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Logs in Reinante, NW of Spain, July 14-18 |
Monday, July 18 2022
ANGOLA, 4949.7, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 1956-2016,
14-07, comments, songs. Strong carrier, extremely weak audio, barely
audible, best on LSB.
Also heard 0450-0505, 15-07, comments. Extremely weak.
Also heard 2005-2019, 17-07, songs, comments. Extremely weak, best
on LSB.
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0445-0535, 14-07, relaying Radio
Bandeirantes news. 25422.
Also heard 0448-0520, Brazilian songs, id. “Radio Clube do Pará...,
emisora da Rede Amazonia de Comunicaçao, Belém, Pará, Amazonia,
Brasil”, “Clube da Madrugada”. 35433.
4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0440-0520, 18-07, Brazilian
songs, comments, id. "Radio Brasil Central", program "Madrugada
Musical". Much better signal than in the past, wich was difficult to
hear here on that frequency. // 11815. 35433.
6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2030-2046, 15-07,
Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs. // 11780. 25422
11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2005-2017, 17-07,
soccer, id. “ Nacional, Campeonato Brasileiro”, live match Sao
Paulo vs Fluminense. 35433.
15189.9, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2002-2020, 17-07,
soccer, “Campeonato Brasileiro”, live matches. 25422.
CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0503-0524, 18-07, English, news,
comments. QRM from Channel 292 with non stop songs in English.
6010, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 2015-2033, 15-07, Vernacular
comments, East African songs. 35433.
5955, Sunlite Radio, Westdorpe, 0450-0520, 16-07, songs in English,
oldies, song “Hang on to your love” by Sade, id. “Sunlite”, Dutch
comments. 35433.
6130, Radio Jong Europa, 0550-0623, 18-07, pop songs in English, id.
“Radio Europa”, “Radio Jong Europa”. 35433.
6140, Radio Onda, Borculo (presumed), 2002-2007*, 15-07, pop songs
in English, oldies, 35433.
6185, Radio Piepzender, Zwolle, 1946-2004, 16-07, pop songs in Dutch
and English, oldies, Dutch, comments, id. In English, “Radio
Piepzender, our email address radioqsl@hotmail.com.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0440-0458, 14-07,
Spanish, comments, program “Crónicas…, una producción de Radio
Educación”. 25432.
Also heard 0439-0458, 16-07, Spanish, comments, id. “Muchas gracias
por compartir..., Radio Edución, 6185 kHz, en la banda internacional
de 49 metros”, songs. 24422.
PERU, 4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0020-0035, 15-07, Spanish, comments.
VANUATU, 7260, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0520-0615, 15-07, clearly
heard after Vatican Radio closed on the same frequency at 0520,
Island songs, id. by male "Radio Vanuatu", female, Bislama, English,
comments, at 0601 hour interval signal and news, songs. 15421 and at
times 25422.
ZAMBIA, 5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 2008-2022, 15-07,
Vernacular, comments. 15321.
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Logs in Reinante, NW of Spain
Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters.
tf-8?q?4985, Rádio Brasil Central |
Monday, July 18 2022
 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 4985, heard in Reinante, NW of Spain, 0440-0501, 18-07, Brazilian songs, comments, id. "Radio Brasil Central", program "Madrugada Musical". Much better signal than in the past, wich was difficult to hear here on that frequency. // 11815. 35433.
Manuel Méndez Lugo, Spain
New Monthly Programs Tonite on Radio Angela |
Monday, July 18 2022
WBCQ 5130 Khz:
July 19 0200-0400 UTC
(10pm-Midnight EDT July 18 in the Americas)
We open with the ever-popular Marion's Attic, where you can party like it's 1899, at 0200 UTC. Then at 0300 UTC, our first monthly edition of the WBCQ Polka Party, this month hosted by Uncle Bill Tilford, who will be alternating months with Marion & Kristina. Uncle Bill's version includes a Bar Polish By Radio course and other surprises. Come for the polkas, learn how to order a beer in Polish!
At 0355 UTC, Scott Hadley's El Gringo Viejo con mucha cuerda, a customized version of his popular feature on BUAP in Mexico, shares vintage Latin American recordings.
Radio Taiwan International |
Sunday, July 17 2022

TAIWAN RTI German service direct from Tamsui in July 2022.RTI German service will be broadcasting again this year several days in July direct from the Tamsui transmitter in northern Taiwan. Broadcast dates and frequencies: 1700-1800 UT on 11995 kHz 1900-2000 UT on 9545 kHz Friday 8 July / Saturday 9 July / Sunday 10 July Friday 15 July / Saturday 16 July / Sunday 17 July <<<< Friday 22 July / Saturday 23 July / Sunday 24 July Friday 29 July / Saturday 30 July / Sunday 31 July Reports will be confirmed with a special Qsl card. You can send reports using the webform on the RTI HP. By email to <deutsch -at- rti.org.tw> or by post to Radio Taiwan International German Service P.O.Box 123-199 Taipei 11199 Taiwan, Far East Asia (RTI, July 2, 2022) Today July 17 noted excellent signal on 11995 kHz at 17-18 UT on S=9+10dB or -61dBm level. Next service in two hours at 1900-2000 UT on 9545 kHz.
73 wb df5sx
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