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Glenn Hauser logs January 22-23, 2019 |
Wednesday, January 23 2019
** CHINA. 5970, Jan 23 at 1342 in absence of WEWN Spanish, two Chinese mixing; echo jammer? At this hour EiBi and Aoki have only PBS Gannan: EiBi says 1020-1410 in Tibetan via he site; Aoki says 1020-1230 Tibetan, 1230-1410 Chinese; but also 1300-1400 CNR11 in Tibetan, all from Hezuo site. That would certainly account for the self-defeating double audio. WRTH slick map page 55 shows Hezuo is in north central China between Xining and Baoji (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 7255.0, Jan 23 at 1354 romantic song at S9 vs QRhaM; certainly not Nigeria on this frequency at this hour, and Nigeria unknown to HFCC which shows three other possibilities: CNR Tibet at 1000-1805; CRI Russian via SZG site at 13-14; and MBR Nauen algo at 12-16. EiBi and Aoki unlist imaginary wooden MBR entry, and I`ll go with CRI which is at 37 degrees also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTEING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. 15700, Jan 23 at 1426, China Plus via CUBA is big S9+30 as usual, a bit suptorted but loud enough, with a slight whine. On BFO the tone is much louder with multiple peaks and other artifacts over 15690-15710. What a messy signal. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15140.0, Jan 23 at 1510, RHC is S9+20/30 and music as usual distorted, but I have to struggle to detect the spur panoply, JBA blobs mostly around the usual spots: 15398, 15311, 15283, 15198, 15168, 15112, 15083, 15055, 14997, 14968, 14882, 14854. Something`s always wrong at RHC. see also CHINA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 7255-, Jan 23 at 0707, VON is back on in African language at S9+10/20 after AWOL at least the past two mornings. Wolfgang Bueschel measured it on 7254.939 today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. 12035.7, Jan 23 at 1357, VOT in English, off-frequency today, poor copy and soon mostly music occupying as usual last half of the broadcasts. Stronger Turkish on 11815.0 is talking, with accurate timesignal at 1400:00; and no sign of NHK CCI which should overlap until 1500, and often does, especially noticeable when they are ~700 Hz apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1966 monitoring: confirmed Tuesday January 22 at 2056 on WRMI 7780, JBA on PL-880 portable; first check at 2030 was JBA carrier. Next: 2200 UT Wednesday WRMI *9955 to SSE 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ *7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE 0930 UT Friday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 0729 UT Saturday HLR 6190-CUSB Germany to WSW 0930 UT Saturday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND [alt weeks; not Jan 26?] 1200 UT Saturday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 1200 UT Saturday Unique *9265 via WINB to WSW [apparently canceled] 1230 UT Saturday WRMI *9955 to SSE 1531 UT Saturday HLR 9485-CUSB Germany to WSW 2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM MO non-direxional 2200 UT Saturday WRMI *9955 to SSE 0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415], ND 0830 UT Sunday WRMI 5850 to NW, 5950 to WNW, 7730 to WNW 1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany to WSW 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 5950 to WNW, 9395 to NNW 0400vUT Monday WBCQ *5130v Area 51 to WSW 0430 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE 0930 UT Monday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 2330 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE * also webcast; direct linx to these and many others at: Complete updated WOR sked, all affiliates, satellite, webcast, AM&FM: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. ``Odd time`` omitted in my last report; repaired: 5950 // much stronger VG 9395, Jan 21 at 0646, WRMI with VOA News starting always at odd times; first item goes right into an AP Radio report. There is certainly nothing wrong with AP, but shouldn`t VOA be able to call on its own worldwide correspondents? Evidently a step toward ``privatizing`` it. Also another VOA news airing was immediately followed by a spot commercial (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 17775, Jan 22 at 2102, KVOH ID in English, gospel music in Spanish to dead air, so signing off? No, still there at 2136 with gospel rock. New program grid updated 21 Jan at http://www.voiceofhope.com/schedule/kvoh_program_grid.pdf now shows Spanish at 15-22 M-F, English at 16-21 Saturdays; and never on Sundays. By late afternoon has built up to decent signal, while from *1500 it`s usually a JBA carrier; however Jan 23 it`s fair by 1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5970, Jan 23 at 1342, WEWN Spanish still gone, and not on 12050 either; nominal transition time is 1400. Audiblizes CHINA q.v. on 5970. 12050 is up sometime after 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6185, Jan 23 at 0710, sounds like bagpipe music, S7 and undermodulated, typical of Radio EducaciÃn signal quality earlier. Suspect XEPPM running overtime, as per Aoki/NDXC nothing is known on 6185 between 0600 and China Huayi from *0915. EiBi agrees except shows a more realistic closing for XEPPM at 0640 as we had heard it until 0638*. Bagpipes also fits for their eclectic music format (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 7555-LSB, Jan 23 at 1350, weak 2-way in Spanish, not really intruding since this is a fixed, not broadcast band. 7555 was the final frequency of KJES Vado NM. Jon Gorski of Vinton, Iowa bought the facility, was planning to revive it and even invited me to participate with programming. But he has had health issues, and I have not been able to contact him over the past year. Now I see that the KJES entry has been removed from WRTH 2019. In 2018 issue it was between FTIOM and VORW, now replaced by Shortwave Radiogram which is another program, not a station. 2018 explained: ``In 2016, the Shellsburg Community Broadcasting Association bought the former shortwave station KJES from Our Lady`s Youth Center, Inc - the KJES license had expired in 2015. The new owner is planning to resume SW transmissions, but has still to receive the FCC permit`` I also notice in WRTH 2019 that the long-planned SW station KIMF in Nevada has been removed. For a sesquidecade, it has kept registering imaginary schedules, including HFCC B-18 on 6065, 9300, 13570; and occasionally some FCC activity concerning it has appeared; out of commission now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 10051-USB, Jan 23 at 1447, 2-way in Asian language, sounds Indonesian, spirited conversations, rather like the 11.4-11.5 pirates, but not very melodic now. Someones might as well occupy this frequency, since New York Radio VOLMET self-destructed, abandoning the hourparts reserved for it, :00-:20 & :30-:50. But this will be bad for Gander Radio still active the rest of the hours! Sure enough, Gander comes back at 1450 and gets QRM from this crap, altho Gander is atop. Recheck at 1508, the 2-way is still going. I`ve wondered why Gander doesn`t take over the whole hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 11479v, Jan 23 at 1402, 1509, 1515, 1553 chex, no signal from the station heard yesterday past 1600, connected with Denge Welat? While their proper 11530 is very poorly audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report despatched at 1733 UT January 23 [BTW, I made my first ``2018`` mistake heading the previous report]
Glenn Hauser logs January 20-21-22, 2018 |
Tuesday, January 22 2019
** AUSTRIA. 6155, Jan 22 at 0641, classical piano music from Ã1, as they always play for a few minutes to gently wake up the Austrians, also here during their only SW service left. Reception usually too poor to enjoy, but almost succeeds today.
We must treasure every precious moment of classical on SW, since there is so little of it. Is there ever *any* on US SW stations, public or private? Sacred music overlapping with classical genre does not count since it`s for the glory of God, not Art (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 530, Jan 22 at 0721, after my beacon-band scan, South Asian songs here overcoming Cuba, presumably Brampton, Ont., in Punjabi? Allegedly changed calls from CIAO to less-Italian CHLO, but reluctant to utter the new letters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. Bedtime beacon DX as I start to doze: all I have to do is remember my Morse and write down the logs legibly: 341 kHz, Jan 22 at 0711, dash and ND beacon YYU, which is 500 watts from Kapuskasing, Ontario (once the site of a TVDX catch). 395 kHz, Jan 22 at 0713, dash and ND beacon YL, which is a hefty 1600 watts from Lynn Lake, Manitoba. Hearing it tuned both to 394 and 395. Too far north to appear in Rand McNally`s Manitoba map but shows on the whole-Canada map as the end of the road from Thompson; well north of Flin Flon near the Sask frontier, at 56 49 51 N, -101 4 13 W. I guess flying there is preferred over driving; per distancefromto, air path to Enid is 2289 km = 1423 stmi; driving distance 2768/1720 --- 300 miles further which is quite an overland disparity by 21 percent. 413 kHz, Jan 22 at 0716, dash and ND beacon YHD, which 250 watts from Dryden, Ontario, rather regular. Also heard tuned to 412-USB See also USA for five more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15140.0, Jan 21 at 1511, RHC is on frequency, but with numerous weak spurblobs measured approximately at: 15397.45, 15311.65, 15254.43, 14968.38, 14882.57. Displacements respectively are: +257.45, +171.65, +114.43, -171.62, -257.43. Notice how they match very closely. Only missing is 15025.57 at -114.43. Now comparing the spurs to each other: The top two are 85.8 apart; the middle two are 57.22 apart. The difference between these is 28.58. Divide 257.45 by 28.58 and you get almost exactly 9.00. Divide 114.43 by 28.58 and you get almost exactly 4.00. Clearly 28.58 is the most significant figure. Something`s always wrong at RHC. But no spurs on 13 MHz band today: RHC is putting all its efforts into 15 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1966, DX LISTENING DIGEST) But Jan 22 at 1504, no spurs audible tho 15140 still attains S9+20; what happened? ** CUBA. 6060, Jan 22 at 0413, RHC already in English and louder than // 6000 & 6165. I`m not often monitoring during this hour, but not the first time English has shown on 6060 before nominal 0500 switch from Spanish; or is it ever thus? Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 7255-, Jan 21 at 0644 check, no signal from VON. Again Jan 22 at 0640 nothing. Is 9690- still being heard after 1800, and low- hetting Spain after 1900? Not a trace of it Jan 22 at 1823. No LAH het against Spain at 1918 (tho at both times a JBA carrier on the plus side, presumably local device). People keep expecting VON to crash completely on SW, but it`s far too early to conclude that just yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. 15600, Jan 21 at 1509, dead air at S9+10 but soon a music medley and ``You are listening to a test transmission`` and off at 1510*. This is the pattern of Woofferton, Encompass ex-BaBcoCk. WOF is in fact HFCC-registered for IBB Kurdish at 14-15; certainly not Bulgaria after 1500, among numerous wooden entries for Spaceline (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. As I am drifting off, tuning for beacons as I scribble info hoping it will be legible later; see also Canada for three more: 365 kHz, Jan 22 at 0712, ND beacon AA, which is 100 watts at Fargo- Harwood, North Dakota. I was tuned to 363-USB. 400 kHz, Jan 22 at 0714, ND beacon AHQ, which is 25 watts from Wahoo, Nebraska. That`s just north of Lincoln on US 77. 412 kHz, Jan 22 at 0715, ND beacon CMY, which is 30 watts from Sparta -Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. 420 kHz, Jan 22 at 0717, ND beacon FQ, which is 25 watts from Fairmont, Minnesota. 428 kHz, Jan 22 at 0718, ND beacon POH, which is 25 watts from Pocahontas, Iowa, NW of Fort Dodge. Almost all my beacon logs continue to come from the NE quadrant to here tho my longwire antenna to the R75 should favor E-W if anything (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 11610, Jan 22 at 1600, VOA jingles, S7-S9, uncertain language but scheduled as IBB Somali via Woofferton UK at 16-18 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1965 monitoring: Confirmed Sunday January 20 at 2130 on WRMI 7780, very poor. Also confirmed UT Monday Jan 21 at 0230 on WRMI 5950, fair-poor, and 9395 very poor-JBA Also confirmed UT Monday Jan 21 from 0359:39 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5130.39, very poor. Also confirmed UT Monday Jan 21 at 0430 on WRMI 9955, good S9+10, fading to S7. Also confirmed Monday Jan 21 at 2330 on WRMI 9955, good, but by 2358 faded to JBA! WORLD OF RADIO 1966 contents: Andorra, Australia and non, Brasil, Canada, Chad non, Congo DR, Cuba, Denmark, India, Japan/Korea North non, Mongolia, New Zealand, Somalia, Turkey, USA, Zambia, Zanzibar, unidentifieds; publications; and the propagation outlook WOR 1966 ready for first airings UT Tue Jan 22: 0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 7730 to WNW [confirmed S9+20/30, deep fades] 2030 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 0930 UT Wednesday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5950 to WNW 2200 UT Wednesday WRMI *9955 to SSE 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ *7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE 0930 UT Friday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 0729 UT Saturday HLR 6190-CUSB Germany to WSW 0930 UT Saturday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND [alt weeks; not Jan 26?] 1200 UT Saturday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 1200 UT Saturday Unique *9265 via WINB to WSW [apparently canceled] 1230 UT Saturday WRMI *9955 to SSE 1531 UT Saturday HLR 9485-CUSB Germany to WSW 2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM MO non-direxional 2200 UT Saturday WRMI *9955 to SSE 0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415], ND 0830 UT Sunday WRMI 5850 to NW, 5950 to WNW, 7730 to WNW 1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany to WSW 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 5950 to WNW, 9395 to NNW 0400vUT Monday WBCQ *5130v Area 51 to WSW 0430 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE 0930 UT Monday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 2330 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE * also webcast; direct linx to these and many others at: Complete updated WOR sked, all affiliates, satellite, webcast, AM&FM: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5950 // much stronger VG 9395, WRMI with VOA News starting always at odd times; first item goes right into an AP Radio report. There is certainly nothing wrong with AP, but shouldn`t VOA be able to call on its own worldwide correspondents? Evidently a step toward ``privatizing`` it. Also another VOA news airing was immediately followed by a spot commercial (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5950, Mon Jan 21 at 2018-2033+, WRMI is JBA, mostly- or all -music. Checking because of a report that RFI English had been heard here; I think from Ivo but have not been able to find it again. 7780, Mon Jan 21 at 2034, checking whether WRMI is on the air today, as it was off the air last Tuesday when WOR should have aired. Yes, it is, with that generically titled ``Arabic Radio Program`` for Mondays 2030-2100 (and also on 5950---NOT!). Would some Arabic speakers please listen and tell us what it really is? Title, host, subject, contact info? Only other time on sked is UT Sunday 0230-0245 on 7780. So is it 15 or 30 minutes? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7730, Jan 22 at 0420-0430+, WRMI, VG with World Music fill including some of our old favorites. Sked during the 04-05 hour UT Tuesdays is `Broad Spectrum Radio` which hasn`t produced a new program since November, and its original middle-of-night airing has been more or less deleted. So a good time to hear the World Music loop; preferably without praise music mixed in (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5890, Jan 22 at 0412, WWCR`s very brief sked on this frequency is very undermodulated but S9+20. Tough luck, `Worship` with Kelly Lawson! Hmm, seems I have said this before. How are the other frequencies? 3215, Jan 22 at 0416, S9+10/20 of dead air with some hum, instead of TOMBS. Thank you! 4840, Jan 22 at 0422, unfortunately, this WWCR is fully modulated with wacko Alex Jones. One out of three is not good: clearly, WWCR is a station very much in decline (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Glenn Wrote: "NRC AM Log has no R.R. on 1140, but that`s because it is not a network covered in the book at all, not on the list page 291." -- about the non-unID KCXL Liberty MO. Wayne Heinen, Editor AM Radio Log, replies: ``The network is IHR, Immaculate Heart Radio, which many stations use in the ToH ID's and is shown on Page 290 under the network name with "Religious Relevant Radio Programing" in the Specialty column. Most station that are 100% (or nearly) IHR programing have the branding (slogan) shown in the individual station's slogan field... From page 290 39th Edition of the AM Radio Log `IHR Immaculate Heart Radio Religious Relevant Radio Programing` I am also inquiring to KCXL to see if I can confirm if the listed program from their website is IHR programing. 73`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 11480-, Jan 22 at 1549, good S7-S9 in unID language, which I figure per BC-DX reports will be spur out of Denge Welat, 11530 from Pridnestrovye, but that is weaker at S5-S7 and I soon realize tho programming is similar, they are *not* // -- i.e. one talking while the other musicking! Furthermore there is nothing at all around 11580. And the lower one is drifting audibly downward, as I attempt to measure it: first about 11479.65; at 1553, 11479.46; but by 1600 has reached 11479.00. And now 11530 is off while 11479 continues. Compare to these reports from BC-DX in translation: ``MOLDOVA Log: 11479.5 kHz, station ??, UT 0805, Jan 18. SINPO 25232. Turkish and Hindu mx, currently male voice with report? ID not heard, not recognized. I have been listening to the station since Jan 14 Every day, Greeting Horst, QTH Bardudvarnok / HNG, RX AOR 7030 / FCD2, 30 m LW (via A-DX ng Jan 18) We already mentioned that last month: Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac MDA Moldova. Simply two spurs symmetrical from 50.283 kHz spacing on both sides. Fundamentally 11530 kHz, and slightly bouncing unstable wobbling 5 x 100 Hertz distance signal strings visible, at 11479,713 ... 722 kHz, as well as on top of approx. 11580.280 kHz, 5 strings visible, equally. Just turn it on to the 11530 kHz and you'll get the same program delivered. 73 wb`` --- Well, not now! Of course, Denge Welat, clandestine for Kurdistanish Turkey, also uses FRANCE site in alternation with Pridnestrovye; or is this now something totally different? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 12000, Jan 21 at 1558, no signal from open carrier as heard the past four days at various daytimes; nor on Jan 22 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1966, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 1945 UT January 22
DX Listening Digest 19-03; World of Radio 1966 |
Tuesday, January 22 2019
DX Listening Digest 19-03 has now been posted at http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1903.txt and also soon, sometimes delayed at http://www.w4uvh.net/dxlatest.txt Alternatively, latest DXLD 19-03 is also here until next issue: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxlatest.txt
CONTENTS: WOR 1966 / AFGHANISTAN / ALASKA / ALBANIA non / ANGUILLA / ARGENTINA / ASCENSION +non / AUSTRALIA ABC / AZORES / BHUTAN / BOLIVIA / BOUGAINVILLE / BRAZIL +non / BULGARIA +non / CANADA RL/YYW/QN / CANADA +non CIAO+ / CANADA CFNV+ / CANADA RCI / CHILE / CHINA +non / CUBA +non / DENMARK / EAST TURKISTAN +non/ ECUADOR non / EQUATORIAL GUINEA / ERITREA / ETHIOPIA +non / EUROPE Pirates / FINLAND / FRANCE / GERMANY / GREECE / GUATEMALA / GUINEA / HAWAII / INDIA +non / INDONESIA / INTERNATIONAL VACUUM / IRAN +non / ISRAEL / ITALY non / JAPAN / KOREA NORTH +non / KOREA SOUTH / KURDISTAN non / KUWAIT / KYRGYZSTAN / MACAU / MADAGASCAR / MALAYSIA / MEXICO / MONGOLIA / NETHERLANDS / NEW ZEALAND +non / NIGERIA +non / OKLAHOMA KOKC / OKLAHOMA KZLS / OKLAHOMA KETA/OETA / OMAN / PERU / ROMANIA / RUSSIA +non / SAO TOME / SIKKIM / SOUTH AFRICA / SOUTH CAROLINA non / SUDAN / SUDAN SOUTH non / SYRIA / TAIWAN / TAJIKISTAN / THAILAND / TIBET +non / TUNISIA / TURKEY / UK OFCOM/Bogusman+ / UK +non BBCWS / UK BBCR4 / UK MPL2/RAF / USA DIW / USA ham WA4SZE / USA FCC / USA +non VOA / USA +non WOR/WRMI/WBCQ/WINB/WA0RCR/HLR / USA WRMI / USA +non WBCQ+ / USA WINB / USA WEWN / USA WTWW / USA KVOH / USA WWCR / USA WRVA / USA KBDT / USA WQUN / USA WFLL/WSDO / USA WDAL/WGFS/WWSZ+ / USA KCLE / USA KBXD / USA WDPC / USA WQYQ539 / VATICAN / VENEZUELA / VIETNAM non / ZANZIBAR / UNIDENTIFIED TA Carriers / UNIDENTIFIED 1140 / UNIDENTIFIED CODAR / UNIDENTIFIED 6990 / UNIDENTIFIED 7200 / UNIDENTIFIED 9000 / UNIDENTIFIED 11802 / UNIDENTIFIED 15325 / UNIDENTIFIED 15490 / TESTIMONIALS / PUBLICATIONS / CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES / DX-PEDITIONS / LANGUAGE LESSONS / RADIO PHILATELY / WORLD OF HOROLOGY / MUSEA / WORLD OF TELEPHONY / DIGITAL BROADCASTING / RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM / PROPAGATION / TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING For restrixions and searchable 2019-2018 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html [also linx to previous years] DX LISTENING DIGEST IN PDF, HTML VERSIONS Jacques Champagne in Ville-Marie, QuÃbec, has developed programs to convert DXLD .txt into PDF and HTML versions for his own use, and now has made them available to the rest of us. Starting with 18-24, they have been posted as attachments to the WOR iog. He says it takes about an hour to do this, once each issue is published. Merci, Jacques! INTRODUXION to DXLD in HTML and PDF: http://www.worldofradio.com/DXLDformats.htm HTML and PDF versions converted by Jacques Champagne are now also posted shortly for open access: http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1903.html http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1903.pdf [Thanks also to Jacques for helping us with .txt formatting] NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn WORLD OF RADIO 1966 contents: Andorra, Australia and non, Brasil, Canada, Chad non, Congo DR, Cuba, Denmark, India, Japan/Korea North non, Mongolia, New Zealand, Somalia, Turkey, USA, Zambia, Zanzibar, unidentifieds; publications; and the propagation outlook SHORTWAVE AIRINGS of WORLD OF RADIO 1966, January 22-28, 2019 Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 [confirmed] Tue 2030 WRMI 7780 Wed 0930 Unique 5045-LSB NSW Australia low-power Wed 1030 WRMI 5950 Wed 2200 WRMI 9955 Wed 2200 WBCQ 7490v Thu 0100 WRMI 7780 Fri 0930 Unique 5045-LSB NSW Australia low-power Sat 0730 HLR 6190-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Sat 0930 Unique 5045-LSB NSW Australia low-power [alt weeks] Sat 1200 Unique 5045-LSB NSW Australia low-power Sat 1200 WINB 9265 via Unique Radio [canceled?] Sat 1230 WRMI 9955 Sat 1531 HLR 9485-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sat 2200 WRMI 9955 Sun 0400v WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415] Sun 0830 WRMI 5850 5950 7730 Sun 1130 HLR 7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Sun 2130 WRMI 7780 Mon 0230 WRMI 5950 9395 Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v-AM Area 51 Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 Mon 0930 Unique 5045 NSW Australia low-power Mon 2330 WRMI 9955 Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html or http://schedule.worldofradio.org or http://sked.worldofradio.org For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: Tnx to Dr Harald Gabler and the Rhein-Main Radio Club. http://www.rmrc.de/index.php/rmrc-audio-plattform/podcast/glenn-hauser-wor Tnx to Keith Weston: https://blog.keithweston.com/2018/11/22/world-of-radio-podcast/ http://feeds.feedburner.com/GlennHausersWorldOfRadio tunein: http://bit.ly/tuneinwor itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/glenn-hausers-world-of-radio/id1123369861 Google Play Music: http://bit.ly/worldofradio2 DAY-BY-DAY ARCHIVE OF GLENN HAUSER`S LOG REPORTS: Unedited, uncondensed, unchanged from original version, many of them too complex, minutely researched, multi-frequency, opinionated, inconsequential, off-topic, or lengthy for some log editors to manage; and also ahead of their availability in these weekly issues: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/index.php?topic=Hauser Best DX wishes, Glenn Hauser _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
DX Listening Digest 19-03; World of Radio 1966 |
Tuesday, January 22 2019
DX Listening Digest 19-03 has now been posted at http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1903.txt and also soon, sometimes delayed at http://www.w4uvh.net/dxlatest.txt Alternatively, latest DXLD 19-03 is also here until next issue: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxlatest.txt
CONTENTS: WOR 1966 / AFGHANISTAN / ALASKA / ALBANIA non / ANGUILLA / ARGENTINA / ASCENSION +non / AUSTRALIA ABC / AZORES / BHUTAN / BOLIVIA / BOUGAINVILLE / BRAZIL +non / BULGARIA +non / CANADA RL/YYW/QN / CANADA +non CIAO+ / CANADA CFNV+ / CANADA RCI / CHILE / CHINA +non / CUBA +non / DENMARK / EAST TURKISTAN +non/ ECUADOR non / EQUATORIAL GUINEA / ERITREA / ETHIOPIA +non / EUROPE Pirates / FINLAND / FRANCE / GERMANY / GREECE / GUATEMALA / GUINEA / HAWAII / INDIA +non / INDONESIA / INTERNATIONAL VACUUM / IRAN +non / ISRAEL / ITALY non / JAPAN / KOREA NORTH +non / KOREA SOUTH / KURDISTAN non / KUWAIT / KYRGYZSTAN / MACAU / MADAGASCAR / MALAYSIA / MEXICO / MONGOLIA / NETHERLANDS / NEW ZEALAND +non / NIGERIA +non / OKLAHOMA KOKC / OKLAHOMA KZLS / OKLAHOMA KETA/OETA / OMAN / PERU / ROMANIA / RUSSIA +non / SAO TOME / SIKKIM / SOUTH AFRICA / SOUTH CAROLINA non / SUDAN / SUDAN SOUTH non / SYRIA / TAIWAN / TAJIKISTAN / THAILAND / TIBET +non / TUNISIA / TURKEY / UK OFCOM/Bogusman+ / UK +non BBCWS / UK BBCR4 / UK MPL2/RAF / USA DIW / USA ham WA4SZE / USA FCC / USA +non VOA / USA +non WOR/WRMI/WBCQ/WINB/WA0RCR/HLR / USA WRMI / USA +non WBCQ+ / USA WINB / USA WEWN / USA WTWW / USA KVOH / USA WWCR / USA WRVA / USA KBDT / USA WQUN / USA WFLL/WSDO / USA WDAL/WGFS/WWSZ+ / USA KCLE / USA KBXD / USA WDPC / USA WQYQ539 / VATICAN / VENEZUELA / VIETNAM non / ZANZIBAR / UNIDENTIFIED TA Carriers / UNIDENTIFIED 1140 / UNIDENTIFIED CODAR / UNIDENTIFIED 6990 / UNIDENTIFIED 7200 / UNIDENTIFIED 9000 / UNIDENTIFIED 11802 / UNIDENTIFIED 15325 / UNIDENTIFIED 15490 / TESTIMONIALS / PUBLICATIONS / CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES / DX-PEDITIONS / LANGUAGE LESSONS / RADIO PHILATELY / WORLD OF HOROLOGY / MUSEA / WORLD OF TELEPHONY / DIGITAL BROADCASTING / RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM / PROPAGATION / TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING For restrixions and searchable 2019-2018 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html [also linx to previous years] DX LISTENING DIGEST IN PDF, HTML VERSIONS Jacques Champagne in Ville-Marie, QuÃbec, has developed programs to convert DXLD .txt into PDF and HTML versions for his own use, and now has made them available to the rest of us. Starting with 18-24, they have been posted as attachments to the WOR iog. He says it takes about an hour to do this, once each issue is published. Merci, Jacques! INTRODUXION to DXLD in HTML and PDF: http://www.worldofradio.com/DXLDformats.htm HTML and PDF versions converted by Jacques Champagne are now also posted shortly for open access: http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1903.html http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1903.pdf [Thanks also to Jacques for helping us with .txt formatting] NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn WORLD OF RADIO 1966 contents: Andorra, Australia and non, Brasil, Canada, Chad non, Congo DR, Cuba, Denmark, India, Japan/Korea North non, Mongolia, New Zealand, Somalia, Turkey, USA, Zambia, Zanzibar, unidentifieds; publications; and the propagation outlook SHORTWAVE AIRINGS of WORLD OF RADIO 1966, January 22-28, 2019 Tue 0030 WRMI 7730 [confirmed] Tue 2030 WRMI 7780 Wed 0930 Unique 5045-LSB NSW Australia low-power Wed 1030 WRMI 5950 Wed 2200 WRMI 9955 Wed 2200 WBCQ 7490v Thu 0100 WRMI 7780 Fri 0930 Unique 5045-LSB NSW Australia low-power Sat 0730 HLR 6190-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Sat 0930 Unique 5045-LSB NSW Australia low-power [alt weeks] Sat 1200 Unique 5045-LSB NSW Australia low-power Sat 1200 WINB 9265 via Unique Radio [canceled?] Sat 1230 WRMI 9955 Sat 1531 HLR 9485-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Sat 2030v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sat 2200 WRMI 9955 Sun 0400v WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415] Sun 0830 WRMI 5850 5950 7730 Sun 1130 HLR 7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Sun 2130 WRMI 7780 Mon 0230 WRMI 5950 9395 Mon 0400v WBCQ 5130v-AM Area 51 Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 Mon 0930 Unique 5045 NSW Australia low-power Mon 2330 WRMI 9955 Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html or http://schedule.worldofradio.org or http://sked.worldofradio.org For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: Tnx to Dr Harald Gabler and the Rhein-Main Radio Club. http://www.rmrc.de/index.php/rmrc-audio-plattform/podcast/glenn-hauser-wor Tnx to Keith Weston: https://blog.keithweston.com/2018/11/22/world-of-radio-podcast/ http://feeds.feedburner.com/GlennHausersWorldOfRadio tunein: http://bit.ly/tuneinwor itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/glenn-hausers-world-of-radio/id1123369861 Google Play Music: http://bit.ly/worldofradio2 DAY-BY-DAY ARCHIVE OF GLENN HAUSER`S LOG REPORTS: Unedited, uncondensed, unchanged from original version, many of them too complex, minutely researched, multi-frequency, opinionated, inconsequential, off-topic, or lengthy for some log editors to manage; and also ahead of their availability in these weekly issues: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/index.php?topic=Hauser Best DX wishes, Glenn Hauser
Glenn Hauser logs January 20, 2019 |
Sunday, January 20 2019
** CUBA. 6100, Sunday January 20 at 0702, RHC is S9+10 opening in Esperanto citing its schedule starting with Sunday *0800* on 6100! What do they know? Supposed to be 0800 during non-DST season, but shortly in November, RHC went back to 0700. The others: Sun 1600 on 11760 (and 15140?? I still haven`t confirmed this for sure); Sun 2330 on 15730. Now the other three 6 MHz English frequencies to which weekly Es`po is appended, have gone off but 5040 is still S9+20 of hummy/hashy open carrier at 0708. Io estas Äiam malÄusta en Radio Habana Kubo. If the circumflexes don`t survive, make that chiam maljusta (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 15254.42, Jan 20 at 1510, JBA RHC spur // 11760; then found more circa 15311, 14997, 14968, the usual ones out of 15140.0 transmitter, but 15254.42 is different at plus 114.42 kHz if it too be out of 15140 rather than 15230 which is also on but never traced as a spursource. Match would be 15025.58 where nothing noted. Significantly, 114.42 = 4 x 28.605 kHz, the latest figure also involved in the next one: 15168.63, Jan 20 at 1515, another suspicious JBA blob, which is 28.63 kHz above 15140.0, so does it have a minus-match? Yes, JBA 15111.41, which is within 40 Hz of the opposite, margin of error. There should/could also be something circa 15082 = 2 x 28.64 displaced. 14911.13, Jan 20 at 1532, JBA spur with music // 11760 RHC, which is 228.87 kHz from 15140.0. Its match would be 15368.87, but did not get around to checking that. Had been trying to expedite searches by not taking time to nail these down to third decimal places. No spurs to seek on 13 MHz band today. Somethings` always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH. 7580, Jan 20 at 0715, VP YL in Japanese; must be VOK as scheduled at 07-13 & 21-24; no other E Asian signals this early on 7 MHz, i.e. 16:15 Pyongyang local re-time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. 13710.013, Jan 20 at 1504, SBC is S9+10/20, much stronger than usual, with lovely music in Arabic alleging that there is an Allah who is akbar. Much better signal than usual. Need to fine -tune slightly plus to make the music via SSB sound on-key. Note: as transliterated, not to be confused with akhbar = news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1965 monitoring: Please note that in the opening of WOR 1965 I say ``recorded January 9th``, while it was really on the 16th! WOR 1965 truly is a new edition after 1964 on the 9th. Sorry for my confusion! Confirmed UT Sunday January 20 at 0426 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, S9+30, about 12 minutes into, so started circa 0414. KB4IUJ tells me, ``Heard show 1965 On 5950 at 2:30 CST (0830-0900) Sunday morning. Sent from my iPod`` Should also be on 5850 & 7730. Next: 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 5950 to WNW, 9395 to NNW 0400vUT Monday WBCQ *5130v Area 51 to WSW 0430 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE 0930 UT Monday Unique 5045-LSB NSW ND 2330 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE * also webcast; direct linx to these and many others at: Complete updated WOR sked, all affiliates, satellite, webcast, AM&FM: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15555-USB, Jan 20 at 1507, JBA gospel huxter signifying that QRP ``broadcaster`` WJHR is operative aside much stronger 15550-AM Vatican (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1140, Jan 20 at 1429 UT, looking for Relevant Radio unID as heard Tue Jan 15 before 1400: dominant is KXRB Sioux Falls SD, ``Great Country, 100.1 and 1140 AM``. Not much from my nearest KRMP OKC until 1431 plug for a 405-AC church. I struggle to split the difference nulling both as much as possible, and at 1435 fades in from NE/SW another Christian conversation, but no Relevant heard. Altho not listed as REL, another station I need to check out is KCXL, Liberty MO (Kansas City market), U1 4000/6 watts. And guess what, their program schedule besides far-right extremist secular talkshows, includes at 6-8 am (CST = UT -6) Mon-Fri, ``Relevant Radio``! http://www.kcxl.com/shows.html Nothing shown before 8 am weekends, but after 8 on Sundays now it`s ``The Jesus Christ Show`. So my unID is now ID as KCXL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1470, Jan 20 at 1422 UT, Mexican music before and after ``La Nueva 14-70 AM`` ID, loops NNE/SSW. Prime suspect is KAIR Atchison KS, which per NRC AM Log had been off the air since October 2017, was classic country. Current searches lead only to its FM 93.7 http://www.kairfm.com/history-of-kair.html The AM is licensed as U3 1/1 kW, with tight direxional lobes toward SW (good for us) and NNE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 4959-USB, Jan 20 at 0707, weak intermittent 2 -way in unknown language; inadvisable vs AM carrier on 4960 which must be VOA SÃo Tomà scheduled 0700-0730 daily in Hausa; but I am not hearing any such modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 12000, Jan 20 at 1537, S9+10/S8 open carrier for the fourth day in a row at various times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 1845 UT January 20
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