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Glenn Hauser logs April 26-27, 2023 |
Friday, April 28 2023
** ANTARCTICA [non?]. Correcting second time cited: 2340, not 2240: 15475.98 RC USB, again this Wed, April 26, I neglect to check for LRA36 as early as 20 or 21 UT, but no one else reports it either. I do tune from 2309 via Argentine remote, not hearing it but instead some intermittent rather musical utilitones. Can be roughly once a minute or much less often, to 2340. Sounds like same sequence each time. They last only a few sex, never enough time to try to pinpoint the reference/carrier frequency if any. I do also hear them on 15478 USB where the tones are of course quite different. I suppose these have nothing to do with LRA36? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2188)
** CUBA. 5025, April 27 at 0607, R. Rebelde is OFF -- had been reliably on with VG, very wide signal. Check at 1615 into Boca Ratón FL SDR, can tell it`s on VP, S6/S7; don`t know if that`s normal for midday. Not at all into Orlando; and Key West is offline (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2188) ** MEXICO. 6185-, April 27 at 0606, S9/+10 of dead air from XEPPM, which happens all too often late at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2188) ** NORTH AMERICA. 7400 AM, April 27 at 0557, S6/S8 a few words spoken, seem like Russian, into music thru hourtop. Presumed R. Vostochnaya Zvezda pirate circa Arizona (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2188) ** U S A. 395 MCW kHz, April 27 at 0642 UT, CA, 25-watt ND beacon at Newton / Harvs KS, JBA but usually blocked by local HNL peaking around 400 kHz, which must have abated slightly. Likewise for 407 kHz, HRU, 25-watt ND beacon at Herington KS. Also now need to overcome external high storm noise level (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR) ** U S A. 4095, April 27 at 0610, sweeps up and occasional DW in CW, the Desert Whooper, JBA despite HSNL; logged for the record as usually audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 2097.3 CW, April 27 at 0611, single-letter beacon A, JBA in HSNL; usually audible but logged for the record. Probably SW USA, anywhere but Quartzsite AZ (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2187 monitoring: ``9395 kHz, 0030, 0044 (45343), S7 signal, 0059, April 27 UTC 2023 [Thu] (Lemke, Richard -AB)`` Confirmed UT Thursday April 27 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, S9+10/25 into Missouri SDR. Also confirmed UT Thursday April 27 at 0130 on WRMI 5010, S8/9+5 into Bonaire SDR; buried in HSNL into Missouri SDR. WORLD OF RADIO 2188 contents: Antarctica, (Australia), Brasil, Canary Islands non, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark and non, Europe, Indonesia, (Ireland), Kiritimati, Korea South, Kurdistan non, México, Myanmar non, North America, Perú, Sa`udi Arabia, (Sikkim), Spain, (Taiwan), Turkey, UAE, UK, USA, (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, (Vatican); unIdentified 4835, 17670; DRM; Twitter; propagation outlook (countries mentioned with others not in order) WORLD OF RADIO 2188 available from 0107 UT April 28: (mp3 stream) https://www.w4uvh.net/wor2188.m3u (mp3 download) https://www.w4uvh.net/wor2188.mp3 Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html Also linx to podcast services. The shortwave+ broadcasts should be: 1430 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE [usually, also phonecast, webcast][jammed by Cuba?] 2030 UT Friday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy 0130 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW 0400 UT Saturday WBCQ Radio Angela 5130v to WSW 1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 2230 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW 2230 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE 0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW 0245vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0457] 0800 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power] 0830 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [previous episode] 2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW 0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW 0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated; by MO or check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702; One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 7505, April 27 at 0559, S9+30 of dead air from WRNO, still 0604+. Something`s messedup at Metairie. Std. remark about stations unaware they are broadcasting nothing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2188) ** U S A. The latest from George McClintock, on fixing WTWW-1: ``Subject: WTWW: final power module found --- ALL, I don't fully understand but someone or Jason sent a burned up power module to be copied. The company said they could not do it. The module has been sent to me and I should have it on this Friday. This is the missing module number 48 of 48 for transmitter #1. I will now have all the power modules. I am still missing 4 control cards for the power modules and am waiting to see if Continental can find some damaged control cards lying around to send to me. George McClintock 4-27-2023`` (via Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 6938 AM, April 27 at 0556, JBA carrier, suspect a pirate. Anything at HFU? Nothing currently or lately, but several over the years including 2023, mostly on USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0120 UT April 28 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser log roundup April 20-26, 2023 |
Thursday, April 27 2023
Glenn Hauser logs April 25-26, 2023 |
Thursday, April 27 2023
** ANTARCTICA [non?]. 15475.98 RC USB, again this Wed, April 26, I neglect to check for LRA36 as early as 20 or 21 UT, but no one else reports it either. I do tune from 2309 via Argentine remote, not hearing it but instead some intermittent rather musical utilitones. Can be roughly once a minute or much less often, to 2240. Sounds like same sequence each time. They last only a few sex, never enough time to try to pinpoint the reference/carrier frequency if any. I do also hear them on 15478 where the tones are of course quite different. I suppose these have nothing to do with LRA36? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** KURDISTAN [non]. 17460.010, April 26 at 1519, S9+15 into UTwente SDR of a speech, so a Recep Turkish jammer? While 17480.008 has a YL talking, S9+20, so Dengê Welat? Anyhow they are failing to collide, so what`s the point? Something`s always erroneous at Emirler. Next check at 1605: 17480 with OM talking over music background; 17460 with choral music. At 1648: 17460 still music; but 17480 has changed to 17470, with talk at S9+25/35. At 1657 on 17470 I axually perceive a ``Dengê Welat`` ID. That means ``country voice``, preceded by sounded similar to ``inja`` which appears in Farsi IDs as ``here``. Google translate suggests it could be ``li vin`` = ``here`` in Kurmanji Kurdish. At 1737, music and shouting on 17460, weaker than talk on 17470. At 1755, both are finally on same 17460 with a SAH. At 1800 the dominant one crossfades from a vocal song to instrumental music, shortly YL talk, mentioning ``Kurdistan`` several times, but no explicit ID for D.W. heard. At 1839 both are still on 17460, talk and/or music, and the SAH is 2 Hz, as fits for the original .008 and .010 measurements on different frequencies. Not rechecked until 2033, when there is only one signal and on 17470.008, talk S8/S9 with no CCI, 2044 into music. All this via UTwente SDR (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 17855, Wed Apr 26 at 2200, token English from SNR is not off the air today, rather sufficient direct tho with some deep fades, better than 15520, 17715. News first about Bras. Pres. Lula visit to Spain and reluctance to side with Ukraine against Russia. Feature from 2207 is about the opera ``Nixon in China`` being produced for first time in Spain at Royal Opera House = Teatro Real. Interviews with minimalist composer John Adams who considers himself a synthesizer, not innovator, same difference among classical composers. Also with various others involved in the produxion. It`s daunting, as part of the time different singers are not in unison but singing different texts in different keys simultaneously. First produced in 1987y, one sesquidecade after the real event. Boner: Hélena refers to ``Mrs. Tse-tung`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 11785, April 26 at 2158 & 2230 chex, NO VOT English signal audible direct. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2187 monitoring: ``From: Richard Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees. Dear Glenn: Confirming World of Radio #2187, WRMI: 15770, 2234, 2246, 2259 (45433), April 22 UTC 2023 [Sat] 9395, 0031, 0045, 0059 S9 signal, April 25 UTC 2023 [Tue] (Lemke, Richard -AB)`` Confirmed Tuesday April 25 at 2330 on WRMI 9395, S9+10/25 into Missouri SDR. Also confirmed Wednesday April 26 at 2100+ on WBCQ 7490-, S9/S7 into Maryland SDR. Next: 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated; thanks this week to Dan Sheedy, Encinitas CA, for a generous contribution to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702; ``Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and throw a donation into the `WOR vat of consistently useful and accurate DX info`. Thanks for all your efforts to keep DX info non-trivial. Cheers, Dan`` One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. More from George McClintock about repairing WTWW with captions to close-up multi-MB photos: ``Subject: WTWW: not enough control cards --- I have only 5 power modules for 6 empty slots out of 48 in transmitter #1. 2 power modules are now being repaired. I have only 2 control cards to use for the 5 power cards. I am short 4 control cards. I have been unable to find any more on the property. THEY have done something with the cards. NO CHANCE THEY will tell us anything about where the cards are. Continental says they do not have any and cannot make any more. George McClintock 4-23-2023`` ``Subject: WTWW: typical repair problems --- Burned resistors on power modules left by the GOOD OLD BOYS. Bad traces repaired. Burned in half resistor. George McClintock 4-21-2023`` ``Subject: WTWW: #1 transmitter repair --- This is what I face in trying to get all of the transmitter burned up power modules operational. I have replaced 7 burned transformers on the power modules. I have only one transformer left and hope I do not need any more as I only ordered 8. Of the required 48 power modules, I am short one (1). The real problem is that I am short 4 control cards and they are not anywhere to be found. THEY have done something with the cards and I am sure THEY will not tell us. Continental says they do not make these cards anymore. I will ask if they have some damaged or half built cards lying around. George McClintock 4-24-2023`` (via Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 2357 UT April 26 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs April 25, 2023 |
Wednesday, April 26 2023
** BRAZIL [and non]. 28305 USB, April 25 at 2158, PV8AL, Hélio, making quick contacts with 100 watts, ``QRZ DX`` including with a K5. Hardly any other sigs on band: someone about Puerto Rico on 28315; not a single CW beacon. QRZ.com:
``PV8AL Brazil flag Brazil, HÉLIO DE OLIVEIRA ALVES, POBOX 181, BOA VISTA, RR 69301970, Brazil`` - that`s Roraima. Lots of antenna shots: https://www.qrz.com/db/PV8AL (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CANADA. 248 MCW kHz, April 25 at 0655, no signal, no carrier from WG, 1000 watt NDB at Winnipeg which was to be decommissioned on April 20, per dxinfocentre.com. Otherwise had been the one Canadian audible if any. Also to go as of Apr 20 were 335, YLD, 1000 watts at Chapleau ON, which I have heard a number of times; and 368, VX, 50 watts at Dafoe SK, which I have not (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** COLOMBIA [and non]. 10125 CW, April 25 at 0644, HK3QQ with regular keypad letters but also JBA USB talk, presumably Australian. Of course with BFO on exactly 10125, one does not hear the CW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA. 11462, April 25 at 0642, suspicious carrier and then JBA spy numbers in Spanish, plus some digiblaaps. Usually these are loud & clear, but still not recovered from geomag storm. Jamming against nothing on 11860 & 11930 also weakened. However, EiBi shows sked for this is: 0454-0550 & 0854-0950 Tue/Thu Sat. At this time supposed to be on 14375. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** CUBA [and non]. 15230, April 25 at 2205, RHC S9+25 but JBM, distorted and cutting out, in Portuguese? Without embargo was about to award it SSOB, as hardly anything else but JBA Brasil 15190v and WRMI 15770 S9 relaying Taiwan in Spanish -- until at 2206 I got to 15120, S9+44 of open carrier/dead air: presumably VOA Grimesland not turned off yet after weekday 2130-2200 Bambara; rather than CRI via Cuba. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, April 25 at 0511 UT, JBV carrier trace on the waterfall of Kaneohe, Oahu SDR, so R. Kiribati is on the air altho not detected direct since April 10. Registers S7 but inaudible. However, no trace at first check 0440. Still nothing direct at 0640 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** NORTH AMERICA. 7400, April 25 at 0648, JBA carrier, presumed R. Vostochnaya Zvezda (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** SPAIN. 17855, April 25 at 2202, this REE is OFF, on an unEnglish Tuesday but I check anyway; since 17715 for S America is fairly audible at S2/S5, but 15520 back from ME beam is best, S4/S8; 11670 for Af JBA. Something`s not right at Noblejas (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2187 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday April 25 at 0045 the 0030 on WRMI 9395, VG S9+20/30 direct. Next: 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated; thanks this week to Dan Sheedy, Encinitas CA, for a generous contribution to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702; ``Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and throw a donation into the `WOR vat of consistently useful and accurate DX info`. Thanks for all your efforts to keep DX info non-trivial. Cheers, Dan`` One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 9955, April 25 at 0646, WRMI is S5/S8 while 9395 & 9455 are S9+30! Quite a difference; is it only because 9955 aims SSE while the others go NNW or WNW? Or is 9955 axually underpowered. 9455 is SMTV, the others, TOMBS (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2326 UT April 25 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
TAIWAN / CHINA mainland jamming, against Sound of Hope sect radio programs, and others. Log of April 25, 10 to 21.8 MHz range. |
Tuesday, April 25 2023
TAIWAN/CHINA Taiwan Sound of Hope - Falun Gong sect radio program; and other subject of China mainland jamming. SOH Taiwan / CNR1 jamming log 10 to 21.8 MHz range. SOH Taiwan A-23 Shortwave Frequency list of April 25, onwards in 2023, monitored by wb Also on log noted some other China CNR1 jamming broadcasts. Log of April 25 - checked some Asian target outlets on remote SDRs in Hiroshima, Akitakata, as well as at northern Tokyo Japan Far East. CNR1 Beijing program compared during monitoring against web player <http://www.surfmusic.de/radio-station/cnr-1-voice-of-china,10555.html> 10159.867 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin S=7 12.46 & 06.09 UT 10215.011 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin S=9+10dB 12.50 UT 10869.852 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 06.08 UT 10869.861vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=9 12.38 UT 10939.905 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 06.07 UT 10959.701 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 06.06 UT 11069.943vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=9 12.35 UT 11069.984 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 06.05 UT 11100.004 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 06.04 UT 11120.012 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 06.02 UT 11149.877 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 06.00 UT 11455even CHN probably CNR1 mainland jamming, S=7 fair signal 12.25 UT 11460.027 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.58 UT 11499.977 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.56 UT 11499.984vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 12.23 UT 11519.981 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.54 UT 11519.996vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 12.21 UT 11549.930 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.52 UT 11580.136 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.50 UT 11599.981 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.44 UT 11715even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 05.42 UT At S=7 equal fair level both. 11715.108 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 05.41 UT 11715.121vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 12.09 UT 11774.752 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8-9 12.04 UT 11775even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 05.39 UT S=8-9 equal fair level both. 11899.959 AUS Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Hindi,S=9+15dB 12.02 UT 11904.993 AUS Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Burmese,S=9+15 11.49 UT 11974.977 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.36 UT 11975even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 S=7 11.48 UT 11989.919 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.35 UT 11989.946vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 11.47 UT 12009.955 AUS Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Nepali,S=9+10 11.46 UT 12150.054 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin S=9, 18 kHz wide 05.34 UT 12160even GUM KTWR Merizo, Mandarin, 11.15-12.00 UT, S=9+25dB 11.43 UT nice audio, 10 kHz block wideband. 12189.926vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin, Mao Tse Dong, S=7 05.32 UT 12209.924 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin S=8, 10 kHz wide 05.30 UT 12209.937vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin S=9, 10 kHz wide 11.39 UT 12229.965 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.27 UT 12229.980vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=8 11.38 UT 12279.905 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.25 UT 12279.936vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 11.37 UT 12344.910 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 05.23 UT 12364.864 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=6 05.03 UT 12429.904 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin S=8, 12 kHz wide 05.01 UT 12429.913vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. JBA - only exciter poor sig 11.32 UT 12499.902 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=6 05.00 UT 12499.917vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=6 11.31 UT 12549.575 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 04.58 UT 12549.593 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. undoubtedly Cantonese language sce via Miaoli, scheduled 21-17 UT, S=9 at 11.30 UT 12794.969vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=7 04.56 UT 12819.888 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=8 04.54 UT 12819.908vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=8 11.24 UT 12835.024vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 11.23 UT 12864.996 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 04.53 UT 12865.003vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 11.22 UT 12879.982vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=9 signal04.52 UT CODAR wiper sound on 12895 to 12968 kHz fq range April 25 04.36 UT 13019.889vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8-9 04.49 UT 13020even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 04.48 UT S=8-9 equal fair level both. 20 kHz wideband. 116 Hz buzz tone. 13070.153vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 04.42 UT 13040 kHz KRE jammer harmonic of fundamental 6520 kHz, S=8 04.36 UT 13159.849 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=7, 10 kHz wide 04.40 UT 13159.871vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=7, 14 kHz wide 11.18 UT 13200 kHz KRE jammer harmonic of fundamental 6600 kHz, S=8 04.33 UT CODAR wiper sound on 13287 to 13477 kHz fq range April 25 04.35 UT 13494.946vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 04.34 UT 13530even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25,S=8 04.31 UT 13530.224vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 04.32 UT 13549.943 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 04.30 UT 13549.969vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 11.12 UT 13629.982 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 04.29 UT 13630even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 04.28 UT At S=7 equal fair level both. 13640.021vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 04.27 UT 13640.038vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 11.04 UT 13650.004 another BBEF Beijing tx unit in use in Kujang at 11.05 UT, nearly exact even frequency unit of KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang 200kW, in French at 11.00-11.57 UT, S=9+10dB 11.05 UT 13650.215 much odd frequency unit of KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang 200 kW in French at 04.00-04.57 UT, S=9 in Hiroshima-JAP 04.26 UT 13669.959 CHN PBS Xinjiang in Uyghur language, Urumqi center, 10.58 UT 13670even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 04.24 UT bad mixture co-channel and some echo around the earth ... 13670.013 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=7 10.59 & 04.25 UT 13679.963vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 04.22 UT 13680even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 04.23 UT At S=7 equal fair level both. S=9 stronger at 10.55 UT on Apr 25 13710DRM CHN CNR1 digital Kunming tx#1, to SoEaAS 150 kW 135degr azimuth 03-05 UT Chinese 04.18 UT 13730.230 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 poor 10.53 UT 13770even CHN CNR7 Radio The Great Bay, from Kashgar #2022 site, Apr 25, 10 kHz wideband audio, nice music program selection 10.50 UT 08.55-18.05 UT Cantonese lang. 13759.997 KRE Voice of Korea, Kujang 200 kW in En at 04.00-04.57 UT, S=9+10dB in Hiroshima-JAP, 04.15 UT. 13789.982 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 poor 04.14 UT and QRM of co-channel 13790even likely ALG RTA Ourgla in Arabic to WeAF / western Sahel 00-09UT 13789.996vSOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 poor 10.48 UT 13790.005 CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 10.47 UT 16 kHz wideband jammer. 13804.828vSOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7, Apr 25 04.13 UT 13810DRM CHN CNR1 digital Kunming tx#2 signal, 30 kW DRM mode 32 degr azimuth northwards at 04-11 UT 10.42 & 04.08 UT 13825.005 TWN R Taiwan Internat., Hakka sce from Pao Chung, S=7 10.39 UT 13839.977vSOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7, Apr 25 04.06 UT 13889.965 SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7, Apr 25 04.02 UT 13889.983vSOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8, Apr 25 10.34 UT 13919.989vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 04.04 UT 13920even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 04.05 UT At S=7 equal fair level both. 13920.004vCHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 10.30 UT 13959.994 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 04.03 UT 13916 - 13974 kHz CODAR wiper signal S=6 at 03.58 UT on April 25. 13979.779vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=5 10.28 & 03.55 UT 13988.896 JPN JMH F3C service carrier note S=4 poor on April 25 04.00 UT 14370.041 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 03.47 UT 14429.864 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin.S=7 10.22 & 03.48UT 14579.949 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin.S=4 10.24 & 03.49UT 14620.114 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin.S=4 10.23 & 03.41UT 14634.905vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 03.45 UT 14690.036vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5-6 03.44 UT 14774.629 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8-9 03.43 UT 14820.075 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin.S=5 10.15 & 03.41UT 14850.298vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin.S=8 10.10 & 03.42UT mentioned over and over again: Mao Tse Dong ... 14870.121 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin.S=7 10.09 & 03.39UT 14900.026 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 03.38 UT 14919.981 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 03.33 UT 14919.994vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 10.06 UT 14920even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 co-ch 03.34 UT At S=8 fair level only. 14939.934vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin.S=5 10.01 & 03.32UT 14979.888vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 09.58 UT 14979.899 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 03.31 UT fq unstable transmitter, wandered upwards. 14980even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 09.57 UT At S=9+20dB level. 20 kHz wideband broad audio block. CNR1 jammer TX switch-off exact at 10.00:03 UT. 15030.003 IND AIR Bangalore in Nepalese, 09.00-10.30 UT S=8 09.52 UT 15159.992 KOR KBS Seoul World Radio in Korean at 09-10 UT, 9.6 kHz wide, via 250 kW Kimjae unit, 09-10 UT, S=9+25dB in Tokyo 09.47 UT 15180DRM CHN CNR1 digital Kunming tx#2 signal, 01-04 UT 03.28 UT 15319.992 TWN R TWN Internat, En sce, 03-04 UT, talk between male/ female presenter pair, small talk, Paochung S=9+10dB 03.24 UT 15340even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 03.13 UT At S=9+5dB level. 16 kHz wideband broad audio block. 15340.006vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 09.44 UT 15340.013 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 03.14 UT 15359.899 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 03.12 UT 15359.905vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 09.35 UT 15360even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 03.10 UT At S=9+5dB level. 14 kHz wideband broad audio block. 15409.627vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 09.33 UT 15409.636 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 03.08 UT and terrible co-channel interference tone of 373 Hertz audio with 15410.009 IND AIR Bangalore in Nepalese language, S=9+5dB 03.09 UT 15489.989 UAE ENC Al Dhabbaya, IBRA radio Sadaye Zindagi in Dari to AFG target radio, 08.30-10.30 UT on April 25 09.09 UT 15629.836 UZB Iran Internat.TV Tashkent relay, S=9+5dB, Apr 25 03.02 UT 15640even PHL R Pilipinas, En, mx, via USAGM Tinang relay 03.00 UT 15700.002 MRA USAGM VoA Burmese, via Tinian island 02.30-03.30 02.58 UT 15740even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 02.53 UT 12 kHz wideband audio block. TX switch off at 09.00 UT exact, and another jammer TX opened switch on at 09.01:42 UT, April 25. 15740.136 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 09.00 UT 15759.969 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 02.51 UT 15759.989vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 08.57 UT 15760even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted, S=9+5dB 02.50 UT CNR1 jammer much stronger S=9+40dB at 09.29 UT 15775even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted, S=9+5dB but only at: 08.55 UT 20 kHz wideband block jammer. 15775.173vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=5 02.49 UT 15799.949vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=7 09.23 & 02.48 UT 15800even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 09.22 & 02.47 UT At S=9+15dB level. 17.4 kHz wide audio block. 15819.809 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 02.46 UT 15839.820vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8-9 09.19 UT 15870.026 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 02.45 UT 15889.994 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 02.44 UT 15919.841vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 08.45 UT 15919.855 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 02.42 UT 15920even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted Apr 25, S=9+50dB 02.40 UT 16 kHz wide audio block. Another jammer addit 15290.009 kHz 15940.288 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chinese, Miaoli, April 25 02.35 UT 15969.747 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chinese, Miaoli, April 25 02.31 UT 15970even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 08.35 & 02.30 UT S=9+20dB level. 20 kHz wide audio block. CODAR wiper sound on 16006 to 16082 kHz fq range April 25 02.28 UT 16099.978 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Mandarin. S=6 08.34 & 02.27 UT 16100even CHN CNR1 mainland jamming noted on April 25 02.25 UT S=9+5dB level. 20 kHz wide audio block. CODAR wiper sound on 16174 to 16424 kHz fq range April 25 02.23 UT 16160even CHN CNR1 Jammer. 2300-1400 Mandarin, S=9+10dB 08.31 UT 10.4 kHz wideband block. 16160.087 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. 08.30 UT 16249.669 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 02.21 UT but no CNR1 jamming on that channel. 16299.625 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin S=8 Apr 25 02.13 UT up to 18 kHz wideband signal. CODAR wiper sound on 16390 to 16460 kHz fq range April 25 02.10 UT 16600.090 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin. S=9 strong 02.09 UT 16680.286 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin. S=6 08.23 UT 16789.823vTWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 08.21 UT 16789.836 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin. S=9 strong 02.07 UT 16979.949 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin. S=7 02.05 UT 17149.873 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Miaoli, Mandarin. S=9 strong 02.04 UT 9 kHz wideband Taiwanese tx. & 08.20 UT 17169.959 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen. Miaoli, Mandarin. S=8 02.02 UT 17440.062 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, S=8, April 25 01.56 UT 12 kHz wide SOH audio block. RFA tx for SOH. & 08.18 UT 17470.010 TUR probably jammer of MIT Pres Erdogan against D.W. Kurdish domestic national radio via TAC-UZB relay ? 08.12 UT 17669.996 MRA USAGM RFA Tinian island relay, Tibetan 0100-0300 01.49 UT 17670even 2200-1000 CHN CNR1 Jammer Mandarin, S=9+15dB on April 25, against RFA Tibetan sce 01.53 UT 17 kHz wideband signal in Hiroshima-JPN. April 25. 17720DRM SNG BBC Kranji 07.59-09.00, S=8 in Tokyo code E1C238 08.10 UT 17760DRM CHN CNR1 digital Kunming tx#1, to SoEaAS 150 kW 135degr azimuth 07-09 UT Chinese 08.09 UT 17770DRM CHN CNR1 digital 3ED xHE Dong Fang Isl, 1-8 UT, 01.47 UT 17780.258 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, S=7, April 25 01.44 UT 17830DRM CHN CNR1 Mandarin, Urumqi Xiniang, 01-08 UT S=9+15dB 01.42 UT 17850even MRA USAGM RFA Tinian island relay, Burmese 0130-0330 01.39 UT 14 kHz wideband signal in Hiroshima-JPN. April 25. 18039.??? TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli on April 25 01.34 UT 18040even 2200-1000 CHN CNR1 Jammer Mandarin, 20 kHz wide broad audio, S=6-7 on April 25, against SOH TWN 01.33 UT 18179.717 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli on April 25 08.02 UT S=5 - unstable fq shift 8 Hertz up and down. 18199.804 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli on April 25 01.29 UT 18200even 2200-1000 CHN CNR1 Jammer Mandarin, 20 kHz wide broad audio, S=9-10dB on April 25, against SOH TWN 07.56 & 01.30 UT TX jammer switched off at 08.00 UT exact. 18410 OTHR strong radar signal, 64 kHz wideband, April 25 01.20 UT 18969.912v2200-1000 CHN CNR1 Jammer Mandarin, 14 kHz wide broad audio, S=8 on April 25, against SOH TWN 01.20 UT 18969.918 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, April 25 00.52 UT S=8-9 in Hiroshima-JPN Mandarin Falun Gong sect 18970even 2200-1000 CHN CNR1 Jammer Mandarin, 14 kHz wide broad audio, S=8 on April 25, against SOH TWN 07.40 UT 21490.002 CHN CNR1 program jamming powerful signal. S=9+5dB 00.47 UT 11 kHz wideband audio block. 21490.109 ... x.101 kHz steady wandered downwards around 07.40 UT TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, April 25 07.40 UT S=8-9 in Hiroshima-Akitakata-JPN Mandarin Falun Gong sect. 21490.136 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, April 25 01.10 UT S=8-9 in Hiroshima-Akitakata-JPN Mandarin Falun Gong sect. 21504.991 MRA US RFA Tinian Mandarin outlet. 21505.000 and 21505.005 two! China mainland CNR1 jammer coverage. S=9+10 04.12 UT. 21529.747 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, April 25 07.38 UT bad mixture against SOH, by odd frequency of CHN mainland jamming 21529.920 CHN CNR1 program jamming powerful signal. S=9+20dB 07.39 UT 21529.779 TWN SOH Xi Wang Zhi Shen Chi Miaoli, April 25 01.00 UT S=6-7 in Hiroshima-Akitakata-JPN Mandarin Falun Gong sect. 21530even CHN CNR1 program jamming powerful signal. S=9+20dB 00.46 UT 16 kHz wideband audio block. TX location change, sign-on happened exact 01.00:40 UT ! 21 kHz wideband audio block. 21560.003 MDG BBC London in En 06-08 UT, 07.37 UT via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility. 21630.007 MDG BBC London in En 07-08 UT, 07.34 UT via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility. 21799.662 kHz TWN highest SOH Mandarin Falun Gong sect opposite program. on April 25 07.32 & 00.57 UT Final frequency channel of A-2023 season traced now: 21800even CHN CNR1 jammer - 22 kHz kHz wideband audio - against highest SOH TWN outlet in frequency, April 25 00.43 UT 21800.005 CHN CNR1 jammer - odd frequency - 12 kHz kHz wideband audio - against highest SOH TWN outlet in frequency, April 25 07.34 UT [selected SDR options, span 13.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 25) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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