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Glenn Hauser logs September 8-9, 2020 |
Friday, September 11 2020
----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX"
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2020 5:51 AM Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 8-9, 2020 BRAZIL. 11780, Sept 8 at 2147, once again RNA music is undermodulated, suptorted but S9 fading to S3; only a JBA carrier on 6180 this early. Many 6180 stations but nothing else scheduled at this hour. By 0057 UT Sept 9, 6180 is OK // still distorted 11780. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
BRAZIL 11780.010 kHz Final tube like failure - audio disturbtion - noted at 00.15 UT Sept 11, RN da Amazonia program, S=9+35dB or -43dBm powerful signal noted in Edmonton Alberta remote rx unit. Google translation: ...musicas do brasil ouvidas... 6180.004 kHz fade-in at 00.22 UT, S=9+25dB or -50dBm signal. Present Gray line at Winipeg, Kansas City, Houston - mid US states - or Oaxaca Mexico central America. 73 wb
CANADA. 14670-CUSB, Sept 8 at 2142, no signal from CHU, and have also found it inaudible several daytime chex when it ought to propagate even under current conditions. 7850-CUSB is audible now and better in the evenings. At 0048 Sept 9, 3330-CUSB is also audible, and maybe a JBA carrier on 14670? I wonder if the higher frequency has been down, as one of their frequencies has been out of order before (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
HEARD 14670-CUSB ON AIR Sept 10th 23.22 UT in Japanese remote SDR rxs. 73 wb
CUBA. 4765, Sept 9 at 0046 check, R. Progreso is still absent, kaput? Something's always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
Nothing on air from Bejucal at 00.56 UT on Sept 11. Only tiny signal string visible from Dushanbe Yangi Yul TJK via Northern Europa path and Greenland etc. some CODAR 'wiper' like signals in range 4736 - 4836 kHzAlso two music stations noted on weaker UNID? 4775.050 and proper S=6 signal 4774.730 R Tarma PRU like ? 01.22 UT Sept 11. 4875.018 BRA canciones from RDif Roraima Brazil. S=8 -80dBm nice strength at 01.27 UT. 4885.024 BRA Radioclube do Pará, S=9+5dB -72dBm in peaks, like male prayer BrasPort spoken program. 4904.984 UNID Brazilian, Rádio Nova Relógio ? likely on threshold level. 4949.735 UNID Peruvian OBX71 Madre Dios Puerto Maldonado ? likely, or Mulenvos AGL, tiny signal 01.34 UT. 5010even USA Glenn Hauser WoR on WRMI Okeechobee outlet, S=7-8 at Fris 01.30-02.00 UT. 5085even USA WTWW Lebanon TN S=9+25dB or -51dBm in peaks, music program at 01.40 UT Sept 11 in Alberta CAN remotedly. Worldwide stn ID given at 01.43 UT. Distortion scratch signal on adjacent 5080 kHz. 5129.977 USA WBCQ S=9+10dB nice signal into Edmonton CAN, chorus sung at 01.44 UT, followed by sermon '... in the name of God ... preach and pray, ... your Lord ...' 73 wb EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 13670, Sept 8 at 1353, S5-S7 narration in English: it`s CRI this hour, via Kashi, land of ChiCom persecution of Uyghurs. Later at 1800 will be occupied by MWV in English which I get on the caradio. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
CHINA mainland CRI English sce at 00-01 UT heard on limited signal level in Edmonton Alberta CAN remote Perseus SDR rx site. 11790 via Xianyang #594 tx site, S=5 -99dBm poor and tiny backlobe 11885 via Xianyang #594 tx site, S=7 -83dBm limited fair signal backlobe 13750 via Beijing #572 tx site, tiny under threshold at 00.39 UT {but next adjacent 13740 kHz powerful 8 kHz wideband audio from RHC Bauta in Spanish, S=9+25dB or -56dBm in Alberta CAN. Excellent audio, but much distorted failure audio S=9+15 kHz on 15120 kHz from Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW unit site. Sports news lengthy given, especially French records also historical ... 15125 via Beijing #572 tx site, S=7 or -78dBm fair signal into Alberta province Perseus unit. 73 wb
U S A. 7505, Sept 9 at 0059, still no WRNO (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
Nothing on air this Sept 11 at 00.13 UT. 73 wb VIETNAM [and non]. My observations last few days of VOV missing from WHRI 7315 relays including English at 0000 --- nor any Spanish at 0046 Sept 9 --- are now explained by Jeff White on this week`s AWR Wavescan, after quoting one of my previous logs of it wondering whether that would continue under WBCQ ownership:``We have information that Voice of Vietnam relays from South Carolina, WHRI are going to be discontinued, most likely, as the station is planning to probably eliminate its shortwave broadcasts altogether, and it may do shortwave [sic] broadcasts to the United States via some local AM and FM stations`` This presumably comes from recent virtual-only B-20 HFCC conference. See whether any other broadcasts remain? WRTH A-20 English update 0000-0030 daily NAm 7315hri
2330-2400 daily As 9840vni, 12020vni"12020" is particularly interesting, as we know it`s constantly way off-frequency about 12018.9. From Aoki/NDXC its complete schedule is now shown: 12019 1000-1030 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1030-1100 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1100-1130 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1130-1200 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1200-1230 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1230-1300 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1300-1330 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1330-1400 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1400-1430 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1430-1500 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1500-1530 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2200-2230 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2230-2300 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Chi Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2300-2330 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2330-2400 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 The x is not keyed but I think means deleted or no longer heard. After 2300 UT Sept 8 via remote in S Korea, no signals heard on 12019 or 9840 --- axually that too was always off-frequency-minus. (Glenn Hauser, OK)
12019 2300-2330 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2330-2400 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7
12018.659 kHz Voice of Vietnam, Son tay site in Indonesian, two ladies announcer in performance, heard on remote Hiroshima SDR site in Japan, S=6-7 or -91dBm poor - BACKLOBE signal - of 177degr azimuth antenna, at 23.10 UT on Sept 10 UTC. 9839.770 kHz exact measured then VoVTN English on Kiwi remote unit at Jakarta INS at 23.00-23.57:50 UT, S=9+25dB or -55dBm powerful. No Asian or rather Yankee US accent spoken. Like more Australian or Singapore English empire spoken http://swloi33.proxy.kiwisdr.com:8073/ At 23.51 UT a like National Day ceremony commemorate hymn played. Commemorating Dec 2nd, 1975, declaration day of Vietnam independence from the western colonial empire struggle. Address speech by leader Ho Chi Min heard. 10 kHz wide audio excellent audio quality from Hanoi - Son Tay site - once built Made in USSR bcast center in late 70ties ? - heard on remote SDR rx at Jakarta, Indonesia. Son Tay tx OFF air at 23.58:05 UTC Sept 10th. 9840 2300 2400 54 VN1 100 177 0 156 12020 2300 2400 54 VN1 100 177 0 156 USA relay > 0000-0030 daily NAm 7315hri. Nothing on air this Sept 11 at 00.10 UT. 73 wb
UNIDENTIFIED. 4940, Sept 9 at 0058, music is JBA maybe S7 between high storm noise level [HSNL] crashes, so looks worth checking on TWR Bonaire SDR: yes, like 3 nights ago, but not 1 or 2 nights ago, good S8-S9 and soon into monolog by preacher in Spanish, starts saying he is quarantined, right into biblical references. He keeps going with no breaks past 0200, but his background noise surges whenever he pauses even briefly: turn off the AVC!We really need an ID or at least some clue where this is coming from, so I keep half-listening until 0205 when that SDR bumps me off, but MEGO, altho near 100% readable, I am *not* going to pay rapt attention to this long-winded gospel huxter. Then try other SDRs: no good at DR, Boa Vista, Pardinho, Santiago; and Bogotá won`t work. 0237 try Bonaire again and get back on as he is *still* going, mentions Coronavirus, etc., a bit weaker at S6-S7. At 0259 suddenly stops sermonizing, NO ID!!! But over to YL plugging the lamontanacolombia.com website again, some credits, and then starts narrating `Capítulo 12` of something, mentioning ``Narnia`` several times; hmmm? Back on at 0346; still going with dialog. Enough for now, but it might keep going late into the night or all-night. See my previous discussion under PERU or unID: it could be Christian station Radio San Antonio, Perú, or something new established by Ethnic Radio to evangelize natives in Colombia, Venezuela; but all in Spanish so far, testing? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
4939.995 1/2 kHz measured in Edmonton at 00.59 UT on Sept 11, only S=5-6 -94dBm poor and tiny signal in Canada, Spanish recogniced. 4939.971 next adjacent likely R San Antonio Peru ? similar poor signal
Next door 4985even kHz RTTY high speed signal of US NSS Navy UTE signal, 840 Hertz apart distance RTTY peaks, S=9+20dB in Alberta rx. This report dispatched at 0350 UT September 9 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Fw: Glenn Hauser logs September 8-9, 2020 |
Friday, September 11 2020
the distribution was slow resp. slowed down----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <dg1sbn@t-online.de>
To: <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>; "wor" <WOR@groups.io> Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 3:50 AM Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 8-9, 2020----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX"
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2020 5:51 AM Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 8-9, 2020 BRAZIL. 11780, Sept 8 at 2147, once again RNA music is undermodulated, suptorted but S9 fading to S3; only a JBA carrier on 6180 this early. Many 6180 stations but nothing else scheduled at this hour. By 0057 UT Sept 9, 6180 is OK // still distorted 11780. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
BRAZIL 11780.010 kHz Final tube like failure - audio disturbtion - noted at 00.15 UT Sept 11, RN da Amazonia program, S=9+35dB or -43dBm powerful signal noted in Edmonton Alberta remote rx unit. Google translation: ...musicas do brasil ouvidas... 6180.004 kHz fade-in at 00.22 UT, S=9+25dB or -50dBm signal. Present Gray line at Winipeg, Kansas City, Houston - mid US states - or Oaxaca Mexico central America. 73 wb
CANADA. 14670-CUSB, Sept 8 at 2142, no signal from CHU, and have also found it inaudible several daytime chex when it ought to propagate even under current conditions. 7850-CUSB is audible now and better in the evenings. At 0048 Sept 9, 3330-CUSB is also audible, and maybe a JBA carrier on 14670? I wonder if the higher frequency has been down, as one of their frequencies has been out of order before (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
HEARD 14670-CUSB ON AIR Sept 10th 23.22 UT in Japanese remote SDR rxs. 73 wb
CUBA. 4765, Sept 9 at 0046 check, R. Progreso is still absent, kaput? Something's always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
Nothing on air from Bejucal at 00.56 UT on Sept 11. Only tiny signal string visible from Dushanbe Yangi Yul TJK via Northern Europa path and Greenland etc. some CODAR 'wiper' like signals in range 4736 - 4836 kHzAlso two music stations noted on weaker UNID? 4775.050 and proper S=6 signal 4774.730 R Tarma PRU like ? 01.22 UT Sept 11. 4875.018 BRA canciones from RDif Roraima Brazil. S=8 -80dBm nice strength at 01.27 UT. 4885.024 BRA Radioclube do Pará, S=9+5dB -72dBm in peaks, like male prayer BrasPort spoken program. 4904.984 UNID Brazilian, Rádio Nova Relógio ? likely on threshold level. 4949.735 UNID Peruvian OBX71 Madre Dios Puerto Maldonado ? likely, or Mulenvos AGL, tiny signal 01.34 UT. 5010even USA Glenn Hauser WoR on WRMI Okeechobee outlet, S=7-8 at Fris 01.30-02.00 UT. 5085even USA WTWW Lebanon TN S=9+25dB or -51dBm in peaks, music program at 01.40 UT Sept 11 in Alberta CAN remotedly. Worldwide stn ID given at 01.43 UT. Distortion scratch signal on adjacent 5080 kHz. 5129.977 USA WBCQ S=9+10dB nice signal into Edmonton CAN, chorus sung at 01.44 UT, followed by sermon '... in the name of God ... preach and pray, ... your Lord ...' 73 wb EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 13670, Sept 8 at 1353, S5-S7 narration in English: it`s CRI this hour, via Kashi, land of ChiCom persecution of Uyghurs. Later at 1800 will be occupied by MWV in English which I get on the caradio. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
CHINA mainland CRI English sce at 00-01 UT heard on limited signal level in Edmonton Alberta CAN remote Perseus SDR rx site. 11790 via Xianyang #594 tx site, S=5 -99dBm poor and tiny backlobe 11885 via Xianyang #594 tx site, S=7 -83dBm limited fair signal backlobe 13750 via Beijing #572 tx site, tiny under threshold at 00.39 UT {but next adjacent 13740 kHz powerful 8 kHz wideband audio from RHC Bauta in Spanish, S=9+25dB or -56dBm in Alberta CAN. Excellent audio, but much distorted failure audio S=9+15 kHz on 15120 kHz from Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW unit site. Sports news lengthy given, especially French records also historical ... 15125 via Beijing #572 tx site, S=7 or -78dBm fair signal into Alberta province Perseus unit. 73 wb
U S A. 7505, Sept 9 at 0059, still no WRNO (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
Nothing on air this Sept 11 at 00.13 UT. 73 wb VIETNAM [and non]. My observations last few days of VOV missing from WHRI 7315 relays including English at 0000 --- nor any Spanish at 0046 Sept 9 --- are now explained by Jeff White on this week`s AWR Wavescan, after quoting one of my previous logs of it wondering whether that would continue under WBCQ ownership:``We have information that Voice of Vietnam relays from South Carolina, WHRI are going to be discontinued, most likely, as the station is planning to probably eliminate its shortwave broadcasts altogether, and it may do shortwave [sic] broadcasts to the United States via some local AM and FM stations`` This presumably comes from recent virtual-only B-20 HFCC conference. See whether any other broadcasts remain? WRTH A-20 English update 0000-0030 daily NAm 7315hri
2330-2400 daily As 9840vni, 12020vni"12020" is particularly interesting, as we know it`s constantly way off-frequency about 12018.9. From Aoki/NDXC its complete schedule is now shown: 12019 1000-1030 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1030-1100 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1100-1130 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1130-1200 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1200-1230 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1230-1300 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1300-1330 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1330-1400 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1400-1430 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1430-1500 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 1500-1530 VTN VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2200-2230 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Jap Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2230-2300 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Chi Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2300-2330 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2330-2400 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 The x is not keyed but I think means deleted or no longer heard. After 2300 UT Sept 8 via remote in S Korea, no signals heard on 12019 or 9840 --- axually that too was always off-frequency-minus. (Glenn Hauser, OK)
12019 2300-2330 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Ind Hanoi-Sonta 1-7 12019 2330-2400 VTN x VOICE OF VIETNAM Eng Hanoi-Sonta 1-7
12018.659 kHz Voice of Vietnam, Son tay site in Indonesian, two ladies announcer in performance, heard on remote Hiroshima SDR site in Japan, S=6-7 or -91dBm poor - BACKLOBE signal - of 177degr azimuth antenna, at 23.10 UT on Sept 10 UTC. 9839.770 kHz exact measured then VoVTN English on Kiwi remote unit at Jakarta INS at 23.00-23.57:50 UT, S=9+25dB or -55dBm powerful. No Asian or rather Yankee US accent spoken. Like more Australian or Singapore English empire spoken http://swloi33.proxy.kiwisdr.com:8073/ At 23.51 UT a like National Day ceremony commemorate hymn played. Commemorating Dec 2nd, 1975, declaration day of Vietnam independence from the western colonial empire struggle. Address speech by leader Ho Chi Min heard. 10 kHz wide audio excellent audio quality from Hanoi - Son Tay site - once built Made in USSR bcast center in late 70ties ? - heard on remote SDR rx at Jakarta, Indonesia. Son Tay tx OFF air at 23.58:05 UTC Sept 10th. 9840 2300 2400 54 VN1 100 177 0 156 12020 2300 2400 54 VN1 100 177 0 156 USA relay > 0000-0030 daily NAm 7315hri. Nothing on air this Sept 11 at 00.10 UT. 73 wb
UNIDENTIFIED. 4940, Sept 9 at 0058, music is JBA maybe S7 between high storm noise level [HSNL] crashes, so looks worth checking on TWR Bonaire SDR: yes, like 3 nights ago, but not 1 or 2 nights ago, good S8-S9 and soon into monolog by preacher in Spanish, starts saying he is quarantined, right into biblical references. He keeps going with no breaks past 0200, but his background noise surges whenever he pauses even briefly: turn off the AVC!We really need an ID or at least some clue where this is coming from, so I keep half-listening until 0205 when that SDR bumps me off, but MEGO, altho near 100% readable, I am *not* going to pay rapt attention to this long-winded gospel huxter. Then try other SDRs: no good at DR, Boa Vista, Pardinho, Santiago; and Bogotá won`t work. 0237 try Bonaire again and get back on as he is *still* going, mentions Coronavirus, etc., a bit weaker at S6-S7. At 0259 suddenly stops sermonizing, NO ID!!! But over to YL plugging the lamontanacolombia.com website again, some credits, and then starts narrating `Capítulo 12` of something, mentioning ``Narnia`` several times; hmmm? Back on at 0346; still going with dialog. Enough for now, but it might keep going late into the night or all-night. See my previous discussion under PERU or unID: it could be Christian station Radio San Antonio, Perú, or something new established by Ethnic Radio to evangelize natives in Colombia, Venezuela; but all in Spanish so far, testing? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
4939.995 1/2 kHz measured in Edmonton at 00.59 UT on Sept 11, only S=5-6 -94dBm poor and tiny signal in Canada, Spanish recogniced. 4939.971 next adjacent likely R San Antonio Peru ? similar poor signal
Next door 4985even kHz RTTY high speed signal of US NSS Navy UTE signal, 840 Hertz apart distance RTTY peaks, S=9+20dB in Alberta rx. This report dispatched at 0350 UT September 9 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs September 10-11, 2020 |
Friday, September 11 2020
** COLOMBIA [and non]. 4940, Sept 10 at 0244, via TWR Bonaire, JBA carrier only, which may be R. San Antonio, Peru, eclipsed by the new nameless Colombian? when it`s on but not tonight nor later. Several monitors and I find it connected with LV de tu Conciencia, and one even heard an ID for its inactive frequency 6010 probably from an old recording, but nothing definite about real name or location now, remote Puerto Lleras like 6010 & 5910 were? Rafael Rodríguez says he has no info about that yet. I`ve also asked a Canadian charity backer but no reply. Alan Pennington, BDXC-UK recorded via Bonaire a *2300 sign-on Sept 9 with no ID but 3rd verse of truncated Colombian NA.
4940 is back on, Sept 11 at 0039 check via Bonaire, S9 with carrier -4 to -5 Hz on SynchAM, preacher droning. 0045 into mariachi song, but this is not Mexico. After that preacher says he is confined to home because of coronavirus, in April. Sounds like the same spiel I heard a few nights ago. BTW, Brandon Jordan found the other weak carrier, Peru? on 4939.71. I never hear any such het but a much closer SAH now. So are they deliberately obliterating fellow Christians? Evangelicals do not get along with Catholix (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SCOTLAND [non]. 5800, UT Thu Sept 10 at 0300, `Encore` on WRMI, new time Brice Avery is unaware of, and indeed it is not yet a prepeat but a repeat of previous weekend`s I already heard including a Passacaglia (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2050 monitoring: confirmed final SWBC of this edition, UT Thu Sept 10 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, poor S9. WORLD OF RADIO 2051 contents: Antarctica, Bhutan, Bougainville, Brasil, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, India, Indonesia, Mali, México, New Zealand, Perú, Poland, Sikkim, Spain, Tajikistan/Tibet non, Turkey, UK, USA, Vietnam and non; and the propagation outlook WOR 2051 is available as of 2341 UT Thursday September 10 (mp3 stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2051.m3u (mp3 download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2051.mp3 Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html Also linx to podcast services. The shortwave broadcasts should be: 0130 UT Friday WRMI 5850 to NW & 5010 to S NEW FIRST AIRING 2200 UT Friday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE 0130 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE, 9955-[jammed?] to SSE 1300 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE 1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 2300 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE 0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400] 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW 0130 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800-NEW to SSE 0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW [from Sept 21 changing to 6160v] 0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE 1800vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 NEW to SSE 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Thanks this week for financial support from Robert W Gruska, Glendale NY, who has been contributing periodically since at least 2009; a PMO to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702; [not PP, gh mistake]; if by check please in US funds on a US bank. Financial support may alternatively be sent via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - not necessarily US funds as PP will convert (Glenn Hauser, OK WOR) ** U S A. 9605, Sept 10 at 0154, the KBS World Radio relay in Spanish at 0100 is still running via WHRI, Korean? song at S9+10/20, despite VOV 7315 relay stopped (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 1710 kHz, Sept 10 at 0637-0645+ UT, a loop heard definitely mentioning COVID-19 several times at peaks vs high storm noise level. I often have a JBA carrier on 1710 but first time I have had some audio from this. No ID caught, but often reported further east is TIS licensee despite the music, and also said to have temp authority for higher power than 10 watts, 100? from Secaucus NJ, which is 2119 km from Enid = 1317 statute miles: Harold Frodge, MI, recently: ``1710 WQFG689 Hudson County (Seacaucus) NJ may be running higher power than usual during the pandemic. They are fair-good here often now. They play music behind some of the features.`` And from him earlier in MARE: ``1710 WQFG689 Hudson County (Seacaucus) NJ; 0136-0145+, 7/24; Talk over music at tune-in re COVID testing to 0139 call/QTH ID into traffic, activity & biz restrictions. VGood peaks! Best ever heard. (Frodge-MI)`` And from Larry Will: ``7/15, 0017, 1710am. WQFG689 Hudson County, NJ. COVID-19 PSA, Highway construction in Hoboken and Secaucus. Fair to good signal. (Will-MD)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2051) UNIDENTIFIED. 9-kHz JBA MW carrier search, Sept 10 at 0630 UT: 621, 747, 846, likely Canaries, ???, Kiritimati (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 2097.3-CW kHz, single-letter beacon A has not been heard all summer despite frequent tunebys vs HSNL. Now this along with a contribution and unsolicited testimonial: ``The letter `A` station on 2097.3 has been QRT for some time now. It was [RST] 579 on VE6JY [Alberta remote] after dark many nights. 73, Joe Caberlin, Chester NS [with a sample VE1EJ QSL card showing Peggys Cove Lighthouse NS], ex-VE3ABG 1957-2014, 26 Aug 20`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2051) This report dispatched at 0101 UT September 11 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Logs Update |
Thursday, September 10 2020
** CANADA. Richard Langley reminds us that CHU has a page about its outages, showing none on Sept 8 when I was not hearing 14670-CUSB: https://nrc.canada.ca/en/chu-short-wave-station/ but it was last down August 13-14 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 15370, Sept 9 at 2051 in choking Arabic, RHC is back here ex-extraviation to 15340 the day before, S8-S9 with hum. Something`s not wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 9830.058v, Wed Sept 9 at 2200, VOT English to us is already in news so opened a bit early? Tuned-in via UTwente, S9+50! on the meter but sounds much weaker and noisy as if a thunderstorm right over Holland --- but Blitzortung shows the only storms in Europe now are in the Gulf of Bothnia, and western Mediterranean between islands of Spain and Italy. Maybe it`s a defect in VOT`s own transmission, or QRN to the Ankara-Emirler STL? No storms over Turkey either. I hopefully keep monitoring in case `Letterbox` make a comeback. After news: 2207 very brief headlines from Foreign Press [no Turkish press today]; 2209 COVID-19 PSA; 2210 This Day in History; 2213 Did You Know That? 2216 multi-lingual ID reel which takes about 2 minutes, what a time-filler! It would be more helpful if each language were introduced by its English name, to help us learn to distinguish them, especially the similar Turkic ones. 2218 into Turkish songs, and onward, so yet again no mailbag. Something`s always awry at Ankara, erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2050 monitoring: confirmed Wed Sept 9 from 2100:19 on WBCQ 7490.06v, JBA. Next: 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE WOR 2051 should be ready by early UT Fri Sept 11 for first broadcast at 0130 on WRMI 5850 to NW, 5010 to S. Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Financial support may be sent via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - not necessarily US funds as PP will convert One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA (Glenn Hauser, WOR) This report dispatched at 2355 UT September 9 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs September 9, 2020 |
Wednesday, September 09 2020
** CANADA. 14670-CUSB, Sept 9 at 1413, CHU is on and audible, unlike yesterday daytime (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA. CNR1 WOOB jammer survey Sept 9 at 1403: none higher than 11460 & 11440 & 10920 JBA carriers (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 11175-USB, Sept 9 at 1419, US military drill with alfanumerix such as 4XQSQQU, same voice not only reverbing but offset by a few seconds, with background noise. 1421 ``This is Toolbox, out``. 1422, ``Rough Gym/Jim, this is Ironman, on 8992``! ``How copy my station?`` -- no answer and this is still on 11175. At 1440 ``Toolbox`` again on 11175-USB and now I also hear weaker 8992-USB, but not on two receivers to confirm duplication. At 1510 also hearing same thing on 15016-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2050 monitoring, next: 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Financial support may be sent via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - not necessarily US funds as PP will convert One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA (Glenn Hauser, WOR) ** U S A. 850, Sept 9 at 0629 UT, KOA Denver is on tonight in C2CAM break. I notified NRC and IRCA that it seemed off the night before, Sept 8 and also Sept 6; Paul Walker, Laramie WY, replied, ``No Glenn, incorrect. KOA has not been off at all and has been operating as normal during the times you mention, according to a KOA engineer I spoke to. AM conditions up here have been interesting lately. I've had a few stations that should be strong be pretty weak and I've heard stations I don't normally hear being present.`` I`m still not convinced; tho it is hard to prove a negative. ND 50 kW KOA at under 500 miles is totally dominant here, yet I heard no trace of it, when conditions were `normal` as far as I could tell --- certainly no auroral blackout (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VIETNAM. 9730, 7280, 7220, Sept 9 at 1600, VOV in English is still on SW: first trying S Korea KiwiSDR, 9730 poor with lo het and Chinese CCI; 7280 Chinese also mixing with VOV English; 7220 JBA English only. Aoki/NDXC shows both 9730 & 7280 also with Sound of Hope from Taiwan at this time, so jammed of course, Commies vs Commies! CRI in Russian also sked at 16 on 9730, so it gets jammed too. Better frequency management, such as avoiding China would make VOV more successful a SW broadcaster. 7280 always has a bigsig into UTwente splashing upon IRRS/WOR on 7290 Mondays at 1800, so how about now at 1600? Yes, VG S9+15 signal without the CCCCCCI; 9730 is even better, S9+20 but with some hum, AMSynch measuring it on 9729.947v; while 7220 on different beam is poorly audible. 1615 into mailbag, with 75th anniversary congrats from Pakistanis; NOTE! Says since September 1 these broadcasts are *temporarily* off due to ``technical problems``: 7315 to eastern North America [WHRI], and 12020 [sic] to Indonesia! 1621 music break, closing offering eQSL for reports to englishsection@vov.vn 1627 dead air break before next language. I did not get around to checking 12019- and 9839+ before they would have finished total span scheduled 1000-1530. Meanwhile, Tony Molloy forwards this VOV story which does not mention anything about SW, boding ill: https://en.vietnamplus.vn/radio-voice-of-vietnam-targets-internet-users-with-new-digital-platform/182436.vnp ``“Untold stories”, a special program marking 75th anniversary of VOV's English Service --- Monday, September 7, 2020 | 12:42:00 (VOVWORLD) - The Voice of Vietnam national radio station started broadcasting from Hanoi on September 7th, just 5 days after the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The English program was among the first foreign language programs broadcast overseas on that day. Since then, September 7 has always been a great occasion to recall VOV’s history and development... https://vovworld.vn/en-US/sunday-show/untold-stories-a-special-program-marking-75th-anniversary-of-vovs-english-service-899367.vov via Dr Hansjoerg Biener 9 September 2020`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 4940, Sept 9 at 0357, continued from previous report, via TWR Bonaire SDR, outro previous `Lecciones de la Historia` as from Fuerza de Paz, bit of music, NO ID, 0400 into sermonizing citing I Corinthians. Final check on own R75 at 0625: still there JBA talk vs HSNL. Also reported by Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, much earlier: ``Unid. 4940 kHz; 08-09/09, 2348-0108 pop music, slow spanish music, male in spanish “programacion”, slow spanish music, from 0030 until 0108 music sounding like religious, slow, but at 0035 female announcements and 0045 male in spanish. Started mixing with another station, 0015 improve, from 0045 signal deterioration, all talks unreadable, poor (LOB). [34 second clip at 0004, song only] https://soundcloud.com/user-463139565/unid4940khz0004utc09092020?ref=clipboard Tecsun PL310et, Antenna wire 6m long, Embu SP Brasil`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING COLUMN: If everyone wore a mask, we would know they cared Jeff Mullin | Enid News & Eagle Sep 6, 2020 https://www.enidnews.com/opinion/columns/column-if-everyone-wore-a-mask-we-would-know-they-cared/article_8842b616-1873-543b-bb75-322374bd5d4a.html (via gh) This report dispatched at 1838 UT September 9 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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