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Glenn Hauser logs April 7-8, 2020  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, April 08 2020

OK, it’s not on HF and it’s not classical music… but those looking for English language news from Austria will find plenty of it on the bilingual (German/English) ORF domestic youth network fm4 streamed over the Internet from:


John Figliozzi

> On Apr 8, 2020, at 1:53 PM, Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com> wrote:
> ** AUSTRIA. 6155, April 8 at 0549, classical music at S9/+10, better
> signal than usual, but noisy, in the last remnant of SW programming
> from this country, the token relay of Ö1 scheduled with 300 kW ND at
> 0500-0620 except Sat/Sun to 0610. Remember when the end of this used
> to include a few minutes of news in English? Not any more.
> But I go looking for the website (not included on Hitlist --- Alan?)
> and finally find this for today at 7:33-7:52 am local time:
> https://radiothek.orf.at/oe1/20200408/600688
> Audio and playlist of this `Guten Morgen Österreich` segment starting
> with Brahms. The transmission is on the news network but includes bits
> of classical music apparently promoting what will be played in full
> later (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
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Log abril 5, 6 y 7 de abril.  View Printable Version 
Wednesday, April 08 2020

** CHILE. 7610. RCW. Abril 7.1930 -. Programa aniversario Radio Nederland.
SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de 30
metros de largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** ECUADOR. 6050. HCJB. Abril 7. 0200 - 0210 UTC. Predica en español.
SINPO: 35343 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de 30
metros de largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** IRAN. 7325. IRIB. Abril 5. 0020 - 0042 UTC. Noticias de Hispantv sobre
medidas del Coronavirus en Nicaragua. 0028, aviso de frecuencias de la
emisora. Luego programa acerca de Irán tanto en tecnología como en otros
asuntos referidos a la ruta de la seda. 45343. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de 30 metros de largo, Lugar de escucha:
Ovalle, Chile)

** IRAN. 7325. IRIB. Abril 7. 0040 - 0051 UTC. Reportaje sobre sanciones
hechas por Israel contra los palestinos. 0051, aviso de la emisora. 45444
(Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de 30 metros de
largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** KOREA NORTH. 9650. Abril 6. 1140 - 1150 UTC. Mujer habla en Japonés,
luego espacio de música. SINPO: 44444 con leve splatter de CRI desde 9645
// 11865 SINPO: 45343 // 6070 con 49 metros como banda cerrada por el
horario de escucha (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de
30 metros de largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** KOREA NORTH. 11710. VOK. Abril 6. 1128 - 1140 UTC. Espacio de música.
Luego mujer habla en Coreano y prosigue espacio musical. SINPO: 44343, leve
inferencia de CNR-1 en la misma frecuencia. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor:
TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de 30 metros de largo, Lugar de escucha:
Ovalle, Chile)

** KOREA SOUTH. 15575. KBS. Abril 5. 0208-0300 UTC. Informaciones de la
carrera parlamentaria y luego aviso de contacto de la emisora. 0211, “Cine
en la Radio” con descripción de la película titulada: “Bestias”, luego
ranking de películas y luego banda sonora de un filme llamada “Romance
Verdadero”. A las 0227, “Rincón del radioescucha” con mención al uso de
mascarillas y después lectura de informes de recepción. 0234, “Literatura
en audio: Barí, la princesa abandonada”con descripción de un encuentro con
vagabundos y sustos de la protagonista. 0241, espacio de música y a las
0244, vuelta a la lectura de informes de recepción. 0250, “Todo sobre
Corea” con la temática de las compras compulsivas. Despedida del servicio y
espacio musical, a partir de las 0256. SINPO: 34333 con leve interferencia
de la emisora CNR-1. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo
de 30 metros de largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** PERÚ. 5025. R. QUILLABAMBA. Abril 7. 2215 - 2230 UTC. Música y avisos en
quechua. 45444. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de 30
metros de largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** PERÚ. 5980. R.CHASKI. Abril 7. 2245-2300 UTC. Programa de estudio
bíblico. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo
de 30 metros de largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** SLOVAKIA [NON] **USA. 9955. RSI. Abril 7. 0230-0300 UTC. Noticias acerca
de medidas por Coronavirus por el gobierno. 0235, identificación de emisora
y segmento dedicado a la Semana Santa dentro del contexto del Coronavirus y
acciones realizadas por el gobierno vinculado a la salud. 0245 espacio
musical. 0248, reportaje sobre bosques eslovacos de una región, junto a
descripciones de su patrimonio cultural. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz,
Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de 30 metros de largo, Lugar de
escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** TAIWAN [non] ** USA. 5800. RTI. Abril 7. 0100 - 0130 UTC. Programa
"Plaza Pública" con tema sobre el Coronavirus y la Sinofobia en épocas
pasadas. 0115: "Formosa 24/7" sobre las medidas de prevención del
Coronavirus y sus efectos en el crecimiento económico, suspensión de clases
en países asiáticos, medidas de empresas de Internet, préstamos de
bibliotecas públicas. 0125, despedida del segmento y música. SINPO: 45444
(Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de 30 metros de
largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** USA. 5800. WRMI. Abril 7. 0020 - 0030 UTC. música y diálogos en Coreano.
SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo de 30
metros de largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)

** VATICAN [Non] ** USA. 7305. VATICAN NEWS. Abril 7. 0145 - 0200 UTC.
Boletín de noticias con actividades del Papa Francisco con mensajes sobre
el hacinamiento de los presos y a los jóvenes para la jornada mundial de la
juventud. Posición de Caritas en Portugal y aviso acerca del holetin de
noticias vía email. SINPO: 55444. (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660;
Antena: Hilo de 30 metros de largo, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile)
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Glenn Hauser logs April 5-7, 2020  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, April 07 2020

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.97-CUSB, April 7 at 1420 tune-in past 1435+, JBA
carrier direct over the almost all-water path from Esperanza to Enid,
as I have not been able to detect for some time amid several special
LRA-36 transmissions; it`s about equivalent to 15825 WWCR normal
signal now without any sporadic-E boost.

By 1452 I`m on the Campo Brasil KiwiSDR for poor partially readable
signal: mainly two YL voices, with saludos; 1456 song; 1502 contact
info; then my pause for breakfast of waffle; 1531 music; 1536 echo
feedback announcement, deliberate? more song; 1540 ID, contact info;
1552 fading up a bit stronger, song; 1556 full ID, and bit of English
in a song about telephone; 1603 sounds like an old-time-radio clip,
1606 gone and apparently not coming back. Anyway, used up my 60-minute
per day limit on this SDR (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NEW ZEALAND. Correxion: the UT Friday time is 2005 not 2300; fixed:
Updating WORLD OF RADIO times on World FM, and webcasts, with DST off
in NZ as of April 5: all shifted one real UT hour later to: Thursday
0930 and 2300 UT; UT Friday 2005. Unfortunately due to my current
produxion schedule on Thursdays, the first two airings there are
almost a week old. Lots of other good programming; see:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SCOTLAND [non]. Correcting date on this: April 5, not 6, fixed:
5850 // 5010, UT Sun April 5 at 0100-0200, `Encore`
classical music reconfirmed on both WRMI frequencies...
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 11670, April 5 at 2152+, I mentioned as a poor signal of RHC
among others --- but as noted by wb and HFCC, Spain is now on 11670 in
A-20 like previous A-seasons instead of 11685 in Bs, for Africa. Not
clear yet whether Cuba have totally left 11670, or at least not
overlapping with Spain (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TAIWAN [non]. 7780 // 9395 // 5010, UT Tue April 7 at 0201, RTI
Spanish on three WRMI frequencies, but 5800 has gone off. Opening
announces that it`s the test program for Tuesday March 17!! Still
nothing new on these relays. All programs (ahem) should announce
original recording or airdates so we can keep track of them. Usual
delayed start following fragment of BZ ID and about a minute of music
before off-timesignal and opening. Subject already COVID 19
originating in Hubei province, ``continental China``, refuting Big Lie
that it`s a ``People`s Republic`` rather than a Commie dictatorship.

BTW, Dr Fauci, it`s Hoo-bay, not Hoo-by, but everything else he says
is of the greatest reliability. Should you rely on forever impeached
acting president Drumpf instead of him, you`ll be SORRY or even dead
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 359-MCW kHz, April 7 at 0622 UT, ND beacon SDR, which is 25
watts from Snyder, Texas, NW of Sweetwater, on US 84 toward Post and
Lubbock; 495 km away.

251-MCW kHz, April 7 at 0627 UT, NDB ID as AM, which is 100 watts from
Amarillo TX; seldom logged here at 400 km. Still gone is Stillwater
OK, SW from 255 (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2028 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday April 7
at 0100 on WRMI 7780, good via UTwente SDR in Holland. Next:
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) see also NEW ZEALAND

** U S A. 7780, UT Tue April 7 at 0130, WRMI with a ``pilot program``
of music; intro gives what sounds like a callsign to be looked up on
FB --- but not if you can`t be sure of the letters or join the
disgraced group. Maybe WVZJ or something fonetikaly similar. Also
promises a ``surprise`` at the end of the program, so I retune at 0157
and hear nothing but music, until, surprise, cut off for Rudy Espinal
ID at 0159.5. What is this? I heard the same thing exactly two weeks
ago on UT Tue March 24. WRMI skedgrid shows Wavescan at 0130 Tue not
only on 5010 // 5850 as reconfirmed, but also 7780 which is the way I
entered it on DX/SWL/MEDIA programs (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Level 5 strong tropo bullseye right over central OK
predicted by Hepburn, so I hasten to bandscan, April 7 from 1545 UT.
Almost all ``open`` DX channels have a BAD signal on them, in the
repack range, plus 45 no doubt still KOTV Tulsa; except nothing on 34
and 9; and two `local` OKC channels are BAD, caused by DX QRM, 7 and
15. 15 would most likely be KSNW Wichita, ex-45. 7: full-powers still
exist in Hays and Pittsburg KS; Amarillo, Austin, Odessa, Tyler TX
plus numerous low-powers; nothing in OK except KOCO.

I sit on RF 32 which shows signs of reaching decode threshold, and it
does briefly at 1620, with a CW 33 bug in LR, and PSIP as 33-1 KDAF-DT
--- that`s 780 kW in Dallas TX; gone before I can check out its

RF 26, April 7 at 1625, this one decodes as 24-1 FOX, which isn`t very
helpful, but must be 350 kW from the opposite direxion, KSAS-TV
Wichita; subs are 24-2 TBD and 24-3 Comet; contrary to W9WI.com which
has 24-2 as GetTV. The only other 24-1 Fox on RF 26 is Macon GA, no
way here (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 1709 UT April 7
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morning log Sunday April 5, 03.15 to 04.30 UT  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, April 07 2020


Remote SDR rx log of April 5 monitoring in Doha Qatar SDR, KiwiNet Kuwait

6165.006 TUR TRT Emirler in English, Turkish lovely folk mx program,
S=9+40dB powerhouse signal in Qatar ME. 11.8 kHz widespread
excellent audio signal at 1st hop. 03.17 UT on April 5.
6109.997 ETH Surprisingly very weak signals from Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Probably R Fana from Gedja, Suns scheduled Oromo language sce.
S=6 at 03.18 UT.
6090.002 ETH HoA music only S=6 level, R Amhara scheduled, at 03.22 UT.
6030.003 ETH R Oromiya from Gedja site, Afar language sce, local HoA
music heard at 03.23 UT. S=6 poor to fair.
5984.996 UAE BBC London sce from Al Dhabbaya relay site, S=8 first hop
signal, talk in Persian by two men. At 03.25 UT on April 5.
5959.883 KWT Very much ODD FREQUENCY of Radio Kuwait, Arabic HQ morning
prayer, S=9+50dB super POWERHOUSE observed in Doha Qatar ME.
Scheduled 02-09 UT. 20 kHz wideband audio block visible. 03.27UT
5950even ETH Voice of Tigray Revolution, Tigre sce to NoEast Africa.
S=6 at 03.28 UT on April 5.
5900.003 BUL? Tentativelly BVB in Arabic, via SPC-NURTS Spaceline Ltd.
Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site,
S=9+10dB at 03.30 UT in remote Doha Qatar and Kiwi Kuwait SDR's.
5860even KWT Radio Farda in Persian, AGM United States Agency for Global
Media (USAGM) service, via USAGM Kuwait relay site at Kuwait
al-Dschahra suburb. S=9+35dB powerful signal noted in Doha Qatar.
11 kHz wideband audio signal modulation. 03.32 UT on April 5.
7140.019 ERI VoBM Eritrea Asmara morning sce at 03.35 UT, S=8-9 signal,
endless speech by men.
7180.019 ERI VoBM Eritrea Asmara Dimtsi-2 Amharic morning sce
at 03.37 UT, S=8-9 signal, typical NoEaAF HoA music played.
7260even VAT US VoA Somali language program to Horn of Africa
via Vatican State bcast center in Santa Maria di Galeria.
At 03.40 UT heard S=9+40dB powerhouse signal into Qatar Perseus.
10 kHz wideband audio modulation when music played.
7275.002 TUR TRT Emirler in English section service, nice Turkish folk
mx played, S=9+25dB at 03.42 UT.
7285.004 IRN VoIRIB Arabic "Al-Quds TV" relay at 01.30-06.00 UT. 03.44
S=9+40dB powerhouse Sirjan 500 kW signal, women announcer talk.
9420.003 GRC Heliniki Radio Athens from Avlis bcast center, S=9+20dB
backlobe signal into NE/ME Doha Qatar at 03.47 UT.
9629.987 CHN CNR1 from Geermu site in northern China, S=8 in Doha Qatar
at 04.02 UT on April 5.
9770.002 TUR TRT Emirler, Turkish language, Turkish talk played 'Virus',
S=7 fair signal of backlobe azimuth towards WeEurope and North
America at 310degr. 04.08 UT on April 5.
9824.994 MDA BBC London, Persian sce heard via Radiotelecentr (PRTC)
transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac, S=9+10dB at 04.10 UT on April 4.
9900even IRN VoIRIB Arabic "Al-Quds TV" relay from Zahedan site
requested, women talk at 04.12 UT, much POWERHOUSE S=9+45dB sig,

'twist the needle' level.
9915.006 MDG BBC London in English sce, ENC Encompass Digital Media
Services FMO organized via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar
relay facility. S=8 fair signal noted in Doha Qatar at 04.13 UT.

11570even ARM Iran International TV London, in Persian S=9+25dB, female
announcer at 04.15 UT.
Now after season change B-19/A-20 checked today April 5 again
with KIWInet direction finding 'TDoA' option function.
Checked five times their DF function at Kiwi fundamentals in
Moscow, Novosibirsk, Ukraine, Kuwait and Delhi. And centered
always at CJSC Yerevan Gavar Armenia bc center location now.
Comment: when checked DF in November to February months
centered always in much greater 'winter skip distance'

in Central Asia at RRTM Tashkent / Dushanbe-TJK origin location.

11650.003 MDG R Tamazuj 03.30 UT Sudanese Arabic / R Dabanga 04.30-04.57,
via PNW / FPU MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility,
nice modern sounded local Sudanese mx morning sce, 04.16 UT.
S=8-9 in Qatar.
11745even ARS Saudi Al Azm Army-Radio towards southwards azimuth of Yemen
soldiers fighting in Yemeni civil war (Iran / Saudi fractions).
S=9+15dB signal noted in Doha Qatar and Delhi India remotedly.
04.18 UT.
11840even CHN CNR1 JAMMING sce from China mainland, against co-channel
Radio TWN International Mandarin Chinese, scheduled 04-06 UT,
S=8-9 at 04.20 UT.
11859.966 ARS Rep of Yemen Radio in Yemeni Arabic, via MOCI Riyadh-ARS
HQ prayer morning service sung, S=9 fair signal in peaks
at 04.22 UT in Doha Qatar Perseus SDR rx installation.
11875even UAE BBC London Persian sce in relay of ENC Encompass Digital
Media Services at Al Dhabbaya relay center in UAE peninsula.
03.30-04.30 UT requested. 04.24 UT on April 4.
Distorted 1st signal skip in nearby Qatar, at S=8 fluttery.
11970even UZB NHK Radio Japan Tokyo, via RRTM Tashkent Uzbekistan
relay site. Persian language service 04.00-04.30 UT.
S=9+35dB strong shortwave signal from central Asia site in

Qatar, S=9 or -78dBm signal backlobe into remote Novosibirsk
KIWInet SDR unit installation. 04.26 UT. To be followed
NHK English weekdays from 04.30 UT by NHK via TDF Issoudun,
on same frequency co-channel.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 5)
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


morning log Sunday. NOW Monday log at 22.00 - 23.00 UT in Cape Canaveral, Florida state US NoAM  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, April 07 2020


_6180.013 BRA R Nac do Brasilia BrasPort S=9+15 talk at 22.05 UT

11780.008 BRA - same S=9+20dB signal at 22.25 UT
6184.973 MEX weak and tiny reserve tx unit XEPPM MC S=4 poor -96dBm
under threshold signal level, talk at 22.22 UT.
6069.983 CAN CFRX Toronto is real on air , at 22.23 UT.

Grayline at this time across New Foundland - Antigua - Antilles

11669.994 ESP Suprisingly strong three Radio Nacional de Espagnola ID
giving on air in 25 mb, S=8-9 talk, phone-in, 22.26 UT
and also
11940even S=9+20dB at 22.28 UT, 10 kHz wideband signal.
12030even S=9+15dB, 11.2 kHz wideband too.

11700even CUB RHC likely 250 kW Quivican, Portuguese? S=8, 22.28 UT
11760even CUB RHC Spanish, with the all-Caribbean fountain antenna
from Bauta bcast center site, S=9+25dB at 22.30 UT
11880even CUB RHC in likely Portugese, NOT ENGLISH. S=9, 22.37 UT
15370even CUB RHC flute mx played, S=7-8 at 22.53 UT
and the other 19 mbander

15770even USA WRMI Okeechobee with TOM BS roarer at 22.55 UT S=7-8

11820.044 ARS BSKSA Riyadh HQ prayer sung, S=9 at 22.32 UT in Florida
11850even CUB RHC Spanish at S=7, short distance poor, 22.33 UT
11856.200 BRA R Aparecida, BrasPort, poor+tiny S=5 at 22.34 UT
11815.025 BRA R Brasil Central?, poorness S=4 at 22.35 UT.

9350even USA probably? WWCR TOM BS sermon, S=8 at 22.40 UT.
9420.003 GRC Elliniki Radio from Avlis, S=9+15dB, but some spur
scratch noise from Cuban jamming somewhere hit in 31 mb ?

22.42 UT on April 06.
9535even CUB RHC in Spanish nice more than fair S=9+35dB ! signal
surprisingly strong Bejucal signal towards Central America
westwards to Spanish MEX-GTM-CTR-Panama azimuth
9640.002 CUB RHC Spanish towards Antilles Suriname, S=9+5dB 22.44 UT

9830.006 TUR VoTurkey in English from Emirler at 22.15 UT S=9+15dB
folk mx heard, and two 100 Hertz strings apart visible to add
7275.004 midst in NoAmerican amateur radio section, 22.49 UT
IRN VoIRIB Hausa night service across Sahel towards West
African coast target azimuth. S=9+15dB in Florida remotedly
7310even ROU Tremendous signal at this hour 22.50 UT, S=9+35dB in
Cape Canaveral FL state. RRI Bucharest English hour, talk of
1944 London history and publisher refugee. much weaker
7325even ROU RRI Tiganesti at S=8 level only.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 6)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
To: <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>; "wor" <WOR@groups.io>

Sent: Monday, April 06, 2020 1:16 PM
Subject: [HCDX] morning log Sunday April 5, 03.15 to 04.30 UT

Remote SDR rx log of April 5 monitoring in Doha Qatar SDR, KiwiNet Kuwait

5900.003 BUL Tentativelly BVB in Arabic, via SPC-NURTS Spaceline Ltd.
Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site,
S=9+10dB at 03.30 UT in remote Doha Qatar and Kiwi Kuwait SDR's.

{Yes - thanks Ivo in Sofia tip, 5900 kHz BVB schedule:
0200-0215 & 0215-0230 Winter
0300-0315 & 0315-0330 Summer

Bible Voice Broadcasting
0300-0315 5900 SOF 50 kW 126 deg to NE/ME Arabic Dardasha 7
0315-0330 5900 SOF 50 kW 126 deg to NE/ME Arabic Dardasha 7
1931-1946 5900 SOF 50 kW 126 deg to NE/ME Arabic Dardasha 7

Radio Taiwan International
1700-1730 5900 SCB 050 kW 30 deg to EaEUR Russian
1900-1930 5900 SCB 100 kW 306 deg to WeEURu German
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 6) }

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 5 - 6)
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