2600,2632and2663 wit Roma radio with Volmet !Nearly motional
2789Romaradio with Volmet talks 2004 in Italian -93dbm 2910QSO net with Slavic pirates? -85dbm signals 2001 Also on 2920 with russain .All in USB 4626 ratherpoor tonite at -86/02dbm max 1936 4909 “367 oblique 00 “ with -84dbm stopped on 1934 4930VoA with presenter Laury at 1930 with -71/115dbmsignal 4965 ChristiaVoice 1928 with religious songs -80dbmwith lots of noise qrn even at -115dbm 6280eryosile that this is LHH as previous time 1902 with rock song 6295 ReflexionsEurope 1859 with talks by OM in English NO stop on 1900 for ID Aigal just -95/115dbm but good audio to kill the local noise. 6320 pirate 1916 with pop songs of 80s -75/115dbm many times it egts down to the noise 6676 BKKVolmet 1912 meteo forecasts -96/120dbm MW band logs 585 S Arabia 2052 Arabic lively song OM talks anddiscussions in Arabic In background a more trebly Arabic station with metallic percussionsNearly half modulation ion the USB ID Idaat Riyadh Wataniya by YL , then with mixed songs and her voice Songs of70s then -66dbm
594BBC? Challenger? 21+ Talk in English . QRM frm another with less terbly audio Just-85dbm 792 SERalso Spanish //738 at-85dbm is rather clearly heard with limited QRM 1053 COPEwith -66dbm signal 2018 quite good? Talxin Spanish Constante , sports program style with Barcelona(/) With Mesi top make a goal . Mixed with anotheronly for a short time as e wins overthem //738 which is heard better The other can be had in clear from the SdR !! 1377 IRIB1951 talk in Farsi Stoped after 2000 1386R Baltic waves 2015 in Russian -72dbm 1521 2129 jazz music , man in Slavic on 2130 signalmax -59dbm then with classical music Only S Arabia is heard in the radio… 1586 Greeklocal pirate 2035 withrather bad modulation with enhanced upper part is not easy head exceptin AM and only in SDR Strong QRM from 1584 tested also on the PL380 with bad reception in all cases! 1750two Slavic pirates with 15 (super studio )and 35 db SNR at 2125
Receptionfor R 292on 1/2/21
96706070 and 3955 with three different programs on 0733 and great music of the pastin each channel as tested via the websdsr in utwente for better recepton and audio (sigals of -70) 9670 locally today is with -76 dbm out of -120dbmnoise and a 50s song 6070is also at -76 dbm out of -125dbm noise at 0740 with rockroll song with Texas radioprogram Radio 6 ID on 0759 ten radio Amatok (?) All 3have very good audio Also for Atlantic
3955no signal at 0939 9670with living in a player Bon Jovi at 0941 -77dbm max 6070with -83 bowie rebel rebel at 0946 0959on 9760 Eurovision hymn!!! (aka prelude du te deum by Chaperntier ) Monitoring 31/1 and R292 10th celeb!https://zliangaslogs.blogspot.com/2021/02/16.html #DX #shortwave #MW #broadcasting #SW Please dont forget visiting subscribing and linking my page! https://sites.google.com/site/zliangas/sdr
Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery with SDRConsole & 2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/