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Solomon Islands on 9545 kHz. - SIBC reactivated  View Printable Version 
Saturday, June 29 2019


SOLOMON ISLANDS at 04.40 UT on June 29

now at remote Brisbane Queensland SDR, nice S=8 or -77dBm signal, measured
against WBCQ 9330even S=8-9, WRMI 9395.000 similar and WWVH 10 MHz, now
exact / closer to

9544.998 1/2 kHz at 0453 UT on June 29.

Grayline easterly of near Samoa and Auckland NZL,

SOLOMON ISLANDS Similar poor threshold level too, at 22.59:42 til 23.05 UT
on June 28.

Used single Australian Perseus remote RX unit at Brisbane Queensland

9544.999 1/2 kHz S=6 or -86dBm poor and tiny

listen to attached mp3.format file.

some UTE QRM like high speed CW at nearby 9543.436 kHz, 'cut/notched out'
the lower frequency flank range.

73 wolfie df5sx


Voice of Nigeria on 11770kHz, in English  View Printable Version 
Saturday, June 29 2019

Checked all VoNIG 7255, 9690, 11770, and 15120 at 16.10 UT, but nil then,
now 11769.903 kHz at 16.49 UT in western Europe SDR net S=9+10dB in
Blackpool UK, S=9+15dB in Holland, S=9 signal in Hungary too.

Now also 11769.903 kHz at 19.45 til 20.06 UT on June 29.

In western Europe remote SDR net S=9+15dB in Blackpool UK, S=9+10dB in
Holland, S=9 signal in Cape Canaveral Florida too.
S=5-6 signal in Rochester NY state. Before 19.30-20.00 UT seemingly Fulfulde
language. Then from 20.00 UT in Hausa language section.

In eastern Austria, Hungary and northeastern Italy VoNIG signal suffered by
CRI German on 11775 kHz sideband adjacent QRM.

73 wb df5sx


World Music Radio 5840 and 15805  View Printable Version 
Saturday, June 29 2019

For several weeks there has been a problem with the aerial for World Music
Radio (WMR) 5840 kHz meaning that the power on 5840 had to be reduced to
some 25-40 W, and more recently - after a lightning strike - WMR has been
off air on 5840 during weekdays due to problems with the audio feed.
Thursday June 27 everything was fixed and WMR is back on the air on 5840
kHz with full power (100 W) and again 24 hrs a day seven days a week

The transmissions on 15805 have also suffered from some problems, but is now
also back on the air as from today Saturday June 29. Power is 200 W into a
half wave dipole. Transmissions on 15805 kHz are weekends only, and 15805
kHz will be on the air today Saturday until tomorrow Sunday at 1600 UTC.

Right now at 1030 UTC 15805 is audible in many of Europe (except close to
the transmitter site) including Ireland, western UK, Northern Scandinavia,
Switzerland/Austria, Italy, Iceland and on the East coast of North America
(New Hampshire). Please note that modulation on 15805 kHz is not perfect;
not good in LSB or USB, but fair in wide AM.

WMR is also audible from www.wmr.radio

Best 73s
Stig Hartvig Nielsen,
World Music Radio


Wolfgang Bueschel: WMR and unid pirate log  View Printable Version 
Friday, June 28 2019


DENMARK 5839.991 kHz at 18.55 UT in England remotedly heard,
S=8-9 or -78dBm, 7 kHz broadband in peaks.
Station annmt by female voice at 18.55:18 UT.

UNID PIRATE stn? 5810.000 exact fq Reggae music.
S=9+5dB at 18.50 UT 10 kHz wideband excellent audio.

Time pips 14 seconds too late at 19 UT.
BrDXC-UK Communication magazine June 2019
mentioned 5810 kHz either R 319 or R Luxembourg or R Mi Amigo pirates.

73 wb df5sx


World Music Radio back on shortwave 24/7  View Printable Version 
Friday, June 28 2019


style="FONT-FAMILY: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; COLOR: #1d2129">For several
weeks there was a problem with the aerial for 5840 kHz meaning that the power on
5840 had to be reduced to some 25-40 W and more recently - after a lightning
strike - WMR has been off air on 5840 during weekdays due to problems with the
audio feed. Today everything has been fixed - thanks to my good friend Claus
Nielsen - and WMR is back on the air on 5840 kHz with full power (100 W) and
again 24 hrs a day seven days a week.


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