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Jen's Wintertime is ending musical springtime special for 03-09 is up & ready for you.  View Printable Version 
Tuesday, March 11 2025

Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 03:34:56 AM UTCSubject: Jen's Wintertime is ending musical springtime special for 03-09 is up & ready for you.
Hi Glenn, I hope you are fine & well
Special March 16th. UT Sunday.

Next week is our St Patrick's Day cast UT Sunday 19-24plus, Jen & GB's more info by Thurs.


Have a good week.Enjoy.Jen In The Rad.

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Radio Beacons: FR4AW and 3B8DU  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 10 2025

March 10, 2025: Radio Beacon 3B8DU, Mauritius, was logged at 1458 UTC in WSPR mode on 28.126153 mhz, Strength -20DB; Radio Beacon FR4AW, Reunion, logged at 1536 UTC on 28.126173 Mhz also in WSPR mode. Strength: -21DB. RX: Palstar R30A, ANT: 529 foot horizontal loop at 30 feet. Bill Smith, Douglas, MA.
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�indows-1252?q?RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP, BRAZIL �indows-1252?q? – March 10, 2025  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 10 2025

Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL
Receivers: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São Bernardo SP) + Magnetic Loop Antenna //// Tecsun S-2000 + 20 m Horizontal Antenna
=> DATA SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Radio Station, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Programme Details, SINPO, Target Area, Remarks.
=> (!!): Live audio checked
=> (t): tentative
=> Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language.
. 1620 kHz: AM 620 La Radio, Mar del Plata, Spanish, 04/03 0355. Songs, id ’16-20 La Radio, Mar del Plata’. 35543.

. 720 kHz: Radio Difusora, Casa Branca SP, 04/03 0047. Program ‘Com a mãe Aparecida’, id ‘Radio Difusora’. 34543.
. 720 kHz: Radio RC Vale, Cruzeiro SP, 04/03 0042. Id ‘RC Vale’, romantic song. 34543.
. 730 kHz: Radio Cidade, Jundiaí SP, 04/03 0053. ‘Radio Cidade, a melhor...’. 35543.
. 760 kHz: Radio Manchete, São Gonçalo RJ, 08/03 2350. Forró songs, jingle: ‘... o dia todo com você, Manchete...’. 35553.
. 830 kHz: Radio Tropical, Nova Iguaçu RJ, 08/03 2356. Brazilian songs, id: ‘Tropical AM’. 35443.
. 910 kHz: Radio Play Hits, Juiz de Fora MG, 09/03 0003. Pop songs (!!). 25432.
. 1120 kHz: Radio Itatiaia, Ouro Preto MG, 04/03 2303. Advs, ‘...Ouro Preto...’. Id ‘Radio Itatiaia’. 34543.
. 1310 kHz: Radio Coroados, São Fidélis RJ, 04/03 0438. Brazilian song, jingle ‘Coroados’. 25522.
. 1320 kHz: Radio RCI, Foz de Iguaçu PR, 04/03 0430. Commentary on the award ceremony for the Brazilian film that received the Oscar. 25432. (!!).

. 4985 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO: No signal.
. 5940 kHz: Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC: No signal.
. 6010 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG: Active.
. 9665 kHz: Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC: Active.
. 9818,55 kHz: Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo SP: Active.
. 11750 kHz: Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu SC: Active.
. 11780 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF: Active.
. 11815 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO: Active, but a very weak, distorted signal. Strong spurious signal at 11955 kHz.
. 15190 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG: active.

. 17900 kHz: The Overcomer Ministry, v ia Sofia, 07/03 1528. Message by OM. 15421. *Target Area: Europe.

. 1580 kHz: Uniminuto Radio, Bogotá (!!), SS, 04/03 0404. Commentary on missing women, ‘...mujeres desaparecidas, conclusión por la victoria, disaparición de mujeres, permitan la dolor, es un problema social...’, mention of the names of these women. Id ’15-80’. 25432. Target Area: Colombia.

. 11660 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, Oromo, 10/03 1732. A prayer by OM, typical instrumental music, comments. 25222. *Target Area: Africa (Ethiopia).
. 15105 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, Tigrinya, 07/03 1552. Message by male voice, song in African style. 35333. *Target Area: E Africa.

. 17650 kHz: Bible Voice, via Nauen, Dari (?), 07/03 1450. Christian broadcast, talk by male voic, song, id, sign-off on 1457. 35443. *Target Area: S Asia.

. 9620 kHz: AIR Akashvani, Bangalore, Farsi, 10/03 1716. Commments by two male announcers, instrumental music, a song in Indian style. 25332. *Target Area: Asia (Iran).

. 7590 kHz: Radio Farda, via Kuwait, Persian, 04/03 0525. Sequence of songs. 25322. *Target Area: Asia (Iran).

. 11735 kHz: Voice of America, via Talata-Volonondry, unid language, 10/03 1726. Comments, song, id ‘VoA... Voice of America, Washington DC”. 35553. *Target Area: Africa (Zimbabwe).

. 4820 kHz: Radio Senda Cristiana, Cotahuasi, Spanish, 04/03 0018. Christian broadcast, message by male voice. 25422. *Target Area: Peru.

. 11935 kHz: Republic of Yemen Radio, via Jeddah, Arabic, 10/03 1747. Songs in Arabic language, comments by male voice. 15431. *Target Area: Africa (Yemen).

. 1430 kHz: Radio Durazno, Durazno, Spanish, 04/03 0420. ‘... la music al pueblo Uruguayo, lo mejor de la musica tropical, la musica de lo gladiador, rio de la Plata. 25432.

, 6195 kHz: Radio Ndarason Int., via Woofferton, Kanuri, 04/03 0520. Typical African song, comments by OM / YL. 35543. *Target Area: W Africa.

. 6020 kHz: Voice of America, via Sta. Maria di Galeria, Hausa, 04/03 0510. Comments by YL, phone-in call. 35543. *Target Area: W Africa. // 6170 kHz, via Ascension 35553.

. 11885 kHz: Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnamese, 10/03 1738. Song in Vietnamese, commentgs by OM / YL. 25442. *Target Area: Europe.
*** Psalm 51:10 - "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.".
73 & good DX, rg
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Yemeni radio once again with the hum problem (11935)  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 10 2025

Possibly I am the most technically detailed. Just now 0712 via Kuwait I see a totally 28 of 120 Hz evenly spaced  strings in each sideband centred on measured 11934.9  (with 10HZ error as the tune is on 4,89)  In Kuwait you can hear clearly the sound with the fence heard as a square sound. The transmitting sound is good, Here is the picture :https://app.box.com/s/cspzlngzekuzrafzm2h1ir994wm2g1wb

Zacharias Liangas https://bit.ly/3CzShVU ; disclaimer on my writing
PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D 
exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond
https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages 
From now and for an unknowntime, at least for 3 years, I will not use any radio except the remote SDRs forDXing. Recently we moved from the village back to the city in a space thatprohibits the use of desktop DXing, a place flooded by high levels of noise inthe LMHF bands. The radio is now used mostly for FM, for news listening.we runpolitically lively condition with always very interesting twits every day ..

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Republic of Yemen Radio - 11935 kHz  View Printable Version 
Monday, March 10 2025

Possibly I am the most technically detailed. Just now 0712 via Kuwait I see a totally 28 of 120 Hz evenly spaced  strings in each sideband centred on measured 11934.9  (with 10HZ error as the tune is on 4,89)  In Kuwait you can hear clearly the sound with the fence heard as a square sound. The transmitting sound is good,

Zacharias Liangas https://bit.ly/3CzShVU ; disclaimer on my writing
PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D 

2nd check a half hour later showed an accompanied low frq audio

TONE like a lot of  FENCE strings seen
every 120 Hertz apart distance
each sideband though.

I guess this one faulty TX unit

-- of at least 9 --  nine high power SW txs available
at Riyadh bcast center in Saudi Arabia.

73 wolfie

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Wolfgang Bueschel
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2025
To: bdxc-news@groups.io ; _ DXplorer ; HCDX ; _ WOR
Subject: Re: [DXplorer] [bdxc-news] Republic of Yemen Radio - 11935 kHz

SAUDI ARABIA  11934.895 kHz measured remotedly on various Perseus SDR_net units
at 19.50 UT Sunday March 9, S=9+20dB in WeEurope, Greece and Doha Qatar ME. But MUCH CLEAN AUDIO TXION at this hour slot,SORRY  --  no any transmitter fault could be stated so far / though.

vy73 de wolfie  df5sx
topnews wwdxc

From: David Morris via groups.io
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2025 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [bdxc-news] Republic of Yemen Radio - 11935 kHz

Thanks to Tony for the tip.

Being heard in Lytchett Matravers, near Poole, at 1913 today with the
buzzing noise over a talk from a YL.
David J Morris

On Sun, 9 Mar 2025 at 19:11, Tony Rogers via groups.io
<rogers.a1=btinternet.com@groups.io> wrote:

Republic of Yemen Radio on 11935 kHz (or more precisely 11934.79 kHz as
measured on online KiwiSDR’s) is once again accompanied by a buzzing noise.
Noted at 1855 UTC on 9 March 2025.

Presumably this is a transmitter fault rather than jamming – see Rob Wagner’s
comments from June 2024:

73’s Tony
Qodosen DX-286 / random wire (and also heard on various online KiwiSDR’s)

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