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Thursday, December 31 2020
Legend : ## / light-blue screenshot available only in selectedFC pages as above $ $ /green remotekiwi reception &&/yellow otherequipment reception – mostly PL380 3243 the flare a russsians non digitalsignal woth 25 db aove the floor (-120dbm ) 3920 pirate Peipzender? 1745 with-70/95dbm and old rocks full of noise 4625 the buzzer too poor at -100over -115 dbmn oise at 1740 !! 4834.9 interesting to see a fading signal ata2313 on that freq at -99dbm to dade of up to10 db depth It seems to have some audio content but is very barely audible maxSNR 30 db 5830 V Iran in this ffeq still -73 dbm at 2121 5995 Mali 2306 mixed with N Korean jammerno t easy to hear their signal .. -80dbm 6030 1817 “Focus on Rumania” withnews in English 6040 KBS korean in Russian with news after ID 6080 CNR 1623 with thalk by YL mentionsof mao zhedong -80/120dbm 6085 as per noticed Amigo , 1606with only -84dbm and heard marginally but better due to the modulation Confirmed by a kiwi SDR reception of the sam time fromItaly 6090 Amara radio 1607 mixed withanother station in exact freq 6205 Laser hot hits 2303 with songsthat are 15 db above the noise on a 30 db SNR signal at best -97dbm 6400 Pyongyang pangsong KO 1628 wothoperas by OM group -80dbm 6417## slot machine on 2228 -98.5 dbm Also on 6250 and 6445 better 6472 20 kHz Kontayner OTHR with -85dbmsignal at 2237 7603 with only 12 khz wide and lower ‘bitrate ‘ 6910 1629 QSO net by three operatorsin Russian 1630 Top signal -95 dbm 7180.02 VOBM2 1635 with Om talking ,1635 with drum music -75/115 dbm 7204.98 Sudan 1656 talks in a very undermodulatedsignal of -70 with 25db lower modulation at 1658 Cri started on the freq IN Esperantowith 2x5.2kHz wide 7220 CRI in Cantonese with talks 1705with -85dbm max /7325 -90dbm at 1709 MIxzd with BPL bursts 7780##WRMI 2242 with R Tirana and a pop song that seem as Elvana Djata (from he few I know) Soing language confirms that. This is asong program WRMI ID in spanish at2259 then prayer sounding as hysterical Good soundat 2x5kHz with -73dbm max Some MW logs: 198 BBC4 2353 theater program ? -92dbmmixed on NDB or various semi digital signals (short burst every 1 second ) Bestat LSB on a floor of -140 dbm !! nothe end showing the cast BBC at midnight folowedby big ben sound then with news 531 JIlFm very strong with-53dbm signal at 2215 withArabic traditional song 594 Arabic station 1727 with ta;lksand signal -95/-115 dbm Also on 596 another pss MRC with-100dbm 610##D marker.. -100dbm 1718 621 Spain 1731 with talk seems news-80dbm Only LSB reception ! 630 wih string signal ERTU Egypt under 1394 Greek pirate om 2341 at -90dbm Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery with SDRConsole & 2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs December 30, 2020 |
Thursday, December 31 2020
** BRAZIL. 11905-11910-11915, Dec 30 at 2205, RNA DRM test has resumed after Xmas break, tnx to tip via Richard Langley. S6-S7, 11 to 15 dB SNR into SJ do Campo KiwiSDR, with screechy cutouts; Better at TWR DR SDR, 16 dB but still some breakups during `A Voz do Brasil`; both read 13.06 kbps; still carrying the FM 96.1 feed? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CANADA. 244-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0722 UT, dash and TH, 1000-watt ND beacon at Thompson, Manitoba, remote north-central forming the eastern point of a triangle with Flin Flon to the west, and Lynn Lake to the north. The only NDB anywhere on 244 per dxinfocentre.com unlike 242 and 245; zero on 243 where I was hearing it USB at first. 274-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0725 UT, dash and YPM, 25-watt NDB at Pikangikum, Ontario, ``back on``. 1741 km = 1082 st mi = 43+ miles per watt or 0.023+ watts per mile. 284-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0726 UT, dash and QD, 500-watt NDB at The Pas, Manitoba. 300-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0727 UT, dash and YIV, 500-watt NDB at Island Lake, Manitoba. 317-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0728 UT, dash and VC, 1000-watt NDB at La Ronge, Saskatchewan. I was tuned to 316-USB. 326-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0729 UT, dash and YQK, 200-watt NDB at Kenora, Ontario. Mixing with PKZ? See U S A 332-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0731 UT, dash and YFM, 2500-watt NDB at La Grand 4, Quebec, atop my nearby 400-watt IC Wichita KS, and nothing from the usual dominator, 1000-watt QT in Thunder Bay, Ontario. LG-4 is a Hydro dam a kilomile north of Montréal, fishing/outfitter destination. 351-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0735 UT, dash and YKQ, 500-watt NDB at Fort Rupert - Waskaganish, Québec. At first tuned to 350-USB where it was overriding my nearby 400-watt RG at Will Rogers World Airport, OKC, Gally. Heard on 351 also with QRM from IN, really 353, see U S A. 355-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0738 UT, dash and YWP, 200-watt NDB at Webequie, Quebec; still waiting for a pronouncer on this one. Quite a few other Canadians in this session, skipped over as too familiar/regular (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 326-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0729 UT, during mostly-Canadian beacon logging, YQK has CCI from FKZ? or JKZ? Per list must have been PKZ, 400-watt NDB at Pensacola - Pickens, Florida. F-, J- and P- all have four dits/dahs in similar configs: ..-. / .--- / .--. 329-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0730 UT, PMV, 25-watt NDB at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 344-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0733 UT, TKH, 25-watt NDB at Tallulah, Louisiana. I was tuned to 342-USB. Tallulah is the next town west of Vicksburg, MS, trans-river. Atop mix of more signals. 353-MCW kHz, Dec 30 at 0736 UT, IN, 100-watt NDB at International Falls - Ray, Minnesota; heard tuned to 351-USB mixing with YKQ CANADA, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2066 monitoring: confirmed Wed Dec 30 from 2200:22 on WBCQ 7490.18v, S9/+10 via KB0FX SDR in MO, but faded to S5/S7 by 2227. Also confirmed Wed Dec 30 at 2300 on WRMI 9955, S5 via heavy pulse jamming into TWR Bonaire SDR, faded to JBA vs PJ by 2329. Not next: 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE [pre-empted] [ex-0100] Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html WOR is always a SW program first, but as stations make it harder to hear, I can`t blame people for accessing a reliable alternative. Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, who sent a generous Solsticial check in US$ on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at yahoo.com New WOR 2067 should be ready by early UT Friday January 1 for first broadcast on WRMI 5850, and maybe 5010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9955, Wed Dec 30 at 1628, WRMI is still on with TOMBS = The Overcomer Ministry Brother Scare, during a caller, // > 5950 << 9395 <<< 9980 et al. One more look at the WRMI skedgrid http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMIfqs --- yes, WRMI-3 is supposed to run this late on Sabbathdays only. Not on by 19 UT or so; yet to catch when it turn off (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 13565-CW, Dec 30 at 1631, imagination-level CW in the noise, probably K6FRC 1.8-milliwatt HIFER beacon from Patterson CA, an hour or two later than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2351 UT December 30 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs December 29-30, 2020 |
Wednesday, December 30 2020
** CANADA. 223-MCW kHz, Dec 29 at 0743, dash and YYW, 1000 watt ND beacon at Armstrong, Ontario (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 6100, Dec 29 at 0733, RHC is S9+30 of dead air in English plus some hum, no other frequencies left. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 13571 approx., Dec 29 at 1512, the ``Cuban sound`` spurblob during `Sonido Cubano` on RHC, with F# tone, best readable in FM mode where it`s 10 kHz wide and hard to pinpoint the exact center. This is second-order, 129 kHz below source 13700-AM which is S9+20; then first-order circa 13636, 13765, weaker 13830, and S1-S2 on third-order 13894. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EAST TURKISTAN. 9860, Dec 29 at 2226, S5-S7 fluttery Esperanto, as sked this hour from CRI via Kashgar, land of ChiCom cultural genocide against Uyghurs and other Moslems. And why is it that only Commies are interested in Esperanto broadcasting, also Cuba, not even gospel huxters who employ countless tiny tongues? Its creator, Ludoviko Lazaro Zamenhof, was a Polish Jew, but pre-communism, 1859-1917y: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L._L._Zamenhof (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NEWFOUNDLAND. 2598-USB, Dec 29 at 0737 UT, roboyl marine weather in English, S8 vs S7 noise level here. DXinfocentre.com shows starting at 0737, the first early-morning broadcast = 4:07 am local, in the cycle of 6 or 7 mostly NL stations in the 2598 group, is VCP-4, Placentia, with 3000 watts, greatest of all. Nothing on 2749-USB yet, but VCO Sydney NS is to start at 0740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** PHILIPPINES [and non]. 9795, Dec 29 at 2304, Vietish? talk with QRM underneath sounds like Firedragon, but why bother? Aoki does not show *jamming or anything else here. This is FEBC in Mon via Iba site - not the same as Hmong, which is at other times in three different hues, Black, White, and Blue - based on traditional costumes? I wonder which one was SXMZ, see U S A (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN [and non]. 9690, Dec 29 at 2302, REE in Sefardí, since it`s martes, rather than English on L/M/V. As matches the sked in Aoki/NDXC for Day 3; a.k.a. Ladino, also Sundays 2230-2300. Not as strong as usual, with some ACI from 9695 in Japanese with echo, i.e. CRI via Jinhua, presumably rather thisaway (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 5960, Dec 29 at 2300, no signal from VOT English to us; should have been at least detectable despite S8-S9 HLLNL. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9955, Tue Dec 29 at 1524, `Freedom Synergy Radio` is just ending another unscheduled airing on WRMI, 1525 into one of my favorite fill-music tunes, `Sandunga` on marimba; recheck at 1600, still on contrary to sked with TOMBS (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 4980, Dec 29 at 0220, WRMI apparently on here, but VP S8-S9 and undermodulated, can`t even be sure of language, SMTV? Not // 5010 which is S9/+10 and fully modulated vs Madagascar het, nor // any other WRMI frequency. At 0228 I hasten to compare them via TWR Bonaire KiwiSDR: 5010 is closing R. Taiwán Internacional citing its Spanish sked as 01 on 5800, 02 on 5010, 22 on 7780; at S9+10, while whatever on 4980 is only S5-S7 into dead air at 0230 but still on, exciter only? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 7490.18v, Tue Dec 29 at 2258, WBCQ ending one `AAAWWW` with anti-Chinese remarx, retune at 2300, *another* `AAAWWW` - or the same one? Is starting with ``William Tell Overture`` and more anti-China interjexions. It`s scheduled at 22-23, but a gap at 23-24, not even ``Available Time Slot``. Didn`t Brother Scare useta occupy that hour? I see the WBCQ Program Guide has also finally deleted 3265, which has not been on the air since early 2020? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [non]. 7530, Dec 29 at 2227, no open carrier unlike 24+ hours ago, and presumably no SXMZ either at 2230 via Taiwan, the Colorado Christian-Hmong hmissionary show of B-19; at least that gave us a chance to find out it`s apparently gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 810 kHz, Dec 29 at 2325 UT, steady S9 of dead air in presumed English, WHB Kansas City? Yes, loops thataway and 2330 finally JIP stupid sports talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. (101.1), KSFR Santa Fe NM, via webcast: one of my favorite shows in its final airing, UT Tue Dec 29 at 0400-0700, `Beyond Borders`, excellent ``world music`` hostessed by Susan Ohori. In her rather droll style of speech, she has been saying the last few weeks that she is moving to Thursday mornings at 16-19 UT, apparently already starting there tho sked even for next week/year still shows, what must be a similar show with another host, `Sound Travels`. I`ve not checked that yet. Each provides playlists, but apparently no podcasts or archiving since the demise of Radio Free America. See: https://www.ksfr.org/programs/beyond-borders https://www.ksfr.org/programs/sound-travels I have the impression the move was not Susan`s choice, as she alluded to her longtime Monday-night slot not being what the audience would prefer; some survey? The daytime show must be a different style with e.g.. breaks for news on hour, so she makes a point of playing an extra-long piece to conclude tonight. ``Susan Ohori https://www.ksfr.org/people/susan-ohori Susan Ohori pioneered the programming of world music on radio from 1972 - 1977 on Pacifica station KPFA in Berkeley, with her program Last Chants. She served as Music Director there from 1976 - 1977, when she left the Bay Area to research and record Purepecha folk music in Michoacan, Mexico. She published "An Introduction to World Music: 100 Records to Start With" in the Next Whole Earth Catalogue. Moving to Santa Fe in 1980, she produced a weekly 6-hour program of classical music (including contemporary and world) on KUNM, Albuquerque, from 1980-1982. She was Program Director for the Explorations in Music concert series at the Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, from 1981-1985. In 1992 she began producing her weekly 3-hour program of world music, Beyond Borders, on KSFR. In 2002 (?), along with a group of dedicated station volunteers and supporters, she was instrumental in forming the non-profit Northern New Mexico Radio Foundation which won the contract to take over the management and fiscal responsibility of KSFR from Santa Fe Community College. She served on its Board of Directors from 2002-2009 (?). She founded Ohori's Coffee, Tea & Chocolate, a roasting and retail business in 1984 and sold in 2001. She also opened Casa, in 1996, a retail store specializing in folk art. She was a founding Board member of the Santa Fe Film Festival which she served on for 10 years. She has recently returned to her work on clay sculpture begun in the 1970's.`` The gallery of show hosts on KSFR lacks a portrait of her, unlike the others. Her name, at least, I think be Japanese/Nisei. A cursory websearch doesn`t find her visage either, but the woman who bought her coffee shop, I think. No info yet on KSFR site about what will replace her two sesquihours on Monday nights, and she is not saying. At least that alleviates the conflict/overlap with a similar show on New Mexico`s other prime public radio station, KUNM [89.9] Albuquerque, at 0500-0800 UT Tuesdays: https://www.kunm.org/programs/global-music which I suppose will now become my habitual listening. KUNM does have a limited on-demand archive. Years ago I did suggest to Susan that it was a shame both were on at same time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 5095-USB, Dec 30 at 0215, very occasional 2-way, unseems Spanish, sandwiched between the huge 5085 WTWW signal, and its JBA spur about 5097 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 0600 UT December 30 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs December 28-29, 2020 |
Tuesday, December 29 2020
** CUBA [and non]. 13571 approx., Dec 28 at 1535, spurblob of jazz from RHC 13700-AM, and then find more at 64-65 kHz intervals, better in FM than AM, and unreadable in SSB: 13636 S9 with F# tone; 13765 S9; 13830 vs victim in AM, i.e. VATICAN in Amharic; 13895; 13960 trace; 13505. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR [and non]. 2598-USB, Dec 29 at 0143 UT, roboyl with marine weather in English, VP vs high LLNL, but there is some `reverb` as from two not exactly synchronized transmitters. Only one scheduled at this time, from 0137, is VOK from somewhere in Labrador, per: https://dxinfocentre.com/mb.htm 2598 is supposed to be time-shared with 5 or 6 other stations in NL and Québec, not simulcast. However, EiBi does show two simul sites for this 0137-0200 broadcast, cw and hd, which translate to cw - Cartwright NL 53N42'30" - 57W01'17" hd - Hopedale NL 55N27'24" - 60W12'30" Both of which are on Labrador mainland, not island rock. Same roboyl voice on 2749-USB but not checked whether // which is sometimes deliberate as I recently logged from Québec (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Thread resulting from my Dec 27 log of KTOK: ``BTW, have not heard IBOC noise from KTOK for ages, tho still flagged as -I in 2020-2021 NRC AM Log. IBOC ``reported off Dec 2009`` here: http://www.topazdesigns.com/iboc/station-list.html (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)`` ``Glenn et al., The listing of IBOC, as I have stated many times before, does NOT pretend to track who turned this feature on or off. It is a listing of those who are authorized to use the digital mode. 73, Wayne Heinen, Editor, NRC AM Radio Log, Aurora, CO`` ``Wayne, Sorry, I did not realize that. In that case it would be helpful to have a separate symbol denoting stations which are axually in `HD` now. And full- or part-time, day and/or night? I was under the impression that, unlike pure HD, anystation could run hybrid HD ad lib without specific permission. Has FCC ever denied it? They certainly don`t care about adjacent QRM! Is there any way to check this thru AM Query? I don`t see anything about HD for KTOK, one way or another; nor for KFAQ which we know is running it. Could be deeply buried. 73, Glenn`` ``Glenn, There is a link on the amq page that takes you to this list… I usually check it against the database each year prior to publication however this year, due to my shoulder replacement, I didn’t get all the usual proofs done. You’ll find both KTOK and KFAQ on the list https://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/ws.exe/prod/cdbs/pubacc/prod/sta_list.pl 73 Wayne Heinen`` ``Wayne, Tnx but that link gets: `Station Search Error --- You must specify search criteria values. Go back to the previous web page and try again.` But, but, I am not coming from a previous web page. O, here it is: https://www.fcc.gov/media/radio/digital-radio which leads to: To obtain a list of stations authorized for "hybrid" operation (analog + digital signals), select one of the following links: [ AM | which leads to: https://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/ws.exe/prod/cdbs/pubacc/prod/sta_list.pl?Service=AM&digital_status=H which then leads to: https://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/ws.exe/prod/cdbs/pubacc/prod/sta_list.pl i.e. the exact same URL Wayne gave but it won`t work directly, of 241 stations, alfabetical order by callsign, who cares about frequency or location? which leads to KTOK info: `Digital status: hybrid` -- and that`s all --- Glenn`` ``Scott Fybush Dec 27 #15519 --- It's a notification, not a permission. FCCData.org shows whether a station (AM or FM) has notified digital operation; the flaw, as we see, is there's no process for indicating cessation of digital operation.`` ``As I'm sure you know, the FCC's Prime Directive is "please don't bother us with details" and, really, licensees aren't required to run HD in either MA3 or MA1 so why should they care? Same for C-QUAM (for the 8 stations that still use it! :-D) I think the listings in the NRC AMRL are fine. The editor (a recently elected ARRL Life Member!) might consider fleshing out the -I and -$ code definitions to prevent this sort of complaint in future (not that you can eliminate 100% of complaints ...) -- Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!`` ``[nrc-am] IBOC Listing in NRC AM Radio Log JZinOK 2:41am #15530 In the case of KTOK, digital notification was made in 2006, but we haven't used it in many years. It's rather worthless to us now, as KTOK is carried on KXXY-FM HD2. KWPN 640 Moore OK also has given notification, but dropped the HD a long time ago. Several FM's here have given digital notification, but do not use it. All of the iHeart FM's in OKC use HD. John Zondlo, Yukon, OK`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2066 monitoring: confirmed Monday December 28 from 1900:49 on IRRS 7290 Bulgaria as heard via UTwente including any internet delay. Open carrier is on by 1855; 1859:51 cut-on IRRS sign-on; 1900:20 Feature Story News headlines, then WOR. Only my final word cut off at 1929, ``disclaimer``. As always, extremely annoying splash from both sides cannot be escaped by LSB, USB, AM Synch or narrow bandwidth: Vietnam 7280 is worse than East Turkistan 7295 despite second- vs first-adjacency. Recheck at 1949, has faded? to JBA carrier on 7290. Next: 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 [canceled; confirmed] 0230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 [canceled; reconfirmed] 0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 5800 [pre-empted for FSR this week; confirmed] 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE [pre-empted] [ex-0100] Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html WOR is always a SW program first, but as stations make it harder to hear, I can`t blame people for accessing a reliable alternative. Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, who sent a generous Solsticial check in US$ on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 4980, Dec 29 at 0234, WRMI-5 is poorly audible by Bonaire KiwiSDR, S6-S7 in English, bits of Xmasmx and SMTV talk including ID at 0244. Must use AM-Narrow to avoid 4985 RTTY. This is on skedgrid as SMTV for many hours including this one, on 285 antenna but no comparison to the bigsig we get on 7730 same azimuth. 4980 is the frequency supposed to be home for 5950 programming bumped off there by elimination of 9455, but supposedly long-delayed until it is up to full power, maybe exciter only so far. If that`s the azimuth, 4980 ought to be stronger closer to its aim, at the TWR RGV SDR of Brownsville TX --- but it is not, only JBA! Something is strange about all this (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Dec 28 at 0135-0142 UT, contrary to usual method, I`m tuning in 9-kHz steps downward from 1 kHz above the channels, so anycarrier making a 1 kHz het can be recognized: 1503, 1422, 1296, 1215, 1107, 1089, 1053, 936, 909, 891*, 882(2), 837(2), 774(2), 747, 711, 639, 621. *strongest. (2) = at least two carriers beating. There would have been more below 700 kHz, but currently the local line noise level is much higher in the 700-300 kHz range, as well as many SW ranges. Earlier in the afternoon, driving around the neighborhood tuned to open 1040 kHz where traces of WHO might have been otherwise, the LLNL did not correlate with any lingering Xmas lighting, but continued buzzing over a much wider area; and it`s just as bad daytime as nighttime. Tnx a lot, OG&E (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 7530, Dec 28 at 2207, S9/+10 open carrier where normally nothing; only Aoki shows nearby possibility maybe on early: ``7530 2230-2300 TWN Suab Xaa Moo Zoo(Vo.Hope) Hmo Tamsui Dist 1-7`` It`s also shown same in WRTH 2020 as religious based in Thornton, Colorado, under USA, not target/clandestine. Website leads to: http://www.hmongdistrict.org/HiddenPages/SuabXaMooZoo(RadioMinistry).aspx where there is no info about any current broadcasts, at least not in English, and the `listen` link leads to a page to *buy* songs. SXMZ no longer appears in the WRTH 2021, my copy just arrived, at least not under USA, in the religious broadcaster cross-ref, in the SW frequency list, nor under Target: Laos or Vietnam. On Nov 5, 2020, Ivo Ivanov included it in a multi-site roster of ``Winter B-20 frequencies, unregistered in HFCC Database (updated)`` but I find no recent logs of it. Back on April 25, 2020, Ivo had it in a list of ``missing clandestine transmissions``, some of which were subsequently reported. None of this researched until later, so I did not recheck after 2230 for any showup; QRX another day. Of course in a shared fixed band, carrier could be a ute (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 13555-CW, Dec 28 at 1520, JBA traces of CW, maybe finally something besides 13565 K6FRC on the HIFER band, not now. https://www.lwca.net/sitepage/part15/index.htm shows ``13554.98~ WV Richwood WV EW98rf CW (h 2020/12)`` but there are 14 more between 13555 and 13556. This was really too weak to attempt an accurate measurement. I did get WV last Feb 27 at 1455 and March 4 at 1516. Richwood is in the Allegheny Mountains east of Charleston (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0437 UT December 29 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Logs for the Christmas days (km long! ) |
Monday, December 28 2020
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