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JRX Current Logs: February 14, 2022  View Printable Version 
Monday, February 14 2022


JRX Current Logs: February 14, 2022
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna (s): Sony AN-71
All times and dates in UTC-GMT

** 11955. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 1846-1859, AWR Africa, Moosbrunn-AUT, in Arabic. Man talks, preaching; 1853 Man says ID, website and addresses and repeat
address two times; 1856 Musics. Good reception: 454.

** 7225. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 2108-2115, China Radio International, Beijing-CHN, in Croatian. A musical program, only; No regular programming. Good reception: 454.

** 12015. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 2000-2010, Voice of Korea, Kujang-KRE, in French. IS and ID; National Anthem; 2003 Woman talks and music by choir; 2008 Woman talks. Poor reception: 352.

** 11965. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 2019-2029, African Pathways Radio, Mahajanga-MDG, in English. A religious chant by choir; 2023 Man talks, preaching, says about Jesus; 2025 A brief song and returns man communication. Good reception: 454.

** 11685. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 2044-2054, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Man announcer interviews a woman; 2047 Sport news, includind a woman announcer participation, mainly a football news. Fair reception: 353.
** 12030. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 1816-1830, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Russian. Woman announcer communication; 1820 A brief musica and returns woman voice; 1826 A spanish song by male singer and piano; 1829 ID and music. Fair reception: 353.

** 11610. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 1833-1840, Voice of America, Udon Thani-THA, in English. Man announcer in conversation with other man. Poor reception: 352.

** 12040. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 1900-1915, Voice of America, SM di Galeria-CVA, in Tigrinya. ID; Man announcer talks news, presumed; 1906 Woman and man communication. Fair to poor reception: 352.
** 12075. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 1916-1926, Voice of America, SM di Galeria-CVA, in French. Men announcers present news, with news reporters participation. Fair to good reception: 453.

** 11885. Mon, Feb 14, 2022. 2030-2040, Voice of Vietnam, Son Tay-VTN, in French. IS; ID; Woman announcer presents a newsletter; 2036 Man talks, too. Good reception with distorted voice, a chronic problem of VOV reception in my area: 453.

JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo-Paraíba, Brazil (UTC-3)
QTH Locator HI22NX

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Logs for 13/2 , KSDR only  View Printable Version 
Monday, February 14 2022


No signal  13/2 from ERT 1950 tested in 4 kSDr in WEurope

 4765  Tajikistan 1952 talk I heavy Persian(tajik )seems patriotic talks mentioning several times of Tajikistan , undergroundorchestral music / unequal side band modulation S10 on Nosibirsk SDR

4750  mixed Bangladesh and CNR 1956 seems Bangla stoopedon 1957 as CNR is more clear

4885  Vo People mixed with jammer 1958 with Englishlove pop song. Possible ID at 2000 by man then news S9

4930 VoA STP2001 with news in English S9

7210 VoK inKorean 2004 with news QRMed by CNR at 7205

7540 cland2005 with talks in Korean , buzzy frequency

9835 NHK inJapanese 2008 with signal S9

In Australia2368 Symban with Greek pop song S4 max

Netting on the band instead of lone listening?

Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery   with SDRConsole &2x16 mΛ &3x9m Δ
Icom  R75 /PL380 /  De1103  radios
https://www.youtube.com/user/zach0gr/about my main web pages
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Glenn Hauser logs February 13, 2022  View Printable Version 
Sunday, February 13 2022

** CUBA. 6100, Feb 13 at 0732, only RHC still on, but Spanish instead
of English, S9/+40 without humbuzz; to continue with weekly 0800
Esperanto? zzz. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U K. I`ve been audioviewing a looped replay of the Feb 13 hour of
Radio Emma Toc, about World Radio Day:
As James Salmon reminds us that he will be live online Monday Feb 14
starting sometime between 1830 and 1930 UT, but to be preceded by
several hours of 2MT documentaries from 1100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2125 monitoring: happened to
awaken, so at 1339 check 9670, WMRI Europe via Channel 292: zero
signal not even a carrier direct, but confirmed at UTwente initially
good S7-S9 but deep fades, 16 Hz high, heavy ACI from 9665, listed as
CRI in Russian. Next:

2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW [NEW]
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary
support. Thanks this week to James Ferry, Thornville, OH 43076, for a
contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com not necessarily US$

One may also contribute by MO or check in US$ on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, USA (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A. 5850, Feb 13 at 0734, this WRMI is still AWOL as had been
all evening, unlike last night when it came back before this hour
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 1942 UT February 13
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Happy radio day with Two logs via montevideo kSDR  View Printable Version 
Sunday, February 13 2022


RMISSIONARIIA has been noted on 9666.6 as tested via Montevideo Uruguay withS9+20 dbm med QSB with 30 fades Religious song casa di irene at 1706(not the well known Italian song )
9550 Boa Vontade.man at 1707 with talks in Brazuguese over orchestra chorus and something asrain or applauds seems as religious talk with -100 to -70dbm signal or max S9 via Montevideo Uruguay Also on11895

 The only in the 9 MHZ band

Netting on the band instead of lone listening?

Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery   with SDRConsole &2x16 mΛ &3x9m Δ
Icom  R75 /PL380 /  De1103  radios
https://www.youtube.com/user/zach0gr/about my main web pages
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Glenn Hauser logs February 12-13, 2022  View Printable Version 
Sunday, February 13 2022

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RCUSB, Feb 12 at 1525, RNASG confirmed on this
Saturday, JBA S1 music into Brasília SDR; LRA36 ID; Pardinho a trace
in the noise; Campo best at S2. 1550 about ``la noche polar``; 1554
``todo por hoy``, Antártida themesong and apparently off, nothing
further heard. Sam Sánchez, Oregon had been hearing it via same
remotes as early as 1420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** EGYPT. 9899.607v, Feb 12 at 2128, R. Cairo, S9+40 into UTwente, but
dead air except for some hum and maybe trace of modulation. Wiggle
that patchcord! Something`s always egregious in Egypt. At 2146 the
signal drops off, or rather down below noise level but Synch stays
locked to remaining signal as above; 2147 back up and more brief drops
to S6 vs S9+40 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** IRAN [non]. Re the mystery on 5910 Friday only at 1730-1800, which
on Feb 11 was totally dead air: The original version of the WRTH
Update has been amended without notice to show this additional info;
as I heard GB reference it on C.A.R.N.:

``WRTH B21 SCHEDULE UPDATES - FEBRUARY 2022 www.wrth.com

Target: IRAN (IRN)
W: https://ch1.cc/ E: mahastim@ch1.cc
Farsi Days Area kHz
1730-1800 ....f.. AFG 5910
Notes: Opposition TV station based in Canoga Park, Los Angeles.
Weekly broadcast relayed on SW to Iran``

So why does it show AFG as Area target? Still nothing about the true
site. How did they get this info since there was NO modulation this
week? The website is well-developed, and remains mostly in Farsi even
if you click on ENGLISH; searching on 5910 goes nowhere, and can`t
find anything about radio broadcasts but plenty about satellite TV.
Google can translate it, not DeepL (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6920-, Feb 13 at 0305, S6-S7 music, 0410 JBA S5-S6.
Slightly on the low side. These earlier made it Radio Pushka:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960, Feb 12 at 2308, VOT at S9+15/25 into UTwente, but
with that pervasive squeal. Narrowing filter from default 9.0 kHz,
down from 2.61 to 2.37 kHz gets rid of it, so squeal is approx. 2.5v
kHz. But that leaves the remaining program audio rather lo-fi,
especially music. Checking the Autonotch box does nothing about this.
After news, 2309 sounds like ``The Firsts of Anatolia``; later at 2325
repeating already yesterday`s `Feeling Supreme` about cracking hands.
By now the CCCCCCI underneath is quite audible from East Turkistan,
land of imperialist ChiCom genocide against Uighurs and other Moslems.
Off at 2350* uncovering ET. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler.
For many years I was on the P-mailing list once or twice a year for
VOT program schedules. Is there any such thing on the TV-dominated
website now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2125 monitoring: confirmed UT
Saturday February 12 at 0230 on WRMI 9395 -- barely. JBA S2/S3 direct;
at 0233, JBA carrier into Missouri SDR; JBA S5/S7 with hi noise level
into Winnipeg; but at 0235 VG! S9+10/15 into Minneapolis SDR which
must be at ideal azimuth and skip distance from Okeechobee, and/or
superior antenna.

Also confirmed Sat Feb 12 at 1700 on WRN webcast for N America.

Also confirmed Sat Feb 12 at 2033 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO via nearby
Warrenton SDR, steady S9+12 as usual on groundwave. About 3 minutes
into so started circa nominal 2030.

Also confirmed UT Sunday February 13 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, S9+10/20.

Also confirmed UT Sunday February 13 from 0510 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO,
still steady S9+12 into Warenton; much later than nominal. Next:

1330 UT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW [NEW]
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary
support. Thanks this week to James Ferry, Thornville, OH 43076, for a
contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com not necessarily US$

One may also contribute by MO or check in US$ on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, USA (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A. 4789.993, Feb 12 at 2357, via UTwente which I had running
for Turkey, checking for WBCQ and there it is with IS & ID loop, noisy
S7/S8, unlistenable, but I suppose pretty good for <50 kW off the
back. But heavy splash from 4800 China. 2400 `UBMP` starts in the test
series, this week from 0000 to 0200, but from UT Feb 14 between 0100
and 0300. Feb 13 at 0005 much better into Missouri SDR, S8/S9+10 but
not solid noise-free; agrees minus 7 Hz offset. Direct at 0009, S9/+10
but noisy and fading down and up; later more like -8 Hz.

4790, Feb 13 at 0257, WBCQ still on here, closing `Underground Jam`,
NY? address, S9+10/20 vs CODAR; about a minute of dead air until 0300
canned WBCQ ``family`` sign-off. Not part of UB`s test curation, at
0000-0200 only, this date. WBCQ 4790 sked shows nothing but TOMBS
24/7, tho canceled some weeks ago:
U. Jam not rostered at any time, frequency on WBCQ here:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5950, UT Sun Feb 13, WRMI S9+30 with Texas Radio SW special
tribute to the late Dr Tim, Europirate. Synthetic Susan`s accent is
often hard to understand as she names each `station` only once, so
names copied may be incorrect guesses. Off-air recording clips may or
may not include a readable ID, often lo-fi. 0021 Gold Cup Radio. 0025
Trans-Atlantic Broadcast. 0028 FSK32 image beepery. 0034 Parade Radio.
0036 Lifetime Radio. So far it seems Dr Tim`s musical range is rather
narrow pop/rock. 0040 classical piece but jazzed up. 0043 Radio
Carneval. 0046 something about a 100-watt transmitter. QSL offer for
at least 20 minutes of details. Sense of humour: ``Hier ist Doktor
Tim`` polka. 0056 SSTV beepery. 0058 TRSW outro and version of YROT
theme (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5850, UT Sun Feb 13 at 0100, this WRMI-12 is OFF again
tonight! One of the best frequencies, aimed thisaway, but still on
7780 WRMI-1 for `Encore` classical music; no good here but listening
via Maryland SDR good S9+15, and S9 further to UTwente. 5850 still off
at 0526 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5085, UT Sun Feb 13 circa 0035, WTWW-2 sounds like Bob Heil
but he`s talking ham rather than thorgans, 0100 ID treating Star
Spangled Banner like a jingle, gospel huxter; finally 0103 starts
`Theater Organ Under The Arch` for the next hour or so; but I`m
listening to `Encore` classical on anagram 5850 WRMI-12. BTW, I
happened to hear later on ARRL News via WA0RCR that Bob has
sold/retired from HeilSound but as emeritus will continue to do
outreach (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 2097.3 CW, Feb 12 at 0657, JBA single-letter beacon A
every dekasecond, reconfirmed active, from anywhere but Quartzsite AZ
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0542 UT February 13
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