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Log. Feb. 11, 2023. |
Sunday, February 12 2023
Chile. 820. R. Carabineros. Feb 11. 0100 - 0111 UTC. Informations. 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) Chile. 860. R. Inés de Suárez. Feb 11.. 0027 - 0045 UTC. Pop music. 45343 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) Chile. 1360. R. UBB. Feb 11. 0510- Utc. Music. 45433 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) SW. Ascencion. 11810. BBC. Feb. 11. 2044 - 2100 UTC. Magazine with indian music. . 44444 // 12095 45343 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) Brazil. 9820. R. 9 de Julho. Feb 11. 2034 - 2044 UTC. Talk show. 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) VATICAN. 15460. Voa. Feb 11. 1446 - 1500 UTC. Interview in Kir. 35333 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) Vietnam. 11885. Vov. Spanish service. Feb 11. 2100 - 2127 UTC. News about Vietnam. 2110. International news. 2114 "Reportaje sabatino". 2119: "Cita de correspondencia". 45433 to 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs February 11, 2023 |
Saturday, February 11 2023
** ALASKA. 6075, Feb 11 at 0800 tune-in just as KNLS is signing on English, plays IS for one minute, then program summary of ensuing bits, ``from the top of the world`` --- well, not quite, and certainly do not expect any Breaking News from AK! studios in Franklin, Tennessee. S9/+10 but says also audible at www.knls.org (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RC USB, Feb 11 around 1530-1540, zero signals from LRA36, checked on various Argentine, Brazilian SDRs; at what used to be a reliable Sat airing. Guess now it`s only ``specials`` if pre-publicized. Not all these SDRs are hearing any SW signals at all, blank waterfalls, but I pick a couple which appear to be funxional (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** AUSTRALIA [non]. 10120-10130, Feb 11 at 0734, no sign of phonehams, just heavy CW in this normally sparse part of the ``30m`` band. Must be a contest, which usually rule out the so-called newer ``WARC bands``. Some months ago I was hearing some USB hams ragchewing Strine accents on a few frequencies in this range, long-winded and never caught a callsign; later researched that indeed, Australia allows phone unlike all? other countries. BUT, since then, not a trace of any voice contacts, even when prop ought to be funxional. Wha` happened? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** BRAZIL. 9665.083, Feb 11 at 0740, S5/S6 praise songs in Brazuguese? as always VG modulation, from R. Voz Missionária. Had not measured it lately; varies both sides of 9665 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, Feb 11 at 0747, NO signal from RNZP, recently added second AM frequency. Would certainly be heard if on, as 13755 is inbooming SSOB at S9+10/20 with ``Deep River Blues``. How to Listen sked has now been amended to show: ``0559-1258 13755 NW Pacific Vanuatu Solomon Isl PNG Mon-Sun 0859-1258 13755+11725 from 11 Feb NW Pacific Vanuatu Solomon PNG Mon-Sun`` But Gary Pence, KM5X, says there was still no 11725 at 0942 this Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. 515 MCW kHz, Feb 11 at 0814 UT, PN, 25-watt NDB at PoNca City is back on the air, also circa 1600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 4752+ CW, Feb 11 after 0300 UT, I`m following up on my previous log of CW IDs in the middle of a CODAR swirsher span at :23 and :43 minutes past an hour. Not sure yet which coast it`s upon, I`m running the Missouri SDR mid-America near WA0RCR. Sure enough, the IDs fire at exactly 0323, 0343 and 0403 and I record them to be sure I copy them accurately and to illustrate in next WOR. Each time they run twice in a row while the swirshing does pause: WRPW597 --- that`s it. Looks like a typical FCC utility call format, not a geolocator as someone suggested. Now it`s just a matter of searching out those alfanumerix, leading immediately to: https://www.radioreference.com/db/browse/ctid/2/fcc Baldwin County, Alabama: University of Southern Mississippi Callsign: WRPW597 Frequency: 4.46300000 Granted: 2022-03-25 Stat: A Units: 1 Pag: 0 Code: LR Service: RS City: Gulf Shores Exactly same info listed for: Okaloosa County, Florida City: Destin I`m not finding a key to the abbrs., like exactly what mean Stat, Pag, Code and Service. Perhaps someone can explain. 4463 kHz would be the lower boundary of this CODAR range, but strange that bandwidth or upper limit is not shown, nor power or other parameters. Gulf Shores is in the SE corner of AL; Destin FL is 115 km = 73 stmi = 62 nm almost due east along the coast, the other side of Pensacola. Hattiesburg is main campus of USM, considerably inland, but also, near Gulfport: ``Gulf Park Campus -- Through its 52-acre beachfront campus in Long Beach, Mississippi, the University serves as the only four-year public institution located on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. The Gulf Park campus is also home to the state’s only bachelor’s degree in ocean engineering...`` Now we also know whom to complain to about CODAR QRM to legitimate tropical band broadcasters; or try to QSL them? One would expect other CODARs to contain equivalent IDs if anyone care to go after them. Per the same reference, WRPE540, a CODAR call copied by Ken Zichi in MI, belongs to Rutgers Univ of NJ in Atlantic County, Brigantine, which is just up the coast from Atlantic City, on two frequencies, 4463 and 5262. But nothing for WRPU84E - perhaps last character wrong (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2177 monitoring: confirmed UT Saturday February 11 at 0130 on WRMI 5850, S9+20/30 into Missouri SDR. Also confirmed UT Saturday February 11 at 0500 on WBCQ Radio Angela on 5130 -18 Hz = 5129.982, S7/S9 into Maryland SDR. Also confirmed Saturday February 11 at 1700 on WRN N America webcast. Tuned in at 1658 as ``Facts Do Matter`` segment starts but chopped off at 1659 with outro as DW, then Feature Story News, pregnant pause, and WOR. Next: 2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 2230 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW 2230 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE 0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW 0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0530] 0800 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power] 0830 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [previous episode] 2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW 0400vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW 0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power] 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated. Thanks this week for ``My yearly anonymous contribution to WoR. Thanks again, Glenn, for allowing me to participate in your historic radio show``, generously via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 7490-, 6160 -66 Hz = 6159.34, 5130 -3 Hz = 5129.997, UT Sat Feb 11 at 0100, WBCQs with a new `AAAWWW`. Starts with tribute to CE Tom Barna, who died recently, ``after a short illness``. By 0106 back to business, insulting Democrats as Moonbats (but not Communists, progress?) and President Biden as a puppet - how could anyone who watched his SOTU think that??? At least still another week without referring to ``our president T****``. Webcast interrupted several times for buffering, apparently on internet feed from FL to ME - picks up without anything missed, but annoying. Soon reads long piece from the Fairfield Journal in Maine warning of the dangers of AI, watch out for robots taking over the world and squashing mere humans like we squash mosquitos. Finally finished with that at 0140 as I notice ACI upon weakening 7490 into Maryland SDR, which must be R. Ashna from Kuwait after 0130. 0151 finally date stamp as 10th of Feb YOOLF 2023, from Studio 9 in Deland of Fla. 0156 some email. At 0159 am listening to 6160 webcast when canned Allan interrupts live Allan`s prayer for a legal ID, and then back to prayer. I then switch to 7490 webcast and notice it`s running a good many seconds behind, so JIP Hal Turner already talking at 0201 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 6159.937, Feb 11 at 0754, S9+10 of dead air from WBCQ instead of TOMBS which has been running all-night, until when? Remains totally missing from any time on http://wbcq.com/schedule/index.php?fn=sked&freq=6160 Yet Allan is so concerned about electricosts (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9330v, Feb 11 at 1617, WBCQ WLCR SuperStition is OFF. Wonder what`s the matter now. Last night unlogged time but noticed it was almost exactly on-frequency for a change! Maybe off air till can be off-frequency again? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VANUATU. 7260, Feb 11 at 0753, JBA M&W talk, S7/S9 with flutter from R. Vanuatu still here rather than 3945 & harmonix (Glenn Hauser, OK WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 9580.2 USB, Feb 11 at 0744, JBA 2-way INTRUDERS in language, unseems Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 1757 UT February 11 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for February 10th,11th ,2023 |
Saturday, February 11 2023
DXing America,s SDR,s Remotly r= Remote ALL TIMES Are UTC/GMT and Zulu Submissions are in Chronological Order as they were heard.
** IRAN 11875 khz (0423z-0437z) IRIB Voice of I.R.IRAN broadcasting NATL.Anthem followed by Qur' ran prayer? with ID freq.list and internet addr.Speaking Turkish then News Xmiting from Sirjan with a good S9 signal w/rapid QSB into W1NT rSDR Newton,NH.Feb.10,2023 GP,km5x,Tx ** SAUDI ARABIA 11860 khz (0446z)Republic of Yemen Radio Speaking Arabic broadcasting News from Jeddah with S7 Signal into W1NT rSDR Newton,NH.Feb.10,2023 GaryPence,km5x,Tx ** CHINA
13570 khz (0451z)C.R.Inter.Broadcasting in English from Xianyang about 570 miles Southwest of Beijing with a S5,S6,signal into W1NT rSDR Newton,NH.Feb.10,2023 GaryPence,km5x,Tx ** OMAN 13750 khz (0501z) BBCWS Speaking Persian broadcasting from AL-SEELA With good S9 (SSOB)Signal into W1NT rSDR Newton,NH.Feb.10,2023 GP,km5x,Tx.
** CHINA 13670 khz (0518z)PBS Xinjianj (CNR13) Speaking Uyghur from Urumqi about 558km due south of where the borders of Russia,Mongolia and Kazakhstan come close together.Copied with a steady S5 signal into W1NT rSDR Newton,NH.Feb.10,2023 GaryPence,km5x,Tx ** CUBA 13650 khz (2339z-2349z)China Radio International playing Chinese Lute Music from just east of Quivican with a good S9+30/38db(-36dbm) Signal Into KK9FFV rSDR Forney,TX.Feb.10,2023 GP/km5x/TX. ** S.KOREA 15575 khz (0253z) KBS World Radio broadcasting in Spanish from about 120 miles due south of Seoul with a good S9+15db(-61dbm) signal into KFS SW rSDR Half Moon Bay,CA.Feb.11,2023 GaryPence,km5x,TX. ** N.KOREA 15105 khz (0300z)Voice of Korea Speaking Chinese from Kujang about 120 miles Northwest of Pyongyang Started with Natl.Anthem followed by two patriotic songs then OM speaking at 0310z with a S9+10db Signal into KFS Omni rSDR Half Moon Bay,CA.Feb.11,2023 GaryPence,km5x,TX. ** MONGOLIA 12084.875 (0900z-0928z) Voice of Mongolia English program broadcasting to SE Asia from Ulaanbaator about 30 minutes before their Sunset with a Steady S6 to almost S7 Signal into KFS Southwest Antenna Half Moon Bay,CA.There Southwest Array is doing better than their Omni Ant but The Northwest Array had no copy and is still broken since the third week of October.Rob Robinett AI6VN who is my go to person for KFS and KPH near San Francisco says he has notified the next person up the chain but has not heard back on an ETA For Repair Yet..Feb.11,2023 GaryPence, TX. ** VANUATU 7260 khz (0926z)Radio Vanuatu Speaking Bislama/English playing toe-tapping good listening Island music with a good S9+10db(-67dbm) Signal with (NO transmissions heard on 3945 khz with It,s accompanying harmonics) into KFS Southwest Array rSDR in Half Moon Bay,California Feb.11,2023 GaryPence,km5x,Tx. ** NEW ZEALAND 13755 khz (0942z)RNZ Pacific Playing Saturday night Music Request with a good S9+5/15db Signal (NO 25meter signal at this time) into KFS Southwest Antenna rSDR H.M.Bay,CA.Feb.11,2023 GaryPence,km5x,Tx ** AUSTRALIA 5055 khz (0952z)Station 4KZ Playing Pop Music and Classic rock From Innisfail,Northern Queensland near the Coast with a good S9+10db Signal into KFS Southwest Ant.rSDR H.M.Bay,CA Sept.11 Station 4KZ 5055 khz also making it to the East Coast USA at ToH ID 1000z S6 plus a little more into K1VL rSDR Shrewsbury,Vermont Feb.11,2023 GaryPence,km5x,Tx. **** Dispatched 1625z Feb.11,2023 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs February 10-11, 2023 |
Saturday, February 11 2023
** ITALY [non]. 14589.997, Fri Feb 10 at 1836, music at S7 into UTwente. This is the second harmonic of IRRS SW via presumed BULGARIA, which I have saved in a memory tho WOR is no longer available on IRRS SW. Fundamental 7295 is *much* stronger S9+25/35 but there is considerable overmodulation? distortion which I did not detect on X2. 1838 playing orchestral `Danny Boy`, so I guess it`s the unID Irish music show I have run across elsewhen next to WOR. What does their sked show at 1915 CET Friday on 7295 & 1323? ``News and features from our studio``, the generic entry occupying most of the schedule. 1842, DJs outro as by 101 Strings, a.k.a. ``Londonderry Air``, and more songs; horrible distortion. Over at odd time 1853 or cut off for promo of some show ``Wednesday at 8 pm``, IRRS SW ID, 1854 anti-COVID PSA from UNESCO/WHO about masking and handwashing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) see also USA [and non]. WOR Monitoring of IRRS via 1323 kHz
** NEW ZEALAND. 11725 & 13755, Feb 10 at 0740, JBA audio and JBA carrier respectively, very unlike last night when the RNZI duplicates were inbooming. Stephen Luce commented to the WOR iog: ``RNZ’s newly ordered Ampegon transmitter isn`t supposed to be in operation until late this year or early 2024, so it appears that the old Thomson unit from 1990 has been sufficiently repaired to the point where it can be trusted with an extended schedule alongside the younger 2006 transmitter. Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas`` And now another new pairing: ``Strong reception of RNZ Pacific on unscheduled 9700 kHz at 1400 UTC on February 10, 2023, with news and weather as part of the "All-Night Programme". Weaker on 7390 kHz, which is where they are expected to be heard at this hour. 73 Ricky Leong, Calgary, Alberta, Canada`` --- but the How To Listen page still shows 9700 AM, only after 1651. Another reply: ``I expect this is to provide a bit of extra coverage during tropical cyclone season. Cyclone Gabrielle is wandering around the South Pacific at the moment, due to reach New Zealand on Sunday via Norfolk Island. It will be the existing second transmitter - the new unit isn't due for months. Not sure of the beam though. Chris Mackerell, Sandy Bay-Marahau Road, Marahau, RD2, Motueka 7197, New Zealand, chris@owdjim.gen.nz`` (Glenn Hauser, oK, WOR) ** RUSSIA. 9310 USB, Feb 10 at 0551, Soviet Hymn, a.k.a. Russian national anthem, starts with a male soloist really belting it out, then joined by chorus. Tnx to tips from Walt Salmaniw, BC and Chris Mackerell, NZ, so I bring up an NZ SDR to hear it. I started to time the duration of each looped repetition but they stopped at 0603* before I was finished -- somewhere between 3 and 4 minutes. This has been reported on a number of frequencies, apparently doing nothing else. On Feb 3, Lucas Bandura, BC, commented: ``This is a Russian military beacon, operates on several frequencies including 7700, 8001, 9041, 9310, 9900, 10200, & 10420 USB`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 9690, 12030, 11940, 11685, all four, Fri Feb 10 at 2308, REE token English with news about Turquake by heavily accented YL, neither Hélena nor Amy, and mispronouncing Erdoğan with a hard G instead of W; outro as the correspondent in Beirut: that`s closer. 2310 Justin with report about medical workers striking in Spain. Another demo called for Sun Feb 12 ``tomorrow``. 2320 interview with Gorka and José Luís, Basque flamenco artists at Galileo club. I`ve been listening to 12030 via Maryland remote, which is quite adequate today (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY [and non]. 5960.003, Feb 10 at 2304, VOT English, VG S9+40 into UTwewnte, newscaster on lofi line, from home? Helps a bit to make AMsync bandwidth max at 13.53 kHz. Does VOT ever have any reports from the scene like numerous world news services? Seems not, everything read from a studio, home or not. By 2307 XJPBS is on with undertalk CCCCCCI. `Review of the Tuerkiyish Press` until 2313 about effect of the TQ on sports clubs. 2314 `Weekly Analysis` about 3 major EQs on Feb 6, some kind of record, and more statistix, 13.5 megapeople affected by them. 2319 `Feeling Supreme/The Healing Spring` on the benefits of carrots, at least the fourth time! Back to Spain, q.v. Back to here: songs until 2341 `DYKT` about a photographer. 2343 music. 2351 multi-lingual ID filler reel. 2353 s/off and off 2354* after only first two notes of IS, how rude! Uncovering XJPBS, East Turkistan, standard denunciation (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 11720, Fri Feb 10 after 2105, VOA Grimesland with secret but longstanding airing of `Music Time in Africa`. Occasionally announcements by hyper Heather Maxwell are reverbing as if long/short path echo turning on and off, but rather an unwanted studio effect? Far too little `traditional` music, if any, but frenetic contemporary rap etc., and far too much talk, like interviewing Black Sheriff at 2145. Conclusion: not worth going out of my way to hear. Listening via remotes in Tenerife where it`s aimed, and north Texas off the back (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2177 monitoring: confirmed first SWBC, UT Friday February 10 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, VG S9/+10 into Louisiana SDR -- and yes, still with noise burst superimposed over first 14 seconds. But this time strangely, not visible on waterfall as external QRM. Also confirmed Friday February 10 at 1530 on WRMI 9955, preceded by Blalock the Blaster from tune-in at 1527; S9/S5 direct but fading to JBA by 1545. Into Maryland SDR, 9955 is S7/S8 for ID and continuing past 1600 with TOMBS. We never know whether 9955 will be turned off before WOR, but lucked out this week. Also confirmed Friday February 10 at 2130 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz only, S9+15/20 into nearby Noale SDR, following ID which cut off some talk show, unseems `Wavescan` as scheduled 2100, unless it started way late. My first 8 words were heard twice, playback incompletely replacing last week`s? Or anomaly of SDR? There is a light rippling SAH from a JBA understation with music, probably Brighton. The CCI is considerably worse by my 2158 closing. 2159 ``IRRS signing off 1323, to resume at 19 CET tomorrow`` and right into Feature Story News. Still after 2205 recheck as I realize they have switched to AP news via VOA News! 2210 songs. 2211* finally cut off uncovering Smooth Radio songs? But still fast ripple SAH from algo else. Next WOR airings: 0130 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW 0500 UT Saturday WBCQ Radio Angela 5130v to WSW 2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 2230 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW 2230 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE 0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW 0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0530] 0800 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power] 0830 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [previous episode] 2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW 0400vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW 0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power] 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated. Thanks this week for ``My yearly anonymous contribution to WoR. Thanks again, Glenn, for allowing me to participate in your historic radio show``, generously via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 7490-, Fri Feb 10 at 2230 trying to listen to `Behaviour Night` of oldtime recordings via the WBCQ webcast but it keeps stopping. I`m better off tuned to 7490- itself via Maryland remote after finding the N TX remote I still have accessed is getting nothing. I gather that this is also on several other stations/webcasts. And don`t spell it Britishly despite Sir Scratchy`s patrician accent. Also the preferred spelling is ``beHAVior Night``. I see his FB has not been updated since last May - but it does link to https://myspace.com/sirscratchy where his real name appears, John Landry, saving me the trouble of searching for it; and location as Dobbs Ferry, NY, which in 2010y was an 11K town west of White Plains, north of Yonkers on the Hudson. Did not get around to measuring it until recheck during unlistenable FKB gospel huxter at 0023 Feb 11 when it`s about minus 68 Hz into Maryland = 7489.932. Will there be a new `AAAWWW` this week at 0100 UT Saturday? Two last twits illustrated with portraits of Tom Barna: ``Allan Weiner @AllanWBCQ · 11h [= ~1330 UT Friday] If the weather holds. It’s Angela & Allan Worldwide on the air tonight. 8pm eastern. Tune 7490/6160/5130 khz. Important stuff to discuss. Don’t miss the show. Email your comments to wbcq@wbcq.com. With free speech radio-the show must go on. Two left❤️ RIP`` [with more emojis] ``Allan Weiner @AllanWBCQ · Feb 8 Lost our beloved Tom Barna, chief engineer of the world’s Superstation. He will be missed. RIP radio brother. With our Lord and Savior in that big station in the sky. Cary on. The free speech must continue. Free speech radio WBCQ. 9330/7490/6160/5130/3265 khz More radio to come🙏⚡️`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 4840, Fri Feb 10 at 0722, S9+30/40 of dead air except for big hum, as WWCR-3 fails once again to modulate TOMBS. Wiggle that patchcord? Only other frequency on now, 5935 WWCR-2, remains nominal. Something`s nullified in Nashville (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** VANUATU. 7260, Feb 10 at 0720, R. Vanuatu is JBA here and not on 7890 or 11835. Gary Pence agrees that this seems to be the new normal. But we never know when they may revert to 3945 plus harmonix at least after 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 4753-, Feb 10 at 0723, I happen to be tuned to 4752 USB during a bandscan where there are CODAR swirshes over a considerable range, when suddenly I hear some CW at a pitch slightly less than 1 kHz --- could it be a CODAR transmitter ID, as Ken Zichi had reported previously? Sent twice at moderate speed, but I do not manage to copy it beyond the first two letters which I think are WR+ something and ending in 7? Did the CODAR pause during this? Not sure: if so, that would definitely tie them together. Nothing further for a few minutes, but at 0743 I`m listening again when the CW refires --- so maybe this happen at 20-minute intervals? Or 10? I keep listening past 0753 but no more and I`m off before 0803. Further monitoring required! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 5051.0, Feb 10 at 0721, JBA open carrier. Had not noted it lately but weeks ago was a regular mystery with good signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 9234 CW, Feb 10 at 0727, DE 3RA, tentatively as I tune in, a partial ID? In long CW message, no more DE heard for a while, but pauses and restarts at 0732. A few sequences copied seemed to be random letters, not intelligible words, so maybe encrypted (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 0042 UT February 11 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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