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SWB issue 2043 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, December 10 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- SDXL?s DX-Radio Country List (Google översättning av Kari Kallio)
- EDXC Radio Countries list for 2022
- [WOR] Newfoundland MWDXpedition with audiovideo
- [WOR] Special holiday programming
- SWL / Media Programs in English, German & Spanish, WWDXC
- [WOR] Sealand, on 60 Minutes including pirate radio angle
- Monitoring Times ends 33 years of publication, The Spectrum Monitor to
take its place
- [nordx] Ang. "hängmatta"-antennen i Siknäs Fortet Kiwi-SDR i Kalix...
- NBC Celebration of 50 Years of Broadcasting Excellence begins today
- WSPR ? Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, discussion
- Five new Klingenfuss products for 2024
- I?m the only one - Pärtti Aeyraes from RadioMaailma
- How the first personal computers appeared in the USSR. Rus-Dx
- Welcome to the website of Chris Kadlec!
- Elektor Raspberry Pi RTL-SDR V4 Bundle
- Neu: Aktiv-Breitband-Empfangsdipol 90kHz - 150MHz
- EUROPEAN Private Shortwave Stations.
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 2042 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, November 26 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- Christmas program from SDXF Dec 26, 2023
- New BOG rx system at VE6WZ
- Jim Solatie has now reached > 10000 verifications.
- [WOR] ABC Radio Sydney calls time on the pips, deemed irrelevant in an age
of digital radio and smartphones
- [WOR] Fw: [AER foroDX] Actualización de la LISTA MUNDIAL DE EMISIONES EN
ESPAÑOL para el periodo B-23
- To SW Bulletin from Jose Jacob, VU2JOS. 50 years of BX DX-ing
- An interview with Glenn Hauser, SWLing Post
- 50th Anniversary of the First Tahiti-France Radio Link
- One more interesting Utility verification received by Hans Östnell,
- WRTH 2024 is out on Dec 15
- The Invisible War in Ukraine Being Fought Over Radio Waves (NYTimes.com)
- [A-DX] Top10DX Contest
- [nordx] A brief History of DX Window
- Radio receiver Mrm-6 (MKL-940)
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 2041 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, November 12 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- Tropical Bands Monitor 2023 as logged by DX-ers worldwide.
- [WOR] Chunnari Chunnari - Radio Sohl tune, Glenn Hauser
- SWLDXBulgaria
- Target Listening by Harold Sellers
- [WOR] The VOA in Rhodes
- [WOR] Analog AM Band Interference in Electric Vehicles
- [WOR] Fast approaching the sun's explosive peak
- WWW.BOATANCHORS.DE by Wolfgang Thelen & Gerd Niephaus
- The DD-1 Artwork Advertising Images
- Hallicrafters receivers that were never produced.- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny


SWB issue 2040 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, October 29 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- [WOR] Internet Archive - Classic Worlds of Radios
- Adventist World Radio Makes Special QSL Offer
- Marine Broadcast List Updated, By Don Moore
- Magazine de Radio # 118, Octubre 2023.
- Boletin del Radio Club Uruguayo - Boletín CX 792.
- Sommario RADIOKIT elettronica di ottobre
- [jaguarpro] Jaguar - which options except SDRPlay SDRs?
- 8 billion-year-old radio signal reaches Earth, CNN
- RIP Larry Van Horn
- [nordx] Varför hör vi fel call på stationerna, ibland?
- QSL to Herbert Meixner, Austria for a report in 1994 of HRQO R
Internacional in Honduras
- The powerful voice of the Lenca people
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


SWB issue 2039 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, October 15 2023

Highlights from this issue:
- Specialprogram från SDXF den 4 & 5 november, SDXF
- Target Listening by Harold Sellers via WOR
- [A-DX] Nur zur Info: Internetseite mit Radiobezug
- [nordx] Rundradions första steg 1912 hör och häpna
- Tropical Bands Monitor, Oct 1 edition, Anker Petersen
- International SWL contest in November and December 2023
- Microsoft has stopped renewing licenses for companies from Russia. RUS-DX
- Archive of the DX-bulletin "Signal" on the Internet. RUS-DX
- Moscow DX information bulletin for 1996. RUS-DX
- EDXC Conference - Sept 2023 - Metz (France) etc
- [WOR] BDXC-UK Communication items, Oct, Reading Meeting Report
- MARCONI ATALANTA (Type 2207C) Receiver
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund


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