Manuel Méndez Lugo, SpainLogs in Friol, NW of Spain Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters BRAZIL 4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0403-0455, 21-04, relaying Radio Bandeirantes news. 25322.
5938.7, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 0632-0644, 21-04, religious songs and comments, Portuguese. Strong QRM on 5935. 21421.
6180, Radio Nacional da Amaoznia, Brasilia, 2032-2046, 20-04, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs. // 11780. 15321.
9550, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2028-2039, 20-04, Portuguese, religious comments. 15321.
11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2025-2038, 20-04, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments. 35433.
15189.9, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1930-2012, 20-04, Portuguese, comments, “O melhor da musica sertaneja”, Brazilian songs, id. “incofidencia.com.br”, “… emisoras da Rede Inconfidencia de Radio, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerias, Brasil”, at 2004 “...A Hora do Fazendeiro, apresentando Tina Gonçalvez”. 25322.
COLOMBIA-VENEZUELA, 4940, Unknown relaying Fuerza de Paz, 0404-0625, 21-04, Spanish, religious comments, Colombian-Venezuelan songs, “Llaneras”. 25322.
About this station, the colleague and friend José Hernández Madrid sends me the replay that Rafael Rodríguez, QSL manager of La Voz de tu Conciencia sent to a listener, Adolfo Arto, who sent him a reception report about the station on 4940 kHz, and that he posts on Facebook (Google translation):
"1. The Signal on 4940 KHz is not operated by the Colombia Para Cristo Organization or its Fuerza de Paz Campaign, which in previous years operated on 5910 and 6010 Khz from Colombia and of which I am the QSL Manager. 2. Although the 4940 khz signal retransmits old programs from those stations and for this reason Fuerza de Paz is mentioned, these programs are taken from public web servers where these programs have been hosted for several years. 3. The 4940 Khz signal has never been identified in any way, it presents Colombian-Venezuelan music, they give the UTC -4 time (Venezuela time) and in my opinion it transmits from that country or very close to the border between Venezuela and Colombia . 4. I ask you to be attentive because it is working on the reactivation of the 6010 Khz signal and that I trust you can listen and report to my email: rafaelcoldx@yahoo.com, where I will be sending you the eQSL and other souvenirs.”
The text in Spanish; “1. La Señal en 4940 KHz no es operada por la organización Colombia para Cristo ni su Campña Fuerza de Paz, que en años anteriores operaba en 5910 y 6010 Khz desde Colombia y de la cual soy el QSL Manager. 2. Aunque por la señal de 4940 khz retransmiten programas antiguos de esas estaciones y por esto se escucha mencionar Fuerza de Paz, estos programas son sacados de servidores web públicos donde estan alojados estos programas desde hace varios años. 3.La señal de 4940 Khz nunca se ha identificado de ninguna manera, presenta música colombo-venezolana, dan la hora UTC -4 (Hora de Venezuela) y en mi opinión transmite desde ese país o muy cerca de la frontera entre venezuela y colombia. 4. Les pido estar atento, está trabajando en la reactivación de la señal 6010 Khz y que confío pueda escuchar y reportar ami correoe: rafaelcoldx@yahoo.com, donde les estaré enviando la eQSL y otros recuerdos.”
CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, Bejucal, 0351-0402*, 21-04, Spanish, relaying Radio Habana Cuba program, “Escucharon… un programa de Radio Habana Cuba, 12 de la noche en La Habana”. 25322.
DENMARK, 5970, Radio 208, Hvidovre, 1956-2010, 20-04, rock songs in English. 25322.
ETHIOPIA 6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1709-1723, 20-04, Vernacular, comments. 25322.
7110, Radio Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 1655-1735, 20-04, East African songs, Vernacular, comments. 34433.
MALI, 9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1640-1656, 20-04, Vernacular, comments, African songs. 35333.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0415-0650, 21-04, Mexican songs, Spanish, comments, classical music. 25322.
SPAIN, 6930.9, Indy Radio, Seville?, 0702-0733, 21-04, relaying Ukrainian Radio, news and comments in Ukrainian. 25422.
TIBET,7385, PBB Xizang, Lhasa, Tibet, 1600-1618, 20-04, time signals, English, “This is Holy Tibet”, news and comments about Tibet. 25322.
VANUATU 7260, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0543-0558*, 21-04, English, comments, songs. Strong QRM on 7265. Best heard on 7258 in order to minimize 7265 interference . 21421.
11835, 3rd harmonic of 3945, *0559-0645, 21-04, songs, comments. Very weak. 15311.
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