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Glenn Hauser logs December 15-16, 2019 |
Monday, December 16 2019
** CUBA. 13630 & 13770, Dec 16 at 1440, FMish/AM spurblobs from RHC 13700-AM about 70 kHz displaced today; and a much weaker double at 13840; if any at 13560, buried under local constant RF ID or some other ISM transmission. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 11760, Dec 16 at 1554, big dead air from this RHC, while 15140 & weaker 15230 modulate. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. 11930 & 11860, Mon Dec 16 at 1506, Radio Martí well atop wall-of-noise jammers opening `Revoltillo` show with host greeting listeners around the world including Alemania, Houston, several towns in Cuba including Bejucal = RHC/spy/jammer SW site; interspersed with SFX such as rooster, sheep; nice weather in Miami, 25 grados. By 1622 recheck, both are below the jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Dec 16 at 1435 VP music from Echo of Hope back here this week ex-4890; Ron Howard will have surveyed all the latest jumparounds as of Mondays; yes, already: ``Last Monday (Dec 9): 3985 // 4890 // 6000 // 6255 // 6355 // 9105 This Monday (Dec 16): 3990 // 4885 // 6000(?) // 6250 // 6355 // 9100`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [non]. 11530, Dec 16 at 1452, Kurdish music with chanting, only one station, Denge Welat, no Turkish jamming. Had been on 11540 for several days whenever checked. Nothing there either now. A few seconds before 1500, another carrier comes on, extremely smooth site transition, presumably from PRIDNESTROVYE to FRANCE, as music keeps playing; timesignal 38 seconds late, ID and YL talk interspersed with news stingers. Before 1500 it was S6-S8 with flutter; afterwards, only slightly steadier here, both aimed away from us, but Issoudun crosses more below the auroral zone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5980, Dec 15 at 2350, JBA carrier from R. Chaski vs Cuban noise jamming against nothing else; until autocutoff at 2354:48.5* My last check was Dec 10 until 2354:59*, i.e. now 10.5 seconds earlier over a 5-day period, keeping up the average timer slippage slightly over 2 seconds per noctem. At some eventuality, they will figure it`s too early and will reset the timer closer to 2400; but they obviously don`t care about abruptly interrupting whatever programming be outgoing on SW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWAZILAND. 4760, Dec 16 at 0337, African language vs CODAR on both sides, from TWR scheduled 0330-0415. EiBi and Aoki/NDXC do not agree on the Zimbabwean language breakdown. EiBi: 0330-0345 Ndau, 0345-0415 Shona; Aoki: 0330-0400 Shona, 0400-0415 Ndau. Ndau has twice as many speakers in Moçambique than in Zimbabwe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2012 monitoring: confirmed UT Monday December 16 at 0130 on WRMI 7780, S8-S9 after a 1-second musical interlude to avoid any dead air after ID. I have added a second of dead air at the end of WOR, so now there is no overlap by the too-hasty WRMI automation. Also confirmed UT Mon Dec 16 at 0230 on 7780 and 9395 vs hi noise level here; both OK via UTwente SDR, 7780 thataway better than 9395 off the side. Richard Langley, NB reports on his 7780 recording last Sunday evening, 15-16 December UT: ``21:30 World of Radio (#2012; no words cut off nor overridden this week) 01:30 World of Radio (#2012; no words cut off nor overridden this week) 02:30 World of Radio (#2012; no words cut off nor overridden this week) -- Richard Langley`` WOR 2012 also confirmed by gh starting at 0402 UT Mon Dec 16 on Area 51 webcast; and VP S5-S6 on WBCQ 5130 at 0429 check. Also confirmed at 0430 UT Mon Dec 16 on WRMI 9955, VG S9+20 atop some lite pulse jamming before fading down a bit. Reception quality of this airing is extremely variable here. Also confirmed starting at 1901:12 Mon Dec 16 on IRRS 7290 Romania? Huge -50 dbM signal at UTwente SDR (carrier already on at 1857 with some hum, ACI from China; 1859:25 cut on modulation amid Aïda in progress, quick IRRS sign-on; pause, 1900:30 four headlines from Feature Story News, London, but American accent: India protests; Schumer on impeachment; new MPs in parliament; Russia testing transpolar nuclear missile system). Next: 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Unique Radio, NSW website now says will be active Dec 25-26, and maybe elsewhen, with WOR times as: Mon 0900 & 0930 on 5045-USB or 3210-USB? Not clear. Wed and Fri 0900 on 5045-USB. Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VANUATU [and non]. 5040, Dec 16 at 0720, JBA carrier, presumably VBTC which has just reactivated SW with its new transmitter as anticipated before yearend, and reported heard elsewhere. It`s too late for Cuba on 5040, and too early for India. Same time more JBA carriers from fellow Pacificans, 5055 presumed 4KZ Queensland; and 5020 Solomon Islands. Reawake at 1046 for quick check, still only JBA carriers on all. Missing is 5045 for Unique Radio, but that would be USB, no carrier, currently suspended and/or on 3210-USB instead. VBTC on FB Dec 15 about this in Bislama/Pidgin: ``VBTC blong yumi evriwan https://www.facebook.com/vbtc.vu/ VBTC 21 hrs · Good morning VBTC Technical team wetem ol technician blong Kordia mo Hanjin oli stap testem ol frequencies blong Short Wave Transmitters long ol following frequencies mo ol time ia 0600-0900 3945 Khz 0900-1200 5040 Khz 1200-1800 7260 Khz 1800-2200 5040 Khz [local = UT + 11] Sapose anyone i kasem ol frequencies ia plis contactem Radio Vanuatu long 23026 or 22999`` So not 2485, and 5040 instead of 5055 as originally registered; relax, 4KZ. 5040: 07-11 UT & 22-01 UT. 2485 and 5055 are still shown in HFCC as of Dec 16, but not updated since Dec 10, mixed in with NZ FMO info: http://hfcc.org/data/schedbyfmo.php?seas=B19&fmor=RNZ Ron Howard reports to the WOR iog: ``5040, Radio Vanuatu, random listening on Dec 16. Their signature song "You Are the Only One," sung by the "Black Brothers," heard at 1105, 1123 and while mixing with AIR Jeypore at 1223; reception blocked at 1128, with the start of AIR IS, via Jeypore, which was stronger than Vanuatu; still mixing together at 1248, so seems to still be testing`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 2887-USB & 3016-USB, Dec 16 at 0705 in bandscan, weak intermittent aero contacts. EiBi shows 2887 is New York for Caribbean routes; 3016 north Atlantic routes, any of NY, Gander, Shannon, Azores. Santa Maria was mentioned = Azores but probably a handoff from one of the others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 5006, Dec 16 at 1434, JBA carrier; JG2XA propagation studier? See previous discussion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 5798, Dec 16 at 0724 and 1437 chex, JBA carrier here not noticed before, and not at this time from WRMI 5800. Nothing in EiBi or Aoki; could be ute (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 13740, Dec 16 at 1554, fair signal with flutter, rough guess Swahili? well after RHC is finished. Nothing in EiBi or Aoki, before 1700 RFI in French; but HFCC shows HCJB via AUSTRIA multilingual at 1530-1630 on Saturdays only. This is the Russian/Chechen service, but now it`s Monday, so what? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 1936 UT December 16 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
JRX Logs December 11-12 & 15, 2019 |
Monday, December 16 2019
JRX Logs_ December 11-12 & 15, 2019Receiver (s)_ XHDATA D-808Antenna (s)_ Mini Loop to SW ARMENIA ** 7445. Dec 12, 2019. 0325-0330, BBC, Gavar-ARM, in Pashto. Man talks; 0329 ID by man announcer; 0030 Abrupt ends. Poor reception to this five minutes log, only, 25422. BRAZIL ** 4875. Dec 12, 2019. 0000-0010, Radio Difusora de Roraima, Boa Vista-RR, in Portuguese. Man talks; Commercial announcements; ID; 0007 Man announcer talks, ID and a song. Poor reception, 25422. D = 3067km. ** 4885. Dec 12, 2019. 0011-0023, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém-PA, in Portuguese. Sports program conducted by men announcers: Talk about local team Paysandú and brazilian football games this time; ID. Fair reception this night, 35433. D = 1635km. CHINA ** 5000. Dec 12, 2019. 0025-0035, BPM Xian, Pucheng-CHN. Time Signal Station with variety time pips tones, differents of the WWV and WWVH transmissions and I did´n perceive voice announcer. Fair reception, 35553. Distance from Cabedelo, 16022km. ** 5060. Dec 12, 2019. 0111-0123, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi-Changji-CHN, in Chinese language. Woman announcer talks and next a conversation with a long man. Poor reception, 25422. ** 6015. Dec 12, 2019. 0248-0305, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi-Changji-CHN, in Kazakh language. Man talks and a song; 0100 Time pips, ID and man and woman announcers talk; Woman announcer talks with a guitar background. Fair reception, 35433. ** 6100. Dec 15, 2019. 1930-1946, China Radio International, Beijing-Matoucun-CHN, in Russian. Woman announcer presents a musical program: Talks before each song. Good reception, 45544.Parallel logs on 6110kHz, via Xian-Xianyang, 45444; 7245kHz, via Baoji-Xinjie, a strong reception in french language, with a poor russian program on background ! ** 7325. Dec 15, 2019. 1923-1926, China Radio International, Shijiazhuang-CHN, in Czech language. A short song; Man voice; 1925 man and woman talk; ID and CRI sked in czech language; IS. Good reception, 45544. ** 7420. Dec 15, 2019. 1746-1757, China Radio International, Xian-Xianyang-CHN, in Esperanto. Musics; 1754 A song, in esperanto by male singer; 1757 Abrupt ends. Good reception, 45444.Parallel log on 7205, relay Beijing-Matoucun, 45544. ** 7435. Dec 15, 2019. 1912-1922, China Radio International, Xian-Xianyang-CHN, in Hungarian. Man announcer talks, with piano on background; 1920 A song; Woman talks. Very good reception, 55544.Parallel log on 9650kHz, via Urumqi, 45544. CLANDESTINE ** 7340. Dec 12, 2019. 0412-0420, Eye Radio, SM di Galeria-CVA, in Sudanese (Arabic to South Sudan). Man announcer talks; 0416 ID and man voice communication; Repeat ID. Fair reception, 35433. CUBA ** 5025. Dec 12, 2019. 0047-0057, Radio Rebelde, Bauta-CUB, in Spanish. Man and woman present news and political commentaries; ID. Poor reception, 35422. ** 5040. Dec 12, 2019. 0058-0110, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Creole language. IS, ID and begin program in creole; 0100 Man announcer says Bienvenue, Bonsoir; ID and a political commentary; News. Poor reception, 35422. FRANCE ** 7375. Dec 15, 2019. 1825-1835, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun-F, in Arabic & French. Woman and man announcers present news in french language; 1829 Return news, presumed, now in arabic, by man and woman voices. Fair reception, 35533. GERMANY ** 7265. Dec 12, 2019. 0358-0410, NHK World Japan, Nauen-D, in Japanese. Man talks; 0359 Woman talks with music background; 0400 Time pips, man announcer talks, ID. Fair reception, 35433. GREAT BRITAIN ** 4610-USB. Dec 11, 2019. 2303-2320, GYA Northwood Meteo Fax, Northwood-G. Meteo Fax transmission arrives, here, with better reception on 4609-USB, 45554. Distance from Cabedelo, 7293km. GUAM ** 16806-USB. Dec 15, 2019. 1901-1911, NRV NAVTEX Guam. Transmission arrives here with a fair reception: Fax or RTTY ? INDIA ** 11560. Dec 12, 2019. 0315-0325, All India Radio, Bengaluru-IND, in Dari. Man talks news, presumed; 0315 ID, woman announcer talks and next a indian songs. Fair reception, 35433. IRELAND ** 5505-USB. Dec 12, 2019. 0137-0147, Shannon Volmet, Shannon-IRL, in English. Time airport conditions, in english language, presented by female announcer. Fair reception, 35553. KOREA SOUTH ** 9740. Dec 15, 2019. 1847-1857, KBS World Radio, Kimjae-KOR, in Spanish. Woman talks and a song; 1851 Man and woman announcers talk. Barely audible reception, 25411 ( In rare moments, 25422). MADAGASCAR ** 6180. Dec 12, 2019. 0343-0353, MWV-La Voz Alegre, Mahajanga-MDG, in Spanish. Man and woman announcer present religious messages and songs; ID, website (lavozalegre.com) and POBox to Cuba and Florida. Good reception, 45544. NIGERIA ** 11770. Dec 15, 2019. 1732-1745, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja-Lugbe-NIG, in English. Man and woman announcers talk about nigerian themes; 1742 ID and a short song; Man announcer talks. Fair reception, 35433. ROMANIA ** 6150. Dec 12, 2019. 0332-0342, Radio Romania International, Galbeni-ROU, in Spanish. Man announcer talks about historic palace in Bucharest in program "Vale la pena visitar Romania"; ID; 0340 Sport News by female announcer. Fair reception, 35433.Parallel logs on 7410 Galbeni, 35533; 9740 Tiganesti, 55544; 11800 Tiganesti, 25322. RUSSIA ** 4625-USB. Dec 11, 2019. 2330-2340, UVB-76 "The Buzzer", Naro-Fominsk-RUS. Military transmission data. Poor reception, here, 25552. Distance 9507km. SÃO TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE ** 9830. Dec 15, 2019. 1836-1846, Deutsche Welle, Pinheira-STP, in Hausa. Man announcer talks; 1843 Other man announcer talks. Fair reception, with slight interference by unidentified RTTY or Fax transmission, 34533.Parallel logs on 9570, via Issoudun, 25422 and 9785kHz, via Issoudun, 35422. THAILAND ** 7475. Dec 15, 2019. 1947-2000, Radio Thailand, Udon-Thani-THA, in English. Woman announcer talks about holidays and tourism in Thailand; 1954 ID, man talks and a song by female singer; 1958 IS carillon and ID: Radio Thailand, broadcasting from Bangkok ! 2000 ID and beginning a german (returns german programming) edition. Good reception, 45544. USA ** 5010. Dec 12, 2019. 0036-0046, WRMI-Radio Slovakia International, Okeechobee-FL, in Spanish. Man and woman talk; 0042 ID; Man and woman voices. Poor reception, 25422. ** 5935. Dec 12, 2019. 0306-0315, WWCR-University Network, Nashville-TN, in English. Tape with a sermon by died Pastor Eugene Scott, with a moments of exciting. Fair reception, 35533. ** 9475. Dec 15, 2019. 1803-1813, WTWW, Lebanon-TN, in English. Pastor makes a preaching. Poor reception, 25422. VATICAN ** 9705. Dec 15, 2019. 1814-1824, Vatican Radio, SM di Galeria-CVA, in Portuguese. Man announcer talks about Catholic Church in Angola; 1820 Other news of church by man announcer. Fair reception, 35433. JRX_Jose Ronaldo XavierSWARL Callsign PR7036SWLCabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3) Enviado do Yahoo Mail no Android _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Logs 10-12-19 |
Sunday, December 15 2019
Glenn Hauser logs December 14-15, 2019 |
Sunday, December 15 2019
** BRAZIL. 4925, Dec 15 at 0021, JBA talk at S8 vs noise level of S9. Presumably the only known station on frequency, Rádio Educação Rural, Tefé, Amazonas; not anything from Asia as first suspected (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 4875+, Dec 15 at 0144, Brazuguese talk and music, S8-S9, very slightly on plus side, i.e. Rdif. Roraima, Boa Vista (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 317 kHz, Dec 15 at 0226, dash and VC, 1000-watt ND beacon at La Ronge, Saskatchewan. 326 kHz, Dec 15 at 0230 UT, dash and VV, 133-watt NDB at Wiarton, Ontario, which http://www.dxinfocentre.com/ndb.htm says is among those to be decommissioned 2020-03-26. I was tuned to 325 USB. When tuned to 326 instead hearing AAA, supposed to be on 329; see U S A (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 7293-7294, Dec 15 at 1545, FMish spurblob with Chinese mixture // 7300-AM, which is a CNR1 jammer vs RTI frequency. No match on the opposite side. Not to be confused with the Vietnam +8 kHz spur from 7285 which finishes at 1330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 7335, Dec 15 at 1907, Chinese music, not Firedragon, S6-S7. Scheduled is CRI Portuguese via Jinhua site; i.e. nothing but music fill for months, probably same as heard after 2300 on 6100, 13650 via Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 5025, Dec 15 at 0020, R. Rebelde, S9+10 of dead air; and still so at 0246 recheck. Is no one paying attention at the studio or transmitter? Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 5820, Dec 15 at 0242, JBA carrier where nothing is listed, can`t pull any audio, but I recently computed this as a potential leapfrog mixing product at Quivicán/Titán, 6180 CRI Chinese relay over 6000 RHC English, another 180 kHz below. Harold Frodge, MI DXpedition, has also reported: ``UNKNOWNISTAN: 5820, 0128, 12/7; EE feature on the world economy, socialism vs capitalism & mentioned Cuba. Co-ch SS QRM, not //6060 RHC. Nothing in EiBi or Aoki (Frodge-DXP)`` RHC English could include Spanish bits. 5820 should contain the following: 01-02 CRI English & RHC English; 02-03 CRI Chinese & RHC English. Coincidentally two other frequencies could also leap to 5820, 6000 & 5910, another 90 kHz down: 03-04 CRI English & RHC English; 03-04 CRI Cantonese & RHC English. Reverse leaps would be 6360 then 6090 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SINGAPORE. 7355, Dec 15 at 1544, BBC Korean is S9+20, carrying on very well far beyond the target from Kranji; no jamming audible, scheduled 1530-1830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY [and non]. 5960, Sat Dec 14 at 2330, checking VOT via UTwente SDR, `Turkish Cuisine` recipe show, VG signal but with considerable LAH, i.e. from PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, in Chinese, which is always off-frequency-minus; Aoki says it starts at 2310. Its LAH even more of a problem an hour later against the weekly Mighty Farty KBC via Germany; but neither bothered much over here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [non]. 7445, Dec 15 at 1910, BBCWS in English about Algeria, Mali, S8-S9 this early via MADAGASCAR, scheduled 15-20, 250 kW at 315 degrees inadvertently also USward. Some collisions, such as IRAN also in English at 1520-1620, but that may be about to self-destruct (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 326? kHz, Dec 15 at 0727, ND beacon ID as AAA; only such call listed is supposed to be on 329 kHz, 25 watts from Lincoln IL = `Abraham Lincoln`. Not unusual to tune something 1 kHz off, but 3? The town of Lincoln is on I-55 NE of Springfield, halfway to Bloomington IL. When tuned to 325, I heard VV in Ontario, listed as 326; see CANADA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 13565-CW, Dec 15 at 1454, K6FRC HIFER beacon from Patterson CA is JBA, but usually no trace whenever checked, tuning by. I only hear it around this time of day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2012 monitoring: confirmed UT Sun Dec 15 at 0427 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, VG S9+20/30! About 12 minutes into so started circa nominal 0415 despite late start on first airing. Next: 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 9395 to WNW 0400vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW 0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SE 1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania? to WNW 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Unique Radio, NSW website now says will be active Dec 25-26, and maybe elsewhen, with WOR times as: Mon 0900 & 0930 on 5045-USB or 3210-USB? Not clear. Wed and Fri 0900 on 5045-USB. Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5085 and spur carriers 5072+, 5088-, Sat Dec 14 at 0128, theatre organ while a few minutes earlier it was still ham stuff, so must have just variably started on WTWW-2. Xmasmx with comments from Bob Heil; lasts until 0157 when closing he remarx, `from our new studio in Belleville, Illinois``. But is this really new or an evergreen show? Is he still calling it `Theater Organ in the Ozarx`? No doubt about Springfield MO area, but Belleville would really be pushing beyond Ozarx. I soon had switched to $ tereo webcast which has a new URL: http://wtww.us/pages/listen-live/tx2.php but don`t click on any link on that page or you`ll lose it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Dec 15 at 0256-0300: 531, 558, 576, 675, 684, 693, 711(stronger), 738, 747, 774(2), 837(2), 882, 909, 999(2), 1008, 1017, 1026, 1053, 1062, 1089, 1179, 1215, 1431 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1520.7 approx., Dec 15 at 1912 UT, het upon KOKC; not SAUDI ARABIA which would be exactly 1521.00, and probably KRHW Sikeston MO previously off-frequency. Would be nice if someone nearby or elsewhere in mid-America would measure what`s off. BTW, after Saudi closes at 2230*, DXers in NE America have been getting on 1521 the 500 kW CRI relay in EAST TURKISTAN, land of Uighur brainwashing by the ChiCom (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 7290, Dec 15 at 1906, JBA carrier this early, probably IRRS via Romania(?). May be able to detect WOR direct until 1930 on Dec 16 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 7475, Dec 15 at 0740, open carrier; also noted a few hours earlier when looking for YHWH. Also at 1542 when OC is S9+10, still at 1553, 1623, with some light clicking once per second. Maybe it`s a ute in this shared band? Nothing heard from RFE/RL in Tajik via Thailand scheduled at 1400-1700, and nothing is listed earlier. 7475, Dec 15 at 1910, carrier with trace of mod? Should now be Radio Thailand`s English hour direct to Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 1955 UT December 15 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs December 14, 2019 |
Sunday, December 15 2019
CUBA Cuban SW radio presence is low in 07-08 UT Dec 15 hour 5025 kHz R Rebelde totally distorted audio came from Bauta site at 07.46 UT, S=6 in Cape Canaveral and Detroit MI remote SDR's, S=8 in Alberta and Massachusetts.6145even RHC English from Bauta site noted til s-OFF at 07.58:05 UT, at 07.50 UT S=9+20dB strength in MA US state, in peaks 20 kHz wideband signal. Rather excellent audio quality from this Bauta unit. Some political nx read by female locutora: President impeachment against Trump, prosecution matter issue. Venezuelan - Cuban relations... At 08.00 UT NOTHING heard of RHC Esperanto Sunday special in 49 mb, no transmission from Bauta either 6100 nor 6145 kHz noted so far. some various CODAR's on air, examples in 70 - 60 mb 4435 - 4593 4734 - 4799 4884 - 4915 73 wb df5sx wwdxc germany https://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml new DX px list, version #5 of Dec 14 https://www.wwdxc.de/swl.pdf ----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX"
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2019 12:21 AM Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 14, 2019 ** CUBA. 6000, Dec 14 at 0216, RHC English is suptorted while 6145 is OK. It seems that 6000 normally starts at 0100, 6145 at 0200 or so. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)** CUBA. 5025, Dec 14 at 0654, R. Rebelde music is S9+20 but distorted. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6000, Dec 14 at 0656, RHC English is very undermodulated, worse than 6100 & 6165 which are about the same merely undermodulated. 5040 is off already and so is 6060. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 2321 UT December 14 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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