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JRX Current Logs: February 4, 2021 |
Thursday, February 04 2021
JRX Current Logs: February 4, 2021 Receiver (s): Degen DE1103 Antenna (s): Sony AN-71 All times and dates in UTC-GMT ASCENSION ISLAND ** 12095. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 2011-2021, BBC, Ascension Island-ASC, in English. A interview with a man; 2015 News by man announcer and next, woman in conversation with a woman and man. Excellent reception. CHINA ** 9640. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 2157-2206, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in Spanish. Woman announcer presents a Chinese Class; 2200 IS-ID and next, woman announcer talks news, in this second edition in spanish. Good reception. FRANCE ** 6170. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 2048-2058, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun-F, in Arabic. Woman announcer in conversation with a man; 2054 Man announcer talks; 2057 A song. Fair reception. GUAM ** 11955. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 2216-2226, Adventist World Radio Guam-KSDA, Agat-GUM, in Ngaju language. Man Pastor preaching; 2219 A song by female singer; 2223 Woman talks, with music background; 2225 Song by male singer. Good reception. ** 11990. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 2206-2216, Adventist World Radio, Agat-GUM, in English. Woman announcer talks; Man talks; 2209 A song; 2212 Man preaching. Fair to good reception for this KSDA station. MALI ** 13630. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 2132-2142, China Radio International, Bamako-MLI, in French. Woman announcer presents news, including about the Myanmar crisis; 2137 Other woman talks news, too. Very good reception. NIGERIA ** 11770. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 1721-1736, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja-NIG, in Hausa. Man and woman talk about Nigeria, in conversation; 2030 ID and man and woman talk. Good reception. ROMANIA ** 7325. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 2037-2047, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti-ROU, in Spanish. Woman announcer makes a interview with a female singer; 2042 A short song and returns conversation. Fair reception. USA ** 9330. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 2227-2237, WBCQ-World's Last Chance Radio, Monticello-ME, in Portuguese. Two men presenters talk in religious space dedicated to religious questions and answers; 2232 Woman says ID and frequency; 2234 Woman says WLCR announcements; 2234 Returns questions and answers. Very good reception. ** 11720. Thu, Feb 4, 2021. 2147-2157, Voice of America, Greenville-NC, in English. Woman announcer presents a musical program with the ten hits playing at this week. Good reception. JRX (Jose Ronaldo Xavier) SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo-Paraiba, Brazil (UTC-3) QTH Locator HI22NX _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser log roundup January 28-February 3, 2021 |
Thursday, February 04 2021
*0130 is normal winter start time for 4765; *0030 summer. Rather also spring, from March 15 Yanqui DST. Glenn
On Thursday, February 4, 2021, 02:50:45 AM GMT+1, Wolfgang Bueschel <dg1sbn@t-online.de> wrote: Re RHC, log Febr 4, 01.00 - 01.30 in Cape Canaveral, Rochester NY and CA / Seattle states installations.
4765 kHz R Progreso Bejucal not on air 01.03 UT, but S=9+25dB at 01.45 UT on air now, so seemingly starts not 00.30, but 01.30 UT ? _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser log roundup January 28-February 3, 2021 |
Thursday, February 04 2021
Re RHC, log Febr 4, 01.00 - 01.30 in Cape Canaveral, Rochester NY and CA / Seattle states installations.4765 kHz R Progreso Bejucal not on air 01.03 UT, but S=9+25dB at 01.45 UT on air now, so seemingly starts not 00.30, but 01.30 UT ? 5025 S=9+30 BAU 5040 S=9+20 BAU 6000 S=9+40 QUI excellent audio quality in the clear. 6060 not on air at 01.04 UT 11670 BAU 11760 BAU 11850 QUI not propagate into MI nor CA northwards, but heard strong S=9+35dB -49dBm in Sao Paulo BRA Much DISTORTED audio feed at 01.22 UT 9699.998 BAU 01.10 UT 9650.005 BEJ 9535.007 BEJ 15140 BAU off air at 01.22 UT 15230 QUI and CRI relay site Quivican 250 kW TX#1, CRI 6180even at 01.15 UT on Febr 4, S=9+30dB in Rochester NY. 73 wb ----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via groups.io"
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2021 2:05 AM Subject: [WOR] Glenn Hauser log roundup January 28-February 3, 2021CUBA. 6060, Jan 30 at 0637, RHC in English, S9/+10, reactivated! This frequency had been off for months despite originally scheduled before 0500 in Spanish, afterwards in English. Is it back to stay? Also // 6000 & 6100 all with adequate modulation and 9700 undermodulated. Something's always wrong at RHC
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
CUBA [non]. 6060, Jan 31 at 0113, JBA algo presumed IRAN, no RHC, yet? which had resumed last night after 0600
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
CUBA. 6060, Jan 31 at 0515, RHC English is on again via frequency reactivated last night; maybe starts at 0500 for English? If not Spanish earlier. 5040, 6000, 6060, 6100, 6145 or 9700, Sunday January 31 at 0803 when I am unfortunately still awake, all RHCs are off when Esperanto is supposed to air on one of them. (However, SW Radiogram has just started on WRMIs 5850 & 7730). Something's always wrong at RHC. 15140 // weaker 11760, Sun Jan 31 at 1602, this airing of Esperanto is starting a bit late with themesong and sign-on
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
CUBA. 6060, February 1 at *0315 approx., reactivated RHC is on with open carrier. Exploring when it may start, I had turned on the extra ATS-909 with whip antenna only a few minutes earlier to nothing, but now the frequency quietens with carrier. I let it run, and it turns out it's dead air only for hours and hours! 0325, 0415, 0450, 0506, 0522, 0657 ---! Think of all the nutritious meals semi-starved Cubans could have been served for the cost of all this 250+ kWh wasted juice! Something's always wrong at RHC. At 0657, besides 6060 deadair I check all the others and find English still emanating on 5040, 6000, 6100, 9700; but at 0708 recheck all these including 6060 are OFF. The final repeat at 07-08 UT during Standard Time is certainly iffy. Something's always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) CUBA. Doug Brown, FL/ON, asks, UT Mon Feb 1 at 0223, "I haven't heard Arnie on the radio for some time now. Do we know if he has retired? There is no one else doing his DX program. D Brown." I replied, "Doug, I think he has been semi? retired for quite a while and/or in ill health. I haven't tried to hear him in English or Spanish lately, but when last checked the programs were still on, mostly Marta Ríos in Spanish reading his scripts. Did you mean "some"one else instead of no one? DXers Unlimited totally missing? Glenn" Before any reply, I start to check this out in addition to the dead air on 6060. The weekend edition of DXers Unlimited had been appearing during the first half of the English hour on Sundays into UT Mondays, as early as :09 to as late as :23 per DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS, so with 6000 managing to modulate in English, I monitor starting at 0408 UT Mon Feb 1: 'The Week in Cuba' until 0414; 'Mailbag' with "Ed Newman" from 0415, soon replying to a listener, "Arnie Coro has been ill; he's home resting and recuperating." By 0428, the YL with the annoying voice is reading a script about Star Wars movies, etc., etc. 0445 finally music starts. So, no DXUL. Arnie had long been working-from-home anyway, feeding via snazzy fibre-optic cable, but apparently now he has even been unable to send in scripts for someone else to read. The mit-week edition typically appeared about halfway into the English hours on Tuesdays, into WZ Mittwoch, so check then too. I haven't looked for 'En Contacto', his Spanish DX program, but approx. times for that were Sundays 1440, 2340, UT Mondays 0140. He also did a science show on Saturdays, 'Breakthrough" --- is that suspended too? Anyhow, despite certain policy differences, we wish him well
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
CUBA [and non]. 6060, Feb 2 after 0200, I start checking for when RHC may come on; Iran is there with lots of Qur'aning until it goes off at 0226*, fair signal into Bonaire and a good idea for RHC to hold off. Not checked again until 0305, this time direct, to find that RHC has appeared, VG S9+20/30 and managing to modulate in Spanish, instead of last night's dead air for almost 4 hours. 0500 recheck, medianoche timecheck and more Spanish: I guess another hour before English from 0600
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
CUBA. 6060, Feb 2 at 0558, RHC still in Spanish ID & IS, but at 0558.5, cut roughly to end of English hour and then 0600 re-opening English hour. I was hearing no trace of it before 0300, but Ivo Ivanov thinx it start at 0100; and there is another conflict at 04-05 with Algeria via France, an hour I was not checking. Recheck at 0710, ¿qué pasa? 6060 is still on unlike last night, and in English, good modulation, the best of the lot, as 6000 is off; 6100 // 9700 are both suptorted but 9700 signal holding up to S9+10. 5040 is unusually still on this late, but in Spanish. Something's always wrong at RHC. Checking 6060 next night, UT Feb 3 at 0200, again no sign of Cuba here, just JBA Iran; 0315 recheck, now RHC is on with VG signal in Spanish; so approx. start 0300
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs February 3, 2021 |
Thursday, February 04 2021
** CUBA. 13634 & 13766 approx., Feb 3 at 1518, RHC FMish distorted spurblobs out of 13700-AM today are only JBA, but enough to bother algo on 13765-AM. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ETHIOPIA [non] 15160, Feb 3 at 1520, JBA carrier with flutter; just enough to lead to further info from others on the WOR iog: Ivo Ivanov concludes it is this from there: ``FRANCE Dimtse Tigray new clandestine broadcast via TDF Issoudun 1500-1700 15160 ISS 250 kW / 130 deg EaAf Tigrinya Tigray Media House Good here in Sofia and via SDRs Heimiswil Switzerland and Sokyriany Ukraine -- 73! Ivo Ivanov`` Chris Smolinski, Maryland: ``Generally a good signal here at 1529 UTC, but frequent OTHR bursts completely block it out now and then`` Arthur Pozner, near NYC, who discovered it yesterday, Feb 3 at 1620: ``The program yesterday made very frequent announcements of "R. Tigray Media House". Today it is fading very often and that interference only lasted for a few minutes at 1525-1530. Sounded like variable white noise, and it blocked the transmission totally.`` ``No one seems to specify explicitly the language heard. Radio T-M-H- is obviously in English but anything else? They do do English programming on YouTube. Glenn`` Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany: ``KIWInet option TdOA direction finding give some - all is probably -, two different disappointing image outputs. For a 19 meter band of signal direction finding you need a rx triangle 2500 km distance away at least. Likely Issoudun or Nauen bcast center origin. FMO is Broadcast Belgium <http://www.broadcast.be/> <ludo.maes@broadcast.be> 73 wolfgang`` Dr Hansjoerg Biener, Germany: ``Ethiopia (Tigray): The English section of „Radio Tigrai Media House“ at https://tmhtv.org/ is not too informative. https://tmhtv.org/en/2018/05/31/ethiopia-a-stable-peace-or-an-impending-crisis/ does not seem to be against the central government. https://tmhtv.org/blog/2019/06/07/alarming-ethnic-based-attacks-and-targeted-killings-of-civilians-in-ethiopia/ is critical of the central government/the Amhara state. There are many uploads to YouTube, including this advertisement for „T-M-H-R“/“Radio Tigrai Media House“: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UafDL6owQMs. Judging from the right column, there have been a lot of uploads in recent days.(Dr Hansjoerg Biener 3 February 2021)`` Last YT is 2 minutes, but only pronouncing the names in English; also ``kilohertz`` presumably about this new SWBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 5960, Wed Feb 3 at 2305, no signal from VOT English, checked at UTwente and Brasil SDRs; something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 335-MCW kHz, Feb 3 at 0702 UT, ND beacon BV, 25 watts from BatesVille - Almond, Arkansas. I was tuned to 333-USB. 395-MCW kHz, Feb 3 at 0656 UT, ND beacon CA, 25 watts from Newton - Harvs, CAnsas. I was tuned to 393-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2071 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday February 3 at 2100 on WRMI 7780, S8/9+10 into UTwente but noisy. Also confirmed Wed Feb 3 from 2200:24 on WBCQ 7490.2v direct, S9/+15 but noisy. Also confirmed Wed Feb 3 at 2300 on WRMI 9955, JBA under jamming at TWR DR SDR, S9/+15 at Pardinho, Brasil SDR, no jamming audible. Next, and last: 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary financial support: thanks this week to Steve Zimmerman, West Allis, Wisconsin for a generous check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 One may also contribute via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com not necessarily in US funds. New WOR 2072 should be ready by early UT Friday February 5 for first broadcast on WRMIs at 0130 on 5850, 7780 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2325 UT February 3 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
JRX Current Logs: February 3, 2021 |
Thursday, February 04 2021
JRX Current Logs: February 3, 2021 Receiver (s): Degen DE1103 Antenna (s): Sony AN-71 All times and dates in UTC-GMT CLANDESTINE ** 7550. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2041-2050, Radio Free North Korea, Tashkent-UZB, in Korean. Woman announcer talks; 2049 Man announcer talks. Fair reception with fading.
GREAT BRITAIN 🇬🇧 ** 7300. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2101-2110, HCJB-Radio Akhbar Mufriha, Woofferton-G, in Tachelhite. A song; 2103 Man Pastor makes a preaching; 2110 A short song. Very good reception.
GUAM 🇬🇺 ** 11610. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2249-2259, Adventist World Radio-KSDA, Agat-GUM, in Vietnamese. A song, hymn; 2253 Woman talks with music background. Poor to very poor reception.
** 11870. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2234-2249, Adventist World Radio-KSDA, Agat-GUM, in Chinese. Woman Pastor makes a preaching, presumably. Very good reception. Parallel log on 11980sda, very good reception.
MALI 🇲🇱 ** 5995. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2223-2233, RTV du Mali, Bamako-MLI, in Bambara. Man talks, speechs; 2226 A song; 2229 Man says ID and a brief song; 2230 Woman announcer says ID and national magazine. Good reception.
NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS 🇲🇵 ** 9580. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2213-2223, Vatican Radio, Saipan-MRA, in Chinese. Man talks; 1915 Woman talks, preaching, presumed. Fair reception.
Parallel log on 7410smg, very poor.
PHILIPPINES 🇵🇭 ** 12095. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2301-2310, FEBC Manila, Bocaue-PHL, in Hmong White. Woman Pastor talks and sings, simultaneously, in this exotic language; 2309 Man talks. Good reception.
THAILAND 🇹🇭 ** 7475. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2031-2041, Radio Thailand, Udon Thani-THA, in English. Woman and man announcers present news. Very good reception.
TURKEY ** 9625. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2050-2100, Voice of Turkey, Emirler-TUR, in French. Turkish song; 2054 ID in various languages, by man and woman voices; 2056 Announcers communication. Very good reception.
USA 🇺🇸 ** 9955. Wed, Feb 3, 2021. 2313-2329, WRMI-World of Radio, Okeechobee-FL, in English. Glenn Hauser presents a DX program " World of Radio" with many logs by listeners around the world. Fair reception.
JRX (Jose Ronaldo Xavier) SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo-Paraiba, Brazil (UTC-3) QTH Locator HI22NX Enviado do Yahoo Mail no Android _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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