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WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1609  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, March 04 2025

The latest edition (5 March 2025) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News",
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:


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Michael Bethge

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Looking for music on shortwaves 19/2  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, March 04 2025


Zacharias Liangas https://bit.ly/3CzShVU ; disclaimer on my writing
PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D 
exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond
https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages 
From now and for an unknowntime, at least for 3 years, I will not use any radio except the remote SDRs forDXing. Recently we moved from the village back to the city in a space thatprohibits the use of desktop DXing, a place flooded by high levels of noise inthe LMHF bands. The radio is now used mostly for FM, for news listening.we runpolitically lively condition with always very interesting twits every day ..

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�indows-1252?q23386 RECEPTION IN SAO BERNARDO SP, B �indows-1252?q?RAZIL – March 3, 2025  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 03 2025

Rudolf Grimm
Sao Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL
Receivers: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São Bernardo SP) + Magnetic Loop Antenna //// Tecsun S-2000 + 20 m Horizontal Antenna
=> DATA SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, Target Area, Remarks.
=> (!!) Live audio checked
=> (t): tentative
=> Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language.
. 630 kHz: Radio Rivadavia, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 26/02 0017. Sport News, talk by a announcers group about ‘... River, futebol, nuevos juegos...’. 25342.
. 1110 kHz: Radio Ciudad, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 03/03 0455. Argentinian songs. 25542.

. 590 kHz: Radio Cruzeiro (!!), Salvador BA, 26/02 0002. Christian broadcast, traditional songs, OM: “Programa ‘A Palavra de Deus tem poder’ “. 24542.
. 690 kHz: Radio Brasil, Santa Bárbara do Oeste SP, 25/02 2339. ‘A Voz do Brazil’. 24432. **QRM 700 kHz, Nossa Radio, São Paulo. ***The Voice of Brazil', officially, must be broadcast from Monday to Friday from 2200 to 2300 UTC by all Brazilian authorized stations. However, by decree, the Federal Government authorized broadcasters, if they so wish, to broadcast the Voice of Brazil at 2300 UTC, or 0000 UTC, at their option, on the same day..
. 890 kHz: Radio Difusora (!!), Bento Gonçalves RS, 03/03 0430. Brazilian songs, jingle ‘Difusora’, time checking. 25442.
. 1320 kHz: Radio Vitória, Videira SC, 28/02 0221. Pop song RPM. Jingle ‘Radio Vitória’. 35543.
. 1380 kHz: Radio Itatiaia (!!), Janauba MG, 28/02 0331. News about Carnival in Minas Gerais. 25442.
. 4895 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania: off.
. 5940 kHz: Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC: According to what was informed by VM in one of a recent broadcast video, on the 49 m transmitter (used for 5940 kHz) occurred a severe fire, which took it out of service. In the same video, they reported that they are in a new process of acquiring a new transmittertter. Given this situation, the return of VM's 49 m should take a long time!!!
. 6010 kHz: R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG: In normal activity.
. 6180 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF: In normal activity.
. 9665 kHz: Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC: In normal activity.
. 9818,9 kHz: Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo SP: Active, but not continuously in SW.
. 11750 kHz: Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC: in normal activity.
. 11780 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF: In normal activity.
. 11815 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO: Extremely poor and a distorted signal, with spurious at 11960 kHz.
. 15190 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG: In normal activity.

. 14670 kHz: CHU, Ottawa, English / French / Time pips, 25/02 2142. Time checking each 60 seconds. 25432. *Target: North America.

. 3950 kHz: PBS Xinjiang, via Urumqi, Mandarin, 28/02 0205. OM / YL: talk. 35543. *Target: China.
. 3990 kHz: PBS Xinjiang, via Urumqi, Uyghur, 28/02 0209. Talk by OM / YL, music. 35433. *Target: China.
. 4980 kHz: PBS Xinjiang, via Urumqi, Uyghur, 28/02 0150. Talk by OM / YL. 35543. *Target: China.
. 11620 kHz: CNR5 Cross-Strait Radio (t), Beijing, 28/02 9228. OM / YL: talk, Chinese music. 35333. *Target: Taiwan.

. 4940 kHz: Estación 4940 (t), Spanish, 28/02 0169. Talk by OM, typical music. 25322. *Target: N South America. **Is this a station broadcasting from Colombia to Venezuela? Who can help with a ‘good’ information? Thank you very much in advance!!!

. 7410 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, Portuguese, 26/02 1932. Christian broadcast, message by RTM Brasil announcers. 25432. *Target: Angola.

. 15625 kHz: Adventist World Radio, Agat, Mandarin, 25/02 2228. Christian broadcast, message, id in English on 2230, then again the Mandarin broadcast. 45554. *Target: China.

. 6251 kHz USB: Slot Machine, Ichihara, 22/02 2122U. According Internet, ‘The Japanese Slot Machine is a simplex system used by the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force transmitting from Ichihara, Japan’. 25552. *Other Slot Machine frequencies: 4154, 4233, 4292, 6418, 6446, 8314, 8589 and 8705 kHz.

. 4010 kHz: Birinchi Radio (t), Bishkek, Kyrgyz, 28/02 9213. Talk by OM. 15421. *Target: C Asia.

. 11735 kHz: Voice of America, via Talata-Volonondry, Shona, 03/03 1710. Talk by male and female voices, electronic music, jingle ‘VoA’. 35553. *Target: To Zimbabwe.

. 15720 kHz: RNZ Pacific, Rangitaiki, English, 28/02 2035. Talk about New Zealand by YL, interview, phone-in. 35553. *Target: Oceania.

. 730 kHz: Radio ABC Cardinal, Asunción (!!), Spanish, 03/03 0439. Talk by YL about ‘La Madrugada en Asunción’. 35553.

. 15450 kHz: Voice of America, via Tinang, Burmese, 26/02 1439. Talk by OM / YL. 35333. *Target: SE Asia.
. 15560 kHz: FEBC, Manila, Javanese, 28/02 0219. Christian broadcast, message, song. 35443. *Target: Indonesia.

. 21470 kHz: Radio Romania International, Tiganesti, English, 28/02 1240. Music by piano, talk by YL, ‘...Romania...’. 35333. *Target: E Africa.

. 684 kHz: Radio Nacional de España (t), Sevilla, 25/02 2321. News Bulletin by YL. 15331. *Very low audio, and it was only possible to understand as a news bulletin in Spanish presented by a female voice (RNE style). Therefore, it was only a tentative listen.

. 21595 kHz: Radio Ergo, via Al-Dhabbyia, Somali, 28/02 1235. Talk by OM, typical music. 25432. *Target: E Africa.

. 25700 kHz: BBC, Woofferton, Hausa, 26/02 1423. Talk by OM, id ‘BBC... Hausa’, music, sign-off on 1429. 35553. *Target: W Africa.

. 1340 kHz: La Voz de Melo, Melo, Spanish, 25/02 2302. Discussion on social and economic projects for the Melo region and surroundings. Announcement: ‘Globo Centro’, and again a discussion, on this time about the programming for 2025. 35433.

. 11885 kHz: Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnamese, 03/03 1720. Talk by male and female voices, song in Vietnamese style. 15421. *Target: Europe.
*** Psalm 51:10 - "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.".
73 & good DX, rg
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Radio Beacon KW4DE  View Printable Version 
Sunday, March 02 2025

Verification received from Radio Beacon KW4DE logged on Feb. 9, 2025 in WSPR Mode on .475699 mhz longwave in grid square EM95. Grid EM95 is the l03rd US square verified since 1958. Bill Smith, Douglas, MA.
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RHC 6000 off again? +  View Printable Version 
Saturday, March 01 2025


CUBA March 1st - Also RHC check on remote NoAM Michigan Perseus SDR unit
at 04.00 UT today is negative.
Nothing from the Cuban island
noted on 5024.994v kHz Rebelde,
nothing on 6000 kHz,
nor others like 11760 kHz; nor 15230 kHz channels ...

15250 DRM ROU RRI English in digital mode, S=9+25dB from Tiganesti bcast
center scheduled,
at 04.08 UT on March 1st .

15280.009 IND / Bharat AIR Akashvani Bangalore in Persian language,
S=9+30dB at 04.10 UT,
scheduled 03.15 - 04.10 UT.

15410.014 IND / Bharat AIR Akashvani Bangalore in Burmese language,
S=9+15dB backlobe
at 04.12 UT.

15695 DRM digital CNR1 domestic sce from China mainland, Kunming southern
fair S=7 sidelobe at 04.15 UT, scheduled 04 - 06 UT.

17530even MDG 'The Light Of Life' via MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga,
Mandarin Chinese radioplay, S=9+10dB strong at 04.18 UT.

17675even NZL R NZ Pacific, Rangitaiki excellent Ampegon TX unit
poor S=6 signal in Doha Qatar ME at 04.23 UT,
scheduled 20.59 - 06.58 UT.

17830 DRM CHN digital CNR1 domestic sce from China mainland, Urumqi
much western Kazakh border province unit, S=8 at 01 - 08 UT time slot, fair
S=7 sidelobe
at 04.29 UT, scheduled 04 - 06 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 1st )

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025

Subject: Re: [WOR] RHC 6000 off again? +

Quoting "df5sx.p11" <df5sx.p11@gmx.de>:

CUBA Friday Febr 28 at 12.03 UT and also again at 12.27 UT,
NOTHING on 6000 kHz channel from Made in USSR unit
at Quivican San Felipe TITAN site, empty this morning.

It’s true -- RHC shortwave communist cultural voice to Latin AM
– is slightly – GONE FOR EVER ! ?

It is time for President Trump to turn these scrap mountains of
MW and SW transmitters of USSR and China origin
in Cuba into a Trump business model ...

If the outstanding engineer Professor Arnaldo Coro had lived to see this

Only two S=9+30dB signals noted of USAGM Radio Marti Miami FL
- opposition - bcaster towards Cuba island Caribbean government via
USAGM Greenville NC relay site, at 12.20 UT on Friday Febr 28.

Check at Perseus SDR unit in Detroit MI state remotedly also at this time
slot :

15150even USA WMLK very new excellent Ampegon 300 kW installation
S=9 at 12.03 UT from Bethel PA state.

15350.009 TUR TRT Emirler in Turkish, scheduled 07-13.55 UT, poor S=6
fluttery at 12.06 UT.

15460even ROU RRI Galbeni in En poor and tiny S=6 at 12.09 UT.

13755even NZL RNZ Pacific in En at 12.12 UT, S=8 fluttery into Michigan

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 28)

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025
To: WOR@groups.io ; HCDX ; _ BCLNEWS ; _ DXplorer
Subject: Re: [WOR] RHC 6000 off again?

Friday Febr 28 at 06.18 UT,
NOTHING on 6000 kHz channel from Made in USSR unit
at Quivican San Felipe TITAN site, empty this morning.

6149.974 BRAZIL Rádio Saturno Belo Horizonte, S=6 poor signal at 06.33 UT.

6185.968 MEX XEPPM R Educacion Mexico D.F. Piano classical mx performance
strong S=8-9 in Alberta SDR unit remotedly at 06.43 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 28)

CUBA. Was RHC 6000 on tonight? Did not check until 0407 and no
signal. Still greatly improved mod? (Glenn to WOR iog Feb 27)

``Just heard them at 0510 in Spanish, but can confirm that there was
nothing an hour earlier. Last night I noted an abrupt cut at 0501:30
during English. Nothing heard for at least the next quarter hour. Tony
Pavick, BC``

Yes, very strong into Masset with Spanish programming and excellent
modulation. Walt Salmaniw, BC (05:10 UTC)``

``RHC was up this morning at 1159:30 UT on 6000 khz in Spanish with a
good strong signal, with less than perfect modulation, but a
listenable signal nonetheless. I did not hear them at the same time
the day before. Tony Pavick, Hope BC``

My further monitoring Feb 27: VG Spanish at 0520 on 6000, still at
0608, 0706, even 0717+ direct at S9+45 good mod level but slight
distortion. If this be only frequency they can run at night, sensible
to split it English/Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2284)

** CUBA. 15230, Feb 27 at 1551, S6/S8 carrier, now with some suptorted
modulation seeming Spanish, so RHC improving slightly (Glenn Hauser,

From: Tony Pavick via groups.io
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 4:12 AM

Subject: Re: [WOR] RHC 6000 off again?

No RHC on 6000 tonight at my QTH, at 0311 UT

Tony Pavick

Hope BC

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