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Tonight's mysteries |
Tuesday, April 06 2021
A couple of tentative mystery logs for tonight , April 5, before retiring .. 4949.75 – Radio Madre de Dios Pueblo, Peru at 0110 GMT - Just a brief peak of audio thru the noise I could identify an om speaking in SS w/ some notes of Latin style music. Signal was barely registering an S3. There appeared to be another signal on 4950.02 but it was not producing any audio. This is definitely a tentative log . The only thing I am sure of is the language, Spanish, and the fact that I did here some Latin music 13710 – I am not sure if India has reactivated this frequency at this time but I was hearing a definite Chinese language program here peaking above the noise at 0048 GMT . Mostly talks by several announcers, om & yl , with an occasional mx bumper , possible Chinese style mx , between segments. There were a couple of ad or promo type announcements right before 0100 followed by time pips , about 25 seconds early but silent until TOH, then signal faded well below the noise. At 0114 the signal cut off for about 15 seconds then returned but the level was just to low to compensate for the noise and atmospheric effects on the signal. Could be a CNR jammer against a past AIR program that isn’t there anymore. Stephen C Wood E.Dennis,Ma. Perseus SDR, Drake R8B 15 x 30 terminated Superloop antenna ent from Mail for Windows 10
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
#282 - Reception in Southeastern BRAZIL March 28, 2021 & #283 - April 05, 2021 |
Monday, April 05 2021
#282 / #283 RECEPTION IN IBIUNA SP (GG66hh), Southeastern BRAZIL March 28 / April 5, 2021 Rudolf Grimm, PY2-81502 SWL.
RECEIVERS: Icom IC-R8500, Sony 2001D. INDOOR ANTENNAS: Quantum Loop V2.0 (+Potomac FL-31 passive filter), AOR LA-400 magnetic loop, RGP3 Loop Antenna (+DXCB RF Amplifier) + Headphone. Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language. Times in UTC. ************************************************************* ARGENTINA 760 kHz: Emisora Atlantica, Mar del Plata, Spanish, 28/03 0203. Romantic songs, id: '... la noche de sábado, por LU6 AM 760 en la companhia de todos usteds...'. 34543. 770 kHz: Radio Cooperativa, Tapiales, Spanish, 28/03 0200. Talk by male voice, a song. 23542. 790 kHz: Radio Mitre, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 28/03 0154. Talk by female voice, a romantic song. 24542. 790 kHz: Radio Mitre, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 05/04 0119. Football game broadcast. 'Racing'. 35553. 820 kHz: Radio Nacional, Formosa, Spanish, 05/04 0111. Football game broadcast, 'Racing, Buenos Aires'. 34543. 870 kHz: Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 28/03 0141. Soccer programming, 'Radio Nacional'. 35543. 870 kHz: Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 05/04 0025. Football game broadcast. 35553. 910 kHz: La Red, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 05/04 0020. Football game broadcast. 35553. 940 kHz: Radio Chajari (presumed), Chajari, Spanish, 28/03 0327. Talk by feale voice speaker. 23542. 950 kHz: CNN Radio Argentina, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 28/03 0124. Male & female voices communication, 'CNN', talk abt classic music instruments. 35543. 950 kHz: CNN Argentina, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 05/04 0032. Classical instrumental music. Male voice communication. 35553. 990 kHz: Radio 990 AM, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 05/04 0037. Football game broadcast. 35553. QRM Radio Formosa. 990 kHz: Radio Formosa, Formosa, Spanish, 05/04 0038. Football game broadcast. 35553. 1030 kHz: Radio del Plata, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 05/04 0045. Football game broadcast. 34433. 1110 kHz: Radio de la Ciudad, Dique Lujan, Spanish, 28/03 0328. Talk by female & and male voices speakers abt 'la ciudad de Buenos Aires'. 34543. 1270 kHz: Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata, Spanish, 28/03 0020. Id 'LS1 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata, Argentina, 1270 AM'. 34543. 1350 kHz: Radio Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 05/04 0058. Iglesia Universal programming. 45544. BRAZIL 600 kHz: Radio Gaúcha, Porto Alegre RS, 03/04 0301. 'Estúdio Gaúcha, notícias na Gaúcha, Unimed, Esporte e Companhia'. 35553. 730 kHz: Radio Marumby, Curitiba PR, 28/03 0209. 'Musical Evangélico', Christian songs, 'Marumby'. 23432. 730 kHz: Radio Sagres, Goiania GO, 28/03 0206. 'Radio Sagres', games. 34443.. 820 kHz: Radio Bandeirantes, Goiania GO, 28/03 0150. Relaying Radio 840 kHz Radio Bandeirantes São Paulo. 35543. 830 kHz: Radio Tropical, Nova Iguaçu RJ, 28/03 0147. Brazilian song. 'Tripical AM, a primeira'. 35543. 880 kHz: Radio Deus é Amor, Porto Alegre RS, 28/03 0138. Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor programming, announcements to the people in Porto Alegre. 24542. **QRM 880 kHz Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte. 900 kHz: Radio Jovem Pan News, São José do Rio Preto SP, 28/03 0136. Soccer News, jingle 'Jovem Pan News'. Boa Vista x Flamengo. 25542. 930 kHz: Radio Cultura, Curitiba PR, 28;03 0130. Female voice speaker '...aqui pela Radio Cultura de Curitiba...'. 35543. 960 kHz: Radio Deus é Amor, Aparecida de Goiania GO, 28/03 0120. Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor programming, prayer, announcements. 34543. **QRM 960 kHz Radio São Paulo. 970 kHz: Radio Araguaia, Brusque SC, 28/03 03334. 'Madrugada da Araguaia'. Brazilian song. 34543. 1010 kHz: Radio Diário, Martinópolis SP, 05/04 0043. Brazilian songs, id 'Diário'. 35553. 1080 kHz: Radio da Universidade, Porto Alegre RS, 28/03 0042. Classic style music, 'Radio da Universidade', femae voice speaker. 28/03 0042. 34543. 1160 kHz: Radio Cacique, Sorocaba SP, 28/03 0325. 'Madrugada Cacique', Brazilian song. 35553. 1160 kHz: Radio Espírito Santo, Vitória ES, 03/04 0345. Super madrugada Espírito Santo', Brazilian songs. 34543. 1180 kHz: Radio Mundial, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 28/03 0322. Christian programming, 'programa da Rede Mundial na TV Brasil'. 34433. 1210 kHz: Radio Deus é Amor, Curitiba PR, 28/03 0318. Prayer, IPDA programming. 35553. 1210 kHz: Super Rede Boa Vontade de Radio, Brasilia DF, 28/03 0037. Rede Boa Vontade programming, 23542. **QRM 1210 kHz Radio Deus é Amor, Curitiba. 1240 kHz: Radio Municipalista, Botucatu SP, 28/03 0032. Id 'Radio Municipalista, a radio do povo'. 34543. 1250 kHz: Radio Jovem Pan News, Joinville SC, 28/03 0313. Relaying Radio Jovem Pan SP 620 kHz. 35553. 1290 kHz: Radio Novo Tempo, São José do Rio Preto SP, 03/04 '0325. Christian program. Message by male voice preacher in 'Portuñol' (a mix of Portuguese and Spanish languages). 34433. 1390 kHz: Radio Esperança, Porto Alegre RS, 05/04 0100. 'Radio Esperança, 1390 kHz, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul'. Time checking. 24542. 1420 kHz: Radio Guarujá, Florianópolis SC, 28/03 0025. Relaying Radio Bandeirantes São Paulo 840 kHz. 35443. 1440 kHz: Radio Deus é Amor, via Radio Clarim de Palmas, Itaí SP, 28/03 0308. IPDA programming, prayer. 35543. 1460 kHz: Radio Sentinela do Vale, Gaspar SC, 28/03 0250. Brazilian song, jingle 'Radio Sentinela'. 35543. 1540 kHz: Radio Deus é Amor, Ribeirão Preto SP, 28/03 0216. Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor programming. Message in Portuguese, translation in real time to English language. 34543. 1540 kHz: Radio Bandeirantes, via Radio Quaraí (presumed), Quaraí RS, 28/03 1220. Relaying 840 kHz Radio Bandeirantes São Paulo. 24542. 1560 kHz: Radio Grande Rio, Itaguai RJ, 28/03 0255. Advs 'Radios Net', jingle 'Grande Rio AM'. Gospel song. 35553. 1590 kHz: Radio Clube, Joinville SC, 28/03 0212. Brazilian song, 'Radio Clube', jingle. 35543. PARAGUAY 800 kHz: Radio Unión (pres.), Asunción, Spanish, 05/04 0117. Sport News. '...Futbol de Paraguay...'. 23532. 970 kHz: Radio Universo 970, Asunción, Spanish, 05/04 0040. Football game broadcast, 'Futbol de Paraguay...'. 34433. 1080 kHz: Radio Monumental, Asunción, Spanish, 05/04 0051. Football game broadcast, 'Cerro Porteño', 35553. 1330 kHz: Radio Chaco Boreal, Asunción, Spanish, 05/04 0057. Football game broadcast, 'Cerro Porteño, Guarani...'. 34553. URUGUAY 770 kHz: Radio Oriental, Montevideo, Spanish, 28/03 0158. Talk by female voice, phone-in, 'situacion de guerra'. 34543. 850 kHz: Radio Carve, Montevideo, Spanish, 28/03 0144. Male voice communication, 'Carve, Uruguay, a song by male voice. 25432. 930 kHz: Radio Monte Carlo, Montevideo, Spanish, 28/03 0128. Sport News, Danubio, Maldonado, Montevideo, Colonia. 'La temperatura en Montevideo... Asta aqui, Informativo Monte Carlo. 35543. 1050 kHz: Radio Uruguay, Santiago Vazquez, Spanish, 05/04 0049. Football game broadcast. 35543. 1400 kHz: Radio Zorrilla de San Martin, Tacuarembó, Spanish, 05/04 0108. Id, advs, 'Tacuarembó'. 05/04 0102. 33543. 1470 kHz: Radio Maria Uruguay (presumed), Melo, Spanish, 28/03 0245. Religious programming, 'al pueblo uruguayo'. 25432. ************************************************************* 73 & good DX! rg _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Stations heard in Friol |
Monday, April 05 2021
Manuel Méndez Lugo, SpainLogs in Friol Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters ANGOLA, 4949.7, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 0413-0425, 04-04, only carrier detected today and past days, this station seems to be transmitter problems.
ANTARCTICA, 15476usb, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1444-1525, 03-04, Spanish, female, comments, songs. Very weak to extremely weak, strong fading.
AUSTRIA, 7330, Radio Joystick, The Charlie-Prince Show, Moosbrunn, *1000-1040, 04-04, pop songs, German, comments, id. “The Charlie-Prince Show”. 45444.
BOLIVIA, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 0140-0153, 04-04, Quechua, comments. 35433.
BRAZIL 4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0416-0520, 04-04, Brazilian songs, id. “...Radio Clube do Pará, unha emisora da Rede Amazonia de Comuniçao, Belém, Pará, Brasil”. 35433.
6134.9, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0610-0633, 04-04, religious, songs and comments, Portuguese, id. “Radio Aparecida”. 25322.
11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1925-1950, 03-04, Brazilian songs. 35433.
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2003-2015, 03-04, Brazilian songs. Strong QRM on 11810 and 11820. 32432. Also heard 0920-0945, 04-04, Brazilian songs, id. “Radio Brasil Central”. 25322.
15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1535-1640, 03-04, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs. 24322. Also 0925-0945, 04-04, program “Trem Caipira” with Tina Gonçalvez, id. “6 y 29, Trem Caipira, Inconfidencia”. 25322.
CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0406-0515, 04-04, English, news, comments, advertisements. 24322.
COLOMBIA, 4940, Religious Station, 0405-0620, 04-04, religius songs, religious comments. 25422. Also 0645-0715, 05-04, program “Lecciones de la historia colombiana”, email of the program: historia@fuerzadepaz.com. 25422.
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville. Out of air for the last weeks. Nothing at 0530 and nothing at 1800 when it was audible here.
CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0343-0359*, 04-04, Latin American songs. 45444.
DENMARK 5930, World Music Radio, Bramming, 0435-0450, 04-04, Latin American and pop songs, id. “ This is WMR, World Music radio”. 34423.
5970, Radio 208, Hvidovre, 1940-1953, 03-04, pop and rock songs in English. 14321.
15790, World Music Radio, Randers, 1510-1625, 03-04, pop songs, Latin American songs, id. “WRM, World Music Radio”. 35433.
ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0342-0500*, 04-04, religious songs, Spanish, comments, id. “HCJB”, at 0459 identification, anthem and close. From 0359 to 0458 strong QRM by Algeria on the same frequency. 3232.
ERITREA, 7140, Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara, 0352-0408, 04-04, Vernacular, comments, East African songs. 24322.
ETHIOPIA, 6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 0420-0428, 04-04, Vernacular, comments, East African songs. 15221.
FINLAND, 11720, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat, 1850-1935, 03-04, pop sons, id. at 1857 “Scandinavian Weekend Radio”, comments. 13321.
GUINEA, 9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 0705-0806, 02-04, French, news,”La République de Guinée”, comments, id. “Radio Guinée”, “Le Magazine”, “Le grand journal de Radio Guinée”, African songs. 34433. Also 0655-0814, 04-04, African songs, at 0735 religious catholic program “Le Jour du Seigneur”, 0809 id. “Radio Guinée, le grande maison, Radio Guinée, le plus grand du monde”, comments. 34433.
ITALY, 11390, Marconi Radio International, 0903-1018, 05-04, comments, songs, radio news. Very weak, strong fading audible at times in usb. Also *1600-1730*, 05-04, tuning music, id. “Marconi Radio International”, songs, comments, radio news "Panorama onde corte", songs, tuning music, identification and close. Better signal than in the morning. 25322.
ITALY/VATICAN STATE 7360, Vatican Radio, Santa Maria de Galeria, 1855-1915, 02-04, English, Good Friday Via Crucis. 45444.
11935, Vatican Radio, Santa Maria de Galeria, *1725-1755, 03-04, English, Easter Vigil. 44444.
15575, Vatican Radio, Santa Maria de Galeria, 0832-0850, 04-04, French, Easter Mass and Urbi et Orbi Blessing. 45444.
KYRGYZSTAN, 4010.2, Kirgyz Radio, Bishkek, 1745-1800*, 03-04, Kirgyz songs, comments. Very weak. 15321.
MALAYSIA, 9835, Sarawak FM, Kajang, 0740, 04-04, Malaysian songs and comments. 14321.
MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1900-1920, 03-04, English program “English Magazine”, news and comments about Mali, at 1914 African songs. 44444.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0650-0710, 02-04, classical music. 25322.
Also 0352-0615, 04-04, Mexican songs, Spanish, comments. 24432.NETHERLANDS 4895, Mike Radio, Heerde, 1820-1845, 03-04, pop songs. id. “Mike Radio”, English, comments. 45444.
6140, Radio Onda, Borculo, 1824-1837, 03-04, pop sons, id. “Radio Onda”. 35433.
NIGERIA, 11769.9, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja Lugbe, 0637-0715, 04-04, Hausa, comments, mentioned “Nigeria”, African songs, at 0700 “Radio Nigeria”, Fulfulde language, 45444.
NORWAY, 5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 2005-2025, 03-04, pop songs in English, id. “Radio Northern Star”. 14321.
PERU, 4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0142-0155, 04-04, Peruvian songs. 25322. SUDAN 7205, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 0415-0432, 04-04, strong carrier, very weak audio, Arabic, comments. Seems to be transmitter problems. 15321.
9505, Voice of Africa, Al Aitahab, 1730-1742, 03-04, English, comments. Strong QRM on 9500. 31431.
TANZANIA 6015, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 0345-0356, 04-04, Swahili, comments. 24322.
11735, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 1750-1810, 03-04, Swahili, comments. Very weak. 14321.
VENEZUELA, 6205, ROCV, El Tigre, 0638-0657, 02-04, Latin American songs. Very weak. 15321. Also 0450-0615, 04-04, Latin American songs, id. “Somos ROCV a nivel internacional...”. Strong fading, at times inaudible. 15411.
ZAMBIA 4965, Voice of Hope, Lusaka, 1945-2010, 03-04, religious songs and comments, English. // 6065. 15321.
5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 2025-2046, 03-04, Vernacular, comments. 25322.
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