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Astonishment of people`s attitudes toward Remote SDRs |
Tuesday, August 09 2022
Gary Pence <km5x80@gmail.com>
Hi Glenn, I'm 100% in agreement on what you wrote about people`s attitudes towards remote SDRs experiences, somehow delegitimizing what someone else is doing differently. I think it`s a pride thing, which is ingrained in the spirit of competition that's gone on for a hundred years. Our equipment upgraded, antennas got better, operating skill improved and knowledge amassed. As long as we state how we`re using SDR, WHO CARES? So if you're one of those who constantly has to compare, then compare apples to apples; it`s your prerogative. But come on, now, you don't know my circumstances. I appreciate your accepting the way I use or express this wonderful hobby we all enjoy. 73 and good DX, however you do it. Gary Pence / km5x [Dallas, who DXes exclusively with remote SDRs] _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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