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Glenn Hauser logs March 21-22, 2025  View Printable Version 
Saturday, March 22 2025

** ALASKA [non]. 9884.939, March 22 at 1847, S9+10/20 ``Jesus Loves
Me`` in English by kidchoir, 1849 Russian ID as KNLS, New Life, and
talking about their languages, addresses, www.knls.net, mwv@gmail.com;
18-19 is via MWV MADAGASCAR`s off-frequency transmitter, off just
before 1859*. After 1900 its off-frequency switches to 9844.943 for
another hour in Russian but first song sounds like English.

Simul on 13670.003 in English as African Pathways Radio, mixing
African and American accents, at 1854, S9+10/20 both into UTwente.
13670 still on at 1900 for R. Feda in Arabic. Google translate decides
Feda in roman letters is Turkish, meaning sacrifice. If I say it`s
Arabic, then translates as silver -- I bet Turkish version is what
they mean (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [and non]. The DentroCuban Jamming Command was quicker than
expected in turning off all? its jammers following the deletion of R.
Martí by trumuskp. Last few days & nights, have not heard even any
residual off-sked jamming on 5980, 6030, 7355, 7435, 7465, 9565,
11860, 11930, 13820.

As for MW 1180, from Marathon in the Flakeys, it was previously
reported gone, but Terry L Krueger in the FL panhandle reported, March
18 at 1744: ``David Crawford, Indian River City, FL confirms Radio
Martí 1180 kHz Boot Key (Marathon), FL is still on the air.`` And at
1109 UT March 22, ``It remains on air from the Sister Creek Island
1180 kc/s 100 kW Florida site``. But is it really new/current program
content? Earlier, March 16 at 1944: TLK remarked, ``1180 kc/s Boot Key
(Marathon FL) and Greenville NC are now prime property for 55+
Margaritaville communities.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ECUADOR [and non]. 6050, March 22 at 0546, HCJB still on late again
with Spanish song, S9/+5 direct. I make a point of listening again
from 0556 to detect whether it clash with ELWA LIBERIA. Can`t make out
two modulations yet, but off-tuning with BFO can hear a beat by two
carriers a few Hz apart. By 0600 there does seem to be modmix. 0601
HCJB ID with music in background, so that`s ELWA? And into Bible
reading in Spanish, or at least something citing chapter and verse.

So they are colliding at 0600; however, there has long been an overlap
in the evening / afternoon, both on 6050 between 2100 and 2232 per
EiBi. Some ELWA signal might be getting into Ecuador toward the end of
that (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 11880, March 22 at 0109, trying to determine
what site has necessarily replaced Grimesland for KBS World Radio hour
in Spanish, which is still on air as if nothing had happened. Running
TDOA via KiwiSDRs, keep getting error messages, but one ``successful``
fix using Spain, Brasil and Florida at 0113 puts it at 25.80 N, -32.20
W, i.e. in the Atlantic way off W Africa beyond Canarias, yeah,

As I listen to it via some other remote, they are talking about 11880!
Lamenting what has happened to VOA and Martí, but now they say their
11880 is via WOOFFERTON UK! Anyway I then try another trio, northern
Sweden, Sa`udi Arabia, and Athens, Georgia -- they fix it at 23.40 N,
-1.00 west - which is in SW Algeria. Yeah, right; at least the
longitude is close to WOF (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) see also VATICAN
[non non]


** MEXICO. 6185-, March 22 at 0547, for the record, still no signal
from XEPPM, nor have I ever heard any trace since first noticed absent
March 12; nor did they ever reply to my inquiry on contact form. Do
any of our Mexican readers/members have any info about this? ¿Quién
sabe, qué pasa? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 11934.8925v, March 22 at 1844, strident Arabic talk
from Rep. of Yemen Radio, VG S9+20/30 into UTwente without buzz (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 9690 > 12030 > 17715 >>> JBA 17755, Fri Mar 21 at 2300,
token English from SNR, 75% VG into Georgia SDR. Feature topic to be
about amateur theatre performing `Midsummer Night`s Dream`; but I`m
mainly escuching Turkey as these two insist on simultaneity (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960.003, March 21 at 2301, VOT English S9+20/30 into
Georgia SDR, after sign-on, the News --- I mean, Olds. Leads with
Sa`udi meetings about Ukraine; UN refugee funding cuts; victims in
Macedonian nightclub fire treated in Istanbul; air pollution kills 7
megapeople globally yearly; 2307 sports.

NOTHING ABOUT THE MAJOR NEWS FROM TURKEY the last few days: search on
Istanbul Demonstration Today for real news, about the detention of
Recep`s main opponent, the mayor of the city! So much for getting news
from the ``source``, no free press there. I wonder if TRT World TV
also ignored it? Richard Langley had been monitoring VOT every day
from Wednesday and VOT had nothing to say about it. Someone should
complain to `Letterbox` about that and hear how  they handle it,
justify it, or if they continue to ignore it. 2308 already,
multi-lingual ID filler reel; 2310 music; 2315 exploring Istanbul
[unless you are the mayor or his supporters] - did he call it a
Paradise?? Hard to catch every word due to accents, rhumble on the
bigsig. 2325 Turkish Foreign Policy. 2332 ``with-you-every-hour``
promo, music. 2337 ``always-by-your-side`` promo, music. 2343 ``WYEH``
again already. 2344 `Did You Know That?`, always presented by Efsun
the axentuated, as I tune out - too much strain to try to understand
her. 2349 ``WYEH`` promo again, already. They`re really overdoing
these crutches! 2351 s/off recites full English sked for B24, first
time they have done that in ages, now that it will last only one more
week. 2353 IS to 2354.5* not uncovering Chinese as occurs at UTwente,
but maybe a trace of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

Richard Langley, NB, also observes: ``And last night (21/22 March)?
Still crickets for domestic Turkish political news. News items
covered: upcoming Ukrainian/Russian war ceasefire talks in Saudi
Arabia, Iran-U.S. relations, U.S. aid cutbacks for refugees, injured
from North Macedonia nightclub fire, air pollution, sports. I guess
the Voice of Turkey (o.k. Türkiye) only wants to highlight the
problems of others and not their own. Radio Romania International does
a much better job of relating events in Romania even if not 100%
favourable to the government there. We just can't rely on the Voice of
Turkey to be objective in relating current Turkish events. P.S. Have
you tried Turkish Popkek? The banana ones are particularly good`` (via
Glenn Hauser, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2287 monitoring: not confirmed UT
Sat Mar 22 at 0300 on 5085, as WTWW has been off the air for a few
days and still is. George tells me he is getting very frustrated by
continually having to fix/repair something in that transmitter,
leaving him no time for sales or other activities. However a new
person is moving to live-in at the site, relieving him of some tasks.

Confirmed Saturday March 22 at 1530 on SW Radio, Germany, 6160.001,
S8/9+10 into UTwente. ACI from weaker 6165 not a problem, nor its RTTY

Also confirmed Saturday March 22 at 1700 on WRN North America stream.

Also confirmed Saturday March 22 at 1838 the 1830 on SW Radio,
Germany, 3975.003-, S9/+10 into UTwente. Next:

1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM [1900/2100];
2300 UT Saturday WTWW 9475 [suspended];
0230vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400];
1030 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE;
2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy;
2230 UT Sunday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 7570 to NW & 7780 to SW;
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW;
0930 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 6160;
2030 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW;
1300 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?];
1400 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?];
2100 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy;
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW;
0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW;
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S;
1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160.

Financial support appreciated for our non-commercial public service
program: thanks for a generous contribution marking Vernal Equinox,
from Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, by check on a US bank to Glenn
Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, and says, ``Many thanks for your
unique service to the world.``

One may also contribute not necessarily in US funds via PayPal to:
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Pre- `AAAWWW` check of WBCQs, March 21 at 2350 into NH SDR:
3265, 5130, 6160 all OFF; 7490 -73 Hz = 7489.927 S9+10/20 with FKB.
9330 S9+10/20 WLCR in Portuguese. By *2355, 5130 -51 Hz = 5129.949 has
cut on with IS & ID loop. At 0000 UT Sat Mar 22, 5130, 7490 and 9330
join for `William Tell Overture` theme, and his first overwords are
``Gee, look at all the changes ---``, so a new live show as likely
when they bother to fire up 5130. 0003 immediately talking about
trolling on eBay, somehow blaming Democrats. Soon rails against income
tax, worst idea ever. 0014 W1NT SDR goes dark! Retune to Georgia, BCQ
still on, 0019 laments TDS. 0030 first music in the hour. 0035 outro
as a radio song, invites email. Reads about ``our president vows to
close down Voice of America``, one press report, source not cited but
maybe BBC since mentions CBS as partner. 0038 then comments on the
issue. Allan has mixed emotions: does not believe in state-run
broadcasting, should be done by private individuals, even if
government funded. If we had resources, we would put on ``VOA``
programming, perhaps in partnership with some other SW stations. But
not one-sided, not anti-Trump. He doesn`t fully agree with the
shutdown. Does not want to take over Greenville facility, hopes VOA
can come back in some form.

They are both in Florida Studio 9, but we hardly hear from her except
to make angry anti-Democratic interjexions. He admits to hogging the
show and asks if she wants to hear some music; no definite reply
heard, as he fiddles around but there is not enough time left to play
anything more. Just received two copies of new Free Radio Weekly, like
I did, so spends more time than usual reading station names,
frequencies, a bit about program content and again disses SSB in favor
of AM mode for pirates, imitating vocally how SSB sounds on AM
reception; yes, but. At 0047 datestamp as 21 of March YOOLF 2025. 0053
some other email. At 0055, 7490 dumps off the air - it really is off,
not just the SDR, so retune to 9330. 0059 prayer and runs slightly
past 0100, when I find 5130 has changed to music, 6160 is JBA, 9330
back to WLCR, and 7490 is still off, of which he was not aware (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5950, Sat Mar 22 at 0547, this WRMI is off, and still off at
0637; contrary to Mon Mar 17 when it was on with TOMBS at 0618, so was
that an anomaly? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7570, Sat March 22 at 0551 and still 0637, S9+25/35 of dead
air from WRMI-5 instead of TOMBS, tsk2, while not dead - air that is,
unlike BS, on 5850 WRMI-12 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 810 kHz, March 22 at 0606 and still 0640 UT, dead air from
top signal, no doubt WHB Kansas City, depriving us of stupid
sportstalk, tsk2! A musical station audible underneath. No 810.6v het
this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VANUATU. 7260, March 22 at 0548, JBA carrier, presumed R. Vanuatu;
would be interesting to find how early it can fade in direct. Today`s
sunset at Port Vila would be 0655 UT; at latitude -17.72 south, during
the year it varies litte more than an hour between 0620 and 0728 UT
per gaisma.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VATICAN [non non]. 7305, March 22 at 0135, I run TDOA on VR Spanish
which used to be Greenville, same trio as for 11880 Korea, q.v. This
promptly leads to 52.60, -30.40 which is in the middle of the North
Atlantic between Ireland and Labrador. Yeah, right. We are already
quite sure this be direct from SMG (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9236.0, March 22 at 0554, open carrier except for clix
every 3 seconds, those detectable out to between 9221/9251, i.e.
plus/minus 15 kHz. Same frequency as before, one of several ending in
-6, but the clickery rate varies from one log to another. What is
this, and what is it accomplishing with the clickery? (Glenn Hauser,
This report despatched at 1920 UT March 22

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


March 22 logs at Perseus SDR installation in Doha Qatar-ME and Edmonton-Alberta cross check too.  View Printable Version 
Saturday, March 22 2025

Some logs noted remotedly on Saturday March 22 at remote SDR Perseus
unit at Doha Qatar ME,
as well as cross check at Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus_net unit too.

7515even TJK USAGM px RFA via Orzu big relay center in Burmese language
at 01.15UT S=9+5dB sidelobe in Doha Qatar, requested 00.30-01.30
7580even TJK USAGM px RFA via Orzu big relay center in Uyghur language
at 01.27 UT much stronger S=9+30dB sidelobe into Doha Qatar SDR
Perseus, requested 01.00-02.00 UT. RFA suffer much more of China
mainland CNR1 jamming in Mandarin Chinese co-channel.
7445even UK BBC London in Pashto to AFG/PAK(IRN central Asia via ENC
Woofferton bcast center in England. S=9+25dB strong signal in
Qatar ME remotedly at 01.17 UT, requested 01.00-01.30 UT.
7410even OMA BBC London in En at 01-02 UT, via A'Seela relay, S=9+5dB in
Qatar Middle East at 01.19 UT.
7325even ROU RRI Galbeni site, English to zone #8 in NoAM, noted at at
01.21 UT, 01.00-01.57 UT English backlobe signal, latest Russian
Putin's war NEWS in the Ukraine and Kursk bassin ... S=9+20dB
7305even VAT RVA - likely via Santa Maria di Galeria bcast installation,
back from USAGM Greenville NC renting procedure ?!? Portuguese
at 01.00-01.30 UT, S=9+15dB backlobe signal into Qatar ME SDR.
7280even TUR TRT Emirler in Spanish language, fqy alignement accuracy
looks like new Ampegon 300 kW replace unit in use on this QRG ?
S=9+25dB strength at 01.24 UT, scheduled 01-03 UT.

6195even OMA BBC London 01-03 UT CeAS block to IRN/AFG/PAK, via A'Seela
relay site of ENC. Pashto sce at 01.26UT, S=9+25dB proper in QAT
6035even(!) UZB BBC London in En ENASS to SoAsia at 00-02 UT, via RRTM
Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center,
S=9+15dB signal sidelobe in Doha Qatar at 01.28 UT.
5980.093 much fqy oddity, the most un-accurate TX of four at Abu Dhabi
Media ENC staff handled UAE Dhabbaya SW relay site. 01-02 UT,
rent ended by USAGM RFA Uyghur sce. Now only empty carrier 22.3.
5900even BUL Increased TOM BS US religious services towards NE / ME /NoAF
via Spaceline Ltd.-SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay
site, requested 20 - 05 UT. S=8 at 01.30 UT, typical sermon px.

9264.988 USA WINB Red Lion, En sermon at 01.40 UT S=9+5dB in Alberta-CAN
9665.065 BRA BrasPort sermon prayer of Voz Missionaria, S=9+10dB 01.45UT
and chorus singing in progress on
11749.811 much less lower fqy flank these days. S=7 fair signal into CAN
Edmonton-AB at 01.49 UT.
11780.014 BRA BrasPort nice easy listening canzones heard at 01.52 UT
similar theme like (Spanish) Mexican folk music, S=9+35 db
much proper signal. Though nothing heard on 11815 kHz channel of
Brazilian low power ...
12050even USA EWTN Spanish religious sce southwards, S=9+10dB in Alberta,
at 01.54 UT on March 22.

15189.808 BRA Rádio Inconfidencia extreme loud music px of S=8-9 noted at
01.58 UT on Saturday March 22.
15180DRM digital mode block visible of CNR1 Kunming domestic program at
02.00 UT, scheduled 00.53-04.00 UT, S=7 in Edmonton-AB Perseus
15195even JP NHK Radio Japan in Japanese scheduled 01.55-05.00 UT via
KDDI national telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata
Japan site. S=9 at 02.02 UT on March 22.
15145.005 TWN typical small few Hertz odd signal on upper flank ofAmpegon
installation at Baozhong/Paochung site in central Taiwan, rent
by USAGM RFA Burmese service, S=8 at 02.03 UT into Edmonton-AB.
15260.006 IND/BHARAT AIR Akashvani Indonesian sce, only S=7 at 02.04 UT
into Alberta-CAN Perseus unit, across ALS/Pacific.
15410.012 much odd signal of IND/BHARAT AIR Bangalore bcast center, in
Nepali language S=7 into Alberta at 02.06 UT, though S=9+20dB
noted in Doha Qatar ME at 02.10 UT.
15670DRM digital mode block visible of likely CNR1 Kunming domestic pro-
gram at 02.20 UT, scheduled previously 02-03 UT, S=8 in
Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus unit.
15760DRM?? digital mode block visible of likely CNR1 Qiqhar domestic pro-
gram at 02.08 UT, scheduled previously 00.53-04.00 UT, S=8 in
Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus unit. Formerly 22 - 14 UT in previous
seasons. Need further cross check via SDR units in Japan/Korea
for example. Could be rather instead digital jamming of China
mainland against
"2130-1500 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Chi Miaoli" Falun Gong
sect in Mandarin.
15770even USA WRMI Okeechobee SMTV program, S=9+15dB into Doha Qatar at
02.12 UT.

17790.004 TWN R NUG in Burmese language at 02.23 UT, S=9 signal via
Ampegon installation at Baozhong/Paochung site in central Taiwan
17830DRM digital mode block visible of likely CNR1 Urumqi from Xinjiang
province in extreme north-western Tibetan target,near KAZ border
domestic program at 02.24 UT, scheduled previously 02-03 UT, S=8
in Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus unit.
17870even JP NHK Radio Japan in Japanese sce, scheduled 01.55-03.00 UT to
Central Asia westwards, via
KDDI national telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata
Japan site. S=9 at 02.26 UT on March 22.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 22)
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


March 22 logs at Perseus SDR installation in Doha Qatar-ME and Edmonton-Alberta cross check too.  View Printable Version 
Saturday, March 22 2025

Some logs noted remotedly on Saturday March 22 at remote SDR Perseus
unit at Doha Qatar ME,
as well as cross check at Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus_net unit too.

7515even TJK USAGM px RFA via Orzu big relay center in Burmese language
at 01.15UT S=9+5dB sidelobe in Doha Qatar, requested 00.30-01.30
7580even TJK USAGM px RFA via Orzu big relay center in Uyghur language
at 01.27 UT much stronger S=9+30dB sidelobe into Doha Qatar SDR
Perseus, requested 01.00-02.00 UT. RFA suffer much more of China
mainland CNR1 jamming in Mandarin Chinese co-channel.
7445even UK BBC London in Pashto to AFG/PAK(IRN central Asia via ENC
Woofferton bcast center in England. S=9+25dB strong signal in
Qatar ME remotedly at 01.17 UT, requested 01.00-01.30 UT.
7410even OMA BBC London in En at 01-02 UT, via A'Seela relay, S=9+5dB in
Qatar Middle East at 01.19 UT.
7325even ROU RRI Galbeni site, English to zone #8 in NoAM, noted at at
01.21 UT, 01.00-01.57 UT English backlobe signal, latest Russian
Putin's war NEWS in the Ukraine and Kursk bassin ... S=9+20dB
7305even VAT RVA - likely via Santa Maria di Galeria bcast installation,
back from USAGM Greenville NC renting procedure ?!? Portuguese
at 01.00-01.30 UT, S=9+15dB backlobe signal into Qatar ME SDR.
7280even TUR TRT Emirler in Spanish language, fqy alignement accuracy
looks like new Ampegon 300 kW replace unit in use on this QRG ?
S=9+25dB strength at 01.24 UT, scheduled 01-03 UT.

6195even OMA BBC London 01-03 UT CeAS block to IRN/AFG/PAK, via A'Seela
relay site of ENC. Pashto sce at 01.26UT, S=9+25dB proper in QAT
6035even(!) UZB BBC London in En ENASS to SoAsia at 00-02 UT, via RRTM
Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center,
S=9+15dB signal sidelobe in Doha Qatar at 01.28 UT.
5980.093 much fqy oddity, the most un-accurate TX of four at Abu Dhabi
Media ENC staff handled UAE Dhabbaya SW relay site. 01-02 UT,
rent ended by USAGM RFA Uyghur sce. Now only empty carrier 22.3.
5900even BUL Increased TOM BS US religious services towards NE / ME /NoAF
via Spaceline Ltd.-SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay
site, requested 20 - 05 UT. S=8 at 01.30 UT, typical sermon px.

9264.988 USA WINB Red Lion, En sermon at 01.40 UT S=9+5dB in Alberta-CAN
9665.065 BRA BrasPort sermon prayer of Voz Missionaria, S=9+10dB 01.45UT
and chorus singing in progress on
11749.811 much less lower fqy flank these days. S=7 fair signal into CAN
Edmonton-AB at 01.49 UT.
11780.014 BRA BrasPort nice easy listening canzones heard at 01.52 UT
similar theme like (Spanish) Mexican folk music, S=9+35 db
much proper signal. Though nothing heard on 11815 kHz channel of
Brazilian low power ...
12050even USA EWTN Spanish religious sce southwards, S=9+10dB in Alberta,
at 01.54 UT on March 22.

15189.808 BRA Rádio Inconfidencia extreme loud music px of S=8-9 noted at
01.58 UT on Saturday March 22.
15180DRM digital mode block visible of CNR1 Kunming domestic program at
02.00 UT, scheduled 00.53-04.00 UT, S=7 in Edmonton-AB Perseus
15195even JP NHK Radio Japan in Japanese scheduled 01.55-05.00 UT via
KDDI national telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata
Japan site. S=9 at 02.02 UT on March 22.
15145.005 TWN typical small few Hertz odd signal on upper flank ofAmpegon
installation at Baozhong/Paochung site in central Taiwan, rent
by USAGM RFA Burmese service, S=8 at 02.03 UT into Edmonton-AB.
15260.006 IND/BHARAT AIR Akashvani Indonesian sce, only S=7 at 02.04 UT
into Alberta-CAN Perseus unit, across ALS/Pacific.
15410.012 much odd signal of IND/BHARAT AIR Bangalore bcast center, in
Nepali language S=7 into Alberta at 02.06 UT, though S=9+20dB
noted in Doha Qatar ME at 02.10 UT.
15670DRM digital mode block visible of likely CNR1 Kunming domestic pro-
gram at 02.20 UT, scheduled previously 02-03 UT, S=8 in
Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus unit.
15760DRM?? digital mode block visible of likely CNR1 Qiqhar domestic pro-
gram at 02.08 UT, scheduled previously 00.53-04.00 UT, S=8 in
Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus unit. Formerly 22 - 14 UT in previous
seasons. Need further cross check via SDR units in Japan/Korea
for example. Could be rather instead digital jamming of China
mainland against
"2130-1500 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng Chi Miaoli" Falun Gong
sect in Mandarin.
15770even USA WRMI Okeechobee SMTV program, S=9+15dB into Doha Qatar at
02.12 UT.

17790.004 TWN R NUG in Burmese language at 02.23 UT, S=9 signal via
Ampegon installation at Baozhong/Paochung site in central Taiwan
17830DRM digital mode block visible of likely CNR1 Urumqi from Xinjiang
province in extreme north-western Tibetan target,near KAZ border
domestic program at 02.24 UT, scheduled previously 02-03 UT, S=8
in Edmonton-AB-CAN Perseus unit.
17870even JP NHK Radio Japan in Japanese sce, scheduled 01.55-03.00 UT to
Central Asia westwards, via
KDDI national telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata
Japan site. S=9 at 02.26 UT on March 22.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 22)
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Glenn Hauser logs March 21, 2025  View Printable Version 
Friday, March 21 2025

** CANADA. 382 MCW kHz, March 21 at 0632 UT, dash and YPL, 500 watt ND
beacon at Pickle Lake ON is JBA. It`s a good night when I can hear any
Canadian besides YXL on 346. See also USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ECUADOR [and non]. 6050, March 21 at 0647, hymn at S8/S9, too
strong for ELWA and too Spanishy. The coreligionists at ELWA and HCJB
long had a nice sharing relationship, HCJB never on much past 0500 and
then only on weekends, and ELWA never on until a few minutes before
0600. HCJB had already been reported running much later, but can`t
find it now; rather this a bit later also March 21 from Wolfgang

``6049.993 EQA Surprised, surprised - cross checked Spanish signal on
TWR Bonaire KIWI_net signal, also at Brasília and São Paulo KIWIs. It
was 100% extended time schedule ?, Voz_Andes Media Quito from Pico
Pichincha txion site. S=4-5 in Bavaria-GER, at 0710 UT. Schedule
published is 21 to 05 UT and 0920-1400 UT.``

Of course, in target areas, there may not be too much of a problem
with HCJB after sunrise into west Africa, nor ELWA into S America. Per
gaisma.com Monrovia sunrise varies little during the year between 0630
& 0700 UT, currently 0647. At longitude 10.8 west, it really ought to
be in UT-1 zone instead of UT, the meridianal boundary being 7.5 west.
They are on yearound DST and don`t know it, just like Enid (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 359 MCW kHz, March 21 at 0628 UT, ND beacon GGF, 25 watts,
Grant NE;
365 MCW kHz, March 21 at 0639, ND beacon AA, 100 watts at Fargo
Harwood `Kenie` ND, site in MN.
Several other regulars audible, but these are the more unusual ones. I
have better luck above 300 kHz than below, maybe slightly lower noise
level. See also CANADA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2287 monitoring: confirmed first
SWBC, Friday March 21 at 1300 on WRMI 15770, S8/S9 direct.

From Ron Norton, IRRS/NEXUS/IBA: ``Dear Glenn, I hope this message
finds you well. We would like to inform you that your program World of
Radio is now being aired according to a revised schedule, effective
immediately. The new broadcast times are as follows (all times in
Friday at 22:30 – AM/MW 1323 kHz + Streaming
Sunday at 01:30 – Streaming only
Sunday at 21:00 – AM/MW 1323 kHz + Streaming
Tuesday at 22:00 – AM/MW 1323 kHz + Streaming
Thank you for your continued collaboration. Best regards, Ron``

Central European Summer Time UT+2 does not start until March 30, so
there should be one more week of UT+1, no change, i.e. in UT: Fri
2130, Sun 0030, Sun 2000, Tue 2100. Thence: Fri 2030, Sat 2330, Sun
1900, Tue 2000. Except Mar 28 & 29 not yet DST. Anyhow.

Also confirmed Friday March 21 after 2030 on WRMI webcast only; while
9955 already on at 2050 with IS and ID loop.

Also confirmed Friday March 21 at 2130 on IRRS SW via AM Italia,
1322.997+. S9+5 with fades to S9 into UTwente. Next:

2200 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?];
2330 UT Friday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
0300 UT Saturday WTWW 5085 [irregular];
0930 UT Saturday WRMI 9455 to WNW [has been off air; or 7730];
1530 UT Saturday SW Radio, Germany 6160;
1830 UT Saturday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM [1900/2100];
2300 UT Saturday WTWW 9475 [suspended];
0230vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400];
1030 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE;
2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy;
2230 UT Sunday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 7570 to NW & 7780 to SW;
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW;
0930 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 6160;
2030 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW;
1300 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?];
1400 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?];
2100 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy;
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW;
0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW;
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S;
1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160.

Financial support appreciated for our non-commercial public service
program: thanks for a generous contribution marking Vernal Equinox,
from Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh NC, by check on a US bank to Glenn
Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, and says, ``Many thanks for your
unique service to the world.``

One may also contribute not necessarily in US funds via PayPal to:
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 660, March 21 at 0651 UT, `Coast to Coast AM`, // 600 WMT
and many others. NRC AM Log shows only C2CAM on 660 is KEYZ, Williston
ND, U4 5000/5000. Also logged Feb 16 at 0805 UT, q.v.

Not precisely logged, but C2CAM on 1150 frequently has a very quick
echo, close to a reverb. Main one is KSAL Salina KS, but what else?
Too many others in NRC AM Log: WNDB FL, WJBO LA, KRMS MO, WIMA OH,
KAGO OR, KQQQ WA, WHBY WI, CKFR BC. Most likely WJBO, 15/5 kW but U4
direxional E/W, or closest, KRMS MO, U1 840/55. It`s easy to DX C2CAM
all over the dial, especially during a caller with distinctive voice,
or music bit; but usually far out of synch with each other (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 1650 kHz, March 21 at 0618 UT, continuous tone
again of about 320 Hz, mainly QRMing S Asian music, which has to be
CINA, Mississagua = Toronto; tone suspect KSVE El Paso TX as before.
Suspect CINA U1 5000/680 be on day power as had not heard it until
recently; KSVE also with weird power levels, U1 8500/850 watts. All
this superior to my closer 1650s, KCNZ IA and KBJD CO, both ND = U1
1000 W at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9141-9200 approx., March 21 at 0641 UT, 59 kHz wideband
multi-tone, multi-carriers beating, peaking circa 9178, S9+20, same
thing as heard later at 15866-15913, q.v.. What is this? (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15866-15913 approx., March 21 circa 1430 UT, 47 kHz
wideband multi-tone, multi-carriers beating, peaking circa 15908,
S9+10, same thing as heard earlier at 9141-9200, q.v. What is this?
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2150 UT March 21
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


JRX Logs March 21, 2025  View Printable Version 
Friday, March 21 2025

JRX Logs March 21, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time


** 15510. Fri, Mar 21, 2025. 1850-1900, IBRA Media-Radio Sama, Woofferton-G, in Arabic. Woman and man talking; Religious questions and answers ? 1859 Man talking, ending program. Poor reception: 25422.


** 15720. Fri, Mar 21, 2025. 1903-1915, RNZ Pacific, Rangitaiki-NZL, English Svce. Woman announcer presents news; Man participates too; 1908 Station announcement; 1909 Man/woman announcers talking; A conversation w/ a man and woman. Fair reception: 45443.


** 17755. Fri, Mar 21, 2025. 1830-1845, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Portuguese (Portugal). Man says ID and news frequencies to A25 summer; News by man announcer and collaborators; 1836 ID, a brief song and woman announcer talking about music and a Festival de Musica; An interview w/ a man; 1844 A song. Fair reception: 35533.


** 17790. Fri, Mar 21, 2025. 0200-0215, Radio NUG, Paochung-TWN, in Burmese. Woman says ID and frequency w/ IS background; During the program, man and woman announcer present news, alternately mode. Fair reception: 35433. CLA Station.


After Greenville-NC closed, last week, by DJT executive order:

** 7305. Fri, Mar 21, 2025. 0100-0127, Radio Vaticana, xx-XUU, in Portuguese. ID and programming of the thursday, march 20; Man announcer presents news; 0111 Woman talking news; News of Pope; Varied news and comments about the Catholic Church; 0126 The ends of this edition; 0127 Ending w/ IS. Good reception: 45554.

** 7305. Fri, Mar 21, 2025. 0129-0145, Radio Vaticana, xx-XUU, in Spanish. IS; 0130 Begins the spanish program; Woman announcer presents ID and news of church and Pope; 0140 A comments about Pope Francis health actual conditions; More news. Poor reception and low power, presumably: 35422.


** 11885. Fri, Mar 21, 2025. 1916-1927, The Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi-Sontay-VTN, in English. Woman/man announcers present news and comments; 1925 A song by female vocal; 1927 Man talking, ID, ending program. Fair reception: 35533.

JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX
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