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�tf-8?q?A NEW DXER'S TOOL - A UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR �tf-8?qC3€ LA STAR TREK!  View Printable Version 
Monday, April 25 2022


Hi Rick,

    Glad to see that you are having success with it.  For some reason I
cannot find the speaker audio option you mention below. I will keep trying.

    Anyway. I just stumbled on to this.  I think it has been around for
a while, but not widely known.  As I said, it can be a good adjunct to a
DXer in certain situations.  If someone is looking for something that
works each and every time, they will be disappointed.  I have not been
disappointed because I can see the gists of conversations in a language
I do not know and it has aided me in gathering program details for
reception reports when it works.


On 2022-04-23 12:51, Rick Kunath via Hard-Core-DX wrote:

I just tried the "What you hear" option on my sound control panel
recording control app and it works perfectly. Speaker audio tight into
the Translate app. You click the mic icon on Translate and it hears
the speaker.

If you are missing this option on your recording tab, it may be that
the OEM sound card drivers do not have it. I've used actual sound card
manufacturer drivers in the past to gain this function back. And VAC
(virtual audio cables) would certainly work too.

But the first is a lot easier.

Thanks for sharing this Bill :)

Rick Kunath, K9AO

On 4/23/2022 12:35 PM, Rick Kunath wrote:

Very, very interesting Bill. thanks for this.

I would be interested in trying it and seeing what might be done to
allow for not using the computer microphone to handle the translating.

A few thoughts. If you had as I do, the "What you hear" option in the
recording tab of the sound control panel and selected that instead of
the computer mic, that might input the speaker audio to the
translator. I've also got VAC here so I might be able to somehow
route the audio that way, but the first way is easier.

Where do you get this Bill? Is is a web site or some Google app that
you install and use with Chrome?

Rick Kunath, K9AO

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


TWN / CHN A22 SOH Sound of Hope Falun Gong outlets and accompanied China mainland jamming etc. monitored April 14 to 24th.  View Printable Version 
Sunday, April 24 2022


TAIWAN/CHINA Taiwan Sound of Hope; and other subject of China mainland

SOH Taiwan A-22 Shortwave Frequency list of April 22 onwards, 2022,
monitored by wb on April 22, from 15.45 to 17.00 UT.

11715even CHN CNR1 program jammer in Mandarin, S=6, 16.06 UT.
11715.116 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin, at 16.07 UT.
11745.013 ARS Al-Azm Radio Jeddah in Arabic to Yemen border area,
S=6 in Hiroshima Japan, 16.08 UT.
11765.008 TUR TRT Emirler in Pashto, 15.30-16.28 UT, S=7 16.09 UT.
11774.773 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin, S=8 16.35 UT.
11800.007 GUM KSDA AWR Agat, Pashto, 16.30-17.00 UT S=9+10dB 16.37 UT.
11855.011 GUM KSDA AWR Guam, Mandarin, n o t jammed by CHN mainland.
11859.962 ARS Rep of Yemen excile r program via Riyadh, S=5 16.40 UT.
11870even UNID Mandarin program S=8 at 16.40 UT.
11930.018 TUR TRT Emirler in Spanish, 16.30-17.28 UT, S=8 16.43 UT.
11955even AUT AWR in Persian via ORS Moosbrunn relay, S=9 16.45 UT.

monitored by wb on April 23, from 07.30 to 13.00 UT.
monitored by wb on April 24, from 00.00 to 01.00 UT.
monitored by wb on April 24, from 06.00 to 08.30 UT.
monitored by wb on April 24, from 11.00 to 15.30 UT.

Also on log noted some other China CNR1 jamming broadcasts.

Log of April 14, 22-24 checked some Asian target outlets on remote
SDRs in Hiroshima, Akitakata, as well as at northern Tokyo Japan Far East.

CNR1 Beijing program compared during monitoring against web player


10159.887 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 06.49 UT.
10215.012 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 10.50 UT.
10310even CHN CNR1 Jammer. Mandarin, S=4 poor 10.52 UT.
10819.862 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 06.38 UT.
10869.875 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6-7 06.50 UT.
10920.099 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 06.39 UT.
14 kHz wideband audio.
10939.924 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 06.40 UT.
10959.712 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 06.52 UT.
10960even 2300-1400 CHN CNR1 Jammer. Mandarin, S=9+30dB powerhouse
at 06.43 UT on April 24. 20 kHz wide CNR1 audio block.
11069.946 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 06.44 UT.
11099.999 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 11.05 UT.
11120.008 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 07.00 UT.
11149.884 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 06.46 UT.
11170.087 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 07.01 UT.
11324.909 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 07.03 UT.
11400even CHN CNR1 Music Jammer. Mandarin, S=6 07.08 UT.
11410.032 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 11.20 UT.
11439.878 CHN CNR1 Jammer. Mandarin, S=6, 07.10 UT.
18 kHz wide CNR1 audio block.
11460.091 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6-7 11.25 UT.
18 kHz wide CNR1 audio block.
11499.987 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 11.22 UT.

11519.984 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8, 07.22 UT.
11520even TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 11.32 UT.
11549.959 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8, 07.23 UT.
11580.165 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. in Mandarin. S=7, 07.25 UT.
11599.988 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 07.27 UT.
11645.003 KRE Voice of Korea En, Kujang 16.00-16.57 UT, S=6 16.05 UT.
11715even TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin, at 16.07 UT.
11734.997 KRE Voice of Korea French, Kujang, S=7 11.42 UT.
11745.013 ARS Al-Azm Radio Jeddah in Arabic to Yemen border area,
S=6 in Hiroshima Japan, 16.08 UT.
11765.008 TUR TRT Emirler in Pashto, 15.30-16.28 UT, S=7 16.09 UT.
11774.774 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin, S=8 07.30 UT.
11800.007 GUM KSDA AWR Agat, Pashto, 16.30-17.00UT S=9+10dB 16.37 UT.
11840even CHN CNR1 program jammer in Mandarin, S=6, 07.34 UT.
against TWN R Taiwan International Chinese 07.00-09.00 UT.
11855.010 GUM KSDA AWR Guam, Mandarin, n o t jammed by CHN mainland.
11.00-12.00 UT, at 11.45 UT on April 24.
11865.003 KRE Voice of Korea Kujang, Japanese, S=9+20dB 07.37 UT.
11870even UNID Mandarin program S=8 at 16.40 UT.
11904.993 AUS Reach Beyond Australia, Burmese sce, 11.47 UT.
11974.994 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 07.49 UT.
11989.925 UNID Vienese Waltz mx (!), ? S=8 07.39 UT.
or parked China mainland jamming music here ? 11.51 UT.

12009.964 AUS Reach Beyond Australia, Dzonka sce, S=9+5dB 11.52 UT.
12020even VTN VoVietnam, Son Tay English nx 11.30-12.00 UT 11.53 UT.
on April 24 totally overmodulated, 2 x 17 kHz wide audio block
12104.832 UZB AWR Tashkent in Amoy language, not jammed, S7 12.00 UT.
12119.977 PHL FEBC Manila, Bocaue, Raw service S=9+10dB 12.02 UT.
12189.911 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 07.53 UT.
12209.916 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=9 12.05 UT.
12 kHz wideband audio block.
12279.937 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 07.56 UT.
12344.941 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=9 07.59 UT.
parked here around 07.50 ... 08.10 UT
9 x 60 Hertz apart distance strings visible either sideband.
12364.868 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 08.01 UT.
12429.863 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin RFA px?08.05 UT.
8 kHz wideband audio. Buzy strong 12 x strings either side,
each 60 Hertz apart distance.
12499.926 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 08.17 UT.
12549.586 UNID Vienese Waltz mx (!), S=8 12.15 UT.
or parked China mainland jamming music here ?
12794.966 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 08.21 UT.
12819.917 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 13.26 UT.
12835.010 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 13.24 UT.
12864.967 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 08.25 UT.
12879.970 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8, 00.35 UT.
13019.700 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8, 13.29 UT.
13020even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted S=8 13.28 UT.
13070.142 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7, 13.30 UT.
13130even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 13.32 UT, S=9+5dB.
13130.093 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7, 13.34 UT.
13159.866 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7, 12.32 UT.
13190even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted S=8 13.35 UT.
13469.983 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 13.38 UT.
13494.954 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 12.30 UT.

13530even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted S=9+20 powerhouse 13.40 UT.
13530.219 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 12.29 UT.
13549.953 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 12.27 UT.
13650.003 KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang, 12.00-13.57 UT block
16 kHz wideband audio nice smooth sweet mx lady singer,
S=9+20dB strength in Hirsoshima Japan 13.46 UT.
KCBS relay at 12.00 UT, Chinese at 13.00 UT
13669.958 CHN PBS Xinjiang Uyghur sce, S=7 fair 12.21 UT.
and co-channel too
13670.020 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin 13.50 UT.
13680.010 IRN IRIB Sirjan site sce in Dari to AFG/PAK, S=5 12.20 UT.
and SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin, underneath.
13700even CHN CNR13 Uyghur national domestic sce, 10-14z, 12.18 UT.
13735.002 TWN R. TAIWAN INT. in Thai from Pao Chung 00-01UT 00.16 UT.
13759.959 KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang, 13.00-13.57 UT En 13.52 UT.
13770even CHN CNR7 Radio The Great Bay, from Kashgar #2022 site,
10 kHz wideband audio, nice music program selection12.17 UT.
08.55-18.05 UT Cantonese lang, S=9+20dB time pips at 14.00 UT.
13790.016 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 poor 12.15 UT.
13804.798 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 fair 14.03 UT.
13870.004 PHL FEBC Bocaue, in Khmer language, S=8 signal 12.08 UT.
and underneath
13870.007 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, poor 12.11 UT.
13919.902 CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 00.05 UT on April 24.
13919.985 2200-1500 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei Mandarin, poor 14.06 UT.
13920.007 CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 14.07 UT on April 24.
At S=9+15dB level.
13959.992 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 14.08 UT.
13988.897 JPN JMH F3C service carrier note S=7-8 14.10 UT.

14369.886 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 11.30 UT.
14429.879 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 11.28 UT.
14560.017 2200-1500 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei Mandarin, poor 11.23 UT.
14690.036 2200-1500 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei Mandarin, poor 11.17 UT.
14774.669 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=4, 23.52 UT.
14849.993 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=4, 14.12 UT.
14870.123 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=4, 14.14 UT.
underneath noted poor CHN CNR1 mainland jamming even 14870.
14900.034 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 14.15 UT.

14919.974 2200-1500 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei Mandarin, poor 10.45 UT.
14920even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 10.43 UT on April 23.
At fair S=7 level.
14939.958 2200-1500 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei Mandarin, S=5 14.16 UT.
14979.960 2200-1500 TWN Sound of Hope Taipei Mandarin, S=7 10.41 UT.
14979.993 CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 10.40 UT on April 23.
Only S=6 level.

15030.005 IND AIR Bangalore in Dari, 13.30-15.00 UT S=5 14.20 UT.
15109.897 PHL US AMG VoA Chinese via Tinang relay, S=9+10dB 14.21 UT.
15110even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 14.22 UT on April 24.
S=9+15dB level in Hirsohima and Tokyo Japan remotedly.
15180.240 KRE Much ODD fq alignement of Voice of Korea in English, mx
program of Korean style, 10.00-10.57 UT. S=8 at 10.38 UT.
15235.011 TUR TRT Emirler in Uzbek Central Asia sce, 10.30-10.58 UT,
S=5 poor signal in Hiroshima Japan remotedly, 10.36 UT.
15245.242 KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang, 14.00-14.57 UT French 14.25 UT.
15329.998 MRA RFA Tibetan via US AGM Tinian Isl bcast center, S=7 in JPN,
15330even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 10.35 UT on April 23.
At S=8 level. 10 kHz wide audio block.
15340.007 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 14.30 UT.
underneath of ROU RRI Galbeni Rom 13-15 UT on even 15340 kHz.
15359.901 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 14.45 UT.
15360even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 14.33 UT on April 24.
At S=9+25dB level. 10 kHz wideband broad audio block.
15360.018 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 23.43 UT.
15374.874 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, carrier likely 14.47 UT.
15374.993 TWN Tentativelly Fu Hsing BS program carrier from FHBS Kuanyin,
S=7 signal seemingly antenna tuning carrier check at 10.29 UT.
15409.658 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 10.08 UT.
15410even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 10.09 UT on April 23.
At S=9+5dB level. 11 kHz wide audio block.
15420.012 GUM KSDA AWR Agat in Chinese, not jammed by CHN mainland.
at 10.06 UT on April 23. S=9+20dB signal level in Tokyo JPN.
and nearby
15450.038 GUM KSDA AWR Agat in Chinese, not jammed by CHN mainland.
at 10.08 UT on April 23. S=9+20dB signal too in Japan.
15629.838 UZB Iran International TV Tashkent relay, S=9+5dB 14.38 UT.
15709.878 CLN AWR Chinese service, very smooth audio modulation,
S=9+15dB in Hiroshima and Tokyo JPN, 14-15 UT 14.41 UT.
15730even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 14.43 UT on April 24.
At S=9+5dB level. 10 kHz wide audio block.
15759.965 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=9 signal !
10.02 UT. and
15760even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted signing on at 10.02:40 UT
on April 23.
At S=9+20dB powerhouse level. 20 kHz wide audio block.
15799.671 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 14.51 UT.
15800even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted til 10.00 UT on April 23.
At S=9+15dB level. 16 kHz wide audio block.
Bejing time pips 09.59 to 10.00 UT, and jammer TX switched OFF.
15840 kHz FAX machine tone.
15869.787 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 09.51 UT.
15890.011 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8, 09.49 UT.
15919.878 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 09.47 UT.
15920even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 09.46 UT on April 23.
At S=9+10dB level. 20 kHz wide audio block.
15969.994 2110-1630 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chinese from Miaoli
S=7 at 09.45 UT on April 23.
15970even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 09.42 UT on April 23.
At S=9 level. 20 kHz wide audio block.

16099.944 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 06.42 UT.
16100even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 14.54 UT on April 24.
At S=9+15dB level. 16 kHz wide audio block.
16160even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted at 06.54 UT on April 23.
At S=9+20dB level, 16 kHz wide audio block.
16160.081 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. 06.55 UT.
16249.680 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5, 06.57 UT
but no CNR1 jamming on that channel.
16300.016 CHN CNR1 Jammer. Mandarin, S=6 07.22 UT.
on April 23. 16 kHz wide CNR1 audio block.
16300.027 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 14.59 UT.

CODAR wiper sound on 16342 to 16492 kHz fq range at 07.04 UT April 23.

16789.784 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin. S=9 strong07.24 UT
16979.934 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 07.05 UT.
17149.834 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8, 07.30 UT.
12 kHz wide SOH audio block. Fq unstable signal.
17400.229 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6, 07.08 UT.
17440.055 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 09.26 UT.
12 kHz wide SOH audio block.

17485even and
17485.002 CHN CNR1 Jammer. 2300-1400 Mandarin, S=9+10dB at 09.28 UT.
17485.010 THA VoA Chinese sce via US AGM Udon Thani relay at 09.30 UT.
17780even CHN CNR1 Jammer. 2300-1400 Mandarin, S=9+10dB at 08.06 UT.
on April 23. 19 kHz wide CNR1 audio block. Against
17780.264 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6-7, 06.30 UT.

17870even ETH Strong BUBBLE jammer stn from Gedja ETH heard remotedly
in Hiroshima and Tokyo at 15.07 UT, S=7-8, 10 kHz wide, and at
15.09 UT also set up additional siren / howling buoy tone also
15.12 UT very fast BUBBLE machine jammer additional,
15.14 UT heterodyne varying jamming type also.

Four types of 'former communism states' type craft jamming
noted. All delivered by BBEF Beijing Made in China a decade
ago, when Gedja refurbished by Made in China hardware TX gear.

Sound management originate from the STASI help of the
GDR brother state in the 80s.

But nothing signal noted in JPN of 'fundamental' TDF Issoudun
bcast outlet of likely 'Dimtse Woyane' Tigray program and
budget help of likely US branch 'Tigray Mediahouse'. .

18179.748 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli 06.05 UT on April 24.
S=5 - unstable fq shift 8 Hertz up and down.
18899.539 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli 06.08 UT on April 23.
S=7 - 8 kHz wideband audio.
18899.544 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli 06.20 UT on April 24.
18900.005 CHN CNR1 Jammer Mandarin, 2200-1000 UT. 11 kHz wide broad audio
S=8 at 06.05 UT on April 23.
18969.855 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli 08.40 09.07 UT April 14
S=9+10dB in Hiroshima Japan,
18970even 2200-1000 CHN CNR1 Jammer Mandarin, 20 kHz wide broad audio,
S=8 at 06.00 on April 23, against
18969.852 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. 06.03 UT on April 23.

21529.717 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli 06.17 UT April 24
21529.716 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli 08.40 09.07 UT April 14
Sound of Hope Falun Gong sect service in Mandarin from Taiwan.
two highest frequencies noted in India, and Japan remotedly.
S=9+15dB in Hiroshima Japan, and 14 kHz wide CNR1 jamming on
21530even CHN CNR1 program jamming powerful signal. S=6 at 05.47 UT but
21530.003 CHN CNR1 program jamming powerful signal. S=6 at 06.40 UT
21530.006 CHN CNR1 program jamming powerful signal. S=6 at 06.15 UT

3 x CNR1 jammer in of China mainland observed on April 23, 2022:
21690.005 CHN CNR1 program jamming powerful signal.
12 and 20 kHz wideband audio block, S=9 in Delhi, against
highest final SOH frequency channel of 2022 season now:
21689.874 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. 05.35 UT unstable freq
varies some 5 Hertz up and down.

Final frequency channel of 2021 season traced NOT ANYMORE now:

21800even CHN CNR1 Jammer. S=7-8 on March 7, 2021, 06.10 UT. Against
21799.633 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. 02.59 UT May 28, 2021
21799.766 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin.
21799.993 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin, 10.14 UT, 2021.
21800even CHN CNR1 Jammer. S=7-8 on May 28, 2021 on 02.52 UT.
20.6 kHz wideband audio block.

[selected SDR options, span 13.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 14, 22 - 24 )

ETHIOPIA/FRANCE Some mysteries remain about the jamming activity of
Ethiopian intelligence organization on the frequency 17870 kHz
against the Tigray provinceaudience, see above.

TAIWAN/CHINA As also observed in the previous year 2021, there are
STILL some parking frequencies of SOH / RFA activities from Taiwan,
see above tracing list on
11989.925 kHz at 07.39 and 11.51 UT, as well as
12549.586 kHz at 12.15 UT observed this week,
the extraordinary 'Vienese Waltz' music broadcast program
over otherwise used SOH Taiwan frequencies.

73 wb df5sx
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


SWLDXBulgaria News, April 24  View Printable Version 
Sunday, April 24 2022

SWLDXBulgaria News, April 24 (publications №30901-№30920)
AUSTRIA(non) Very good signal of Radio DARC № 375 on 6070 kHz via
Moosbrunn on April 24
0900-1000 on 6070 MOS 100 kW / non-dir to CeEu German Sun via SDR
Heimiswil, Switzerlandhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/radio-darc-375-on-6070-khz-via.html

GERMANY(non) Adventist World Radio AWR Obettivo DX № 972 on 9610 kHz
via MBR Nauen, April 24
0900-1000 on 9610 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to SoEu Italian Sun. Very good
via SDR Heimiswil,

GERMANY(non) Reception of PAB Frank&Ernest Discussion on 15205 kHz
via MBR Nauen, April 24:
1430-1445 on 15205 NAU 250 kW / 094 deg to SoAs English Sun. Very good
via SDR Khimki,

GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Tamil on 15200 kHz
in DRM mode via Agana, April 24:
0956-1026 on 15200 TWR 090 kW / 285 deg to SoAs Tamil Sun DRM. Very
good + decoding via SDR Hanoi,

GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in English on 15200
kHz in DRM mode via Agana, April 24:
1026-1056 on 15200 TWR 090 kW / 285 deg to SoAs English Sun DRM. Very
good + decoding via SDR Hanoi,

GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Japanese on 9380
kHz via Agana, April 24
1215-1245 on 9380 TWR 100 kW / 315 deg to JPN Japanese Sun.
Fair/good via SDR Hanoi,

GUAM Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in English on new
frequency 13740 kHz via Agana, April 24:
1245-1300 NF 13740 TWR 250 kW / 285 deg to SoAs English Sun-Wed, ex
11590 kHz. Very good via SDR Hanoi VTN
But wrong frequency English announcement: Sun-Wed at 1245UTC on 11590
kHz, instead of new 13740 from

GUAM Reception of Trans World Radio India in Bhatri on old frequency
11590 kHz via KTWR Agana, April 24:
1315-1330 on 11590 TWR 250 kW / 285 deg to SoAs Bhatri Sun, instead of
13740. Very good via SDR Hanoi,

NETHERLANDS Radio Piepzender relay Radio Classic Sunday on 6185 kHz
via Zwolle, April 24
from 0841 on 6185 ZWO 001 kW / non-dir to WeEu English Sun. Good via
SDR Heimiswil in

NETHERLANDS Reception of Radio Delta International RDI on 6020
kHzvia Elburg, April 24
from 0906 on 6020 ELB 001 kW / non-dir to WeEu English Sun. Fair via
SDR Heimiswil, SUIhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/reception-of-radio-delta-international.html

PIRATE RADIO Reception of Radio Casa Nova on 6129.9v kHz via unknown
tx on April 24:
from 0848 on 6130 unknown kW / unknown to WeEu Dutch Sun. Good via
SDR Heimiswil, SUIhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/pirate-radio-casa-nova-on-61299v-khz.html

PHILIPPINES(non) Vatican Radio on 9810 kHz & 11815 kHz via USAGM
Tinang, April 24:
1230-1250 on 9810 PHT 250 kW / 349 deg to FERu Russian. Good via SDR
Khimki, Russia
1230-1250 on 11815 PHT 250 kW / 332 deg to FERu Russian, strong
co-channel by NHKWRJhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/04/vatican-radio-on-9810-khz-11815-khz-via_24.html

ROMANIA(non) NEXUS IRRS SW EGR Living The Bible on 9510 kHz via
RADIOCOM Saftica, April 24:
0930-1000 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun. Very good
via SDR Heimiswil,

ROMANIA(non) Reception of IRRS AWR Wavescan № 686 on 9510 kHz via
RADIOCOM Saftica, April 24
1100-1130 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu English Sun. Very good
via SDR Heimiswil,

U.K.(non) FEBA Radio Radio Sama in Arabic on 17640 kHz via ENC-DMS
Moosbrunn, April 24
0800-0830 on 17640 MOS 100 kW / 115 deg to N/ME Arabic. Fair via SDR
Szekesfehervar, HNG
At same time 17650 KAS 500 kW / 308 deg to WeEu Chinese CGTN China
Radio Int strong

USA(non) Reception of Vatican Radio in Spanish on 7305 kHz via USAGM
Greenville, April 24
1113-1130 on 7305 GB 250 kW / 168 deg to CeAm 17 minutes dead air
for 15 minutes program!
1130-1145 on 7305 GB 250 kW / 168 deg to CeAm Spanish. Very good via
SDR Milford PA,

UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Voice of Martyrs on 15549.9v kHz via
RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 24:
1200-1230 on 15549.9vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair to good
signal via SDR Heimiswil,

UZBEKISTAN(non) Reception of Radio Free North Korea on 11510 kHz via
RRTM Telecom Tashkent, April 24
1300-1400 on 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Fair/good via
SDR Yuseong-gu, Daejeon,

UZBEKISTAN(non) North Korea Reform Radio on 11569.8v kHz via RRTM
Telecom Tashkent on April 24:
1400-1500 on 11569.8vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean. Good via SDR
Yuseong-gu, Daejeon,


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire
Hard-Core-DX mailing list


�tf-8?q?A NEW DXER'S TOOL - A UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR �tf-8?qC3€ LA STAR TREK!  View Printable Version 
Sunday, April 24 2022


Very, very interesting Bill. thanks for this.

I would be interested in trying it and seeing what might be done to
allow for not using the computer microphone to handle the translating.

A few thoughts. If you had as I do, the "What you hear" option in the
recording tab of the sound control panel and selected that instead of
the computer mic, that might input the speaker audio to the translator.
I've also got VAC here so I might be able to somehow route the audio
that way, but the first way is easier.

Where do you get this Bill? Is is a web site or some Google app that you
install and use with Chrome?

Rick Kunath, K9AO

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


�tf-8?q?A NEW DXER'S TOOL - A UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR �tf-8?qC3€ LA STAR TREK!  View Printable Version 
Sunday, April 24 2022

I just tried the "What you hear" option on my sound control panel
recording control app and it works perfectly. Speaker audio tight into
the Translate app. You click the mic icon on Translate and it hears the

If you are missing this option on your recording tab, it may be that the
OEM sound card drivers do not have it. I've used actual sound card
manufacturer drivers in the past to gain this function back. And VAC
(virtual audio cables) would certainly work too.

But the first is a lot easier.

Thanks for sharing this Bill :)

Rick Kunath, K9AO

On 4/23/2022 12:35 PM, Rick Kunath wrote:

Very, very interesting Bill. thanks for this.

I would be interested in trying it and seeing what might be done to
allow for not using the computer microphone to handle the translating.

A few thoughts. If you had as I do, the "What you hear" option in the
recording tab of the sound control panel and selected that instead of
the computer mic, that might input the speaker audio to the
translator. I've also got VAC here so I might be able to somehow route
the audio that way, but the first way is easier.

Where do you get this Bill? Is is a web site or some Google app that
you install and use with Chrome?

Rick Kunath, K9AO

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


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