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Glenn Hauser logs January 12-13, 2020 |
Monday, January 13 2020
** ARGENTINA [non]. 5800, UT Mon Jan 13 at 0137 via WRMI, RAE Spanish relay during DX program, recognized as same I was hearing 48 hours earlier on UT Sat, about Bolivian and Peruvian non-SW stations. Seems a regular repeat pattern. Several minutes before 0200 both nights, gospel songs in English were playing, evidently filling out after a RAE relay which is only 54 minutes long (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** MADAGASCAR. 6005, Jan 13 at 0330, carrier at S9+10 and some undermodulated talk, 0333 song. Presume to be new frequency for R. Tamazuj, ex-6015. Rocus De Joode, frequency manager of MGLOB relay station, told us Jan 12 he was about to move away from Zanzibar`s frequency which also starts at 0330, following a discussion about this collision among WOR iog members Ron Howard, Wolfgang Bueschel, Tibor Gaal, and Bill Bingham: ``Hello and Greetings from Madagascar, I noted underneath correspondence. I was aware of the interference. So I plan to use 6005 kHz (10 kHz away) from tomorrow morning and see if this improves the situation. According to band scans this should be a clear channel between 0330 and 0430 UTC in the horn of Africa. I want to note that my reason to use 6015 kHz was to stay close to 6020 kHz, which I used in the B18 season. However, since Tamazuj extended with half an hour extra starting A19, I could not use this anymore because or RRI from 0400 UTC onwards. And at the start of the B19 season 6015 kHz was free to use with DOL [Zanzibar] with 50 kW in Swahili reported to be off air. Considering the extreme low SSN I even consider to swap 6015 kHz and 7315 kHz between MDC and ISS. Not decided yet. 73’s de Rocus @ MDC`` Wolfgang Bueschel and Bill Bingham agree about the two frequencies now. HFCC A-19 has a wooden registration for EKAla, Sri Lanka at 0100-0430 with 10 kW at 350 degrees across India on 6005 --- but that site is long gone for YEARS! and indeed no longer mentioned in the WRTH 2020. BBC ASCENSION is on 6005 only at 0500-0700. Now the 6005 signal also has splatter from 6000 Cuba, despite that being undermodulated when tuned directly to it. See ZANZIBAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SUDAN SOUTH [non]. 6005 ex-6015, R. Tamazuj via MADAGASCAR: q.v. Recheck at 0427 Jan 13, 6005 is off; must have just missed closing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U A E. 5995.047, Jan 13 at 0337, JBA carrier off-frequency, a fit for BBC Arabic via inaccurate DHA site. There is also a weaker carrier closer to 5995.00 which is unaccounted for: the Korean radio war may be on but surely not propagating from noontime there (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2016 monitoring: confirmed Sunday January 12 after 2130 on WRMI 7780, poor-fair S5-S9. Also confirmed UT Monday January 13 after 0130 on WRMI 7780, VP S4-S6. Also confirmed UT Monday January 13 at 0230 checked via UTwente SDR only: 7780 good, 9395 poor. Also confirmed same time via WRN webcast to North America at new URL of http://shoutcast.wrn.org:8025/NAMAAP Also confirmed from 0402 UT Mon Jan 13 on Area 51 webcast; at 0335 WBCQ 5130.0 was JBA and at 0425, JBA with me (nothing on 6160v, extra transmitter totally dormant for months like 3265v; other WBCQs now: 9330.00 JBA carrier, 7490.07v S9+10 non-BS gospel huxter). Also confirmed UT Mon Jan 13 at 0430 on WRMI 9955, S9+10 after classical music fill, good with trace of lite pulse jamming. Next: 0900 UT Monday Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB 0930 UT Monday Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB [another episode] 1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania? to WNW 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 0900 UT Wednesday Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB 2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** ZANZIBAR. 6015, Jan 13 at 0330, VP S4-S6 signal seems also undermodulated, presumably ZBC finally clear of Tamazuj-via-Madagascar collision; as following a discussion among WOR group members, MGLOB has just moved its 0330-0430 broadcast down to 6005; see MADAGASCAR. Ron Howard had originally observed that on 6015, not only were Zanzibar and Madagascar mixing but also PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi in Kazakh // 4850 until its 0345*. At 0430 Jan 13 I have a JBA carrier alone on 6015, ZBC fading down (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0538 UT January 13 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
6005 / 6015 kHz log on Jan 13 |
Monday, January 13 2020
was "6015 kHz. heard with three stations mixing together..." MADAGASCAR/TANZANIA_ZANZIBAR log this UTC morning Jan 13 at 03.22 UT onwards: Split of co-channel 6015 MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility and Zanzibar outlet
IS SUCCESSFUL ACTION so far today: 6005 kHz R Tamazuj from MDC Talata Volonondry started 1st try TX on air at 03.27:25 UTC, but only for short 5 seconds on air, followed by straight TX signal on air at 03.30:00 UTC 'CRASH START' on air: S=8-9 fluttery signal in Switzerland, Austria, southern Germany, Belgium, and Cape Canaveral Florida remote Perseus and Kiwi Net units. S=7-8 in Alicante Spain and Tenerife Canary Islands remote SDR rx. Also at remote TWR Kiwi rx in Johannesbourg RSA South Africa noted S=9+10dB -64dBm signal on 6005 kHz. In remote Kuwait city - Kiwi SDR rx S=9 signal from 6005 kHz MDC, but also some sideband splash from regular BBC Persian service from Tashkent Uzbekistan on 6010 kHz neighbour channel. - - - 6015 kHz ZBC Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation from Dole Zanzibar island in Swahili, also S=8-9 in Switzerland, Austria, southern Germany, Belgium, and Cape Canaveral Florida remote Perseus and Kiwi Net units. At remote TWR Kiwi rx in Johannesbourg RSA South Africa noted S=9 -71dBm signal. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 13) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rocus de Joode" <info@jrcc.nl>
Cc: <WOR@groups.io>; <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>; "'Cc: Bill Bingham'" <billbingham1@vodamail.co.za>; "'Ron Howard'" <ron888howard@gmail.com>; "'Glenn Hauser_actual'" <wghauser@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2020 11:36 AM Subject: FW: [WOR] 6015 kHz. heard with three stations mixing togetherHello and Greetings from Madagascar, I noted underneath correspondence. I was aware of the interference. So I plan to use 6005 kHz (10 kHz away) from tomorrow morning and see if this improves the situation. According to band scans this should be a clear channel between 0330 and 0430 UTC in the horn of Africa. I want to note that my reason to use 6015 kHz was to stay close to 6020 kHz, which I used in the B18 season. However, since Tamazuj extended with half an hour extra starting A19, I could not use this anymore because or RRI from 0400 UTC onwards. And at the start of the B19 season 6015 kHz was free to use with DOL with 50 kW in Swahili reported to be off air. Considering the extreme low SSN I even consider to swap 6015 kHz and 7315 kHz between MDC and ISS. Not decided yet. 73’s de Rocus @ MDC ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Wolfgang Bueschel > > Date: Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 12:13 PM Subject: Re: [WOR] 6015 kHz. heard with three stations mixing together To: <WOR@groups.io <mailto:WOR@groups.io> >, <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com <mailto:hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com> > Cc: Bill Bingham <billbingham1@vodamail.co.za <mailto:billbingham1@vodamail.co.za> >, Ron Howard <ron888howard@gmail.com <mailto:ron888howard@gmail.com> >, Glenn Hauser_actual <wghauser@yahoo.com <mailto:wghauser@yahoo.com> > MADAGASCAR / HOLLAND / NETHERLANDS {R Tamazuj to South SUDAN} the interference problem of R Tamazuj 6015 kHz in B-seasons via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility must be solved quite differently. The guys here on the radio community should HEFTY complain direct to the Dutch NGO Foundation frequency management organization to avoid such co-channel clash at least in coming B-20 season from late October 2020. This shortwave co-channel clash is a problem because small domestic broadcaster send requests to ITU Geneve with their 50 kW systems are never included in the HFCC Conference database, like for example Radio Habana Cuba, KCBS Pyongyang and similar ... Write direct and complain to
Radio Tamazuj c/o Free Press Unlimited Witte Kruislaan 55 1217 AM Hilversum The Netherlands Europe phone +31 35 6254340 e-mail <radiotamazuj@gmail.com <mailto:radiotamazuj@gmail.com> > e-mail <info@freepressunlimited.org <mailto:info@freepressunlimited.org> > website <radiotamazuj.org <http://radiotamazuj.org> > and send a copy of the complaint to
MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility transmitter operator too Mr. Rocus de Joode P.O.Box 404 101 Antananarivo Madagascar fax +261 202243184 e-mail <talata@mglob.mg <mailto:talata@mglob.mg> > Airtime Frequency Manager Mr. Rocus de Joode (all data taken from WRTH Handbook) ----- Original Message ----- From: Bill Bingham <billbingham1@vodamail.co.za
<mailto:billbingham1@vodamail.co.za> > Cc: "Ron Howard" <ron888howard@gmail.com <mailto:ron888howard@gmail.com> > Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2020 8:09 AM Subject: Re: [WOR] 6015 kHz. heard with three stations mixing togetherAt least from the southern part of Africa, it is bad. This morning (Jan 12) PBS Zinjiang was very poor, as usual. So poor that I couldn't really tell when it went off air, but I would guess about 0257, unless that is when it finally faded out for good. The other carrier(s) started at 0327, presumed R Tamazuj and/or Zanzibar. Audio was very poor and did not sound like Zanzibar programming, the music and songs sounded more African, so presumably Radio Tamazuj from Madagascar. But there was a weak and continuous SAH, and what I thought sounded like a Zanzibar jingle at 0342. Reception of both stations was so poor they were both actually unreadable., I gave up at 0353. Like Ron, I feel sorry for Zanzibar, as this has been their patch for years. This morning at least, it seems to me that PBS can't be blamed for the lousy reception of Tamazuj and ZBC, but I can't be certain they had already gone off air, their own reception was so bad earlier in the day. Our local sunrise in Johannesburg was at 0327. Bill Bingham, Jo'burg, RSA. Drake R8E, Sony ICF 2001D. WOR via DXLD. On 2020/01/11 12:53, hungaroboy wrote:
Ron,If it is bad there in California*can we imagine how bad is in Africa?* Zanzibar and Tamazuj's target area is Africa but the different part. Zanzibar wasn't easy to hear here in Europe on this frequency. I have never heard it here in Hungary, only via an Israeli SDR. Among the three stations the Zanzibari is the weakest. Tibor Gaal Budapest, Hungary <WOR@groups.io <mailto:WOR@groups.io> >, ezt írta: EAST TURKISTAN/MADAGASCAR/ZANZIBAR. 6015, on Jan 8, noted the following sequence of events: At 0210, reception of Xinjiang PBS (East Turkistan) was being well heard and // 4850; tentatively heard going off the air at their scheduled 0345*, before which was mixing with Madagascar and Zanzibar. At 0326, carrier on for Radio Tamazuj (Madagascar), mostly blocking Xinjiang PBS reception. At *0328, start of ZBC Radio (Zanzibar), already in progress. At 0329, audio started for Radio Tamazuj, *so there were three stations with audio mixing together*. After Xinjiang PBS, went off tentatively at 0345*, only hear two stations mixing together. All of which is bad news for Zanzibar, who has been on 6015 for many years! (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD)
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs January 11-12, 2020 |
Sunday, January 12 2020
** ALGERIA. 531 kHz, Jan 12 at 0218 check, some audio from RTA Jil FM is separable from 530 stations; first noted at 0006 as the strongest of the TA carriers (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 223-MCW kHz, Jan 12 at 0727 UT, dash and YYW, 1000 watt NDB at Armstrong, Ontario (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CHINA [and non]. This from Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria explains why I was reporting Chinese on new 7665 as early as Dec 27 at 1540: ``TAJIKISTAN, Frequency change of Radio Free Asia, January 10, 1500-1700 NF 7665 DB 250 kW / 110 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 5820`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 13630 & 13769 approx., Jan 12 at 1514, FM/AM spurblob out of 13700; also 13839, but no match on the minus side which would be circa 13561, rather our local ISM RF ID? noises. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 15140, Sunday January 12 at 1518, RHC overmodulated and distorted here but OK on // 15230. Recheck at 1631, 15140 the same just concluding slightly overtime Esperanto // 11760. Recheckk at 1857, 15140 still OM/distorted during multi-lingual ID. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** MEXICO. 1300, Jan 12 at 0708, corrida song solo by OM dominates, from WSW, XEP Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; 0711 ``Radio Mexicana, Nuestras Noticias`` ID but NO news now! and another solo song by YL. This has a better signal than most Mexicans, even 800 XEROK. IRCA Log says ``Fiesta Mexicana`` frequently announces 40 kW, but night power unknown. Had been and still is listed as 0.2 kW night in WRTH 2020, and agrees on the slogan I heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. 1530, Jan 12 at 0718 UT, Spanish ID mentions Tulsa and FM. So Spanish at night isn`t necessarily KGBT. KXTD Wagoner OK is a 5 kW direxional DAYTIMER. NRC AM Log shows its FMs are on 104.9 and 100.3. Could this explain it? Should not; Paul Walker reported last Nov 7: ``OK, this has to be one of the oddest explanations I’ve ever read for requesting Special Temporary Authority. KXTD-AM 1530 Wagoner, OK is requesting permission to operate at lower than its licensed 5000 watts and to do it Non directional after a trampoline flying through the air during a tornado toppled one of their towers`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR) ** PERU. 5980, Jan 11 at 2353, JBA carrier from R. Chaski vs heavier jamming than usual, so I can`t pinpoint the instant of autocutoff, but approx. 2353:55.5*. That would be 9.5 seconds earlier than 2354:05* on Jan 6, 5 days ago, right near the 1.9 second average slippage per noctem (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SAO TOME E PRINCIPE. 13590.057, Jan 11 at 1942, discussion in American English, like CRI. No, only some VOA sites would be so far off frequency, Pinheira as listed for 19-20, 100 kW at 138 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY [and non]. 5960, Sat Jan 11 at 2354, VOT IS is still running after English --- prospects good for the collision I have been predicting: 2356 starts inserting German IDs zweimal per minute. The Mighty KBC via Nauen, GERMANY is not quite on yet for its weekly broadcast also to N America. *2359, there it is, carrier on, atop TRT still going, making SAH of about 96/minute = 1.6 Hz. TRT sesqui-second-late ToH timesignal fires just as KBC starts modulating. Next few minutes I can`t be sure VOT still be on; but at 0028 UT Sun Jan 12 I bring up 5960 at UTwente SDR, to find TRT German way on top! of KBC, and still at 0051 toward end of extraneous German hour. So it`s a big mess inside Europe, and probably worse clash than here, eastward in N America. BTW on this occasion, not hearing any sign of off-frequency-minus East Turkistan, which could QRM KBC even without TRT. By choosing 5960 repeatedly of all possible frequencies, despite my warnings, KBC must deserve what it gets, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 329 kHz, Jan 12 at 0226 UT, ND beacon PMV, which is 25 watts from Plattsmouth, Nebraska, 365 kHz, Jan 12 at 0222 UT, ND beacon HQG, which is 25 watts from Hugoton, Kansas; I was tuned to 363-USB. 420 kHz, Jan 12 at 0219 UT, ND beacon PK, which is 25 watts from Olathe - Herbb, Kansas (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2016 monitoring: confirmed Saturday January 11 at 2058 UT on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, my intonation barely recognizable in hi noise level for the 2030v broadcast. Also confirmed UT Sun Jan 12 at 0431 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, about 2 minutes into so started circa 0429. Next: 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 9395 to NNW 0400vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW 0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE 0900 UT Monday Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB 0930 UT Monday Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB [another episode] 1900vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania? to WNW 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 0900 UT Wednesday Unique Radio NSW 5045-USB 2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 980, Jan 12 at 0009 UT amid my JBA TA carrier bandscan, I notice an open carrier upon this TA/NA frequency, still so at 0014. DFing makes it NE/SW, and surely my nearest KMBZ Kansas City MO which normally dominates at night here, and of which there is no other sign. Main QRM is Spanish music NNW/SSE, making SAH of 204/minute = 3.4 Hz, very likely KQUE Houston market TX. Can it be that no one is paying attention at one of KC`s major(?) radio stations? Transmitter site is east of Stateline (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 1090, what in the world is going on at KAAY Little Rock? Even more strangeness than heard last night: Jan 12 at 0655 UT, W&M discussing: pizza! But audio is continuously breaking up severely like internet buffering. Then mentions ``see it``, a smokeless grill, so this is audio of a TV infomercial (taking a cue from co-channel XEAU Monterrey which does the same thing in Spanish at these hours). Sound is horrible. ``Exclusive TV offer`` runs past ToH 0700 UT, 0702 ending disclaimer and NO ID, but from DF and usual dominance, I am sure it`s KAAY. At 0704 UT, still breaking up, starts `Judge Judy` TV show! (Yesterday it was NBC-TV Today Hoda Kotb hour.). 0724 UT recheck, still J.J. breaking up (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search Jan 12 at 0006-0013 UT: 531* strongest; 558(2), 576, 585, 639, 657, 693(2), 711, 729, 738, 774(2), 801, 819, 837, 855, 882, 891, 909, 936(2), 999, 1008, 1017, 1044, 1089, 1098, 1107(2), 1125(2), 1152, 1179, 1215(2), 1296, 1305(2), 1422, 1485, 1539 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 1060, Jan 12 at 1445 UT, two notes looping over and over, accompanied by a constant bassier note. Loops WSW/ENE, suspected KIJN Farwell TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 1927 UT January 12 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Logs for Jan 5 |
Sunday, January 12 2020
LOG 7, 8, 9, 10 y 11 DE ENERO. |
Sunday, January 12 2020
** IRAN. 7230. IRIB. Enero 7. 0100 - 0120 UTC. Entrevista por parte de Roberto de La Madrid a varios analistas internacionales sobre Irán. SINPO: 45343 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)
** IRAN. 7230. IRIB. Enero 9. 0015- 0122 UTC. Noticiero de HispanTV sobre declaraciones de estadounidenses sobre las últimas acciones del Presidente Trump, Acceso de la justicia de las mujeres en Perú y defensa del Rio Mezapa en Honduras. A las 0023 se emite el programa especial: “Soleimani, el general de los corazones” con reseña biográfica. Desde las 0037, programa: “Detrás de la Razón” con análisis sobre los últimos sucesos en Irán, los Estados Unidos, posición del Mossad, entre otros aspectos. SINPO: 45343 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile) ** IRAN. 7230. IRIB. Enero 10. 0038 - 0120 UTC. Programa “Detrás de la Razón” con comentarios acerca del enfrentamiento entre Estados Unidos e Irán y la importancia de la “Ruta de la seda”. SINPO: 55544 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile) ** IRAN. 7230. IRIB. Enero 11. 0015 - 0120 UTC. Programa “Conversando con nuestros oyentes” con mensajes por el asesinato del General Soleimani y entrevista. Desde las 0035, programa: “Detrás de la Razón” sobre el conflicto Irán - Estados Unidos. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile) ** IRAN. 6090. IRIB. Enero 11. 2350-2359 UTC. Himno y presentación de programas. SINPO: 35322 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile) ** KOREA SOUTH [NON] ** USA. 9605. KBS. Enero 7. 0140- 0200 UTC. Programa “Coreano en dramas” con la frase de la semana. A las 0145, se habla acerca del horóscopo chino y los estudios de tendencias de consumo. Luego se habla del emprendimiento de un traductor inteligente. SINPO: 45444. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile) ** KOREA SOUTH [NON] ** USA. 9605. KBS. Enero 11. 0129- UTC. Programa: “Corea a diario” acerca del desconocimiento de la Constitución de Corea del Sur y programas de conciencia cívica en Busán, descubrimiento científico sobre los genomas, Ley sobre bienes culturales. Luego espacio músical. A las 0140, “Coreano en dramas” con práctica de una frase. 0145: “Seúl en contacto con el mundo” con entrevista a una socióloga que estudia lenguaje y danza coreana. SINPO: 55555 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile) ** PERU. 5980. R. CHASKI. Enero 11. 2220- 2235 UTC. Espacio de música cristiana infantil, luego identificación de la emisora y música de himnos protestantes. SINPO: 33443 con QRM de 5975 ocupado por una emisora china (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile) ** TURKEY. 7280. VOT. Enero 10. 0215- UTC. Lectura de titulares de prensa internacional. A las 0218, “Hoy en la historia” con reseñas. Luego espacio que habla de Chipre. A las 0225, programa “Turquía, el Destino Ideal para Turistas” acerca del patrimonio natural. Desde las 0230, espacio de música. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)
** USA. 9330. WLC. Enero 7. 0000 - 0100 UTC. Dos hombres hablan en portugués acerca de las promesas. 0015, aviso de la emisora, luego se habla acerca del papel del pecado. A las 0030, promoción de la emisora, luego se habla sobre Halloween y la influencia satánica hasta las 0040, luego se habla acerca de Dios hasta las 0043. Después mensaje acerca del pecado.. SINPO: 45444. Audio: https://archive.org/details/9330khzwlcjan7at0030utc (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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