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JRX Logs October 2, 2024 |
Wednesday, October 02 2024
-------------------------------------- JRX Logs October 2, 2024 Receiver (s) Tecsun S-2000 Longwire antenna 10m All times Universal Time
AUSTRIA ** 15440. Wed, Oct 2, 2024. 1913-1923, AWR Africa, Moosbrunn-AUT, in Hausa. A religious song; 1915 Man talking, says a prayer and Amen! 1917 Woman preaching; 1923 Returns man communication. Good reception: 45544. CHINA ** 13760. Wed, Oct 2, 2024. 1850-1900, China Radio International-CGTN, Kashgar-CHN, English Service. Man/woman announcers talking about chinese themes; 1854 Man says ID and more; 1857 Ending. Fair reception: 35533. ** 13710. Wed, Oct 2, 2024. 1938-1948, China Radio International, Kunming-CHN, in Turkish. Today, a musical program. Very good reception: 55555. ** 13810. Wed, Oct 2, 2024. 1948-1957, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in German. Chinese instrumental music, only! 1955 Man announcer says A24 CRI sked in german with the frequencies and IS. Good reception: 45554. FRANCE ** 15300. Wed, Oct 2, 2024. 1925-1936, Radio France Internationale, Issoudun-F, French Sce. Woman/man announcers present news; 1927 A song; 1929 Woman says ID and more; 1930 RFI ID; News by two women and a man announcers. Good reception: 45544. GREAT BRITAIN ** 15265. Wed, Oct 2, 2024. 1838-1849, KBS World Radio, Woofferton-G, in Russian. A chinese class by woman announcer; 1846 Woman/man talking. Fair reception: 35533. NEW ZEALAND ** 15720. Wed, Oct 2, 2024. 1859-1912, RNZPacific, Rangitaiki-NZL, in English. No IS but a local song; 1900 Pips and woman says ID; She talking news; 1904 Man announcer participates too with collaborators. Good reception: 45544. ** 15720. Wed, Oct 2, 2024. 1958-2018, RNZPacific, Rangitaiki-NZL, in English. Woman says ID and next edition to Australia and others; 1959 A recorded IS by the national beautiful bird sound; 2000 Bips; Woman says the time and ID; Immediately starts news by woman announcer and collaborators news reporters. Good reception till 2018: 45554. Transmitter with problem? At 2018 Abrupt off-air; 2019 Returns programming with news! 2021 Stay off-air and returns after a few seconds; 2024 New off-air and returns after seconds; 2025 Repeats and returns at 2026. During this interruptions, close carrier and dead modulation; 2028 New interruption...; 2041 Not yet returned! JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier, 75) Cabedelo-Paraíba, Brasil (UTC-3) --------------------------------------
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Log of Oct 1 - 2 |
Wednesday, October 02 2024
Report of log on Oct 1 - 2, at 22.35 to 00.27UT on remoted SDRs in Europe, AJ1L at Rockland MA-USA and VE6JY at Edmonton-AB-CAN 17715.012 ESP REE Noblejas in Spanish S=6 here in EUR at 22.35 UT, but only endless REE interval signal heard from 23.00 UT S=9+20dB much stronger in Maine US east coast state remotedly. Nothing on air on 15390, nor 17855 kHz tonight. 15245.245 KRE Voice of Korea in Spanish from Kujang site 22-23 UT, much oddity in fqy, S=7 here in EUR at 22.40 UT. Korean radio signals at this hour suffered today. Shrill audio sound of army woman chorus performed. 15320even UZB {tentativelly Tashkent relay transmission} AWR Asia in Javanese to INS target, S=9 at 22.42 UT, female presenter and typical Indonesian instrumental mx heard. TJK and UZB rented relay airtime these days ... 15520even ESP REE Noblejas in Spanish S=9 here in EUR at 22.45 UT, from 23.00 UT in Portuguese. S=9+20dB much stronger in Maine remo- tedly. 17880even CHN CRI Beijing 500 kW beast in Spanish (one of two stn sces only in 16 mb tonight at 22.30-23.00 UT - i.e. CRI and REE, ed.) Marker on upper end of the 16 mb, 22.00-00.57 UT. Started Portuguese in 23.00-00.57 UT time slot. S=9+15dB even in Maine and Alberta across Asia, NoEUR, Atlantic towards NoAM path. 13650even much bad audio signal MIXTURE of same equal strength CUB CRI central America relay site Quivican San Felipe TITAN noted, Portuguese music program // 17880 kHz BEI-CHN, at 23.05UT and JAP NHK Radio Japan World in Thai language via NHK Koga- Ibaragi-Yamata Japan bcast center requested 23.00-23.20 UT, at S=9+25dB strength noted in Maine and Alberta remotedly. 13715 kHz UNIDentified stn program, like Vietnamese Lao SoEaAS language ? S=9+25dB at 23.11 UT ... ohh yes, I see an USAGM RMS log entry of RFA Khmer service at 22.30-23.30 UT: 2024-10-01 23:02:18 capture: AM 13715 (KWT) RFA KHME KWT 2024-10-01 23:02:40 capture: AM 12140 (DB ) RFA KHME TJK others of VoA 22.00-22.30 UT ex 7375 and 9320 kHz via Tinang-PHL. 2024-10-01 22:02:18 capture: AM 5965 (PHT) VOA KHME PHL 2024-10-01 22:02:40 capture: AM 1575 (BAK) VOA KHME THA 1575 kHz MW Ban Pachi-Rasom-THA relay site 13760.032 KRE odd fqy signal of KCBS Pyongyang from Kujang site in Korean at 23.12 UT on Tue Oct 1st, S=9 signal in Edmonton-AB-CAN. 13790even ALG R Ifrikya in undoubtedly French language towards Sahel/WeAF probably service in 22 mband from Bechar site instead, due of txion failure reported on 15160 kHz in daytime at Ouargla these days. 23.14 UT S=9+30dB powerfule signal noted. I'll ask the Ampegon technician about recent TX repair need at Ouargla site. ... or does Michel Fremy-BEL; at Radio Magazine have recent actual Algerian SW sce news ? 13844.986 USA WWCR #3 tx Nashville TN at 23.15 UT on Oct 1st, female pastor sermon. S=9+35dB powerhouse signal, accompanied by two 120 Hertz audio buzz strings. 12139.973 UZB USAGM RFA#3 Khmer sce requested at 22.30-23.30 UT likely scheduled via Dushanbe Orzu relay site. But fqy odditity shows usage of RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitt- ing bcast center installation instead ? -ed. At 23.20 UT on Oct 1st, S=9+10dB in AB-CAN remotedly. Hit by wideband CODAR signal on 12113 to 12198 kHz fqy range. 11815.009 BRA ZYE440 Radio Brasil Central Goiania, S=9+20dB signal, but carrier only (?) - or much low modulation level tonight ? 23.25 UT. 11780.009 BRA RN Amazonia, Brasilia outlet in BrasPort, very nice audio sounded program of smooth cancónies. 23.30 UT S=9+45dB(!) much powerhouse signal in NoAm, 6180v kHz too. 11749.893 much oddity: BRA R.Voz Missionária, Camboriu SP, at 23.32 UT 11719.971 VTN VoVTN 1st domestic program in Vietnamese, on lower side fqy these days. Via Sontay bcast center requested at 22.45-10.30 UT, S=9+5dB signal noted in AB and MA NoAM. 11699.993 UAE USAGM RFA4 Tibetan sce requested at 23-24 UT, S=9+20dB at 23.36 UT via Abu Dhabi Media at Dhabbaya center. 9979.991 USA WWCR #4 TOM BS roarer program, religious chorus, 23.38 UT S=9+55dB much powerful signal from Nashville TN site, 22-24 UT. 9929.982 oddity - most strongest station sce in 31 mband this hour, at 23.40 UT, S=9+60dB powerhouse, English sermon of WTWW TOB BS at 21-24 UT, homosexual theme talk. 9839.941 VTN VoVietnam Son Tay bcast center in English,S=9+15dB strength in NoAM at 23.43 UT. 9818.720 much fqy oddity of BRA ZYR96 R 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 23.45 UT S=9+20dB signal noted in VE6JY at Edmonton-AB-CAN installation. 9700even UZB RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan Shortwave Transmitting bcast center installation - used for AWR Asia in Lao language, 23.30-24.00 UT, S=8 signal in NoAM at 23.48 UT. 9665even - surprise, surprise BRA R.Voz Missionária, Camboriu SP, at 23.48 UT on even fqy. Much powerful S=9+25dB signal in 31 mb. 11749.893 kHz. 9655 DRM mode signal here on this channel, CHN CNR1 Urumqi, Xinjiang province in northwestern China near KAZ border, call-sign re- ported on DRM screen like 3FC, 23.50 UT S=9+15dB in Edmonton- AB-CAN, likely scheduled 21.57-01.00 UT. 9565.002 USA USAGM R Marti in Spanish towards Cuban island audience, S=9+50dB powerhouse signal out of Greenville NC relay site. Spanish at 23.52 UT - talk on Cuban matter, what else. 9545even TJK USAGM RFA #4 Tibetan, via Orzu bcast center, 23.53 UT S=9+5dB strength in NoAM noted remotedly. 9350.002 USA WWCR #2 sermon in En, S=9+50dB powerhouse signal from Nashville TN outlet. 20 - 24 UT. 23.55 UT. 9330even USA WBCQ from Monticello, Portuguese, only fair signal into NoAM via short fountain like step skip. S=8-9 at 23.56 UT. 9264.989 USA WINB from Red Lion PA state, at 23.58 UT, flute music at S=9+25dB level. ID annmt at final 23.59:40 UT and address given at 00.01 UT Oct 2nd. 7549.922 BRA (tentativelly) BRA R Ameixinha SP, S=7 fair signal at 00.03 UT on Wed Oct 2nd. 7519.993 USA WWCR #4 Nashville TN state, TOM BS sermon, at 00.20 UT S=9+50dB powerhouse signal tonight. 7489.933 USA WBCQ from Monticello, The Planet likely, S=9+30dB in NoAM at 00.25 UT on Oct 2nd. 7360.004 TUR TRT Emirler in Turkish, Turkish, fair backlobe signal of S=8, meant CeAsian target audience service. 00.27 UT Oct 2nd. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 1 - 2 ) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs October 1, 2024 |
Wednesday, October 02 2024
** ARGENTINA. 28453 USB, Oct 1 at 2206, CQ 10 from LU9DA, Rick in Mar del Plata. Soon works WB1WM, Brent in MA, also audible. QRZ.com: ``LU9DA Argentina flag Argentina, RICARDO "Rick" SUAREZ, Barrio Las Avenidas, Mar Del Plata B7600, Argentina`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** BRAZIL. 28480 USB, Oct 1 at 2207, CQDX from PY2SBY, Elvis in SP. QRZ.com: ``PY2SBY Brazil flag Brazil, Elvis Gui, Vila Prudente, São Paulo, SP 03135020, Brazil`` He went bald between 2001 and 2006y (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** BRAZIL. 11815, Oct 1 at 0630, S4/S5 of harmonious song, presumably R Brasil Central, one of few signals on band besides 11700 France. EiBi and Aoki show Vatican, Japan, Taiwan and ChiCom jamming use 11815 but only RBC at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CHILE. 28410 USB, Oct 1 at 2204, CQ10 from CE3FSL. Not in QRZ.com - am pretty sure he was saying ``sugar`` for S, but maybe something else, not sierra (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 889 & 891, Oct 1 at 0646, JBA carriers/spurs/tones are back from R. Progreso (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 5025, Oct 1 at 0643, S9+20/40 of dead air in Spanish from R. Rebelde. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. The Other Side: ``Cubans are 'looking for food every day, and now water' --- The island nation, which was once an agricultural exporter, now even has to import its sugar. Almost the entire population has encountered difficulties in finding enough food to eat. By Alice Soledad (Havana, special correspondent) Published on September 26, 2024, at 8:00 pm (Paris), updated on September 26, 2024, at 9:35 pm...`` https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/09/26/cubans-are-looking-for-food-every-day-and-now-water_6727367_4.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 13760, Oct 1 at 1452, S4/S5 music but modulation breaking up badly from VOK. Not local QRM, as even worse at 1520 into UTwente, and also with Chinese ACI from 13755, CRI via Kashgar, standard denunciation (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 15520, Tue Oct 1 at 1524, REE VP direct but S8/S9 into UTwente, and still no 15390. Both scheduled to start at *1500 M-F, *1400 Sa/Su. 17715 also on by 1833, but still not 17855. Something`s notright at Noblejas (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 11785, Oct 1, JBA carrier from a few sex past *2200: I bet it`s another fail: After 10m check, by 2208, not even that much. Nor anything later into UTwente. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 28282+ CW, Oct 1 at 2202, VVV DE KW1RF/B - WGB list: ``28282.3 KW1RF/B - Preston CT USA FN41an - #0/1 (24 Sept 2024) Note: VVV de ID + grid - 1/4 wave vertical 5w`` - QRZ.com: ``KW1RF USA flag USA, NATHANIEL A LEE, Preston Contest And DX Society, 136 Parks Rd, Preston, CT 06365, USA -- Jan 1, 2024: on the air with a 10m CW beacon on 28.282.3 MHz, 3W to a quarter-wave ground mounted vertical`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2262 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday October 1 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, S8/9+10 into Durango2 SDR, after Everglades ID. Also confirmed Tuesday October 1 at 1300 on WRMI 9955, S6/S9 direct, no jamming audible, after music to ToH, no ID. Also confirmed Tuesday October 1 at 2000 on IRRS via AM Italia, 1322.995, steady S8.5 into UTwente, immediately following Wavescan. Next: 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 2330 UT Tuesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 1930 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160; 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1630 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 6160. Thanks this week to Chris Campbell, Columbus, Ohio, who sent a box of radios and other equipment to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702; where one may also send a MO or check on a US bank. One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to: woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9475 & 9930, Oct 1 at 2315, both WTWWs are on again, VG direct (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VANUATU. 7260, Oct 1 at 0650, no signal from RV. Manuel Méndez reports it`s moved back to 9960 before and after 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2323 UT October 1 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
JRX Logs October 1, 2024 |
Tuesday, October 01 2024
-------------------------------------- JRX Logs October 1, 2024 Receiver (s) Tecsun S-2000 Longwire antenna 10m All times Universal Time
ASCENSION ISLAND ** 15400. Tue, Oct 1, 2024. 1826-1836, BBCWS, Ascension Island-ASC, English Sce. Woman announcer interviews a man; 1829 Woman says ID and repeats; A conversation with a BBC correspondent; She talks news and football match announcement. Good signal with a "motorboat" jamming interference: 44544. GREAT BRITAIN ** 15265. Tue, Oct 1, 2024. 1837-1847, KBS World Radio, Woofferton-G, in Russian. Woman talking; She presents a "Korean Class"; 1842 Man participates too. Poor reception: 35522. GUAM ** 9320. Tue, Oct 1, 2024. 1933-1945, TWR Guam-KTWR, Agana/Merizo-GUM, in Korean. Man talking, preaching, presumed; 1938 Now, woman talking too; Assistance says Amen! 1941 A song; 1943 Man/woman communications. Fair to good reception this tuesday afternoon, here: 35533. MADAGASCAR ** 11735. Tue, Oct 1, 2024. 1814-1824, VOA Studio 7-Live Talk, Talata Volonondry-MDG, Zimbabwean languages, including english. Man announcer in conversation with a zimbabwean man; They say about Zimbabwe themes. Good reception: 45554. ** 13670. Tue, Oct 1, 2024. 1848-1858, MWV-African Pathways Radio, Mahajanga-MDG, in English. Man announcer talking with music bg; 1850 Man presents "Welcome to a Doctor", a spiritual message; He makes questions; 1855 ID, website and POBox. Good reception: 45544. NEW ZEALAND ** 15720. Tue, Oct 1, 2024. 1859-2012, RNZPacific, Rangitaiki-NZL, in English. A piece of The National Anthem (??) by choir; 2000 Pips, ID and man presents national news, with reporter collaborators; 1908 Woman/man announcements; 1909 Woman presents news, international news. Good reception: 45544. PHILIPPINES ** 15190. Tue, Oct 1, 2024. 1803-1813, Radyo Pilipinas, Tinang-PHL, in Filipino/Tagalog. Woman and man announcers talking; ID sometimes; 1812 Man talking news. Good reception: 45554. SPAIN ** 17715. Tue, Oct 1, 2024. 1914-1930, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Woman announcer interviews a man till 1916 into program "Mundo Solidario"; 1917 A song; 1920 Now, woman interviews a couple of spanishs who visited Argentine Patagonia, local peasants, climatic conditions and mineral exploration, including oil and ...Very good reception: 55555. Parallel logs on 15390nob, dead and buried!; 15520nob, 35533; 17855nob, off.. JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier, 75) Cabedelo-Paraíba, Brasil (UTC-3) --------------------------------------
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs September 29-30, 2024 |
Tuesday, October 01 2024
SAUDI ARABIA [and non] 11934.895 kHz also on Oct 1 at 11.50 UT. No Iranian buble audio signal heard/seen on screen, on that channel on Oct 1st.
S=9+30dB signal from Yemen excile radio program from Riyadh bcast center, signal fqy on lower sideband flank today, and co-channel 10.00-12.57 UT of 11935even CHN CRI Russian sce via Shijiazhuang powerful beast transmission too – underneath in Middle East. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews & hcdx Oct 1) -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Glenn Hauser Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2024 Subject: Glenn Hauser logs September 29-30, 2024
SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. 11934.894, Sept 30 at 1550, Arabic lexure with music segments, and NO, chirping/jamming for a change, presumed still Rep. of Yemen Radio service; S9+10/20 into UTwente. Wanted to hear such ID around 1600 but *1557 outwiped by heavy ACI from 11940, CRI English claiming everything is just fine and free in China, restarting English at 1600; from Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN, land of imperialist ChiCom genocide against Uighurs and other Moslems. By 1707 recheck, 11934.895- in the clear again, and still at 1931, exactly same offset. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0209 UT October 1 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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