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Glenn Hauser logs September 14, 2023 |
Friday, September 15 2023
** AUSTRALIA. 11620.412, Sept 14 at 1523, VOMK Maldives service is way off-frequency, first time ever noted such, as measured direct; after the Missouri SDR also displayed it at 11620.408, and accurately calibrated compared to WWV 10000.000; 1459 open carrier, 1500 s/on in English, 1501 English preaching. All the evidence points to RBA Kununurra being the true site for this. Reception inferior today into N America with geomag disturbance, only S8/S9 but still no signs of transpolarity. Also, on HCDX, Craig Tyson in Perth says, ``Heard at very good strength signing on at 1500 on 11620 in English on the 12/9 here in Perth. Very likely this is from KNX as the signal strength and fading patterns were very similar to 11825 Burmese which is definitely from KNX. Local quality at times from 1500-1530. Craig-Perth``. Aoki still shows Uzbekistan as if there were no doubt, but EiBi shows [XUU] site = unknown and calls it ``clandestine``. USAGM RMS monitoring files still hide the site as [XXX] (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2208)
** CUBA [and non]. 15140, Sept 14 at 1912, dead air in English from RHC; yet the SSOB along with WRMI 15770 as other signals are degrading; inaudible 15825 WWCR, 15610 WEWN, 15555-USB WJHR. Something`s always wrong at RHC. The Other Side: ``READ TODAY THE CUBA OF TOMORROW September 14, 2023 LAWS Cuban ranchers: controlled, helpless and turned into criminals No meat producer in Cuba actually owns their animals, as demonstrated by the fact that they need authorization from the State to sell or slaughter their animals. LUCÍA ALFONSO MIRABAL | La Habana...`` https://diariodecuba.com/cuba/1694623805_49735.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2208) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2207 monitoring: confirmed UT Thursday September 14 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, S9+10/20 direct. Also confirmed UT Thursday September 14 at 0130 on WRMI 5010, S9+20/25 into Georgia remote; and S9/+12 at 0145 into Bonaire. Also confirmed UT Thursday September 14 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, S9+5/20 into Maryland SDR. ``Dear Glenn: Confirming World of Radio #2207, notes, loggings, 9395 kHz, WRMI: S8, S9 signal, 0030, 0045, 0059 (45443), 0130, 0145 (45443), September 14 UTC 2023 [Thu] (Lemke, Richard -AB) 73s, Richard`` WORLD OF RADIO 2208 contents: Antarctica, Australia, Colombia, Cuba, (Ethiopia non), France, Germany, Korea South, Madagascar, (Maldives non), Monaco, Netherlands non, (Oklahoma), Perú, Russia, (Slovakia non), Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and non, UKQOGBANI and non, USA, (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu, Vatican; propagation outlook -- (countries mentioned with others not in order) WORLD OF RADIO 2208 available from 0240 UT September 15 (mp3 stream) https://www.w4uvh.net/wor2208.m3u (mp3 download) https://www.w4uvh.net/wor2208.mp3 Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html Also linx to podcast services. 2030 UT Friday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy 0130 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW 1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 0000 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE [planned later in Sept] 0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW 0245vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0457] 1030 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [jammed by Cuba?] 2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy 0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW 0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW 0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1300 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [planned later in Sept] 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB 1030 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB [previous #2207] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW No new contributions this week which might have been sent via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 5130+, Sept 14 at 0612, still no signal from the WBCQ ex-Angela transmitter repurposed for 24/7 ``R. Trump International``, following lighting strike has been off since Sept 7. I wonder how much ``original`` material was collected for this disservice before repeating (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2208) This report dispatched at 0256 UT September 15 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser log roundup September 7-13, 2023 |
Thursday, September 14 2023
Glenn Hauser logs September 12-13, 2023 |
Thursday, September 14 2023
** CUBA. 11850, Sept 13 at 0132, RHC with S9+10 of dead air in Spanish, flanked by usual JBA carrier parasitic spurs on 11840 & 11860. At least not a roar now from Saudi Yemenia on 11860, just a bit of residual Cuban pulse jamming for mutual QRM. Dead air or just-barely-modulation is *normal* for 11850; what incompetence. Somethings` always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** SPAIN. 17855, Wednesday September 13 at 2200, token English from SNR, this NAm frequency is much weaker than usual but still sufficient into Maryland SDR, not sufficient direct. 2205 feature by Justin Coe about some musician connected with composer of Looney Tunes music, Raymond Scott. Initially S8 with deep fades to S4, but fades completely out by 2225. At first the second best was 11670 for Af rather than 15520 for ME nor 17715 for SAm. After 17855 was gone, 11670 became best/and/only by default for French after 2230, but barely usable with RTTY warble. G1 level geomagnetic storms are ongoing per WWV (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** TURKEY. 11785.009, Sept 13 at 2200, no signal direct from VOT English; but also zero signal into UTwente past 2245 which ought to get at least a trace, so assumed AWOL despite geomag storm. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. Re the Route 66 On the Air special ham event as logged on 18164 USB Sept 12, website https://w6jbt.org/ says datespan is Sept 9-17, no bands or frequencies seen but lots of calls roughly in order from West to East from LA to Chicago, W6A to W6N, skipping W6O, and W6P to W6U; includes many towns along the way but not Santa Rosa or Tucumcari (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2207 monitoring: ``Dear Glenn: Confirming World of Radio #2207, notes, loggings, 9395 kHz, WRMI: S8 signal, aurora QSB, 2330, 2345, 2359 (45443), September 12 UTC 2023 [Tue] (Lemke, Richard -AB)`` Confirmed Tuesday September 12 at 2330 on WRMI 9395, S9/+15 VG into Maryland SDR. Missed check Wed Sept 13 at 2100 on WBCQ 7490v; anyone hear it? Next: 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW The new WOR 2208 should be ready by early UT Friday Septembet 15 tho not Shortwaved until UT Sat Sept 16 at 0130 on WRMI 5850. Thanks this week for financial support from Christopher Campbell, Columbus OH, for a contribution via PayPal in US funds but not necessarily, to woradio at yahoo.com and says, ``For your continuing generous effort to supply daily DX news about the world to the world. My greatest appreciation and admiration lay upon you. Your work means so much to me. I love the "tips for rational living.`` One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 101.5, Sept 13 at 1955 UT on caradio, bits of Spanish and partial ID as ``Mexicana ... y 93.9``, so of course it is again KSMM Liberal KS which is also on 93.9 Dodge City KZRD --- not a relay of 92.9 KMML as there is no such station tho still shown that way in WTFDA FM DB for 101.5. Still no longer hearing any dead air in $ tereo on 101.5, as per numerous logs in August, which I assumed was out of my nearest, KOCD Okeene. But of course never heard ID; could have confirmed only by driving closer to Okeene, but R. Salvación website claims it and its own LP primary on 93.9 in OKC had both gone off the air in January. So if true, the DA might have been from the other Okie in Collinsville near Tulsa. Or a remote possibility, an abandoned Part 15 RF feeder in some parked car or residence in Enid, no input but left turned on. I doubt this because of its wide range in town, not just around home QTH. In July I had a 101.5 log from KSMM and explained the confusion between 92.9 & 93.9. At least since then, the ``silent`` notation disappeared from 101.5 in the WTFDA DB. Except for a log in June on 101.5 also referring to 93.9 which I assumed was the OK pair rather than KS, I had not had an Okeene 101.5 log since July of 2022, including none since January 2023 -- tho as a semi-local would not have paid much attention to it (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2354 UT September 13 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
more logs of 10.9 |
Wednesday, September 13 2023
17725 1630-1700 48 140 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Amh 17725 1730-1800 48 145 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Orm see MBR Cologne, Germany, Europe new schedule of Aug 28, as attachment 73 wolfie df5sx From: Arthur Pozner Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 10:23 PM Subject: Re: [WOR] more logs of 10.9 17725 kHz at 17:30 UTC is listed as AWR broadcast in Oromo language from Nauen { as per HFCC (A23)}. On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 3:28 AM Zach Liang <zliangas5@gmail.com> wrote: more logs of 10.9 using the typical PL3330 with 20+ m external wire QTH Mt Olymp 17725 ?? 1735 with HoAfrica songs and short talks by YL Lang seems amharic words suffixed with -tif , seem to be nearly th same text after every song abrupt signoff 1800 Zacharias Liangas Temp Litohoron Greece Sent from smartphone MEDIA BROADCAST GmbH (formerly T-SYSTEMS - DTK)
August 28th, 2023 A23 period (26/03/2023 - 28/10/2023) Times are in UTC. FREQ STARTSTOP CIRAF ANT AZI DAY FROM TO LOC POW BRC LANG/REMARKS 7390 0430-0500 37,38W 210 146 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Fra 9445 1500-1530 41S 163 911 1234567 260323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Tam 9555 2000-2030 46E,47W 185 216 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Fra 9610 0900-1000 28W 180 216 1 260323-281023 NAU 125 AWR Ita 9780 2000-2030 37,38W 210 216 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Fra 11640 0000-0030 49E 122 878 1234567 260323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Vie 11730 0000-0100 43N,44N 110 910 1234567 260323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Cmn 11790 2030-2100 46SE 180 216 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Yor 11800 1900-2000 37,38W 210 146 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Ara 11800 2000-2030 46SW 200 216 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Mos 11850 1430-1500 49NW 122 878 1234567 290323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Mya 11955 1930-2000 37,38W 210 216 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 125 AWR Shi 12040 2100-2130 46SE 180 216 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Pcm 12040 2130-2200 46SE 200 216 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Twi 12080 1530-1600 41W 163 911 1234567 260323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Hin 15220 0600-0630 46S 200 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Fra 15220 0700-0800 37,38W 210 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Ara 15220 0830-0900 37,38W 210 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Shi 15255 1300-1330 41NE 125 416 1234567 260323-281023 DB 100 AWR Nep 15355 1930-2000 46SE 180 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Ibo 15440 1330-1400 49E 125 418 1234567 260323-281023 DB 100 AWR Tha 15490 1630-1700 48 140 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Tir 15505 1400-1500 41NE 125 416 1234567 260323-281023 DB 100 AWR Eng 15515 0400-0430 48 140 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 125 AWR Amh 15515 0200-0300 41NE 125 416 1234567 260323-281023 DB 100 AWR Eng 15515 1200-1300 44NE,45NW 60 418 1234567 260323-281023 DB 100 AWR Kor 15530 1200-1300 44NE,45NW 76 904 1234567 260323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Kor 15600 1200-1230 33S,43N,44N 56 878 67 260323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Cmn 15600 1200-1230 33S,43N,44N 56 878 12345 260323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Nan 15600 1230-1300 33S,43N,44N 56 878 6 260323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Cmn 15600 1230-1300 33S,43N,44N 56 878 123457 260323-281023 TAC 100 AWR Yue 15610 1130-1200 49N 125 416 1234567 260323-281023 DB 100 AWR Shn 15610 1200-1230 49 125 416 1234567 260323-281023 DB 100 AWR Mnw 17725 1630-1700 48 140 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Amh 17725 1730-1800 48 145 218 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Orm 17770 1300-1330 42,43W 75 218 23456 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Cmn 17770 1300-1330 42,43W 75 218 17 260323-281023 NAU 250 AWR Uig 6100 1800-1830 28,29 100 146 7 020923-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 9490 1710-1730 38E,39,40W 141 616 24 260323-281023 SOF 100 BVB Mul 9635 1815-1830 39,40 130 216 1 260323-281023 NAU 250 BVB Mul 9720 1830-1900 37N 230 216 1 260323-281023 NAU 125 BVB Mul 9810 1730-1830 39 126 146 1 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 9810 1730-1830 39 126 146 7 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 9810 1700-1715 39 126 146 6 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 9810 1700-1730 39 126 146 5 300623-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 9810 1830-1915 39 130 216 1 260323-281023 NAU 125 BVB Mul 11655 0600-0615 46N,47NW,38W,37S 180 146 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 125 BVB Mul 11855 1800-1900 39,40 105 146 5 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 11855 1800-1830 39,40 105 146 6 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 11855 1830-1900 39,40 105 146 13 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 13730 0500-0515 39,40 120 216 6 260323-281023 NAU 250 BVB Mul 15300 1430-1500 47,48 236 418 1234567 260323-281023 TAC 100 BVB Mul 15310 1600-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 1 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 15310 1600-1630 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 2 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 15310 1600-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 3 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 15310 1630-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 7 020723-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 15310 1700-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 4 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 15310 1700-1730 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 5 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 15310 1600-1630 38S,39S,47,48 150 218 56 260323-281023 NAU 100 BVB Mul 17650 1400-1430 41 102 216 7 260323-281023 NAU 250 BVB Mul 1st Sa p.M. 17650 1430-1500 41 102 216 17 260323-281023 NAU 250 BVB Mul 17670 1200-1230 43S,44S 110 911 7 260323-281023 TAC 100 BVB Mul 17670 1230-1245 54 121 418 1 260323-281023 TAC 100 BVB Mul 9830 0630-0700 46,47W 0 105 1234567 260323-281023 SAO 100 DWL Hau 9830 1300-1400 46,47W 0 105 1234567 260323-281023 SAO 100 DWL Hau 9830 1800-1900 46,47W 0 105 1234567 260323-281023 SAO 100 DWL Hau 11850 0630-0700 46,47W 170 211 1234567 260323-281023 ISS 250 DWL Hau 11850 1300-1400 46,47W 20 105 1234567 260323-281023 SAO 100 DWL Hau 15195 1325-1530 46,47W 165 217 7 190823-020923 ISS 500 DWL Hau 15195 1325-1530 46,47W 165 217 7 160923-071023 ISS 500 DWL Hau 15195 1325-1530 46,47W 165 217 7 211023-281023 ISS 500 DWL Hau 15215 0630-0700 46,47W 160 217 1234567 260323-281023 ISS 250 DWL Hau 15215 1800-1900 46,47W 175 217 1234567 260323-281023 ISS 250 DWL Hau 15275 1600-1700 48 130 211 1234567 260323-281023 ISS 250 DWL Amh 15275 1230-1300 47E,48W 133 206 23456 190623-180923 ISS 250 DWL Ara 15275 1830-1900 47E,48 133 216 23456 190623-180923 ISS 250 DWL Ara 17800 1300-1400 46,47W 172 217 1234567 260323-281023 ISS 250 DWL Hau 17800 1600-1700 48 130 217 1234567 260323-281023 ISS 250 DWL Amh 17800 1800-1900 46,47W 167 217 1234567 260323-281023 ISS 250 DWL Hau 17800 1230-1300 47E,48W 133 207 23456 190623-180923 ISS 250 DWL Ara 17840 1830-1900 47E,48W 133 207 23456 190623-180923 ISS 250 DWL Ara 17840 1325-1530 46,47W 175 217 7 190823-020923 ISS 250 DWL Hau 17840 1325-1530 46,47W 175 217 7 160923-071023 ISS 250 DWL Hau 17840 1325-1530 46,47W 175 217 7 211023-281023 ISS 250 DWL Hau 6055 1030-1100 27,28 222 146 17 260323-281023 NAU 125 EMG Mul 13800 1530-1630 29S 100 146 7 260323-281023 NAU 125 HCJ Mul 11615 2000-2100 37,46 200 146 3 150823-281023 NAU 250 M4J Mul 11615 2000-2100 37,46 200 146 5 150823-281023 NAU 100* M4J Mul 11710 1830-1930 29S,30NW,30S,39N, 107 216 3 150823-281023 NAU 250 M4J Mul 39SE,40,41NW 11710 1830-1930 29S,30NW,30S,39N, 107 216 5 150823-281023 NAU 100* M4J Mul 39SE,40,41NW 13730 1800-1900 48N,48SW 158 218 3 150823-281023 NAU 250 M4J Mul 13730 1800-1900 48N,48SW 158 218 5 150823-281023 NAU 100* M4J Mul 17670 1300-1400 43E,44,45SW,50N 62 218 3 150823-281023 NAU 250 M4J Mul 17670 1300-1400 43E,44,45SW,50N 62 218 5 150823-281023 NAU 100* M4J Mul 6165 0430-0450 27,28 85 146 1234567 260323-281023 NAU 125 NHK Rus 6045 1100-1400 27E,28 233 156 7 120823-120823 NAU 100 RSZ Mul 15420 1700-1730 38E,39S,48 144 216 246 170723-281023 NAU 100 SBO Mul 5990 1200-1400 27E,28 233 156 7 050823-050823 NAU 100 SFZ Mul 6095 0800-0900 27E,28NW 233 156 1 070523-070523 NAU 100 SKW Mul 6140 0800-0900 27E,28NW 310 805 1 260323-281023 MOS 100 SKW Mul 1st Su p.M. 6095 1000-1100 27E,28 233 156 1 160423-160423 NAU 100 SMD Deu 6095 1100-1200 27E,28 233 156 2 010523-010523 NAU 100 SMD Deu 6095 1000-1100 27E,28 233 156 1 160423-160423 NAU 100 SMD Deu 6095 1000-1100 27E,28 233 156 1 160723-160723 NAU 100 SMD Deu 6095 1000-1100 27E,28 233 156 7 260323-281023 NAU 100 ST2 Deu 1st Sa p.Q. * = DRM ... Day 1 = Sunday ... Day 7 = Saturday List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST (MBR) broadcasting facilities: AWR Adventist World Radio BVB High Adventure Gospel - Bible Voice Broadcasting DWL Deutsche Welle Bonn / Berlin, Germany EMG Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland HCJ Reach Beyond (former Voice of the Andes) Sats only, 1530 UTC Russian, 1600 UTC Chechen language M4J Music 4 Joy NHK NHK (JAPAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION) PAB Pan American Broadcasting RSZ Radio60! SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo, Voice of Oromo Liberation. Berlin SFZ Studio 52 SKW Förderverein "Sender Königs Wusterhausen" e.V. SMD SM Radio Dessau, Germany ST2 SE-TA 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Puetz MEDIA BROADCAST GmbH Order Management & Backoffice Erna-Scheffler-Strasse 1 D-51103 Cologne, Germany Please send your inquiries and reception reports to: E-Mail: QSL-Shortwave@media-broadcast.com Internet: https://www.media-broadcast.com/hoerfunk/kw-sendernetze (via wwdxc pres Michael Bethge-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 12) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
Glenn Hauser logs+ September 12, 2023 |
Wednesday, September 13 2023
Hi Glenn, my latest Hitlist update. https://www.w4uvh.net/hitlist.htm 1) Algeria - Ifrikya FM: removed link to obsolete Youtube live stream 2) India - Akashvani: Updated link to current A-23 schedules (Thanks to Jose Jacob in dxindia iog mail list); Updated label from All India Radio to Akashvani; updated link to Facebook page. 3) Myanmar - Myanma Radio: Updated link to home page and added link to live streams 4) Ukraine - R Ukraine Int: Updated link to the UA Security Issue newscast (thanks to Glenn Hauser in WOR iog) 5) USA - WBCQ: Deleted link to discontinued R Angela programming strand 6) USA - WEWN: Added link to Spanish live stream The next update is scheduled for late September. Best wishes and 73, Alan Roe ** EGYPT. 9440-, Sept 12 at 2157 JBA carrier direct from R. Cairo (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. Sept 12 I waste a sesquihour on the phone waiting for OG&E agent to pick up in ``less than an hour``, before giving up. Trying to get some axion on my week-ago complaint of intolerable line noise level here and thru much of Enid. They need more agents! (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR) ** TURKEY. 11785, Sept 12 at 2200, I am trying to hear VOT English direct, but JBA carrier. Improves slightly by 2205, S5/S7 but mostly unreadable, heavy flutter vertically in strength, horizontally in frequency. WWV reported at 2100: ``Solar-terrestrial indices for 12 September follow. Solar flux 154 and estimated planetary A-index 26. The estimated planetary K-index at 2100 UTC on 12 September was 3.33. Space weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate. Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level occurred. Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level occurred. Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be minor. Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level are expected. Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level are likely.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 18164 USB, Sept 12 at 2057, pileups here trying to contact W6F in Kingman, Arizona, apparently a Route 66 special event. Op sounds like a YL, in the clear, then more pileups; worked a KP4. Heard again at next check 2158 but not the pileups. QRZ.com: ``W6F USA flag USA, 2022 Route 66 On The Air Special Event Hualapai Amateur Radio Club, WB6RER QSL: Send SASE to Hualapai ARC, P.O. Box 6908, Kingman, AZ 86402 Welcome to the Hualapai Amateur Radio Club (HARC) We wish to thank the Citrus Belt for allowing us to activate W6F this year. We are thrilled to be making new friends and rekindling previous contacts throughout this event. In just a two day period we have made about 1000 contacts and so when you hear Whiskey 6 Foxtrot please give us a call. Our goal is to ensure you make your clean sweep of all Route 66 stations from the "Mother Road", but specifically W6F out of Kingman, AZ! Requesting a QSL card is easy, just send to the P.O. Box address listed above, your confirming QSL card and a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. Upon completion of the event we will start sending out the confirming cards as quickly as possible. If you would like more information on our club please visit our website at: http://www.wb6rer.org/News.php Our Hualapai club call sign WB6RER was licensed to the late actor Andy Divine who was considered a "native son of Kingman, AZ". More information can be found on our web page at: http://www.wb6rer.org/AndyDevine.php Further details on the Route 66 On The Air Special Event can be found at: https://w6jbt.org/ Thank you for making Route 66 such a great event by participating and being patient with our operators. Managing large pile ups is not always easy! We want to get your call sign right so we can confirm the QSL card!`` -- no info here on datespan of event (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2207 monitoring: ``From: Richard Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees. Dear Glenn: Confirming World of Radio #2207, notes, loggings, WRMI: First time heard 5850 kHz, slight QRM, 0131, 0146, 0159 (54433), (55444), 0159, September 9 UTC 2023 [Sat] 9395 kHz, static QRN, 0030, 0052 (45343), 0059, September 12 UTC 2023 [Tue] (Lemke, Richard -AB)`` ``hi, heard your program on wednesday morning [sic, Sept 12, must mean Tuesday] in the uk at 00:30 utc on 9395 at reception good/fair with slight static, wrmi ident at 01:00 utc, Jon collins, birmingham uk, tecsun pl-660 with long wire`` Confirmed UT Tuesday September 12 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, VG S9/+10 iinto Maryland SDR, preceded by fragment of `World is in turmoil` ad. Next: 2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW 1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB 1030 UT Wednesday Unique R, NSW 5035-USB [previous #2206] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW Thanks this week for financial support from Christopher Campbell, Columbus OH, for a contribution via PayPal in US funds but not necessarily, to woradio at yahoo.com and says, ``For your continuing generous effort to supply daily DX news about the world to the world. My greatest appreciation and admiration lay upon you. Your work means so much to me. I love the "tips for rational living.`` One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 15825, Sept 12 at 2017, WWCR still S9+10 despite prop disturbance, but split second crackling in mod and/or transmission. 13845, 9980, 9350 remain the only supersigs (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. KSFR webcast, UT Tue Sept 12 from 0600, `Oil of Dog` is back after missing last week. DJ Gary Storm features rap records he just bought in Spain; never mind (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 17953.1 USB, Sept 12 at 2209, Spanish sounds like a speech rather than an aero contact, only an occasional word recognizable. But stops and then other side of 2-way JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 2322 UT September 12 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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