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Glenn Hauser logs November 1-2, 2021 |
Tuesday, November 02 2021
** CANADA. 269-MCW kHz, Nov 1 at 0650 UT, ND beacon dash and UDE, 50 watts from Delta, Manitoba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA [and non]. 9665, re heavy ACI to WOR on Ch 292, Germany, 9670 at 1330: New HFCC shows CRI Russian at 1300-1400 is 500 kW, 292 degrees from Xi`an site, not East Turkistan = land of imperialist ChiCom genocide against Uyghurs and other Moslems. 292 is listed as 25 kW available 24 hours, non-direxional (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** FRANCE. 17800.095V, Nov 1 at 1501, MiniTransAt yacht race marine weather in French, météo, after a bit of music, S9. Carrier is audibly and visibly wobbling, plus/minus at least 7 Hz, centred more or less here but difficult to pinpoint. I wonder if clients get a discount for a defective Issoudun transmitter or even know about it. Others continue reporting the DRM version at 1700 on 17795-17805. Chris Mackerell, NZ, says, ``If they use the "DRMcast" stuff again you won't be able to decode it without borrowing one of the special "suitcase" receiver/decoders from one of the yachts. Cheers, Chris``. Well, I had no problem decoding it with an ordinary KiwiSDR. And Hansjoerg Biener, Germany, says, ``On earlier occasions, DXers were told that neither TDF nor organizers of the race were interested in reception reports from outside`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN [and non]. 11670, Nov 1 at 2303, collision of two weak stations; has REE stayed here instead of 11685 which is HFCC registered, also in Aoki for B-21 until 2400, ex-2300; but no signal for Africa on 11685? The other of course is RHC still starting at 2300, which had only a small overlap with REE. I do not get an REE // confirmation now, so could be CNR2 as logged Oct 22, tho not scheduled now. REE anyhow is VG anyhow for M/W/F English to us on 9690, // 11940 SAm and 12030 ME (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TIBET [non]. 12125, Nov 1 at 1513, something new on previously vacant frequency, Chinese? and music mixing, S9-S7. New HFCC B-21 shows USAGM via TINIAN at 1500-1600, 250 kW, 296 degrees in BOD dialect of Tibetan. WRTH shows RFA also on 12125 back in B-20; now the ChiCom jammer is already back on it (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 11815.009, Nov 1 at 1508, something new here for B-21; certainly not Brasil or Japan; interview in language S9/+10 with some intonation similar to French? but not. Of course, it`s Türkish from TRT back here for the season, 1400-1700, 250 kW, 310 degrees USward from Emirler, where something`s always erroneous, slightly off-frequency. Japan had finished 11815 at 1500 but now also listed for 1500-1700, no sign of that now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 5960, Nov 1 at 2301, VOT English to N America confirmed here on B-21 sked, S9+20 but noisy, ex-2200 on 9830. As I tune in, warning that the 22-23 and 03-04 [sic] broadcasts were recorded earlier, out of date info and probably also uttered entire out-of-date A21 English sked. Something`s always awry at Ankara (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 6125, Nov 2 at *0358, VOT carrier finally cuts on, S9/+10 into Maryland SDR, but no mod, no IS or IDs. Trouble keeping it on air, never any mod applied, just as well: -0400*, *0403.5-0404*, *0405; *0407.5* split second off-and-on, then stays, just-barely-modulated toward end of English newscast, something about vaccines. It`s ``normal`` listening level if I turn the Kiwi and my own volume to max. Something`s almost erroneous at Emirler. I had wanted to hear whether the opening schedule were totally wrong A-21, as suspected but missed heading previous repeat at 2300 on 5960. Anyhow, now confirmed on new B-21 final repeat at latened winter time and lowered winter frequency, ex-0300 on 7275. Now the // is 7285 toward ME and JBA here S5-S9. 0411-0413 `Review of Turkish Press` about Turkish involvement in some Romeeeting, music. Now it`s back to webcasts from my two favorite New Mexico stations` other/global music (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 299-MCW kHz, Nov 1 at 0649 UT, ND beacon HW, which is 25 watts from Wilmington / Kuebler, Ohio. I was tuned to 297-USB. Nothing listed on 297 itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 7489.9v, Nov 1 at 2302, secret replay of semi-`UBMP` on WBCQ, good S9+20/30. Less need to resort to webcast, especially since UB`s shows remain deliberately monophonic even there. 2330 chop to ID, few notes of `Camp Constitution Radio`` theme/jingle, and NO spot commercial this time, right into show. From next week of course, to pretend to be at the ``same`` time by local clox, *real* Universal times will be one hour later, i.e. original at 23-24 Sundays, semi-repeat at 0000-0030 UT Tuesdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 0441 UT November 2
Glenn Hauser logs October 31-November 1, 2021 |
Monday, November 01 2021
** CUBA. 9710, Oct 31 at 2318, RHC distorted and modulation cutting off and on. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 11760, Oct 31 at 2319, RHC distorted, big hum, and undermodulated. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TAJIKISTAN. 7491, Oct 31 at 2335, considerable het to 7490- WBCQ, presumably V. of Tibet, as in Aoki at 2335-2340 only, but heard longer than that. Remote in Maryland shows carrier offset only 2-3 Hz plus (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2110 monitoring: Also confirmed Sunday Oct 31 at 2125 the 2100 UT on IRRS SW via AM Italia 918 kHz, S9+17 into Noale SDR over lite QRM. New winter timing ex-2000 UT. Also confirmed Sun Oct 31 at 2234 the 2230 on WRMI 5950, S7-S9 into Maryland SDR. Simul on 9955 preempted this week for Satanic show. Also confirmed UT Mon Nov 1 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, S9+20; 9395 S9+25; 9455 S9+10 but sounds much softer, all into Missouri SDR. Also confirmed UT Mon Nov 1 at 0230, ex-0130 on WRN N America webcast Also confirmed UT Mon Nov 1 at 0301 on Area 51 via WBCQ 6160-, S6, down to S5 by 0324, and -53 Hz per Maryland SDR = 6159.947. Adjacent 6165 RHC is JBA with a warble, but 6150 RRI in Spanish is huge, S9+20. From next week, 0400v. Next: 1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 9455 to WNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Contributions via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702. WRMI broadcasts of Systems B, G and L are run on Eastern time, which means these WOR airings should shift one real UT hour later from Sunday November 7 after 0600 UT, to these new times: Fri 2330 5950 Sat 0230 9395 Sun 0030 5950 Sun 2330 5950 9955 Mon 0130 9395 9495 Thu 0130 9395 9495 Others stay at same UT; and the Wed 2100 on 7780 is canceled, replaced by RAE in German. -- I had to point out that the 1600 UT on 7780 would not propagate to Europe! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9955, Oct 31 at 2230, WRMI with special Satanic show billed as for Hallowe`en, but sounds much like the previous shows explaining the ``religion`` by robovoices. Among other things, Satanists do not believe there is a devil, so???? Preëmpted the current only 9955 airing of World of Radio, presumably back next Sunday with timeshift to 2330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9395, Nov 1 at 0202, TRSW Halloween special publicized on WRMI, but remotes in MO and MB can`t get a decent signal: MUF too low. Simultaneously on VG 5950, Encore at S9+30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 1130, Oct 31 at 2215 UT, Fox Sports Radio, i.e. KWKH the only modulation, but suppressed by a stronger open carrier making a fast SAH, i.e. KLEY Wellington KS, 250 watts ``daytime`` on groundwave, still running dead air only. Why bother? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 6940-AM, Oct 31 at 2211, JBA S8-S9 talk and music, presumably pirate; lots of Hallowe`en activity in HF Underground, but nothing on this frequency, the only one I hear at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 7570.1, Oct 31 at 2213, JBA carrier, certainly not WRMI, I figure could be an off-frequency Sound of Hope, but Aoki has neither that nor jammer on 7570 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0525 UT November 1
Glenn Hauser logs+, October 31, 2021 |
Sunday, October 31 2021
Hi Glenn, My latest Hitlist update. https://www.w4uvh.net/hitlist.htm 1) Updated DST offsets indicators for : Croatia, Germany, Greece, Romania, Spain 2) Aggregator - WRN: Belatedly updated links to schedules from B20 to A21 3) Australia - Hobart R Int: Corrected error in link to facebook page 4) India - AIR World Service: The website at http://airworldservice.org/english/ currently shows as "archived or suspended". I have retained the entry for now, but have annoted it as "suspended". 5) Korea, North - V of Korea: Updated link to VOK home page 6) Myannar - Myanmar R: Removed link to podcasts hosted by Radio360 at www.radio360.eu 7) New Zealand - RNZPac/RNZNat: Added link to "Saturday Night" programme page (Thx to Glenn Hauser, WORiog), also added additional alternate live stream links for both RNZPac and RNZNat. 8) Slovenia - R Slovenia Int: Removed link to podcasts hosted by Radio360 at www.radio360.eu; added link to podcasts hosted on RSI's own website. 9) United Kingdom - FEBA R: Added link to Facebook page 10) United Kingdom - WMRI Europe: New addition to the list 11) USA - WMLK: Updated links to new website. (Thx to Alan Holder via WORiog) Unless there's a major change anywhere, the next update will be around 7 November to update for further DST changes. Best wishes and 73, Alan Roe ** NORTH AMERICA. 6965-USB, Oct 31 at 0044, pirate music S5-S6 into same Georgia SDR I had for WRMI/WOR check earlier. Too much else is going on Saturday nights to keep with it, but almost-Hallowe`en should lead to increased piracy. 0109 recheck, now SSTV beepery until 0111*. WOR iog member Bob Butterfield in Columbia, Maryland was also monitoring and says this was Wolverine Radio. Many more logs here including the cheesecake SSTV: https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,88420.0.html It was a Hallowe`en show but not keyed to a specific word (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-USB, Oct 31 at 0045, only other pirate audible is here, loud rockmusic S4-S5, but gone by 0050. Bob Butterfield also reports this, as Outhouse Radio. Many more logs here including several fuzzy SSTVs: https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,88417.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 6100, Sun Oct 31 at 0703 I am unfortunately still awake so check all the RHC 49m frequencies for weekly Esperanto show, supposedly on this one, but it and all others are off. Presumably from next week with DST just over, the nominal time will be 0800 UT Sundays. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA [and non]. 13605, Oct 31 at 1426, noise jamming against nothing, as Radio Martí has just made its habitual and totally predictable B-season switch to 13820 where it`s VG with no jamming audible. The incompetent DentroCuban Jamming Command are always playing catch-up, eventually (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 15140, Sun Oct 31 at 1509, RHC weekly Esperanto confirmed still here, S9/+10 but undermodulated; // 11760 even less modulated. Something`s always wrong at RHC. Presumably these go to 1600 Sundays from next week (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NEW ZEALAND. 7390, Oct 31 at 1427, music S9+10 with flutter, presumed RNZI on its new B-21 frequency. This is advantageous for us N American outliers, holds up longer and further into dayside than any 49mb frequency. Schedule on 7390 is 1259-1650 except Sat to 1758, the day off for DRM. Reactivated 11725 also audible after 0700 but only fair. It now runs 0659-1258 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. RF 18, 62-7 KOPX, Oct 31 at 0445 UT, I see a new subchannel ``Newsy``. I had not noticed a -7 until I saw it mentioned on OKCtalk. It`s owned by Scripps, supposedly no-frills all-news, originally a pay-cable channel, but changed to OTA, not cable at all, rolled out Oct 1 on ION subchannels which Scripps now owns, and per rabbitears.info already in a whole lot of markets including majors, not least #50, OKC. But does it have a default far-right agenda like OAN, Newsmax, even the disappointing NewsNation out of WGN? Will have to watch it some, or find some reviews. Here`s their asserted plan: https://www.nexttv.com/news/why-newsy-over-the-air-wont-look-like-cable-news (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR) ** SPAIN. 9690, Oct 31 at 1510, REE now on B-21 frequencies including this for N America, but of course it`s a JBA carrier over full-day path and should be on 11, 13 or even 15 MHz band before descending after dark. 11940 for S America is also JBA carrier; 11670 to Africa slightly better JBA and not on 11685; but best by far for us is reactivated 12030, S9/+10 off the back toward Mideast; disposable anyway now in stupid sports talk. M/W/F English will now be at 2300 UT ex-2200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 341-MCW kHz, Oct 31 at 0647 UT, ND beacon DNI, 25 watts from Sherman/Denison TX on the wrong side of the River Red; still in absence of EI Enid, and of its usual #2, OIN Oberlin KS (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2110 monitoring: confirmed Saturday October 30 starting at 1957 UT on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, only S5-S7 into nearby SDR. Also confirmed Sat Oct 30 at 2330 on WRMI 5950, S9+22/27 into Georgia SDR. Also confirmed UT Sun Oct 31 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, good direct. Also confirmed UT Sun Oct 31 at 0327 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, about 11 minutes into so started circa 0316. S9+8 but ACI de LSB with band full of contesters including 1866-LSB K3LR CQ Contest, and someone on 1856-LSB. Also confirmed Sun Oct 31 at 1330.5 on WMRI Europe via Channel 292, Germany, 9670, already a sesquiminute into so started early at 1329. S8-S9 into UTwente, not as good as before when at 1230, but propagation is probably degraded today. Worse, there is heavy ACI from 9665 with CRI Russian S9+15, no doubt via EAST TURKISTAN but no such transmission found in A-21 or B-21 schedules; tho EiBi shows CNR5 Cross-Strait Radio long before and after this hour. Need to tune USB to lessen it a bit, but also China radio war continues on 9680, S9+20. Maybe Ireland be at a better skip distance? Galway SDR gets it no better, 9670 weaker at S6-S8, but ACI also weaker. 9670 is aimed toward N America, so how about Maryland SDR? It is JBA S4/S5 but hardly sufficient on 9 MHz over a full-day path. Next: 2100 UT Sunday IRRS 918-Italy [ex-2000] 2230 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW 2230 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE {pre-empted Oct 31} 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW; 9395 to NNW, 9455 to WNW 0230 UT Monday WRN webcast, expected ex-0130 0300vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW 1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW 2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 9455 to WNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Note: from Nov 7, WBCQ, WA0RCR and some but not all WRMI times shift one real UT hour later Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Contributions via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. Re `AAAWWW` on WBCQ Oct 30, John Carver replies: ``Glenn, Reading through your log postings today and seeing my report in print, it occurs to me that I left something out. The second time Allan started talking about the superstation and how well it was working, Angela reminded him that they still could not change the antenna configuration. Allan said that was true but what they were using now was working just fine. Sorry. John, Mid-North Indiana`` I reply: ```John, OK, but don`t be sorry. I remember hearing that part myself but did not note it down. But I`m not sure exactly what ``antenna configuration`` mean. Obviously they are rotating it again. Maybe means stuck on one frequency only. 73, Glenn``` -- and John replies: ``Well sir. I could be wrong but wasn't one of the selling points of the antenna was that it could be configured as several different dipoles, a single radiator, a curtain array etc. I'm not really a tech guy and it's been a long time since I heard someone explain the antenna's different functions so am sucking most of it out of my thumb. I just assumed that was what was meant by can't change configuration. John`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. (5085), Oct 30 at 2354, WTWW-2 webcast once again has already started `Theater Organ Under the Arch`, not music now but presumed George Wright talking about his early organic experiences; music after 0000 Oct 31, but 0030 recheck, now with heavily percussed jazz in $ so TOUTA is over already, not an hour long or started way earlier? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 1855 UT October 31
Glenn Hauser logs October 30, 2021 |
Saturday, October 30 2021
** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98-RCUSB, Oct 30 at 1518, once again AWOL any Saturday sending of LRA36, no signal into Brazil SDR; but see UNIDENTIFIED 15475.00 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** FRANCE. 17800, S9+10 into Maryland SDR. Single speaker or speakerine ? one of those ambiguous-gender voices IMO, but s/he`s definitely a human, not a robot, marine meteo info for Mini-TransAt yacht race, alternates English and French from 1523 tune-in; 1532 sign-off only in French, some frenetic music ending with two gunshots --- ``you`re dead!``? or ``they`re off!``. Open carrier stays on 1533 past 1546, as available, paid for? until 1600, but finally cut off at 1558* just after I notice an SAM frequency offset reading constantly oscillating between +60 and +90 Hz, typical of one of the Issouduns. So the race from Canary to Guadeloupe has resumed, and already the B-21 frequency, ex-13735. Tnx to a reminder from Arthur Pozner near NYC at 1514 that it was on already. Also note that another block is now registered, 17800 at 1700-1900; will it be used? At 1654 I`m back on 17800 via same SDR, and somelang is already running. Per Aoki that`s also Issoudun, with DW in Amharic at 1600-1700. 1658 bit of music to cutoff at 1658.6*. 17795-17800-17805, Oct 30 at *1700, guess what, DRM noise has cut on, and I can hear it via a Virginia SDR, labeled as ``1AAC (1000) Minitransat TDF EEP Data 8.08 kbps``. It`s steady S9+5. SNR 19 dB keeps falling to 16 then back up. DRM mode is B. MSC 64 QAM. Medium range use, multipath resistant. Some buffering but mostly 100% readable. In French only at first, with weather conditions at various current dates and times. 1708 ``now we are going to do the weather in English``, positions of high and low pressure areas, with kilopascals? ``hpa``? etc. forecasts as of 12 UTC until Wed 3 November. 1711 to forecasts by zones starting with Canaries, winds in knots and direxions, at 00 and 12 UTC. These data might be more convenient visibly than audibly, but I see no such display. At 1718 breaking up but seems to be giving boat positions bilingually? More buffering interruptions now. 1731 ``thank you very much`` as if closing, same music as a bihour ago I now recognize as a James Bond theme; drops out when gunshots might have fired. But then some other music, and 1734 French meteo again, probably repeat of 1700 and I tune out. Recheck at 1805, now there is no AM nor DRM on 17800. BTW these transmissions are not in latest HFCC for B-21 as of Oct 28, showing DW not only at 16-17 but also 18-19 in Hausa as an alternate frequency. But the 15-16 & 17-18 hours on 17800 are open (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** KOREA NORTH. 9445.148V, Oct 30 at 0614, somewhat surprised to hear a long recitation of English transmissions with targets and frequencies, from VOK, apparently considering imminent B21 season in case there be any changes; 0617 finally into a song. How great it must be to inhabit this paradise with such sweet serenades! Not only way off-frequency, but waVering slightly. Something`s always kooky at Kujang, Korea (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 407-MCW kHz, Oct 30 at 0655 UT, ND beacon OOC, which is 25 watts from Nachitoches, Louisiana. I was tuned to 405-USB, where I normally hear 407 HRU Herington KS, but nothing from it now. OOC must be new to me. Not to be confused with Nacogdoches, Texas. The one in LA is SE of Shreveport midway to Alexandria, also the name of a parish, violating Separation of Church and State. The one in TX is SW of Shreveport, close to Lufkin, and also a county name. Its beacons are GXD on 391 and OC on 253. One wonders if both names be corruptions of the same original native name? I search out this info: ``Natchitoches City in Louisiana. Sounds like NA·kuh·tuhsh. What is the meaning of Natchitoches? Others say it comes from the native word “nacicit,” which translates to “a place where the soil is the color of red ochre.” However, today the generally accepted translation is the “Paw Paw People” or “Place of the Paw Paw.” Aug 3, 2017`` ``People also ask, What does the name Nacogdoches mean? Nacogdoches - the oldest town in Texas - is named for the Caddo family of Indians who once lived in the area. ... Nacogdoches remained a Caddo Indian settlement until 1716 when Spain established a mission here, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de los Nacogdoches. Feb 3, 2003`` ``Welcome to Nacogdoches! Nacogdoches (NAK-ə-DOH-chiss) is a town of 33,000 people with a median age of 30.6. Our name is long, but memorable. Known as "The Pineywoods," you might have heard our name once before in a Josh Abbott Band lyric, "Her eyes are green like the trees in Nacogdoches." ``Nacogdoches is a city in Nacogdoches County, Texas, in the United States. The 2010 U.S. Census recorded the city's population to be 32,996. It is the county seat of Nacogdoches County and is situated in East Texas. Nacogdoches is a sister city of Natchitoches, Louisiana. Nacogdoches is the home of Stephen F. Austin State University and Texas' largest Azalea garden. The city made international headlines in February 2003 from the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster.`` https://www.definitions.net/definition/nacogdoches Lots more info there including how to write it in 16 other languages and how to sign-it, spelling. But I digress; but isn`t this a lot more interesting than a one-liner beacon log? Each of which can be a potential learning experience (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2110 monitoring: confirmed Friday October 29 at 2030 UT on IRRS via AM Italia, 918 kHz, S9+10 into Noale SDR, well atop CCI undercurrent, maybe Madrid. Also confirmed Fri Oct 29 at 2230 on WRMI 5950, S9/+30 direct. Also confirmed UT Sat Oct 30 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, S7/S6 into Winnipeg SDR. Also confirmed Sat Oct 30 at 1600 on WRN N American webcast. Note that from Nov 6, already expected to have shifted to 1700 UT since Europe is already off DST despite not yet target N America. Likewise the 0130 UT Monday repeat already at 0230 by Nov 1. Next: 1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 2330 UT Saturday WRMI 5950 to NNW 0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7730 to WNW 0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0430] 1330 UT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670 [ex-1230] 2100 UT Sunday IRRS 918-Italy [ex-2000] 2230 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW 2230 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW; 9395 to NNW, 9455 to WNW 0300vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW 1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW 2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 9455 to WNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Note: from Nov 7, WBCQ, WA0RCR and some but not all WRMI times shift one real UT hour later Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Contributions via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. (7489.9v), UT Sat Oct 30 at 0000, WBCQ webcast with `AAAWWW`; interjexion during theme: ``No more!`` First topic: Angela and others riding horses. I dip in & out only occasionally; 0013 now it`s about ``wonderful pigs`` which are as smart as a 3-year-old [human] child; advocating veg/mediterranean diet instead. 0030 reading a piece about voting. 0049 finally date stamp as 29th of October, YOOLF 2021; trimulcasting on 7490, 6160, 4790. SuperStition is back on air fulltime, 500,000 watts with same Ampegon antenna, boosting to 20 megawatts [ERP] wherever it`s aimed. Tnx to Continental engineers for fixing the transmitter. [Certain hours it`s registered for 250 kW half-power, isn`t it?] Religious programming is our backbone, even if you don`t like the way it is presented. Some phone calls interspersed; 0056 sounds like Annoying Freddie, usual prayer wrapup and over. John Carver`s version: ``Tonight's show started more or less on time on 4790, 6160 and 7490 with 7490 having the best signal for me. Allan and Angela in the studio talking about Angela riding horses bareback today. Allan was surprised by the number of children riding bareback today and using both hands to stay on the horses and unable to hold devices in their hands. As usual the talk morphs and touches on several topics including diet and alcohol. Then morphs into blaming all of today's problems on our current government that we have now. Allan then reads a piece sent in by Ross from the Cape. Phone call at 0036 from Rabishu with a reception report and then some comments. The discussion continues after the phone call is over and Allan pleads for people to wake up and take steps to save the Republic that he loves so dearly and lists some suggestions that would help them to do so. Phone call at 0046 from Bill Smith who has sent them some pictures in the email and they talk about those for a bit. After that phone call Allan then talks about the superstation and says it's back up again full time. Phone call at 0050 from the pastor that has been calling every week of late. Then back to a little more about the superstation and that it's running just fine at full power and thanks to the crews that helped them. Another phone call at 0056 from Freddie who has also emailed them a picture and Allan comments on that. Reading some emails at 0058 including one from Larry Will informing him that the episodes of Tasha Takes Control have been added to the stations archive. Closing prayer at 0059 and off the air just a bit after 0100. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 15475.00-USB, Oct 30 at 1518, as I am checking a Brasil SDR for LRA36, missing again this Saturday, I do detect some USB slightly below, which is 2-way in colloquial Spanish. Such INTRUDER QRM to Antarctica has been noticed before. One of them has ``engine noise`` in background, smuggling aircraft? Only brief exchange but I keep monitoring; another one at 1537, alerted by a whistle (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 1856 UT October 30
Glenn Hauser logs October 29, 2021 |
Friday, October 29 2021
** CANADA. 258-MCW kHz, Oct 29 at 0705 UT, ND beacon dash and ZSJ, 1000 watts from Sandy Lake, Ontario. A ``clear channel`` with nothing else per dxinfocentre.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA [and non]. 6100, Oct 29 at 0629, RHC dead air, but 0630 Spanish instead of English; English OK only on 6165, while 6060 is JBM below hum; 6000 long gone; and 5040 a JBA carrier, presumably VANUATU. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 13700, Oct 29 at 1412, S9/+10 of dead air from RHC; but no spurs; pales compared to neighbor 13690 Armenia with TWR India. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** JAPAN. 747 kHz, Oct 29 at 1228, trace of Japanesish talk modulation, the best of the TP carrier search just completed so sat on this a while, very likely 500 kW JOIB, NHK-2 Sapporo (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** KOREA NORTH. 2349.254, Oct 29 at 1238, VP carrier. Likely KCBS as per previous Wolfgang Bueschel report: ``KOREA DEM PEOPLES REPUBLIC [sic] KCBS 2350 kHz (Sariwon site). Reactivation of the Sariwon transmitter in North Korea on 2350 kHz (2349.39 kHz). Received today with a weak signal 3250 kHz (Pyongyang site), 1310 UT on Aug 31. (Kiwi SDR - Oita-JPN, via Franck Baste F4LKC, WOR Aug 31) 2349.394 kHz terrible like a metal watering can audio signal, at 1303 UT Oct 1st, S=9+10dB signal in Hiroshima-JPN remotedly. And 3250.001 kHz exact measured KCBS Pyongyang S=9+20dB signal`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** KOREA NORTH. 3200-3205-3210, Oct 29 at 1233, DRM noise, no doubt KCBS P`yongyang, scheduled 22 hours per day (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2110 contents: (Argentina non), Australia, Botswana, Canada and non, Chile, China, Cuba, Eritrea non, Ethiopia and non, Finland, *France and non, Indonesia, *Iran and non, (Japan), Jordan, *Kashmir non, Korea North & South, *Kuwait, Myanmar and *non, Netherlands, *New Zealand, North America, Pakistan *non, Romania, *Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, (Taiwan), *Turkey, (UAE), USA, (Uzbekistan), unID 15190; propagation outlook --- () country mentioned but not in that order; *includes new B-21 schedule [NOTE: I slip and call this #2010 === NO, IT IS 2110! Too late to fix on air now. Also had a lot of recording problems with this one] [in too big a hurry, also omitted direct linx as Ron Howard reminds:] WOR 2110 is available as of 0115 UT Friday October 29, 2021 (mp3 stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2110.m3u (mp3 download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2110.mp3 Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html Also linx to podcast services. The shortwave+ broadcasts should be: 0130 UT Friday WRMI 5850 to NW, 7780 to NE 0330 UT Friday WRMI 5985 to S 1815 UT Friday IRRS 7290-Bulgaria to WNW, 918-Italy 2030 UT Friday IRRS 918-Italy 2230 UT Friday WRMI 5950 to NNW 0130 UT Saturday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 2330 UT Saturday WRMI 5950 to NNW 0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7730 to WNW 0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0430] 1330 UT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670 [ex-1230] 2100 UT Sunday IRRS 918-Italy [ex-2000] 2230 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW 2230 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW; 9395 to NNW, 9455 to WNW 0300vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW 1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW 2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 9455 to WNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Note: from Nov 7, WBCQ, WA0RCR and some but not all WRMI times shift one real UT hour later Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Contributions via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) WOR 2110 confirmed first SWBCs, UT Fri Oct 29 at 0130 on WRMIs 5850, VG direct; and 7780, S9/+15 into UTwente. Also confirmed UT Fri Oct 29 at 0330 on WRMI 5985, S9/+20 into St. Lucia SDR. Also confirmed Fri Oct 29 from 1815 on IRRS via AM Italia, 918 kHz, S9+10 via nearby Noale SDR; preceding program was just ending when but to IRRS ID and WOR. Meanwhile, as usual, 7290 carrier is on by 1811, S9+5 into UTwente, but modulation does not cut on until almost 1816 as the WOR opening is almost over, JIP. I`ve asked IRRS to move this up by at least one minute (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 15770, Oct 29 at 1414, S8/S9 of dead air from WRMI-9, not to be outdone by RHC; but 1415 alive with accented discussion about abortion? with some other language mixed, Vietnamese? Of course, it`s Supreme Master TV, as scheduled here 1400-2000. While its do-gooder, pro-environment stance is laudable, that`s outweighed by cultish devotion to the Supreme Master; she needs to be a bit more modest, such as calling herself ``King of the Earth``. Unpredictable language mixture also a put-off for the non-multilingual; lack of visible captioning translations, if any on the original; as well as lengthy listings of cable TV channels it`s on (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9975, Oct 29 at 0625, JBA music; must be KVOH, nominally 0100-0600 in English except UT Mondays. recently updated Oct 15: http://www.voiceofhope.com/schedule/kvoh_program_grid.pdf But in Aoki dated Oct 25 already shown as 0200-0700! We did expect a +1 hour UT shift after the end of DST from November 9; but has been flexibly running beyond nominal 0600* anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 414-MCW kHz, Oct 29 at 0645 UT, ND beacon SU, 40 watts from SioUx City, Iowa. 410-MCW, Oct 29 at 0646 UT, NDB BA, 25 watts from Columbus, Indiana. Also audible tuned to 408-USB. 392-MCW, Oct 29 at 0647 UT, NDB FMU, I logged with certainty, but nonesuch listed by Hepburn or classaxe on any frequency. On 392 there is an FMZ, 25 watts at Beklof / Fairmont, Nebraska. Maybe they sent a U ..- instead of a Z --.. ? Not a likely confusion (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 1130 kHz, Oct 29 at 1254 UT, S9+20 dead air atop a weakie, presumably remnant of KWKH; this being KLEY, Wellington KS, back to its old trix after a period of modulated activity after almost a year off air completely, but back on in August to preserve license. Still dead air in fuller daytime at 1409 UT. Official FCC sunrise for October is 1230 UT; November, 1315 UT; but also heard at night with 250 watt day power rather than one watt night. BTW, FCC AM Query has been extremely slow-loading; took about a minute (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 29 at 0636-0643 UT: 531, 558, 585(2), 639(2), 684, *693(2), 711, 747, 756, 774(2), 819, 837, 846-TP?, 855, 909, 972, 999, 1017(2), 1044(2), 1053, 1098, 1107(2), 1125(2), 1152, *1215, 1305(2), 1413, 1458 kHz. (2) at least two carriers beating; *strongest, likely UK. Holding up later now from W Europe, with latening sunrises, many others surely Spain or UK (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific JBA MW carrier search, Oct 29 at 1218-1223 UT, on the E-W longwire so no DF distinguishing between E Asia and Down Under, but most likely the Up Overs: 558, 567, *594, 693, 702(2), 747-[see JAPAN], 774, 828, 846, 873, 972, 1017, 1098, 1107(2), 1116, 1206- kHz. The top one would be the off-frequency Chinese. Some the superpower NHK Japanese such as *594 strongest, but 594 also has superpowers in China, Myanmar, India. My first TP search of the season, when I try to be asleep, but awakened at 1125 so gave up and turned on before sunrise 1252 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 2070 kHz, Oct 29 at 1236 UT, JBA carrier. I tuned the entire 3200-2000 kHz band alert for carriers which could be MW harmonix, but this the only one, which would be 3 x 690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 1830 UT October 29
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