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Glenn Hauser logs November 15-16, 2022 |
Thursday, November 17 2022
A variety of sources and formats are now linked from the WOR homepage; click on B22 at http://www.worldofradio.com Some of them have not yet been updated, notably bclnews.it due to the death of Roberto Scaglione last summer amid the A22 season. ** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RC USB, Wed Nov 16 at 1459, tune-in LRA36 via Argentine SDR, song is playing at S6/S7; 1503 sign-on, multi-lingual ID, staff names; 1504 themesong; 1508 recitation about Belgrano bases 1 and 2; 1510 song; 1513.5 ``nos une`` ID and live YLs for the 31st program of the Esperanza Audaz season, miércoles 17 de noviembre; mentions Mundial, imminent SBG; current conditions, 4 degrees, cloudy, 9 kph winds; SR/SS approx. 3 am/10 pm local. There is now a ``penumbra``, not totally dark overnight. They see lights from a lot of excursions, cruise ships. 1519 contact info, this-week-in-history, song; 1525 ``su cía`` ID; 1526 more about history of Belgrano bases; 1531 someone on phone, or rather picked up off speakerphone, bad audio; 1545 song; 1547 connexion to SDR lost, so I find another with worse reception; 1555 something about magnetic field, ionosphere; 1556 my attention switches to a rare SAQ 17.2 kHz CW transmission, with great YT coverage! 1608 music, ``nos une`` ID. YL talk continues but stops abruptly at 1616, and nothing more for 5+ minutes (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** BRAZIL. 6180, Nov 16 at 0754, Brazuguese at S9/+10 and seems // JBA 11780, so RNA apparently just came on before 5 am local (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA [non]. This item caught my eye, from Harold Frodge at another MARE DXpedition, Brighton, Michigan: ``5010 Radio República via WRMI; 0442, 11/12; ID & SS rlgn & talk re Cubanos. SIO=453+ (Frodge-DXP)`` That was UT Saturday. I was unaware of this transmission, and rechecking the WRMI Programming page and skedgrids, there is NO mention of R.R. at all, strangely enough, just some vague broadcasts to Cuba via France on 9490. A few weeks ago, there was also a R.R. on WRMI itself, 5800 at 03-04, but it soon disappeared from the website and the air. The transmission grid for WRMI-14, 5010, 181 degrees to Caribbean, does show System C at 03-06; but nonesuch in the C program grid, just contradictorily, R. Liberty in Russian at 04-05 on 15770! Now the 9490 emissions are shown as 01-02 UT on Tue/Wed/Thu; 01-04 UT on Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon. This is Wed, so 9490 is already off. 5010, Wed Nov 16 at 0344, via TWR Bonaire SDR at S7/9+10 with NO jamming, I`m tuning in early to check out HF`s report: and find R.R. is already on air so probably started at 0300 if not even earlier. I keep monitoring as the only topic at great length seems to be derechos de trabajo = workers` rights, as if this were Labor Day. As I tuned in they were quoting Jorge Mas Canosa, and some lemas. Break for WRMI ID at 0359, and more; still going past 0432. 0439 announces sked for 9490 only. 0443 besides the directorio.org main website, refers to another site for audio, www.radiorepublica.us Still going past 0500; 0556 says has been about workers` education, sked again for 9490 only; 0559 WRMI Spanish ID and 0600 finally switch to The Overcomer Ministry Brother Stair - TOMBS. Like 9490, the span of this may vary from day to day. So it appears WRMI is repeating earlier broadcasts on 9490, maybe not even same date, as this was at least three hours long, while only one hour was originally scheduled for this day. Nothing about 5010 on air or on website no doubt has delayed Cuban jamming from attacking it. Meanwhile the dentroCubans are still absent from 5025 & 5040 - which BTW could theoretically produce a leapfrog mixing product interfering with WRMI on 5010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EGYPT. 9439.995, Nov 16 at 2150, S9+15/30 of humwhine only, no programod in English from R. Cairo; kudos however for consistent frequency precision at minus 5 Hz! Something`s always egregious in Egypt, abysmal at Abis (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 9690, Wed Nov 16 at 2310, token English from REE VG S9+15/30 into Maryland SDR, Coe interview about flamenco performances; 2325 correspondent from Beirut who seems to be a regular. All others on, weaker but sufficient, 12030 > 11940 > 11685 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY [non]. 5960, Nov 16 at 2310, NO signal from VOT English into UTwente, only imperial Chinese from East Turkistan, standard denunciation; into Maryland at 2330 check, not even that (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2164 monitoring: ``From: Richard Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees. Dear Glenn: This week’s ID half way was a little later than usual heard, 46 minutes, Confirming World of Radio #2164, 1030, airing is now at 3:30 AM local time, 530 AM EST, 5850 kHz. WRMI: 5950, jamming noise, 0130, 0157 (55343-4), 0159, Nov 14 UTC [Mon] 9395, QRN, other QRN, 0130, 0154 (45343), 0159, Nov 15 UTC [Tue] 9955, 2350, 2351, 2358, S9 signal, 2359, Nov 15 UTC [Tue] 9395, 0030 (45433), QRN, other QRN, 0059, Nov 16 UTC [Wed] 5850, Signal S8, S9, 1030, 1046 (55433-4), 1059, Nov 16 UTC [Wed] (Lemke, Richard -AB) 73’s, Good listening, Richard`` Confirmed Tuesday November 15 at 2330 on WRMI 9955, S5/S7 into Maryland SDR atop pulse jamming; even better direct over Cuban jamming, S9+10/20. Also confirmed UT Wednesday November 16 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, S9+15/20 into Maryland SDR. Also confirmed Wednesday November 16 at 2200 on WBCQ 7490 minus 57 Hz = 7489.943 into Maryland SDR, S9+5/20; direct at 2211, S7/S9. Next: 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html A noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated. Thanks this week for a contribution from Henry Blackwood via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com --- ``Keeping WOR on shortwave!`` One may also contribute by money order or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. WRMI: see CUBA [non] ** VANUATU. 7890, Nov 16 at 0738, JBA carrier from R. Vanuatu X 2, but nothing audible on X 3 = 11835. Manuel Méndez, Spain, was hearing 11835 direct today (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 5055, Nov 16 at 0755, JBA carrier, probably Radio 4KZ, Queensland, about equal to 5020 presumed Solomons. No Cubans, WTWW or anything else above 5010 WRMI to distract (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 2347 UT November 16 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
JRX Logs: Wed, Nov 16, 2022 |
Wednesday, November 16 2022
------------------------------------------ JRX Logs: Wed, Nov 16, 2022 Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000 Antenna (s): Sony AN-71 All times Universal Time ASCENSION ISLAND ** 12095. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1931-1941, BBC, Ascension Island-ASC, in English. Man talks news; ID; 1933 Man and woman announcers talks news, including World Cup 2022 and a conversation with a man; ID. Very good reception: 55555. ** 17830. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1743-1753, BBC, Ascension Island-ASC, in English. Woman and man announcers talk news, including Qatar Cup 2022 and a conversation with a man; 1747 Woman announcer in conversation with a woman; ID. Very good reception: 55555.
BOTSWANA ** 11850. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1848-1858, Voice of America, Selebi-Phikwe-BOT, in Kinyarwanda/Kirundi. Man announcer talks; 1850 A brief music and woman announcer talks; 1852 A conversation with a man. Poor reception: 35422. ** 15730. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1859-1909, Voice of America, Selebi-Phikwe-BOT, in French. Man talks; Music; 1900 ID; Man and woman announcers talk news. Poor reception: 25422. INDIA ** 9620. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1805-1820, All India Radio, Bengaluru-IND, in Arabic. Indian music; 1809 ID and man announcer talks news, of course; Says Iran, Ukraine and more; 1817 Music, seems koranic chant?, mantra??. Fair reception: 35533. IRAN ** 11870. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1931-1942, VOIRI, Sirjan-IRN, in Hausa. Man talks news; 1835 Other man talks, says Africa and more; 1840 A brief musical pause and returns news. Poor reception: 35422. PHILIPPINES ** 9800. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1942-1952, Voice of America, Tinang-PHL, in Korean. A song by Julio Iglesias; 1944 Woman talks; Man talks. Poor reception: 35422. ** 9925. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1820-1830, Radyo Pilipinas, Tinang-PHL, in Filipino. Woman announcer talks; ID; A conversation with other woman; 1830 Man says ID. Good reception: 45544. SRI LANKA ** 11985. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1921-1930, Adventist World Radio, Trincomalee-CLN, in Arabic. Man talks, preaching, presumably; 1929 Man talks with music background. Fair reception: 35533. THAILAND ** 7475. Wed, Nov 16, 2022. 1910-1920, Radio Thailand, Udon Thani-THA, in English. Woman announcer talks during this log. Poor reception: 25422. JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier) SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UT-3) DX Map Location HI 22 NX ------------------------------------------ _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs November 11, 2022 |
Wednesday, November 16 2022
UTC Tuesday Nov 15 some 22.30 to 23.50 UT logs in MA state and Alberta-CAN remotedly.MADAGASCAR 15419.998 kHz AWR Yoruba / English sce to WeAF at 22.53 UT, organized via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility, S=7-8 signal, TX switch off at 23.00:23 UTC. TAIWAN 13590.002 typical Pao Chung site on upper fq flank, RTI TWN in Korean language sce at 23.00-23.30 UT, S=9 signal in Alberta CAN. USA 13844.989 kHz little odd fq WWCR Nashville TN, low modulation at 23.08 UT. 11930even US AGM opposition radio in Spanish from North Carolina bcast center site to Cuba island, S=9+40dB signal powerhouse. BUT MUCH BAD distorted modulation, due of 60 Hertz BUZZ strings visible and heard all over the place ... 11 x 60 Hertz apart distance signals seen, either sideband. Bad US faciluity performance. 12050even WEWN stn ID heard from Birmingham heard at 23.32 UT, 'Radio Catholica Mundial' S=9+25dB much, much cleaner excellent audio here, compared to Greenville bad audio performance.
6159.936 kHz more or less 'US En round the clock SW stn' of WBCQ these days, S=8 signal at 23.51 UT,and next door also Mexican Latin Culture neighbour 6184.968 kHz R Educacion from Mexico D.F. S=8 at 23.53 UT, orchestra mx programm heard. CODAR wiper signals heard in 13372 to 13579 kHz wide fq band range at 23.09 UT on Nov 15.
12095 to 12188 kHz at 23.36 UT.11896 kHz usual heard local MW music stn relay in Edmonton SDR regularly, S=9+10dB signal at 23.23 UT. PHILIPPINES 12055.004 FEBC Bocaue at S=6-7 fair signal across northern Pacific path, 23.34 UT and also
12069.971 kHz FEBC Iba site in Mandarin lang px from Hong Kong bc house branch at 23.35 UT.
VIETNAM 11720even seldom heard such strong signal from Son Tay site on this 25mb channel.VoVTN national 1st program in Vietnamese, S=9+15dB in Alberta at 23.20 UT. NO CNR QRM at this hour to state. CHINA 11525even Most strong CNR1 jamming stn program in 25mb at 23.12 UT. 16 kHz wideband Thomcast Ampegon clones signal.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 15) ----- Original Message ----- From: Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2022 1:29 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 11, 2022CUBA [and non]. 9330, Fri Nov 11 at 0716, dead air soon occupied by Spy Numbers, so WBCQ/WLCR is off again (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) CUBA. 6060, Nov 11 at 0720, S7/S9 open carrier with hum, must be lingering RHC, and on no other frequency. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) CUBA 13650even CRI Portuguese music only program from LatinAM relay site Quivican San Felipe TITAN, 250 kW at 135degr according
hfcc.org request database entry. Flute and Chinese string instrument mx program towards Brasil SoAM azimuth target. 23-24 UT, S=9+10dB.RHC La Habana not 15140 nor 15230 kHz on air at this hour, but RHC Bauta in Spanish on 13740even S=9+5dB at 23.07 UT in 22 mb. And also 9535.004 kHz from 100kW Bejucal site at 230degr azimuth towards MEX-GTM-CTR-Panama CeAM target, S=9+5dB at 23.44 UT and
9710even kHz from 50kW Bejucal site at 110degr azimuth towards Antilles Trinidad, Suriname. 23.40 UT S=9+10dB in Alberta remotedly.
11760even non-directional steep angle Caribbean target signal from Bauta site, little distorted audio bad quality tonight, S=9+25dB at 23.22 UT.
11850even RHC Sp towards South America, strong S=9+20dB carrier, but MUCH LOWERED audio modulation of this Quivican unit at 23.23 UT.Nothing on 11950 kHz of Mesa Retonda TV program relay. Nothing of 11880 kHz Bauta towards South AF sce on 100degr. antenna Bauta #3, HRS4/4/0.8, 130degr minus 30degr slewed procedure 5990even fq CRI Beijing in English via Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site at 23.47 UT, S=9+25dB and hx on 11980even S=8 signal but bad audio quality feeder line on 5990 / 11980 both. 23-24 UT Nothing in 23-24 UT on 4765 BEJ, nor 5025 nor 5040 kHz from Bauta site.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 15)SPAIN. 12030, Fri Nov 11 at 2315, token English from REE is interviewing someone who is campaigning to Free the Dolphins from captivity in aquaria and zoos - no excuse, they are not endangered and such intelligent beings should not be encarcerated. At the end her name sounds like Olivia Malo? or Mandel? I`m listening off the back of the ME beam which is reaching Maryland SDR just fine. So is the NAm frequency 9690 but there is heavy clicking QRM over it, like OTH radar. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) 9690even S=9+5dB -73dBm signal REE Noblejas at 22.32 UT, Spanish radioactiva matter about Nobel price premio on Madame Curie report. 11684.998 kHz few Hertz fq signal on lower sideband. 22.36 UT S=9+10dB in Alb-CAN.
BUT NOT on 11940 kHz channel tonight.
REE in Arabic(!) at 22.38 UT, talk on Magreb and Morocco matter, S=9+5dB, also later heard Spanish (and some English items in
between) at 23.17 UT, time pips standard tones at 23.30 UT ![selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 15) This report dispatched at 0028 UT November 12 _Hard-Core-DX mailing list
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs November 15, 2022 |
Wednesday, November 16 2022
** CHINA [and non]. 11590, Nov 15 at 1613, Firedragon jamming I`ve not run across in a longtime, about equal level to Chinese talk, which is RFA via TINIAN at 16-19; also 15-16 via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 6060, Nov 15 at 0724, S9/+10 open carrier, only RHC remnant on this or any band, not 10080 either = 2 x 5040 which I forgot to recheck Nov 14. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 13767, 13834, 13633, 13566 approx., Nov 15 at 1604, extremely distorted FMish spurblobs out of RHC 13700 AM which is S8/9+10, intervals of about 67 kHz. Outer ones much weaker, and the lowest QRMing CODAR. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauserr, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 13606 approx., Nov 15 at 2220, RHC spurblob FMish with F# tone, extremely distorted talk, would make a better jammer than mere noise if Martí were still on 13605! Obviously out of clear AM 13740 transmitter amid all the others I then find to 2227, same unit no doubt as in mornings out of 13700. They are all broad and hard to pinpoint, so I try to pick where the FM be loudest: 13673, 13808, 13877, 13948, 14008; 13534, 13467; some approx. intervals of 67-68 kHz. Note, so bad that extends into 20m hamband: that ought to get attn of intruder-watchers. Could be yet another circa 14075, but a huge digital hamblob already there. The lowest two QRM with CODAR. Innocent 13680 AM RHC is also on. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 9535, Nov 15 at 2213, RHC Spanish ID, S9/+10 but JBM. I check some others: 9710 a little better, S9+30/40; 11850 at 2218 S9+5/25 but suptorted to JBM. No signals on 15370 or 15730. Also patrolled all bands 5 to 17 MHz for any RHC English: nowhere, including ex-11880. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EGYPT. 9439.995, Nov 15 at 2212, R. Cairo S8/S9 of dead air with whine, no programod. Something`s always egregious in Egypt - not only this but horrible dictatorship vs human rights, so we shouldn`t be too sad they can`t propagandize (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** GUAM. 15680, Nov 15 at 2228, S9 of some chanty music; 2229 dead air; 2230 AWR theme, KSDA ID in English, next in Indonesian. 2200 listed as in ``NJ Ngaju Dayak: Indonesia-Borneo (0.9m) [nij]`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Nov 15 at 0735 at first nothing, then JBA carrier from R. Kiribati (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** MALI [non]. 5995, Nov 15 at 0723, JBA carrier. By now presumably Echo of Hope, VOH from S to N Korea, its jumparound channel this week? Not checked earlier, as ORTM used to dominate from 0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NIGERIA. 7255-, Nov 15 at 0733, no signal from VON (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 5960.018, Nov 15 at 2220, VOT English is S9+40 into UTwente but undermodulated and hummy vs CCCCCCI undercurrent (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U K [non]. 7520, Nov 15 at 2230, VP S5/S8 English headlines, sounds like BBC. Yes, this hour only via USAGM Tinang, PHILIPPINES for Indonesia (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2164 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday November 15 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, JBA into Maryland SDR but S9/+5 into Missouri SDR. BTW at 0303 recheck all three 9 MHz frequencies appeared to be off. Next: 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed by Cuba] 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html A noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated. Thanks this week for a contribution from Henry Blackwood via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com --- ``Keeping WOR on shortwave!`` One may also contribute by money order or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. In a phone conversation early UT Nov 15, George McClintock explains what`s going on with WTWW; from my scribbled notes reflecting his POV: Ted Randall is definitely out of the picture. He does not and never has had any ownership in Leap Of Faith, licensee of WTWW, despite the entry as such in Wikipedia. Ted can do whatever he wants elsewhere, but can`t call it WTWW. George is on the books as head of LOF, but in effect had sold his interest to Scriptures for America, the defacto owner. He has been to the transmitter site and finds it quite in disarray. Both transmitters had been operated with their doors open, which is a no-no, perhaps accounting for splatter. Neither would work until he fiddled with them, finally got them on for brief low-power ~5 kW tests. Cooling water was discolored, dirty. About half the modulation cards missing from each. Tuning to 9 MHz band done incorrectly. Plans to get WTWW back on air with SFA on one transmitter, variety of preachers on the other, but no music. Meanwhile, `WRMI Legends` has appeared in scattered areas of the WRMI program schedule, no doubt Ted Randall`s stuff. Not clear if these will axually start Nov 15, and there may be further adjustments: On the transmission grid, UT, System, Xmtr#, Frequency: 22-23 G 6 9395 23-24 L 8 5950 23-24 L 5 9455 00-01 C 5 9455 On the more detailed programming grid, only the first matching above: 23-24 L 5950 daily 02-03 F 5850 7730 15770 Sunday 03-04 G 9395 Mon Tue Thu Fri Sun Ted still controls the WTWW.us website, but which is now referring to WRMI Legends ``live nightly on WRMI soon``. Later: yes, there`s Ted Nov 15 at 2209 on S9+30/40 WRMI 9395 after disco music, ``we`re back, WRMI Legends``, then Atlas Weather with Erika Walters centred on Miami, but also diverse spots like Escanaba. Does this sorta replace BBB`s `Oldies` filler? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VANUATU. 7890, Nov 15 at 0729, JJBBA carrier, but none audible on 11835, harmonix of RV 3945 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2326 UT November 16 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs November 9, 13-14-15, 2022 |
Tuesday, November 15 2022
** CUBA. 6000, Nov 14 at 0646, music on RHC English still on air, S9+20/30, // 6060 S9+10 but louder, and // 6165 S4/S8 undermodulated JBA. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 13568, 13634, 13766, 13832, all approx., Nov 14 at 1601, extremely distorted first- and second-order FMish spurblobs at ~66 kHz intervals from still on at S6/S9, 13700 AM; but not audible a further 66 out circa 13898. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EAST TURKISTAN. 5060, 4980, 4850, 4500, Nov 15 at 0041, JBA carriers on this quartet make it 100% certain that these are PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, now on their winter channels for Chinese, Uyghur, Kazakh and Mongolian, respectively -- as in Aoki, but EiBi lax them all and in fact no other stations anywhen on any of them. From the land of imperialist Chicom genocide against Uighurs and other Moslems. 4500 has a bit more Doppler flutter upon it, different azimuths? The full Aoki shows 5060 & 4980 as 100 kW at 230 degrees; 4850 100 kW ND; 4500 50 kW ND (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** EGYPT. 9902.570, 0000 UT Nov 9, S3/S4 of dead air, presumed R. Cairo 9900 S American disservice. Something`s always egregious in Egypt (Glenn Hauser, OK) Oops! Date and time I had omitted ** MADAGASCAR. 15355, Nov 14 at 1945, S7/S9 open carrier or JBM: scheduled is AWR in Ibo at 1930-2000 to be followed 2000-2030 by French. Is no one paying attention at Talata? Ibo a.k.a. Igbo, spoken by 18 megaNigerians, but now listened to by zero. Explained on a very colorful website: https://www.uiulosangeles.org/post/igbo-vs-ibo-1 ``Ibo was finally replaced by Igbo as the modern and correct spelling in the early 70's using the Igbo alphabet a, gb, ib etc… Please note that some historical books especially those printed before the 70's will refer to Igbo as Ibo`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NIGERIA. 7255-, Nov 14 at 0634, no signal from VON, where something`s always abysmal at Abuja (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 9690, Mon Nov 14 at 1910, N American frequency of REE is JBA direct, this early after weekday *1900; much better on ME 12030, S9/+10 and SAm 11940, S9. Any higher band would be preferable for us. By 2300, 9690 is VG into Maryland SDR for token M/W/F English. Including at 2320 Justin Coe interviewing Cornelius, a guy who plays blues from his trike upon which two dozen instruments are mounted. That I`d like to see as well as hear: briefly and talked over for a minute, ``St James Infirmary Blues``; morphing into a Louis Armstrong version. But that too is cut off for the final sesquiminute of some other music. Come, on (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 5960, Nov 14 at 2337-2340, VOT with `Did You Know That` --- what? Again the YL is so accented and the talk audio fi so lo, that it would take more concentration than I can muster to follow. VG S9/+20 into UTwente, but some hum. 2352 sign/off, 2353 IS and off by 2354* uncovering ChiCom which TRT completely covered before (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. Nov 14 at 1940-1943 among plenty CW 10m ham beacons, a few I copy are all relogs: 28197, VE7MTY/B 28214+, W6REK/B 28218, VVV DE N6SPP/B 28269+, DE AA1TT/B (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2164 monitoring: Confirmed Sunday November 13 at 2100 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz not 918 or 207, S9+5/15 into Noale SDR, SAH and slight CCI from understation, presumably Smooth Radio, England. Also confirmed UT Monday November 14 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, best into S Louisiana SDR, S5/S9 but reception breaking up; also tried others in LA, TX. WRMI-13 still listed on 222 degree beam toward C America, tho one such antenna was reportedly going to take months to repair; is this a different one, yet same azimuth? Very unfavorable thisaway some 90 degrees clockwise, off the side. Also confirmed UT Monday November 14 at 0130 on WRMI 5950, VG S9+20/30, WRMI-8 aimed 355 degrees. Also confirmed UT Monday November 13 from 0402 on WBCQ Area 51, 6160 minus 64 Hz = 6159.936, but JBA into Maryland SDR, with plenty ACI from 6165 Cuba. On QRP, or bad propagation? JL ran over again. Next: 0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed by Cuba] 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html A noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated. Thanks this week for a contribution from Henry Blackwood via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com --- ``Keeping WOR on shortwave!`` One may also contribute by money order or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. Nov 14 at 2140 UT I see that WTWW.us homepage now says: ``If You LOVED us on 5085!! We are moving`` -- and I suspect where. As early as last Thursday there were some ``WTWW`` files on a WRMI System server. So I ask Jeff White about it November 14, WTWWRMI? He replies at 2253 UT: ``Glenn: It seems that they are already announcing things on the WTWW webstream, so yes, I can confirm that we are in negotiations to transmit some of the former programming of WTWW on one or more WRMI frequencies. But we have no schedule yet. Jeff White, General Manager, WRMI Radio Miami International``. Also says those WTWW files are for next Wavescan produxion. Dave Zantow also reported at 2239: ``As I listen on-line to the still active WTWW TX 2 audio feed today, we hear WRMI now made comment too. So, it appears that the 5085 Khz Rock-Pop feed will or has already moved to a WRMI frequency? Hopefully minus the "Bible Babble" which I doubt. Dave Zantow N9EWO, Janesville, WI, "Dave's Radio Receiver Page" https://www.qsl.net/n9ewo/ `` Also glad to find that the non-promoted classical stream WTWW offers is still running. I listen for about an hour from 2140 Nov 14: https://wtww.us/pages/listen-live/classical.php However, without any announcements to ID the music, nor visually. Mostly short pieces including some vocals; clashing generic WTWW ID at 2207 treating Our National Anthem as if were mere produxion music. At 2214 a classical piece was cut off and another one started. I wonder what`s the source and how programmed, a ``jukebox``? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VANUATU. 7260, Nov 14 at 0634, no signal from R. Vanuatu, so still on 5040 before 0659? But at 0705, JBA carrier on 11835, even weaker on 7890, harmonix of 3945 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 7590, Nov 14 at 0632, SW Asian language, S9/S7, something new? Nothing listed but maybe R. Farda upslide from 7585 where nothing heard, registered 0230-0830 via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0120 UT November 15 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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