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Ascolti AM Treviso 4-5 luglio |
Sunday, July 05 2020
5910 4/07 1615 R. Romania Internazionale, Tiganesti Px "agenda
culturale" It 55555
5920 5/07 0500 HCJB Deutschland, Weenermoor Mx Px rel. D
5975 5/07 0501 NHK WORLD R. Japan, AUT-Monsbrunn Nx E
6005 5/07 0502 BBC WS Radio, Ascension Nx E 45554
6080 5/07 0503 Voice Of America, STP-Pinheira Nx E 25522
6155 5/07 0504 R. Oesterreich 1 International, Moosbrunn
Px D 55555
7245 5/07 0507 NHK WORLD R. Japan, CVA-S.Maria Galeria Px E
7780 5/07 0508 The Overcomer Ministry, USA-Okeechobee 1 Px rel.
E 45554
9395 5/07 0510 The Overcomer Ministry, USA-Okeechobee 6 Px rel.
E 35533
9410 5/07 0512 BBC Radio WS, Woofferton Px E 55555
9420 5/07 0513 Voice of Greece, Avlis Px test Gr 55555
9455 5/07 0516 The Overcomer Ministry, USA-Okeechobee 8 Px rel.
E 45544
9610 5/07 0903 AWR Europe, Nauen Px <Obiettivo Dx> It
15450 5/07 1000 AWR KSDA, Guam-Agat Px rel. M 35533
15805 5/07 1001 World Music Radio, DK-Randers Mx E 45544
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 10 metri
Reach Beyond Australia (HCJB), HCA Kununurra-AUS, , log in Delhi India remote SDR rx |
Saturday, July 04 2020
AUSTRALIA Reach Beyond Australia (HCJB), HCA Kununurra-AUS, June 17 schedule.
11750 1200-1215 1.....7 Chattisgarhi 100 310 11749.993 kHz oddly noted Saturday = 7 / July 4 at 12.07 UT, S=9+20dB -52dBm in Delhi India, Perseus SDR remotedly, wb. 11750 1200-1215 .23456. Kannada 100 310 11750 1215-1245 123456. Hindi 100 310 11750 1215-1230 ......7 Hindi 100 310 11750 1230-1245 ......7 Urdu 100 310 11750 1245-1300 ..3.... Kuruk 100 310 11750 1245-1300 .2.4.6. English 100 310 11750 1245-1300 ....5.. Bengali 100 310 11750 1245-1300 ......7 Tamil 100 310 11750 1245-1300 1...... Nepali 100 310 11750 1300-1315 .23456. Tamil 100 310 11750 1300-1330 ......7 Tamil 100 310 11749.989 kHz oddly noted Saturday = 7 / July 4 at 13.04 UT, S=9+20dB -52dBm in Delhi India, Perseus SDR remotedly, wb. 11750 1300-1330 1...... Hindi 100 310 11750 1315-1330 .23.5.. Telugu 100 310 11750 1315-1330 .....6. Marwari 100 310 11750 1315-1330 ...4... Gujarati 100 310 11825 1430-1500 1234567 English 100 335 11875 1200-1230 1..4..7 Matu 100 310 11875 1200-1230 .23.56. Burmese 100 310 11874.994 kHz oddly noted Saturday = 7 / July 4 at 12.03 UT, S=9+10dB -64dBm in Delhi India, Perseus SDR remotedly, wb. 11900 1230-1245 ......7 Chattisgarhi 100 310 11900 1230-1300 123456. Hindi 100 310 11900 1245-1300 ......7 Nepali 100 310 11899.968 kHz oddly noted Saturday = 7 / July 4 at 12.55 UT, wb. 11900 1300-1315 ...4... Kuruk 100 310 11900 1300-1315 1.....7 Dzongkha 100 310 11900 1300-1315 .23..6. Punjabi 100 310 11900 1300-1315 ....5.. Himachali 100 310 11900 1315-1330 .2..... Urdu 100 310 11900 1315-1330 .....6. Gujarati 100 310 11900 1315-1330 ...4... Himachali 100 310 11900 1315-1330 ..3.5.. Nepali 100 310 11900 1315-1330 1.....7 Tsangla 100 310 11900 1330-1345 .2..5.. Bengali 100 310 11900 1330-1345 1.....7 Saraji 100 310 11900 1330-1345 ..3..6. Marwari 100 310 11900 1330-1345 ...4... Gujarati 100 310 11900 1345-1400 1.....7 Oriya 100 310 11900 1345-1400 .2..... Chattisgarhi 100 310 11900 1345-1400 ..3.... Marathi 100 310 11900 1345-1400 ....5.. Kuruk 100 310 11900 1345-1400 ...4... Punjabi 100 310 11900 1345-1400 .....6. Bhojpuri 100 310 11899.973 kHz oddly noted Friday = 6 / July 3 at 13.50 UT, wb. 11905 1130-1145 1234567 Rohingya 100 335 11905 1145-1200 1234567 Burmese 100 335 11904.994 kHz oddly noted Saturday = 7 / July 4 at 11.57 UT, S=9+10dB -64dBm in Delhi India, Perseus SDR remotedly, wb. 11945 1230-1245 1234567 Urdu 100 310 11945 1245-1300 1...... Oriya 100 310 11945 1245-1300 ..3.... Telugu 100 310 11945 1245-1300 ......7 Punjabi 100 335 11944.995 kHz oddly noted Saturday = 7 / July 4 at 12.56 UT, S=9+10dB -64dBm in Delhi India, Perseus SDR remotedly, wb. 11945 1245-1300 .....6. Bengali 100 335 11945 1245-1300 ....5.. Marathi 100 310 11945 1245-1300 ...4... Hindi 100 310 11945 1245-1300 .2..... Tamil 100 310 15410 2230-2300 .....67 Japanese 100 5 15565 1100-1130 1.....7 Japanese 100 335 now change 17850 kHz to 12010 kHz, see above of Ivo Bulgaria item: 17850 1130-1200 .2...6. Nepali 100 340 310 degrees instead. 17850 1130-1200 1.....7 Dzongkha 100 340 17850 1130-1145 ..345.7 Dzongkha 100 340 17850 1145-1200 ..345.7 Tsangla 100 340 12009.964 kHz oddly noted Saturday = 7 / July 4 at 11.52 UT, S=9+20dB -52dBm in Delhi India, Perseus SDR remotedly, wb. (hfcc.org June 17; monitored July 3 / 4 by Wolfgang Bueschel)
Wolfgang Bueschel: log July 4 in Brisbane Queensland Australia 00 - 01 UTC |
Saturday, July 04 2020
4920even CHN/IND BAD SIGNAL MIXture co-channel AIR Chennai Hindi underneath in Hindi?, S=9+25dB at 16.25 UT, and odd fq 4919.972 CHN PBS Xizang, Lhasa Baiding Tibet site. Lhasa mostly little stronger signal ahead, on remote Delhi SDR rx.5009.923 MDG R. Madagasikara Antananarive Ambohidrano, S=6-7 poor and tiny signal at 16.30 UT on July 3. PHL, MLA, NZL, and VANUATU log in East Asia morning 00-01 UT on July 4 at remote Perseus in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia:
12069.968 PHL FEBC Radio Liangyon {?Hong Kong?} Mandarin via Iba site, S=7 at 00.02 UT in Brisbane, female presenter. 11665even MLA RTM FM program from Kajang K-L site, Malay, S=8-9 at 00.005 UT on July 4.
13840.007 NZL R NZi Pacific at 00.12 UT on July 4, English, S=9+5dB. Program forecast, 4 p.m. commedian and then instruments program 00.14 UT 'Lucky Listener' win music album ... 15639.972 PHL FEBC Manila in Burmese via Bocaue site, 00.22 UT on July 4 backlobe S=6-7 into Queensland Australia target. 17719.994 GUM KSDA AWR from Agat Guam bcast center in Burmese language, S=5 poor -101dBm backlobe into Queensland Australia. and monitored extensively the whole hour: 7890.004 VANUATU , Port Vila, Bismala tentatively, S=7 or -85dBm, noted in Brisbane at 00.35 UT on July 4. Nearby an annoying WHISTLE tone from nearby string on 7892.049 kHz. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 3 / 4)
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