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Log April 5, 2022. |
Wednesday, April 06 2022
CHILE. 7610. RCW. April 5. 0150 - 0305 UTC. “Archivos de Radio Nederland”. 55555 to 55444. Audio: https://youtu.be/uFQrbz_tqAc (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile)
CHILE. 7610. RCW. April 5. 2110- UTC. RFI news in spanish. 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Ovalle, IV Región, Chile) PERU. 9675. R. Del Pacífico. April 5. 0311 - 0345 UTC. Man preaching. 0324, music. 0331, Other man preaching. 45333. Audio: https://youtu.be/zCXtXpu3mBc (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs April 5, 2022 |
Tuesday, April 05 2022
** CUBA. 6100, April 5 at 0623, only RHC frequency still on, English undermodulated. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** EAST TURKISTAN [non]. see GREECE [and non]. 9420 ** EGYPT. 9440, April 5 at 2159.5 early timesignal, R. Cairo news theme and English recognizable altho unreadable with usual extreme distortion, S7-S9 into Maryland SDR. No signals like this in the 9890-9900-9910 area. Something`s always egregious in Egypt (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** GREECE [and non]. 9420.002, April 5 at 1514, no doubt that VOG is on today, S9+20/30 into UTwente, Greek music and talk, mentions Franz Kafka; but CCCCCCI audible under. Scheduled now per Aoki are both CNR6 via Beijing site, and CNR13 Lingshi site and both in Chinese. 1559 VOG IS & ID, more of same next hour until abruptly cut off at 1700 before any IS & ID, so the day shift is over, and may not return for evening nor especially overnight = prime time in North America. And thus audiblizing: 9420, April 5 at 1700, ERT off uncovering what sounds like an NA and non-Greek talk, in a Turkic language. Again fitting like heard yesterday as CNR13 in Uighur via Lingshi 725 site, which is between Beijing and Xian, far from target East Turkistan, land of imperialist Chicom genocide against Uyghurs. Continues indoctrination talk with brief music breaks past 1725; and heavy splash from musix on 9410 & 9425. 1727, 9420 itself plays part of one of the ChiCom martial anthems, and more talk. 1800 recheck now music only until 1805* as scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SAUDI ARABIA. 9675.009, April 5 at 2009, ``Inilah ... Radio Sa`udi International`, good modulation and signal into UTwente, in Indonesian when Turkish has been scheduled 1800-2100, and before sunrise in Indonesia! I suspect it`s a temporary Ramadan service for early-rising breakfasters. 2050 haunting music with echoing, seemingly secular but with Qur`anic elements; 2056 ``Ramadan Karimi`` [?], more music until cut off at 2058* (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SRI LANKA. 15709.876, April 5 at 1449, JBA carrier way off-frequency; AWR Chinese scheduled ``15710`` this hour daily via Trincomalee (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 9830, April 5 at 2201, VOT English S9+10/25 into Maryland SDR and also UTwente, but with horrible continuous squealing. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2132 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday April 5 at 0030 on WRMIs: into Maryland SDR, 9395 S9+15. 9455 VP S5/S6 with ute? QRM, but into Missouri SDR, 9455 is VG S9+25. Next: 2230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035-USB or 3210-USB [new] 1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 9455 to WNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 9395 to NNW Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Thanks this week for financial support from Keith Konnerth, KC8YJW, for a contribution via PayPal not necessarily in US$ to woradio at yahoo.com and says, ``keep the Ukraine info coming.`` One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 4840, April 5 at 0625, yet again this WWCR`s air is dead, at S9+40, while the other three are modulating but much weaker, even 3215 which ought to be low enough not to be reduced by propagation. No one is paying attention at 1300 WWCR Ave (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9940, April 5 at 1445, WTWW with gospel-huxtering in English, not Ukrainian or rock music today (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 11620, meant to get here before 1500 April 5 to check out mystery gospel-huxtering in English, but not until 1525, when it`s only S9 into UTwente with big splash from 11610 CRI East Turkistan. 1528 hymn and 1529* off. But just before 1530 it`s back on or something is giving e-mail @VOMKorea.com. That`s a big clue. Huge VATICAN in Arabic does not crash-start 11619.995+ until *1530. VOM Korea is Voice of Martyrs. Cannot find anything on their website about SW broadcasts! Hit EN icon and it stays in Korean! Altho primarily for Korea, HQ in the South, this ministry also goes elsewhere including India and Africa where English might be useful. WRTH 2022 shows no such broadcasts on page 518, just three Koreans via Tashkent, including 1530-1600 daily on 7530 in B-21. Perhaps 11610 now replace that? But no good with Vatican on it. Unless before 1530 I had a totally different station. Still no listings in latest HFCC dated April 5, nor Aoki, nor EiBi, nor in Feb WRTH B21 Updater. When I recheck 11620 at 1635, Vatican is finished, and nothing else. Coincidentally just in from Ivo Ivanov, April 5: ``UZBEKISTAN Frequency changes of Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Tashkent 1530-1600 NF 7530 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Daily ex 7525`` but nothing about 11620. And also: ``AUSTRALIA Reach Beyond Australia relay Voice of Martyrs in Korean on 9580 kHz via Kununurra, March 31: 0930-1000 on 9580 KNX 100 kW / 335 deg to NEAs Korean Daily. Very good via SDR Half Moon Bay, CA in USA`` https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/reach-beyond-australia-relay-voice-of.html On RBA website, called True Voice of the Martyrs --- nothing about 11620 or at this time on RBA sked, but shows the VOM program could be relayed elsewhere, and yesterday`s signal on 11620 was good enough to be RBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2221 UT April 5 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
JRX Current Logs: Tue, April 5, 2022 |
Tuesday, April 05 2022
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| JRX Current Logs: Tue, April 5, 2022 Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000 Antenna (s): Sony AN-71 All times and dates in UTC/GMT ASCENSION ISLAND ** 15400. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 1828-1843, BBC, Ascension Island-ASC, in English. Man announcer in conversation with a woman; 1829 ID; 1830 Man says news about Ukraine and more; 1833 ID: BBCWS and woman and man announcers talk sport news. Very good reception: 55555. Parallel log on 13580wof, fair: 35533.
FRANCE ** 11700. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 2017-2029, RFI, Issoudun-F, in Hausa. Woman and man announcers talk; ID; A short song and returns communication; 2023 A short song and return man and woman voices; 2028 Music; 2029 Ends. Fair reception: 45533. ** 12060. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 1916-1930, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun-F, in Arabic. The Qur´an chant this Ramadan april month; 1921 Woman talks and a coranic song; 1925 Qur´an recitation by man voice. Very good reception: 55555. Parallel log on 11985iss, good: 45544. ** 13815. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 1818-1827, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun-F, in Arabic. Holy Qur´an chant and recitation. Ramadan month. Good reception: 45544. ** 15215. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 1800-1816, Deutsche Welle, Issoudun-F, in Hausa. ID; Man and woman announcer present news; 1807 Woman says ID: ID+jingle and returns news. Good reception: 45554. Parallel log on 11850iss, fair reception, with fading, 35533; 9830stp, out; 17800iss, out; 15340iss, out. KOREA NORTH ** 12015. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 1902-1913 , Voice of Korea, Kujang-KRE, in German. Woman announcer talks and "patriotic" songs by choral; 1908 Now, man talks; Woman talks, too - Seems to be news. Fair to poor reception: 35522. JAPAN ** 11625. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 2000-2015, NHK World Japan, Yamata-J, in Japanese. Music; 2000 Pip; Woman and man announcers talk news. Fair reception: 35533. Parallel log on 15130iss, good: 45544. MADAGASCAR ** 11880. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 1940-1957, AWR Africa, Talata Volonondry-MDG, in Arabic. Man preaching; 1946 ID and woman talks; 1952 A brief music and returns woman communication; ID. Fair reception with interference by VOV on 11885vni in french: 34533. Parallel log on 11800nau-D, good reception: 45554. SPAIN ** 15520. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 1844-1900, Radio Exterior de Espana, Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Men announcers talk and comments about football matches this tuesday in "Tablero Deportivo": Sport news, interviews, scores and more. Good reception: 45554. Parallel logs on 11685nob, fair: 35433; 17855nob, fair to good: 45533; 11940nob, very good: 55555. THAILAND ** 12055. Tue, Apr 5, 2022. 1743-1759, Voice of America, Udon Thani-THA, in Somali. Music; 1746 Two men talk news; 1758 Music; 1759 Ends. Good reception: 45544. JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier) SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo-Paraíba, Brazil (UTC-3) QTH Locator HI22NX ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Log April 4, 2022. |
Tuesday, April 05 2022
ARMENIA. 13690. FEBA. April 4. 1510 - 1530 UTC. Program for kids, music and comments in Urdu. 45444. (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile
BRAZIL. 11815. R. Brasil Central. April 4. 0200- 0219 UTC. 50’s and 60’s pop Music. 45544. (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) CHILE. 7610. RCW. April 4. 2150 - 2215 UTC. Talk show with Julio Cesar Rodríguez vía " Radio Bio Bio" Santiago. 2200: “Radiograma” with news. 45444 to 45422 with fading. (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) CUBA. 13740. RHC. April 4. 0220 - 0238 UTC. Service in Spanish. “El mundo de la filatelia” until 0236, then ID and “Memorias culturales”. 45343 // 5040. 25222 // 6060 35232 // 9535 off? // 9710 off? // 11670 dead air? // 15230 off?. (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) KOREA SOUTH. 15575. April 4. 1438 - UTC. Man talks in Korean. 1445, ID music and others program. 1459 cut off. 35343 to 25232 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) PERU. 9675 R. DEL PACÍFICO. April 4. 0330 - 0550 UTC. Man preaching about the Bible. Then, Ads and IDs. 0400: Music until 0459. 0500: bíblical study until 0529. Then, musical space.. 44444 to 34333 to 44544 with splatter from 9666. Voz Misionaria. Audio: https://youtu.be/-74ckC8WEdI (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) SPAIN. 17855. REE. April 4. 1834 - 1841 UTC. News about taxes. 34333 with splatter. (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) USA. 5970. EWTN. April 4. 0020- 0128 UTC. Service in Spanish. Program: “Panorámica y comentarios” about the confession of the sins and catholics songs. 0050: poem, then ads and song. 0100: Holy Rosary until 0128. 45544 to 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) USA. 7335. R. MARTI. April 4. 0318 - 0328 UTC. Man talks about Cuba, Russia and Ukraine. Then micro program about humor and others about literature.. 45444 // 6030 35333 // 7435 55444 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile USA. 7730. RADIO LIBERTY. April 4. 0242- 0258 UTC. Via WRMI. Man talks in Russian. 35232 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) USA. 11880. KBS. April 4. 0147- 0159 UTC. Service in Spanish. Program “Melodías de Corea” with comments, contest and song. 55555. (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: TIVDIO V-111; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs April 3-4, 2022 |
Tuesday, April 05 2022
** ARMENIA. 1395, April 4 at 1809, no significant signal into Khimki, Russia remote; while 1386 with R. Svoboda via Lithuania is S9+15/20. Latest update from Shortwaves for Freedom says the 1395 relay of R. Svoboda has been retimed to 2100-2200 UT. They do not admit it`s via Armenia, nor 9370 at 1900-2000; but Ivo Ivanov asserts that the latter is too ``ERV`` = Yerevan, a.k.a. Gavar.
1395, April 4 at 1951 is making it to UTwente with Dead Brother Scare, presumably still 1900-2100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CHINA [and non]. 11675, April 4 at 1511, Chinese with fast SAH, presumably CNR1 jammer atop rather than RFA Chinese via SAIPAN during this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 13700, April 4 at 1503, RHC is S9/+10 but just barely modulated. 11760, April 4 at 1507, RHC is S9/+10 here of dead air except for some hum. Somethings always wrongs at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EGYPT [and non]. 9899.8, April 3 at 2209 direct, very weak carrier with het from another 9900.0, presumed Cairo and China? Nothing around 9440, supposed English frequency at 2115-2245. Not checked at UTwente this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EGYPT. 9439.995+, April 4 at 2133, typical R. Cairo, S9+35/40 into UTwente of extremely distorted and suppressed modulation of music and talk resembling English. 2158, also with humwhine. Something`s always egregious in Egypt. But at least Qahiran frequency accuracy has improved. 9899.99, April 4 at 2131 just before above log, tuned in here to an open carrier, no mod and shortly off. Then checked 9909.99 and found an S9 carrier with no mod. Somethings else? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** GREECE [non]. 9420, Dave Kenny, BDXC-UK was surprised to hear ERT back on air April 4 at 1500. This should not have been a surprise as reprieve info indicated it would be M-F only. Some others also reported it before 1700. But at 1710 into UTwente, the one station on 9420 is NOT in Greek, nor musical, continuous talk in unknown language. Maybe Uyghur as CNR13 is scheduled from Lingshi until 1805, and ERT off again? 1727 a bit of theme music, back to talk past 1730+. Heavy ACI from 9425 VOK in Russian. EiBi is up and 90% complete for A22; time version shows the Lingshi // to 9420 is 9890; checked at 1741, it seems // but heavy music CCI on 9890, which per Aoki would be V of Korear in Ararbic. I did not get back to 9420 until 1806, when nothing was left, but Richard Langley heard via UTwente 9420 CNR13 going off about 1805. Christos Rigas, Wood Dale, Illinois, says, ``I was hearing VO Greece today via UTwente between 1445-1700 UT with quite a good signal. I stopped listening at 1700. When I tuned in again at 1812, there was no signal of any kind on 9420 kHz``. He speaks Greek fluently and is sure it was VOG earlier. 9420.003, one more check at 2340 April 4, UTwente lox onto a very weak carrier, obviously not Greece, maybe China. It seems that under the reprieve, only two staff are paid for at Avlis, so operational hours have to be much less than before (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** KURDISTAN [non]. 11530, April 4 at 1510, Kurdish? talk, presumed Dengê Welat, and maybe a second signal under, Turkish jammer? Lately they have both been here instead of 11540. As of April 4, Ivo Ivanov, Observer Bulgaria, has this sked showing additional SCB = Bulgaria relays, but nothing about the Turkish jamming; will that attack two frequencies at once? BRB Denge Welat 0230-0530 on 9525 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0400-0700 on 7285 SCB 050 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0530-1600 on 11530 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish 0700-1700 on 11775 SCB 050 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1600-1800 on 11530 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1700-2100 on 5935 SCB 050 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish 1800-2100 on 9525 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish So before 1600 when I logged, site would have been PRIDNESTROVYE. With Putin`s war raging nearby, have there been any disruptions to Russia`s KCH relays of many foreign services? Any payments going there are in effect supporting genocide, even if they could agree on what currency (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 17855, April 4 at 2200, REE token English on Monday, S7/S9+5 into Maryland SDR, the only station daring to 16-meter itself to us, is on average holding up rather well this spring, at least until 2230, I think better than last year now that sunspots and solar flux are rising. First news item: about Spain increasing spending on microchips due to shortages; Amy Egan`s feature after 2209 song, part 2 of interview with director of Thyssen Museum [not Titian], but it`s hard to get into a verbal discussion of a supremely visual medium. Sort of like talking about music rather than playing it (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 9830, April 3 at 2210, JBA carrier direct but no RTTY, presumed VOT not making it due to propagation disturbance (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 9830.021, April 4 at 2200, VOT is S9+50 into UTwente, allowing expansion to max bandwidth of 13.53 kHz --- but input audio is lo-fi ``telco quality``! Worse than usual. Overmodulated and distorted. 2213 `Feeling Supreme` sub-titled`Health Life` [sic?], about natural cures for kidney stones --- long lists of foods and beverages which are OK and those which may cause them --- now, which was which? 2218.5 F.S. outro theme and on to another song. Off before 2300, no bonus German today (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** UKRAINE [non]. 7730, April 4 at 0501-0506, UR1 via WRMI again with brief English segment, `Ukraine: Security Issues`, YL announcer. Richard Langley says there have been two different OMs. I listened a while longer: there were some patriotic songs such as at 0509, not just talk in Ukrainian (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2132 monitoring: confirmed Sunday April 3 at 2001 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9+7. Also confirmed Sunday April 3 at 2230 on WRMI 5950, S9+22 into Knoxville SDR. Still not canceled altho not on sked. BTW, if anyone run across a surprise WOR time on WRMI, do let me know. Also confirmed UT Monday April 4 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, VP S8/S9 direct, after spurious ``Bob Zanotti`` between full canned ID and WOR. Also confirmed UT Monday April 4 at 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ 6160-, S9+10 into Maryland remote; dead air at 0328 recheck so I hope that did not apply to much of it. Did anyone note what happened earlier? Next: 0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 9455 to WNW 2230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035-USB or 3210-USB [new] 1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 9455 to WNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 9395 to NNW Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Thanks this week for financial support from Keith Konnerth, KC8YJW, for a contribution via PayPal not necessarily in US$ to woradio at yahoo.com and says, ``keep the Ukraine info coming.`` One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 15770, VOA [non], April 4 at 1951 via WRMI, `Flashpoint: Ukraine`, final item in the 1935 program about hackers texting individual Russian phones with the truth, S9 via UTwente (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9940, April 4 at 1504, S9/+10 of rock music from WTWW, just what they are pining for in Ukraine per Ted`s imagination. Also a SAH, as during this hour RFA in Chinese is also scheduled via Kuwait: I doubt USAGM would appreciate the additional QRM to CNR1 jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VANUATU. 7260, April 4 at 0615, S6/S8 of talk and music. R Vanuatu has extended this frequency instead of QSY to 5040 at 0600, so now I`m hearing more than a JBA carrier and in the clear, no worries about QubaRM. And Nigeria has courteously de-adjacented itself from 7255, but some QRhaM encourages LSB tuning. Ron Howard says there were Tropical Low weather advisories, heard until modulation cut but still carrier at 1101. Will RV stay on 7260? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 11620, April 4 at 1509, S9/+20 in English evidently for kids about drawing images of God? Vatican Radio not scheduled here until *1530, and no English until 1615. Nothing in Aoki at this hour, nor A-22 EiBi which is now up and 90% complete as of April 4. Nor in HFCC which as of 1625 April 4 was last updated April 1! What is this?? So much for assuming one can look it up later (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2354 UT April 4 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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