else unusual except RF 16 still lacks KOCM; and RF 23 is so Bad that KSBI cannot be decoded, both ``local`` OKCs (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9455 & 9395, Nov 6 at 1424, Brother Scare on WRMI says he is 86 years old today and has been preaching for 70 years. Is this really his birthday or another old playback? One never knows. What a wasted life! And how are the sexual predator charges against him coming along? SC authorities are not saying (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY [and non]. Besides the radio war on 11540/11530, see KURDISTAN [non], what is TRT doing? 15350v, Nov 6 at 1353, tune-in just in time to hear TRT cut off its Turkish music before I could measure it, but BFO revealed it was off enough to make a LAH. 12035, Nov 6 at 1403, VOT in English with historical talk, 1405 switch to another show with a different theme but cannot copy their titles; close to on-frequency, poor and with occasional ACI from a USB 2-way circa 12032.5. Can`t find a simple SW program schedule since SW has been demoted to barely existing on the TRT World Television website https://www.trtworld.com/ nor can Alan Roe`s latest Hitlist link directly to any SW program schedule. We used to be on the P-mailing list for them twice a year; is anyone still getting those? 11815, Nov 6 at 1402, fast SAH in about equal mix with Radio Japan in Japanese. Not SW, but Clara Listensprechen sends along this: For Turkey, Al Jazeera English has become an irritant to its Qatar partnership --- Rare public ill-feeling has flared between the two allies as Turkish media laments the Doha outlet's coverage of the Syria offensive https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkey-al-jazeera-english-has-become-irritant-qatar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 13565-CW, Nov 6 at 1356, HIFER beacon K6FRC in Patterson CA is JBA. Not until 1545 do I check DXmap, to find one sign of sporadic E, a 14 MHz MUF over the NW corner of Nevada; not the right spot for this catch, but it`s something, resulting from some ham contact. By then KVOH is unusually inbooming, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 11900, Tue Nov 5 at 2025, S9/+10 song in Spanish, ``Bandolera`` --- what`s this, another OCB frequency? NO, back-announce 2027 in French, from that VOA African service DJ who also performs in English. 11900 B-19 scheduled as SAO TOME, 100 kW at 335 degrees so favorable USward, French 1930-2030 daily, plus 2030-2100 Sunday and Hausa 2030-2100 Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2006 monitoring: Vern of WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, now explains what happened with WOR last Saturday night. Due to a program schedule error earlier in the day, it ran at 0301-0330 UT Sunday, just before I tuned in, and preceding TWIAR. Says he will see about updating the websked. And: ``In equipment, I replaced the DAP-310 audio processor with an Inovonics INO223 Audio processor. three independently adjustable bands, digital look ahead processing; a 5 kHz brick wall bandpass limiter. Also, pre-emphasis to enhance intelligibility. 5 kHz is the minimum available, I would have preferred 4. It allows me to set + 103%, -95% peak modulation level with no occasional over-modulation spikes. With 360 watts radiated power from the antenna, it does a reasonable job. I will try to keep better tabs on log timing. Thank you for your input, and keep up the good work. Vern`` Next: 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v [ex-2100] to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5010, Nov 6 at 0150, BB WRMI ID and music, // much stronger 5850, but something else talking on 7780, and 9395 inaudible. This could mean that the UT Sat 0130 time for WORLD OF RADIO will no longer be trimulcast on 5010, 5850 and 7780. See also ALBANIA [non] and ARGENTINA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9955, Nov 6 at 1423, WRMI-10 is OFF, leaving some lite jamming; while 9455 & 9395 are still running TOMBS. 9955 after DST over is supposed to stay until 1500 UT + another hour weekends for Blalock the Blaster. ** U S A. 17775, Nov 6 at 1544, KVOH is S9+20/30 with gospel songs in Spanish; instead of JBA carrier or none at all, must be getting sporadic E boost; a bit of which is on the DX Map, a 14 MHz MUF blob over NW Nevada as a clue. Now the SSOB, and almost the OSOB besides the JBA carriers from TransAt, FRANCE on 17800 & 17825 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report despatched at 1843 UT November 6 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs November 4-5, 2019 |
Tuesday, November 05 2019
** ALASKA. 11670, Nov 5 at 1440, JBA carrier, so maybe KNLS English be really here instead of 11760 per its own website; in any event no good for winter night polar propagation west or east (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 7380, Nov 4 at 2215, RHC English on now, so the ``African`` service stays on same frequency but an hour *earlier* from 2200 than in A-19, 2300-2400. Since 7380 is off after 2300, probably French and Portuguese have also been earlied to 2100-2200. No, it`s Arabic and Portuguese per J-M Aubier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6000, Nov 5 at 0057, RHC in Spanish as the weekday TV simulcast of `Mesa Redonda` is now a real hour later, so no more early English in the 00-01 hour; nor is 6165 on yet. The evening English span has also shifted an hour later to 0100-0800, as still on in English at 0724 check only on 6100, VG S9+30; and 6165 undermodulated S9/+10. I am not saying anything is wrong about this, since it seems to be an intentional if unpublicized seasonchange (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15370, Nov 5 at 1513, surprised to hear this frequency now so temprano as it had been a tarde channel only. Replacing 15140 which is not on, or maybe that closed earlier. 15230 is also on. Now during `Sonido Cubano` music I also survey what other RHC Spanish frequencies are still running: 13700 (no spurs), 11760, 9640, 9535; and a JBA carrier on 6100 which could be Cuba or Asian remnant. At 1601, 13700 is off but 11760, 9640 and 9535 are still on. At 1602 Nov 5, 15370 still on with 11:04 timecheck, 15230 off. 15370, Nov 5 at 1900 recheck, now opening Arabic, ex-1800 on 15140 which is still off. // 11760 but modulation soon cut, and 1901* off. Tho it was still an all-day frequency yesterday, 15140 is still not on by 1930 Nov 5, so we`ll see where 2000 English can now be found. Things are changing day to day as the shakeup develops. See last report with Jean-Michel Aubier, France, monitoring for November 3. Strangely, 15370 was carrying the second half of English from 2030 on both Nov 3 and 4. Jean-Michel Aubier in France observed on Nov 4: ``1900-1930 Arabic 15140 1930-2000 Creole 15140 2000-2100 English 15140 2030-2100 English 15370 2100-2130 Arabic 7380 15140 15370 (3 fréquencies!) 2130-2200 Portuguese 7380 15370 2130-2200 Spanish 9880 (needs to be verified) 2200-2400 Spanish 15370 2200-2300 English 7380 2300-2400 Portuguese 11700 French not heard since Oct 27. Have the broadcasts disappeared? other frequencies?`` I, gh, wonder if no French could be connected to the ascension of French department person Tania Hernández to direct the entire emisora, as reported yesterday; no time to do French programs? Wolfgang Bueschel says he`s not heard from ailing Arnie with new sked info, but did his own RHC survey today, q.v., with similar results to mine (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. 6125, Nov 4 at 2331, TV Martí still unjammed here, ex-5980, where its audio soundtrack appeared months ago, separately from RADIO Martí frequencies --- but now, it`s always // RM, so no more TVM to be heard on SW? Now it is // 7355 and 7435 (while jamming continues on ex-7335 heavy, 7375 lite). At 0057 Nov 5 I notice that 6125 is off, and confirming there is NO jamming; break for antenna and/or transmitter change? I think 6125 was back a few minutes later but failed to log it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. 17800, Nov 5 at 1519, JBA YL talking, while 17825 is a JBA AM carrier, i.e. Issoudun with Mini Transat yacht weather info, still not in DRM on either. Maybe vital info for the racing contestants but how many of them have portable DRMs aboard?? So much for a DRM Consortium publicity stunt (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN [non]. 7410, Nov 5 at 0507, NHK English is poor, S8-S9 via AUSTRIA; higher // are out of question here, 9860 Vatican JBA carrier, and 11970 France zilch. Radio Japan has only three English SW broadcasts left, and this may be our best chance, considering the two bad frequencies no longer Palau at 1400; and 1100 on 11825 via Singapore (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5980, Nov 4 at 2331, JBA carrier under wall-of-noise jamming against no Martí which has moved to 6125. That could be Radio Chaski, as nothing is in HFCC B-19 on 5980 between 2200 and 0200. No carrier detected at 0006, so maybe closed in the meantime. I wish Claudio Galaz or someone in South America could confirm the Chaski cutoff time. You may recall a few years ago when it was later around 0100 with no CCI, I would track it slipping 5 seconds or so later from one night to the next, quite fun! Until they would reset their timer earlier, starting a slipcycle all over again. Now we can only hope that the incompetent Cuban jammers will turn off 5980 before RM really comes on at 0600. Even Cubans in favor of jamming should be livid about the electrical expense wasted on jamming against nothing; which could be spent on e.g. improving the diet of the poor population (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 11610, Nov 5 at 1600, Somali on VOA as mentioned, S7-S9. It`s 1600-1800, 250 kW, 126 degrees from Woofferton UK, thus close to off-the-back here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2006 monitoring: Richard Langley now confirms heard on all three 7780 WRMI airings, Sunday Nov 3 at 2130, UT Monday Nov 4 at 0130 & 0230; with some cutoffs. Following up last report that WOR was underway at 1902 UT Monday November 4 on IRRS 7290, heard via OH5AE SDR: I note the time of the mid-break as 1913:30, but that was 14:40 into the program, so playback must have started more than a minute early at 1858:50 --- hope the transmitter was already on with this input. And Alan Gale, England reports: ``Hi Glenn, Much to my surprise World of Radio was broadcast again this evening (Monday) on IRRS 7290 kHz at 1900 UT. I missed the start of the programme but it was on when I tuned in at 1913 and continued right to the end at 1928, so it looks like it was the full programme this time. Alan``. Also confirmed UT Tuesday November 5 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, JBA. Next: 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v [ex-2100] to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 6060, Nov 4 at 2328, WRMI activated new frequency, but poor S7-S9 in Chinese, music, SMTV ex-5800, ex-4980; and undermodulated like 5800 was. At 0000 UT Tue Nov 5, seems dead air or maybe JBM; 0002 some talk in English, music, Vietnamese, the off-putting language mixture of SMTV with no captions. NO RHC reactivated on 6060. WRMI chose 6060 to further the legacy of RAE which was on 6060 sesquidecades ago, and said would move their Spanish relay hour to 0100 Tue-Sat. At 0056 dead air? 0058 algo JBM; 0100 what? At 0104-0107 I am barely hearing on 6060 Christian hymns, definitely not RAE! 0201 still JBA but probably about to turn off 6060, unless it`s now Iran in Arabic as scheduled 1730-0230, 500 kW, 289 degrees from Zahedan for Arabia and North Africa, but likely QRMing WRMI/RAE in Latin America beyond. BTW, RAE continues hinting they will be getting a new SW transmitter of their own. Other WRMI monitoring: 5010, Nov 4 at 2329, is on with algo, Fámily Radio? 9395, Nov 4 at 0100, not RAE in English when it has been, but VP M&W talk. Oldies and BB ID late past 0200, then RAE multi-lingual opening and theme into English now an hour later. 0256 check Qur`an --- recognized as part of the WRMI `World Music` fill loop --- I wonder what genuine Moslems make of this insert -- what is this passage in mandatory Arabic about? Radio Tirana now scheduled too an hour later at 0230, but ends early; 0258 WRMI Spanish ID and bit of music, 0259 another ID JBA, 0300, Prague theme opening English. The WRMI skedgrid, http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMIfqs reminds us that XMTR 6, 355 degrees on 9395 runs System G until 0230 including RAE ATTW English, and from 0230 System H with Tirana, 0300 Prague. Also, the programs grids mostly in UT, but System G is in EDT/EST, which accounts for the one-hour-later shift, like always happens with System B on 9955. Yet System H is in UT, but times are now wrong, still with Tirana at 0130 and Prague at 0200 (except for music show pre-emptions on certain days. At least we now have Tirana unscathed at new 2030 time M-F on 15770, which I have yet to run across.) This shift may have edged out WORLD OF RADIO, which had been running at 0130 UT Monday, a day off for Tirana on 9395. Now WOR is not shown on 9395 at 0130 or 0230, which need to be monitored next week. Should still be on 7780 at both times. Also displayed in ET rather than UT are System C, nothing but TOMBS on all his frequencies. And System L, very incomplete on 9455. It would be very helpful if someone outside WRMI with plenty of spare time, could reorganize the WRMI program skedgrids by FREQUENCY, instead of by System --- so one could pick a frequency and see all the programming on it in UT ONLY, no matter from what system! But this could be problematic as the System skeds are not complete nor 100% accurate. Yet the playback computers must know what they are supposed to do (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7490+, UT Tue Nov 5 at 0000, WBCQ is VP S6-S7, but I can recognize the intonations of Uncle Bill, so indeed his `Melting Pot` is getting another play as filler, 25 hours after normal airing, most of which I missed, but by 0015 I`m hearing it well on webcast. He`s back at 0100 UT Tue now with his othershow, `From the Isle of Music` which includes a lot of talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. It`s way too late for a detailed JBA TA MW carrier bandscan, Nov 5 at 0717, but a few spotchex before dozing: 774 with beat, presumed Spains; 693, 621; and 846 which I assume is really Kiritimati TP; rather than low-powers in Denmark, Ireland, Italy; medium powers but too far into dayside now, Iran, Saudi, UAE, South Africa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 1951 UT November 5 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs November 3-4, 2019 |
Tuesday, November 05 2019
CUBA at 23.30 - 24.00 UT Nov 45040 RHC Sp 6000 Mesa Redonda SP speech to crowd 9535 RHC Sp 9640 RHC Sp weak signal in TWR Bonaire Kiwi and Edmonton Alb-CAN SDR 11700 S=9 empty carrier, not Mesa Redonda px, start RHC IS Sp at 23.59 UT 11760 RHC Sp 11850 RHC Sp 11950 Mesa Redonda SP speech to crowd, til 24.00 UT at 00.10 UT on Nov 5 6000 Mesa Redonda SP speech to crowd - still 5990 CRI Spanish via QUI, (underneath intermodulation MR of 6000 kHz QUI) 6010 intermodulation QUI - of 5990 CRI and 6000 Mesa Redonda extend) 73 wb ----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX" Sent: Monday, November 04, 2019 8:16 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 3-4, 2019
** CUBA. 15140, Sun Nov 3 at 2009, RHC English confirmed an hour later than summer, 20-21 UT and still on 15140. ``Ed Newman`` is introducing a panel discussion at some institute, with big names such as Ricardo Alarcón, former? foreign minister, etc., two of The Cuban Five (spy heroes, not frequencies), and Tania Hernández, who is now director of RHC, rising from the French department. Taking questions from audience, subject seems to be The Blockade, with usual anti-American sentiments; in English as long as I listen for a few minutes. Seems special rather than regular programming, could even be live.Jean-Michel Aubier, France, elucidates on the WOR iog: ``English is now at 2000, still on 15140, but also on 15370 from 2030 (?), frequency which was expected to be in French. At 2030, the programme is a speech (with translation into English). After, another speech in Spanish (without translation). Seems to be a special programme (Mentions of Maduro and Lula Da Silva). Arabic was aired at 1900 on 15140 followed by Creole on 15140 too (both // = live stream)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 7380, Nov 3 at 2315, RHC is off the frequency which had had English to ``Africa`` at this late hour in A-19. Then it coincided with English hour on tropical 5040, but that is now in Spanish; still slightly off-frequency+plus, 5040.052 and undermodulated at 2322. As usual however, 5040 English has latened an hour as heard at 0001 Nov 4 repeating the Blockade discussion aired earlier at 2000 on 15140. So what has become of the second English broadcast of the day? Nothing now on previous frequencies 9720 or 11880. Could have shifted one hour *earlier*, opposite of what one would expect post-DST, as in previous winters to be at 2200-2300 somewhere. Need to search for it then. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report despatched at 1916 UT November 4 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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