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WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1561  View Printable Version 
Friday, November 17 2023

The latest edition (17 November 2023) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News",
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:


(or http://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml / https://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml)

It can also be downloaded as a .txt file at: http://bcdx.wwdxc.de.

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Michael Bethge

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Off topic: AI and shortwave radio  View Printable Version 
Friday, November 17 2023

( intro text here is also AI enhnaced )As you know, I have been exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields, including poetry and image creation, as well as personal assistance. During a recent test of a new chat application using GPT3.5, a renowned AI system, I asked how AI can aid in diagnosis. The following response was provided in parts.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enhance shortwave reception in several ways. Here are a few methods:
1. Noise reduction: Shortwave reception is often impacted by various forms of interference and noise, such as atmospheric noise, electrical interference, and fading. AI algorithms can be employed to analyze the received signals in real-time and apply advanced noise reduction techniques like spectral subtraction, wavelet denoising, or adaptive filtering to improve the signal quality.
2. Signal detection and demodulation: AI can assist in detecting and demodulating shortwave signals by using pattern recognition algorithms. AI models can be trained on a large dataset of known signal types, allowing them to recognize and classify different types of signals present in the received shortwave signals. This can help identify and extract valuable information from the received signals more accurately.
3. Automatic tuning: AI can be used to automatically tune shortwave receivers, selecting the best frequency and adjusting the receiver settings for optimal reception. Machine learning algorithms can analyze historical data, including time, location, and propagation conditions, to predict the optimal frequency and tuning parameters for a given time and location.
4. Adaptive beamforming: Shortwave reception can benefit from antenna arrays with adaptive beamforming capabilities. AI algorithms can analyze the received signals from multiple antenna elements and intelligently adjust the phased array pattern to enhance the desired signal and suppress interference or noise from other directions.
5. Propagation prediction: AI techniques can be leveraged to predict shortwave propagation conditions. By analyzing historical data, solar activity, weather patterns, and geographical factors, AI models can provide forecasts of the optimal frequency bands and signal paths for better reception.
6. Signal enhancement: AI can enhance the received shortwave signals by effectively reconstructing missing or distorted parts of the signal. Techniques like interpolation, super-resolution, or deep learning-based image/signal enhancement algorithms can help to reconstruct and restore weak or distorted shortwave signals, improving signal intelligibility.
It is important to note that implementation of AI-based shortwave reception enhancements would typically involve a combination of specialized hardware, software algorithms, and machine learning techniques.
7. Channel equalization: Shortwave signals can experience frequency-dependent fading due to multipath interference and other propagation effects. AI algorithms can be employed to estimate and compensate for these channel impairments through equalization techniques. By analyzing the received signals, AI models can adaptively adjust the equalization parameters to mitigate the effects of fading, resulting in improved reception quality.
8. Signal classification and prioritization: AI can be used to classify and prioritize different types of shortwave signals. By analyzing signal characteristics, such as modulation type, bandwidth, and frequency content, AI algorithms can identify and prioritize important signals over noise or interference. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where multiple signals are present simultaneously, allowing for automatic selection and prioritization of signal of interest.
9. Dynamic frequency hopping: Shortwave reception can be challenging due to changes in propagation conditions. AI can be utilized to dynamically select and adapt the frequency hopping patterns in real-time. By monitoring the quality of received signals and analyzing historical data, AI models can predict the most suitable frequencies to hop to, maximizing the chances of maintaining a strong and stable signal.
10. Intelligent antenna selection: Shortwave reception antennas can have different radiation patterns and characteristics. AI algorithms can analyze the received signal strength from different antennas and intelligently select the antenna with the best reception quality. This can be done by incorporating factors such as signal-to-noise ratio, interference levels, and directionality into the decision-making process.
11. Contextual information integration: AI can leverage contextual information like location, time, and user preferences to personalize shortwave reception. By considering factors such as known station schedules, preferred stations, local interference sources, and previous reception history, AI algorithms can adapt the reception parameters and settings to provide a more tailored and optimized shortwave experience.
12. Feedback-based optimization: AI can continuously learn and adapt to changing reception conditions through user feedback. By incorporating user ratings, preferences, and reception quality feedback, AI models can refine their algorithms and make more accurate predictions and adjustments for better shortwave reception.
It is worth noting that while AI-based enhancements can improve shortwave reception, they should be seen as complementary tools and should not replace the importance of using appropriate antennas, quality receivers, proper grounding, and other best practices for optimal shortwave reception.
Hope that this i will be a very  intriguing and fruitful topic here i  expecting your ideas.

Zacharias Liangas

exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond
Hard  core DXer https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages

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re Urumqi, site at Hutubi, Changji Tian Shan, and Hongguangshan, some 34 / 32 kilometers apart distance.  View Printable Version 
Thursday, November 16 2023


From: Mauno_Ritola

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 11:46 AM

To: WOR@groups.io

Subject: Re: [WOR] CN: Xinjiang now on their lower frequencies

Glenn Hauser via groups.io kirjoitti 15.11.2023 klo 4.28:

WRTH 2023 dispenses with any sked info and lists all four not at

Urumqi, but "Changji"! Is that the same as Changzhi in gaisma.com?

But that's way off in east China near Beijing

Changji is at 43 58.5N 87 15E , 35 km east-southeast of the FS and MW

site, so clearly a separate site.

Best regards,


Yes right,

and at CHN_Urumqi Hongguangshan

more 32 kilometers far easterly in 1960 to 2000 year old SW site gear:

now rebuilt HOUDING suburb area built up some railway main station

and other public buildings - in past 30 years.

43°52'52.76"N 87°36'47.08"E


CHINA CRI / CNR RTC Urumqi Xinjiang B-23 requests

3950 1208 1800 42N URU 100 0 925 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

3950 2330 0300 42N URU 100 0 925 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

3990 1200 1800 42N URU 100 0 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

3990 2330 0300 42N URU 100 0 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

4500 0000 0330 42N URU 50 0 145 D Mon CHN CNR RTC

4500 1230 1800 42N URU 50 0 145 D Mon CHN CNR RTC

4850 0000 0328 42N URU 100 0 925 D Kaz CHN CNR RTC

4850 1158 1800 42N URU 100 0 925 D Kaz CHN CNR RTC

4980 1200 1800 42N URU 50 230 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

4980 2330 0300 42N URU 50 230 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

5060 1200 1800 42N URU 50 230 145 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

5060 2330 0300 42N URU 50 230 145 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

5960 2330 1800 42N URU 100 0 925 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

6010 1800 1900 27SE URU 500 308 216 D Nan CHN CRI RTC

6015 0000 0348 42N URU 100 0 925 D Kaz CHN CNR RTC

6015 1153 1800 42N URU 100 0 925 D Kaz CHN CNR RTC

6040 1600 1700 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

6040 1700 1800 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

6090 1900 1930 28E URU 500 308 216 D Ron CHN CRI RTC

6090 1930 2000 28E URU 500 308 216 D Ron CHN CRI RTC

6100 1100 1200 32S,33SW URU 100 90 146 D Mon CHN CRI RTC

6100 1300 1400 32S,33SW URU 100 90 146 D Mon CHN CRI RTC

6100 1400 1500 39S,40N URU 500 270 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

6120 1203 1800 42N URU 100 0 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

6120 2330 0303 42N URU 100 0 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

6165 1500 1530 40 URU 500 270 216 D Fas CHN CRI RTC

6165 1530 1600 40E,41NW URU 500 270 216 D Pus CHN CRI RTC

6165 1600 1700 39N URU 500 270 216 D Tur CHN CRI RTC

6180 1500 1600 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

6190 0000 0330 42N URU 50 0 145 D Mon CHN CNR RTC

6190 1230 1800 42N URU 50 0 145 D Mon CHN CNR RTC

7205 1230 1800 42N URU 50 230 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

7205 2330 0300 42N URU 50 230 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

7210 1100 1200 44NE,45N URU 100 80 206 D Epo CHN CRI RTC

7225 1500 1600 41 URU 500 212 216 D Hin CHN CRI RTC

7230 0530 1030 42N URU 50 0 145 D Mon CHN CNR RTC

7240 1800 1900 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

7250 0100 0200 41 URU 500 212 216 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

7250 2200 2400 37NW URU 500 308 216 D Spa CHN CRI RTC

7260 0300 1208 42N URU 100 0 925 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

7260 2200 2300 37NW URU 500 308 218 D Por CHN CRI RTC

7265 1300 1400 41 URU 500 212 216 D Hin CHN CRI RTC

7265 1700 1800 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

7265 1830 1900 28SE URU 500 308 218 D Bul CHN CRI RTC

7265 1930 2030 27,28 URU 500 308 216 D Epo CHN CRI RTC

7265 2030 2130 28SW URU 500 308 216 D Ita CHN CRI RTC

7275 0303 1203 42N URU 100 0 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

7275 1730 1830 37-40,4647URU 500 270 216 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

7290 2200 2300 37-40,4748URU 500 270 216 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

7295 0330 0530 42N URU 50 230 145 D Kir CHN CNR RTC

7295 1030 1230 42N URU 50 230 145 D Kir CHN CNR RTC

7295 1900 2000 38-40,4748URU 500 270 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

7295 2000 2100 38-40,4748URU 500 270 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

7300 1400 1500 41 URU 500 212 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

7300 2300 2400 27-29 URU 500 308 218 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

7305 2000 2100 28N URU 500 308 218 D Pol CHN CRI RTC

7310 1200 1800 42N URU 50 230 145 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

7310 2330 0308 42N URU 50 230 145 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

7325 1600 1700 53,57 URU 500 212 216 D Hak CHN CRI RTC

7325 1700 1800 53,57 URU 500 212 216 D Yue CHN CRI RTC

7325 2000 2030 28S URU 500 308 216 D Srp CHN CRI RTC

7340 0328 1158 42N URU 100 0 925 D Kaz CHN CNR RTC

7350 2030 2230 27SE URU 500 308 216 D Fra CHN CRI RTC

7395 1500 1600 41 URU 500 212 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

7415 1900 1930 28NE URU 500 308 218 D Ces CHN CRI RTC

7415 1930 2000 28NE URU 500 308 218 D Ces CHN CRI RTC

7420 1600 1700 37-40,4647URU 500 270 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

7445 1730 1830 27-29 URU 500 308 218 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

7445 2130 2200 28N URU 500 308 216 D Hun CHN CRI RTC

9450 1100 1200 44NE,45N URU 100 80 206 D Epo CHN CRI RTC

9460 1400 1500 41 URU 500 212 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

9470 0348 1153 42N URU 100 0 925 D Kaz CHN CNR RTC

9510 0530 1030 42N URU 50 0 145 D Mon CHN CNR RTC

9520 1200 1300 39S,40N URU 500 270 218 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

9520 1300 1400 39S,40N URU 500 270 218 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

9520 1400 1500 39S,40N URU 500 270 218 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

9560 0300 1200 42N URU 100 0 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

9560 1900 1930 28N URU 500 308 216 D Hun CHN CRI RTC

9600 0308 1200 42N URU 50 230 145 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

9615 1800 2000 28NW URU 500 308 288 D Deu CHN CRI RTC

9655 0800 1200 43NE,44 URU 30 98 216 N Zho DRM CHN CNR RTC

9655 2200 0100 43NE,44 URU 30 98 216 N Zho DRM CHN CNR RTC

9685 1200 1300 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

9705 0330 0530 42N URU 50 230 145 D Kir CHN CNR RTC

9705 1030 1230 42N URU 50 230 145 D Kir CHN CNR RTC

9720 1500 1600 39S,40N URU 500 270 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

9720 2030 2100 28SE URU 500 308 216 D Bul CHN CRI RTC

9795 1400 1500 27-29 URU 500 308 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

9825 0200 0300 41 URU 500 212 216 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

11650 1100 1300 41 URU 500 212 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

11710 0300 0400 30S URU 500 270 218 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

11770 0300 1200 42N URU 50 230 145 D Zho CHN CNR RTC

11885 0300 1200 42N URU 50 230 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

13670 0300 1230 42N URU 50 230 145 D Uig CHN CNR RTC

13790 1200 1300 27-29 URU 500 308 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

13790 1300 1400 27-29 URU 500 308 216 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

15525 0900 1100 41 URU 500 212 216 D Chn CHN CRI RTC

15665 0400 0500 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

15665 0500 0600 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

15665 0800 0900 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

15665 0900 1000 29,30 URU 500 308 216 D Rus CHN CRI RTC

17570 0900 1000 28N URU 500 308 288 D Eng CHN CRI RTC

17615 0600 0800 28NW URU 500 308 288 D Deu CHN CRI RTC

17830 0100 0800 43NE,44NW URU 30 98 216 N Zho DRM CHN CNR RTC

(B-23, hfcc.org database Nov 4, 2023)

Location: SW Urumqi

CHN_Urumqi Changji Tian Shan

SW domestic site, 15 x tx 50 to 100 kW. 58 masts

43 58 26.04 N 87 14 56.35 E






replaced old Qumul, Hani site location of the 1960ties era.

and some 34 kilometers distance apart northwestwards at Hutubi

CHN_Urumqi Hutubi SW international site_CRI 9x100 8x500 kW 26 masts

44 08 53.99 N 86 53 45.58 E






and CHN_Urumqi Hutubi CRI MediumWave site,

various 500 kW TX units, 2 x 8 mast, 1 x 4 mast sidefire sets.

CHN_1521 kHz 2000 kW 308degr to Moscow-RUS, 8mast 0000-0357, 1100-1957 UT.

location 44 09 50.52 N 86 53 43.70 E


1323 kHz 1000-1500 UT Russian; approx. 58 degr azimuth towards FE Russia,

Chita, Komsomolsk, Sachalin. 4-Mast sidefire:

44 09 41.52 N 86 54 13.70 E


1323 kHz 240 degr azimuth at Kabul, Kandahar-AFG; Zahedan-IRN.

8-Mast sidefire, 15-18 UT En

44 09 26.21 N 86 53 34.56 E


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Fw: Radio Erena? - now 9585 kHz 17-18 UT  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, November 14 2023

ARMENIA 9585even fq Radio Erena played typical HoAfrica music,
S=9+20dB in Doha Qatar ME at 17.20 UT, ENC FMO brokered outlet
in B-23 now via Gavar relay instead of Kostinbrod BUL renting.

Tigre language to ETH/ERI target radio,
S=8 signal on Mauno’s SDR in Finland at 17.26 UT.
73 wolfie df5sx

From: DF5SX@darc.de
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2023 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: Radio Erena?

nimm diesen Entry

9585 1700 1800 48W ERV 100 192 0 218 dialy 291023 310324 Tir ARM VTC ENC 1420

steht auch als daily Monitoring bei RMS
im USAGM Monitoring mit ‘XXX’ Standort

2023-11-12 17:08:32 capture: AM 9585 (XXX) WBT VARI
2023-11-12 17:08:53 upload: 2311121708@ADDI 9585WBTVARI.mp4und auch in RMS Nairobi log entry.

73 wb df5sx
wwdxc topnews

From: Kai Ludwig
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2023 6:29 PM

Subject: Radio Erena?

Whatever became of them? Below the last mention of these transmissions herein.

They claim that they are still on 25 metres.

But at the known time from 1700 no such transmission to be found between 11400 and 12100 kHz anymore.

Kai Ludwig

On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 05:34 AM, Ivo Ivanov wrote:

SECRETLAND(non) Dimtse Radio Erena in Tigrinya on 11810 kHz via SPL Secretbrod, January 7:
1700-1800 on 11810 SCB 100 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Tigrinya. Good signal via SDR Heimiswil, SUI
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Jen's For The Vets show, heard on Unique Radio is up & ready for you.  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, November 14 2023

Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 04:59:05 PM GMT+1
Subject: Jen's For The Vets show, heard on Unique Radio is up & ready for you.

Hi Glenn. I hope you had & everyone had a good Vets day with remembrance.


Heard on Unique Radio's live stream & replayed Weds at 1400 UT on the "Waves''

73''s & 33''s


For all The Vets World Wide.

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