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Log of Sunday Aug 23, 07.15-10.30 UT at Doha Qatar and Delhi India remote SDR rxs. |
Sunday, August 23 2020
Log of Sunday Aug 23, 07.15-10.30 UT at Doha Qatar and Delhi India remote SDR rxs.7259.987 CHN PBS Xinjiang Urumqi in Mandarin Chinese, S=6-7 or -88dBm signal strength at 07.15 UT on Aug 23, same characteristics 7275even same center in Uighur language program. 7325.006 IND AIR Jaipur Hindi sce, proper signal in Delhi like S=9+35dB or -39dBm at 07.20 UT on Aug 23. Nearly 20 kHz wide audio 7380.003 IND AIR Chennai Madras Tamil domestic program, 07.25 UT, S=8 or -79dBm signal strength. 7420.004 IND AIR Hyderabad in Telugu language, weak S=5 or -83dBm strength at 07.32 UT. 7429.996 IND AIR Bhopal ?Hindi/Mult?, as usual 'the proper' Indian station, best AIR domestic bcaster unit, in TX strength and audio quality S=9+15dB or -54dBm at 07.50 UT. 6000.004 IND AIR Leh Ladakh, in Ladakhi ? sce, S=5-6 or -88dBm at 08.00 UT 6099.967 MUCH ODD fq AIR outlet, AIR Voice of Kashmir program in Kashmiri at Delhi Khampur bcast center. S=9+45dB or -29dBm powerhouse signal excellent audio quality, positivel - unusual for AIR audio comparisons though. Comment read and many time 'Pakistan' mentioned Not buzzy, despite some 100 and 200 Hertz distance apart strings seen either sideband. 6025, 6050, and 6130 various Lhasa Baiding S=9+10dB strings seen at 08.20 UT 9370even KWT USAGM R Farda in Persian, via Kuwait al-Dschahra suburb, US exIBB USAGM RL RFA bcast center Kuwait relay site. S=9 signal scheduled 06.30-11.00 UT. 08.25 UT. 9380.003 IND AIR Aligarh Hindia sce, mx program, fluttery signal S=9+15dB or -61dBm at 08.27 UT. 9469.982 CHN PBS Xinjang, Kazakh sce from Urumqi site, S=8-9 at 08.29 UT. 9490even CHN PBS Xizang, Tibetan sce from Lhasa Baiding site, S=8 at 08.32. 9509.943 CHN PBS Xinjang, Mongolian sce, Urumqi site, S=8 or -84dBm 09.00 9530even CHN CNR11 from Baoji Sifangshan, 20 kHz broadband Tibetan service S=9+10dB or -61dBm at 09.02 UT. 9559.982 CHN PBS Xinjang, Uyghur sce from Urumqi site, S=8 -81dBm 09.04 UT 9570even CHN CNR2 from Geermu Golmud bcast center, in Mandarin Chinese, at 09.06 UT S=8-9 or -78dBm strength. 9580even CHN PBS Xizang, Tibetan sce from Lhasa Baiding site, at 09.07 UT S=9+20dB or -54dBm powerhouse in Delhi, 20 kHz wide audioband. 9599.980 CHN PBS Xinjang, Mandarin Chinese sce, Urumqi site, S=8 or -77dBm at 09.09 UT. 9629.991 CHN CNR from Geermu Golmud bcast center, in Mandarin Chinese, at 09.11 UT S=9+15dB or-58dBm powerful strength. 20 kHz wide audio 9720even CHN CNR2 from Baoji Sifangshan, 20 kHz broadband Chinese service S=9+5dB or -74dBm at 09.14 UT on Aug 23. 9730even ??? mx program, low modulated, likely Myanmar Radio Yangoon, at at 09.20 UT on Aug 23. Weak and tiny S=4-5 in Delhi India, acc database scheduled 07.30-11.31 UT. 9750even JAP NHK World Radio Japan Tokyo, from Ibaragi Koga Yamata site, scheduled 07.55 to 16.00 UT to all central Asia continent. S=7-8 or -79dBm in Delhi India. 09.26 UT. 9770even KOR KBS World Service Seoul from Kimjae site, weak signal S=5 or -89dBm at 09.28 UT. 9780even CHN CNR from Xining site, Mandarin Chinese at 09.29 UT sounded like Cantonese/Vietnamese accented, surprisingly strong S=9 or -71dBm signal. 9834.009 much, much odd frequency CHN PBS Xinjang, Chinese sce from Urumqi site, S=8-9 -76dBm at 09.34 UT. 9850even CHN Lot of Tibetan songs heard of national Tibetan sce of Xining Quinghai at 09.36 UT, S=8 or -79dBm signal in Delhi India. 9900even SNG probably Kranji technician settled here for a single minute, carrier seen at 09.30:56 UT, BBC Kranji starts here at 10.00 UT regularly. 9949.809 much, much odd frequency IND AIR Kingsway bcast center site scheduled, Urdu sce at 08.30- 11.30 UT, powerhouse S=9+25dB or -51dBm at 09.39 UT, and some BUZZ strings visible of 50 Hertz apart distance strings either sideband. 12 kHz wideband audio block seen. 9980even CHN Heavy signal few CNR1 jamming and also some 10 and 20 kHz wideband metal scratchy jamming sound noted at 10.35 UT on Aug 23. S=9+30 or -46dBm strong signal, noted remotedly on Delhi Perseus SDR rx. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sunday Aug 23) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs August 21-22, 2020 |
Saturday, August 22 2020
Glenn Hauser logs August 21-22, 2020 |
Saturday, August 22 2020
** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98-CUSB, Saturday August 22 at 1442, LRA36 already on with songs at S2-S4 via Brasil KiwiSDR; 1444 usual canned ID for `Corazón Antártico` and phone, e-mail contact info. 1517 song, 1518 another ID; still going 1603 music, by 1700 down to S1-S3. Still past 1735. JBA by 1748. No telling how much longer. Not really readable now or earlier. We were expecting this to start at 1630 like previous Saturdays, presumably replaying the Wednesday show; tnx to Manuel Méndez, Spain, who was barely getting it direct from sign-on *1409 with Morse code (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 11232-USB, Aug 21 at 2352 selcall tones, and 2-way mentioning maybe Lajes (Azores) but this is EiBi-listed as Trenton (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CHINA. Why not, check a different daypart than usual circa 1400 for CNR1 jammers, Aug 21 at 2347, and there are a few on typical frequencies: 13530 JBA vs CODAR, 13160 & 14850 JBA fluttery carriers, 14920 Chinese at S5-S7; none in the 15s, 16s, 10s or 11s (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CHINA. CNR1 jammer survey, Aug 22 at 1355-1400*; none in 16s; 15165 & 15130; JBA carriers 14920, 14870, 14850; 13920 S4-S6, 13835, 13530, 13150, 13130; 12190; more than JBA on 11170, 10870 S7, 10820. Aug 22 at 1425: JBA on 10870, 11100, 11150, 11170; 11440 two JBA carriers beating; 12820 & 12835 S8-S9, 12880; none in the lower 9s (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 5055, Aug 22 at 0614, mixture of talk and music, NOT AUSTRALIA! But leapfrog mixing product another 15 kHz beyond, of 5025 Rebelde over 5040 RHC English, the latter on later than usual, and with same extreme modulation breaking up `Ed Newman` on both. 5055 is S9+10; 5040 is S9+20/30; 5025 with good music modulation is also S9+20/30. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. Both fundamentals listed as Bauta site. There is no reverse leapfrog on 5010, luckily for WRMI earlier. 0616 Rebelde YL ID and TC for 2:16 am (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NIGERIA. 7255-, Sat Aug 22 at 0605, no signal from VON, nor any on alternatives as have happened: 9690-, 11770-, let alone 15120 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U K. 11254-USB, Aug 21 at 2353, roboyl with VOLMET for a number of ``xxx international`` airports, hard to copy names. EiBi lists as RAF. ``No information available`` for several; maybe mentions Congo, Brazzaville. Still there at 0142 Aug 22 recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2048 monitoring: confirmed first WRMI airing, Friday August 21 at 2310 the 2300 on 9955, good into BSR-1 caradio on a non-DXpedition a few statute miles north of Enid; no jamming audible. Also confirmed UT Sat Aug 22 at 0130 on WRMI 9955, S3-S6 to TWR Bonaire SDR, S5-S7 to TWR DR; 7780 VG S9+20 into UTwente. 0143 checking these here direct: 7780 poor S6-S7 in HSNL; 9955 good S9+10 with fadedowns, no jamming audible. Slept past 1330 UT Sat Aug 22; did anyone hear 1300+ on WRMI 15770? Or 1130 on 9955 where it`s still on sked but gone weeks ago? Next: 1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 2300 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE 0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400] 0300 UT Sunday WRMI 5800 to SSSE 0700 UT Sunday Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW 0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 or 6160v to WSW 0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE 0900 UT Monday Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB 1800vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2100+UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Thanks for financial support from Samuel Sánchez, podcast listener, for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - not necessarily in US funds as PP will convert One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. (6160, 7490), UT Sat Aug 22 at 0000, Area 61 webcast, which otherwise is 5130 programming, is running late with `Old Tyme Radio`, an Amos & Andy reproduxion episode by Ed Bolton, which used to be a regular on WBCQ, and NOT on the ``proposed`` schedule we got, instead of Superman, so will have to join `AAAWWW` late, as WTO theme has already started on 7490 webcast. I listen more or less to whole hour hoping for more info on the WHRI acquisition, but not much other than waiting for the deal to close. Looking for engineers and operators in Maine: pay is good but not much benefits, and cost of living is low, good place if you like winter sports. Applicants will be interviewed (remotedly?). Over the years some 50 expensive tubes have been returned for rebuilding. 0020 sez quadri-casting tonight on 3265, 5130, 6160, 7490, 21 August YOOL 2020; and now it`s dark at this hour as summer is latening, days shortening. 0022 A&A get into vicious political rants totally anti-Democratic and pro-Trumpic. Democratic states are Communist-controlled. Biden and Kamala are jokes. Need mega-landslide for Trump. They go on to accuse Dems of elexion hijinx which are really what the Trumpublicans are doing! 0035 phone call finally from someone contradicting them, disappointed they are ignoring the incredible misconduct and lies of Trump, complete failure handling the pandemic. Angela shouts him down, while Allan accepts his free-speech right to disagree. It`s Bryan in West Chester PA. 0050 into e-mails, about WHRI? Going to fix up the facility in Furman. Dedicated to keeping SW alive at that 250/500 kW level. There are good people at WHRI; and he keeps referring to ``Le-See-A``. Here`s John Carver`s version: ``Tonight's show started on time on 7490 and a few seconds later on 5130 and 6160. Voice over during the theme song set the tone. Something about rioting, looting, pillaging, cop shootings all brought about by the Democrats. Allan and Angela in the studio along with some sexy talk and then into a rundown of all the equipment in the studio. Brief mentions of the MW and FM stations. Also another plea for qualified engineers to help run the superstation. Then into full blown political talk and Angela becomes animated. Among other things she suggested that all Democrats be loaded on a pod and sent to Mars. Phone call at 0035 from a gentleman attacking Trump's stand on the Covid thing and his mishandling of the problem which sent Angela from animated to agitated and a shouting match erupted between the caller and Angela. Allan did his best to calm things down. Reading of emails at 0050. First email asked about the purchase of WHRI and Allan stated that the facility would be broadcasting a lot of programming from WLC and that more details would be available later. Allan stated that they had been getting a lot of positive emails about the Old Time Radio show on 6160. Allan asked Angela to lead the closing prayer this evening and she started but was cut off by the end of the program at 0100. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. At 0428 UT Aug 22 I first posted this to several DX groups: ``WCSZ DX test from SC, OK to OK --- I am posting before reading reports from anyone else about this. On R75 with E-W longwire, already aimed in right direxion. 0357 UT Aug 22 tune-in to usual jumble of presumed KNX, KFTI and more jumble. 0402 UT: suddenly absolutely clear Morse code ID: VVV DE WCSZ, twice or was it thrice? No voice IDs or any announcements heard so far. But none needed after the above. 0404 UT: Handel`s Messiah, Hallelujah Chorus until 0410. Then some other music, no ID heard but may have been lost in QRM. 0412 tune-out but may recheck later. Unknown how long test runs. Sometimes atop, generally mixing with news/talk presumed KNX, and country music presumed from KFTI Wichita which is low power {1 kW} at night, but too close to here and always an annoyance since it`s significantly off-frequency-minus. Now {on USB} I have been adjusting the PBT to get rid of the LAH if not all of its modulation. Tnx for the test. Pse QSL if possible. New NRC AM Log says: U4 50000/1500; STA U1 2000/375 - tech issues. U4 means different direxional patterns day and night. But FCC AM Query says ND day, direxional night. NRC Pattern Book 2013 shows ND day circular pattern, I think, very crowded map with all those other 1070s in the SE. So was this test really ND, and how much power at the start? Until the next, Best of DX and 73 de Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702`` I did recheck a couple more times just as Morse IDs played again: VVV DE WCSZ WCSZ WCSZ, at 0443.5 and 0459.5 UT. Later widely reported as far as Norway, and Seattle --- but I bet not much closer to KNX. 1404 km = 873 stmi from Sans Souci SC to Enid; Greenville market. The code IDs were a welcome surprise as earlier publicity said there would be no such thing, nor sweep tones, etc. Test committee chairman Les Rayburn in AL now says: ``The DX Test was operated by engineer Al Hajny. His e-mail address is: alhajny@gmail.com Mr. Hajny has a history of being very friendly to DX’ers. Let’s be respectful of that relationship. He has not stated if he plans to verify reception reports. I know he’s a busy guy, so if he doesn’t respond quickly, please be patient (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. JBA 9-kHz MW carrier search Aug 22 at 0607: 936 the only one, Morocco? Not even 711 or 846-Kiritimati, off? K-index at 0600 was 2, no storms per WWV (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 7348-CW, or slightly less, Aug 22 at 0619 long string of numbers in fast CW, but also some letters. Ends with K, but never heard any DE and ID. Probably unrelated to this in EiBi: ``7345 0600-1600 CHN V26 Numbers Station USB M FE xx`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 1749 UT August 22 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs August 19-20-21, 2020 |
Friday, August 21 2020
** CANADA. 248-MCW kHz, Aug 21 at 0555 UT, dash and WG, 1000 watt ND beacon from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Only Canadian ever heard among seven listed on 248, two of them also a kilowatt, and four of them also with 2-letter calls lacking a Y- or -Z, but all with a dash of course.
346-MCW kHz, Aug 21 at 0601, dash and YXL, 500 watt NDB from Sioux Lookout, Ontario. It`s way NW of Thunder Bay, not an area we associate today with the Sioux First Nation. This does not explain where the name came from: https://www.northernontario.travel/sunset-country/7-interesting-facts-about-sioux-lookout but a ``Lac Seul`` figures in its history so I wonder if Seul was mistaken as ``Sioux``? -- pronounced soo/sue. Such interesting learning experiences provided by beacon DXing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CHINA. CNR1 jammer survey, Aug 20 at 1449: 15110, 14850 S3-S5, 13130 JBAC, 12020, 11460, 11440, 11170 Chinese, 11100 JBA carrier, 10920, 10160 S4-S7, 9660?, 9230 JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CHINA. CNR1 jammer survey, Aug 21 at 1341-1352, not in the order logged: 9200 S9/+10, 10820 S3-S5, 10870 S4-S7, 11150 S4-S6, 11440 S9/+10, 11460 & 12800 JBAC, 12820 S7-S8, 12880 S9/+10, 13130 S4-S6 vs CODAR, 13160 S7-S9, 13835, 14850 S3-S7, 15130, 15165 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 6012-6048, Aug 20 at 0545, noise jamming against no Martí audible out to plus/minus 18 kHz range from very strong center 6030. Something`s always wrong at the DentroCuban Jamming Command (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. Something`s always wrong at RHC: extremely distorted spurblobs out of 13700 transmitter, more than usual, 14 of them, Aug 21 at 1352-1401, approx., stronger closer ones spreading up to 10 kHz wide tuned in FM mode always with F# tone, not in the order logged: 13172 & 13235 traces, 13298, 13365, 13432, 13502, 13569 & 13632 S9+10; 13767 S9+10, 13832 S9, 13900 S4-S5, 13966 S5-S6, 14033 S3, 14098-trace, the last two intruding into 20m hamband; at 63-68 kHz intervals. Except for the trace ones, some program modulation could be heard on all (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. 515-MCW kHz, Aug 21 at 0601 UT, NDB PN Ponca City still off; 341-MCW kHz, EI Enid still on but JJBBA (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2047 monitoring: confirmed Wed Aug 19 from 2100.5 on WBCQ 7490v, theme JJBBA here, but at 2117 check good S8 at Rochester NY SDR. Also confirmed UT Thu Aug 20 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, poor S8-S9 direct. WORLD OF RADIO 2048 contents: Antarctica, Austria, Belarus non, Canada, China, Congo, Cuba, France, Germany, Kiritimati, Korea South, Laos, Madagascar, Mali, México and non, Perú, Puerto Rico, Russia, Sudan South non, Tibet, USA, Vanuatu, Vatican; and the propagation outlook WOR 2048 is available as of 0227 UT Friday August 21 (mp3 stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2048.m3u (mp3 download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2048.mp3 Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html Also linx to podcast services. The shortwave broadcasts should be: 0900 UT Friday Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB 2200 UT Friday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE 0130 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE, 9955-[jammed?] to SSE 0700 UT Saturday Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB 1300 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE 1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 2300 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE 0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400] 0300 UT Sunday WRMI 5800 to SSSE 0700 UT Sunday Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW 0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 or 6160v to WSW 0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE 0900 UT Monday Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB 1800vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2100+UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Thanks for financial support from Samuel Sánchez, podcast listener, for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - not necessarily in US funds as PP will convert One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 7505, Aug 20 at 0102 check, WRNO still AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. JBA MW carrier search of 9-kHz frequencies, Aug 20 at 0617: only 711, 846 and 1071. 846 no doubt regular Kiritimati but never with audio; 711 Cuba or Morocco barely? 1071 intriguing with no Europeans more than 10 kW, no NZ/Australians more than 5. Several ME/Africans but too daytime. Of course there`s that megawatt in India, but way too early for that. Note that het/carriers 1 kHz off 10 kHz frequencies are often easier to detect than further in between with lots of splash from both sides (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. JBA MW carrier search Aug 21 at 0550: 621, 846, 882, 1125 with two beating. Presumed Canary, Kiritimati; 882 has another low-powered Canarian; and 1125 several low-powered continental Spaniards (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 2015 UT August 21 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Log of Aug 21 at 05.45 til 07.05 UT |
Friday, August 21 2020
Log of Aug 21 at 05.45 til 07.05 UT in NoAM in NY and FL remote Perseus, also here in England and central Europe and Corfu Greece remote Perseus 5025even CUB R Rebelde Bauta, this Aug 21 morning seems propagation disturbtion in progress, only S=6-7 signal at 05.45 UT. Nothing at this hour scheduled on RHC 5040 kHz. 5999.995 CUB RHC Cuba from Quivican San Felipe TITAN bcast center, at 05.58 UT S=9+15dB distorted audio transmission. 6100even CUB RHC Bauta nice S=9+10dB at 06.00 UT on Aug 21. 6145even CUB RHC Bauta not strong as usual, only S=9+5dB this morning. 6184.971 MEX R Educacion Mexico D.F. lower modulation though carrier on S=8-9 signal level, 06.01 UT. 7254.935 NIG Voice of Nigeria, Abuja in Hausa scheduled, nx at 06.03 UT on Aug 21, S=9+15dB in NY and FL remotedly heard. Signal on screen shows two plus/minus 90 Hertz tone peak strings 7335even CUB CUBAN jamming scratch signal S=9 in NY Perseus SDR rx, at 06.06 UT, and very same disturbtion als on 7365 kHz channel. 7455 kHz and two peaks high speed UTE signal at S=8 level in NY 06.10 UT, PTR? Puerto Rico NAU US Navy data transmission, 850 Hertz or 2 x 425 Hertz distance strings visible. When later checked in western Europe show S=9+15dB cross Atlantic signal and similar 7555.500 kHz also. 7570, 7730, 7780 kHz USA RMI Okeechobee not as strong as usual days. S=5-6 at 06.15 UT only. 9420even GRC Radiophonikos Avlis, S=6-7 phone-in politics in NY and FL remotedly, but in western Europe proper S=9+25dB, 8 kHz wideband audio, in Greek language at 06.17 UT on Aug 21. 5839.993 DEN WMR Bramming music stn, S=6 in Corfu Greece southern EUR at 06.23 UT, and another Unid stn on
5829.986 ? Hillerod-DEN at 06.28 UT. ? 9620even F__ RTA Algiers via TDF Issoudun France relay center, 06-07 UT, to south Saharan Sahel target - now again Islam groups contested target area. At 06.35 UT S=9 backlobe into Europe. Audio transmission hit by ISS-typical annoying ditter-BUBBLE tone signal. 11675.008 TUR TRT Emirler in Turkish at 06.00-11.58 UT noted in central Europe at 06.36 UT, S=7-8 strength. and 11750.005 TUR S=9+10dB at 06.38 UT. 11859.988 ARS Exile Radio Sana'a Yemen from Jeddah? site, fluttery signal S=7, at 06.40 UT on Aug 21. 11879.955 AUT Seldom but never seen before, MUCH ODD frequency out of ORS Moosbrunn carried AWR Africa Arabic sce 300 kW 175 degr azi. S=9+10dB in central Europe, but much powerhouse signal of S=9+50dB or -24 dBm in Corfu Greece remotedly heard. 12 kHz wideband audio. 06.43 UT on Aug 21. 12050even UK_ Radio Ndarason Int. to West Africa, out of ENC Encompass Digital Media Services from Woofferton England site, S=9+20dB proper signal at 06.46 UT in Corfu Greece, southern Europe. 13580.014 MDG BBCWS English, via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility, S=9+20dB at 06.48 UT on Aug 21 in Greece. 13590.004 IRN VOIRI Zahedan in Arabic, S=9+15dB signal at 06.51 UT, some four accompanied signal strings visible too, 2 x 50 / 100 Hertz distance apart either sideband. 13625.008 TUR TRT Emirler in Turkish at 06.00-12.58 UT noted in Greece at 06.50 UT, S=9+40dB proper signal. Also 50 Hertz apart dist buzz strings visible. 13660even UK_ BBCWS London English sce, out of ENC Encompass Digital
Media Services from Woofferton England site, S=9+30dB proper signal at 06.54 UT in Corfu Greece, southern Europe. 13780.042 ARS BSKSA HQ Holy Quran Arabic sce, from Riyadh, S=7 weak. At 06.56 UT on Aug 21. 13790v kHz some four strings seen on this channel at 06.58 UT Aug 21: MRA AGM US RFA in Mandarin from Agingan Point bcast center, and much strong various China mainland jamming at S=8-9 in remote Corfu GRC unit: on 13790.0, 13790.036, 13789.968 and 13790.992 kHz peaks. 13840even F__ Manara Radio International. Hausa sce via TDF Issoudun relay center, many times "Peace be upon you" in Arabic "Salam Aleikum" heard of various program presenter. S=9+35 signal noted in Corfu Greece, progr start at 07.00 UT, 9.5 kHz wideband audio signal. 9.5 kHz wide band proper signal appearance. 13859.971 THA Much odd fq service of AGM US Radio Farda in Persian, from AGM Udorn Thani Ban Dung transmission center, at 07.04 UT on Aug 21, S=8-9 in Greece remote SDR rx unit.[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 21) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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